The concept of rhetoric. The role and significance of verbal means of communication. Psychological foundations of speech influence.

What are verbal means of communication

Verbal communication is called verbal communication. People use spoken language to communicate verbally with each other. Over 3,000 words per hour and up to 30,000 words per day - this is the average number of verbal signs a person pronounces in the modern world.

Communicators (as experts call people who exchange data with each other) compose speech texts from words. The meaning of the texts can be anything, for example, they want:

  • to report something;
  • to find out something;
  • express your attitude or evaluate what is happening;
  • agree on something, etc.

Despite all the diversity of speech flow, talking people can have two main tasks in communication: to receive information or to share it. Everything else is just variations. For example, one passer-by asks another how to get to a certain place. Verbal communication occurs, as a result, one interlocutor shares information, and the other receives it.

Verbal means of communication are tools for interaction between people using speech, they include:

  • speech acoustic manifestation;
  • the semantic meaning of a word or phrase;
  • expressive voice quality.

By the way. The word “verbal” itself means “oral”, “verbal”, but written speech is also a verbal means of communication.

Verbal transmission of information

What significance do they have for a person?

Means of human communication in psychology

Before finding out the importance of communication through language, it would be correct to define non-verbal methods of communication. These include:

  • gestures;
  • eye expression;
  • positioning of the body or its individual parts: arms, legs, head;
  • facial expressions

Long before man learned to speak, he used all these possibilities to communicate. But this was not enough for full-fledged information contact with individuals similar to themselves.

Facial expressions and gestures that carry a minimum of information

For your information. Facial expressions are the expression of feelings using muscle movements on the face. With its help, you can provide up to 15% of information about an ongoing event. But it cannot be said that the means of verbal communication is facial expressions or any of the above positions.

The interlocutor will see one of the person’s emotional states on the partner’s face, but will not be able to understand what he wants to say. Undoubtedly, posture and gestures will tell a lot, but only speech can clearly and clearly convey information to the communicator. At the same time, only a correctly structured, competent and clearly expressed thought, expressed using words, can carry useful information and produce the desired effect.

For example, an inexperienced speaker can talk nonsense for an hour, without stopping for a moment, but still not convey anything useful to the listeners. Business partners during negotiations give out and receive up to 98% of useful information in a clearly structured verbal dialogue.

Attention! To find one’s place in society: work, family, friends, or simply live among people, engaging in certain activities, a person needs to be able to communicate and present himself through speech.

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