How to make a wish come true? Get a guide to your dream

How to make a wish come true? A question that worries many today.

After all, almost each of us has unfulfilled desires: trivial or global, tiny or huge, one single cherished or a whole list - they do not come true, and that’s all!

Elizaveta Volkova gives step-by-step instructions for fulfilling any desires in a short time here>>>

Someone gave up on this a long time ago, resigned himself to his “fate” and lives without believing in miracles. Others continue to believe and wait, but remember their desires only occasionally. It happens that a dream will pop up in your mind in the form of a beautiful picture or image... It will flash and then be forgotten.

Still others don't give up. They diligently compile entire wish lists, diligently rewriting them for every new year, birthday, new moon or some other “magical” date on the advice of astrologers, numerologists and other specialists.

The most interesting thing is that in the first, and in the second, and even in the third case, desires remain unfulfilled, and dreams remain unfulfilled.

How to make a wish come true?

It would seem that there is plenty of information about this today. Many have heard about the materialization of thoughts and the Law of Attraction, various methods and techniques for fulfilling desires - from vision boards and wish cards to meditations and affirmations - and some have already tried them on themselves.

How not to get confused in all these practices and which one to choose? Why are they ineffective in some cases? Where to start and how not to miss the main thing?

If your head is spinning from such questions, this article is for you.

So that you don’t get lost in the abundance of information and advice, I have prepared a kind of “cheat sheet” for you. It is based on step-by-step instructions for making wishes come true, which Elizaveta Volkova once introduced me to.

This article will be of interest to both beginners and experienced practitioners. If you are just starting the path to realizing your first dream, then this material will become a true guide for you. If you are an “experienced dreamer,” then you can use it as a checklist for fulfilling your next desire, checking each item so as not to forget or miss anything.

So, let's begin!

How to make a wish come true. Preparation

This checklist will allow you to make any of your desires come true. It consists of 10 simple but very important points. No one can be excluded !

I will tell you about each in detail in this article, but for now here’s a little advice...

To understand how to fulfill a desire, first of all you need to have this desire. Sounds weird? Agree! But it is often so difficult for people to understand what they really want, and even more difficult to formulate it.

There can be many desires, and they can all be fulfilled at the same time. But if you are new to this business, are skeptical and your faith is not strong enough, then I recommend starting with one desire

- the one whose implementation you most want.

Whether you accept my recommendation or not is up to you. Be that as it may, first you need to make a wish, setting a goal for yourself. And then - act strictly according to the instructions.

How to make a wish come true? Consistently follow the steps described below, checking the checklist items from 1 to 10. When you mentally check the last one, rest assured that your dream will turn into reality.


Point 1. Find your true desires

This is the basis of the basics. You can study tons of materials on how to fulfill a desire, practice visualizations around the clock and repeat affirmations, but if your desire is not true, not real, but imposed from the outside, then everything will be in vain.

Our true dreams are often hidden from us. On the one hand, we have forgotten how to listen to ourselves, on the other, society imposes its ideals on us and creates false values. In such a situation, it is not easy for everyone to realize their true aspirations. If this is your problem, I suggest two ways to solve it.

Method No. 1. Dare to want more

Stop for a moment and put this article down. Close your eyes, become aware of yourself in your life, appreciate your reality.

What's around you? Do you like it? What's going on in your personal life, do you have a loved one? How are you doing with your finances? What's going on with your work, do you like it? Are you satisfied with your weight and appearance? Do you like everything? Or perhaps in some area of ​​your life you would like to change, redo, or improve something?

Did you manage to find something? Great, let's fix this and move on. And if not, then let's try to come from the other side.

Method No. 2.
Find your pain
The easiest way to realize your true desires is to push away from what does not suit you today. Not everyone can clearly say what they dream of, but it seems that everyone can complain about the current state of affairs, talk about what they don’t like and irritate. Think about it. Maybe you are always short of money? Or do you often feel sad from loneliness or the absence of your loved one nearby? Perhaps you have health problems?

Choose your biggest “dissatisfaction” and think about how you can improve it. Describe what the situation will look like when your problem is resolved. This is your true desire.

I will give an example from my own experience. At a certain period of my life, my place of work was very far from home. The daily exhausting journey there and back, traffic jams and the awareness of how much time was wasted - all this irritated me terribly and was a source of constant negativity.

Taking this “pain” as a basis, I realized that my true desire is to work remotely, online, from anywhere in the world, at home, in the country or while traveling. So my dissatisfaction became the starting point for realizing a true dream and realizing it. Try this method too.

When a true desire is found, write it down, first, at least in general terms. Half the battle is done.

Now you are close to resolving the question of how to fulfill your desire. But before that, there is one more important point - analysis.

On the subject: “What are your dreams, sir?” or how to understand what I want

How to use meditation?

Meditation is a state that helps clear thoughts and relax the body. During the period of meditation, it is necessary to abstract from pressing problems and switch your consciousness to something pleasant. This relieves tension and makes clear what was overlooked in the turmoil. Meditation for fulfillment of desires is useful because you can free up your brain for new ideas regarding your dreams. Pure consciousness is capable of generating ideas that simply had not been thought of before.

For successful meditation, you first need to stop all internal dialogues. Stop re-washing past events, dialogues, and reliving the past. Stop the flow of thoughts about the future, focus on the present moment. Usually people who are far from esotericism and yoga think that to meditate you need to learn highly spiritual teachings and become on par with the guru. In fact, anyone can do this every day, for example before bed. First you need to take a comfortable position, the one in which you feel as relaxed as possible. Lying down is a great option. Comfortable clothing should not distract you, remove sources of extraneous sounds (phone, computer, TV), ask your loved ones not to disturb you for a while. Listen to your feelings; you can count your inhalations and exhalations to focus. Feel every part of the body, this exercise is useful for developing intuition. It may not work out the first time, since the human mind is designed in such a way that thoughts come in an endless stream. The task when meditating to fulfill desires is to stop reacting to them, to look at your life as if from the outside. Often our intentions are thwarted with unnecessary worry or stress about their implementation. You need to be able to collect facts in your head without judgment and determine the course of further events rationally and without extraneous emotions. The main thing is regular relaxation training; ultimately, it will be possible to achieve this state in the daily chaos, regardless of external conditions. Then the percentage of emotional, rash decisions will automatically decrease, and the implementation of plans will happen faster.

Point 2. Analyze your desires

How to do this? I'm telling you.

a) ask yourself the question “Why do I want this?”

And give a detailed and detailed answer to it on a piece of paper. Take your time and don’t be lazy: the better and more detailed the analysis of your desire, the faster you will come to the result - its fulfillment.

You should have a list of reasons that clearly explains why the fulfillment of this desire is so important and necessary for you.

Why is such a list needed? Firstly, while you are writing it, you once again “pass through yourself” your desire, fully realizing it and finally making sure that you really want what you want, no matter how strange it may sound. Secondly, the formation of such a list will help you pull out from the subconscious to the surface the secret motives of your desire, which are not obvious at first glance.

What I mean? For example, your desire is a vacation in the Dominican Republic. But when you start answering the question “Why do I want this?”, you suddenly find out that in fact your goal is not a vacation or the Dominican Republic, but a holiday romance. This is the secret motive. This means that your true desire is a love relationship, and not a vacation at all. But romance can happen to you anywhere, you don’t have to go somewhere for this.

Be honest with yourself and don't limit the Universe

! And remember: “false” wishes, as a rule, do not come true.

b) clearly formulate your desire

After all, a clear formulation of a desire is the key to its “high-quality” fulfillment.

Stay to the point. If you want to be loved and confident, write so. You shouldn’t think of a “cool car” for yourself, hoping that someone will love you because of it.

c) check your goal for adequacy

It’s stupid to dream of a villa in Mexico if you earn less than 20 thousand rubles a month. No, of course, miracles happen all the time. But! First you must believe in your inner strength. The larger your desire, the greater your faith in yourself and your omnipotence should be. And this comes with experience.

Is your goal adequate? If not, then I suggest adjusting it. Let it not be global for the first time, but no less significant and achievable for you. Over time, as you gain experience, you will be able to make bigger dreams come true.

Techniques for fulfilling love desires

Love desires can be difficult because they involve strong emotions. And your state of mind depends on them. Therefore, approach the execution of such techniques carefully.

Attracting destiny

This ritual puts you in a special mood, helping you create the love relationship you want. To carry it out, you need to create the appropriate mood, feel confident in your strength, calm and joy. Turn on melodious music and wear light clothes, and let no one come to you for half an hour.

Attracting fate is a special ritual that will bring joy.

Then, in the twilight, light a candle, the flame of which will illuminate your reflection in the mirror. Think only about the good, your desire to meet your beloved half. Taking a deep breath and exhaling, let go of your worries about your appearance. Then draw on pink paper the image of the lover you dream of. And sign the words you want. For example: tenderness, love, kindness, harmony, etc.

Then tie your photo, in which you like yourself, and this drawing with a red or pink ribbon. And attach these 2 sheets to the mirror so that their reflection can be seen. Then read:

All my doubts have flown away, My heart is open to you, come, Future happiness is opening now, Joy and love are ahead.

Then use your fingers to extinguish the candle. Look in the mirror for a few minutes. And then you need to put the tied up photo and drawing in the southwestern part or in your love sector. After that, go to bed and wait for the result.

A break up

If you are experiencing difficulties in a relationship or a breakup or divorce, then you can perform the “Morning Pages” exercise, which was described above. This practice helps you release emotions, organize your thoughts, and overcome difficult times in your life.

Love wishes

No matter how much you want to be happy with this or that person, it is better to wish for success in love only for yourself, without specifying anyone. And after that, be distracted by ordinary life, useful things, without getting hung up on your desire, finding your soulmate. Then your dream will come true faster.

You need to make love wishes for yourself.


This popular practice is suitable for solving difficult situations and helps improve relationships. It is otherwise called the Hawaiian Cleansing Method. To achieve the effect, perform the technique daily. The cleansing process starts with the repetition of phrases:

  • I'm sorry;
  • I'm sorry;
  • thank you, thank you;
  • I love you.

This practice helps to improve relationships with loved ones, colleagues and other people.

Mental conversation

There are many types of this technique. If you think that you have been treated unfairly and you are offended by some person, then have a conversation between your two higher selves. Relax and do this before bed. You mentally talk to the person, calmly explain why he is wrong. And convey your position. And after that, tell him what to do correctly, show him where he is mistaken.

Mental conversation has many types of execution.

And in your notebook you formulate the desired result every day. For example, this person apologized for his action, stopped pestering him, paid his salary, relationships improved and harmonized. This practice must be continued until the situation improves. The main thing is not to be nervous and be calm. In this case, the situation will be resolved in a positive way.

Point 3. Formulate your desire correctly

One of the most popular “women’s” questions is how to fulfill their desire for marriage. Let's use this example to figure out how to correctly formulate desires.

Here are the golden rules from Elizaveta Volkova.

Rule #1.
Use the “now” moment
It is important to write “I am getting married” instead of “I want to get married.” The point is that there is no other moment than the “now” moment. We always live in the “now”. When your wish comes true, you will realize it at some point in the future, but that moment will also be a “now” moment for you.

Rule #2.
Your desire should be as specific as possible.
If you want to get married, you should detail your desire, indicating that she wants to marry for love, and it would be nice to clarify who.

So, instead of “I’m getting married,” we write “I’m marrying a man who loves me and is ideally suited for me.”

Rule #3.
The desire should sound emotional.
Add adjectives. It is important that your desire, when you say it in your mind or read your note, fills you with joy. This is exactly the feeling that will push him to materialize.

Therefore, instead of “I am marrying a man who loves me and is ideally suited for me,” we write “I am easily, quickly and successfully marrying a man who loves me and is loved by me, an amazing man who is ideally suited to me.” Sounds better already, doesn't it?

Rule #4.
Rewrite your wish in your own words.
Other people's formal expressions and dry phrases may not work for you personally. It is necessary to formulate the desire in such a way that when reading this formulation you have positive feelings and pleasant sensations. How to achieve this?

The answer is very simple: if you wish, write in your own words - those that you most often use in everyday life, understandable and close to you.

Therefore, instead of “I easily and quickly marry a stunning man who loves me and is ideally suited for me,” we write, for example, the following: “I very simply and quickly marry an amazing man and we love each other very, very much.”

Point 4: Take responsibility and make choices.

Now that the desire has been identified, analyzed and formulated, it is time to take responsibility for your choices and for your life in general.

Understand that if you don't make an effort to make your wish come true this year, it may never come true.

Take responsibility for your future right now. No one will fulfill your desire for you, no one is ready to fight for it. Nobody cares. Only you can do this yourself. In fact, the choice is always yours.

Your choice is an immutable law, and it will inevitably be implemented.

(c) Vadim Zeland

It just seems to you that you are not solving anything. But that's not true. It's up to you to decide. So is it time to take the plunge?

How to make a wish come true? Let's move on to action.

But first, I want to share with you a link to a new master class on making wishes come true from Elizaveta Volkova.

Grab your free ticket here >>>

Best days for wishes

The most energetically powerful days for making wishes are the days of the new moon. It is customary to formulate statements of intentions and release them into space on holidays, for example, New Year or birthday. Such days are filled with good wishes, which means they carry strong mass energy. It is also beneficial to practice wish-fulfillment techniques on the days of the spring and autumn equinox. There are still a few days a year that are filled with power from well-placed planets.

Point 5. Use all your resources

There are a number of tools that each of us can use when moving on to the practical part of the answer to the question - how to make a wish come true.

Tool No. 1. Control your thoughts

Your thoughts create your reality. Yes, exactly thoughts. Therefore, think correctly. Think about your desire.

Now I will not dwell on the theory for long. The blog contains a huge amount of material on this topic, I recommend that you study it.

You can start with the following article:

Esther and Jerry Hicks created a fabulous life for themselves with the power of thought.

This will strengthen your faith in the power of thought and in your power.

Tool No. 2. Use your vision

Surround yourself with visual images of your fulfilled desire and constantly focus
on your dream

There are various tools to help you:

  • Vision board or collage;
  • A picture with numbers, name signatures, etc. (depending on what exactly you want);
  • Wish card;
  • Album with pasted pictures;
  • A drawing depicting you at the moment of fulfillment of a wish.

One of the most popular and effective techniques is creating a wish map. Instructions from Elizaveta Volkova will help you learn more about it and understand in detail the nuances of its preparation:

How to make a wish map so that everything you plan comes true

Tool No. 3.
Meditate and Visualize
The fundamental practical means of fulfilling desires is the so-called visualization at the alpha level. I'm sure most of you have heard about it or even practiced it.

The essence of the process is this: you, through an effort of will, create in your mind special thoughts about your desire. Why special? The fact is that these thoughts should describe a moment in the future in which YOU exist and in which your desire has ALREADY come true. At the same time, you should recognize this moment not as the future, but as the present - something that has already happened.

This is a very important nuance that must be taken into account, otherwise your visualization will be empty and useless.

In other words, you are not just happy about what will happen, you are happy about what is, because in your mind, thanks to an effort of will, it is happening right NOW.

It's not like a movie, it's more like virtual reality. After all, you watch a movie from the outside, not being an active participant, but in virtual reality you yourself can perform actions, walk, touch objects, even hug a person and speak words of love to him.

Lisa advises going to the alpha level to visualize desire twice a day for at least one month: in the morning (immediately after waking up) and in the evening (before bed).

To hone your skills and fulfill your desire in the shortest possible time, I additionally suggest you watch a video on the YouTube channel of the “Power in Thought” project on how to meditate correctly:

Standard techniques for fulfilling wishes

The ways to achieve desires are different and universal. You can choose the technique that is closest to you.

Letter to the Universe

You formulate your dream to the Universe so that it will fulfill it. To do this, write your wishes on paper in the present tense and without the particle “not”.

To complete the ritual, place the letter in an envelope and then send it to the recipient. For example, put a letter in a bottle and send it by river or to any address. Your imagination will decide everything. Believe that the letter will reach its goal and your wishes will come true. On the envelope you can write:

– To whom – My beloved Universe

- From whom - proper name.

Formulate your dream to the Universe.

It is advisable to perform this practice once a month.

Glass of water

This technique uses water, which has unique properties. Thanks to its special structure, the liquid retains various information received from the source. Both positive and negative. Therefore, you need to use melted or distilled water, not from the tap.

The wish must be written in the present tense. Place the piece of paper with the dream under a glass of water. Then bring your palms a short distance closer to each other and imagine the resulting clot of energy in them. Mentally make the ball denser and think about your desire written on the piece of paper. Then move your palms so that the glass is located between them, but do not touch its walls. And transfer the energy of your desire into this water. Then drink it. This practice can be repeated every day.

Wish card

The card speeds up the fulfillment of desires. The technique is that you select pictures that show what you want. And stick them on a large sheet, for example, A3 format, which will be in your sight all the time.

You can choose a photo with your favorite country that you have long dreamed of visiting. Or pictures showing a luxury car, a couple of loving people, children, the best job, money, etc. You can divide your card into special segments, for example: family, self-development, creativity, travel, career, etc.

The wish map speeds up their fulfillment.

In addition, the wish card comes in the form of a notepad or book. It should evoke joy, a feeling of magic. On the first sheet of paper, paste a photo of yourself that shows you looking attractive and happy. And by sector (starting with the wealth segment), fill out your book. Each page contains 1 wish. Color the background to match the colors of the sectors.

An equally effective version of the map is to draw what you want to see in your life. Label each picture. You can partially draw and supplement with pictures. After creating this creation, spend a few minutes every day contemplating the images. This way you will bring your dreams closer to reality.

Remember that in addition to creating a map, you yourself need to work on realizing your desires, on your beliefs, blocks, and energy. And the map is a great helper.

Notebook for 100 days

Keep a notebook where you write down your wish list. However, this should be done not on the very first page, but on the hundredth and last page. And from the first, mark the steps leading to your goal. Every day – 1 page. And even if nothing special happened during the day, still write something. It is important to feel that you are achieving results. And on the hundredth day you will feel how close you are to your dream or have already fulfilled it. If not all plans come true, this technique can be repeated again.

tomorrow I want

This technique helps you fulfill small everyday desires. It is not suitable for global goals, for example, “I’m getting married tomorrow.” And it would be suitable, for example, for the following: “I’m meeting an attractive man.” Make plans, wishes for tomorrow, think about what awaits you.

The “Tomorrow I want” technique fulfills everyday desires.

Make a wish for events to come true in a successful manner. For example, the meeting will go well, the doctor said that everything is fine, the exam was successfully passed, you won the competition in which you participated, the interview went well, you are in a great mood and the weather is good. You can make plans that depend on you. And the next day, be sure to celebrate what has come true.

It is also important to keep a gratitude diary, noting in it the good things that happened during the day. It helps you focus on the positive, gives you new energy, and makes you happier.

Visualization of desires

This practice works thanks to the power of thought. You visually, in colors, imagine your life after the fulfillment of your goals and desires. Fill the images with energy so that the pictures come to life. Feel yourself in the new car of your dreams or like you are lying under a palm tree on the beach near the sea and enjoying the atmosphere. Or maybe you are next to a cozy fireplace in a beautiful country villa. Or you have a loving family.

Feel how happy you are, how grateful you are for what you have. Your concentration is like a ray of light for the Universe, which illuminates your cherished dream.

Celestial 911

Relax completely and use your imagination. Imagine a door - behind it is the amazing and beautiful world of your dreams. You go up to it and open it, the room is filled with bright light. Outside the door you can see all sorts of pictures drawn by a rich imagination: a picturesque town located on the seashore, or amazing mountains, in a word, everything that you like.

Celestial 911 helps your dreams come true.

There you can go to the bank, which will give you the necessary amount of money. Or meet the right people who will help you. Whatever you ask, you will get results. To do this practice more effectively, read Robert Stone’s book “Heavenly 911.”

New life

This method was invented by readers of S. Kuleshova’s book “Journey to a New Life.” The tradition was started by a girl who put a note with a dream in this work and everything came true. Other readers followed and had the same positive experience. This book contains effective exercises to help you achieve what you want, and successful examples from people's lives. The book helps you overcome subconscious blocks that prevent you from achieving your goals.

To find your purpose

In order to better understand what your path is, ask the Universe a question about the meaning of your own destiny. And carefully expect answers in the form of various signs, new information, and sensations.

There is one interesting tool that helps you better understand yourself, realize your feelings, experiences, put things in order in your head, and cope with emotions. These are Morning Pages, a kind of stream of consciousness that helps to identify what is important.

The bottom line is that you need to write 3 pages of any text every morning - everything that comes to mind.

108 oranges

This unusual practice originates from China. The number 108 symbolizes infinity and luck, and oranges symbolize powerful solar energy, filling the home with joy and happiness.

For this action it is not necessary to use all 108 fruits; you can choose a quantity that is a multiple of 9, for example: 9, 18,27,36, etc. The ritual is carried out both on the first day of the New Year and on the Chinese New Year, in February.

108 oranges symbolize good luck.

When you brought oranges home, from the very threshold you need to roll them into the house, saying what you want to attract. For example, one orange was rolled into the house with the word “health”, another, saying “love”, a third - “luck”, etc. You need to roll them into every room and kitchen, with the exception of the toilet with a bath, the corridor and the balcony.

After this, do not touch the oranges for 3 days. And then you can eat them with pleasure and treat your friends.

New Year's letter

Before the New Year, think about how you would like to spend the next year. Maybe you dream of traveling a lot or meeting a loved one, or making a career, learning several languages, starting your own business or building a house. Imagine anything.

Now choose a convenient time, tune in, get inspired and write an essay: how I spent the next year. Describe this time in detail as if what you wanted came true. Place the letter in the envelope and seal it. And then at the end of the year, open this essay and be pleasantly surprised that a lot has been realized.

Doors of Desire

This is a fun ritual that needs to be performed with humor. Positive energy is important here. This little Simoron magic happens as follows.

Doors of Wishes - a ritual that will make you smile.

First, make your wish according to all the rules: in the present tense and without negation (particles “not”). Then write it on a piece of paper and stick it, for example, on an interior door. And then the funniest moment begins. Read your wish loudly and expressively, open the door and step over the threshold with enthusiasm (as if your dream has already come true). Then come back and repeat the procedure again: and so on 27 times.

During this activity, you can smile, joyfully jump on one leg, etc. The main thing is to capture the feeling of lightness, a joyful mood that brings you closer to what you want. And now, when you step through any door, remember your goal.


This practice helps to cope with negative thoughts. Because sometimes they are the only things that prevent you from concentrating on your goals and desires. And pay attention to the positive aspects. It's hard to force yourself not to think about something. Instead, it is better to replace such an attitude with a positive one.

If a negative thought appears, you need to write it down on a piece of paper and come up with a replacement. For example: I can’t get a job. Replacement: I gratefully accept a job that suits me in all respects. Or: I can’t pay off the debt. Instead: I have enough finances for all my expenses. Money comes to me easily.

Our consciousness cannot concentrate on the positive and the negative at the same time. Therefore, this practice will have the desired effect.

Point 6. Be prepared for a temporary delay

Almost every day you will be overcome by doubts: does all this make sense, will it work, are you doing everything right...

After a couple of weeks, you will start to feel like you are standing still and nothing is happening, no matter how hard you try.

This is fine! The world fulfills your wishes not instantly, but with a time delay. Just accept this fact. The duration of such a delay can range from two weeks to three years. This period directly depends on how well you follow all the steps of the instructions. None of them are written just like that; each is extremely important and requires your close attention.

If you want your dream to come true as soon as possible, think about it all your free time. But think correctly - imagining and feeling that you have what you want now, throwing away fears and doubts.

Thanks to the systematic work of the mind, even the most incredible desires come true. Checked!

On the subject: Time delay in realizing an intention or how long does it take for apples to fall into the sky?

Point 7. Believe that your wish will definitely come true

If you do not have a strong desire and faith, then no action will help you. There are three important nuances that must be taken into account in order not to lose faith in your dream, even if it seems that nothing is happening in reality.

Point one: sow the right thoughts

If you plant corn, corn will grow. Whatever thoughts you “sow” in your mind, such events will “grow” in your reality. It's logical. However, most people continue to think every second about the negative development of the situation and hope that everything will be fine. No matter how it is!

If you plant the thought in your head that you are unable to realize your desire or that it is not feasible, the result will be logical - it will not come true.

This is how a person becomes his own executioner, instilling in himself wrong thoughts. The well-known wisdom “What goes around comes around” also applies to the thoughts in your head.

The second nuance: reject the “reality” that you don’t like.

It is very difficult to think about what you want, disconnected from current circumstances, especially if they are not the most pleasant. But you must try, through an effort of will, to create in your mind the positive thoughts you need. Affirmations and positive statements are great for this.

You can write your own, or you can use ready-made ones.

  • Affirmations to attract love
  • Affirmations for weight loss
  • Affirmations for attracting finances

Point three: don't give up

Never give up on your desire. Be categorically NOT willing to NOT get what you have in mind. And don't settle for less.

Believe and be ready to go to the end, always keeping these three nuances in mind, and the understanding of how to fulfill your desire will come to you on its own.

Techniques for material and monetary desires

In order for you to have more money, you must first of all change your thinking, get rid of the “psychology of poverty”, habits that prevent you from getting rich. For example, this is constant saving on everything, fear of leaving your comfort zone, fear of changing jobs, envy of more successful people, lack of initiative, low self-esteem, dislike of yourself, lack of self-confidence, shifting responsibility to someone else, etc. A number of people have prejudices that they do not deserve success, expensive things, a high standard of living, since being rich is inconvenient.

There are a number of techniques that help you tune in to wealth.

Money House

By performing this technique, you create a beautiful house for money. For these purposes, it is good to use a box in which you can cut out doors and windows. The process of creation itself is uplifting. Or you can buy a ready-made house and then make furniture for it. After that, put coins or bills there to attract money. People who applied this practice shared positive results and noted an increase in their income.

A money house lifts your spirits.

Money mat

To perform this effective technique, you need a nice new red mat. On its bottom side, sign “Wealth and Success” and place it at the entrance to the hallway, and under it put a piece of paper with the words: “My monthly income is such and such an amount. I am successful and rich." Whenever you go out of the house, linger on this mat. Relax on it and imagine how it fills with money and your wealth energy grows.

Money magnet

There is 1 effective affirmation for attracting money (from the popular movie “The Secret”). Repeat it daily to tune into wealth.

  1. I am a money magnet.
  2. Everything I touch turns to gold.
  3. I have more wealth than King Solomon's mines.
  4. Money falls from the sky on me.
  5. Now even more money is being printed for me.
  6. Ideas that bring money come to me every day.
  7. I get unexpected checks in the mail.
  8. I have more than enough money for everything I want.
  9. I have the house of my dreams.
  10. I have the best.
  11. I am grateful for every day and celebrate it.
  12. I know when I ask for what I want, no matter what it is, no matter how impossible it may seem, if I believe and know that it is mine, the answer must be... “I listen and obey.”

A money magnet is an effective affirmation.

A wish list

Write down 10 wishes on a blank sheet of paper in order of their importance, and then re-read this list at least 3 times every day. Think more often about the items from this plan. To make the process go faster, rewrite this list every day.

When drawing up a plan, specify your wishes, indicate realistic amounts and clear dates. Be positive. In this case, you will get what you want faster. If it is difficult for you to immediately change your thoughts, then you must first change your behavior, and after it, your inner attitude will transform, which will lead you to success.

25 wishes

The essence of this technique is this. Write 25 wishes and treat yourself to nice things. For example, during the first 10 days. Treat yourself to delicious chocolate, flowers or a trip to the cinema. To start the process of fulfilling desires, the first goal must be easily achievable. After some time, your wishes will begin to come true. After each accomplishment, thank the Universe and add new dreams to the list.

Point 8: Raise your vibration

The higher your energy level, the faster and easier your wishes will come true. What determines your vibration level? From your emotions!

There is a scale of emotions, the lowest point of which is resentment, and the highest point is love. This is why it is so important to learn not to accumulate grievances and conduct regular forgiveness sessions. This will help you fulfill your desires faster!

If you feel resentful towards someone, it takes a lot of your energy. The only way to get rid of this is to forgive. If you are not yet ready to forgive, then at least replace the emotion of resentment with anger. On the scale of emotions, anger is one step higher than resentment, and therefore can alleviate your condition at least a little.

The emotion of love is the best emotion, it heals the soul and body, helping to fulfill your desires. Love everything you see around you. Even if at first you do this with an effort of thought, over time you will get used to it and begin to experience these feelings sincerely. Always remember: the more you love, the better your reality becomes.

I suggest you read more about how to forgive offenses and raise your vibrations in Elizabeth’s article on our blog.

Mantras or affirmations

In reality, each of us has our own mantra that we can use. This is a phrase that needs to be repeated in a situation when there is an energy decline and it seems that the dream will never come true. Mantras for fulfilling desires should be easy to remember and pop up in your head automatically. They may change over time depending on preferences. For example:

  • “Every day my life gets better and better.” Even if there is collapse around you, repeat this phrase, and gradually your thinking will begin to change. After all, even the most severe failures bring us lessons for self-development and bring goodness.
  • “I have found/found my purpose and am successfully realizing it.” Suitable for those who have not yet figured out why they came into this world. Helps you tune in to the best and look for opportunities for development.
  • “Everything I do is aimed at success and prosperity.” For those who are not confident in their own abilities and do not know how to fulfill their desires.
  • “My income is growing every day.” Allows you to set yourself up for productivity and energizes you for financial desires.
  • “I love and accept myself.” Reinforces self-confidence.
  • "My Universe loves me." When everything seems to be turning against you. This mantra of wish fulfillment directs the subconscious to search for the most successful options for realizing your plans.

You can come up with some of your own affirmations that will personally bring you energy and direct your activities in the right direction. Their task is to return attention to the main goal, to distract from unnecessary worries and worries. Force the brain to generate ideas to fulfill intentions.

Point 9. Thank the Universe for fulfilling your desire

Gratitude is a great power. Many people achieve their goals and fulfill their desires by doing this practice alone. Try it too.

Close your eyes and start saying words of gratitude, for example: “I thank God, the Universe, the World around me for the fact that my desire to be..., to have... has been fulfilled, and now I can enjoy life. I am so glad that this happened and very, very grateful for such a miracle, for such a gift! I thank you and rejoice!”

Now listen to yourself. How do you feel when you say these words? Are you feeling joy? Have you imagined yourself at the moment when your wish came true?

If so, you've just accomplished the most powerful visualization ever! And it can't help but work.

If it’s difficult for you to do this practice yourself, you can use a ready-made one:

Self talk.

One of the assistants in fulfilling desires is the subconscious. It is responsible for the unconditionality of actions. At the unconscious level, complexes, fears, and grievances are registered that prevent you from moving towards your goal and stop you on the path to success. They steal energy that should be spent on fulfilling desires. First you need to get things in order!

Task No. 1 is to put into the subconscious a program that will change thinking, remove all the “I can’t”, “I’m unlucky”, “it won’t come true”. This can be achieved by repeating affirmations. These are short verbal formulas, the repeated repetition of which reinforces the necessary images and attitudes in the subconscious.

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Here are some examples of affirmations for fulfilling desires with the power of thought:

  • I'm open to love.
  • Luck is on my side.
  • I am the owner of a white BMW.
  • I enjoy my work.
  • I earn enough money to cover my needs and fulfill my desires.
  • I radiate charm and attract men.

The wording is written in the present tense, as if the wish is already coming true at the moment.

Point 10. Wait with joy and anticipation

What else can you do? Of course, wait with joy and anticipation. If you did everything correctly and:

  • Write down your wish in a notebook and periodically say it out loud in front of the mirror;
  • “Write” your wish in the sky at least three times;
  • Created your own vision map or vision board;
  • Practice visualizations at the alpha level every morning and evening;
  • Thank the Universe every day for fulfilling your desire;
  • The rest of the time you think about the good, look around, trying to recognize the opportunities opening up to you and find new doors;
  • Repeat affirmations;

means the answer to the question “How to make a wish come true?” you already know. The universe is coming your way. You are ready?

Congratulations, you have read the article to the end. But knowing does not mean doing. You may have doubted that you are able to complete these 10 points on your own.

There is another solution! Book your place in Elizaveta Volkova’s free master class and learn how to make a wish come true from the author of the most popular and effective technique >>>

Space technology

The source of Cosmic power is hidden in every person. And technology is just a tool. And it’s up to you how you use it for the benefit of yourself and the Universe.

Thanks to this source, you will find solutions to your problems and gain moral balance. You will also reveal amazing talents and phenomenal abilities, and realize the depth of your own “I”. And you will be able to achieve your goals easily, quickly and effectively. The Source of Cosmic Power can answer any question; it knows your desires and preferences. Through the use of this practice, everyone will be able to attract the necessary benefits, the right people and circumstances. Now the way is open to you everywhere.

Space technology will help you find your problems.

You can connect to the cosmic source at any time, in any place and in any scenario. Its value lies in the absence of restrictions. This technique does not require complex rituals and does not require extensive experience. You can start performing the technique either now or in a year. It is as simple and useful as possible.

A positive attitude and the absence of unnecessary stress are important. If you are angry and preoccupied with problems, then you will not be able to improve the situation much. First, change your state, you can turn on meditative music, a beautiful melody without words. It is important to be calm and focused. To establish a connection with the source of Cosmic Power, you need to go through the following steps.

Visualizing your power

Feel your own power and importance. Feel like the creator of your reality or a genius, imagine yourself as what you would like to see. Remember your merits, exploits or create a new ideal. Elevate yourself in your own eyes. Paint a picture in your mind of the life you want.

Detachment from the moment

After visualization, you need to step back from the current time. Forget about who you are. And what opportunities do you have now? Direct your attention to your inner world. What you think about yourself determines how you are treated.

Detachment will help you forget about time.

Feeling of pleasure

Feel a fleeting state of bliss, an inner uplift. Feel yourself in it for a while, but do not lose control of your emotions.

Establishing a connection with space

Create a connection with the source of Cosmic Power. Start feeling joy and thanking the Universe for what is happening, sending love inside yourself. As a result, you will create a powerful vibration and there will be energy all around. Try to stay in a state of bliss for at least 1 minute.

Goal setting

And at the end of the technique you need to set a goal. Try to do this at the peak of an amazing state. Feel as if you already have it now. From the bottom of your heart, ask your Subconscious (God or Holy Powers, Cosmos, Mind, Universe) for help. And rest assured that your request will reach its goal.

Setting a goal will help your desire come true.

You need to repeat this practice more often, and then your wish will come true in a relatively short time. When you feel euphoria, the effectiveness of the technique increases several times. The secret to performing the technique is to create a Special State.

Don't rush the result and don't worry too much. Just be sure that everything will come true. Follow the instructions completely to achieve the desired effect.

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