Practical NLP methods: lessons on influencing a man

In love, as in war, all means are good, this is what women in love think, trying with all their might to attract their chosen one. Meanwhile, psychologists know NLP techniques in communicating with men that help achieve their affection.

Wanting to attract a man, a woman is ready for all sorts of tricks

What is NLP technique

In general terms, neurolinguistic programming is an influence on the human subconscious. Although this direction is not recognized by official science, nevertheless, linguistic techniques are used by practicing psychologists in the field of relationships. They do not harm the body; on the contrary, they help achieve a certain goal, including making people fall in love with you.

For your information. In NLP, how to make a man fall in love with you, the manipulation technique is based on the linguistic model of changing the thoughts, emotions and behavior of a partner in the way that a girl needs.

How to use it in a relationship

How to make a girl fall in love with you - psychological techniques and advice
Practical psychologists claim that NLP is a synthesis of the techniques of hypnotherapy, gestalt therapy and family psychology. Therefore, they can be successfully used in a situation when you fall in love. For example, the use of visualization (detailed representation of thoughts and emotions) helps lovers build relationships. Or manipulation, when the principle of three “yes” is used when influencing another. If you know NLP techniques in love, you can interest the man you like.

The use of NLP technologies helps to properly build relationships with others

Important! NLP is not a universal tool, but a direction indicator of where to go. How love events will proceed further depends on the person himself. That is, the work of building relationships should not stop even after attracting a guy.

How to make someone fall in love with you

How to make a man fall in love with you - the psychology of relationships, is it possible to win a guy?
When you have a goal to make the person you want fall in love with you, it is worth mastering proven techniques. According to experts, the more effective NLP methods for happy love are as follows:

  • Anchoring is to attract emotions, feelings that the partner once happily experienced, for example, childhood memories or love situations. In recreating such experiences, close partnerships are built.
  • Tuning is a popular NLP technique that establishes intimate contacts with a partner. The behavior of a loved one is copied, his gestures, facial expressions, breathing rhythm are repeated, that is, “external” adjustment. Having established external contact, they move on to further “conduct,” for example, through smiles and affirmative gestures. Adjusting to values ​​is effective: to find a common language with a partner of the opposite sex, you should look at the world through his eyes.

An effective NLP “tuning” technique makes it possible to establish close contact with a partner

  • Joining and mirroring help to join in masculine behavior. You need to understand how a guy perceives the world around him: through sounds, images or feelings. For visual learners, the priority is eye-to-eye communication to capture eye contact. Auditory learners want to talk, discuss important issues, and it is important for them to find the main words. Kinesthetic people prefer communication through emotions. They need physical contact.

Important! To attract the object of your love, you need to understand what type he is, so that during contact you can “mirror” his favorite words, emotions, and gestures.

Impact on a man using NLP methods

How to make your husband fall in love with you again - is it possible to interest him again?
For those girls who dream of a strong relationship, psychologists have prepared special “female” NLP methods in relationships with a man.

The most effective are considered:

  • The “ideal first date” technique, when during the period of falling in love the first meeting with a man is important. Almost everyone gets nervous on a first date. Internal tension affects the situation, everything may not go according to plan, and the date will turn out to be crumpled. Visualization will help you avoid problems. Before meeting your loved one, you need to imagine your ideal date: appearance, first words and glances, even awkward moments. You can take advice from the audiobook by Ya. Baker “NLP for Women, or How to Drive Anyone Crazy.”
  • The “three yeses” technique is necessary when you need to move a relationship to a new stage. There is an axiom in psychology: if you answer “yes” three times in a row, then the intuitive answer will be the same the fourth time. The main thing is to pronounce all the key phrases loudly and confidently so that the man responds positively.
  • The technique of making a man fall in love with you is a disarming technique. It helps to anticipate the partner's possible behavior, for example, if he wants to end the relationship. It is important to disarm your partner by recognizing that the relationship needs to be renewed. Key words – another chance is needed to improve the situation, taking into account the errors.

How girls can manipulate men

Young girls are not as experienced and wise as women. But they also need to learn how to competently use manipulation for their own purposes. Even if the relationship is just beginning, manipulation can greatly facilitate the relationship with your lover.

Examples of manipulation:

  • Create an attractive image. When you have a seductive appearance, a man focuses all his attention on you. For example: choose sexy clothes that highlight your figure, work on your gait and timbre of your voice, making them alluring and light. Guys pay attention even to little things: manicure, hairstyle, skin condition. But the first place is occupied by the bright individuality of the individual. It consists of: manner of communication, smile, conversation.

Girls often don't use their full arsenal of attractiveness to control guys.

  • There is no need to rush intimacy. When a girl agrees to have early sex with a guy, the possibility of building a serious relationship with her is halved. It would be more correct to refuse intimacy on the first dates, thereby warming up the man’s interest. The guy will be forced to look at your relationship seriously, because the girl values ​​herself and takes care of herself just for him, and this is very captivating.

Sincerely show interest in his affairs, and create around yourself a light, bright energy to which he will gravitate. Ask questions and try to find out more about his life, namely: about victories and successes.

How to influence a woman using NLP

NLP techniques will also help a man if he wants to make a woman fall in love with him

It is much more difficult to make a woman fall in love with you if she believes that she does not need a guy. However, there are NLP techniques for all types of girl images. All of them are based on playing with the feelings of the weaker sex: responsiveness, duty, desire to love and be loved. It is only important to use these pressure levers correctly using technology:

  • The plus-minus technique for pumping up a girl’s emotions means enhancing the positive in a relationship with a little negativity. For example, giving a compliment to another woman, that is, “minus”. Then immediately address the compliment to your beloved as a “plus”.
  • One consent - the technique is similar to the female “three yeses”. The idea is simple: say an important phrase, then ask about something abstract. A woman, having subconsciously answered the obvious “yes”, will agree with the first statement.
  • A choice without a choice presupposes agreement to an uncompromising scenario.
    For example, when arranging a date, ask: “When will we meet, in the evening or tomorrow?” This formulation does not suggest discussing, but only clarifying the meeting. Is it possible to influence at a distance through NLP? For NLP adherents, influencing at a distance is not discussed. Almost everyone has at least once encountered a situation where, when they think about calling a loved one, they call themselves within a couple of minutes. Such situations are not uncommon and serve as evidence of suggestion at a distance.

For your information. A similar connection, like telepathic correspondence, arises between close people who are emotionally attached to each other. Therefore, a man and a woman connected by an intimate relationship feel each other at a distance.

It is believed that thoughts are material and have great power contained in the energy of brain impulses. There are technologies based on verbal and visual transmission of information. If you have certain skills, it is possible to use NLP methods to influence a man at a distance, even if the suggestible person is quite far away.

On a note. It is impossible to make a man fall in love from a distance. With the help of technology, you can only create a desire to think about a woman, instill positive emotions, and make her interested in you.

Attracting with emotions and feelings, that is, “anchoring” a man, is possible only with direct contact

: Happy end!

Many girls find it difficult to take the first step towards meeting and communicating with the man they like. Why? Yes, because we work ourselves up in advance and play out negative outcome options in our minds: he will laugh at me, he will send me away, he will sleep with me and leave me, etc.

Of course, these negative thoughts bother you. And instead of relaxing, you only tighten yourself more. At the same time, the more gorgeous the guy, the more difficult and scary it is to attract his attention.

Stop! Try to act differently! Before you approach or contact him, try to play out a positive scenario in your mind. For example, you approach him, and he says back to you: “What a blessing that you came to me first. Otherwise I still couldn’t make up my mind.” Or imagine how all your friends are walking at your wedding, and your groom is telling you how glad he was that she was the first to approach him.

In a word, the brighter and funnier your imaginary picture is, the easier it will be to take a step towards rapprochement. Internal tension will subside, and you will become much more relaxed and seductive. And your chances of success will increase many times over.

Imagine the situation: You see a handsome young man or a beautiful girl, approach the object that has aroused your interest, and after a couple of minutes of communication, he or she is already looking at you with delight and clearly wants to continue getting to know you. Do you think this is unrealistic? But psychologists believe otherwise. This article will be about NLP techniques in relationships.

Falling in love, that is, arousing interest, a desire to be nearby and have your attention, is not difficult. It’s easy to fall in love, but it’s still love, not love. Love is a much more spiritual feeling and it does not appear in a couple of minutes; completely different mechanisms and forms operate here, that is, trust, similarity of worldview, acceptance, etc.

Are any people susceptible to NLP techniques?

Psychologists believe that there are groups of people who are not susceptible to suggestion: this could be a person who is very intoxicated, since perception is currently turned off; old people with reduced imagination; people with damaged intellect who are unable to understand suggestion; skeptical people.

Depressive, neurotic, weak-willed individuals who are under stress are easily influenced.

To attract the attention of a loved one and form the right attitude towards yourself, simple but effective NLP methods help when modeling your partner’s behavior. The main thing is that manipulation does not harm a man, but helps to win and retain his love.

Why the described techniques will not work for you

NLP is a set of techniques that will work under a certain set of circumstances, effort and personal qualities. To make them work you need:

  1. Learn to think systematically and understand why and at what point this or that technique can be used. Mindless reframing or hectoring will not produce results if there is no understanding of basic psychology.
  2. Use techniques in a meaningful way.
  3. Many NLP techniques came out of Ericksonian hypnosis. It is naive to believe that a person in his right mind will instantly adapt to reframing. You either have to work with him for a long time or put him into a trance.

You may have noticed that my attitude towards NLP is rather negative. I believe that in Russia there is a low culture of using psychological techniques. They are used for manipulation in non-ecological businesses, sects and pyramids, in self-development and pick-up trainings. Many people have their money taken away, some have their lives ruined. Therefore, the purpose of the article is not to teach you manipulation, but to protect you from it - forewarned is forearmed.

For NLP supporters, I repeat: I do not deny that techniques work in the hands of specialists - psychologists or skilled speakers. But in the hands of amateurs they turn into an infernal machine.


Knowledge of the psychology of human behavior and the ability to use it in practice works wonders. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) remains one of the popular techniques today. This method combines both verbal and non-verbal behavior modeling to achieve success in various areas. It can change not only your consciousness, but also the attitude of others. NLP techniques can show tangible results in communicating with men.

With the use of neurolinguistic programming techniques to achieve success, for example in business, everything is more or less clear. But how to use NLP in a relationship with a man? To do this, you need to understand how love relationships are built. As a rule, they include three stages: acquaintance, communication, love. It is in the first two stages that you can resort to NLP methods to influence a man. They will help to attract the attention of the person you like, interest him and build communication, which in the future can develop into true love.

When contact moves to the stage of strong long-term relationships, it is better to forget about manipulation methods - from an ethical point of view, this is unacceptable.

Anchor placement

Develop associative thinking and her memory of good events between you. It is logical to do this at moments when the girl is in a good, high spirits. I recommend performing an action that is not quite standard for you: hugging or making some sound or gesture. Later, when communicating, repeating the same thing, you will get a positive effect, since the action was performed at a good moment.
She will probably remember him unconsciously. But the action must be non-standard. That's for sure. Otherwise, if repeated frequently, it simply will not work. You can conduct this simple experiment yourself.

NLP in love: techniques for women

Every love begins with falling in love. It is at this stage that a person experiences a strong attraction to the object of his desire. Feelings come first, not reason. The experience of vivid emotions is caused by the body’s production of a number of hormones: dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. From an excess of these substances, a person experiences a surge of energy, a state of euphoria and happiness, literally loses his head and is ready to do extraordinary things. The goal of NLP in a relationship with a man is to achieve this state, which in the future should turn into a stronger and more conscious feeling - love.

To understand how to make a man fall in love with you using NLP, you first need to understand the basic principles of how this method works. The creators of this direction introduced the concept of “presuppositions” - these are certain axioms that make NLP the most effective. If you accept and bring to consciousness their authenticity and fairness, any of the NLP techniques described below on how to make a man fall in love with you will be as productive as possible.

  1. Body and consciousness are one. Our thoughts shape our state. Good thoughts can sometimes cure a person, but anger in the soul can aggravate existing illnesses. This applies not only to health, but also to life in general. All doors are open to a kind person who believes in his success.
  2. Our nervous system is a repository of experience. Everything that happens to us, starting from birth, is stored in the subconscious. The accumulated experience is the starting point, the initial data of the life scenario. The past is a source of resources, and the successful present of successful people is motivation for a happy future.
  3. There is no such thing as defeat, only feedback. Any experience is for the good, it teaches us, helps us draw conclusions, become stronger and more successful.
  4. Communication for response. When we make contact, we receive feedback by seeing the person’s reaction. We draw conclusions from this so that in the future our communication will be more effective and help achieve the desired result.
  5. The universe is abundant. A person’s capabilities are limited only by his own boundaries, that is, we have what we allow ourselves to have.

To win someone's heart, you must first want it. Below we present NLP techniques that explain how to make a man fall in love with you. Believe me, any woman can cope with this. The main thing is to have a positive attitude and believe that our intentions can motivate the Universe to give everything that we really need.

  • Adjustment

Conquering the man you like should begin with calibration - determining the person’s state and joining him. You must become a unified system - this state is called rapport. Perhaps everyone has experienced this when communicating with loved ones - trust, empathy, comfort, mutual disposition, interest. Rapport is needed so that a man wants to communicate with you in the future, enjoys it and looks forward to the next meeting.

To join the state of rapport, you must pay attention to every little thing: gestures, postures, facial expressions, gaze, voice volume, demeanor. The adjustment can be empathic, that is, “sympathetic,” or analytical, more thoughtful and complex. In the second case, we track all elements of behavior and copy them. In order to gain a person’s trust, you need to “mirror” him: repeat postures, volume and speed of speech, breathing rhythm, facial expressions and some gestures.

Important: the human subconscious perceives communication more subtly; 80% of the information in a conversation is transmitted non-verbally. Use this to attract the subject's attention.

  • Anchor technique

The essence of the technique is to hook the desired object using conditioned reflexes. Here is a simple example of a man anchoring himself to himself: during a successful date, at the most romantic moment, a certain song begins to play. The next time your partner hears this composition, he will remember a pleasant evening, you, and experience the emotions that were present at that moment. That is, pleasant memories will emerge in his memory. This song will be considered the “anchor”.

How to install an “anchor” yourself? To do this, you must adhere to three rules:

  1. You need to set the “anchor” at the peak of pleasure, at the most pleasant moment.
  2. The “anchor” should be unusual, memorable, and associated specifically with you.
  3. The stimulus must be reproduced as accurately as possible.

In order for this NLP method of influencing a man to be most effective, it is very important to know the subject’s personality type. It can be determined by a person’s behavior, frequently used words, and communication style.

People who have good hearing, love music, and are demanding of their own and others’ speech are, without a doubt, auditory learners. They often use “auditory” phrases in their speech: “listen to me,” “I heard,” “I heard it.” For such men, you can come up with an affectionate address or some word or phrase that will become an “anchor.”

Visual people have a good imagination, they pay attention to the appearance of others, and more easily perceive information in the form of graphs, diagrams, photographs. The most commonly used phrases are: “look”, “I noticed”, “pay attention”, “look”. For such people, images and memories can become an “anchor”.

Tactile contact is important for kinesthetic learners. When communicating, they touch the interlocutor, adjust their clothes and hairstyle. The distance with a communication partner is usually small. They are emotional and restless. The key to the heart of a kinesthetic man is a special touch that will be associated specifically with you.

The process of a man’s anchoring to himself is as follows: catch the time when the partner experiences a feeling of happiness and euphoria. At this point, set the anchor. The anchoring should be completed by changing the topic or action. Repeat the process several times to keep the association with pleasant sensations in the man's mind. When the conditioned reflex is established, the “anchor” will cause a surge of positive emotions.

  • The perfect first date

Establishing contact with the man you like is not an easy task. Our emotions can fail us at the most inopportune moment. To prevent this from happening, you should prepare in advance. Eva Berger, author of the best-selling book “NLP for Happy Love,” advises before your first date to visualize the meeting down to the smallest detail. This NLP method of influencing a man has two goals: to tune in to the right mood and to be prepared for the unexpected.

In a tense state, a person is not able to behave confidently. To relax, take a comfortable position and imagine in detail what your ideal first date with a man should be like. Think about what you will wear, what it will look like, what you will order in a restaurant, what you will start a conversation about. Such psychological preparation will help you mentally prepare for the meeting and relieve psychological stress.

To prevent the first pancake from turning out lumpy, it is important to think through all the awkwardness that may happen during the meeting. And the main thing is to find solutions in advance. When you are psychologically prepared for any troubles, you are able to react more soberly to negative moments.

A confident woman is always admired. Eliminate all the awkwardness and tension before the date, and it will go flawlessly.

  • Motivation is the key to success

If you have had a negative experience with the opposite sex, forget about it! Thank your “failed” partners for the opportunity to meet your ideal man. Now you are ready for this. The guy should feel on a subconscious level that you are committed to a positive outcome. If you are motivated to succeed, a man will also feel it and become yours.

  • Rule of three “Yes!”

This psychological trick allows you to hear “Yes” when you need it. It has been proven that if a person answers yes to the first three questions, then with a high probability you will also receive a positive answer to the next question. Use this NLP technique in communicating with men to achieve what you want.

  • Admitting shortcomings

Ideal people do not exist - remind yourself of this often. You don’t need to consider yourself unworthy of the man you like just because you don’t know how to cook. Sometimes you can use a little feminine trick - to focus on the shortcomings, so that the enchanted man himself will be glad to try to debunk them. When resorting to this method, you should be careful: choose a flaw in yourself that your lover can easily refute. Your goal is to achieve not pity, but a compliment.

  • Breaking the stereotype

In order not to become “one of”, you must be remembered by the man you like. Surprise him, break stereotypes about women. Let you be the only girl on the first date (...) - then come up with it yourself. The more original the previous sentence ends, the better.

  • Tactile contact

It is difficult to win a man by building an unbreakable wall in front of him. You can have conversations for a very long time, visualize ideal love and copy his gestures and facial expressions. But sooner or later you will need to take action. Tactile contact is especially important for representatives of the stronger sex - that’s how they are designed. Try to ensure that kisses, gentle hugs and everything that follows from this completely captivate the man you like. Use all your charm, experience and sensitivity to make him intoxicated by you.


The human brain is capable of retaining sets of memories about those individuals who in the past had one influence or another on us. Subsequently, the perception of any new person is consistent with these memories. This happens, for the most part, on an emotional level. For example, if in the presence of a new acquaintance you feel negative emotions similar to those you previously experienced in the presence of other people unpleasant to you, then you subconsciously begin to consider this person to be just as “bad.” It’s as if you are transferring your attitude that you showed towards those individuals who were unpleasant to you to a new object.

Transference phenomenon

Transfer (transfer) is a spontaneously arising attitude towards a person, characterized by the unconscious transference to him of feelings that once arose towards other people. Freud also noted that in some cases the patient transfers onto the doctor’s personality feelings towards people and events experienced previously or currently being experienced. Freud talked about it this way: “...we notice that the patient, who should be looking for a way out of his painful conflicts, shows a special interest in the personality of the doctor...” (Sigmund Freud, “Introduction to Psychoanalysis”, lecture No. 27).

Freud discovered that his patients fell in love with him or began to hate him when they shared their thoughts and feelings, and he listened to them, questioning them thoughtfully and without arguing. This transfer occurred even if these feelings had long subsided. Freud called this transference, and considered this phenomenon as a phenomenon inherent in any human relationship and manifested not only in a psychotherapeutic session, but also in everyday life. In fact, the doctor himself becomes a kind of “anchor” for the patient. It is enough to conduct several sessions in which the patient is immersed in his love experiences and now the very personality of the psychoanalyst is associated in the patient with these experiences, and he begins to experience certain feelings towards the doctor.

Using the transference phenomenon, you can improve your relationship with a man or even make him fall in love with you. To do this, you just need to become your friend’s psychoanalyst and encourage him to talk about his hobby, while trying to make the man feel all the positive emotions associated with his love. This will lead to the fact that he will transfer a significant part of his love experiences onto you (Attention! Do not fall into the trap of negative transference, in which negative emotions associated with the man’s former (current) lover will be transferred to you - talk only about good things!) Don’t be afraid that your pride will suffer, since the effectiveness of the method pays for all the moral costs associated with it!

Some avoid this conversation because they think that they will also have to talk about their previous love affairs. This is a misconception - in this situation it is much more important for a man to pour out his own soul. Than to get into yours.

Technique for transferring love using neurolinguistic programming

  • •Create an environment conducive to seduction (soft lighting, appropriate music). Make sure that no one bothers you or can disturb you (be sure to turn off your phone and doorbell). Try not to make the intimate setting too artificial and obvious. Your clothing should also not hint to a man about possible intimacy.
  • Immerse the man in an atmosphere of trusting and friendly communication - create rapport. To do this: show sincere interest and genuine attention to him, adapt to his posture, breathing, movements, etc.
  • Encourage your man to openly talk about his past or current love. Conduct the conversation in such a way that the state of love associated with your former (current) lover returns to him
    . Focus the man’s attention exclusively on the positive aspects of this experience - say only good things about his beloved and his feelings for her!
  • Try to adapt
    to his state of love - listen to the man with warmth and empathy.
  • Start touching the man gently and “harmlessly” enough, gradually expanding the zone of touch and making them more intimate (but not too much!) At the same time, do not forget to sincerely admire him, associating this admiration with his beloved. If she does not share the man’s feelings, then you can say something like this: “You are so strong (handsome, sexy, etc.). What pleasure she would experience with you...” When saying this you must be as sincere as possible! Try to feel everything you say!
  • When you see that you have reliably “joined” your partner and can “lead” him, use the situation as you consider it possible to use it!

As soon as a man’s positive emotions associated with his ex or current lover reach their maximum, place a kinesthetic anchor: hold him by the elbow, touch his wrist, or stroke his head, arm, or leg in a certain way. Subsequently, when you find yourself in a suitable situation, activate the anchor, and your partner will automatically enter the state of pleasant experiences captured by the anchor, but this state will no longer be associated with his past or present love, but with you! In the future, just recreating the environment in which the man told you about his beloved (with the same music, which is actually an auditory anchor, the same lighting, etc.) will lead to a positive result for you.

Determining the value

Neurolinguistic programming is a teaching that combines the best practices of family psychotherapy, hypnosis and Gestalt therapy. Its main secret is that by changing the habitual way of thinking established in childhood, getting rid of imposed social norms and moral principles, forgetting the accumulated bad experiences, a woman can achieve success in life, restore her health, climb the career ladder, and improve relationships. with the people around you.

The NLP technique radically changes people's lives: lonely hearts find love and build strong relationships, and couples on the verge of breaking up revive old feelings. Representatives of the fair sex, having studied NLP methods for influencing a man, gain knowledge of how to properly build communication with the stronger sex.

The most popular book on this topic is the publication of the American psychologist and trainer Eva Berger, “NLP for Happy Love,” which describes 11 techniques that help women attract male attention.

NLP in love is an effective way that will help you make new acquaintances, make a man fall in love with you, learn flirting and seduction, and develop communication skills with the opposite sex without complexes.


Reinforcement learning (RL) is an effective method for creating the behavior you want. Its correct application leads to the fact that a man is happy to do what you are interested in, because he knows that you will somehow reward him for it.

The OP method is a modern version of the well-known “carrot and stick” method, which, by the way, is used completely incorrectly by most people. Many “educators” use only the “stick”, completely forgetting about timely encouragement, although the use of the “carrot”, as the predominant instrument of influence, is more reasonable and much more effective than the use of the “stick”. This is largely due to the fact that encouragement immediately shapes the desired behavior, and the “stick” does not even hint at how to behave. In addition, almost all educators use both the “carrot” and the “stick” at the wrong time, rewarding or punishing only after something has been done. The correct thing to do would be punishment at the very beginning of the action, which must be stopped, and immediate encouragement of the desired actions.


Reinforcement is a signal that tells the student that he is on the right path, or that he is making a mistake. (This signal can be realized by the “student”, or can only be perceived by his subconscious). Experts distinguish between positive reinforcement (PP) and negative reinforcement (NR). PP is something pleasant (a smile, affection, sincere praise, delicious food, etc.) added to the situation immediately after the trained subject began to do or did what you need. The PP activates the pleasure center of the brain, in which information is instantly recorded about why the subject receives this pleasure. OP (not to be confused with punishment) is what the student would like to avoid (your disappointment, disapproving facial expression, irony, inattention). It shows that the unwanted behavior needs to stop right now at this point in time. Experiments have shown that a weak OP works much better than a strong one. A very effective OP is to deprive the subject of something pleasant (for example, a child is deprived of sweets). Do not deprive a man of sex - this will no longer be negative reinforcement, but punishment, which can boomerang back to you.

Variable (variable) reinforcement.

If a dolphin is rewarded with a fish for every jump it makes, it will become lazy and will not jump high. To prevent this from happening, trainers use variable reinforcement (VR), which consists of rewarding not all jumps, but only the best ones, and even then, not all.

In relationships between a man and a woman, VP “works” very well. For example, the main secret of the attractiveness of any “bitch” is her intuitive ability to variably reinforce the actions of men. An intelligent representative of this category of women first lures the “dolphin into the pool” with a large portion of “fish” (that is, ties him to her with special sexuality, affection, attention, “warmth”, etc.), and then very skillfully doses out the “feeding” seeking from the “dolphin” (i.e., from the man) what she needs, in fact engaging in emotional and (or) material “evisceration.”

To control a man’s behavior, it is not at all necessary to demonstrate bitchiness (it always gives off a bad “smell”), you just need to master the technique of correctly delivering reinforcement. It's very simple. First, you show some warmth towards the man, expecting signs, attention from him and rewarding him a little for them, then the encouragement becomes more significant (depending on his behavior), then the usual encouragement becomes variable (obviously encouragement-indifference). (Female coquetry is actually a type of variable reinforcement).

It should be noted that in a large number of happy married couples there is variable reinforcement of the relationship between spouses, which maintains these relationships

in constant tone.

Unfortunately, the scope of this manual does not allow us to present the reinforcement learning methodology in a sufficiently complete form. For a more detailed study, you should refer to the excellent book “Don't Growl at the Dog” by Karen Pryor.


Rules for attracting love

To master NLP in a relationship with a man, you need to remember the basic rule: the main thing is your inner attitude and positive perception of the world. Each person unconsciously sends information about himself to the Universe. If your messages are negative, filled with resentment, anger and resentment, then the result will be the same, so first you need to get rid of evil and destructive thoughts. When sending a request to your other half, formulate it based on your own emotions and wishes. For example: “I am loved and love! Next to me is the best person in the world!”

It is also necessary to visualize your relationship with your loved one. It is not enough to imagine in the smallest detail what you are doing and where you are, to feel and reproduce the positive emotions that a person in love experiences - happiness, joy, delight, inspiration.

Please note that NLP techniques will only help you at the initial stage of relationship development.

Using neurolinguistic programming, you can:

  • attract the attention of the man you like,
  • arouse interest,
  • build communication tactics.

For a union to succeed, you must feel a desire to be close to this person.

Neurolinguistic programming is not a panacea. This is a signpost that guides the woman. Whether she will be able to achieve what she wants and take advantage of the opportunity depends only on herself. Sympathy, trust, respect, tenderness, support - feelings without which it is impossible to build a truly strong relationship with your other half.

NLP helps a woman find mutual understanding with the man she is interested in, suggests how to win sympathy from the opposite sex, but if the lady does not show sincere feelings and interest, the resulting effect will be short-lived. Neurolinguistic programming techniques are often used in pickup as a means of manipulation, so this teaching has many opponents who speak negatively about interfering in the consciousness of another person.

Another rule concerns the internal energy that a woman emits. Charisma, sense of humor and charm give girls a special charm. No highly intellectual abilities or unsurpassed sense of taste can compare with him. When trying to make a man fall in love with you, you need to use your inner radar, otherwise NLP will be useless.

How to understand that a guy or a man is in love by correspondence: signs, behavior

Understanding that a man is interested in you and has developed certain feelings for you is quite simple. In principle, this is visible even to the naked eye.

  • The guy not only answers your messages, but also writes to you first
  • He answers your questions not briefly, but in detail, describes situations, shares secrets
  • A man is interested in your mood, well-being, problems
  • Uses emoticons and stickers in correspondence
  • Share your favorite music, movies
  • He wishes you good morning and good night
  • Always reacts to the fact that you have disappeared from sight for a couple of days. He says that he was worried, nervous, that he missed communication and you
  • Always develops the conversation, does not remain silent and does not ignore SMS
  • The man remembers what you said earlier
  • Offers to talk on Skype, phone, offers a personal meeting
  • Gives you compliments
  • Asks for your advice, is interested in your opinion
  • Ends the correspondence with wishes of good and kindness, uses various emoticons, diminutive words

NLP techniques

Effective NLP techniques in communicating with a man will help you learn to communicate with representatives of the stronger sex, meet your love and build a happy relationship.

Adjusting for your other half

This is one of the most popular and easy NLP methods that helps to establish contact and make a first impression. It consists in completely adopting a man’s behavior (gestures, facial expressions, manner of communication, timbre of voice). Your behavior should be as natural as possible.

Use the influence you gain. How your counterpart will behave depends on the tone of communication that you set. Smiling and joking will put him in a positive mood. If you are serious, then he will adhere to this manner of behavior. Try to find out what your subject of dreams is interested in and loves. If you share his interests with him, this will help to generate reciprocal sympathy.

Sometimes this technique is supplemented with positive reinforcement. This is a manipulative method of neurolinguistic programming, which consists in encouraging a certain behavior of a partner. To get the desired reaction from your other half, you can use a smile, praise or approval. Finding himself in a similar situation again, your behavior will help the man understand how to behave.


This NLP technique for happy love is very effective. Its meaning is to hook a partner with the help of happy emotions, experiences and feelings that he once experienced. These can be memories from distant childhood or joyful moments taken from past relationships. By recreating these experiences and making the object of your affection experience pleasant feelings again, you will achieve special intimacy between you.

NLP without complexes invites women to take everything into their own hands and do the anchoring themselves.

  1. Wait until your man is relaxed and ask about the most significant positive events in his past. These can be memories associated with various holidays, childhood experiences, and travel. Clarify how he felt, who was next to him at this happy moment.
  2. Touch your partner gently as the conversation reaches its climax. This action will strengthen and consolidate the positive emotions that he re-experiences thanks to you.
  3. Complete the anchoring process, change the topic of your communication.

It’s easy to check whether the technique works on your partner. Casually repeat the code movement and touch your loved one again. If you did everything without mistakes, then his mood will instantly change in a positive direction, the man will begin to smile and joke.

Joining and Mirroring

The art of seduction in NLP is to completely adapt to the behavior of the object of desire. Each person has his own methods of understanding the world around him. Some perceive information through visual images, others through sounds, and there are those who perceive reality through feelings.

Visuals are distinguished by the fact that they prefer to conduct a dialogue, communicating face-to-face with a person. Their catchphrases are: “I see”, “In my opinion”, “Look at the situation.” Auditory learners are very sociable, they love to chat and know how to listen. When retelling any events, they copy the behavior and voice of other people. Their most common expressions are: “Let’s talk,” “Are you listening to me?”, “I told you so!” Kinesthetic people are extremely emotional. They strive for constant contact, trying to hug, kiss, shake hands. Key words for such people: “I feel”, “Hot communication!”, “I feel with my skin!”.

To retain attention and seduce, determine what type the object of your desires is, and then begin to use key phrases for him during communication.

NLP for women

For girls who want to meet the man of their dreams and build a strong relationship with him, psychologists advise using special NLP methods for a man.

  1. The perfect first date. Meeting a man plays an important role for women of any age. Preparing for a date in advance, the girl is very worried and does not know how to find an approach to the man she is interested in. Due to internal excitement and tension, communication does not always work out the way we would like, and the impression of the meeting deteriorates. This can be avoided using special NLP techniques. Before you go to a meeting, visualize what your ideal date would look like. Imagine down to the smallest detail how the communication goes, not excluding any awkward moments that may arise during the conversation.
  2. Three yeses. This method is used to change the status of a relationship, moving it to a new stage. Psychologists have derived the following pattern: having answered affirmatively three times in a row, a person, by inertia, will answer the same for the fourth time. The main thing is to pronounce the phrase that determines the future relationship affirmatively, in a loud and confident voice.
  3. Disarming. The technique is based on preventing a specific action of the partner. For example, your couple is going through a relationship crisis. Intuition suggests that your loved one has decided to talk and is going to stop communicating. You need to get ahead of him and talk to your loved one first. The appeal to him should contain an admission that your relationship is going through hard times, as well as a phrase that you would like to take another chance and improve the current situation, taking into account your mistakes. You will say what your loved one wanted to say. A man will have no desire and sense to say the same thing, your relationship will get a second chance.
  4. Admitting shortcomings. Admit as often as possible that you are not perfect, focusing on your mistakes. This will force your loved one to disagree and prove that you are the best.

These techniques of neurolinguistic programming, aimed at a man, will help you get to know him and find an approach, strengthening the relationship.

1.2. We love - we don’t love...

“There’s not enough love in my life.” Perhaps this phrase can be called the motto of modern society. We watch TV series and films, read books, play games on phones and other gadgets. And there is less and less time left to pay attention to others like ourselves. At some point, finding ourselves in a social vacuum, we realize that something fundamental is missing.

What to do? First of all, understand: to find mutual love, you need to love yourself. If you don't treat yourself well, don't listen to your desires, and don't satisfy your most pressing needs, then you are unlikely to be able to enter into a harmonious relationship.

Moreover, we are talking not only about great and serious love for life, but also about somewhat successful flirting. It is unlikely that you will learn to seduce anyone if you do not love and value yourself. Why? Remember: according to NLP theory, the world around us is our reflection. If love is not in you, where will it come from next to you?

But everything is not as scary as it seems. Learning to love yourself is not too difficult, and we will tell you about it soon.

NLP techniques for men

Making a girl fall in love with you, manipulating a woman, attracting her attention and strengthening the connection is easy for guys who have mastered the techniques of neurolinguistic programming. Representatives of the fair sex who want to easily conquer men's hearts need to be able to recognize them, since these techniques often play into the hands of men.

  • The illusion of choice. This programming method is very easy to use. Invite the girl you are interested in to choose what you will do in the evening. Please note that this should be a closed question, which already contains your preferred answer. For example: “Where would you like to go today, to the theater or a restaurant?”, “It’s so hot outside. What are we going to do next, sit in a stuffy cafe or take a walk in the park by the river?” A woman will have no other choice but to choose one of the options proposed and thought out in advance by you.
  • Plus or minus. Shake up the emotions of your chosen one. Strengthen the positive with a drop of negativity. Alternatively, you can compliment another woman. This will become your “minus”. Nice words addressed to your girlfriend will work as a “plus”. This way you will correct your mistake and attract even more attention to yourself.
  • One consent. The technique works by analogy with the female three “yes”. The secret of the method is simple: say a statement that is exciting and important to you, and then ask about something. By answering in the affirmative, the girl will subconsciously agree with your first statement. For example: “Let's go to the cinema. Do you like science fiction?
  • Choice without choice. In this case, you give the woman the opportunity to choose the only proposed option for the development of the situation. When making an appointment, say: “When will I see you, today or tomorrow?” With this formulation, you are not discussing the likelihood of a meeting, but only clarifying when it will take place.
  • There are many techniques that NLP suggests using for men to achieve happy love. When choosing a technique, take a personal approach, taking into account what a woman likes.

Rule of one "yes"

In sales, there is a rule of three “yes”, the essence of which is that the seller must get 3 positive answers from a potential buyer at once.

It’s quite difficult to do this with girls without preparation.

However, the rule of one “yes” works no less effectively (tested by practice!), when you only need to hear one agreement to one of the questions.

Example: “Let's meet with you in our free time and drink coffee! Do you love Lathe? Those. We first propose and, without waiting for an answer, ask if she likes a type of coffee like Late (acting as if she has already agreed). Very often the girl answers either yes or no.

But the point is not that she loves him or not, but that by answering the second question, she automatically agrees to the meeting.

Speech Strategies

Journalists were using speech strategies long before NLP emerged as a separate field. However, they are good for live communication and work in conjunction with adjustments.


Truisms are platitudes that do not evoke the desire to argue. They migrated to NLP from philosophy, their effectiveness has not been proven. A person with critical thinking will easily challenge any truism. I'm sure you will do this with almost every statement below:

  • good things cannot be cheap;
  • there are things that cannot be bought;
  • everyone has the right to make mistakes;
  • not all yoghurts are equally healthy;
  • tastes could not be discussed.

In sales, scripts for handling objections are built on truisms. To the phrase “These shoes are too expensive” you can answer “The stingy one pays twice” and sow doubt inside the client. Truisms are rarely used to identify needs in a live conversation: platitudes standardize the client in his eyes and discourage the desire to continue the conversation. But in advertising posters the truism works well: it allows a person to feel part of society and gives positive emotions. No correct experiments have been conducted on this topic, and successful experiences have local subjective successes.

At first glance there is nothing to argue with.
But if you think about it: what will strength give? For whom is it priceless? Why feel it? Author: Ksenia Troitskaya Sources used:


Do men and pen pals fall in love: psychology

Despite the fact that it is generally accepted that men are less amorous than women, it is important to note the fact that they can still fall in love by correspondence.

  • It must be said right away that not every person can fall in love with someone by communicating with him by correspondence. And this applies not only to men, but also to women. This is because all people have different attitudes towards this kind of dating.
  • However, men, just like women, can fall in love with someone just by communicating with him by correspondence. This happens for the reason that men, in simple words, are also people and they tend to idealize the subject of their interest.

Why this happens is a completely different matter, because not every single man will meet a person on social networks and start communicating with him with further plans. There are a number of reasons why men prefer virtual dating and relationships.

It is the categories of men who face such reasons who most often fall in love by correspondence:

  • Of course, young people spend more than the older generation on various social networks and the Internet, however, it is most often mature people who start virtual relationships who already have some relationship experience behind them. As you understand, this experience most likely was not entirely successful. Sometimes men who have lived half their lives with their woman, after separation from her, simply cannot start a relationship in real life. The reason for this may be fear of new relationships, indecision, etc. This is where the Internet comes to the rescue with its endless possibilities.
  • Diffidence. Here is another rather striking feature of many men who start relationships by correspondence. In real life, representatives of the stronger half of humanity are not as brave and self-confident as they are on the Internet. After all, in fact, by corresponding with a person, you can somewhat embellish yourself and your appearance.

Love by correspondence

  • Fear of relationships in general. This is typical of mature men who have never been in a relationship before. There are categories of men who, for some reason, avoid relationships with women for a long time. Here, the reasons may be the desire to build a career, influential parents who do not see a suitable companion in the guy’s surroundings.
  • But the above does not in any way exclude those options when falling in love occurs for normal, so to speak, reasons.
  • Quite often, men themselves look for women on social networks for dating. You can often find the opposite picture, when women themselves look for men.
  • It's quite simple to explain. Nowadays, the Internet takes up a significant part of our lives and time, so for many it is much easier to look for a companion/companion there.

Men fall in love during correspondence with women quite often, this is due to the advantages of virtual communication:

  • A man has the opportunity to imagine himself the way he would like to see himself. Agree, during live communication it is difficult to make a girl see in a man something that is not in him. In particular if we are talking about appearance. In correspondence, all this is possible, and quite easily.
  • A man has the opportunity to idealize a woman in accordance with his dreams and expectations. From photographs it is not always possible to see and adequately evaluate a person and his appearance, because you must agree that we always show only the best and most successful photos of ourselves.
  • During correspondence, a person’s emotions are not visible. For many, putting their emotions on display is something extremely scary and even shameful, so in such cases, correspondence significantly outperforms live communication.

In virtual communication, a man can open up more

  • There is another side to this. You don’t have to hold back your emotions in correspondence. Here you can put aside all your fears and complexes and be yourself.
  • Falling in love and relationships by correspondence are convenient. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this. You sit at home, in a comfortable environment and clothes, and communicate with a person. No financial costs, no infringement of personal interests and space.

Therefore, all female representatives can breathe a sigh of relief and can be sure that it is possible to make a man fall in love with you through correspondence. However, how to do this? We'll talk about this further.

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