Why do we feel tired when we haven't done anything? (6 reasons + what to do about it)

Are you tired during the day? This is usually just a sign that your body needs rest. It's only when fatigue is consistently affecting your performance that you should take a closer look. The main causes of constant fatigue are lack of sleep, physical and mental stress and overwork. But diseases such as hypothyroidism can also cause chronic fatigue. Read here what causes fatigue and what you can do about it.

If you are constantly like a squeezed lemon, this is not normal.

Still from the film "Supremacy"

You seem to go to bed early, but when the alarm goes off, it's hard to open your eyes and you're in a fog all day. And it seems that no matter how much you sleep, you are still dead tired.

Well, if you do get enough sleep (at least 6-7 hours for an adult) and it doesn't help recharge your energy, you may be dealing with one of these medical problems.

So, constant fatigue can cause...

Meditations and practices that help relieve stress

Meditation will help relieve tension and stress.

Many meditations do not require additional time; it is enough to take 3-5 minutes and just be alone. There is no need to sit in the lotus position or lie down. Just relax.

Recommended meditations:

  1. Meditation for inner peace “Don’t make waves”
  2. Exercise to restore the nervous system

Often a failure in the state of the nervous system is caused by a set of negative programs and information in a person’s energy (aura). They begin to provoke the release of emotions, irritability and other manifestations (signs when you need to clean your aura in the article “Why clean your aura?”

You can also cleanse your energy through meditation.

A chic cleansing meditation based on folk conspiracies removes a lot of negativity from the energy, from the power of the name, from the nervous system. You can get the meditation here


Anemia is a reduction in the number of red blood cells and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and the most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. In addition to constant fatigue, anemic people may also experience a feeling of cold, dizziness, and irritability.


Therefore, if you recognize yourself in this unpleasant portrait, then it would not be amiss to get tested and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, to compensate for the lack of an important element in the body with the help of a diet or vitamin complex recommended by a doctor.

Pathological conditions

Increased fatigue may be a sign of:

Why does my head hurt after a long sleep?

  • Insomnia. Sleep disorders appear as a result of stress and loss of interest in life. Without enough sleep at night, the patient suffers from daytime sleepiness.
  • Idiopathic hypersomnia. With this disease, a person sleeps fully at night, but during the day he is constantly in a state of doze. It is difficult for him to deal with his studies and work responsibilities. At the same time, he feels irritability and apathy.
  • Narcolepsy as a sleep disorder. The patient cannot overcome lethargy and weakness; he sleeps constantly. Feeling anxious and suffering from hallucinations, a person may become frightened by the slightest sound, becoming irritable and nervous.
  • Pickwick's syndrome, or hypoventilation of the obese. People with 3-4 degrees of obesity move little. As a result of their heavy weight, they experience difficulty breathing and thickening of the blood. During sleep, breathing stops, apnea. Since sleep is interrupted, they feel overweight and unimportant. In addition to lethargy, they look tired and constantly want to sleep.
  • Iron deficiency anemia. A drop in hemoglobin levels leads to a decrease in oxygen supply to tissues.
  • Hypotension. Slow blood flow through the vessels prevents the brain from being saturated with oxygen. Hence the hypoxia of the brain. At the same time, headache, dizziness, and nausea appear.
  • Thyroid diseases. Due to a lack of thyroid-stimulating hormones, drowsiness, absent-mindedness, and chilliness appear. Along with loss of strength, they suffer from a constant desire to sleep.
  • Vascular diseases, osteochondrosis. Narrow vessels, their compression due to inflammation of the spine, impairs blood circulation in areas of the brain.

Fatigue often occurs in spring or autumn, when the body needs vitamins and sunlight. Treatment of diseases of the psyche and nervous system involves taking sedatives. Medicines in this group cause symptoms of hypersomnia and fatigue.

Thyroid problems

If you have thyroid problems, such as an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), in addition to feeling tired, you may also feel that your skin is very dry

, and also
constipation and lack of energy

Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough of certain important hormones. Fortunately, modern medical tests can easily diagnose this problem.

Advice from S. Duda.

Whatever type of activity you do, there must be conscious physical activity.

Swimming, gym, long walks with exercise (not shopping with bags!).

It is the load that stimulates 1 chakra and makes it raise energy and work more actively. Let you have a similar load at least 1-2 times a week, just don’t overload yourself! Otherwise you will get the opposite result!

I will return to the topic of physical activity when I talk about depression. Another situation that leads to an unhealthy lifestyle, stress and overwork is the desire to do everything perfectly! To be the best everywhere and in everything at once. Perhaps this comes from childhood, as one of the ways to attract the love of parents and others.

How to stop being a perfectionist and an excellent student in everything? How to start loving yourself and being just a person?

Course “In harmony with yourself”

In this course we learn to work with emotions so as not to put ourselves and our body into a state of stress. We learn to accept ourselves and love ourselves as we are. Let's stop being an excellent student!

Prediabetes or diabetes

When you have high blood glucose levels, circulation can be compromised and your cells can't get the oxygen and nutrients they need, leaving you feeling chronically tired.

Low blood sugar also leads to fatigue because your body doesn't have enough fuel for your cells to function. Unfortunately, today this problem is becoming more widespread, and its other “alarm bells”, in addition to fatigue, are skin itching, thirst, and deterioration of the skin condition.

bleeding gums.

When does it occur

Frequent worries and stress at work and in the family lead to emotional exhaustion. At the same time, the person constantly wants to sleep, he does not have the energy to engage in even ordinary activities. Over time, a person's condition worsens, and fatigue becomes chronic. This is mixed with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive tract.

Lack of life goals

Constant fatigue and drowsiness occurs in those who are not satisfied with their life. This is what leads to a job you don’t like, when you force yourself to go to the office or enterprise every morning. Those who stop developing, not realizing their potential, become emotionally burnt out.

The same result awaits workers who devote all their strength to the work they love, but do not receive a final positive result. A reduced emotional background causes muscle weakness and irritability.

Nervous tension, shock

Everyone has enough troubles in life. When life goes through a dark period: a loved one dies, a divorce is coming, children bring grief - then the body cannot cope with the stress and fails. It is expressed by the appearance of drowsiness and fatigue. You give up, it seems that life is over. It is in this situation that depression develops.

It’s important to set yourself up for the fact that everything will pass. Problems will subside and life will return to normal.

No support

An adult’s psyche suffers when loved ones do not support him in difficult life situations. When faced with a choice, it is difficult to determine what the right thing to do is. And when there is no person nearby who can understand and forgive, then lethargy and apathy come. At the same time, they feel muscle weakness and a reluctance to think and reason. With a long-term condition, a feeling of anxiety, suspiciousness, and irritability is mixed in.

Weakness of character

Personality traits influence why fatigue occurs. For pampered people it is more difficult to deal with problems. Any deviation from everyday life in one direction or another causes panic. And decision making is difficult.

The weak-willed person always needs support like no one else. Without it, you give up, panic and stress begin. They are accompanied by irritability and anxiety in some, and lethargy and drowsiness in others.

Increased fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome is the scourge of modern people, especially residents of big cities. Excessive fatigue due to poor nutrition, prolonged exposure to high or low temperatures, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, major bleeding, and injuries can lead to weakness of the body.

Often, for six months, a state persists when you don’t want to do anything, just sleep. After all, at this time the level of melatonin in the blood is increased. Fatigue syndrome complicates life, lasting for a long time with varying severity of symptoms. Women between 20 and 40 years of age suffer from the pathology more often.


Everyone knows what it means to feel tired, exhausted, weak and depressed, and what suffering this brings. Everyday stress negatively affects the entire body:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • suppression of the immune system.

The release of stress hormones leads to the fact that energy reserves are depleted, reducing the protective response. The supply of nutrients, B vitamins, antioxidants, zinc and other substances necessary for the functioning of the immune system is depleted. The body begins to age faster. It’s not for nothing that stress is called the silent killer. If you do not remove stress using reasonable methods, its consequences will negatively affect your health.

Digestive problems

If you eat a lot of junk food (especially processed foods), your intestinal walls can become looser and proteins can leak into your bloodstream, creating an inflammatory response.

This inflammatory response may manifest as bloating

, fatigue,
moodiness, headache
weight gain
. Exit? It may be worth making adjustments to your diet and including more natural and fresh foods.


Chronic infectious disease is also often the culprit of constant loss of strength. One example is the Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis), which is often accompanied by one of the symptoms such as sore throat, fever

inflammation of the lymph nodes
. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and blood transfusions.

The disease can only be diagnosed through laboratory testing, just like another viral “provocateur” of fatigue—tick-borne borreliosis. Its first stage symptoms are even more nonspecific

, therefore, if you are bitten by a tick, it is important to get tested and monitor your general condition.

Advice from S. Duda

Often people are depressed and don't even know it.

There are simply no desires, just lethargy, just tired of everything... From an energetic point of view, this is a lack of energy in 1 chakra. This suggests that there is an outflow of energy somewhere and there may be several reasons.

Everything that doctors describe as psychological disorders is actually a description of problems of the 1st chakra. The reasons for the outflow of energy can be situations when a person has already said goodbye to life, when he found himself in severe stressful situations, when he himself was thinking about suicide (perhaps it seemed to him that these were just thoughts and he even forgot about them, but energy remembers this and continues to dump energy), suicide attempts, these are situations of surgical intervention, often situations of loss of loved ones, fears that a person invents for himself, and then is afraid of them, and... alas, envy and the deliberate negative influence of other people. If nothing like this happened and the state of 1 chakra is fine, then again physical activity will help you!

Depression and chronic fatigue live in the 1st chakra with physical activity. And you yourself can choose what to take up space in 1 chakra: activity or fatigue. What to do if from the list you remember a number of situations that affected the state of 1 chakra?

We learn what to do about it and how to help ourselves and others at the level of Practice for Improving Life in the New Reality of the VEGAS School.

We do simpler and faster-acting techniques at the Energy Flash Mob.

WhatsApp group link https://chat.whatsapp.com/CTojUAgB56GFahW7jsBeAX


If you suffer from sleep apnea, it interferes not only with the sleep of others, but also with your own. Snore

causes a lack of oxygen, but your brain will not allow you to suffocate - when it notices that you are not getting rid of carbon dioxide, it briefly wakes up in an alarmed state.

You may not even realize you woke up, but these short-term awakenings will negatively impact the quality of your sleep, and you'll end up feeling groggy the next day. By the way, we have already talked about how to deal with snoring.

Let us add that in addition to various physical health problems, psychological problems can also cause chronic fatigue. For example, depression

. Therefore, if you don’t feel like getting up in the morning, nothing makes you happy and fatigue is accompanied by a depressed state, perhaps you should consult a psychotherapist.

  • Author: Maria Minaeva

How to cope with fatigue and apathy on your own

You can combat seasonal drowsiness by taking foods containing B vitamins and ascorbic acid. In addition to citrus fruits, the diet includes general strengthening agents.

An infusion of dried calamus roots (10 grams of raw material per glass of boiling water) is drunk a quarter glass 30 minutes before meals. It will help cope with physical fatigue and improve condition after serious illnesses and operations. It is useful to take in old age.

For lethargy resulting from depression, hypotension, and functional disorders of the nervous system, a tincture of Aralia tall or cordate roots is recommended. It is prepared with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5 and taken 30–40 drops 2–3 times a day. The juice of barberry berries, fresh grapes, pomegranate fruits, cherries, and infusion of cinnamon rose hips have a general strengthening effect on the human body.

Severe fatigue goes away after drinking Schisandra chinensis tincture, 30–40 drops per day, or eleutherococcus. Vital tone is increased by the infusion of mistletoe herb. Take a teaspoon of raw material per glass of boiled water at room temperature. After 8 hours of infusion, drink a third of a glass up to 3 times a day.

Stimulation of energy and endurance is needed for those who have constant weakness and drowsiness. Magnesium in purslane, beans, spinach, lettuce, poppy seeds, and coriander can restore vital potential. Cortisol contained in licorice root helps fight stress. You should take 2-3 grams of root in the morning and evening, reducing the amount of herbal remedy after 6-8 weeks.

Changing your lifestyle will help you get rid of chronic fatigue

If you cannot get rid of increased fatigue and apathy with folk remedies, then you need to consult a doctor. Conditions that make it difficult to work, disrupt sleep, or disrupt relationships with others require consultation. It is dangerous when, after a period of good health, severe apathy suddenly sets in.

In this case, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination by visiting an endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, or psychotherapist.

Increased self-esteem

You can get rid of fatigue and drowsiness using psychological methods:

  • the ability to forgive oneself for mistakes;
  • spending free time with people who inspire and support self-confidence;
  • planning to introduce new things into your life;
  • reading good books, discussing them with friends.

Only positive emotions and good feelings protect against fatigue and prolong life. We must constantly please ourselves with good deeds. Relieves tension in the evening by taking a warm bath or massage. It is important to be able to keep your back straight. Then apathy and weakness will have no place in life.

Frequent drowsiness and fatigue, apathy, and lack of vital energy are cured when the cause of the condition is identified. Signs caused by external causes can be easily eliminated by changing your daily routine and diet. Internal causes must be dealt with together with specialists.

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