10 Reasons Why Some People Are Angry, Rude, and Disrespectful to Others

It seems that there are many more rude and evil people in this world than kind and caring souls. We constantly fight with each other, not realizing that sometimes there is not even a reason due to which uncontrollable rudeness arises. As disrespectful attitudes become more and more common, this problem is not going away anytime soon. And if we understand the origins of people’s negative behavior, perhaps we can cope with it.

Unlucky day

Sometimes the reason some people get angry is simply a bad day. For example, a person overslept, so he is a little late for work, then spilled a cup of coffee on his new suit, got stuck in an elevator, etc. Can this day be called a good day? Perhaps the second half of the day will be the happiest in recent times, but the “victim” does not know this yet. So it turns out that he begins to “take his anger out” on everyone who comes to his hand. Of course, not all people do this, but only those who cannot control themselves. But we must admit that each of us has moments when our nerves simply give out (especially if the troubles drag on for a long time). Therefore, you should treat rude people condescendingly, since at this stage they have problems, not you.

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Elementary envy

Another reason why people became evil and cruel is elementary envy. Because of this, people began to betray and stopped being happy for each other. And such a concept as strong friendship has long been forgotten. One person begins to look enviously at another. He notices who has a better spouse, better-behaved children, good wealth and a prestigious job. Accordingly, because of this, envy and bitterness towards oneself and others appears. A person may wonder why he is not as lucky as his work colleague or his neighbor in the stairwell.

There are two options for how to deal with this problem. The first way out is to improve your well-being in order to be on par with the object of envy and live in similar conditions. The second solution is to change your social circle to one that is more suitable, so that there is no reason for envy. For example, a single mom needs to communicate with a girl who is divorced, and not with one who has a happy and caring husband. The same applies to your financial condition - you shouldn’t look for rich friends.

The person has negative feelings towards you

It's almost impossible to please everyone. That's why each of us has friends who don't like us. But we try to control ourselves and not demonstrate our negative attitude (in the event that our hostility is mutual), and other people do not consider this a reasonable solution. Moreover, they do this on purpose to show you their disdain. They try to insult, humiliate, spoil the mood, etc. But we understand that they do all this out of their weakness and bad manners. An intelligent person will never stoop to show his negative attitude. The most he will do is simply ignore you. Therefore, you should not be offended by those who show their anger in this way.

Low self-esteem

People with low self-esteem can demonstrate rudeness and anger. If a person does not know anything in life, cannot boast of his intellect (experience, achievements, etc.), he begins to “present” himself in exactly this way. He begins to attract attention to himself by attacking others, and thus self-actualizes (from his point of view). Such a person will be happy if he is perceived as a brawler with whom no one wants to deal, because otherwise he will simply not be noticed. Therefore, we, as people with objective self-esteem, have to look at all this with pity (not in the best sense of the word) and condescension. We cannot do anything about this, since only experienced specialists or the person himself can change him.

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Is it worth fighting childhood shyness?

If a child is not confident in his abilities and worries that he will not be able to cope with some task assigned to him, then he begins to withdraw into himself or use various tricks to relieve himself of responsibility and refuse to participate in this dubious undertaking from his point of view. . Does your child have to perform in front of a large audience and sing a song in the evening, but in the morning he declares that he has lost his voice or has a terrible sore throat? The symptoms of a psychosomatic illness are obvious, the causes of which not all parents will understand.

It is common for a child, like an adult, to experience a feeling of anxiety. To help the child cope with difficulties and protect him from many problems that may arise in adulthood, parents are obliged to read books on child psychology and monitor the emotional state of their child.

Getting sick from facing reality is one of the worst ways to evade responsibility. Children whose parents did not sound the alarm in time grow up and turn into angry or withdrawn individuals who do not know how to enjoy life, respect and love the living beings around them.

Containing your negative emotions

Some people simply don't know how to control their negative emotions. They try to stop for a moment to think about the situation, but they can't even do that. These people tend to overreact to even the smallest problems, as they have an overly active temperament and excessive emotionality. It is worth understanding that a person who is constantly in an excited state and reacts to every little thing, while making a huge scandal out of nothing, is to some extent sick. He experiences a lot of negative emotions and worries, and this irritates his nervous system. Don't pay attention to him and take everything personally. We must hope that he will recover someday, but for now, let him be rude to himself, since it’s easier for him.

Historical cruelty

The older generation likes to wonder why so many cruel people appeared? Everyone was kinder before. Listening to their complaints, you involuntarily agree. You just have to open a newspaper or watch the news.

People used to be kinder. It's worth thinking about. And before – when? Millennia ago, when cannibalism flourished? Well, these people can, by and large, even be justified somehow. They were primitive. And they didn’t know at all about humane treatment of one’s neighbor. Or maybe those who lived during the era of the Inquisition were kinder? Or during the reign of Stalin? Many people were in prison thanks to denunciations. How many of these “good-natured people” sincerely tried to present their neighbor with a “gift”!

Why does it feel like there are so many cruel people today? Of course, the media made their contribution. In the era of democracy, they pay more attention to manifestations of cruelty. It should be noted that the level of humanity among humanity has increased, which is why aggression is so striking.


Often parents allow their children to do whatever they want. From these naughty kids, to whom everything is allowed, ill-mannered adults grow up. They are used to getting everything they want from life, so they choose this particular style of behavior. Ignorant people try to achieve everything through rudeness, scandals and hysterics. They constantly raise their voices and try to draw attention to their problem, involving everyone present. Unfortunately, we cannot re-educate them, so we are forced to simply ignore their demands, which are expressed in this way.

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Heightened self-esteem

Some people consider themselves superior to others. They treat others as service personnel or simply individuals unworthy of their level. Such people constantly demonstrate their superiority and express this through raised voices or rudeness. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this either. It is very difficult for a person who cannot objectively evaluate himself to prove the rules of good manners. Therefore, you should treat them with indifference or simply ignore them.

Legal assessment

According to criminal law, cruel behavior is illegal and is regarded as socially dangerous.

The law recognizes special cruelty in the commission of crimes as an aggravating circumstance. It influences the strengthening of measures and increasing the terms of punishment.

Evidence indicating particular cruelty in the commission of a crime is:

  • causing a large amount of physical damage;
  • the use of drugs or poisons that had a painful effect on a person;
  • burning alive;
  • prolonged deprivation of food and water;
  • causing harm to the victim’s loved ones, which caused him additional suffering;
  • bullying of the victim.

Longing for loneliness

Some people just need to be alone sometimes. And when they are forced to communicate with others (friends, relatives, colleagues), they do everything to provoke a conflict. Perhaps they do not want to start quarrels and scandals, they are simply trying to convey in this way so that they are left alone. Perhaps if you approach them after some time, they will behave differently, but at this point it is recommended to simply walk away.

When is a doctor needed?

Much has already been said above about why a person is evil. As it turned out, many factors can influence his mood. But there are certain behaviors when you need to seek help from a doctor. These include sudden mood swings and excessive aggressive behavior. You should also be wary if a person himself ceases to control his emotions and behaves extremely rudely with others. Another reason to visit a doctor is assault. A psychotherapist or family psychologist will study the patient’s problem and provide him with practical assistance.

Lack of communication skills

When people are unable to communicate well or understand body language, they become rude, even if they didn't intend to be so. The way we perceive things is not always as intended. A person simply does not know how to voice his desires, so he acts as he is accustomed to. He begins to get angry, rude and insult other people instead of calmly explaining what he needs. In fact, try not to take everything to heart, because not everything is as deep as it may seem.

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Why can anger be such a problem for others and angry people themselves?

Anger is a problem for those around and the evil people themselves.
An angry person is annoying and annoying. I don’t want to communicate with him, but often this is impossible. Maybe you just need to understand such people? Why can anger be such a problem for others and angry people themselves?

  • According to psychologists, the source of both chronic anger and episodes of rage can be the psychological disorders of anxiety and depression.
  • They note that among people with major depressive disorder, there is a surprisingly high level of irritability at 50% of the time.
  • The studies establishing these percentages used measures of anger that the research team points out have not been well validated.
  • In some cases, the statistics were based on very short tests of anger and irritability.

Depression and constant anger are the scourge of the 21st century. All experts related to psychology point to this. Why this happens, read on.

Poor self awareness

People with poor self-awareness may not always notice the changes sent by those around them. For example, if something they say upsets you, they may simply not notice. These people are not trying to look disrespectful, they simply do not know how to behave in such a situation. They need to explain everything in detail (say what exactly upsets and offends you in this conversation), since not everyone will be able to read your thoughts. If you do this once (and even more so several times), without getting offended or reacting with aggression, then the person will definitely behave differently (at least with you). Try it, you will definitely succeed.

Personality disorder

There are many different types of personality disorders, and some of them make people quite rude, or make them seem so. Please understand that not everyone is at the same level of mental development as you. It is necessary to understand that this is a serious problem, first of all, for the person himself. He undoubtedly needs treatment, where experienced specialists will help him cope with his uncontrollable emotions. Therefore, you should not take everything personally and be offended by sick (in the literal sense of the word) people. Not everyone has a personality disorder, but they are much more common than you might think.

Why is a woman angry?

A woman is a more emotional living being. Therefore, there can be an unlimited number of reasons for her anger. Among them, the most common are the absence of a worthy man nearby, excess weight, lack of a good outfit and many other factors. It is worth noting that during the menstrual cycle a woman can behave quite strangely and react aggressively to literally everything.

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