How to make a girl chase you: 13 proven methods

“How to make a girl chase you?” - one of the most exciting questions that is usually asked by guys experiencing difficulties in their personal lives. Some believe that the universal recipe in this case is a thick wad of cash, which rappers love to call on Instagram. Sometimes this is a really workable scheme, however, most likely, it will attract those in need (and not the fact that it is girls).

In fact, we have many other ways to attract the attention of the ladies, without whom you get bored and watch so much adult content on the Internet.

Your task is to thoroughly digest this information, assimilate it and apply it in practice.

1. Be interesting 2. Watch your appearance 3. Manage your time wisely 4. Show off your friends 5. Prove that you are not stupid 6. Watch your feelings 7. Don’t impose 8. Be open 9. Don’t forget about self-confidence 10. Show your kindness 11. Respect the girl 12. Learn to earn money 13. Be generous

Start getting more interesting

Believe me, few people like boring and tedious types who cannot carry on a conversation on basic topics - be it the current political situation, the new issue of “Evening Urgant”, an album by some cool rapper or an exhibition of Salvador Dali in the Manege.

If you have nothing to talk about with a girl, and she has nothing to ask you, what kind of running around can we talk about? Although, of course, if you are the taciturn Ryan Gosling from the movie Drive, maybe someone will fall for you, but it is unlikely that you have the same cool muscle car, jacket and leather gloves.

Show self respect

High self-esteem is a necessary option for a successful relationship. A person who does not respect himself is unable to inspire love and respect from others. Therefore, under no circumstances should you betray yourself or humiliate yourself.

What does high self-esteem look like? In independence, self-reliance and following your interests. The guy will never agree to a pitiful and humiliating role, even if it promises him some benefit. For example, he won’t sit in a girl’s friend zone, hoping to get at least some crumbs of attention. He will not tolerate betrayal, neglect, or insults even from the one he loves very much.

Self-esteem helps to make your image beautiful and strong both in your own and in the eyes of others. So never give it up.

Take care of your face and body

Surely, when looking through your Instagram feed, you pay attention to models like Emily Ratajkowski, Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashian and salivate. At these moments, you stare at their physical parameters and dream that such a girl will notice you.

However, believe me, girls also pay attention to the external characteristics of the men who surround them. Therefore, you can safely sign up for a gym, go for jogs regularly, start eating well and take care of your hygiene.

In addition, take a closer look at your style, buy fashionable clothes, make sure they are clean and smell good. In general, follow these basic rules and you will have a better chance of winning a girl’s heart.

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Dose your time communicating with a girl

One of the psychological tricks that will make a girl run after you is to allocate time to meet her in a measured manner. That is, there is no need to rush to her knees at the first call, sacrificing business meetings, work trips and other solid plans of any self-respecting man.

If you want to keep her interested in you, make it clear that you have your own life, which also requires attention and time. Otherwise, she will very quickly become bored with you when you are ready to be at her disposal 24 hours a day.

4. Show that you have many good friends and girlfriends

This way you will prove that there are people who value you and treat you well - this is a kind of recommendation strategy. At a minimum, if a girl sees that someone respects you, then you are not a reclusive sociopath.

One way to show this is the same Instagram and Facebook. Publish content there from time to time showing you having fun in fun companies, going to fashionable places and hugging other people.

It's even better if you make friends with her friends and prove yourself cool in their eyes. However, this is already an optional option, that is, it is not necessary to do this.

Live a fulfilling life

Your life should be full of interesting events and exciting activities - then the girl will certainly want to become a part of it. And if you are not interested in anything else besides watching football with friends, you may not even dream of success with the opposite sex.

Urgently look for a hobby, or better yet several. Pay attention to what your friends are interested in - you might want to join them. Or try something of your own, unique. The more unusual your hobby, the stronger the interest in you from girls.

I know one guy who, for the time being, was not at all successful with women. They saw him as a good friend, they were happy to share their secrets with him, but they did not consider him at all as a man. During a pickup truck course, he was advised to keep exotic animals at home. He took this advice very seriously and began breeding snakes.

Unexpectedly, the guy got involved in this business and truly fell in love with his pets. He talked about them with such enthusiasm that everyone became curious. He soon noticed that the girls he knew began to look at him a little differently - with a mixture of interest and sympathy.

And then they started asking for a visit. The guy turned out to be capable and managed to use the advance of sympathy that arose thanks to his unusual hobby. Soon he began a completely different life.

Showcase your intellectual abilities

You shouldn’t bombard her with historical lectures, terms from astrophysics and phenomenal geographical knowledge. Otherwise, the girl will think that you just want to seem like a know-it-all who likes to brag about the time spent in the library.

It is best if, at the right moment in the discussion of a particular topic, you can speak aptly and support it all with convincing argumentation. Believe me, it will cost a lot.

Try to keep your composure

If you are constantly irritated and upset by some insignificant little things, girls will most likely begin to simply avoid you. It’s unlikely that anyone wants a guy who is constantly dissatisfied with something, complains about circumstances and flares up for the most insignificant reasons.

You can get annoyed and notice the imperfections of the world if you are a stand-up comedian doing observational comedy. This will completely justify you.

In other cases, try to be more persistent and rational. A real ice cold killa.

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But be open

If you strive for a close relationship, it is important to establish the most trusting contact so that the girl can open up to you and feel the opportunity to share her problems and experiences. To do this, it is important to be open to yourself, and not to pretend to be an unapproachable and insensitive superhero, to whom tears, emotions and concern for others are alien.

Believe me, you can sleep without much trust, but the fact of intimacy does not guarantee that the girl will fall in love with you. Your job is to become emotionally indispensable, which only comes with trust, sincerity and honest relationships.

How to make your wife run after you

A completely different strategy is needed here. Your distance will be perceived negatively by her and then, goodbye, delicious lunch! Act more subtly and show concern. Show that you are still the same man she once fell in love with:

  1. Spend more time with her, talk more often, discuss not only everyday issues. Join her in cleaning and preparing dinner, have a romantic evening, or just take a bath together. Time alone brings you closer, reminds you of how important you are to her. She will be afraid of losing you.
  2. Continue to improve and work on your shortcomings. She doesn't have to love you for who you are. Marriage is not a reason to show your worst sides, which you carefully hid. Be with her, understanding that you don't have to be together, but are doing it because you both want it.
  3. Don’t avoid problems and help your spouse solve them. She will not forget your support in difficult times and will appreciate you even more.

Whatever you do, it will all be in vain if you do things that will ruin all your efforts.

Show how kind you are

Another surefire way to attract a girl's attention is simple kindness. Believe me, most girls value in men the ability to show compassion, a positive attitude, compassion and care towards anyone.

Remember this, despite the fact that Jason Statham in his films rarely seemed good-natured to us. Rather, his character was a frostbitten jock who killed everyone left and right, while attracting the attention of pretty beauties.

Because of this, on the first date we want to show the girl how cool we can swing our fists and flex our muscles, but it’s better to restrain this impulse and buy something to eat for the yard puppy.

Hide despair and attract a woman with confidence5

It's no secret that confidence is what women want to see in men. Therefore, if the goal is to achieve initiative and attention from the weaker sex, you must first of all hide your own despair and fears. Demonstrating confidence, strength of character and determination is highly recommended.

Before you even start trying to connect with a girl, you can use confident “body language.” To do this, it is enough to avoid unnecessary movements, such as fidgeting or fussing around. Instead, move and act firmly and purposefully, with purpose and direction.

Respect, the main thing is respect

Well, don’t forget about the key aspect of any relationship - respect. If you don't know what this is, read carefully.

You need to respect a girl simply and humanly. That is, know your boundaries, do not encroach on her personal space, leave aggression and unworthy antics somewhere at home, be able to listen, listen, understand and appreciate.

In this case, you have every chance to win her favor and achieve reciprocity.

In what cases do men resort to manipulation?

Philosophers and thinkers of all times tried to comprehend the depth of a girl’s soul; poets wrote about her, she was praised in songs. With the advent of psychological science and the emphasis on interpersonal relationships as a key factor in research, women's experiences were embraced by a new wave of popularity.

Psychoanalysts interviewed dozens of men, highlighting key aspects of intersexual communication. The first scientist who was able to create the most detailed picture of such communication was Sigmund Freud. He identified 4 main components of verbal communication:


How to care for a girl: a detailed guide

  • sympathy;
  • disgust;
  • lust;
  • indifference.

Freud made a startling conclusion: women experience disgust and indifference much more often than positive feelings. Men, in turn, tend to sympathize and lust most intensely. When communication components are not mutual, one of the partners attempts to achieve balance through manipulation.

Psychology gives 10 detailed recommendations for manipulation. They will be outlined further, but before moving on to familiarize yourself with them, you should delve deeper into the features of the female psyche.

Show that you can earn money

As you have already understood, we cannot ignore the fact that sometimes money is crucial in some aspects of our lives. This does not mean at all that the previous advice is invalidated and that instead of going to the gym, you need to get a second job, no.

However, any self-respecting man needs to be able to earn money. Albeit not as much as Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk are used to doing. Not everyone gets their salaries.

In this case, we advise you to simply find a business or job that will bring you pleasure and good income. If you work in a place that doesn’t suit you, believe me, it will definitely affect your personal life.

You will always walk around depressed, gloomy and dissatisfied. With such a mood, it is unlikely that anyone will run after you; rather, they will want to run away from you.

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Show willpower 8

When a woman begins to express interest in a man, there is always a risk of showing him weakness and giving in under the onslaught of surging feelings. But here it is very important to hold your ground and not give in to emotions. A man should be patient and not back down, and it would be even better to stay away from her at such moments.

Also, you should not tell any personal information, thereby not being too accessible. Sometimes, even if you have a lot of free time, it is better to procrastinate and, for example, not immediately answer calls or SMS messages, or do it monosyllabically and vaguely.

Be generous

If you have your own business and make good money, why not show the breadth of your soul? Sometimes it is not enough to be a rich man, because many may consider you a greedy miser who saves every penny and would rather hang himself than give at least a minimal part of his income to charity.

A case in point is the recent gesture of Jeff Bezos, who donated $700,000 to help fight the Australian fires. However, even so, the businessman was criticized for the fact that he usually earns so much in five minutes. But don't worry, this doesn't concern you.

Just don’t miss the opportunity to show that money is not a goal for you, but a means that you are willing to share. Sometimes with those who need it.

  • Author: Dmitry Petrosyants
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