Reinvent yourself in 30 days. 30 effective tips

Incredible facts

“We are what we constantly do. Excellence is not one action, it is a habit.” (Aristotle)

Scientists say that if you have willpower, it takes about 30 days for a person to form a new habit. Creating something new and going beyond your comfort zone is already 80 percent of success.

It is very important to make small but necessary changes every day for at least a month.

“How can you eat an elephant? A little bit every day.”

The same philosophy applies to making changes in your life. Trying to bite off more than you can chew will inevitably lead to problems with your digestive tract.

However, small, targeted bites can help you create simple, productive habits and are an amazing way to make positive changes and get excited about your life.

When you start small, you don't need a lot of motivation to do it. The simple act of “starting” will give you momentum, and very soon the spiral of change will begin to spin.

Below are 30 problems

which must be completed within 30 days. If you approach the issue responsibly, you will see that each of them has potential that will help you introduce a new habit into your life.

Yes, there is overlap between some tips. And no, you shouldn't try to do everything at once. Take 2-5 and commit to them sincerely over the next 30 days. Once you've developed these new healthy habits, move on to a few more.

1. Use words that are associated with happiness in your speech.

Typically, when you ask someone “how are you?”, the answer you hear is “fine,” “I’m fine,” etc. Try the next time you are asked such a question and answer: “fabulous!”

This will certainly make the person smile and ask you what is causing these feelings. You say that you are healthy, your family is healthy, you live in a free country. There is no reason not to be happy.

The difference is simply in the choice of words. People who answer this way are not better than others, they are just much happier. Test it out for yourself over the next 30 days by practicing something similar.

2. Try something new every day

Variety is the spice of life. You can see or do something a million times, but the first time is always the same. As a result, the “first time” experience often leaves vivid emotions in our minds that illuminate our lives.

Make an effort and try something new every day for the next 30 days. This could be a completely new activity or just a minor experience, such as talking to a stranger.

Once you get off the ground, many of these new experiences will open doors to new life opportunities.

Why does the desire to change arise?

The most common reason why a desire to change arises is when a person does not feel happy at all. A person who is satisfied with life is unlikely to change anything radically. But for the dissatisfied, the outdated way of thinking, acting and character does not lead to any noticeable satisfaction with what the person has. This can be caused by both a change in life situation and many other factors.

And the desire to radically and completely change your own life arises when you no longer have the strength to continue in the old way, when there is absolutely no joy in what is happening. The reasons for this may be:

  1. Doing something that has not been enjoyable for a long time or has never brought pleasure.
  2. Life or relationship with a person who does not evoke pleasant emotions, constant scandals, or loneliness.
  3. Life contrary to principles and dreams.
  4. Living in an unsuitable location.

All this comes down to the fact that a person’s life does not correspond to normal and desirable indicators.

Personal development

8. At any time in your life, try to concentrate on the positive aspects.

True winners in life cultivate optimism. They know how to create and manage their own happiness. No matter the situation, a successful person will always find a reason to be optimistic because he knows that failure is an opportunity to grow and learn new lessons from life.

People who think optimistically view the world as a place filled with an infinite number of opportunities, especially during difficult times. Try to spend the next 30 days looking on the bright side of things.

9. Know how to admit defeat and learn from difficult situations

It is important to remember that everything we go through are life lessons. It's part of the experience. Never forget to learn your lesson, especially when things don't go your way.

If you didn't get the job you wanted or the relationship isn't going the way you expected, it means only the best is ahead. It is important to learn the lesson because it is the first step to something new and better.

In the next 30 days, try to remember and analyze all the life lessons that you have learned from life.

Benefits and harms

Changes in oneself can bring both benefit and harm to a person. The list of useful features includes:

  1. Quality of life can improve significantly. Life may turn out to be much more interesting, productive, and you will not have to regret what was done earlier.
  2. A person will be able to achieve much more in much less time. At the same time, you will be able to find and create excellent living conditions for yourself.
  3. You will be able to find radically new interests for yourself, choose hobbies and even make a profit due to the fact that you can form new decisions for yourself.

The main benefits will consist of the fact that a person will become much more satisfied with life and his own way of life. But such solutions have disadvantages, and there are many of them:

  1. There is a risk that nothing will work out. At the same time, there may really be a lot of problems that will ultimately only lead to you wasting your time.
  2. The risk of running into a coach or trainer who will simply pump money out of you.
  3. There is always a possibility that your surroundings will not understand you and will consider you a freak. Often, because of the desire to change, you can quarrel even with friends or lovers.

Therefore, it is extremely important to make many additional decisions for yourself and follow time-tested tips to minimize all risks.

Work on yourself

5. Teach someone something new

Each of us has natural talents that can greatly help others. What comes easy to you may be very difficult for others. We tend to take our talents for granted, often barely noticing that they can be shared with others who don't have those specialties.

Inner happiness and zeal comes from applying these “gifts” on a regular basis. What do people usually thank you for? What are they asking you to help them with? Most people's talents and passions can help someone else in one way or another.

How to change yourself

There are many solutions that will ultimately allow you to change yourself radically for the better. Among them, it is especially worth highlighting:

  1. Get a mentor.
  2. Don't leave yourself any loopholes to return to your previous life.
  3. It's worth starting by changing just one part.
  4. Just try to believe in your capabilities. This will provide many additional bonuses in the future.
  5. Apply only the best solutions.


A smart mentor should not only be a great example of what you want to change in your life, but also help in the process of change itself. At the same time, it is extremely important to choose a mentor who has already tried many methods on himself in order to minimize the likelihood of running into a scammer.


More and more coaches are appearing on the modern market who will offer “unique methods” that will allow you to change yourself instantly. However, it is worth remembering that working on your character and habits is complex and painstaking work that will need to be done every day and every minute in order to ultimately achieve success. And there are no other ways.

Therefore, your mentor should be able not only to advise, but also to support or motivate. Traits of a good mentor include:

  1. Responsiveness.
  2. High level of empathy.
  3. Excellent ability to understand people.
  4. The ability to advise and resolve all emerging issues.

Therefore, hiring a mentor is a great first step to success.

Don't leave any loopholes

Often, changing yourself involves not only adding something new to your life, but also giving up bad habits. These include alcohol, sweets or other solutions. And in order to get rid of such a habit, they often prefer to give up an item for a certain period of time and only try it after the end.

In this case, the person will think about these things all the time and will not be able to fully refuse.

Therefore, if you really want to give up something, change your behavior, give up the idea that you can do something completely. In this way, efficiency can be greatly improved. You can't leave a loophole.

At the same time, the sequence of actions is extremely important. Under no circumstances should we allow loopholes to remain. They can be fully considered as an escape route to a past, unsatisfactory life that you decided to abandon.

Your willpower is much better than you think about yourself, so you can easily do without these loopholes. Even though the work will be relatively hard and it may feel like you are wasting time or wasting yourself on something unnecessary, you just need to wait until you get used to the new you.


Change one part of your life

Even small positive changes in one area lead to a fairly powerful push in all others. So, for example, when using the received motivation in something simple and banal, you can find the strength to fight in something else. Evaluate your own results and avoid procrastination, which will allow you to significantly understand your own success.

The better you become, the easier it will be further, because you know what you have already stepped over. According to the famous Chinese proverb, a journey of 1000 li begins with the first step. So if you don't know where to start, try something simple that won't require you to spend a lot of effort.

Believe in possibilities

Just believe in your own capabilities. This is extremely important, especially for pessimists. You will not be able to achieve many interesting opportunities, change your own judgment, life and character, if you do not believe in yourself. Therefore, it is extremely important to simply change your own beliefs. To do this, you should answer the following questions:

  1. Am I motivated enough to achieve my own goals? Are they big enough to be the goal of all these actions for me?
  2. What will happen if my aspirations become even greater?
  3. Do I believe in myself enough?

Most people don't believe in themselves and changing their own lives. However, you can overcome mistrust and break these problems. Therefore, an ideal future awaits you. Set yourself the right goals, which will be completely dependent on your worldview, and you can find yourself much more motivated to further develop. Try to imagine what awaits you and keep striving for it, and you will end up with truly unique experiences and solutions.

Just strive for something truly better than what you have now and you will find unique solutions for yourself.

Changing the environment

Often it is not enough to change just yourself. Most people think that all you need to change is desire. However, if the environment remains old, one should not expect that behavior, character and other characteristics may change.

At the same time, it is almost impossible to change the environment. In some cases, it is worth noting that some aspects are almost impossible to correct. However, you should start by removing mediocrity and those who are ready to live in it from your environment.

Source: Yandex.Zen

Better solutions every day

For many people, the most important point will be that they want quick results. Therefore, they do not see progress, which moves slowly, which is why breakdowns occur. However, it is important to change the principle of decision-making and begin to compare your current self with your slightly older self.

In fact, this is how you can evaluate your own progress. To do this, it is enough to make better decisions than those made yesterday.

What is she like - an ideal modern girl

Unusual hippie or top model

We are talking about two opposite types, but each of them has its fans. Hippies do not try to look glamorous, preferring to wear loose clothes without the slightest hint of sexuality. By the way, such girls can also wear men’s clothes – an African-style shirt, a cap, a sweatshirt. As a rule, hippie clothes look quite shabby, but at the same time stylish. They choose jewelry not from gold, but from simple materials, mostly handmade.

Typically, hippies grow their hair without touching it with dye unless necessary. Cosmetics are also not welcome - you can only occasionally apply eyeliner, but no glitter or bright lipstick. Despite the simplicity of the image, such girls look neat and interesting. They are interested in unusual music and films, love simple entertainment, and in general seem to be the embodiment of freedom and romance.

Top model. Girls of this type are very focused on their appearance. They meticulously take care of their skin and hair, experiment with makeup, do different hairstyles, and wear fashionable clothes and shoes. Such a girl almost always looks as if she is about to go to a photo shoot for the cover of a fashion magazine. Most often, they are connoisseurs of high-quality and expensive things, visit fitness clubs, know about all the popular establishments in the city and look inaccessible to most guys.

Open, smart and simple

Of all the types, such girls are perhaps the most popular with guys. They do not try to make a lasting impression with a chic outfit and do not flirt with young people left and right. First of all, representatives of this type see real friends in guys. They try to help them with advice, sincerely worry about other people’s failures and can find an approach to almost any person. At the same time, they are smart and are able to maintain a conversation on intellectual topics. However, such girls do not boast about it, trying to put their interlocutor in an uncomfortable position. It is easy to communicate with them because of their natural simplicity and openness.

A noble, intelligent and well-mannered lady with pride

A representative of this type is easy to recognize. Usually, nobility and good upbringing shine through in all her movements - she has impeccable manners, her speech is impeccable, and her posture is even. In front of such girls, guys at first begin to behave somewhat constrained, fearing they will “blurt out” something inappropriately.

Also, such ladies will never throw tantrums, make loud scandals in public, use foul language, and the like.

Modest or vulgar

Most guys are divided into two camps - some of them prefer exclusively modest girls, while others find it boring and prefer vulgar ones. Moreover, representatives of the first category are unlikely to be able to come to terms with the fact that their chosen one will “slap” - this will cause them persistent rejection already in the first stages of communication, while lovers of “cheeky” girls can spend some time trying to to liberate the “modest woman”.

Other important points


The best way to improve your well-being is simple exercise. And if you don’t want to do weightlifting, you can understand, but give yourself at least 15-20 minutes a day and after a week you will practically not feel so tired and overwhelmed. This is a great way to improve your well-being and motivation.


Read books, there is really a lot of useful information collected here. Moreover, you can start with one page a day, this will significantly increase your productivity. In some cases, it is worth reading motivating works, both classics and coaches.


Develop discipline and willpower. This is a great way to improve yourself significantly. When changing yourself, you will in any case need to overcome yourself and do something more unique. Therefore, it is worth taking care of strengthening your own willpower and creating truly interesting solutions.


Most people spend a lot of money on completely unnecessary things. Proper financial control will allow you to significantly improve all your indicators and live better while spending less. Analyze what you can definitely do without in your life. This way you can significantly improve all indicators and make yourself rich not only mentally, but also financially.

If necessary and self-confident, it is worth changing jobs to a much higher paying one, because you deserve much more.


Try to build healthy relationships that are based on support and respect, and common interests. If your current relationship with a person only leads to constant quarrels, scandals and disappointments, it is recommended to end them, because losing the strength to support the extra load will ultimately only complicate the task. And in some cases it will even make it impossible.


It is high-quality and useful skills that will be what can lift any person to the top. Try to acquire new skills in a field that pays much better. This way you can find interesting options and solutions for yourself that will help over the long haul. For example, having learned layout, you can earn significantly more as a freelancer without spending a significant amount of effort and at the same time free up a lot of time for really important things.

Spiritual development

Spiritual development should not be neglected. This way you can become a much more pleasant and interesting person, who is also a much more pleasant person. These qualities can be developed in completely different ways, so the choice will be quite simple. What you like the most and is worth using.

How a girl can become better psychologically in 30 days. Skin, hair and nail care

External changes should affect hair, skin and nails. Hair should look well-groomed, without split ends (you need to keep an eye on this). The roots of the hair should be tinted in time, and the remaining length should be refreshed if necessary.

Masks based on gelatin for dry hair, with the addition of cognac for oily curls, will help improve the condition of your hair. If your hair length allows, you can master braiding, this will add a novelty to your look, and it’s also fashionable. For medium length hair, bronzing is suitable.

Please note: nails should be regularly taken care of. Men don't like peeling manicures, hangnails, or dirt under their nails.

The stronger sex likes French, red or, better yet, clear varnish. If a girl takes care of her nails every day for 30 days, it will become a habit.

A modern girl doesn’t always manage to get a manicure every day, so it’s worth resorting to salon care. A procedure such as nail lamination has proven itself well. It restores the nail plate, hides all flaws and imperfections.

The nails are covered with a substance that fills all the depressions and deformations. After the procedure, the plates become healthier, aesthetics and nutrition return to them. This procedure will improve the appearance of your nails, and the preparatory stage in the form of a hand massage will give you a feeling of relaxation and complete harmony.

Facial skin should have an even tone, a fresh, well-groomed appearance with highlighting makeup. To do this, you need to nourish, moisturize, cleanse and refresh your face every day. This will prolong your youth.

Facial products are selected according to skin type. At home, there should be ice cubes with chamomile in the refrigerator, which should be used to wipe your face daily. After a week of such procedures, the skin calms down, the color evens out, freshness appears, and fatigue disappears.

A light tan will help you become more attractive - self-tanning or visiting a solarium are suitable for this.

Step-by-step algorithm for changing yourself

A step-by-step algorithm that will allow you to change yourself is as follows:

  1. Determine your own motives. You need to think carefully about the reasons that will allow you to radically find all the interesting options faster.
  2. Analyze all the important events in your own life. It is important to add all the interesting solutions.
  3. Critically evaluate the past. Often, to successfully improve your life in the present, you will need to give up part of the past. You may have previously been accustomed to ignoring problems or conflicts, but at the moment you should not behave this way.
  4. Reevaluate your own scale of values . This is the most important advice that can solve all problems that arise. In some cases, a much better idea is to start with some soul searching.
  5. Determine the amount of change you need to make. For some people, starting a new life may be a change of place of residence, and for some, a radical restructuring of themselves.
  6. Constantly practice working on yourself. Visualize all actions for yourself.
  7. Set all your goals.
  8. Start the change. Determine the scope of changes, create plans, deal with the baggage of unnecessary emotions.
  9. Think about an effective change of scenery and conduct an audit of your environment.
  10. Get your relationships in order.
  11. Deal with financial problems , evaluate unnecessary expenses and get rid of them.
  12. Move to a better job .
  13. Get support .
  14. Try to constantly monitor your progress .
  15. Adapt to the changes that have occurred.
  16. Contact specialists .

Organize your finances

How to improve your financial condition? To do this, it is important to learn how to manage funds correctly. A scheme for efficient distribution of money is described by entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki. In the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, the famous investor recommends saving 10% of your total income to achieve your desired goals. This simple rule helps solve money problems and give up the habit of spending everything at once.

When allocating your finances, remember that investing in yourself is the best investment in the future. Allocate funds for self-education, books, trainings. You can later turn the acquired knowledge into sources of new income.

What psychologists and experts say

The opinions of psychologists and experts vary significantly depending on position and experience. However, most experts insist that periodically changing something in your life is extremely useful for many reasons.

However, for many people this will turn out to be quite difficult, therefore, it is worth considering that you should not try to change everything at once, but try to act gradually, in small steps, the main thing is not to retreat.

It is extremely important to carry out all stages gradually, without forcing or bothering yourself too much. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve what you want.

When should you start using anti-aging products?

Daily skin care at home largely depends on age. But the question arises: when should you start using anti-aging cosmetics? You need to take care of youth and beauty of your skin from an early age. The first “bell” to use anti-age cosmetics is the appearance of creases and loss of elasticity.

Often, the aging process starts at the age of 25. This does not mean that the skin will suddenly lose its fresh appearance and become covered with wrinkles. Aging is a gradual long-term process and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But it is easier to delay the aging process than to fight profound age-related changes.

The rules of daily skin care are individual for everyone. There is no universal figure for starting to use anti-aging care. Daily facial skin care after 25 should be based on the recommendations of a cosmetologist. The main advice from a cosmetologist on skin care after 35 years is the use of products aimed at moisturizing, protecting from ultraviolet radiation and maintaining tone.

If you use anti-aging creams prematurely out of fear of “aging prematurely,” then these treatments will be useless. Anti-aging cosmetics work where their work is needed. If the skin is young, anti-age cream will nourish and moisturize the skin, but will not perform its direct functions. Anti-aging cosmetics should be used according to indications and always in a timely manner.

Daily skin care after 35 should not be chosen independently. A cosmetologist will prescribe products that are optimal for your age and skin condition.

Possible difficulties and ways to solve them

There are many difficulties that may arise, however, there are also ways to solve them:

Complexity How to solve
Attempts lead nowhere Evaluate your own efforts and results and you will see how far you have come. Never underestimate your own attempts or capabilities, because this only leads to wasted time.
Not enough time. Try to remove things that waste your time and are completely useless. This could be watching TV, playing computer games or other solutions. However, you won’t be able to give up quickly either, so just spend a little more time on the things you need.
Disagreements arise with those around you There are 2 main options here:

Or discuss your new position with others and explain to them your aspirations and new ideas.

Or try to find a lot of new people who can offer

No motivation Solving this problem is quite difficult. To do this, we recommend performing all the steps step by step so as not to strain yourself too much at once, while gradually increasing the difficulty.

Don't put everything off until later

Once you set out on the path of change, make a clear plan and try to stick to it. Developing self-control and discipline is necessary to achieve success in all areas of life. It is from this point that the most important changes begin.

When making a business plan, do not forget about rest. First of all, try to complete difficult tasks, but let there be time in each day for pleasant events. This will help you stay motivated and regain strength.

Changing yourself is a process that takes a long time. At the same time, it captivates and captivates, because every day it brings you closer to your desired goals. Be persistent and you will definitely be able to become the best version of yourself.

Original article:

Where to look for useful materials

You can always find useful materials on self-development on the largest self-development forums or on social networks. Everything you need for convenient self-development is presented here, including motivational solutions, as well as many programs.

Also, additional information can be found on coaching websites, or on the largest platforms for uploading videos. Our website also contains a lot of information on this topic, so you can find really interesting articles and suggestions for yourself to optimize your life.

Recipes for effective home care

Many people think about how to keep their face young, how to wash it after 30 years, and how to prolong the youth of the skin in general if there are no professional cosmetics at hand. For this case, there are effective and easy-to-follow recipes:

  • chamomile decoction, frozen into cubes;
  • green apple pulp, mashed with a teaspoon of sour cream; The mixture must be applied in an even layer and washed off after 15 minutes;
  • blue clay with boiled water, which has cleansing properties.

However, the effectiveness of such procedures cannot be compared with professional ones. Here we can highlight, for example, a peptide cream with a lifting effect, Emollient Lift Cream, which actively combats dryness, hypersensitivity and decreasing tone.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate


What's the best way to start changing your own life?

By accurately defining the goals and objectives that you want to set for yourself. Identify interesting options and goals that you have always wanted to achieve in order to form for yourself at least an approximate algorithm for further actions.

What to do if nothing works out?

In this case, it’s worth trying again, starting small. At the same time, it is important to further analyze previous actions in order to clarify at what stage problems arise. Therefore, you can find interesting solutions for yourself for further attempts, which are guaranteed to be successful.

How to find a mentor?

Usually these are coaches, less often psychotherapists or psychologists. Thanks to such specialists, you can often receive several additional benefits, including support, motivation and other solutions.

Change your way of thinking

Changing the direction of thoughts helps change your life. All our habits, patterns of behavior, and how every day turns out are connected to them. Business coach Olga Mukhina recommends changing your view of the world without giving up your old self.

Observe your thoughts:

  • Answer the question, what is more in them - positive or negative.
  • Identify situations that cause negative thoughts, and in each such case, try to find three positive things.
  • Every evening, analyze the events of the day and note positive incidents, things for which you are grateful to the world and people.

A great helper on this path is meditation. Short daily sessions (up to 10 minutes) calm, teach you to concentrate on the moment here and now, and bring peace and balance to your life.


  • The desire to change yourself is quite natural. At the same time, there is no one algorithm that can be useful to all people during a period of change. It is extremely important to carry out all procedures gradually and in no case compare yourself with those people who have already achieved success, because such a comparison will in no case be in your favor.
  • It is worth further studying the full list of recommendations, which will significantly speed up all work. Contact specialists to find out how to do this better, and the specialists can be psychoanalysts, coaches or people who have already achieved success. And remember, the main thing in this matter is to believe in yourself.

Ways of external change for women

All a lady needs to do is visit a beauty salon and she will be transformed beyond belief. How can a girl change beyond recognition? All you need to do is follow simple recommendations:

  • Change of wardrobe. Changes in image should be made taking into account the characteristics of the figure. For example, if you have short and full legs, then replacing a maxi skirt with a mini one is not advisable. First, decide which style suits you best. If you previously preferred strict, classic clothes, then for a radical change you can try a sporty or urban style.
  • Change of hairstyle. Changing the shape and color of your hair allows you to transform yourself in literally 1.5-2 hours. Were you blonde with long hair? Become a hot brunette with short hair! However, it is worth remembering that frequent hair coloring can lead to hair loss.
  • Use of decorative cosmetics. How to change beyond recognition? Apply cosmetics. Correctly applied products can make your face look completely different.
  • Weight loss. Do you want dramatic changes? Start with your weight. It is absolutely not necessary to go on a strict diet and exhaust yourself with hunger strikes. It is enough to determine for yourself the number of kilograms that you need to get rid of.

And these are not all the ways to change beyond recognition. Ladies are more inventive in this regard; they can radically change themselves in 1 day, week or month, and without the intervention of specialists.

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