How to make your wife fall in love with you again - features, methods and recommendations

Everyday affairs, work, everyday life and household chores over time bury the romantic relationship and passion that previously existed between spouses. Their life becomes ordinary, even monotonous. It is at this time that many couples find themselves in a very difficult situation: the woman no longer feels attracted to her spouse, sex turns into an obligation, understanding disappears in the couple, feelings become dulled. What should a husband do if he notices that his significant other has grown cold? Psychologists say: such a situation can greatly hurt man’s dignity and self-esteem. After all, by their nature, men are leaders, conquerors, heads of the family. Is it possible to improve the situation? What if a woman no longer experiences strong feelings? How to make your wife fall in love with you again, with renewed vigor? How to preserve marriage, passion and love for many years? Today we will try to reveal all the subtleties of female psychology!

Cause of the problem

Mendelssohn's march ended, the woman took off her delightful snow-white dress, and real life began. Married life. Of course, at first there is no shortage of passion and fervor in a relationship, but after children appear in the family, the situation changes dramatically. The fair sex has more and more worries and troubles. If she still has to work, she has no strength left at all. Everyday life and work pull her into their boring gray whirlpool, which means that the relationship between husband and wife is rapidly cooling.

How to make your wife fall in love with you? Before you start winning her feelings again, try just talking to her, try to find out why her feelings faded away. Perhaps your soulmate is missing something, it is likely that she has problems and sorrows that overcome her heart. There are often situations when a woman is simply very tired and does not even have enough time for herself. It is also possible that your wife sees a problem in you: she does not feel caring on your part, she needs your attention. Psychologists say: there is always a reason, it is important to talk to your wife and definitely find out what happened.

However, when wondering how to make your wife fall in love with you, do not put pressure on her. In order for her to open her heart to you, organize a suitable environment: you can invite your beloved to a quiet restaurant where you previously had a date, or you can create a romantic atmosphere right at home, after sending the children to relatives. By the way, alcohol will not be amiss: this way a woman can relax and open up, share her thoughts and problems with you. By the way, psychologists give useful advice: do not try to improve the situation by trying to change your woman. You need to start with yourself!


A natural set of circumstances due to the lack of regular sex is cheating on the part of the husband or wife.
It is useless to look for someone to blame in such a situation, because inattention and dissatisfaction with personal life give rise to betrayal. Of course, it’s difficult to forgive this, but if both people understand the reasons and are ready to forgive, then all is not lost.

What does a woman need?

Every person experiences a huge number of desires. And a person is designed in such a way that he strives much more willingly and quickly to fulfill his own desires, forgetting about what his relatives want. That is why, in order to re-win the heart of your wife, you must analyze your behavior and answer yourself honestly - how long have you tried to please your beloved, what do you know about her needs, dreams and plans? Of course, there is no universal recipe or answer to the question of how to make your wife fall in love with you, but there are several proven methods! Let's talk about them now.

Common children

When your wife still has your child after a divorce, you cannot disappear from his life.
Agree on the days when you will visit your son or daughter. This is a good chance to spend time together and prove that you are capable of understanding and loving. In many cases, couples get back together thanks to children. Of course, it would be better if they did not get divorced and the children did not suffer. It happens that the ex-wife quickly gets another man. It is possible that it was because of him that you got divorced. In such a situation, it is much more difficult to get your wife back, but this is not a reason to give up. Behave appropriately, don't make a scene, and show that you are a much better father to your children. You already have at least one significant advantage - you are a real, biological father.


For the most part, women are romantic and sensual people. They are able to envelop their lover with an incredible amount of tenderness, affection, attention and warmth. True, we must not forget that they expect the same in return. Problems can begin when in the life of a representative of the fair sex there is not enough room for such things as admiring the sunset or stars together, contemplating nature, walking and kissing in the warm summer rain. In addition, it is very important for her to receive attention in the form of small surprises and unexpected gifts. If all this is not in your wife’s life, it is not at all surprising that her soul becomes callous and closes, and melancholy and resentment settle in her heart. By the way, it is often for this reason that ladies begin to look for a suitor on the side: it seems to them that in this way they can make up for the lack of romance in life. Answering the question of how to make your wife fall in love with you, psychologists say: do not let romance leave your marriage. Give your beloved flowers, be sure to invite her on dates. You can even take the “savages” on vacation, for example, to the sea, where you can admire sunsets and sunrises and sit by the fire.

Don’t be shy to take your wife by the hand and walk with her along quiet evening streets or embankments. Remember: your beloved will be pleased with even a small gift - a cute postcard or a small jewelry box. Don't forget about compliments. Psychologists also recommend confessing your tender feelings to your spouse more often.

Support and assistance

Everyday life and endless worries can destroy even the most sublime and beautiful feelings. In our difficult times, most women have to simultaneously take on the role of mother and housewife, a professional in their field. Of course, if they do not feel any help and support from their spouse, there can be no talk of love and strong family relationships. Family psychology experts note that every young lady periodically needs time for personal matters, self-care and just rest. It is for this reason that the betrothed, who considers cleaning the house and changing diapers for children to be an exclusively female activity, will sooner or later see the negative fruits of such a position.

In order to re-win the heart of your beloved, you need to become support and support for her. That is, if you returned from work a little earlier, just help your spouse, do something useful. If your loved one is late, it’s late, and there’s no dinner, don’t expect her to come home and flutter around the stove. It’s better to just order ready-made food to your home. Well, and, of course, don’t forget to thank your beloved: for a delicious lunch, fresh laundry, order in the house and other things. Give up the “not a man’s business” attitude and solve all your worries and problems together. After all, a man’s strength in understanding a woman lies in the fact that he can be a support in everything.

Advice from a psychologist

A man must understand that old feelings cannot be returned. Therefore, you need to win your spouse again. Psychologist's advice:

  1. Do a lot of work on bugs. Take into account all the claims and complaints of your spouse and try to change your behavior.
  2. Be patient. Haste will only lead to new mistakes.
  3. Call your spouse for a frank conversation. Listen carefully to her speech, without taking hostility or making excuses. It is better to immediately admit all your mistakes.
  4. Communicate more. You should ask your wife about her affairs, take an interest in her hobbies and interests. During a conversation, it is advisable to listen carefully, sometimes ask questions and look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
  5. Give your wife all your free time. You can suggest watching a movie together, going to a recently opened cafe, taking a walk in the park, going to another city for two or three days, admiring the sights. Or follow all the wishes of your wife.
  6. Take care. A man needs to take on some of the household chores, prepare dinner or breakfast at least once a week, and remind him of important matters and meetings.

READ How to understand that your husband has fallen out of love: characteristics of your spouse’s behavior

If a man does not know how to make his wife change her anger to mercy, then it is advisable for him to immediately contact a specialist so as not to further aggravate the conflict.


How to make your wife fall in love with you? There are many ways. One of them is showing respect. Remain gallant in absolutely any situation, do not forget about the rules of good manners: open the car door for your companion, pull out a chair for her in a restaurant, help her put on her outerwear. Psychologists say: representatives of the fair sex are incredibly attentive to such things, they know how to notice and appreciate them. But what you shouldn’t do is allow yourself to be rude towards your wife, especially in public. Even if you think she is wrong, you can agree with her in public, and then, in private, calmly express your opinion. We assure you that absolute respect for your wife as an individual will ensure that you retain her devotion, love and understanding for a long time.

How to love your husband again like before if there are no feelings anymore

Remember your favorite love films that you enjoyed watching in childhood and youth. Yes, the screen characters had to go through difficulties, quarrels and breakups, but in the end they were reunited, love triumphed, everything ended with a wedding, kisses, a limousine, and at the end there was a curtain and credits. We, as in the scripts of these films, did not think to look anywhere far. Our goal was to find the love of our life, get married, have a child.

Few of us imagined the difficulties that we would face in our future family life. It seems that before our eyes we had parental experience with quarrels, scandals, disagreements, but we thought that everything would be different for us. And they were not ready, but it was necessary that marriage is already work on oneself, and work must be done in a team with your husband. And the marriage will not last on love alone in the first years.

But first, you still need to determine whether there really is a cooling of feelings in your marriage.

Why do feelings fade away? How to rekindle faded feelings? Let's look at the reasons why love dies, and whether everything is really hopeless.

Trust and communication

How to make your wife fall in love with you again? Try to do everything possible to make her your friend. Share your secrets with her, be sure to discuss over dinner how everyone’s day went. Psychologists advise taking an interest in the affairs of your beloved spouse. By the way, by their nature, women are prone to debate and debate. Therefore, if your other half asks you to share or tell something, do not refuse her. Another masculine quality that will allow you to re-win the heart of your beloved woman is trust. Under no circumstances allow yourself unfounded scenes of jealousy and accusations. It’s better to find activities that will be interesting to both of you: you can play tennis on weekends, go out into nature, or dance together.

Intimate relationships

To the question of how to make a husband fall in love with a wife or a wife with a husband, psychologists answer: it is extremely important that everything is in order in intimate relationships. Are you sure that you satisfy your woman? Try talking to her about it: maybe she is missing something, maybe you are asking too much of her. It is also possible that your intimate relationships have become monotonous. The fact is that sex allows partners to express love to each other as vividly and sensually as possible, which is why it is an area of ​​life that needs to be constantly worked on. First, try changing the situation, give your beloved more affection and tenderness. You will see, realizing that your passion for her has not faded away, she will reciprocate your feelings.

What psychological techniques are used for this?

Psychologists have discovered how a man can make his ex-wife fall in love with him. They believe that in order to restore relationships, spouses must go through a stressful or extreme situation together. Strong experiences cause positive and negative emotions, but despite this, love only grows stronger. Therefore, the husband must model suitable conditions.

But when experiencing stress, the wife should feel support and care from her husband. Then the psychological technique will work.

How to make your ex-wife fall in love with you?

This issue deserves special attention. It often happens that a man can only understand after a breakup that his beloved (now ex) was the love of his life. Of course, restoring a relationship after such a serious rift is extremely difficult, however, nothing is impossible. The simplest tactic is to disappear from the sight of your passion for some time. Give her a little rest, cool down and release negative emotions. After your quarrels and scandals have subsided, you can win her heart again. Some young ladies can be influenced through feelings of jealousy. To do this, it is not at all necessary to start a new romance; you can simply hint that you are interesting to other women.

What to do in this situation if your ex-wife found her happiness in another man? Often, psychologists say that they are approached by men who claim that they are in love with someone else’s wife or girlfriend. Of course, in such a situation it will be extremely difficult to care for her, but it is quite possible that you will be able to look even better against the background of your new lover. Show all your positive qualities, remind your beloved of your happy moments.

Getting your ex back - a vital necessity or damaged pride?

A hellish mixture of emotions is seething in the soul of a man whose wife leaves him. He experiences a wide range of feelings: from “honey, come back, I’ll fix everything” to “wait, bitch, I’ll take revenge on you.” Moreover, these feelings can change every second, throwing him from depression to aggression, torn apart by contradictions.

Therefore, before developing a plan to return your wife to the family nest, take a time out and think carefully. Why do you need it? You have truly realized that this woman is your only one, that she deserves love, respect, admiration and you are ready to give it to her.

Or maybe your offended pride is speaking in you now? Sometimes male psychology simply does not allow him to come to terms with the fact that he was abandoned, and therefore strives to return “everything as it was” in order to prove to himself and others his worth. Another common reason to keep a wife is an established life. If a man is not ready to wash his socks and cook dinners on his own, he will try to reason with the runaway housewife and regain the comforts to which he is accustomed.

If this is not about you and you really love and value your wife, then you can try to make her fall in love with you again. Please note, this will be much more difficult than the first time. It’s one thing to charm an unfamiliar woman, and quite another to ignite feelings in one who knows you like a shell, and sometimes harbors a serious grudge.

Let's sum it up

So, in order to win the heart of your soulmate again, you don’t need to try to change her, blame her and allow rude words towards her. First, analyze your behavior, take on some of the household chores. Pamper your beloved, organize romantic evenings for her from time to time. Be sure to be interested in her needs and problems, discuss her intimate life and, of course, surprise her. Remember: true love is unconditional, it will never demand anything in return. Therefore, try to drown out your own selfishness and simply give your beloved wife all the best that you have, without setting conditions for her. This is how you can win your wife’s heart, her loyalty and devotion.

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