Effective ways to make a man fall in love with you from a distance

Communicating with a guy on social networks is very convenient

You can easily and naturally chat about everything in the world. But what is the future of such relationships and is there a chance to make a man fall in love with you by correspondence ?
Let's try to figure it out.

Social networks and instant messengers have become a part of our lives. We are used to solving most of our questions online: sending a business letter, ordering food or buying a trip. But how to win a man by correspondence if you only see letters and emoticons? In fact, there is one simple rule.

Every message you send should have a clear purpose.

Your interlocutor will be bored reading about what you ate today and how you went shopping.
The main thing you must achieve is to evoke emotions towards you
in this particular man.

How to conquer a man from a distance? Understand that when a person shows emotions towards you, he will begin to become attached to you and will want to see and hear you.

Not all representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to a beautiful photo of an account and not everyone appreciates intellectual conversations.
Men love those who evoke emotions in them and
touch them with energy.

Create an image of independence and self-reliance

And now I’m not talking about those ladies who carry bags themselves and earn money.

An independent woman radiates true feminine energy. Every man wants to become just such a companion. And here the very fact that she doesn’t need anyone to be happy plays a big role.

I want to woo such a woman, she wants to show me how great it is to be with me. “Isn’t it really better than alone, dear?”

Men are conquerors. Playing with prey is important to them. So let your lover conquer you.

Qualities of a girl that make a man think about her all the time

Mystery and mystery

© SianStock

Women who, even after several years of relationship, remain a certain mystery and mystery, continue to excite the minds of their man. And they are very drawn to such women, because by nature they constantly need to feel like conquerors and breadwinners, they need to always discover something new in their woman.

This means that she should not always show all her cards to a man. You need to learn to leave him the opportunity to figure out for himself what is going on in her soul. It is absolutely not necessary to fully reveal some of your habits or character traits to him. Let the man try to guess the woman’s desires himself.

Be true to yourself

Men value loyalty in women... and to their beliefs, including. If he invites you to come to him for a hell of a lot of land and is not going to pay your way, feel free to put the dirty gigolo in your place.

A man must take care, including financially, about the woman he likes. But if you leave everything to chance from the very beginning, of course, you will understand how to make a man fall in love with you from a distance, but you will not be happy with him. It’s just that your communication will be based solely on his desires and needs.

How does a woman in love behave?

As a rule, when a woman falls in love, she does not want to take any steps and waits for the man to make the first move. But we often forget that in order for him to want to win a lady, he must first be conquered.

Expert opinion

Anna Kolyada

Psychologist, poet and just a good person

A woman in love is often flexible, kind, and will not go against the object of her desire, but is this what a guy needs?

A little psychology

A man by nature is a leader, a breadwinner, his insides are tuned in order to create a form and protect this form from external factors; This is precisely why they need a woman - one who will give emotional fulfillment to this form, who will establish comfort and ensure emotional well-being.

Everyone wants to see next to them a girl who will complement their qualities: affectionate, gentle, emotional.

Be cheerful

Nobody likes sad poop. Believe me, if you whine every day about how hard your life is, he will simply throw you into an emergency. No one is interested in maintaining communication with a negative person, whose every word reeks of despondency.

Humor will help you. In general, it is impossible to build a healthy relationship without using jokes and cool phrases. So don’t hesitate to spice up your virtual communication with cool jokes and funny stories.

And leave the negativism for your languidly sad friends. Don’t think that a man can talk about his problems, but what matters is how you do it!

What should you absolutely not do when seeking reciprocity?

But what you shouldn’t do when trying to win the heart of the man you like is to try to immediately start gradually dragging your things into the young man’s apartment, or supposedly accidentally forget them with him and leave them. This will be subconsciously regarded by the man as an attempt to quickly seize his space and personal territory, and men really don’t like this. When he is ready to get closer, he himself will invite you to leave your toothbrush or something from your clothes with him.

Also, you should not try to constantly teach a man and change him to suit you. If you want to change certain traits in a man (habits, appearance, etc.), then you need to do this very discreetly and obviously not in the first stages of conquest. Otherwise, a man will simply get tired of constantly hearing that he is doing something wrong or that his appearance is not up to the ideal, and he will prefer to find himself another life partner. After all, you will remind him of a school teacher or a strict mother, but not of his dream girl.

You cannot compare this man with your exes out loud: even if you say that he is much better and more reliable, a man hears such conversations completely differently. He doesn’t understand why compare different men at all, and as a result, he doesn’t have the best opinion about you. Therefore, it is better to make such comparisons in your own thoughts.

Beautiful photos

Making a man fall in love with you from a distance is easy! Just send him your photos periodically, don’t jack off your brain and support him. By the way, photos do not have to be erotic.

Men love with their eyes, and since you don’t have the opportunity to go on a date in person, maintain his interest virtually: chatting on Skype, taking photos throughout the day. This will help you win your chosen one.

Just don’t be fooled right away by “Send me photos from the shower.” Remember, to get a man, you need to be mysterious. And there is nothing mysterious in a naked body, no matter how beautiful it is.

How to please a guy and make him fall in love with you: the surest ways



1 How to please a guy and make him fall in love with you: the surest ways 1.1 What qualities do men like in women 1.1.1 The main quality is our figure

2 10 things that drive men crazy

3 10 best ways and tips on how to please and make a pen pal fall in love with you

4 How to tie an adult man with whom you sleep forever to yourself using 5 words

5 How to make a guy fall in love with you, a plot without consequences with the power of thought in 5 minutes - secret techniques and strategies

6 How to make a married guy or who has a girlfriend fall in love with you

7 Tips on how to make a guy you don’t know or someone you rarely see fall in love with you and what is the image of a woman

8 How to make a guy fall in love with you quickly and for a long time at first sight in 1 day

9 How to please a guy so that he falls in love - creating your own female brand

10 How to understand that a guy is in love

11 Which methods do not work: dispelling myths

Hi girls! Did you know that our brain receives and processes more than 30% of information through vision. Why did I spread statistics here? Yes, because young people first of all love a girl with their eyes, and we simply must take advantage of this. Today we’ll talk about how to make a guy fall in love with you as quickly and for a long time as possible.

Yes, I’ll say right away that this is information for women. But if a man is reading this article now, I hasten to please you that it is also useful for you to know this information; it will come in handy in life. So keep reading.

VIDEO TESTS: How to easily and quickly change your partner

Liking is when you like your appearance. Falling in love is when you like your appearance and character. Love is when IT’S UNCLEAR WHAT I FOUND IN HIM, GOD HOW DID I EVEN FUCK ME

What qualities do men like in women?

What should a young man pay attention to first? Of course, on our appearance. No one will fall in love with our pure and romantic soul at first sight. First of all, they need to examine our appearance in detail, take a closer look, and ask the price.

Let's look at what makes up our image in men's heads.

The main quality is our figure

It must be remembered that a young man primarily views a woman as an object of a potential sexual partner. And there is no escape from this. Of course, we want to be assessed for something completely different. For a high level of intelligence, for our boundless warmth, for example. But wanting is one thing, reality is completely different.

But until they take in all our charms, they are in no hurry to look into our souls. And you can be offended by this for a long time and persistently, or you can learn to use it. Therefore, we will learn to use it to make any guy fall in love with us quickly and for a long time, because... this is pure psychology.

Girls, we actually have something to show. The only thing that prevents us from presenting ourselves beautifully and correctly is our purely feminine concerns about the inconsistency of our figure with any made-up standards. If any scientists would agree to conduct a social a survey about what a woman is not happy with about herself.

I think the statistics looked like this:

  • women who consider themselves fat 50%;
  • women who consider themselves too thin and flat - the other 50%;
  • 99% are unhappy with the shape of their breasts;
  • the shape and size of your belly, or butt 99%;
  • shape of nose, eyes or lips 99%;
  • crooked teeth 50%;
  • bow legs 50%;
  • with hands from steel 99%;
  • brittle nails or split ends 99%.

But scientists have not found women on this planet who are satisfied with absolutely everything about their appearance.

Mental suggestion or how to make a person think about you with the power of thought

The next method to make the right person constantly think about you is through mental suggestion. This technique can be placed on the border between psychology and practical magic. Mental suggestion manifests itself in a special type of hypnosis, in which the necessary thoughts are suggested at a certain distance. This method is well suited if you have the opportunity to personally contact the object of your affection.

When you are within the same room as him or simply see him in your field of vision, you need to mentally concentrate and again begin to mentally convey to him a special phrase, which is a suggestion. It’s better to think about this phrase in advance. You can simply suggest that this person loves you or convey something more specific with your thoughts. When you mentally pronounce such an order, it is also important to clearly imagine how a blue beam seems to connect you with your chosen one at the points in the middle of the forehead. It is through this created channel that the prepared phrase must be transmitted. Then it will quickly reach the person’s subconscious. You can accompany this phrase with your entire image.

Another method by which you can make a specific person think about you is suitable for those who see their chosen one quite rarely. However, you must be familiar with this person. Otherwise, a person simply will not connect the thoughts that arise in his mind directly with your image. And all efforts will be in vain. This method also belongs to the field of mental magic. Therefore, before conducting practical experiments, it would not hurt to acquire the skill of completely concentrating on your thoughts and concentrating. A very developed imagination is also a necessary quality. This exercise is recommended to be performed only in the evenings or at night, since it is important that the object of your influence is in a relaxed state, preferably in sleep.

If you find it difficult to completely recreate in your memory the image of the person you need in all its details, then stock up on his photograph. Next, you need to relax your body as much as possible and mentally focus on the image of your loved one. When you see the image of a person quite clearly and very clearly, then begin to imagine that you managed to penetrate inside his body. At the same time, imagine how your heads are connected together.

Often people who practice this technique already at this moment begin to hear the feelings and read the thoughts of the object of influence. You also need to try to understand the person's thoughts, understand his own feelings and feel the emotions he feels. Then give yourself a mindset where you think with that person's brain. Gradually introduce the memory of your image into his brain; you can also give short but very clear orders in the form of thoughts. It is recommended to practice this exercise every new evening for at least one month. But the effect may appear faster. It depends on how closely you communicate with the object of your love.

Jealousy is a good helper in this matter.

How to make a person think about you? Make him jealous. Of course, jealousy is not a very good feeling. But for extreme cases this is just what you need. You can give a man the opportunity to be jealous of you for some person. This action can produce a positive result. Just don’t overdo it, everything should be within reasonable limits. The human psyche is designed in such a way that jealousy makes us think about the “object” constantly, comparing ourselves with another individual.

Let's turn to the knowledge of the past

There are many examples in history of how the desire power technique works. In most cases, it is identified with many fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Such an association with a clear example allows you to feel the possibilities. It’s worth remembering any of them, where the hero says the words: “I want!”, “I wish!”. They are the ones who push us to realize our plans.

Both in legends and in reality, the main method of the technique is visualization, which allows you to compare three stages in chronological order: plan-thought-result. This is how you work on yourself. Indeed, in a particular case, the intention is the desire to hear a man; a thought is a force that forces another person to a certain extent to do something, and the result is a ringing bell. If you do not create three key stages, then there will be no result.

From the point of view of science, we are committing a kind of deception on the brain; we allow the possibility of not distinguishing the real from the unreal. This is beautifully presented in the words of the great Albert Einstein, who pointed out that “Imagination is the display of the upcoming events of life.” He knew what he was talking about, just as a woman knows that the call will take place. But not only visualization matters; there are several other important processes that affect the power of thought. Each of them has an effect that corrects the power of desire and suppresses uncertainty.

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