How to motivate yourself to study when the inner “I don’t want” takes over

Many pupils and students periodically face this situation - they need to start completing their academic assignments, but somehow don’t want to. Stupor sets in and the strength to take on work disappears, and along with it the desire. At such moments, the need for more motivation arises. Motivation is a person’s desire to perform certain actions, without which no goal can be achieved.

Why there is no desire to study: 7 main reasons

  1. One of the main reasons why the desire to start studying does not arise or disappears is the lack of a clear goal and a clear plan .
  2. The problem arises when classes take up most of the time and there is simply no time left for anything else.
  3. Lack of rest also leads to loss of interest and drive. This condition is called burnout, then a person needs a lot of time to restore strength and energy.
  4. The reason may lie in doing something you don’t like ; it is very difficult to force a person to do something that he or she is not passionate about.
  5. The fear of failure when completing any task completely discourages the desire to attend an educational institution and do any work.
  6. The person doesn't know where to start . First write notes and then learn? Or solve the test first. Such uncertainty takes a lot of time.
  7. The personality of the teacher/instructor also plays an important role. The learning style influences the student's attitude towards the subject.

Increasing motivation to study in 3 simple steps

Waiting for inspiration is not a good idea. Even to find motivation you will have to make an effort. But this is completely useless in a situation where you are doing something you don’t like. If you're sick of algebra, plan to major in the humanities, and don't constantly fail at solving equations, you don't want to do that.

In this situation, the only way out is to solve the problem (passing a test, test, exam). Therefore, you will look for motivation to achieve a short-term goal. With long-term and important goals it is more difficult. You must gain powerful motivation that will lead you through difficulties, laziness, apathy and failure to solve the task at hand.

Try these 3 simple steps to increase your motivation to study:

  1. Understand your desires . If you are studying at university or trying to motivate yourself to study for exam subjects at school, then ask yourself a simple question: “Do I like this subject?” It’s normal if the discipline as a whole interests you, but its complexity scares you. It is not normal if you feel genuine disgust towards a subject. In the latter case, you won’t be able to motivate yourself to study it - set short-term tasks and solve them (take tests, get “stretched C’s”). It's important to do what you really enjoy.
  2. Realize the benefits . Create a motivation sheet - write down all the benefits that successful studies will give you (respect from teachers and classmates, successful passing of exams, admission to a university or defense of a thesis, promising work, the opportunity to move to another city or another country, a chance to get a highly paid specialty). Benefits must be concrete, not abstract.
  3. Break big goals into small tasks . When studying, it is very important to track the dynamics of your own success. Therefore, it is necessary to break down a large goal (for example, learning English) into small tasks (for example, knowing 1000 words, tenses, passive voice, etc.) and achieve them. Every task achieved should be rewarded and if you do not receive rewards from the outside, then organize it for yourself.

Correct energy expenditure plays an important role in increasing motivation. Remember that unachieved goals take more energy than achieved ones, which lead to sincere joy and euphoria. Therefore, it is important to practice time management, plan time correctly and distribute energy.

Never take on more than you can handle. Don't set grandiose goals for yourself - every failure will take too much energy from you.

Motivational Quotes for Studying

Try to use motivating words from others or quotes that, after reading, make you want to learn and act.

“If you work towards your goals, those goals will work for you.” - Jim Rohn

“If you don’t have your own purpose in life, then you have to work for someone who has it.” - Leonardo DiCaprio

„ I respect people who know exactly what they want. Most of the troubles around the world come from people not being clear enough about their goals. When they begin to erect a building, they spend too little effort on the foundation so that the tower can stand.” - Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“There are no failures, only experiences and your reactions to them.”—Tom Krause

“Be a student while you still have something to learn, and it will mean your whole life.” —Henry L. Doherty

“Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours in a day as were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.”—H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“Our greatest weakness is to give up. The surest way to succeed is to try again. “—Thomas A. Edison

„Continuous learning is the key to success in the 21st century. Lifelong learning is the minimum requirement for success in your field.”—Brian Tracy

“Between success and failure there is an abyss called “I don’t have time.” “—Franklin Field

External or internal - which motivation is better?

Let's look at examples:

  • External positive motivation - “I study well so that I can get a gold medal at the end of school.”
  • External negative motivation - “If I don’t do my homework, they won’t let me go out or play on the computer.”
  • Internal positive motivation - “I am learning algebra so that I can understand the subject well and become a programmer in the future.”
  • Internal negative motivation - “If I do poorly in the exams, I will not pass the competition for my chosen specialty.”

The strongest of them is internal positive motivation. The main goal of parents is to understand how to interest their child in learning so much that he enjoys the process of learning itself.

Although external motivation looks harmful (when a child studies just for show), it actually reinforces internal motivation. We are all pleased to receive recognition of our successes and positive feedback - this way we understand that we are doing everything right and continue to do more. Therefore, the role of assessments here, although not paramount, is still not completely useless.


Psychologist L. I. Bozhovich in his research identifies cognitive and social learning motives.

She says some children learn because they enjoy it, while others learn because they understand how important learning is to success in society. Both motives are equally useful.

Motivation External Internal
Negative “I will be punished if I don’t do this.” “I do this so I don’t become a failure.”
Positive “I will be rewarded if I do this.” "I do this because I'm interested."

Movies and TV series that motivate you to study

To increase your level of motivation, you can try to watch various films, after watching which you will feel a desire and desire for new achievements.

Hawking, 2004

This is a biographical film about British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. He did what he loved and gave it his all, despite his serious illness - paralysis. This man lived to an old age, maintaining optimism and the desire to learn as much as possible and learn new things.

Trainee, 2015

The film tells the story of an elderly man working as an intern. He learns something new, drawing on the help of vast life experience. This film shows that it is never too late to learn, whether a person is 18, 30 or 70 years old, you can always learn something new.

Pirates of Silicon Valley, 1999

The story of how computer geniuses Bill Gates and Steve Jobs conquered the world with their inventions. Unknown guys worked in small and uncomfortable rooms, they were driven by the dream of making their projects known to the whole world. The film shows how simple youthful dreams can be turned into reality with a lot of effort.

Gifted, 2017

The film is about a very smart girl who is able to solve very complex mathematical equations and one day finds herself hostage to her own gift. The film is able to motivate attempts to achieve similar results that the main character has.

Freedom Writers, 2006

The film is about a young English teacher who has to adapt to a new environment and try to find an approach to difficult students from criminal neighborhoods. She uses an individual approach to each student, which in the future helps them begin to study more successfully.

Rewards for success

The student must be praised for his successes. You can even ask your child about his dreams and ask him to independently answer the question: how to motivate himself to study. Just as adults are motivated to work by increasing wages, children are stimulated by material or spiritual values ​​to be diligent. Parents who know their son's interests can easily persuade him to improve his subject in exchange for attending a concert of his favorite band or doing all he can to solve an issue that worries him.

Interesting. Long-term prospects can be built for the student. For example, upon successful completion of a certain period of study, a student is rewarded with a summer vacation of his choice or a long-awaited acquisition. This is the simplest, yet most effective way to improve your performance.

Motivational books

Last Lecture, Randy Pausch

This book is extremely inspiring. The idea of ​​the book is based on the theme of fulfilling old childhood dreams. She motivates to have courage in life, to live with an open heart, to achieve one’s own goals, and also to help other people become happy.

Think slow, decide fast, Daniel Kahneman

The book examines the pros and cons of two specific types of thinking. The author of the book explains in which cases you can trust your intuition, and in which situations it is better not to rush to make decisions.

Start with the Essentials, Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

The idea of ​​the book is that if you focus on one specific job, its results become significantly better. The author is trying to convey that there is no need to pursue many ideas and goals at once; it would be better to concentrate on one. This will clear up the clutter in your head and increase your productivity.

Tips for those who learn something for self-development

A certain result can be achieved if you follow some of the suggested tips:

1. Identify the areas in which you intend to develop. Try not to take on too many tasks at once. Think about why you need this and is it necessary?

2. Read more information on the chosen field (books, articles), watch films and educational videos, attend lectures on this topic, ask questions to people advanced in this field.

3. Make a detailed plan, dividing it into the most informative points, indicating your goals. Let it always be near you so that you can track your progress.

4. Reward yourself for success. You should definitely receive a reward for the work done, because it brings not only knowledge, but also encouragement.

5. Focus on the process. Do your job because you like it, it develops you and will be useful in the future.

How to stay focused during class

  1. Exercise in comfortable clothes. Let it be pajamas or a lounge suit - the main thing is that you are comfortable and there are no distractions.
  2. Prepare snacks and snacks in advance if you plan to study for several hours. It could be fruits, nuts, bars.
  3. Stock up on water. It could be a bottle or even a jug. If you take walks to the kitchen, then there is a high chance that you may get lost somewhere around the sofa, and then it will be difficult to get into the right state for studying.
  4. Play music in the background. White noise is a quiet sound, such as rain music, birds singing, or people talking in a cafe. One study found that a little noise helps improve concentration.

I hope that my article helped you. Good luck in your studies! You can do anything!

PS Just don't do this:

Author of the article: Olesya Akimova

Hi all! My name is Olesya and I am the author of the LifeDiary blog. I want to thank you for visiting my site. I put a lot of effort and love into this blog and really hope that the prepared materials are interesting and useful to you. Come back more often, I am glad to see every guest!

How to force yourself to study if you are lazy: 5 tips from a psychologist

Laziness is inherent to one degree or another in every person. It is especially susceptible to schoolchildren and students who, due to their age, are less capable of carrying out volitional actions. However, most psychologists agree that laziness is only a defense mechanism of the psyche. In other words, you need to fight not with laziness, but with the reasons that give rise to it.

And there can be many reasons. And to achieve a high level of efficiency in your studies, you need to find exactly the one that seems as close as possible. Next, the three most common roots of laziness characteristic of students and schoolchildren will be discussed, with recommendations for overcoming them. And two general tips that will be useful for any of the cases.

Studying is not a priority

This is perhaps the most common reason for reluctance to learn. Very often, the leading activity for young people is communicating with peers or building their first close relationships with the opposite sex. Studying fades into the background, as a result of which there are no internal resources left for learning. What to do in this case?

The correct solution in such a situation would be to redistribute these same resources. The technique of creating a daily plan is perfect for this. Allocating a clear time frame for each type of activity will allow you to structure your daily routine, so that the student’s strengths will be evenly distributed.

Important! In no case should you devote all the time to study that was previously devoted to other activities. This will only increase the degree of negative attitude towards learning.

Lack of interest

Our psyche is designed in such a way that activities that are not interesting to a person will be carried out last. Or it will not be implemented at all. A person begins to put off such activities for later, finding many excuses for himself and others why this happens. This is called laziness. This is often what happens with education.

In order to understand how interest in any work is formed, you need to remember the concept of motivation. If a student or student knows that upon achieving the desired result, encouragement awaits him, then interest in the work will be much higher.

It is better to come up with a reward yourself, as this is an additional development of a sense of responsibility. This could be something material (some small purchase) or psychological (for example, an hour of relaxation while watching your favorite TV series).

Important! The size and significance of the incentive should correspond to the result obtained. That is, for a small achievement there is a small reward, and for significant success - a significant prize.

Problems in other areas of life

When there are disturbing negative experiences, any work is given with great difficulty. Laziness in this case is due to the lack of internal strength for productive actions. Such a person, first of all, needs to deal with the stressful situation in the present. After its resolution, internal resources will appear, including for studying.

In addition to the above, we can offer two recommendations that will be useful for most students and schoolchildren.

Don't try to learn solely through willpower

Volitional efforts are necessary for any work, but building activities solely on them is guaranteed to lead to failure sooner or later. Finding motivation and interest is much more effective for productive learning.

Alternate work and rest

The psyche needs time to unload when carrying out any activity, including educational activities. Proper alternation of tension and relaxation will significantly increase work productivity.

How to distinguish laziness from other problems

You should always be interested in your child's affairs. Parents should be wary of the student’s reluctance to discuss his affairs. Among the dangerous manifestations of character:

  • nervousness;
  • unsociability;
  • disrupting your hobbies;
  • friends who are outwardly dysfunctional, often older;
  • the smell of tobacco smoke or alcohol coming from the teenager.

These signs may indicate that the child is in “bad” company and needs to be rescued urgently. It is better to personally talk with the class teacher about missing classes, find out how often lessons are missed.

Bad Company

If there are no dangerous signs of a connection with bad habits, but the teenager does not want to study, the cause may be simple overwork. Modern teaching methods greatly overload the child’s body, depleting all strength. This should not be confused with laziness. Help from adults can include a proper diet and a good daily routine. A growing body must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals for normal functioning. Mothers should especially monitor their daughters who are addicted to diets - exhaustion of the body in adolescence will bring nothing but health problems.


Any student can cope with intense study if he understands why he is doing it all. With a well-drafted plan, a regulated routine and rewarding yourself for the work done, your strength and desire to study increases several times.

In addition to working on yourself, films and books also help to increase motivation, but the main condition for successfully achieving academic goals is still voluntary desire .

Sign a contract with yourself

You do not need a lawyer to implement this method. You need to be honest with yourself and take a little time to think. First, think about what motivates more - reward or punishment? Once you have found the answer, follow these steps:

  1. Set goals. State in writing what you want to achieve in your studies.
  2. Make a plan to achieve these goals.
  3. Determine the reward with which you will reward yourself after their implementation, or choose a punishment for failure to fulfill the plan.

It is important to do all this in writing and in the future for motivation to keep the agreement in a visible place. You can also tell your family and friends about it so that they know about your obligations and can help monitor their implementation.

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