How to make a girl jealous to fall in love with you?

Feelings of jealousy, according to psychologists, are a sign of self-doubt and low self-esteem. However, many guys like it that their significant other goes crazy with suspicion, gets angry and nervous if the young man talks about other women. This adds spice to the relationship. We will discuss how to make a girl jealous and run after you in our article.

Evoking jealousy from time to time is good for a relationship. If it is provoked competently, passion will flare up with renewed vigor. From a psychological point of view, jealousy has several advantages:

  • A man and a woman are constantly on their toes because they are afraid of losing their loved one;
  • Young people treat each other attentively, surround each other with care and love;
  • Jealousy helps you sort out your feelings. Its absence in a relationship is a sign of indifference and indifference to the partner.

However, jealousy also has side effects: quarrels, scandals, intrigues in response and even separation. Before making a girl jealous, think about whether you are ready for the negative consequences of your actions.

Why cause jealousy?

First you need to figure out why it is so important to be able to make a girl jealous and run after you. Since childhood, you have been told that a real man must be noble, honest, and kind. But bad luck, girls always liked “bad guys.” Know how to be gentle and caring when necessary, but don’t forget about other ways to interest a girl. There are several relationship formats where the ability to induce jealousy comes in handy:

  1. New friend. You met, communicate well, but all your attempts to get closer are met with fierce resistance. It begins to seem to you that the girl is not very interested in you. There is a simple way to evoke her feelings: to play on her pride or possessive feelings. Make her jealous and if she has any sympathy, the girl will grab you with a death grip.
  2. Your girlfriend. Jealousy will help shake up the relationship, gain leverage, stir up emotions and once again show the girl that you are not completely hers. The techniques will help if your friend is openly “sitting on your neck”, treats you with disdain and flirts with others.
  3. Your ex. Jealousy will help you get your ex back or show her how much she lost when she decided to break up. Don't get too carried away: Flirting with others should be fun and not just a way to annoy your ex.

Whether she is former or future, it is important to be able to stop in time and not go too far. If you decide to make her jealous, then you need to know exactly when the techniques worked.

Shower her with compliments

Another thing that absolutely all girls love is compliments. They can be used in relation to any person, regardless of his gender and age. If you appreciate her new hairstyle, then believe that she will remember it for a very long time. Please note that you should not say the most common and hackneyed compliments. Choose an original option that stands out from the competition and it will definitely be yours.

For most girls, the main fear is losing attractiveness. Notice any, even the most minor, changes in her appearance. Tell her how beautiful her earrings or clothes are. There is no need to generalize or use classic words. The main thing is not to overdo it. Avoid phrases that can be interpreted in a completely different way to avoid unnecessary negative emotions.

How to understand that a girl is jealous

Before you make a girl jealous and chase you, find out how to understand that you have succeeded in your plan. The girl does not simply admit that she is filled with anger and resentment, but these signs betray her jealousy:

  1. Her mood changed dramatically. Moreover, she may suddenly become sad, become irritable, or be defiantly cheerful, pretending that she doesn’t care.
  2. She tries to attract attention to herself. Suddenly she needs your help, she flirts and demands attention. Often this behavior “turns on” by itself and has little control over the girl. She fights for your attention, a spirit of competition awakens in her, which quickly captivates her and forces her to do rash things so as not to lose you.
  3. She tries to provoke reciprocal jealousy. May begin to flirt with others or remember stories about their admirers. Be calm and don't give in to her provocations!
  4. She became more interested in you. Suddenly, everything became interesting to her: if earlier she looked bored when communicating, now she is actively involved in the conversation.

Now let’s move on to the actual ways to make a girl jealous. Keep in mind that before causing jealousy, you must be sure that the girl is interested in you and that she knows that you like her.

Be mysterious.

One of women's main weaknesses is their curiosity. They can cope with other emotions, but this one is the most difficult.

In short, never tell everything about yourself at once. Give her information about yourself in small doses that give rise to more questions than answers. Let the intrigue remain.

For example, she asks about your profession. Instead of saying you're an IT professional, say something like, "I'm a networker." A lot of questions will arise in her head.

If he asks about a hobby, tell him it's a secret. She will be interested, and you will capture her attention.

#3: Make her jealous using your phone

Correspondence and telephone communication have long become part of everyday communication. If you don’t know how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then use these techniques:

Understand how to no longer receive refusals from the girl you like!

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  1. Smile mysteriously after reading an SMS, even if it is a simple newsletter. Pretend that you are answering, but do not show the girl who you are talking to. You can even honestly say that this is just spam. She definitely won't believe it then.
  2. Let someone call you while you are communicating with a girl. Speak politely, but not too gently. Ask how things are going and say that you will call back later and you can chat.
  3. Hang up the incoming call and pretend to be texting. If a girl asks, then say that your friend wanted to talk on a video call, but you wrote to her that you would talk later.

#4: Let the girl see you with others

If you don’t know how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then attract other beautiful women and strangers. This way you can hone your seduction skills without becoming isolated. Let him see that your life goes on and that you are comfortable with other girls. Have fun with these simple ways to make her jealous:

  1. Leave the cafe, work, or any other place where the girl sees you with someone else.
  2. Actively communicate and maintain relationships with her friends, but don’t flirt with just one.
  3. Communicate with other girls: help them, get to know them, keep up the conversation and initiate them yourself. Let the girl see that you easily get along with others.
  4. If you can’t make a girl jealous, then go to the extreme: open flirting and constantly communicating with another in front of the one you want to interest. This method is desperate and requires great self-control and the ability to stop in time and switch to the girl you like.

To make a girl jealous, it is very important to meet other girls! But you don’t always know what to say when meeting someone. Try the “First Phrases Builder” at this link to help.

Appear and disappear

There is nothing complicated here: first, for some time, give the girl as much attention as possible, after which just disappear and show no signs of life. First - love and care, then - ignoring. She will definitely like the first stage, and she will definitely want you back. For example, if you were constantly messaging each other and then suddenly it stopped, it will likely arouse curiosity with a dash of jealousy.

But for everything to work as it should, every time you are with a girl, demonstrate your care and support, especially on the eve of your disappearance. If you start ignoring her without allowing her to properly feel the beauty of a relationship with you, the result can be depressing: she will decide to abandon you instead of missing you.

#5: Make changes in your life

A girl can be made jealous not only of another woman, but also of her friends, her hobby - of everything with which she has to share you. Such jealousy is not so destructive, so you can safely use it:

  1. Disappear for a few days: don't call or write to her. Let him figure out where you disappeared to. This method works well at the very beginning, when a new acquaintance wants to seem unapproachable and has not yet decided whether she likes you. Then you will explain what kind of affairs and problems you had. At the same time, if the girl calls herself, then talk to her.
  2. Stay late at work, change your habits, come up with a new hobby, take better care of yourself.
  3. Set a password on your phone, tablet, computer - everything that only you use.

Tips on how to properly provoke jealousy

When using ways to make a girl jealous, do not forget about the rules. These tips will help you not get carried away by playing with feelings and stop in time so as not to lose the girl:

  1. Making a girl jealous is not the only way to find out about her feelings. Jealousy will cause resentment, which can further complicate your relationship. You shouldn’t immediately resort to this method: save it for really difficult cases when there is no other way.
  2. Don't let her think that you don't like her, otherwise the girl will move on to other guys.
  3. Don't admit to a girl that you deliberately made her jealous. You can say this after 10-20 years of a happy life together, but not immediately after you managed to achieve it. If you're her ex, then you don't even need to tell your friends that you're making an effort to make her jealous.
  4. If you decide to lie about another girl, then make it believable, and do not claim that she is an aspiring actress or a promising model.
  5. Be careful which one you use to make your loved one jealous. An unhappy girl can become a bargaining chip by falling in love with you. Monitor the situation and don't overstep your boundaries.

If you decide to make a girl jealous, then you must be prepared for the fact that the game may turn completely in the opposite direction that you wanted. You need to be a virtuoso of female psychology to play everything perfectly. Otherwise, you will lose it, and to prevent this from happening, use my experience and step-by-step online courses. Since 2006, I have been successfully conducting trainings, creating original courses that are used by tens of thousands of students. I am sure that a man creates his own future with the girl he wants. Don’t settle for little: conquer, conquer and remain the main one in the relationship!


In order to learn all the subtleties about how to manipulate a girl , you do not need special skills or years of training. It is enough to master the basic principles and start applying them in practice. If you are already in a relationship, then gradually introduce the above methods into your life and soon you will see that your other half has become much more manageable and supportive. If you are just planning to find a life partner, immediately throw your entire arsenal into battle, but do not overdo it: excessive pressure can only push away a potential couple.

In addition to developing a relationship with a woman, it is important to be confident in her fidelity. This is the only way you can create long-term plans with your partner. Lovereport, a service that checks a person’s activity on social networks, can help you with this. With its help, you can understand who your girlfriend interacts with on Instagram and find out about her potential relationships on the side. A similar situation concerns profile activity on VKontakte and on various dating sites. If necessary, you can search by photo, finding profiles you may not have known about before. Using the service costs only 1,499 rubles per month. At the same time, a 2-day trial subscription is available for 49 rubles.

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