Female pickup - lessons, tips, rules for female pickup artists

The “science” of seducing the opposite sex, which emerged in our time, was the prerogative of exclusively men. But this complex of seduction techniques and skills has become interesting to modern women. The only difference is that the task of a woman’s pickup, as a rule, is not one-time pleasure, but the search for true love and the desire to become attractive, self-confident and desirable.

What are the basic rules of female pickup? How to behave if you really like a man? Psychologists and coaches from COLADY magazine answer .

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Female pickup - dating rules

Psychologists have named working techniques for female pickup.

  1. Control your behavior : the look of a hungry wolf is prohibited. All potential suitors run away from him like devils from incense. Act as if this is just your celebration of life, and you, so be it, allow them to participate in this celebration.
  2. Don't look for your happiness with your girlfriend hand in hand . Two huntresses are even worse. Better is loneliness, not burdened by longing for men (for example, you are alone at a table, leafing through a book or watching the news on the Internet) or the company of men.
  3. Don't overdo it with an inviting look. A man may appreciate it as your availability. But you’re not looking for such glory for yourself, are you? A woman’s gaze should beckon and, at the same time, keep her at a safe distance.
  4. There is nothing worse than a dissatisfied, intoxicated and emboldened woman. Know your sweet spot in alcohol . Avoid vulgarity in words, looks and movements. No matter how much you would like it to look very attractive, it is not.
  5. Don't be a yoke around your potential boyfriend's neck. Communicate equally with everyone, but pay a little more attention to him than to others. He should be the hunter, not you. In any case, he must sincerely believe in it.
  6. Learn the art of touch . Your touch should give him goosebumps. Even light physical contact can cause a stronger storm of emotions than, for example, a striptease on a bar counter.
  7. Learn to love yourself - become interesting, beautiful and unconventional just for yourself. A confident woman invariably attracts men.
  8. Your first step towards a man should look like a subtle signal . Let him think that he is the one who initiated the acquaintance.
  9. Decide what you expect from dating . Do you want adventure, a whirlwind romance, just to tickle your nerves, or a quiet family life in the end?

Seduction Studio (CAO)

Address: metro station Prospekt Mira, prosp. Mira, 13 Website: https://pvlad.ru Phone: , Cost: 20,000 rub. for the training

Individual training on seducing girls is 10 lessons. How is VIP different from individual? Due to the fact that VIP – until the result, and individual – “10 lessons”, their number is limited. There are several formats, and options with a larger number of meetings are possible. In practical terms, they came to the conclusion: less than 10 lessons are ineffective. Therefore, a package of 10 lessons is made.


  • Meeting, getting to know the client.
  • The first meeting is introductory and necessarily includes checking out the wardrobe, changing clothes, and preparatory exercises.
  • A person learns how to approach girls, learns some basic things, and asks simple questions. Not getting acquainted, but simply preparing for active actions.

How a woman should behave in order to please a man - says psychologist and sexologist Dmitry Sobolev

Getting a man to like you is, of course, great, but you need to understand why you need it. Understanding the goal is really important because... Men are different and their needs are also different. Some people want to meet for a serious relationship, while others want to meet someone who is not at all serious. These are initially different approaches to arousing a man’s sympathy for you. In addition, every man needs a different amplitude of female demonstration. Some people need serious relationships, others “easy” meetings. In each of these groups there are representatives for whom some slight hint is enough and the man will see this as a light bulb to which he can respond. And others need heavy artillery. And it doesn’t matter if they are looking for a woman for a serious relationship or for something easy.

Here the question may arise: why use light hints if you can immediately use heavy artillery and not miss? But not everything is as easy as it might seem. If you launch heavy artillery at a man who does not need it, then it may not result in attraction, but in rejection.

In order for a man to choose a woman for a serious relationship, it is impossible to reveal all these parameters to him in one demonstration. A man studies a woman for a certain period of time before he begins to consider her as a candidate for a permanent partner. Accordingly, talking about “here and now”, “let me show you myself, and you will melt and invite me into a serious relationship” is wrong.

The only thing you can count on during initial contacts is the man’s interest in you.

It is important to understand that if you show a man your availability, then interest in you will certainly disappear.

If we look at the mating dance of many animals, including humans, it looks like a series of cycles of attraction and repulsion, during which different emotions arise. If you want to interest a man, then do not count on the fact that you, all so beautiful, will appear in front of him, he will be blinded by beauty and will want to live with you on a permanent basis. No! He will want this only when he recognizes you based on a number of parameters, and this is a whole chess game. This is not “here and now.”

At the first meetings, you can claim the man’s interest, the response of his libido, his desire. It is important to be feminine, but not to overdo it with brightness. A man may perceive excessive brightness differently than you need. It's important to get interested. If you open a tap with hot and cold water, from which it will pour in full, this is not interesting.

Serve yourself in portions. Then there will be interest, there will be a desire to get to know you. A man's interest can be aroused by the mating dance of attraction and repulsion. Attraction - you make contact. Pushing away - you allow the man to take the initiative.

Don’t agree to everything - make it clear that “I’m not ready for everything, I don’t agree to everything, I’m interesting.” Let him conquer you - this is also his interest. If you handle this dance skillfully, and this skill comes with practice, with experience, then it will look harmonious and natural.

Don't try to make yourself someone, don't try to remake yourself for the sake of someone. Men are all different and you won’t be perfect for everyone. Even if you manage to create some image that is not typical for you, then the man will still choose not here and now, but for a long time. You will get tired of not being yourself, the whole plan will be revealed and broken. You are a girl, you are a woman. Let a man be a man for you. Be interested in his thoughts, his emotions, his desires, his life. Be interested in a man.

The main thing is the right frame4

Another concept that is written about in pickup books is the frame - the context of what is happening. For example, if you approached a girl and asked “what is this lovely person...” no, this is not a pick-up artist. It's not original. They asked, “Have you seen two planes flying across the sky at the same time?” I didn’t think about it, but if you want, then...”

You need to constantly change the context and under no circumstances play by the girl’s rules in a conversation. Plus, it is advisable to perceive what is happening as if it were a computer game, and if you are rejected, then you can simply reboot and go on looking for luck.

Does it work? Yes, all of this is really extremely effective and gives the desired results, so why is there so much criticism of the pickup truck and so many unfortunate pickup artists who are given less often than ordinary guys?

How to please a man - 4 effective techniques from psychologist and sexologist Anna Tur

The common opinion that a girl should not be the first to meet someone has long gone into oblivion, but the saying about a lying stone under which water does not flow remains relevant to this day.

Don’t think that a woman’s first step is a sign of bad taste or impudence. This is far from true. Perhaps there is already mutual sympathy between two people of the opposite sex, and the man does not dare to act first. Then you need to help him decide to take more active actions, acting like a truly wise woman.

How can you draw a man’s attention to yourself and interest him?

  1. Remove the Snow Queen's mask. Don't walk around with a sour face. Girls with a cheerful expression on their faces will attract a man faster than those with a proud and unapproachable look. By smiling, you show a man that you are open to dating. And with the help of your gaze, you will unambiguously show the object of your sympathy that you are interested in him, and thereby provoke initiative. You just need to meet your eyes several times and quickly look away. It’s just that usually a man can’t quite understand your call the first time and think what he imagined.
  2. You can get interested in actions . For example, approach a man in a cafe and say that you lost an argument with a friend and, according to the terms of the bet, you must take his phone number. Or come up to give a compliment, but not to him. For example, if he walks the dog, then his dog. You can admire his originality in choosing a dish or wine. You can praise the model of his phone or the book he is reading. Men love praise and women who can appreciate their achievements.
  3. What a woman is wearing, how she looks and how she smells - the decisive first impression and interest of a man depends on these points . Do not choose clothes that are too revealing or vulgar. This attracts quick contact seekers. The same applies to makeup; many men are put off by excessively bright makeup. You should always look like a winner of men's hearts. A woman's confidence in her irresistibility is very attractive to most men!
  4. Contact the man with some harmless request or question. If a conversation starts, don’t drag it out and try not to talk about yourself, listen more. You must remain a mystery for a man to want to meet you again. Don't be upset if a man doesn't make contact with you, maybe he's already taken or just not your type.

How to get a gentleman into your networks7

Saying a person's name several times during a conversation can help you create an emotional connection. You can also repeat the gestures of your interlocutor, which will best position your partner towards you and allow him to be more open psychologically, even if he is unsure of himself. But you should not abuse this technique, so that the effective technique does not turn into complete copying.

Oddly enough, many men are insecure and are often afraid of new acquaintances. Indeed, almost 40 percent of the stronger sex feel uncomfortable on the first date. You should also try to exclude gestures and behavior that demonstrate disinterest in the guy, because if your companion is already unsure of himself, and then on a subconscious level he incorrectly perceives the signals of your body, then consider the matter lost.

How to find the key to a man’s heart - says psychologist Alexander Zimin

I propose to look at the female pickup truck from a psychological perspective.

There is a law - people will be together if they have common beliefs, interests and emotional intimacy.

It's like a key and a lock. If two people match these criteria, no dating techniques are needed. And if they don’t match, then even a magic “love spell” won’t help—they’ll run away.

Situation - you liked the person. What exactly do you like about it? How does he make decisions, his ideas and worldview? Or maybe you and he have common goals and interests? Or is there some kind of chemistry, bodily attraction? Maybe you like its smell and willingly empathize with the same thing?

Take a piece of paper and draw your psychological portrait. Let these be the answers to the questions:

  • What is important and valuable to me, what are my principles?
  • What am I interested in, what business am I ready to share with my chosen one?
  • What do I like - smells, colors, how I express feelings?

Have you written? Great. Now make exactly the same sign but only for him.

Reconnaissance is the key to success not only in military operations. Find out everything you can about him. What does he believe in, what motivates him, what interests him and what does he love? Did you manage to make a sign for him? Great. Now you have in your hands a map of the two of you as one system. Look at what needs to be done to make it stronger and more stable. Where might there be conflicts, or risk of getting bored?

The information received will be useful for understanding your future relationships.

What does pickup guru Eric von Markowic think?3

Another famous seduction guru, Eric von Markowicz, formulated the “principle of a man’s high value for reproduction and survival.” The guy must be physically healthy, and look appropriate, athletic body, all that, this is for reproduction.

And to survive, he must have leadership qualities and a desire for victory, preferably accompanied by a career and an expensive car. Lol.

And all this against the backdrop of total self-confidence. But success should not be intrusive, like, look, there’s my car, you see, I have biceps, you know, I can buy a yacht. The boasting of girls is actually repulsive, showing a lack of attention and a man’s lack of self-confidence, which in turn means the low value of a male.

Basic rules of female pickup

The purpose of a pickup truck is to provoke a man to take active action. The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance on a horizontal plane, or a serious relationship and starting a family. The “science” of pickup can be learned either independently or through special training.

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What are the basic rules of female pickup?

  1. Go out more often , expand your circle of acquaintances.
  2. Have you set your sights on a handsome blue-eyed athlete? Don't look for it in the library. For an oligarch? You definitely won’t find him in the diner around the corner.
  3. Always be ready to meet your dreams . An ideal appearance, excellent mood and a charming smile should be your constant companions.
  4. Learn the basics of proper makeup , you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight dress, well-groomed hands. Get used to following this rule even at home (when no one sees you). See summer makeup rules.
  5. Study male psychology . With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your one and only one among them.
  6. Be sweet, friendly and independent . Act as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  7. Your speech should be smooth and calm . No “nerve” in the voice.
  8. Don't get confused with words . Listen carefully as if this fishing story is the most amazing thing you have ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  9. Don't talk about your problems (home-work-family) and your desires. A man should have a clear feeling that you are a successful, happy and completely satisfied person with life. And, of course, avoid questions about the number of your ex-men or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be happy to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for your fourth marriage.
  10. Don't forget to praise your man . Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just don’t overdo it - you shouldn’t praise your gentleman for a nice tie or clean shoes, you need to praise him for his actions.
  11. Be modest . There is no need to put your feet on the table, sweep away dinner at a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty always decorates.
  12. When communicating with a man, try to repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speech . This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just don’t get carried away – it shouldn’t be obvious.
  13. If you are invited to dance, you should not be too frank in your movements - that is, hang on to the gentleman and press your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, control yourself and wait until the “client matures.”
  14. Manicure and makeup should be as natural and minimal as possible . Avoid red varnish right away - it makes you nervous. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that will have a magical effect on a man is shiny lips.
  15. Expand your circle of hobbies and discover new talents. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change tires, dance and cook.
  16. Never be the first to admit your crush.
  17. After meeting, do not be intrusive. It is he who should look for you, call you and make appointments. And you just condescendingly accept his advances.
  18. Don't hang a kilogram of jewelry on yourself. It’s better to have one or two decorations, but spectacular and of high quality, than to look like a Christmas tree.
  19. Do not go too far in your facial expressions and “erotic” movements. It is enough to straighten your hair, lick your lips and cross your legs. You should not wag your hips or swallow bananas.
  20. Don't tell yourself and don't let a man tell dirty jokes.
  21. Having met that same man, you should not continue the “pickup artist games” . A man should love you, not your seduction technique. You won't be able to keep him close to you for the rest of your life.

RMES-Master (TsAO)

Address: metro station Tsvetnoy Boulevard, st. Troitskaya, house 13 Website: https://www.rmes.ru Phone: Cost: from 7000 rub. for taking part

Any seducer knows that RMES-Master is the best training in Russia for “advanced” seduction of women today! A unique and amazing training on seducing women, for which many guys traveled to other cities!!!! And today you have a wonderful opportunity to undergo training and enjoy a life that is available to only a few men on the planet!

“RMES-Master” teaches you to seduce at the highest level - in terms of “speed”, “costs” and most importantly, according to the “class” of women.

You need a RMES-master like air if you want to seduce the best women. If in the space of flirting you want to perform aerobatic maneuvers.

This training is for those who want more! A training that really takes seduction to a new level! To a level higher than what nature intended.

The ideal female pick-up artist is the one who...

  • Loves and respects himself.
  • Not aggressive, but proactive. Independent.
  • Relaxed and free in relationships.
  • He doesn’t carry around a suitcase of complexes.
  • Understands a man and accepts him for who he is.
  • Knows how to give pleasure.

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Any woman is already a natural pick-up artist. In fact, she does not need to learn the science of seduction at all, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. All that remains is to use them competently and wisely. And the main thing is to understand what exactly are you waiting for? Imagine that all the men are paying attention to you, salivating and dreaming of at least holding your hand. Are you sure you need this? Or do you still dream of meeting your future, one and only man?

When turning to trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to realize that the level of male attention to you will increase. And decide for yourself whether you want it or not.

Individual trainings by Vladimir Ryabov (CAO)

Address: metro station Serpukhovskaya, Stremyanny lane, 38 Website: https://vryabov.com Phone: Cost: not specified


  • Development of image and clothing style in social media. networks and on dating sites in public places (streets, parks, cafes, events, etc.) among mutual friends
  • Date

how to invite someone home and move on to sex, how to touch and excite a girl, how to behave on a date: what and how to say, how to make phone calls

  • Relationship

how to choose a girl for a serious relationship, how to improve relationships with an existing partner, how to keep a sought-after girl in a relationship, how to keep several girls in a relationship at the same time.

Academy of Personality Development (CAD)

Address: metro station Chistnye Prudy, Arkhangelsky lane, 9 Website: https://tc-slaviya.ru Phone: Cost: from 4900 rub. for taking part

During the training, you will build an image of your Future with a happy personal life, with the man of your dreams, in your life together with whom mutual love, respect, devotion, and mutual understanding will prevail. Vivid and realistic ideas about a new life will help you master various ways to attract and keep a worthy man nearby or adjust existing relationships in the right direction.

The methods of work in the training will develop in you traits and habits that attract the “right” men, pleasant events and love. Thanks to this, you will have a “magic wand” that will help you control alpha males, their thoughts and desires. Miracles will begin as soon as you decide 100% what exactly you want and what should not be in your life. You can change the world around you, existing relationships and the behavior of men only with the help of changes that happen in you!

Negative side

a rational grain in the pickup truck - it helps insecure men learn how to meet women and communicate with them.

These skills can help you impress the girl you like and start a relationship with her.

In reality, pickup training often promotes a rather immoral lifestyle.

A man learns to endlessly seduce women who act as soulless objects for him. Moreover, the more goals are achieved, the better.

As a result, such a consumer attitude towards the opposite sex leads to the following negative consequences:

  • the development of cynicism, which manifests itself in open disregard for existing norms of morality and morality;
  • causing moral suffering to women who may misinterpret the pick-up artist’s attitude towards them and subsequently have a hard time dealing with the breakup;
  • the risk of missing out on a truly promising relationship with a suitable woman in the pursuit of new victories;
  • rapid satiety from a constant change of non-binding contacts, which is guaranteed to cause a feeling of boredom;
  • the low quality of life experience gained from such fleeting relationships without emotional involvement;
  • loss of the ability to express sincere feelings, experiences, and sympathies.
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