We learn how to overcome troubles in life and how to approach problems correctly

Troubles in life probably happen to everyone. There is no need to rush to call every trouble in your life the fashionable word “crisis”. What happened to you - trouble, problem, depression or crisis - still needs to be thoroughly understood.

All the things described are unpleasant, but they differ from each other, and are united only by the fact that such a period needs to be experienced easier, faster and with less pain than usual. In order to make it easier to experience unfavorable periods in life , you need to figure out what is really happening to you.

Black and white stripe

If you have a personality or age crisis, then this is normal, but it should not cause negative consequences. If you have simply lost all your guidelines, are stuck in one place in your development, but at the same time there are no cats scratching at your soul and everything is in order with your head, then it is too early to panic.

If up to this point your development has been going in the wrong direction, then on the contrary, you can be glad that thanks to the troubles in life, you have finally realized this. The moment has come when you need to adjust your future path in life in order to continue along it with your head held high.

Act if the situation can still be influenced

Perhaps you have articulated your real fears and discovered that you are not powerless. As in the example with the global crisis: you have no control over the economy of the planet, but you can lay out a straw for yourself.

The unknown is scary. Once the enemy becomes familiar, it will be much easier to fight him.

Concrete measures must be taken immediately when possible. As a result, this will allow you to stop panicking, as your thoughts will switch to finding a way out of difficult circumstances. At the same time, if actions are sufficiently balanced, the risks of developing a negative scenario are reduced.

Svetlana Beloded

Head of HR Department QBF

Unfavorable periods in life

Even if the trouble in your life is too serious - divorce, problems at work, etc., then this is not a disaster. In our world, nothing is completely bad or 100% good. We put labels called “good” and “bad” on everything with our own hands. The reasons for failure in life can usually be overcome if you put in some effort.

Imagine a situation where the same event causes completely different sensations. For example, a rainstorm in the middle of summer can ruin the day of a young lady who forgot her umbrella at home. But if a couple in love gets caught in this rain in the park, then they will probably look for shelter together, and this is not without romanticism and is unlikely to upset them. But rain is just an atmospheric phenomenon, ordinary water, and we ourselves give it dark or rainbow colors.

Psychologists about life's difficulties

Many classics of psychology wrote about how to cope with problems and get through a life crisis. But the most famous work belongs to Viktor Frankl, it is called “Psychologist in a Concentration Camp.” His life itself is an overcoming; he survived in inhuman conditions. People died before his eyes, they were insulted and humiliated.

What helped Frankl survive? He followed his concept, the psychologist assures that in difficult conditions it is not those who have a healthy body who survive, but only those who have a strong spirit. His books and concept of perseverance have helped millions of people around the world find meaning in life.

How to deal with failures? Grow spiritually, don’t give up, look for the meaning of life and believe in the best.

What are the troubles?

Every trouble or problem has a rational grain. Troubles show the path along which to develop in order to live happily. If you think that something has gone wrong in life, and you see that you don’t know how to approach problems in life, then you can talk to experienced people who have seen life. Surely, they will look at you with pity and tell you stories that will turn out to be truly negative, and your problems in comparison with them will be insignificantly frivolous.

Stress at work, how to cope?

The stress points certainly vary between industries and different jobs, but many of them overlap and are the same for all workers in all occupations.

These may include:


Difficulties in the country's economy or the problems of an individual company that is going through a crisis lead to staff reductions. Many workers, whether hourly or salaried, feel panic and fear of losing their jobs, especially as they see the economy imploding and more and more people around them finding themselves on the street without jobs or livelihoods.

Increased load

If someone leaves, then some of the responsibilities of those fired are transferred to others. It is exhausting both physically and mentally. Salaried workers are finding that they are spending more time at work without increased pay, and they have to come to terms with this and somehow deal with the consequences of overload in the workplace.

Excessive demands

A manager who is heavily focused on performance indicators and reporting may not realize that these constant measurements and the race for KPIs create a strong psychological burden on employees.

Increased working hours

Salaried and hourly workers who are required to work long hours suffer a variety of mental and physical health problems depending on the type of work they perform. They are more prone to heart disease, diabetes and weight gain. Physically unhealthy people are less able to cope with and cope with stressors; and these two circumstances continuously aggravate each other, with depression caused by health problems, and health problems fueled by depression.

Conflicts with colleagues

Think about it - you spend more time with strangers than with your friends and family. If you don't get along with the people you work with, it naturally causes anxiety, low productivity, and lack of energy, among other serious problems.

Why is constant stress at work so harmful?

Stress accumulates and its impact on workers is inevitable. This leads to the onset of physical illness.

As already mentioned, troubles make us unhealthy, it is difficult to deal with them, it is difficult to cope alone. Stress does have physical consequences, and many work woes result in large numbers of people getting sick. For employers, this means work stoppages or increased health insurance costs for employees.


Without good coping strategies, all this will lead to depression. And this is already more difficult to deal with. You can't cope without doctors.


25% of people have felt at least once a strong urge to yell at a co-worker, while 14% have felt the urge to hit them. This puts employees in a truly dangerous position in the workplace.

Decrease in labor productivity

If a person is experiencing psychological stress, he is unlikely to try to achieve maximum productivity, thanks if the employee does anything at all.

Personal problems

When a profession causes fatigue and burnout, these consequences do not end at the threshold of the enterprise, they enter into a person’s personal life and home. This is a vicious circle: after all, the family problems that arise from this are brought to work. It is a cruel cycle that leads people to stop doing anything at all.

Problems with employee retention in the workplace

19% of people quit their jobs due to stress they experienced at work. If the situation becomes too tense, you will lose employees. Ironically, the best employees will be the first to leave, because they were the ones who had the greatest responsibility and the heaviest workload.

If you're an employer, here's what you can do for your employees before it's too late.

If you're a stressed employee, share these tips with management whenever possible to help yourself and your colleagues.

Failures in your personal life

Even the most unpleasant events are temporary and after any storm, as the classic said, the sun always comes out. It’s also worth remembering positive psychology. For example, if you are worried about failures in your personal life, you should turn to positive examples of women who, after a divorce or difficult breakup, then found their other half and live in a happy marriage.

If you are worried about the fact that you are approaching 30 and still not married, you should read the advice of psychologists, because getting married after 30 is not as difficult as it seems. Failures in personal life happen to almost all people. The only thing that matters is how we treat them - get up and move on, or continue to sit and relive events that happened long ago.

After all, in any case, it is not the events themselves that upset you, but the way you relate to them. If there was a reasonable person next to you who perceived what was happening differently, what would he do? This is a very good question - ask yourself and think about the answer.

In any situation, have a plan B

Tune in to the positive, but don’t rule out a bad outcome to the situation. Have several options for the development of events to be prepared for anything. For example, a student doesn’t know physics well and is afraid of a test. This is the most difficult test for him. What to do? Plan A is to try to prevent the problem by reviewing the topics with a classmate. Plan B is to accept the possible bad outcome and figure out how to fix it. For example, get a high grade in the next lesson. The same principle can be applied when searching for a job. If a specialist does not have enough experience and skills, he can either improve them by taking courses, or agree to work from scratch, but for a low salary.

To create a plan “B”, you need to understand the problem, formulate it into tasks, think through ways to solve them and choose the best option. You will learn more about this technique from the video with psychologist and career guidance specialist Adukar Anna Isaenko.

How to deal with problems

How to deal with problems in your life correctly and overcome them with the least losses? Deal with the problem! What is going on in your heart - anger, sadness, resentment, confusion, etc. - only you can know. But be that as it may, you need to pull yourself out of a gloomy state. It is necessary to develop self-confidence - this will help you cope with difficulties.

If the situation was unforeseen and knocked you down, this happens. But if you are overcome by complex feelings and difficult emotions, then you need to get up from your knees as soon as possible. And you know that the black and white stripes in life replace each other, so the white one will come soon and your task is to bring it closer, you can open your eyes today and breathe freely, letting go of the problem, or you can be imbued with it and poison your life for days, weeks, or even months.

Understand the reasons for your anxiety

You've admitted to yourself that you're worried; it's time to get to the bottom of the source of your anxiety. Let's say you are worried about a global crisis, which for obvious reasons you cannot influence. But this is a rather abstract concept. If you think about it, it’s not the crisis that’s scary, but the possible consequences it can bring. Therefore, it is important to talk about (or better yet, write down) real fears. For example it could be:

  • job loss;
  • deterioration of financial situation;
  • inability to pay loans and increasing debt;
  • loss of savings.

On the one hand, these worries, translated into practical terms, can frighten even more. On the other hand, the enemy turns from abstract to real and close to you. And perhaps here you can already influence the situation.

This approach will help structure the chaos in your head and formulate the real causes of anxiety.

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