Fundamentals of personality self-organization - the basis of effectiveness

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Self-development of personality
  2. Self-organization as an element of personal self-development
  3. Signs of a self-organized personality
  4. Reasons for the lack of self-organization
  5. A set of actions that includes self-organization
  6. Effective methods of self-organization

Self-organization and self-development of the individual are very complex processes aimed at the intellectual development of a person. They presuppose the presence of such qualities as willpower, discipline, the ability to set goals and achieve goals, and be responsible for one’s words and actions.

It is not easy to become such a person. There are many barriers and obstacles on the path to self-improvement. But as soon as you want to change, opportunities will immediately present themselves. A person should not stand still, development is an obligatory and necessary condition for existence in society, this is what we will talk about next.

Self-development of personality

Let's start with the main thing. What is personal self-development?

Self-development is a volitional process of conscious work on oneself. Its goal is to achieve specific criteria, levels in relation to one’s own personality. You ask yourself what you want from life, what you would like to achieve. And plan your path. Accordingly, you develop new knowledge and skills necessary for this. This is the only way a person can achieve harmony and satisfaction in life.

It is self-development that you lack if you regularly think about your place in the world, purpose and significance for others.

Formulating your desires, turning them into goals and breaking them down into tasks is not easy. It's even harder to work on yourself. But self-organization and self-development is the only way to live the way you want.

Self-development includes several key skills:

  • increasing awareness;
  • self-control;
  • development of willpower.

They become important keys to changing the quality of life and further achieving your goals.

You can engage in self-development yourself. Today there are many ways to obtain information through books, lectures, and TV and Internet shows. For some, it’s easier not to waste time searching and trust a professional who will share his knowledge and experience. Choosing a personal coach is not so easy. Be carefull. Pay attention to the achievements of the coach himself, his life values ​​and personal qualities.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

Self-development as the ability to change and constantly work on oneself is extremely important in the professional sphere. When selecting personnel, HR professionals are increasingly paying attention not only to the candidate’s existing skills and education, but also to his prospects. They provide opportunities for personal and career growth. This is now becoming a basic requirement. Everything else is easy to teach.

Why is it important to plan time?

Time is the only irreplaceable resource. For example, if a person’s money is missing, then this is, of course, unpleasant, but you can always earn it, thereby making up for the loss. There is little pleasant in this situation, but there is always a way out of it. Time cannot be returned. No one has ever been able to go back in time to correct the mistakes of their youth. We only have the present. “Here and now” is the slogan of self-confident, successful people. Losers live either in the past or in the future, they constantly miss out on the real opportunities that life offers at the moment.

The theory of self-organization implies that a person who has realized the need for clear planning of his activities will relentlessly control his own desires and monitor the time intervals that it takes to complete a particular activity. As a rule, such people have high goals and want to become successful.

Self-organization as an element of personal self-development

Personal development is impossible without self-organization. A person becomes his own boss. He sets his own goals. Determines the necessary means to achieve them. Asks himself about successes, work done, shortcomings and makes adjustments, encourages or criticizes. How to become your own leader? Difficult. But probably. This requires skills of self-education, self-discipline, and critical thinking.

This approach will help you distinguish momentary desires from important goals, be responsible for decisions made, not be distracted by trifles, see the main thing and move forward, despite the obstacles you encounter.

That is why it is most difficult for people with a poorly developed volitional sphere, irresponsible and spineless to achieve self-organization.

Main principles of self-organization:

  • creativity;
  • tolerance;
  • dedication;
  • openness;
  • constant development.

The main difference between a self-organized person is the ability to turn desires into goals. Formulate them, make them achievable, breaking them down into specific practical tasks. One day, a dream that has been born may “burn out.” Or stay the way you want.

You can realize a dream when it becomes the object of conscious work. This is impossible without self-overcoming and self-motivation.

Family tasks

Despite the importance of professional activity, you cannot ignore your loved ones. Yes, it is very important to become successful, but if this is achieved by reducing interaction with your family and friends, then in the end the fruits of these Herculean efforts will not bring you the satisfaction you expected. The conditions of self-organization should not force you into such strict limits that you could not change if you wanted. Do more with your children, take a weekend for yourself. Let these be clearly fixed days of the week, it will be easier for everyone. And when you are not working, give your loved ones joy!

Signs of a self-organized personality


A primary skill for a modern person juggling work, household chores, raising children, leisure and self-development. It is possible to manage everything when you know exactly how to allocate priorities and time to complete each task. Planning is structuring and forecasting. Timely concern for upcoming events, distribution of responsibilities in the family or work team - all this helps to maximally insure against unpleasant surprises, such as unpaid and disconnected Internet or lack of time to go to the dentist, to a birthday party with relatives, etc.

Planning helps you get rid of the oppressive feeling of constant overload and the need to remember a hundred things at once. When you clearly understand the structure of your day, petty fuss and unforeseen difficulties do not distract you from your intended tasks. Don't forget: in case something goes wrong, you need to have a “Plan B”.


Order in business begins with order in the head. Once you structure your thoughts and clearly set your goals and objectives, you will be able to discard everything unnecessary. Just as fears and doubts prevent us from achieving new things, clutter on the desktop and in the room reduces efficiency at work. A long search for the right thing, the resulting irritability, and dissatisfaction with oneself are not the best helpers. “Every item has its place” is a simple and effective rule for home and office. It saves time, resources and even money when it comes to buying a new item to replace something that is hopelessly lost. The image of a collected, neat person will add advantages to you in the professional sphere.


It's about life balance between work and rest. Valuing your time and spending it effectively are traits of a self-organized person. He plans his regime and follows it. Due to the fact that at work he solves only work problems, his efficiency increases, he does not have to finish things during non-working hours. There is no cloud of thoughts swarming in the head of such a person, since all matters are carried out according to plan. He can relax peacefully, immersed in communication with family and friends and a pleasant pastime. Such harmony in life is a logical consequence of proper planning.


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  • Reasons for the lack of self-organization

    Sometimes comparison with others is not in your favor? You are always in a hurry, don’t get enough sleep and don’t know how to keep up with all your promises. Take a walk with your child, go shopping with your mother, sit with friends in a cafe... How do others manage to work, relax, play sports, and even get enough sleep? The simplest answer is: they are helped. Or “they’re just so lucky,” “they have less to do.” Maybe. But we must admit that it is impossible to live a full life without self-discipline skills. The secret is to understand what is stopping you personally from learning this.

    What factors influence a low level of self-organization?


    It is important to recognize that certain character traits - indecisiveness, carelessness, daydreaming and others - can interfere with effective self-organization. The easiest way is to come to terms with this and leave everything as it is. But contrary to popular belief, character can be influenced. If it is difficult to get rid of your old qualities, try to form new ones. At first you will have to resort to persistent repetitions, but soon the habit will take hold.

    Poor orientation in time.

    This property is characteristic of some people more than others. For example, those who belong to the psychasthenic type. Even when calculating the time needed to get ready and travel, they are late. It is problematic for them to plan some complex task and schedule its completion. In this case, you can try moving the clock forward 15–20 minutes. Or write down the planned deadlines for submitting work, meeting times earlier than they are.

    Reluctance to take on a specific task.

    When your head associates something with unpleasant memories (circumstances, a person), difficulties, your brain tries in every possible way to protect you from it. You can outwit yourself if you understand the true reason and, through an effort of will, get to work.


    Let us separately highlight the subconscious flight from completing tasks due to fear. The burden of unpleasant thoughts about new failures, public criticism, and guilt puts so much pressure on you that in every possible and impossible way you put off exciting work. Try to overcome this often unfounded fear with an effort of will. Let the successful completion of a task create a new positive experience.

    If you consistently put off work, finding new excuses, try the following method. Convince yourself to do it for exactly one minute. You can set a timer. There is a high probability that the process will captivate you, and things will go well.

    Positive attitude

    A positive attitude is a characteristic trait of a successful person. In this sense, it is useful to have a dream, as well as clearly visualize how it will come true

    Next, it is important to tune in to a new task in such a way that you don’t need it, but so that you really want to do it. That is, you need to change “need” to “want”

    That is, you need to try to interest yourself. Finally, take it and make a vision board near your workplace. There you can post your long-term goals.

    Personally, I made a piggy bank in the shape of coffee cups on the kitchen windowsill. Every evening when I come home, I put the change that I have left over from my daily budget into these cups. This way I am saving money for a future coffee shop. Thus, my dream is always before my eyes, I started with easy and small steps towards the goal - saving money. And my steps towards the goal are feasible, so the desire to move in the same direction does not disappear.

    In addition, your success largely depends on mental self-regulation and a general attitude to win. Usually, those who are used to thinking optimistically achieve success. The opposite statement is also true: those who consider themselves a loser usually turn out to be one. It works like a self-fulfilling prophecy. What you set your mind to is what you will get. So negative thoughts need to be driven away with a nasty broom - this is advised by many famous entrepreneurs and our psychologist Nikolai Kozlov.

    If you feel that it is difficult for you to cope alone, you should find psychological support.

    A set of actions that includes self-organization

    To develop self-organization, it is important to act in the following directions:

    • develop the personality traits you want to see in yourself;
    • develop your personality traits and properties that contribute to self-organization;
    • eliminate bad habits, complexes, character traits that impede movement towards the goal.

    The process of self-organization is built from several components:

    • setting long-term goals;
    • objective analysis;
    • drawing up tactical and strategic plans;
    • self-control and work on mistakes.

    Planning occupies an important place in self-organization. As stated, it comes with many benefits. Together they lead to achieving the set goal. No matter how large it is, the path to it can and should be divided into small steps. Then the tools and ways to implement each of them are thought through.

    It is important to remember about self-control at any stage in order to track possible shortcomings and correct them in time.

    In fact, this is not just step-by-step instructions for achieving a goal. This is a complex set of volitional, intellectual and mental efforts.

    To sort out your life priorities and values, to put things in order in your daily routine, to curb your own emotions and mind - you will have to work hard on the path to self-organization.

    You will begin to take a more intelligent and responsible approach to decision-making, your resources, time and financial, you will learn to work effectively and relax peacefully.

    Don't forget about the spiritual component of development. It means:

    • desires, needs, dreams;
    • education;
    • religious beliefs;
    • development of abilities.

    Effective methods of self-organization

    No sooner said than done!

    Become a man of your word, starting with your daily life. If you're spending your vacation at home, don't turn it into idleness. Plan your daily chores, trips, meetings. Don't put everything off until later. Follow your schedule strictly. You will be doubly pleased not only from the rest, but also from your own effectiveness.

    Everyone knows: habit is second nature.

    It's so good when habits are useful. Forming them is not as difficult as it seems. Consistent repetitions for at least three weeks are sufficient. If you decide to do exercises, start with it every morning, regardless of your mood, the weather outside and your desire. At the end of the month you will no longer feel comfortable without her.

    Time management.

    Simply put, time management. This is not magic, but simple goal setting. You schedule every year, month, week and day minute by minute. Such written materialization grounds and helps to see the structure and correct it if necessary. Your goals become tangible, even if only on paper. The next step is to strictly follow your projects. This method is scientifically proven. In 1953, scientists surveyed Yale University students about their plans for the future. The proportion of those who had a clear idea of ​​their tactical and strategic goals was small - only 3%. It is interesting that after 20 years, it was these students who turned out to be the most successful in life, financially and not only, than all the other participants in the experiment.

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