11 Tips on How to Motivate Yourself to Workout at Home

Today we will talk to you, my dear friend, about the laziness we all know and love.
Almost every person who has the idea of ​​visiting the abode of muscular men and girls with toned buttocks, sooner or later faces what becomes too lazy to lift all these heavy pieces of iron.

Now we will talk in detail about how to force yourself to start playing sports and what to do if you are too lazy to go to training.

Set yourself specific and realistic goals

People fail in their attempts to lose weight or improve athletic performance, in part because they set unrealistic goals. The difference is whether you promise yourself to lose 2 or 20 kg in a month. There is also a difference between choosing to workout three times a week for 30 minutes and choosing to workout 6 times a week for 120 minutes. If your unattainable goals are not achieved, you will be demotivated , and failure will negatively affect your desire to continue . Therefore, set specific goals that you can achieve physically and mentally . Also, try to only plan for the short term, especially if you're just starting out. Start slowly with home workouts and gradually increase your requirements. [2] [3]

Start small if big doesn't work

If you are serious about it, but suddenly change your mind, try to come to an agreement with yourself. Commit to doing just one exercise or shortening your workout to 10 minutes. If after them you get involved and continue to study, great; if not, then at least you tried. Maybe next time 10 minutes will stretch to 15, then to 20, eventually you will get into the rhythm and want to train longer.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Create your training plan

Whether you work out at home or at the gym, without a workout plan it will be much more difficult to achieve your goals. If you want to lose weight, gain muscle mass or strength , you should create a workout and exercise schedule for the week. Thanks to this, you will know what exactly awaits you and can prepare for it in advance. This way, when you see in your diary that Wednesday evening is dedicated to working out, your motivation will become even stronger. [1]

To get the most benefit from your training plan, you must follow these 7 steps:

  1. set a measurable goal
  2. choose your training structure
  3. select the appropriate exercises for specific workouts
  4. select the number of repetitions and sets
  5. create combinations of exercises
  6. Based on these points, create a training plan
  7. plan the distribution and frequency of training

For more information on these steps and how to create a proper workout plan, read our article How to Create a Quality Home Workout Plan?

Look at thin people more often

If laziness continues to overcome you, look at your slender friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Do you notice how men look at them in admiration? Such attention flatters everyone, but not everyone fights for their figure. Order yourself to go in for sports, set a goal to join the ranks of women with chiseled figures - and soon laziness will recede and free you. Remember, losing weight is not so difficult if you regularly exercise and do not deviate from your goal.

Many people compare sports to a drug: the more you do it, the more addicted you become. Any person, even the laziest, will love physical exercise if he does it regularly. Have nothing to do? Take care of yourself, get used to sports, and life will sparkle with bright colors! Tested by millions.

Set up a home workout space

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym , and some people don't like it when people look at them while working out. In this case, home workouts are the ideal choice. But in order to find some motivation within yourself, you also have to adapt your environment. Research has shown that motivation to exercise at home increases if you equip your home with at least basic fitness accessories . Please note: [2]

  • Training mat – thanks to this accessory, training will be much more convenient, and in addition, the mat will help prevent injuries and unpleasant bruises.
  • Gymnastic roller - will help to use all muscle groups during training. It is mainly used for abdominal training.
  • Fitball - helps strengthen the entire body, improve tone, flexibility, balance and posture.
  • Rubber loops and expanders - used to strengthen the muscles of the chest, buttocks, abs, legs and back. Also suitable for a full body workout.
  • Jumping rope – jumping rope has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves physical condition, and also strengthens the muscular system.
  • Massage Roller – In addition to massaging tight muscles, you can use it to train your buttocks, back, or do planks and squats.
  • Dumbbells and kettlebells – these can be used for many types of exercises and will help strengthen your biceps, triceps, shoulders and back. They can also be replaced with water bottles.

How to force yourself to exercise

You go on diets, look for new ways to force yourself to exercise, get motivated by videos, but the kilograms are still there. Hands give up, faith in achieving results melts. Why is this happening?

Formal actions, without understanding the causes of the problem, do not help or give short-term results, after which you again find yourself on the couch or “too tired” to go to the gym. But when the root of the problem is identified, then the process finally gets off the ground.

This effect is confirmed by many people who have completed the “System-Vector Psychology” training by Yuri Burlan. They all noticed the connection between the psyche and the body: you put the first in order, and the second is naturally transformed.

“The energy was never there. I don’t remember the day when I woke up with pleasure. I simply didn’t have the strength to get out of bed in the morning and start doing anything, because there was simply no point in it. Now I get up in two minutes! I feel a huge surge of strength. I started running in the forest and hiking. Three months ago I couldn’t even think about this. When I come home from a run or a long hike, I start doing my homework and writing my dissertation until the evening, having time to cook dinner and take a shower. And at night I feel like I want to run again before going to bed. The energy just pours over the edge!”

Lana Kharlova, Stavanger Read full text of the result

How to choose a sport for yourself

Man is the pleasure principle. We reach for what is pleasant and avoid what is painful. This is also observed in the matter of physical activity.

Some people adore yoga, a movement “with meaning”, but for others, curling up into the letter “zy” is a complete disorder, despite all the fashion of this movement. One person’s body is flexible, light, mobile - stretching is pure pleasure for him, while for a person with a different make-up of body and soul, a different approach is required, pleasure will come from other activities.

A person should not be upset if he does not succeed in skating or snowboarding, although everyone around him is delighted. Forcing yourself to do something that you don’t like at all will not give you either joy or lasting results.

Some prefer the closeness of a team: the brotherhood of real men lifting weights and belaying each other, while others are more comfortable running alone with headphones on over rough terrain. Some people get a thrill from victories over their opponents as part of a volleyball team, while others get more joy from daily exercise and long walks.

When we know our personal properties, what desires live in our psyche, it becomes easier for us to choose the right types of activities.

When we live in harmony with our inner nature, when truly our desires, and not those imposed by fashion and the environment, are fulfilled - be it dancing, running, lifting dumbbells - we receive additional pleasure in life. The question of how to force yourself to exercise turns into an answer that brings joy from every workout.

“I wanted to exercise, I went to the gym, but I couldn’t find what I wanted. Then I saw a video of a trainer who conducts short classes and does everything together with you, at a comfortable cost, explaining all the intricacies. I started studying with pleasure: I don’t need to go anywhere, waste time and money on travel, classes last 25–40 minutes and there is a trainer,” shares Yulia L.

Provide yourself with privacy and silence

We need silence while working , and in the same way we should ensure a calm environment during training .

This is time that you dedicate to yourself, and your mental and physical state must be ready for it. When you provide privacy and silence, your motivation to exercise will become stronger, and the workout itself will become much more effective, since you will be focused only on doing the exercises , and not on any distracting elements . Also be sure to move your phone out of sight. Make sure no one disturbs you and you don't interrupt your workout by running to your phone . [ 3] [4]

Don't expect quick results

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. You are inspired and ready to start a new life, and pictures of a new toned body, doubled energy and great well-being are already being drawn in your head. Postpone expectations until better times, because progress will not appear immediately. During this period, you need to be patient and realize that it’s easy to quit what you started halfway, but this will only mean that you wasted your time and energy. Hold on until the first results, they will give you a powerful boost of motivation.

Wear sports clothes

Sportswear performs several functions . In addition to its stylish appearance , it will also help:

  • prevent injuries – many sports injuries are caused by improper equipment or sports clothing. Whether you're at the gym, at home, or working out outdoors, you need to have the right clothing. You need to protect yourself from shock, overheating or hypothermia. In addition, you should not exercise at home barefoot; your shoes should be strong enough.
  • Boost your confidence - It definitely makes a difference whether you're working out in a stretchy T-shirt and sweatpants, or leggings and a sports top. Sportswear is distinguished by a high-quality cut and material that is adapted to effectively wick away sweat and strengthen muscles. In addition, you will feel like you are in the gym, which will motivate you to be more active in your workouts. Simply put, if you see in the mirror how good you look in a workout suit, your desire to exercise will be stronger. [3] [4]

What is laziness: an innate personality quality, fatigue or habit?

Laziness is a dislike of work, a complete lack of desire to do anything. It prevents us from achieving our goals, improving our skills, learning something new and being active - in general, living life to the fullest. [1]

There are many theories about the “origin” of laziness. Some people believe that every person is naturally lazy. A controversial statement, if we take as an example inquisitive kids who strive to perform many actions on their own. They explore the world with enviable enthusiasm.

Another theory is based on the fact that laziness is the body’s natural reaction to fatigue. This personality quality periodically manifests itself in every person who needs physical and emotional rest in order to “recharge” and return to business with zeal. [2]

And yet, most psychologists agree that laziness is an acquired quality, a pathological model of behavior. This is a bad habit that can be overcome if desired. [1]

Let us help you defeat laziness!


Show off your shape on social media

Social media undoubtedly affects us negatively in some ways , but on the other hand, it can be used as a great motivator for exercise . Many studies have shown that social media significantly increases self-confidence and motivation to exercise .

Show off a photo of your shape and, for example, people's reactions to attempts to lose weight or strengthen muscles are usually very motivating . You can also subscribe to fitness communities, which primarily help increase self-confidence and motivation to exercise. You can also follow the progress made by others, which, of course, will also serve as motivation to train even harder. [3] [4] [5]

Curb your appetite

Exercising requires a conscious attitude towards food. Since you have decided to take care of yourself, spent money on a uniform and a gym membership, change the way you eat. If at first you feel like emptying the refrigerator after training, know that this is a temporary phenomenon. Very soon, thanks to physical activity, your body will be rebuilt, your metabolism will improve, unmotivated appetite will disappear, and you will not have to control yourself so as not to eat an extra cutlet or sandwich. Until this happens, ask your husband or partner to keep you away from the refrigerator before bed.

Listen to the right music

Listening to music while working out can improve the quality of your , improve your mood, and motivate you .

Music designed primarily for exercise usually has a strong, steady rhythm that you can use to guide you through your exercises. [6] [7]

Research shows that faster tempo music helps improve athletic performance during low- to moderate-impact workouts .

In addition, music distracts from pain through competitive sensory stimuli, about pain and fatigue while listening to your favorite music [7]

Music will also help develop a feeling of happiness and change thought processes . This psychological effect manifests itself in changes in hormone levels .

For example, a recent study found that participants who listened to pleasant and popular music while exercising were found to have higher levels of serotonin , known as the "feel-good hormone .

This means that choosing the right music while working out will not only motivate you, but will also make you feel happy.

Good health

Almost all women strive for good health, because their ability to reproduce and create a prosperous family depends on it. In addition, an absolutely healthy woman will succeed in everything: doing housework, raising children, building a career, and going shopping. And being overweight, as you know, is fraught with many diseases. If a woman is constantly in hospitals and clinics, she simply will not have time for everything else. Therefore, the problem of how to motivate yourself to lose weight should be solved taking into account the health factor.

Track your progress

It is not enough to take pictures and add your photos to social networks. To fully motivate yourself to continue training, you should keep a journal of your progress. Especially if you train at home, alone, without the presence of an experienced trainer . To figure out which exercises are ideal for you, what day you performed best on, and how many pounds you managed to lose, you should properly record each workout. [2] [3]

You should focus on the following factors:

  • weight after workout
  • diet during the day
  • measuring certain parts of the body - the diameter of the biceps, chest, abdomen, hips, etc.
  • feelings before training
  • feelings after training
  • training plan
  • number of calories burned

By tracking these criteria , you will be able to determine your progress over time , the mistakes you are making, or, conversely, find out what your strengths are . If you see your progress, your desire to exercise is guaranteed to increase . You can also use a fitness diary , which usually contains various fitness tips , healthy recipes and motivational phrases.


Like many, I was convinced that success depended on working hard. However, in practice I found out that regularity and systematicity are important. There is no need to force yourself to exercise every day for 2 hours with huge weights. Select 3 days of the week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) and do a full workout on these days (40-60 minutes). On other days, do light exercises for 20 minutes.

The first six months will be hard (perhaps less for you), but then you will notice that you want to study. Without exercise, you do not feel body tone, the brain lacks the release of hormones (endorphins, androgens, estrogen, thyroxine, adrenaline). These are hormones of joy and euphoria, self-confidence, acceleration of metabolism, rejuvenation, and activity.

In fact, over time, an addiction to sports develops. But it is a pleasant addiction, useful.

Try online training

Online training is gaining popularity and is one of the fastest growing segments of the fitness industry. Not only do fitness apps offer the ability to purchase a workout plan online using online workouts from reputable fitness trainers is becoming increasingly popular .

Another format that has become especially popular during the quarantine period is live broadcasts of training sessions of the best athletes or fitness trainers. The advantage of online training is its reasonable price and flexibility, as you can train anywhere, anytime, all you need is a Wi-Fi connection. Plus, most live streams are saved to individual company or trainer channels, so you can watch workouts later. Today you can choose from a very wide range of workouts , from online yoga, Pilates to HIIT workouts. The price for such training is usually lower than training with a trainer at the gym. This is due to lower costs and partly due to a wider audience. [9]

Go to bed on a regular basis

Sleep is of utmost importance to your success.
Simply put, if you don't charge your batteries in time, you won't be able to expect above-average performance. The author of the article must sleep 8–9 hours a day (although this is a personal matter for everyone and depends on how much the body requires). A routine is not meant to force you to live by the clock. Rather, it is needed to create a specific plan that you should try to follow 80% of your time. Sleeping at a strictly defined time is not necessary for self-discipline, but to ensure that you receive enough energy to ensure the productivity and vitality necessary to complete the tasks discussed in this article.

Vary your workouts

n't focus on just one type of home workout . It may happen that you become bored with the same type of training and your motivation to exercise will disappear. The best way to improve and enjoy your home workouts is to change up your workout plan regularly.

It is best to combine strength training, cardio training and rest days . Therefore, you should plan which day will be dedicated to strength training , such as weight training or bodyweight training. The next day should be devoted to cardio training . You can try a HIIT workout, cycling, Pilates, Zumba, or other dance workouts. On rest days, you should focus on proper muscle stretching and physical and mental relaxation, such as by trying yoga and meditation. Just as variety in your diet will please your taste buds, variety in your workout will please your body and mind. [2] [3]


There are many advantages to training at home: saving money and time on travel to the gym, free schedule. But it is important to understand that within four walls there are always a lot of other activities besides sports, and they may seem more important and urgent. Wash the dishes, wash clothes, tidy up, cook dinner, and finally just lie down on the sofa with a book or watch a TV series.

There will always be distractions, and it's best to combat them with planning. To get started, set aside half an hour for sports and add this time to your schedule. Plan time for rest, because the body not only needs to work, but also recover after physical activity.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Plan your vacation

Accept that we are not robots who can work endlessly with the same results.
Taking regular breaks to recuperate can help you be more productive and enjoy your work. You won't die if you let go of control for a moment to enjoy a slice of cake and two hours of Netflix, and it's a great way to recharge your batteries. If you've been eating healthy all week, breaking your diet on Sunday will only make your diet more enjoyable and won't make your results any worse.

We greatly appreciate the time you took to read this article. Now is the time to take action and become a better version of yourself.

PS We recommend another useful article on the topic of working on yourself - 30 websites that will make you much more educated.

The author of the translation is Vyacheslav Davidenko, founder of the TESTutor company.

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