Factors and conditions for personality development in psychology - Psychological essence of personality

Many parents believe that their child is still small, but a person! Here the baby is waving his fists, demanding a pacifier... “Showing character,” the mother is touched.

I painted wallpaper for the first time... “This is a process of personal self-expression,” dad exclaims with aplomb.

In fact, a child is not born with a personality; he will have to go through this difficult path with your help.

What does every parent need to know about personality? What are the stages of personality development and what will you have to face? More on this later.

Psychological essence of personality

The word “personality,” like many other psychological terms, is used in everyday communication along with other terms. Therefore, in order to answer the question: “What is personality?”, it is first necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “personality”, “personality”, “individuality”, “individual”.

On the one hand, man is a biological being, an animal endowed with consciousness, which has language and the ability to work; on the other hand, man is a social being, he must communicate and interact with other people.

A person is one and the same person, but is considered only as a social being. Speaking about personality, we deviate from its biologically natural side. Not everyone is an individual. It's probably not without reason that you hear "real person!" from one and “no, this is not a person” from the other.

Individuality is the personality of a particular person as a unique combination of unique mental characteristics. Man is a single representative of the human race, a specific bearer of all the social and psychological characteristics of humanity: mind, will, needs, etc. In this case, the term “individual” is used to mean “a specific person”. This way of asking the question does not take into account the influence of various biological factors (age, gender, temperament) and differences in the social conditions in which a person lives. In this case, the individual is considered the starting point for the formation of personality from the initial state of human feilogenesis; personality is the result of the development of the individual, the most complete embodiment of all human qualities.

Some scientists believe that the human psyche is biologically determined, that all aspects of personality are innate. For example, character and abilities are inherited, such as eye and hair color.

Other scientists believe that everyone is in relationship with others. These social relationships form the human personality, that is, a person learns the rules of behavior, customs and moral standards accepted in this society.

Is it possible to ignore and neglect the biological nature of man? No, its biological, natural nature cannot be ignored. Of course, for the spiritual development of a person, appropriate natural, biological characteristics are absolutely necessary. The human brain and nervous system are necessary for the formation of human mental characteristics on this basis.

Socialization and communication

Communication and socialization help shape a person as an individual. We are social creatures. Offending prisoners in prisons are sent to solitary confinement, where the lack of socialization can drive you crazy. Therefore, the role of communication in the formation of personality plays such an important role.

The first socialization begins with contact with parents and close relatives. Then the circle of communication expands to kindergarten teachers, other children, and random people. By communicating, the individual begins to form feelings, adopt behavior patterns, and find his own “voice” in conversations. The role of society in the process of forming motives, views and worldview as a whole plays a huge role. Even when confidently developing yourself, it is impossible to get rid of the influence of social contacts on your point of view.

Factors of socialization and personality formation go hand in hand when it comes to a person’s mental state. If communication is excluded, then the following happens:

  • intelligence develops less well;
  • the development of speech skills slows down;
  • decreased empathy, feelings do not develop;
  • Symptoms of depression, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses may appear.

Factors in personality formation

The word “personality” is used only in relation to a person, and, moreover, only from a certain stage of his development. We do not say “the personality of a newborn child.” Actually, everything is already a personality... But not yet a personality! A person becomes a person, he is not born as such. We do not talk seriously about the personality of even a two-year-old child, although he has acquired a lot from his social environment.

Personality not only exists, but is also born for the first time as a “knot” tied in a network of interconnectedness. Indeed, there is not a personality in the human body, but its one-sided projection onto the screen of biology, carried out through the dynamics of neural processes. The development process occurs as the perfection of a human being, a biological being. First of all, biological development, like development in general, is determined by the factor of heredity.

A newborn carries a complex of genes not only from the parents, but also from their distant ancestors, i.e. has its own rich hereditary fund, unique to it, or its own credit-predetermined biological program, thanks to which its individual characteristics arise and develop. This program is implemented naturally and harmoniously if, on the one hand, biological processes are based on sufficiently high-quality hereditary factors, and, on the other hand, the external environment provides the growing organism with everything necessary for the implementation of the hereditary principle.

Self-awareness as a separate component and sign of personality development

Self-awareness (the product of which is the self-concept) is actively formed in adolescence, although its emergence begins much earlier. It flows from the consciousness of the individual. This is a system of attitudes, an attitude towards oneself. You can read more about self-awareness in the article “Self-awareness - what is it in psychology. Its structure and functions."

Definition of the concept of personality

The phenomenon of personality does not have a single interpretation; the definition of the concept of personality depends on the author’s view of the process of its development and formation.

According to some authors, the process of formation and development of personality is based on innate abilities, the role of the social environment is secondary. Researchers who hold a different point of view are confident that the main source of personality development is the social environment, and innate qualities play a secondary role.

Beyond these extreme points of view, there is a theory about the relationship between biological and social origins in the process of personal development of an individual.


So, we examined the stages of personality development according to various criteria and touched upon the origins of personality formation. It is important to understand: regardless of our current situation, there is always the opportunity to move forward and not waste time, which can easily be used for good deeds. Whether it’s self-knowledge or developing your own business, building a career or creativity, use all the necessary tools and achieve success with the Self-Development and Self-Knowledge project.

Topic: Personal growth

Personality development factors

For a more complete definition and analysis of the process of personality development, it is necessary to determine the main factors that influence it to one degree or another.

These factors can be divided into the following types:

  • Human biological heredity;
  • Physical environment;
  • Features of a person’s socio-cultural life, his social environment;
  • Experience of group relations;
  • A unique, individual human experience.

The basis of the process of socialization of an individual is the group experience of interaction of a particular individual. Based on these experiences, an image of self is formed, which depends on how others evaluate this person. For successful perception, a person tries himself in the role of others and evaluates his own behavior and inner world with his own eyes. Thus, the process of socialization is individual for each person, whose experience is unique and inimitable.


Of course, the environment and communication with people largely determine the personality; the child absorbs the culture, norms and rules of behavior accepted in a certain society. And people of different nationalities and cultures can be radically different. Thus, we come to the conclusion that everything is closely interconnected.

Naturally, family, friends, kindergarten and school have a great influence on a person. The child is taught to certain norms and rules of behavior, and the foundations are laid for the formation of moral principles. Under the influence of the people around them, children learn role-playing games, behavior patterns, absorb and learn a huge amount of knowledge thanks to the school curriculum.

Proponents of the “environment” theory believe that a person, like a blank slate, comes into this world, and parents and environment write and create personality. However, we often hear comments that even in the same family, under equal conditions, children are completely different? This means that the natural principle also has a great influence on the development of personality.

So, there are two basic conditions - the external environment and heredity. The question arises: can a person independently influence his development or does everything depend on external factors?

Personality development process

For a deep and complete knowledge of yourself and your individual qualities, you need to be purposeful in the process of personal development. To do this, there are many types and ways to activate this process: mental development, physical development, spiritual and mental development. The combination of the above types of development is characteristic of the harmonious development of the individual.

In the process of personal growth and development, the desire for process, constant self-improvement and the search for optimal paths and solutions, individually and carefully selected for each person and situation, play an important role. Deep and significant questions in the process of personality development:

  • Why is the development process necessary?
  • What should we pay special attention to during the transformation process?
  • What conditions will be optimal for the development process?

Controversy and progress

Contradictory personality is a quality that Freud and other psychologists talked about. Man is structured in a rather interesting way and is constantly in interaction with the world around him. At the same time, every day he makes decisions and makes life choices, and it happens that he goes against the grain of his immediate environment in his judgments and enters into confrontation.

We can also recall situations when we have an internal conflict and struggle between different parts of the personality - an adult, a child, a teacher. Or maybe this is a conflict between good and evil, it’s hard to say, the main thing is that in these moments the truth is born, it is important to find yourself and form the necessary qualities.

The desire for progress - it is natural that everyone wants to achieve success in life; in the process of overcoming life's obstacles, on the way to the goal, character is strengthened and the strong-willed qualities of the individual are formed. All life situations are lessons that we go through, and as a reward we receive a new “I”, with new and even better qualities.


Personal self-development - we constantly improve ourselves by working on our inner world, subordinating mental processes and emotions to our will, improving character traits. Such work can be done either independently or through special training. Each person determines for himself how it is easier for him to develop. The main thing is the desire to achieve new results, constantly work on shaping your personality, and search for the necessary information and knowledge.

Development can also act as a protective function. A person is constantly developing, both physically and spiritually, this is necessary for survival in our world. A successful life requires certain qualities, such as immunity to fight diseases, willpower to achieve results, and patience is an important weapon for conquering peaks. Naturally, for a full life we ​​need: good health, high intellectual and spiritual qualities, which we develop in the process of life, voluntarily or involuntarily, under the influence of life circumstances.

Thus, we have examined the patterns of personality development, and now we better understand the cause-and-effect relationships. Of course, our development is influenced by many factors, the conditions for the development of a person’s personality, and yet we are happy that we can correct our life and development through our own efforts.

Topic: Personal growth


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Genetics and biology

The process of personality formation begins in the womb. It is not worth assuming that if you read Plato to an unborn child, he will grow up to be a thinker. At the stage of biological formation, genetic factors are laid down. Those diseases and pathologies that are transmitted to the baby from parents.

Genetic and biological factors influencing the formation of personality:

  • Biochemical features: mental illness, material metabolism.
  • Hereditary diseases.
  • The lifestyle that the parents led while carrying the child: even the stress of the mother can affect the biochemical and physical development of the fetus.
  • Anatomical features.

Genetics and biology are the base from which it all begins. Depending on the environment, upbringing and a number of other factors, a person will behave differently in different conditions. The personality of a disabled person who grows up in the center of a large city will be different from that of a person with the same condition who was born in a village in a newly developing country.


The basis for the formation of the entire personality is education in childhood. Later, a person begins to engage in self-education and self-development, but it all begins from childhood. Parents and other older relatives are involved in upbringing. Comrades, especially older ones, complete the picture of education. Kindergarten teachers, school teachers, and instructors in sections and clubs make their contribution.

Personality is a puzzle made up of various pieces. Even the most detailed psychoanalysis will not be able to determine in the future what circumstance influenced this or that character trait of an adult member of society. Education in childhood provides a pattern of behavior, an impetus for further self-development (or degradation, depending on the environment and other factors). The way parents influence the formation of personality largely determines future character, aspirations, psychological trauma, and other circumstances.

Children who strive to be like their elders in everything can copy from adults to form their “I”:

  • manner of behavior;
  • gender roles;
  • type of thinking;
  • different qualities of parents.

This copying in the future turns into installations. The positive ones are worth keeping. Negative ones can be dealt with independently or with the participation of a psychologist.

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