Learn how to make plans correctly for the year, month, week and day

Planning sequence

Daily plans and goals come from weekly plans and goals. Weekly plans and goals come from monthly plans and goals. And those, in turn, depend on plans and goals for the year. Therefore, the first thing you need to start with is making plans for the year.

Ps Sorry for such a tautology))

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Analysis of the past

Before you start making a plan, you need to think back to the previous year. It is very important to have a pen and paper at hand at this time. For yourself you can write:

  • What goals did you set for last year?
  • What have you achieved? Why?
  • What didn't work out? Why?

Carefully analyze all the questions for yourself. Were these goals really important to you? Was the effort spent worth the result? Only after you have a clear picture of the past year in your head can you proceed to the next point.

How to make plans and goals for the Year

You need to take the preparation of an annual plan seriously. After all, the results of your efforts will determine every month, week and day.

Below I've outlined a series of steps that will help you identify your key objectives without leaving anything out.

Step #1. What didn't you achieve last year?

The first thing you need to do is strain your brain and identify what you could not achieve last year. It will be much easier for those who have summed up their results.


Last year my key goal was to move to another city. But since I didn’t do this, this goal is transferred to the next 356 days.

Step #2. Highlight the main areas of life

The main areas of life include: personal growth, career, family, health and finance.

So, let's go in order.

Personal growth

Personal growth is expressed in the constant improvement of a person. Therefore, here I advise you to focus on the following:

  • Training in various skills. For example, learn to dance.
  • Develop healthy habits such as reading daily.
  • Eliminating bad habits. For me it's to stop biting my nails.
  • Development of discipline.
  • Expanding your general horizons.
  • etc.


It all depends on your field of activity.

If you are the head of a company, decide where you want to take it this year. How will you manage the company to bring your plans to life? When do you plan to start increasing market share and saving costs?

Read also:

How a beginner can make money on the Internet | 13 ways with and without attachments


Yes, the top two areas are important in the life of every person, but because of this, one should not forget about the most valuable thing - family. In fact, many people are worried that they are spending too little time with their loved ones. By the way, this takes us back to step #1.

Schedule a long weekend with the kids, holidays, a surprise trip for your loved one, etc.


Do not neglect such an important detail as maintaining your own health. Often the level of our success and happiness depends on it.


A common example is to outline a specific amount that you intend to earn in a year. You can also start investing, start donating to charity, increase your monthly income, and much more.

Step #3. Setting the goals themselves

After completing the previous steps, we proceed to the most important thing - setting specific tasks. Remember that this will set the direction for the entire year. Fix only the main and most significant tasks in the plan.

An example of my 10 goals for the year:

  1. Move.
  2. Organize my day so that I can devote time to work, sports, self-development and relaxation with my family.
  3. Read 15 books on self-development.
  4. Take at least 3 paid courses to develop in the field of internet marketing.
  5. Write 50 quality articles yourself.
  6. Reach 2000 visitors on the site per day.
  7. Go on a trip outside of Russia with your family.
  8. Switch to a healthy and balanced diet.
  9. Build an athletic body.
  10. Reach a monthly income of 50,000 rubles.

Please note that all these goals are related to the areas that I described above.

Step #4. Set deadlines for each goal

The deadline is the last step in planning, but it is a very valuable one. Deadlines stimulate acceleration and increased productivity. This will also help with future planning of the month, week and day.

Use the preposition "to" or a clear date:

  • By June 1, 2022, I am buying a one-room apartment in Perm.
  • On December 1, 2022, I reach 50,000 rubles in my monthly income.

Always visualize your dreams and vision for the future. Plan the year so that they manifest themselves as brightly as possible. It is worth looking at the plan for the year at least once a month - adding to it, making changes and remembering your goals.

Use 10X Thinking

Before writing the first chapter of Harry Potter, JK Rowling planned out seven years at Hogwarts. As a result, the story of Harry Potter became the most read book of all time.

Before making the first Star Wars in 1970, George Lucas had at least six films planned and therefore started with Episode 4 rather than Episode 1. As a result, almost 40 years later, the whole world is going crazy when the new Star Wars comes out. This would not have been possible if Lucas did not have such a thoughtful and ambitious plan.

So let's look at your goals for the year. They likely reflect timid thinking and an uncreative approach to planning. Without a doubt, your goals are not very difficult and you can cope with them. But don't forget, you can endure much more than you think. You can adapt to anything.

For example, let's say you set a goal to earn $50,000 in a year. Go higher, change the goal to $500,000.

When you multiply all your goals by 10, you will have to start achieving them in unconventional, innovative ways. The traditional approach does not work with 10x thinking.

But to achieve what is planned, it will be necessary not only to expand the boundaries of thinking. The effort involved must also change. Just like their abilities, people underestimate the time and effort it takes to achieve something. That is why they are often late for dates and do not finish the things they start.

Instead of expecting ideal conditions, expect the worst. Instead of underestimating how much time and effort a task will require, overestimate these things. Put even more effort into achieving your goal than you think is necessary.

If you're going to think 10 times bigger, you're going to have to put in 10 times more effort. Without effort, it doesn't matter how big your dream is. But when your behavior meets (and even exceeds) your expectations, your dreams will quickly become reality.

Choose your main goal for the year and plan to achieve it by April 1st. It turns out that you have 3 months ahead instead of 12. Are you ready to show courage and creativity?

How to Make Monthly Plans and Goals

Then it will be easier, since we have already completed the main task!

Splitting goals

In a few words, we will divide the annual goals into smaller ones.

“Even a journey of a thousand kilometers begins with one step”

Paraphrased quote from Lao Tzu

So, for example, moving to a new apartment can be divided into the following mini-goals:

  • Earn money for moving.
  • View advertisements and make your final choice.
  • Assess your own budget
  • Throw out all the trash and sell the excess furniture.
  • Collect important documents.
  • Select a moving date and place an order for a truck.
  • Sort your things and start packing.
  • Connect to the Internet at a new address.
  • If you already have access to a new apartment, then go there and do the cleaning.
  • Pack the rest: kitchen utensils, clothes, personal items.
  • Disassemble the furniture in the new apartment, unpack things, interior items, household appliances, personal belongings.

Go through each of the 12 months

Each month has special days to focus on. These are various holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.


January is the time when I personally take stock of the past year and plan a new one.


This month, except for February 23, there is nothing interesting. So throw yourself into your work.


The beginning of spring is always the time for subbotniks. Therefore, organize a general cleaning of your yard. Don't forget about March 8th.


Warm days come in April. Plan a hike in the forest or arrange a photo shoot.


May is the time to plan a vacation.


The weather allows, and therefore the time has come for street training and jogging.


The month when you can safely go on vacation and relax.


Time to do something new. Find a new hobby.


Autumn is the perfect time to start reading books.


A time of inspiration and creative revelation.


Dedicate this month to all areas at once. Do different things every week.


On the eve of the New Year, you need to buy gifts for loved ones.

Follow the same principles as when planning for the year, but add a few new details. Fix the main, most significant tasks in your monthly plan.

How to make plans and goals for the week

On Sunday evening or Monday morning, sit down at your desk to make plans for the coming week. Personally, I work better in the morning. To do this, I get up early and devote my free time to planning.

Some interesting things I can suggest are the following:

  • Learn one new skill every week.
  • Have a hell of a week.

If this interests you, here are two books worth reading: One Habit a Week and On the Edge. A week without self-pity."

Spheres of life

So, there are 6 main goals, but there can be many more:

  • self-development,
  • finance,
  • house,
  • health,
  • family,
  • Job.

For each area of ​​life, you need to choose the goal that is the highest priority for you. Moreover, in order to make achieving goals much easier, they are divided into tasks by month or even week. For example, if in the area of ​​“self-development” the goal is to learn English, then the tasks could be the following:

  1. Sign up for English courses.
  2. Get a notebook for studying.
  3. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 60 minutes.
  4. Learn a poem in English.
  5. Write a story about yourself.

Before drawing up a plan, you need to ask yourself one by one: what do I want to achieve in the field of work, health, and so on? The answers that come to mind, you should consider whether you really need it. So, step by step, a goal plan will be formed.

How to make plans and goals for the day

People are divided into two types. Those who plan the night before. And those who prefer to do it in the morning. I belong to the second type. I advise you to experiment and see what suits you best.

Anyone can make a rough plan for the next year, everyone is able to plan it once a month, many are able to distribute time over the next week, but most fail in planning each day.

“Either you control the day, or the day controls you”

Jim Rohn

It sounds very “pop”, but it’s true.

If you can’t make plans for a year, month, or day, write to me at [email protected] I will be happy to give some recommendations and help you make plans absolutely free.

And here you can independently draw up an individual development plan for the year ahead for each area of ​​life.

Basic rules for planning your day

  • Make it a routine. Start each day by planning your next day.
  • Set your priorities. This can be done in the letter ABC way, where A is the important tasks that need to be completed first; B – also significant goals, but they can be moved; C – unimportant tasks that can be started if there is free time left.
  • Don't forget to take time to rest.
  • Don't overwhelm yourself with so much work that you can't handle.
  • Take stock at the end of each day. Analyze your successes and failures.
  • Don't worry if things don't go according to plan.

A typical day for Dwayne Johnson

Do you want examples? Receive.

  1. The Rock's day begins at 4:00. The first thing he does in the morning is half an hour of cardio. His goal is to burn 200 calories.
  2. Then comes the first meal.
  3. Next comes the second strength training.
  4. Second meal.
  5. If it's a shooting day, then he goes to shoot.
  6. Meal No. 3.

Here's my day's plan:

Example of plans and goals for the day

Do you need to plan your day hour by hour?

I used to be a huge proponent of having my day planned down to the minute. I've been practicing this technique for about a year now, but recently I ran into a problem.

The fact is that when I set aside a certain amount of time for a task, be it writing an article - 2 hours, I feel like I’m pushing myself into limits. I set myself a goal: during this time I need to write ¼ of the article. And this makes it difficult to fully concentrate on the task.

I began to delve into myself and realized that creativity does not require a time frame. For creative people, productivity depends on their mood and motivation. And my work partly consists of creativity and routine tasks. Frameworks are needed precisely for these routine tasks, but not for creativity.

From this follows the conclusion:

If you are a creative person, don't waste time fighting the clock - it's a battle you can't win. However, if your activity is more related to performing routine tasks, then feel free to use the “hourly schedule of the day” technique.

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