Treason - what it is, the most common types and areas of definition

What is betrayal, and is it worth forgiving? When faced with betrayal, people get lost and fall into a feeling of despair. To forgive or not - it all depends on the reason for what happened, and how much the partners value each other, it is important to understand that the relationship will never be the same.

What types of betrayal are there?

Nowadays, cheating includes not only physical but also emotional aspects. A strong platonic friendship for the other person may begin, which will sometimes go beyond the boundaries of ordinary friendship. This type of cheating is becoming more common. According to statistics, about 45% of men and 35% of women admitted that they had some kind of emotional contact with someone other than their partner.

Emotional cheating

In general, cheating can be defined as the act of being emotionally or sexually unfaithful to your partner with whom you have a close relationship. Having close physical or emotional contact with another person is usually considered cheating.

Physical betrayal

Physical infidelity is defined as one person in a relationship having sexual intercourse with someone else. Typically, physical cheating also covers simple physical acts of intimacy such as holding hands and kissing.

Spiritual betrayal

Just because you're not intimate with someone other than your partner doesn't mean you're not cheating on him. If your thoughts constantly return to your secret lover, you want to see him, long to meet him by chance in a cafe or on the street, dream of kissing him, spend a lot of time with him (albeit without close contact) and love him secretly from everyone - you change spiritually.

You have to pay for everything

No matter how much the traitors want to hide the traces of their “crime,” sooner or later everything secret will become clear. And you will have to pay for betrayal.

Nervous tension

The traitor is constantly in a state of nervous tension. If the previous relationship means anything to him, then he is afraid that the fact of betrayal will be revealed. Therefore, he constantly has to lie and make excuses and try not to get entangled in his own lies. Such tension, over time, can lead to neurosis.

Condemnation of society

In our country, traitors have always been treated with condemnation. And if a person, in a moment of weakness, succumbed to his instincts and cheated, and the fact of betrayal became known, then he not only caused his partner severe mental pain, but also marked himself as a traitor. This means that such a person should not be trusted.

Large time and financial expenses

Most often, in order to attract the attention of a new partner, you have to spend a lot both financially and in time. For example, it is quite expensive for a man to support not only his family, but also his mistress. In addition, it is necessary to somehow distribute the time so that there is enough for work, and for the family, and for the mistress. Therefore, over time, a person becomes irritable.

Possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases

This opportunity arises if sexual intercourse occurs with a stranger. After all, the new partner does not always know about his illness; he can only be a carrier.

Guilt for betrayal.

When the betrayal was spontaneous, and family relationships are very dear to the traitor, then over time he begins to be overcome by feelings of guilt for his action. He begins to worry greatly about the pain he caused to his loved one. And getting rid of feelings of shame and guilt can be very difficult.

Someone can forgive their partner for his betrayal. But most couples break up precisely because of betrayal, since the pain caused by betrayal is too great. And only a few can forgive their partner and improve their relationship with him.

Cheating wife

Men, for the most part, are most concerned about the physical relationship between their lover and her lover. Men tend to be more sensitive to physical deception and are less likely to forgive their partner for having sex with another person. This happens because a woman will not go to bed with the first person she meets. As a rule, this will be preceded by a deep emotional connection. But men are less likely to view some of the more emotional behaviors as problematic. For example, if a girl spends a lot of time with another person.

What is moral treason2

Shadow. An obsessive ghost that leads you astray from the righteous path. With moral betrayal, there may not be sex at all. A wild attachment to another person simply arises. It could be anyone: a colleague, a family friend, or just a virtual interlocutor on the Internet. It seems to you that he understands you much more, the attraction grows, and this is where a cool thing happens. You have no fucking clue what's really going on. Yes, it's true!

What's the big deal if you're on the same page as this person? In theory, nothing seditious. But you are simply building a tower of mistakes: you endlessly compare your partner, you begin to make excessive demands, you simply “gnaw” at him! At the same time, you are draining an awesome flow of energy to the side. And do you know what happens at this moment? You are stupidly stealing energy. The energy of your space, your relationships.

Moral betrayal is not always characterized specifically by the male/female relationship. It often appears during completely harmless actions:

  • Work is the second wife. How many people put their work first and forget about their family. They say about such people: “He is married to his work.” Women also have this problem;
  • Mom is the most important thing. Mother is sacred. There is nothing wrong with the fact that they trust their mothers and strive to tell her all the events in their lives. It’s just that with such love, the partner fades into the background. This is where “mama’s boys” and “daddy’s princesses” came from;

  • A hobby is a lifelong pursuit. Garage, fishing, hunting, cutting and sewing club, cross stitch studio. It's not bad if a person has interests in life. But when these hobbies are more important than everything else, it’s a collapse;
  • Friends - one for all and all for one. “Without friends I’m a little less, but with friends I’m a lot!” A wonderful song that teaches friendship. It’s only when, at 3 a.m., your loved one breaks out to help with enviable regularity, the situation becomes critical.

Drunken betrayal

Cheating is deception, drunk or sober. However, drunken deception and sober deception carry different meanings.

On the one hand, dating while sober means that your partner has made a conscious decision to be with someone else. In contrast, cheating while drunk may be the result of the subconscious escaping.

Perhaps the cheater has not yet admitted to himself or the other that he or she no longer wants to be in the relationship.

Infidelity is catalyzed by numerous factors in a relationship. Both unhappiness and emptiness are at the forefront of this human mystery.

It's so easy to lose track of each other at the beginning of a relationship because everything is so new and fresh.

However, the real problem comes after two people have been together for a long time. Keeping the "spark" alive is essential to maintaining interest in each other. Whether you're dressing a little sexier for dinner or doing a spontaneous slow dance in the kitchen, sparkle is everything in a relationship.

Signs of a traitor


Pathologically unfaithful people often have characteristic signs. It is enough to take a closer look at the character of an acquaintance - and you can easily find out whether he belongs to the category of flighty persons.

Typical traitors are most often:

  1. insecure individuals dependent on the approval of others. They have low self-esteem and need attention;
  2. egoists, disdainful of other people's feelings. They believe that there is nothing super-terrible about infidelity and can easily justify it. True, only if we are talking about their betrayal. If they cheat on them, they fly into a rage, completely ignoring their own mistakes;
  3. unstable individuals with a poorly formed “I”. Their willpower is either weak and suppressed, or completely absent. Easily influenced.

Those addicted to alcohol also often find themselves in a “risk group”.


If a partner cheats, changes in his behavior are noted. How they appear:

  • coldness, aloofness, isolation, thoughtfulness, a state of “trance”;
  • the desire to look better, to use perfumes and cosmetics, clothes that emphasize the advantages of the figure;
  • for women - stopping home cooking or a clear reluctance to do such an activity;
  • strengthening hygienic personal care (frequent showering, using cream-gels for intimate areas);
  • increased irritation at the sight of mistakes made by a spouse or long-term partner. Nitpicking, ridicule, often in public;
  • loss of sexual interest. Although at first it may even intensify, it is too early to rejoice - most likely the partner represents someone else.

It is worth noting that signs, as a rule, do not come one by one. If there are only one or two signs, it may indicate another problem. Also, if a partner initially behaved this way (for example, he is just an introvert and is always on his own), then this does not mean that he is cheating.

Cheating does not always manifest itself as a point of no return. Sometimes it acts as a symptom, by paying attention to which you can save the relationship from breaking up. And yet, regardless of its type, infidelity hurts.

That is why it is much easier to “prevent” adultery in advance or to bypass a flighty person than to deal with the consequences.

Why do people cheat on their partners?

Many articles from different sources say that men and women cheat for the same reasons: they crave love.

M. Gary Neuman found that 92% of men say cheating does not involve sex. The reasons why men cheated on their spouses were often emotional, such as feeling disconnected or unappreciated by their spouse.

Most people think that people cheat because the sex has gone bad in the relationship or because they've fallen out of love with their partner, but most (not all) survey respondents on these sites reported that they still loved their partner but didn't feel particularly attached.

“I thought I would burn with shame. But I didn’t feel anything.”

Larisa, 24 years old

I grew up on rom-coms and Disney cartoons. I believed that a guy should be alone for life. And she believed that only complete scoundrels cheat on their other halves. That all this is vulgar dirt that will never touch my relationship.

I was 18 years old when I started dating Oleg. By the fourth year of the relationship, I was sure that he would be my only one. That we will get married, have children and grow old in a house on the seashore. I loved feeling like such a Disney princess.

After university, he went to serve in the army. I said I would wait for him. There was no reason to doubt it - I had to look for a job, an apartment, and arrange my adult life, so there was no time to be bored. We often called each other, I sent him parcels with all sorts of goodies and love notes. My friends jokingly said that they were jealous of my ideal relationship.

At my new job, I met Vova, an old friend who had been working there for a year. In fact, he told me about the vacancy. Before that, we often chatted on social networks, sometimes we met to go to the cinema or a cafe. I supported him in moments of breaking up with girls. Well, since we worked together, we began to communicate even more.

At first there was nothing special. But then I began to notice strange pangs of jealousy when he told me about his new passions. As if by chance, I looked at who was tagging his posts on VKontakte, whose photos he liked on Instagram. I attributed this to a desire for possessiveness, to a long abstinence from any manifestations of tenderness. But she still continued to feel sexual tension when Vova stood nearby. I wanted to touch him, kiss him and more.

By that time, six months had already passed since Oleg left for service. And when I remembered that he would soon return and we would begin to build a life together, I thought more and more often: “Is this really all? I will no longer have first kisses, anxiety on dates. There will be no more other men in my bed. Am I sure I’m ready for this?”

Vova and I were at a work conference. We stayed until late in the evening. He had a car and volunteered to give me a ride home. And when they stopped on my street, I didn’t even have time to think again before I kissed him. He replied. We spent the night at my place. And the next morning we agreed that this would not change anything for any of us. We remained friends.

I thought that if I cheated on my partner, I would be burned with shame and guilt. What would it mean that I fell in love with someone else? But I didn't feel anything. No bitterness, no shame, no fear. I felt like I was just hungry and snacked on a granola bar.

I tried to track down maybe I had feelings for Vova. But no, I still loved Oleg just as much, I was waiting for him at home and wanted to build my future with him. When he returned, I was incredibly happy. We started living together. As planned all these years. I didn’t tell him anything. And I'm not sure I'll ever tell. I don't want him to leave my life. I didn’t tell my friends either, I don’t need assessments from them.

I hardly remembered that night. But I’m trying to understand what pushed me to cheat. Did I become a bad person or did I just not understand something? Betrayal gave me a lot of questions to myself. But what I have learned is that there are no clear answers to love relationships, no matter how much pop culture tries to force it on us. How will I react from the height of my experience if my partner cheats? Don't know. Life will show.

How to live happily after cheating without losing your vitality

You might not want to talk to your partner on Facebook, you might fantasize about scratching their car, or you might be having an affair of your own. In movies, when people learn to overcome a scam, their first action sometimes comes to naught. But that's actually not a very good first step.

Destructive action will not bring any benefit. On the contrary, it may even have financial consequences. Trying to cope with the situation keeps your anger alive and keeps you in a state of negativity that will prevent you from moving forward in your life. This will keep you stuck and prevent you from healing. To recover from infidelity, you need to try to be on the same team, not the opposing team. Balance will give the vindictive partner an instant feeling of satisfaction. But in the end, this will not lead you to any solution, but will only complicate the situation. Beware of these subtle signs that your partner is cheating on you.

After a breakup, it's normal to cry (two or three times). And when a breakup follows a long-term relationship, expect it to take time to recover. Understand that this situation will not define you. Your life is not over yet. Lingering in your apartment, eating ice cream with the blinds closed, watching any random show streaming on your laptop, and showing no interest in answering your phone is a bad idea. While it can be scary to deal with this new reality and learn to overcome deception, think about the chance you have to start over. Yes, it may be a different life, but everything may turn out to be even better.

It's true that you probably didn't deserve to have someone cheat on you, but that doesn't mean you should wallow in self-pity. Playing the victim will make you feel helpless and damaged, and it will continue to make you feel bad. As a result, your self-esteem will decrease and you will find it difficult to participate in your life in a meaningful way.

How to forgive and survive betrayal

If things are still going on and you are pretending to be working on your relationship, just take your partner's heart in your hands and squeeze it. It will hurt a lot less and it will cause less damage to your relationship. If the matter is truly over, the one who suffered will need constant confirmation of this for some time. Probably for a long time. This is why, for someone who has had an affair, the privacy that existed before it (text messages, phone calls, messages, emails, information about where you are, what you are doing and who you are doing it with) will disappear for a while .

Healing can only begin when the person who had the affair realizes what happened and expresses regret and remorse not only for the damage and pain the affair caused, but for starting the affair in the first place.

What's important is that there is a commitment to protect the relationship above all else and get the matter out of the way. Is there something in this relationship worth fighting for? Is there a chance for love and connection? Or will it someday be one of the convenient ways and means to achieve common goals, such as raising children. There are no right or wrong answers, but if one person is satisfied with a comfortable relationship and the other wants love and connection, healing will not happen. Most likely, these relationships will become fertile ground for loneliness, resentment and bitterness will remain. For a relationship to work, each person's needs must be compatible. They don't have to be the same, but they should be compatible.

What is physical cheating

You know very well that sex can be different. Surely you had partners, sex with whom did not become a reason for getting to know each other. Or friendly sex. In general, intimacy without emotional outbursts. Agree that there is nothing fatal in this. It is precisely this kind of sex that underlies the concept of “physical betrayal.”

Should we forgive such trips to the left? How humiliating are they for the victim of adultery? In such a situation, everyone decides and sets priorities for themselves. Before you burn your bridges, think about what you're losing. Just don’t start shouting now that traitors need to be executed. Reason with a cold heart. As one lady I know used to say: “If your husband gives his mistress a diamond ring and you a diamond necklace, calm down! You have the status of a wife!” Somewhat similar to the position of an ostrich with its head in the sand, but there is something in it...

People are prone to physical infidelity purely genetically. The fact is that when we were still running around with clubs, we tried to reproduce as much and as often as possible. But! Men have more reasons to “drive to the left.” While his female carries one child and then feeds him, she is unlikely to be able to participate in this marathon right away. And a man can die the death of the brave, without leaving enough descendants. As a result, he looks for another female. And so on in a circle.

But we don’t live in primitive times! But you can’t argue against genetic memory. Women, by the way, are in no way inferior to men, judging by statistics. And there are many reasons for physical betrayal, which we will talk about a little later.

What types of punishment for treason exist in different countries of the world?

Today there are many tribes in Mali whose laws differ greatly from each other. For example, in the Dogon tribe it is customary to cheat, but not with the husband’s relatives.

In Switzerland, an adulterer cannot register a new marriage for three years.

In Turkey, since 1996, not only women, but also men have been punished for betrayal. They are punishable by imprisonment for a term of not more than five years.

In Iran there is a law according to which a woman who commits treason can be killed. And this can be done not only by her husband, but also by his male relatives.

In Indonesia, you can be jailed for up to 15 years for adultery.

Papua New Guinea has the worst sanctions against unfaithful men and women. A man can even behead his wife's lover. The woman is not killed, but her finger is cut off, which her lover must eat.

In China, both women and men are punished for betrayal. According to local laws, adultery is punishable by two years' imprisonment and confiscation of half of the property.

In Vietnam, a law was introduced in 2013, according to which an unfaithful spouse pays a fine of 1 to 3 million VND.

Most countries have abandoned too harsh punishment for treason. In medieval Rus', the court punished treason with death.

In some African tribes, the wife's uterus is necessarily cut out.


Such a sad fact is the most painful act in the life of a couple. This happens in families, even if love and mutual understanding reign in them.

The reasons for such an act are very diverse, and psychologists distinguish the following types of betrayal:

  • The most common one is due to negligence. This includes casual relationships that are provoked by suddenly surging feelings at the moment of alcohol intoxication, when a person loses control over himself and is not responsible for his actions. Such a connection is fleeting and does not imply continuation.
  • Physical occurs on the part of the partner voluntarily. The reason is a lack of sexual satisfaction. Even a man who sincerely loves his wife, a wonderful family man, can purposefully start relationships on the side in order to get the missing sensations. Women should think about this, because if your sex life is regular and varied, then the need will disappear by itself.
  • The spiritual is the most painful. For example, after living for several years with his legal wife, a man falls in love with another woman. And these relationships are only platonic, but all his thoughts and love will be directed towards another woman.
  • Emotional is a close relationship with a person that involves friendship, but nevertheless causes a lot of pain and negativity. It all starts with communication. Gradually, the partner's interest and attraction grows, which develops into a negative discussion of the spouse. Such a relationship is likely to turn into a sexual one.

A love affair on the side can last quite a long time, but as a rule, it is always hidden, however, women always feel such changes. What are the signs of this?

  • A clear sign is sudden secrecy and avoidance of conversations. Leading a double life is very difficult and you can easily give yourself away.
  • The cheater suddenly begins to pay several times more attention to his appearance. New perfumes and long preparations in front of the mirror should alert you.
  • Your sexual relationship is cracking. Especially when there is moral betrayal. Your partner no longer wants intimate connection with you, since he gets it on the side.
  • Pay attention to your spouse's cell phone. If he constantly hides it or keeps it to himself, it means he has something to hide. Find a way to test this. Perhaps there is not only correspondence, but also a photo with his mistress. This will help you find the answers so you can take decisive action.

  • A new hobby will take time, so you will be given much less time. The husband will often stay late “at work”, hiding behind fatigue in order to reduce conversations with you.
  • Spiritual betrayal leads to private nit-picking on the part of the traitor. He will humiliate you in every possible way, show dissatisfaction in everyday matters, and treat you rudely for no reason.
  • The financial issue is no less important. If the spouse begins to bring in a smaller portion of the salary, this means that it is being spent on his mistress. Any woman loves gifts, flowers, going to a restaurant, so she will expect them from her partner.

The above signs are indisputable evidence. But don't panic if you find one match. Most likely this will turn out to be nothing more than an accident. Try to surround your chosen one with affection and spend more time together.

How to find out if your unfaithful partner is cheating

You can find out if your boyfriend, husband, girlfriend or wife is cheating on you by certain signs.

Keep in mind that none of these prove infidelity, but they can be a strong indicator that they are cheating on you:

  1. He trusts you less: Your partner may trust someone else more, so they talk less and less about personal topics. He may also seem emotionally unavailable to you more often than before;
  2. He begins to pick up new hobbies at random: if they suddenly develop new interests and hobbies, it may be due to the influence of someone else. This can be especially telling if your crush begins to do uncharacteristic things that they previously said they would never do;
  3. He cares more about his appearance: While looking and dressing well are positive things, it could be a sign of cheating if your partner suddenly decides to start obsessing over his appearance. This is especially noticeable if you've been together for a long time and your partner suddenly begins to care more about their appearance.
  4. It constantly monitors your location: If your partner constantly asks you where you are when you get home from work, this could be a clue that your partner is seeing someone else while you are away.
  5. He always goes outside: In addition to spending less time with you, he also goes outside constantly. If he always acted like this, it doesn't really matter. However, if this behavior just started out of nowhere, it could be a sign that he is spending time with someone else.

All of these signs can signal cheating.

Is it worth saying that you know about treason?

The answer here is ambiguous. There is an opinion that if you say something about treason, the unfaithful person will come to his senses. Often it's quite the opposite. Once the fact of betrayal is revealed, the spouse realizes that nothing can be fixed in the marriage. Since everything has become known, we must take the decisive step and get a divorce.

Therefore, before deciding on the question: “Are you cheating on me?”, it is worth considering the further development of events. Here are some sample options.

  1. The husband denies cheating and says that you created your own problems.
  2. The husband says that he is cheating, which he has been wanting to say for a long time, but since you found out, yes, he is leaving for someone else. Right now.
  3. The husband says that you were mistaken, but he actually hasn’t been feeling well lately and is ready to talk about it.

You understand that the third option is what you want. But in practice I have never met him. But the first and second ones are very close. Are you ready for them? If not, then prepare yourself first.

How to forget betrayal quickly and forever

Once you come to the conclusion that the person you love has deceived you, you will no doubt have a lot of thoughts. Who was that? Why would they do that? Does he still love me? Do I still love him? What to do next? Of course, every person and relationship is different - it's up to you to decide whether you want to get back someone who hurt you - but if you decide to end it and want to know how to deal with someone who cheated on you, you won't alone in their impulses.

Once you have made the decision to break up, the next step continues. I won't lie to you: leaving someone who cheated on you may not be easy, but it is necessary. At some points in this process, you may be tempted to get your ex back just to avoid the pain of the relationship ending. But with the right attitude and a lot of patience, you will come out of this difficult situation much stronger than you were before. So, the easiest way to forget betrayal is through separation. But how to do it even easier:

  1. Don't blame yourself. Few things can undermine someone's confidence like infidelity. Some people who have been cheated on end up feeling that their partner's infidelity was due to their own imperfection. Cheating is often a reflection of poor communication on the part of the partner who betrayed. It's completely fair to feel dissatisfied in a relationship, but at the end of the day, it's up to the person who is dissatisfied to convey those feelings to their significant other. Nobody reads minds. If they communicated and things didn't improve from their point of view, they could end the relationship cleanly instead of cheating;
  2. Cut ties. It's better to have no contact with your ex for a while. Make it a clear intention not to see your ex for at least 90 days. Doing this will send them the message that it is indeed over and will give you time to grieve and lick your wounds. Unfollowing them on social media can help maintain a safe distance between you both for as long as they deem necessary. This is a difficult step that many struggle to stick to, but it can make the healing process much smoother, Dr. Brown said;
  3. Give yourself time to grieve. Cutting someone out of your life is difficult. You just can't erase some things, like the park where you had your first kiss or the way their eyes sparkled in the sun. That's why you have to grieve a little for the loss of someone you thought you knew. Don't expect to overcome pain overnight. Forgiveness and grief are similar in that there are stages and you can move from denial to depression when new information comes up or hurts. So, no matter how long it takes, treating yourself with patience and kindness is key;
  4. Let go when it's time to let go. The grieving period can vary greatly depending on the person, the length of the relationship, and the details of the infidelity. Ideally, over time, the pain will subside and you'll be able to forgive your ex—maybe not completely, but enough that you'll look back on them with some semblance of peace about how things ended. Forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean staying together. If you're still wondering whether you should stay with a partner who cheated, your intuition will tell you what to do.

The main thing is to think that everything will work out and then you will be able to survive this tragedy.

The main causes and signs of family betrayal

The first signs of betrayal in a family can be determined by the attitude of partners towards each other. If one of the spouses shows coldness, often provokes conflicts, or tries to hide personal information, there is reason to think about saving the marriage. If a situation arises in which an act of betrayal has already occurred, it is necessary to find out what reasons led the person to betrayal, and then take some action.

The main reasons for cheating in marriage:

  1. Due to poor quality of sex life, about 10% of husbands and 14% of wives decide to become unfaithful. Dissatisfaction in bed occurs when a couple’s sexual temperaments are incompatible, irregular sex is of poor quality, or lack of variety.
  2. With a lack of thrills, about 14% of men and 8% of women resort to cheating. Men tend to live here and now, therefore, with a lack of bright emotions, indifference and coldness on the part of their partner, it is easier for them to decide on betrayal in marriage.
  3. Love at a distance often pushes lovers to cheat. The percentage of adultery is about 10% of husbands and 7% of wives. When a loved one is not around, there is uncertainty about one’s attractiveness, sexual dissatisfaction, and abandonment, which the partner tries to make up for at the expense of his lover or mistress.
  4. New love more often pushes women to cheat in marriage. The percentage of wife's infidelity when a new love object appears is about 20%, and about 7% of husbands cheat for this reason.
  5. About 4% of men and 6% of women in marriage cheat in relationships due to routine behavior. Living together is not easy for couples who are starting to build a family, so there are cases when people separate, and there are situations that push people into betrayal due to monotony and boredom.
  6. The desire for revenge. Revenge pushes to reckless actions, and since women are more emotional, they make up 11%, while among men only 1% are inclined to betrayal in the name of revenge.

To convict a partner of infidelity, you need to see signs of betrayal in the behavior of your significant other and establish a cause-and-effect relationship.

Signs of adultery may be:

  • accurate;
  • obvious;
  • not obvious.

Erotic correspondence and photos on social networks are considered accurate signs of betrayal; a situation in which one of the partners personally witnessed the fact of betrayal; recognition of one of the spouses.

Obvious facts include a dramatic change in attitude; confirmation of the presence of a lover from acquaintances, friends and close relatives; showing strong sexual interest in another person.

Non-obvious signs of infidelity include a change in behavior, fading interest in sex life, new hobbies and new social circles, and distance from a regular partner.

There are also many factors that indicate the likelihood of infidelity in marriage:

  1. Forgetfulness. Including regular inattention to wearing a wedding ring.
  2. Unusual behavior. A partner may be overly attentive, give gifts, show excessive care that was not shown before, or get upset over little things.
  3. Change of image (if a new image appeared unexpectedly for no apparent reason).
  4. New habits. An ardent interest in matters that previously did not interest the lover, or a change in the usual style of speech.
  5. Foreign odor on clothes if it appears regularly.

It is difficult to say exactly what reasons can lead a person to cheat in marriage. First of all, spouses need to show respect towards each other, then the risk of infidelity will be significantly reduced. If the couple’s connection is strong and based on trust and understanding, then if problems arise, family members will talk frankly and not begin to weave intrigues behind their backs.


Cheating is a common problem in many relationships. When one partner discovers the other is cheating, there is heartbreaking emotional suffering. Unfortunately, cheating can't always be simply defined as having sex with someone outside of your relationship. Betrayal comes in many shapes and forms, but they are all equally emotionally destructive. Cheating always hurts, but you can recover from it. Talk to your other half more, discuss the fine points of your relationship - and you will be happy.

“I felt that I was not loved. And she was ready to do anything to compensate for this."

Polina, 29 years old

At first, Anton and I lived like in a fairy tale. We were overwhelmed with feelings. I still get goosebumps when I remember it. The most vibrant relationship in my life, a volcano of passions, like in an Italian family. But then the skeletons in the closet were revealed. Both of us.

Everything changed six months after we started dating. Anton lost interest, conversations became insipid, sex became rare. And more and more it seemed that this was torture for him. It was strange, considering that for the first months we had sex everywhere we could and in a variety of ways.

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