How to win a Cancer man: the best tips to make him fall in love with you

In building close relationships between representatives of different sexes, the horoscope plays a significant role; a girl needs to know the characteristics inherent in her lover in accordance with the sign of the Zodiac.

In order to make a Cancer man fall in love with her, a woman should take into account that such a man needs not just a spouse, but also a mother who will fully understand his interests and desires and listen carefully when the man wants to share his ideas with her, even if she the woman doesn't like them too much.

A representative of the weaker sex will be able to conquer a Cancer man if she completely dissolves in him, accepting both his advantages and disadvantages, as well as many of his shortcomings. A man of this zodiac sign can truly please a very modest, homely, economical girl who provides her chosen one with maximum everyday comforts.

How to make a Cancer man fall in love with you

If a woman is a good housewife, knows how to run a house carefully and economically, cook deliciously and make her home cozy, then her chances of falling in love with a man born under the constellation Cancer increase significantly.

However, this is not enough, a girl should also tirelessly admire the positive qualities of her loved one, her appearance is also very important, since Cancers have very developed aesthetic feelings, this man will definitely not pay attention to a woman who does not take care of herself or allows sloppiness in clothes or cosmetics.

But physical attractiveness will also not be enough to win the heart of a Cancer man. A girl needs to be soft, intelligent, feminine; vulgar and rude behavior will immediately repel such a person.

Cancers greatly value mental development and a high degree of intelligence in female representatives, but it is important not to demonstrate too much of your intelligence, otherwise the man will decide that the woman is trying to manipulate and put pressure on him.

Positive and negative traits of the sign

Before taking measures to conquer a Cancer man, girls should study the character of the representatives of this sign.

The Cancer guy is a complex personality, in which many advantages are combined with no fewer shortcomings. The positive traits of such a person include:

  • Determination - Cancer always achieves what he wants, partly due to the fact that he is in no hurry to let others in on his plans, but simply monotonously goes towards the goal, doing everything possible for this. A man does not stop halfway, no matter what difficulties await him.
  • Reasonableness - aggression, outbursts of anger, panic are alien to men of this sign. Cancer is reasonable, always remains calm and self-controlled, regardless of the situation.
  • Responsibility - next to such a man you can be confident in the future; he will always find a way out of even the most difficult situation. This person fulfills the responsibilities assigned to him to the fullest extent, regardless of what sphere of life they relate to. Cancer is able to take care of the well-being of his chosen one as if he were his own.
  • Romantic nature - representatives of this water sign feel the need for support from their soulmate. It is important for them to feel loved and understood. Such a man values ​​strong relationships and is ready to give all of himself to his chosen one, demanding the same in return.
  • Developed intuition - he always knows what to do right, rarely makes mistakes. As a rule, these men have developed intelligence and good memory.
  • Optimism - Cancer is almost always in high spirits, believes in his capabilities, and is ready to support his interlocutor with advice.

The disadvantages of the sign include the following character traits:

  • Changeability - Cancer’s behavior is greatly influenced by external circumstances, the mood often changes, and sometimes it is very difficult to understand.
  • Dependence on the opinions of others - this guy always strives to seem positive and takes condemnation to heart.
  • Secrecy - the silent Cancer will almost never say what is on his soul. The guy easily reads people, but prefers not to voice his opinion on this matter.
  • Hypersensitivity – Cancers are vulnerable, they are easily touched to the quick.
  • Grumpiness - anything can be a reason for dissatisfaction; a man can spend hours discussing pressing problems.

Active girls should remember that the Cancer guy does not like noisy events and parties, preferring to stay at home. This person will not get involved in adventures and look for adventures. If a woman cannot live without this, then the couple will have to look for compromises.

How to please a Cancer man

For Cancer, a real family, a cozy home, children are of great importance. A girl who wants to become the chosen one of such a man must make him understand that she dreams of the same thing and cannot imagine existence without children. At the same time, under no circumstances can a woman behave too assertively, arrogantly and harshly; this will immediately put an end to any relationship with Cancer.

Cancer men are endlessly attached to their mothers, and it is vital for their girlfriends to find a common language with their lover’s mother and try to make friends with her. If a girl even once speaks about her loved one’s relatives in a way that is not particularly respectful, a person of this sign will almost certainly stop communicating with her.

How Cancers behave in relationships

When conquering her chosen one, a girl should not doubt whether the game is worth the candle. After all, Cancer is attentive, courteous and very caring towards his soul mate. The representative of this sign protects his chosen one in every possible way, preferring to solve all problems that arise on his own.

Such a partner, being happy and loved in a relationship, makes every effort to ensure the comfort of his life partner, not skimping on affection, praise and gifts. Cancers make wonderful spouses and fathers. Wives and children can count on moral and material support from the head of the family.


Is it possible to beat off a married Cancer man?

In life, it may also happen that a woman falls in love with a married man born under the sign of Cancer. The girl, of course, will be concerned about the question of whether it is possible to fight off a busy Cancer man and how to do this.

Women who married such a man should not worry about the fact that he is able to easily leave his family. If Cancer considers his wife to be truly “his”, an ideal companion for himself, he will never part with her and will allow himself only a one-time accidental betrayal.

A girl who meets a Cancer man along the path of life will think about how she should behave if he is married or if he has a girlfriend. It is necessary to remember that he must be greeted with affection, understanding, sympathy for his problems, and delicious food prepared with his own hands.

In this case, a female representative really has a chance to make Cancer her own, even if he is not nearby at the time of their acquaintance. However, different signs of the Zodiac also have different characteristics, so a woman should know how her own constellation combines with the constellation Cancer and first study the relevant recommendations of specialists.

Life story

Alina, 29 years old, shares her story about conquering Cancer: “I caught my Cancer in the office. He was always polite, well dressed and smelled delicious, so it was impossible to pass by. Having found out all the information about him from my colleagues, I began a campaign to capture him. I suddenly became helpless, so he had to help me deal with the office equipment. Of course, I thanked him for this with homemade goodies. A few days later he sent me a bouquet of flowers, and then invited me on a date. After our first date, we haven’t been apart for a day for four years now.”

Aries woman

A Cancer man and an Aries woman usually look great together; she is most often a bright, showy woman, and a gallant and polite gentleman will always be able to create a beautiful and romantic atmosphere for her. Cancer will not suppress Aries’s tendencies to lead; such a woman will feel quite comfortable next to him.

However, Cancer's mood changes very often, which can be very confusing and burdensome for the Aries woman; it will seem to her that her partner simply does not love her, although this is not true. A woman of this sign often does not understand the mental state of her Cancer lover, which sooner or later can lead to a breakup.

In case of marriage, it is Cancer who is desirable to take care of the children and housekeeping, while Aries will be better able to provide for the family. An excellent option would also be to distribute responsibilities equally in all areas.

Astrologer's recommendations

Cancer is very inert and will be able to build harmonious relationships with women of almost any zodiac sign. In this regard, astrologers give the following recommendations:

  • Aries - an assertive woman of this sign can push Cancer away with constant arguments and a desire to assert herself. She should be softer, develop her femininity.
  • Taurus - a girl should give up the constant desire to criticize her companion, paying attention to his emotional balance.
  • Gemini - this girl’s frivolous attitude towards relationships, the desire to constantly flirt with other men does not allow the union to become strong and durable.
  • Cancer - calmness and confidence will be the main secrets of conquering a guy of the same sign. On the contrary, suspicions and attempts to catch him in a lie will only push him away.
  • Leo - Cancer needs to feel like a man in this relationship, so harmony is possible only if the woman manages to be weaker.
  • Virgo – a problem in a relationship can be a woman’s constant fixation on the material side of life and ignoring her partner’s feelings.
  • Libra - you don’t need to demonstrate your importance to Cancer all the time, the man already knows this, selfishness will only destroy the relationship.
  • Scorpio - the girl must become more tender, softer, otherwise there will be no harmony.
  • Sagittarius - representatives of this sign should say less barbs towards their loved one and take his feelings more seriously.
  • Capricorn - this woman needs to become more romantic in order for her relationship with Cancer to be enjoyable. Pragmatism interferes with communication with a sensual nature.
  • Aquarius - the basis of a strong union is trust, and a girl’s constant search for double meaning in the actions of her beloved will only lead to separation.
  • Pisces - a woman needs to open up to her chosen one, try not to look for a catch in words and actions.

Relationships with a Cancer man need to be built on mutual trust, be as open as possible, and always meet his feelings halfway. No matter how controversial and closed this sign may be, you can find a common language with its representative, and with due attention and care, build a strong alliance.

Taurus woman

A Cancer man and a Taurus woman are both distinguished by thriftiness, thoroughness, and thoughtfulness; home comfort comes first for each of them. They will become a wonderful couple in all respects, however, a woman of the Taurus sign may be somewhat irritated by the excessive slowness of Cancer, and she will sometimes be unable to restrain negative emotions.

But conflicts between people belonging to these two signs rarely happen; the Cancer man rarely decides to make a final break with the Taurus woman. Such an alliance has many chances to last for a very long time, they have a lot in common and they usually find a way to come to mutual understanding.

What to give a Cancer guy or man for his birthday, New Year?

Because Cancer is a hidden nature that doesn’t allow many people into its world. Then choosing a gift becomes a little problematic. After all, he does not advertise his hobbies and preferences.

  • Cancer is a homebody and likes everything to be comfortable at home. Therefore, he will certainly appreciate something homemade. Perhaps a cute figurine or painting, or maybe an unusual ashtray.
  • Due to the fact that Cancer is the greatest romantic, attention will be the best gift. Perhaps the gift itself will not cost that much, but it will be packaged and presented with love.
  • This sign will certainly like something that will reflect your feelings for him. It could even be a frame with a shared photo or a keychain with a cute engraving.

Cancer is not simple. At times, it can be difficult to understand. And sometimes, he can infuriate you. But he will make a wonderful, loving husband and an excellent father. And for every woman this is very important.

Gemini woman

If we talk about compatibility between a woman born under the sign of Gemini and a Cancer man, then such a couple often seems rather strange and not particularly suitable to others. The Gemini woman is usually open, sociable, she is keenly interested in absolutely everything, while Cancers are very domestic and reserved people.

In such relationships, physical intimacy becomes the basis; as long as these two really feel good together in intimate moments, they will not separate, and the union can last a relatively long time.

But in ordinary life, a woman of the Gemini sign and a man of the Cancer constellation have diametrically different characters, and with the help of sexual harmony they are unlikely to be able to create a strong, harmonious family. For Cancer, family is the goal and meaning of life, while the Gemini woman is not too eager to be at home and do housework.

Tips for dating a Cancer man

If a woman who crosses Cancer’s path considers motherhood to be the most important thing in life, if all her thoughts are aimed at creating a family, Cancer will extremely quickly conclude that you are his ideal.

He will immediately invite you to jointly decide to create a strong family union that will promise him the much-needed sense of security. You must constantly remember that the main thing is your attitude towards your family, as well as the place you devote to your home and children.

To win a man, you need to build good relationships with his relatives - this will once again convince him that he made the right choice. The primary role in this situation belongs, of course, to his mother; in the end, his decision depends on her.

We must always remember his emotional and psychological dependence on the family. You will be guaranteed ninety percent of success if you manage to enlist the support of his relatives.

Throughout your acquaintance, you need to maintain such a relationship with him as if you were already a married couple - rest assured that this will happen soon.

Cancer Woman

Some people believe that people of the same zodiac sign are ideal for each other as partners, but this is not entirely correct. If both are Cancers, then they really understand each other quite well, but the inherent stubbornness and tendency to be touchy in both of them significantly complicates their life together.

A long-term relationship between a man and a woman belonging to the constellation Cancer is possible only if both are successful; in another situation, they will at some point stop dating, constantly making claims and reproaches to each other.

Each of them is dominated by feelings, sudden changes in mood, such a couple should avoid all sorts of scandals and showdowns.

How to avoid major quarrels and find a compromise

“Let everything be your way” - these magic words contain the secret of how to keep the powerful Cancer man in a peaceful mood. There is no use arguing with him. Raise your voice even more so. Trying to dissuade the prince from committing obvious stupidity is possible only some time after the decision has been made. If there are compelling arguments. He will not reconsider his position “as the play progresses” due to his natural stubbornness and unwillingness to give in. His final “no” will turn into a confident “yes” in a week, when the emotions subside and he looks at the situation from a different angle.

Is there a misunderstanding? Don't incite conflict:

  1. “Cutting” for an unfulfilled order. He understood the essence of the complaint the first time and realized his guilt. For such a perfectionist, an unnecessary reminder of a mistake will serve as a source of dull irritation.
  2. A public showdown. A small skirmish in a store or at a party on your initiative will result in a major domestic showdown. Maintaining decorum is mandatory.

Leo woman

The combination of a Leo woman and a Cancer man is very difficult and contradictory. Acute conflicts between them are virtually inevitable due to their natural differences.

A man of the constellation Cancer will require enormous efforts to keep a Leo woman close to him; he will have to provide for her not only in the emotional and physical sphere, but also materially; such representatives of the fairer sex adore luxury, bright and expensive outfits, and exquisite jewelry .

Over time, such a union will simply become unbearable for Cancer; he will almost certainly not be able to meet the demands of his Leo partner. Such a man is simply frightened by the expenses of his wife or girlfriend; over time, he realizes that he needs a more modest and domestic companion, while the Leo woman needs a more energetic partner who is capable of satisfying her ambitions.

How to attract the attention of representatives of this sign

Outwardly self-confident and tough, inside – shy and soft. This is what the psychological portrait of the object of your attention looks like. Behind the mask of an unapproachable alpha male hides a big romantic with rose-colored glasses. The queen of his dreams is Turgenev’s young lady: gentle, sympathetic, touching. There are almost none of these left now. But he is ready to search, dream and hope. He needs a little to believe in a miracle: a timid smile, a shy blush on his cheeks. It is not difficult to charm a Cancer man, since he is constantly waiting for a fateful meeting and will be glad to have the opportunity to start a beautiful romance.

Virgo woman

A Cancer man and a Virgo woman are perfect for each other, their union usually becomes strong, long-lasting and happy. The partners have a lot in common, they do not have any special differences.

In such a couple, there is usually no excessive romance; most often, both the man and the woman have many useful ideas, plans, and intentions. At the same time, each of them feels completely fulfilled both materially and internally, spiritually, and both the Cancer man and the Virgo woman are usually satisfied with their companion.

Both are very thrifty, careful, practical, do not like wasteful spending, as a result, such a couple will eventually develop a good family capital.

How to understand that Cancer is in love?

You have met a Cancer man. Now it's time to figure out if he likes you. What will be the behavior of a Cancer in love?

First stage

First of all, we note that the Cancer man is unlikely to rush headlong into the pool. Don’t expect confessions from him on the first day of meeting him - this is not an Aries for you.

Cancer needs time to take a closer look at you, understand your character, feel your soul. He actually pays a lot of attention to the inner world of his beloved.

When you have just attracted a Cancer's interest, no changes in his behavior will occur at all. Outwardly, he is calm, a little reserved, and keeps his distance.

And only over time, when he feels that he can open up to you, Cancer will admit his sympathy for you. Moreover, it is much easier for him if the girl herself is the first to open her heart and speak about love.

If the girl remains cold and unapproachable, Cancer will not persist. He would prefer to suffer in silence, seeing that his feelings are unrequited.

By the way, this zodiac sign is proud. And when someone asks him, he will say that he is indifferent to you, although his heart will be tormented by love.

The only thing you may notice is its appearance. A Cancer in love tries to look elegant and neat so as not to alienate the girl he is interested in.

When you are already in a relationship with him

Once you and your Cancer guy are officially a couple, he begins to show his true character. No, no, don't expect anything bad. Instead, it includes the following options:

  • Taking care of your beloved. Are you cold? Cancer will take off his jacket and throw it on you. Are you hungry? This guy will take you to a cafe or invite you to his home to feed you.
  • Romance. Walks under the moon, evenings with a guitar by the fire, dinners by candlelight, love messages and confessions... I can go on and on. Of course, not every day is a holiday, but it will certainly provide you with pleasant surprises.
  • Gallantry. A Cancer man will hold the door for you, hand you a coat, and carry a heavy bag of groceries. This is a real gentleman.
  • Well, now the fly in the ointment. Everything can't be perfect, can it? Cancer's mood is extremely changeable. During the day it can change 180 degrees several times. That is, in the morning he is joyful and full of enthusiasm, in the afternoon he suddenly withdraws into himself and becomes cold and distant. And before going to bed he laughs and has fun again.

So, if you find the listed traits in Cancer’s behavior, it means he is in love with you. What if not? You’ve been dating for 2 months now, but you don’t even see any care, gallantry, or romance...

This means one of two things:

  1. The Cancer man is so (poorly) brought up. He would have shown concern, but he was taught from childhood that a man should not help a woman, that romance is for weaklings and gays, etc.
  2. He doesn't love you, but just spends time with you... no matter how sad it is to realize this.

For a Libra woman

The union between a Libra woman and a Cancer man does not occur too often. Men born under this constellation are distinguished by extreme caution, while the Libra woman is a very contradictory creature; as a rule, she herself does not know exactly what she is striving for at the moment.

At the same time, the sensitive, gentle Cancer and the loving woman of the Libra constellation may have quite a lot in common, but both are indecisive people, prone to hesitation, which leaves an imprint on their entire existence together.

Both usually put off resolving any issues until the last minute, which creates problems for them in all areas of life. But if each of them really wants marriage and family, then the relationship can last more than one year.

Where to find Cancer and how to interest him

The desired prince, as a rule, is easy to find in the workforce or among business partners. The ability to pore over a production task with complete dedication from dawn to dusk turns him into a universal employee. He can do everything, is aware of everything and is absolutely irreplaceable. As a result, the office usually turns into a home. The search circle is significantly narrowed. A meeting with the prince at City Day or another event unrelated to professional interests is unlikely. If your Cancer colleagues are already ringed, take up advanced training in courses, seminars and trainings that are popular in narrow circles. You will definitely meet a serious guy, who is long overdue to arrange his personal life.

Has a worthy object been discovered? It is necessary to awaken his interest. Options for how to hook the Cancer man you like:

  1. Work on your image. Juicy lipstick and a stunning leopard print dress? It suits you very well, but the prince is not happy with the riot of colors. Stick to strict classics: calm makeup and office style will make a lasting impression on him. The image of a fashionable teacher, like no other, is suitable for seducing a Cancer man.
  2. Show yourself in a professional field. The work enthusiasm of a beautiful colleague and the impressive growth in production indicators will not leave the guy indifferent. Attracting the attention of a Cancer man in this way is quite safe, since he does not suffer from professional jealousy. He treats his female colleagues with condescension and sincerely admires their business qualities and talent. He will ask you to share your experience and offer assistance in implementing a new initiative. A great start to a budding office romance.
  3. Do a good deed. A working way to conquer a Cancer man. Volunteer to do an unpopular social task, dust off the office cooler. The chosen one will highly appreciate any gesture of goodwill and will be interested in the personality of the volunteer.
  4. Look after him. Proven ways to please Cancer men:
  • hand a pack of tissues to a sneezing prince with cold symptoms;
  • help defeat the stubborn coffee machine;
  • at a corporate party, serve canapés that are so difficult to reach.

Luckily for you, the chosen one is awkward and very embarrassed to reveal an annoying flaw in public. Your support will make him feel more confident. It will be easier to move on from solving a current everyday issue to talking about personal topics.

For a Scorpio woman

A pair of a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman can rightfully be called ideal; both partners have everything to make the union long-lasting and very happy. These two can perfectly give each other sincere, real feelings, act as support and protection for their partner.

Harmony in such relationships still depends more on the Cancer man, who prefers to think with his heart rather than with his head; it is he who creates the atmosphere necessary for his Scorpio partner.

The woman in such a couple will certainly be the leader; if her husband or lover becomes depressed, she will make every effort to get him out of this state. In turn, the Cancer man will give her genuine warmth, peace and a feeling of comfort.

What to do to get him back

When a man is determined, no tricks, persuasion, and especially manipulation will help. It is difficult to move him from the intended path. This can only be done if he is not confident in his actions and is in search of the right solution. What not to do:

  • manipulate;
  • to impose love when he is in a bad mood;
  • humiliate, insult;
  • blackmail;
  • deceive;
  • chase;
  • create scandals.

To gain favor and regain trust, it is recommended:

  • sincerely ask for forgiveness, repent;
  • unobtrusively show love and support;
  • gradually reduce the distance, eliminate psychological barriers;
  • demonstrate respect.

Cancer should feel not so much self-love as need. It should be shown that he occupies an important place in life. When all these points have been passed, the chosen one’s heart can melt again.

Cancer men are owners who like to control everything, but they themselves cannot be controlled. These are skilled manipulators, born intellectuals and unsurpassed cunning. It is not easy to win such a partner, but it is even more difficult to keep him.

Sagittarius woman

There are many difficulties and contradictions in the relationship between a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman. On the other hand, if a real feeling does arise between them, then they are able not only to live in peace and harmony, but also to achieve significant success.

A woman of the Sagittarius sign is very energetic, has genuine vitality, which attracts a man of the Cancer sign to her.

Their existence together will never be too calm and cloudless due to differences in characters and outlooks on life; an active Sagittarius woman, a lover of travel and travel, may be burdened by the overly homely lifestyle of Cancer. However, if a man can adapt to his partner, their union can last a long time.

Mistakes in relationships with representatives of this sign

Consider the mission “How to win a Cancer man” a failure if you allow yourself to:

  1. Sharp criticism of your partner. Don't you dare make fun of him. The prince has an excellent sense of humor, but completely lacks self-irony. Don't comment on his old-fashioned style of dress or funny way of lisping. Don't play with fire: he will get offended and leave. For him, breakups over such trifles are normal.
  2. Bicker with his mom. The girl who is worthy of her wonderful but fledgling boy has not yet been born. In addition, he has no time to date, marry early and have offspring. It is an unaffordable luxury to be distracted by trifles from your graduation project, master's or doctoral dissertation. To please her son, the potential mother-in-law, of course, will try to teach you the basics of cooking and the rules of good manners. You will have to listen to the barrage of well-deserved criticism addressed to you with your head bowed. Try to suggest out loud that a blender beats better than a whisk, and you will forever find yourself an unwanted guest in your parents' house. The gentleman will never forgive you for tactlessness that will upset your beloved mother. It will no longer be possible to marry a Cancer man, no matter how hard you try.
  3. Claims to the throne. Your Romeo was told nothing about gender equality as a child. Attempts to teach, make responsible decisions, or cook borscht together will not lead to anything good.
  4. "Tomboy" behavior. The prince is exceptionally gallant. You need to meet a given standard. How to please a Cancer guy? Forget bad words, control your emotions and don’t upset your gentleman with inappropriate hysterics.

Capricorn woman

Marriages are often concluded between a Cancer man and a Capricorn woman; it can be argued that these two are literally created for life together. At the first meeting, they usually feel mutual sympathy; the relationship most often does not develop too quickly, but subsequently turns out to be strong and long-lasting.

A Capricorn woman and a Cancer man have a lot in common. For everyone, the main value in life is home, family and the traditions existing in this family.

In married life, they can completely rely on each other, they do not have violent conflicts and showdowns, in such a couple there is calm but constant love, mutual understanding, and all kinds of support towards each other.

Cancer guy, man: what is he like, what is his character?

  • The most important and distinctive feature of Cancer is variability . Like the phases of the moon, his behavior directly depends on circumstances and mood.
  • This sign is also considered the most controversial, which is sometimes difficult to understand.
  • Cancers have very developed intuition. But few people talk about this, because by their nature they are a little silent and hidden.

Cancers are the most romantic of all signs.

  • This is the most romantic sign. One might even say that not every woman will be like this. Consequently, they are too sensitive and vulnerable.
  • Since Cancer belongs to the element of water, it is also quiet and calm. He is not at all attracted to a turbulent life, full of surprises and adventures.
  • Cancer has a strong intellect and excellent memory.

Aquarius woman

A pair of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman rarely becomes harmonious, strong, and long-lasting. People of these signs are so different that most often they simply cannot understand each other, understand the life attitudes and values ​​of their partner. For a man of the sign of Cancer, traditions and rules are extremely important, while a woman of the constellation Aquarius is always focused on the future, she is only interested in the new, the unknown.

Cancer lives by established rules; it is very difficult for him to understand the Aquarius woman, who is distinguished by complete unpredictability and a passion for freedom.

A man of this sign needs stable, calm family relationships, evenings with his family, which, no matter how much she wants, the Aquarius woman, who is not satisfied with this lifestyle, is not able to provide. Such a family is able to exist only thanks to constant compromises and only if the partners really really want to stay together.

What kind of girls are Cancers attracted to?

For Cancers, the main thing in a woman is loyalty and devotion;
a well-groomed, attractive, but not glamorous girl - this is their ideal. To understand how you can win a Cancer man, you need to figure out what kind of girl he needs. In general, Cancer is quite an interesting sign. On the one hand, he can find a common language and get along with any other sign, but on the other hand, he often doesn’t know what he wants. These people are driven by emotions, and their mood is so unpredictable that the Cancer man often does not understand himself.

Knowing the ascendant will help you understand exactly what Cancer wants. To obtain such information, it is necessary to know the exact date and time of birth of the man. If the Cancer ascendant is in water signs, such a man will be attracted to soft and romantic women. The Ascendant in a fire sign makes a man of this sign very temperamental and a little aggressive (which in itself is not typical for Cancers), so he will be attracted to bright and impulsive women.

The rising sign of the air element in Cancer makes him pay attention to easy-going, laughing women. Cancers with an ascending earth sign are quite rational and value home comfort very much, so such men need a thrifty and caring woman who will always support and feed them a delicious dinner.

Cancers value intellectual conversation, delicious food and home comfort. The best way to interest such a man is to invite him over to discuss Kant and homemade pies.

In general, it is not difficult to create a portrait of an ideal woman for Cancer. This is an attractive girl with soft features, perhaps a little plump, with a high level of intelligence and a limitless supply of love and patience.

Pisces Woman

Cancer man and Pisces woman are completely compatible. Based on available statistics, divorces rarely occur in such a couple. These two have very similar temperaments, both gravitate towards the same lifestyle. Together they create their own small and cozy little world, in which they can quite happily spend many years.

Each partner always has ideas and plans that they willingly discuss together. In such a family, complete mutual understanding reigns; in difficult moments, either spouse will definitely provide help and support to the other.

The union between a Cancer man and a Pisces woman will give both of them real harmony and happiness, especially if they begin to discuss all problems openly and find the right solution that suits both.

Intimate compliments


Praise his sexual abilities often. Extol its virtues, but do not talk about its shortcomings. A man is very worried and sometimes even doubts his attractiveness. Young guys are especially prone to this behavior.

Often tell him how divinely handsome he is and how sexy he is. Come up with different beautiful and original compliments to repeat in his ear every day. Let him feel like a real God of sex and a hot hero-lover next to you.

You can tell him the next morning, after a night spent together, that you have never felt so good. He will then, of course, want to hear it from you again and again. Men treat their appearance with trepidation and do not tolerate criticism.

Some men are a little childish and a little shy. Therefore, make him feel like the hero of an adult film next to you. Just avoid falsehood, and even a hint of insincerity. In the intimate sphere, this is simply inappropriate.

If you give him a feeling of importance, self-confidence, and in his masculine sexuality, then he is unlikely to run after other skirts. He will want to stay with you.

The right to make mistakes: there will be no second chance

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