10 reasons why a job you love is more important than a well-paid job

Does your job give you no satisfaction? Maybe it's because you're on a path that has nothing to do with your passions? Maybe it's time to head down the right road and take a different route?

Money is a very powerful thing that builds empires and destroys kingdoms, makes dreams come true, makes some people happy and some completely miserable. Today, the pursuit of money is almost directly related to the pursuit of happiness; many argue: money is happiness.

However, this is problematic because it forces many people to choose a path that does not best satisfy them. When people choose their career, they are sometimes blinded by money and only follow the path of accumulating it. Although money means a lot and can buy us everything that will temporarily make us happy, it cannot buy time. Time is our most valuable asset, it is the thing we should spend most wisely on this earth. You shouldn't feel like you're wasting your life mindlessly.

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The current generation is in trouble because jobs are scarce and many of us are forced to do jobs we hate just because we need money. While this may be the right move for our careers at the moment, it should not mean that we have to continue this type of activity for the rest of our lives. Here are 10 reasons why you should follow your passions, not your earnings.

Working for money is not a good motivation to make a career

Every morning, from Monday to Friday, you go to work, you are there from 9 am to 5 pm, you sit and look at the clock, eagerly awaiting the end of the working day. This is not the best way to enjoy life. Working 8 hours a day, and even 5 days a week - it makes you unhappy, you don't live your life to the fullest.

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Many people who choose a career that is not designed to make them happy will tell you that they would have done things differently, made different choices, if they had had the chance. You only have one life, don't waste it doing a job you hate just for the money.

You must want to do more, you constantly have ideas, have a desire to work

The state when you are forced to work is one of the most devastating, personality-destroying. In any type of activity there are falls, your mood may deteriorate, but you understand that this is the exception rather than the rule if you like the work. Everywhere there are ups and downs, but if you are truly passionate about what you do, you don't pay much attention to temporary difficulties. Your creative process is also different. You are more likely to come up with creative ideas when you enjoy what you do.

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Work should not be forced on you

If you value money more than your health and hobbies, sooner or later you will realize that you are in an endless vicious circle called “suffering.” Work is no longer associated with adventure or career, but with obligation, a necessity that haunts both soul and body.

Every day you go to work in this mood, you begin to hate your job more and more. Many people believe that they must work in order to retire safely and have money to travel. But what's the point of spending the last years of your life happily if you've felt terrible the whole time?

No matter how much you earn, nothing will make you stop feeling like you hate it.

Many accountants come to work for corporations in America, put in reckless hours during the week, and get paid a lot of money the day they are paid. Many of them have saved a lot of money, but they will never be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor because their work takes up most of their lives.

Many of them hate their jobs because they are not really passionate about what they do. Is there anything worse than having to do something you hate? Eventually, this hatred will cause stress and end up with negative consequences for your health.

Why are we working? Reasons other than money

Let's start, however, with money. No matter how much you sneer about “despicable metal,” 77% of workers admit that they are best motivated by good pay. But the importance of the money earned for us does not end there.

What’s interesting is that labor income has a different “value” for us than money that we got in some other way.

Modern Western culture distinguishes between “profane” and “sacred” money depending on its origin. For example, a windfall in the lottery, an inheritance, a fee, or a bonus are considered “special” money that is usually spent not on everyday needs, but on special items or unusual experiences.

At the same time, the “profane” money we earn can also turn out to be traps. One of the most typical is when we believe that our earnings are a measure of success. This essentially means that the amounts I receive show how much I am worth.

People often identify themselves with the work they do. This is laid down in childhood, when the child is told: “Why did you do that? You are bad!" And he learns: an assessment of my deeds is an assessment of my personality.

We strive to leave a mark on the world

Philosopher Hannah Arendt once described two types of work:

  1. One of them is necessary to maintain life, but in the process of such work we do not produce something that will remain for a long time. This type includes cooking, washing, cleaning and our other everyday worries, in which there is nothing specifically human, and therefore a person in this case acts as an animal laborans, a “working animal.”
  2. The second type of work that humanity has always valued more is the production of objects that surround us, from cups and chairs to houses, bridges and airplanes.

The “creating man” can no longer touch what he produces, so it is difficult for him to rejoice in the work of his hands.

We do not live in the lap of nature, but surrounded by objects created by our own hands. The accumulation of these objects creates our world and gives it permanence. It is creation that makes a person human.

Today this highest kind of work—creative work—is rapidly being eroded.

There are more and more of us who do nothing with our hands, but only talk and tap on the keyboard. This is how financiers, insurers, programmers, consultants work... They all generate, process and redirect information flows.

It requires a lot of knowledge, effort, creativity and will from us to achieve results, but the fruits of such labor are ephemeral, they do not remain in the world and do not give it stability.

The “creating man” can no longer touch what he produces, so it is difficult for him to rejoice in the work of his hands.

Perhaps this is why many professionals in mid-life feel a craving for manual labor, dreaming of baking bread, painting dishes or starting their own farm...

We want to develop

But in the modern world, self-realization is becoming increasingly important. This word has come into use not so long ago, and different people give it different meanings. Is it connected with an interesting, favorite job? High professionalism? With creativity? Maybe it depends on whether the person has realized his dream?

Perhaps it’s easier to come from the other side and describe it through our emotions.

We feel fulfilled when we reveal our inner potential, when our abilities, knowledge and skills are involved in our work. It's the feeling of being in your place and enjoying what you're doing. Sometimes from the result, sometimes from the process, or from both.

It’s convenient to do what you love even at later hours

When you're doing something you're passionate about, working even later in the day isn't as tiring as doing something you don't like. Working late at night doesn't tire you out because you don't feel forced to do it and are doing more enjoyable things.

There are busy times in every line of work, and there will undoubtedly come a time when you will have to work many extra hours. Would it be easier for you to work longer on something that only brings you satisfaction, or on something that causes you dread?

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We all need praise. Leader’s phrase: “Well done, you did a great job!” - can improve mood and self-esteem. What can we say about a prize or certificate issued for achievements, which can be shown to loved ones. People want to feel important, needed, indispensable as professionals.

The feeling that they can’t do it without me, because I do this job better than anyone else, is priceless. When the fruits of your labor are praised, it is perceived completely differently than compliments on your appearance and sense of humor.

Psychologists are convinced that for some people, praise from their superiors and colleagues becomes a kind of drug; they strive to receive it again and again. Yes, this is one of the signs of narcissism, but this phenomenon is quite widespread in modern society.

You must be willing to do more than necessary.

Some circumstances at your job will require you to sometimes do more than necessary. At certain times during busy seasons, you may be asked to perform certain tasks that are not part of your daily activities. It's much easier for you to jump into extra work if that's something you actually care about. Because you are passionate about what you do, you will be willing to go the extra mile to go beyond what is required of you.

Worker Skill Levels

Complex work requires a high level of skill, special training, certain skills, and knowledge. High professionalism can be achieved by representatives of completely different professions: musicians, doctors, teachers, managers, carpenters, programmers. The more perfect a worker’s skill, the more his work is valued and the higher his wages.

What makes up an employee’s skill:

  • talent;
  • capabilities;
  • personal experience;
  • special knowledge;
  • ability to perform complex operations;

If desired, everyone can eventually become a first-class professional. Depending on the level of professional skill, labor is divided into highly skilled and low-skilled.

Low-skilled labor is an activity that does not require long training, work that can be undertaken by almost anyone. Such work is usually paid much less, but there are also few requirements for specialists. Examples: cleaner, janitor, dishwasher, loader.

Highly skilled work is a job that not everyone can do. It can only be done by a professional with knowledge, extensive experience, skills, and special skills. To master such a profession, you need to study, undergo special practice, and gain experience. Examples of highly qualified professions: engineers, programmers, fashion designers, artists, teachers, doctors.

Your career takes up a large part of your life, so you need to do what you enjoy

You will spend most of your life at work. This is a fact; it’s unlikely to work out any other way, unless, of course, you were born into a rich family or had a successful marriage. Others who are unlucky enough will have to spend most of their lives working to make ends meet.

There is no other way, so we will have to accept the cards that fate has dealt us. Many people go down this wrong path because they think work is something they have to do rather than something they can enjoy. Once you find something to enjoy about your career, you will lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

Meaning is in the eye of the beholder

Categorizing some jobs as “prestigious” and others as “minor” is stupid and pretentious.

When the orderlies were asked why their work was difficult, they admitted that it required a lot of experience. And it wasn’t about understanding how to properly wash the floor. It was about how to take care of patients.

It turns out that good orderlies find significance even in the most routine work at first glance, and show kindness, care, and empathy. Although their job responsibilities do not say a word about other people.

Work is not so much about what we do, but about the impact we have on other people and the motivation that drives us to do the work.

You will be much more satisfied when you complete a project.

There are feelings much better than those you experience when you reach a certain level that you once set for your development. When you finally reach the top, it must be said that it is much more satisfying, because you have been doing what you love all along. Remember, work shouldn't be something you hate, be honest with yourself and always do something you really enjoy. Then you will live your life with pleasure, enjoy every minute of it, even during working hours!

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