How can you quickly make a wish come true: in a day, a week, a month?

Incredible facts

For something to come true, you must first believe in it.

The Law of Attraction is the basis of making your desires come true

. It says that we attract into our lives what we focus on.

Therefore, if we focus on the negative, the situation only gets worse. If we focus on the positive aspects of life and set goals for the future, we find ways to achieve them.

Are you ready to change your mind and life?

Here are 10 techniques for materializing desires

that will help you achieve your goals and realize your dreams.

Gratitude Loop

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Gratitude is the healthiest of all emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you are to have more things to be grateful for.


is the ability to be grateful for the present moment. This applies not only to our thoughts, but also to the emotions we emit.

When done right, gratitude can radically change your life.

The gratitude loop is what happens when you become immersed in a never-ending cycle of abundance energy.

When you are grateful, the Universe responds by giving you even more to appreciate.

. How it works?

Feeling grateful attracts even more reasons to be grateful, and you will find that your desires are fulfilled faster than before.

How to Create a Gratitude Loop

The first thing to do is take 5-10 minutes to visualize what you are grateful for.

List 5-10 things you are grateful for

, and ask yourself how you feel having those wonderful people, material or intangible values ​​in your present.

Write down everything you are grateful for. For example:

  • I am grateful that I have a wonderful pet...
  • I am grateful that I have a roof over my head, clean water and food.
  • I am grateful to my friend (wife, parents) who support me.

It is important to express gratitude regularly to keep the loop working. Remember that the more you give, the more you receive from the Universe.

How to ask the Universe to fulfill your wishes and changes in life - super techniques

In this article you will learn:

Although it was written above that all people have a dream. But, as a rule, they have a very vague idea of ​​what exactly they need. As a result, it turns out that the question: “what do you want from life?” most of them answer: “a lot of money”, or “to find love.” Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the Universe doesn’t work that way. She needs specifics. Therefore, the fulfillment of a desire is usually postponed indefinitely.

It’s amazing, but almost no one thinks to sit down at the table, take a notebook or notepad and write about what kind of life they want. But it's so simple! As soon as the goal becomes visible, the path to it will find you. And all you have to do is walk along it. Therefore, before you move on and study the techniques themselves to fulfill your desire, do not be lazy and write down your ideal life on a piece of paper with a pen.

In fact, this is a very exciting activity, and believe me, you will not be able to stop smiling when you imagine your own personal paradise. Writing down your desires is in itself a very powerful technique for fulfilling desires, plus it will bring your thoughts in order and your mind and soul to harmony. These actions help your life change for the better.

How to correctly formulate a desire?

When formulating, do not use the word “not” or the word “want”, and write in the present tense. Instead of “I wish I would never get sick,” write “I am in excellent health,” as if this were already the case. This way the technology works much more efficiently and quickly. And it makes writing much more enjoyable. And don’t hesitate to order in full, because the resources of the Universe are limitless, and you have every right to use them to find your own happiness. Therefore, do not deny yourself a villa by the sea with your own yacht, or a winter house in the Alps. And even if many things are not yet within your comfort zone, re-read your notes every day in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, do not hesitate to add to them, and your comfort zone will expand over time.

Method 55x5

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This method has gained great popularity on the Internet.

All you have to do is choose a wish that you want to realize and write it down 55 times for 5 days in a row.

This tunes your subconscious mind to your goals and desires.

The idea is to harness the energy of the number 5

, which in numerology symbolizes great change and transformation.

At the same time, it is important to focus your intentions on one goal for 5 days and not change them, so as not to send conflicting signals.

Calculating the golden minute of the day

There is another technology on how to realize your dreams and desires.
In order for them to come true, there is a golden minute of the day. Every day, for only one minute, the channel that exists between us and the Universe opens. During this direct communication session, you can ask for anything, make any wish, and it will definitely come true. If at this moment higher powers hear you listing a list of claims to life, then, supported by the power of thought, these claims will remain with you, or even double. After all, the Universe always fulfills your message, and it’s not its fault that it often hears only negativity. The golden minute of the day is calculated using a certain technology. On any day you need to pay attention to the date, its designation on the letter and there will be this magical minute when you can ask the universe (God, angel) for anything. For example, 23.02, which means that on this day the golden minute of the day will be at 23 hours 2 minutes.

It is at this moment that you need to make a wish. It should be clear and specific, not vague, and contain clarifying details. The amount you need, the location of the desired housing, its area, the gender of the unborn child, hair color, height, age of the one who will bring you new love - this list can be compiled in advance to make a wish quickly, in one minute.

From the 25th to the 31st of each month, the day and month numbers are reversed. That is, on 10/25 you need to make your wish at 10:25 am, and on 1/31 – at 1:31 am. You can make a list that you write on each day when the time comes to release your thoughts into the Universe.

2 cup method

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This is an unusual, but very effective method of realizing desires, which requires 2 glasses (or cups) and water.

  • Fill one glass with water

    and write down your
    current situation
    (e.g. single, unemployed)

  • Also mark the second empty glass by writing a desire, goal or dream that you want to realize

    (eg, loving relationship, successful career).

  • Think about where you are today and how you will feel once you achieve your desired result.
  • Fill the glass with your desire with water from the glass with the current situation

    holding positive emotions.

  • Drink water from a glass with desire

    and remove the sticker from the glass with the current situation.

In the mid-90s, Dr. Masaru Emoto studied the molecular structure of water and discovered that water can hold different types of energy. When we drink water, we absorb the energy that we put into the glass.

This method helps to attract situations that will lead you to the realization of the desired situation.


How it works?

There is an opinion that there is a prayer that fulfills wishes. The saints are invited to pray. Matrona is responsible for successful childbearing, Ksenia is responsible for marriage. Tatyana is considered the patron saint of students. Also, each person has his own Saint and Guardian Angel. It is suggested to learn the words of the prayer by heart, but it is more effective to pronounce the desire-request in your own words, so the wording will be more accurate.

Psychological explanation.

A person brought up in a religious environment, most often from childhood, is endowed with faith in miracles, God, and encouragement for worthy behavior. Such people look at the world more optimistically, since the Almighty is on their side. Theological theory has been built over centuries, which is why it has strong roots.

There are aphorisms related to the fulfillment of desires through petitions to God. Among them there are reasonable and logical ones. For example: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” “Do everything possible on your own, and trust God with the impossible.” Their meaning is similar: even faith in God should not stop a person from actions that can bring him closer to realizing his dreams.

How to use it?

Just as in the case of the Universe, a person feels the protection of Higher powers. He feels protected, and therefore more confident. Daily reading of prayers acts like chanting mantras, helping to tune in to the wave of desire and concentrate on it.

Film method

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The film method is a simple way to visualize your desire before realizing it.

  • For this method you need to watch a movie that reflects the desire you want to realize


  • Then choose a movie character and imagine yourself in his place.

For example, you are a rich guy walking down the street in an expensive suit. Or you are a bride who found love after several failed romances.

You can do this many times with different films that relate to what you want to bring to life.

Laws of thinking

The power of thought excites every conscious person. The process is supported by words and emotions - positive or negative. To make your wish come true, you need to think positively. The technique of commanding and visualizing desire with the power of thought completely depends on the laws of thinking.

A wish can be fulfilled if it is aimed at good. You shouldn’t constantly keep thoughts in your head that everything is bad. The energy of such a decree will be translated into reality.

Once you think about the injustice of life, nothing bad will happen, but if you constantly focus on the negative, replaying bad events in your memory and crowding out joyful moments, then the result will be expectedly bad.

To speed up the process, choose the main mantra - love, prosperity, money. Use one of the above methods to contact the Creator.

In order to control desires with the power of thought and invariably achieve the fulfillment of orders, in the process of implementing plans there should be no place for resentment, hatred, envy, and anger. The word can be easily materialized, but these and other negative feelings will interfere with achieving the expected success. I sincerely wish you to fulfill all your desires with the help of the power of thought.

Script method

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If you love writing, screenwriting can quickly become your favorite method of making dreams come true.

  • The method is that you write a story in which you describe your desire


  • You need to write in the first person as if it has already happened.
  • History must evoke positive emotions in you

    - when you are in a good mood, inspiration will come to you naturally.

If necessary, listen to uplifting music, go for a run, or read motivational quotes, and then start writing.

For example:

Today I chose a new car *make of car*. I woke up early and was in high spirits, constantly thinking about the upcoming acquisition. When I arrived at the showroom I saw a beautiful polished black car with a leather interior. He looked even better in real life and so on.

You yourself become the author of your own script that you want to implement.


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Affirmations open doors. This is the starting point on the path to change. | Louise Hay

Positive Affirmations

- another technique for realizing desires. They are positive statements or messages to yourself that you say to affirm your goal or desire.

When you continually affirm what you want, you are reprogramming your subconscious mind.

They can be said out loud or silently, in the present tense, as if you already have everything.

For example:

  • The Universe gives me everything at the right time.
  • I deserve all the positive things that come to me.
  • The universe has my back.

Affirmations should be accompanied by positive emotions such as joy, gratitude and belief in them.

Dream come true in a month

In 30 days you can fulfill any dream if you correctly perform the following ritual:

  • Write the message down on paper. Buy 15 wood beads and 15 glass beads. String the beads on an undyed thread made from natural materials.
  • Every day before going to bed and in the morning when you wake up, say your wish as many times as there are beads on a string. They will perform the function of a rosary. While pronouncing your wish, clearly imagine what you have planned.

Repeating it 30 times will open energy flows that will lead to the fulfillment of dreams.

Open the following video, where you will have the opportunity to fulfill one wish in just a minute.

Box of wishes

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A wish box is a method that allows you to manifest what you want through messages, photos, objects and other ideas that represent your desires.

  • Take any box, such as a shoebox, container or crate.
  • Think of it as a direct mailbox to the Universe.
  • You place whatever you want inside it, and the Universe sends the represented desire to you as physical reality.

Here are some ideas for what to put in your wish box.


  • photos of magazine clippings that resemble your desires
  • crystals
  • quotes
  • written affirmations
  • scenarios
  • family jewels
  • items

17 second method

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According to Esther Hicks, author of books on “ Ask and it will be given to you”

we need only 17 seconds of pure, uninterrupted concentration to activate the process of wish fulfillment

Exactly 17 seconds is enough to bring your desire into action. And once it is in action, all that is needed is the right moment.

The method is quite simple.

  • When you wake up in the morning, don't reach for your phone first thing.
  • Instead of this, lie quietly for 17 seconds and imagine how your wishes come true

    : How you buy your dream home or are in a happy relationship.

  • Stay with this thought for a while, and then get up and go about your daily activities.
  • 17 seconds is all it takes to come into line with your desires


This method is fast, simple and powerful and the more you practice it, the more you will realize.

It is quite possible to fulfill a wish in 1 day if you want something real

Let's say, learn how to make a cake or sign up for a ballroom dancing course. You just need to show a little persistence and make what you want come true on your own. But when it comes to some global desires, such as increasing salaries, buying an apartment or a car, then difficulties begin.

Firstly , you don’t really believe that such desires can, in principle, come true.

Secondly , you absolutely don’t understand how you will be able to buy an apartment if you don’t have any savings.

In general, you doubt and are afraid. And the Universe instantly records this and launches a help program: “If you are afraid, then there is no need to give it to you .

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