How to learn to live correctly? Secrets of a happy life

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

No one will tell you exactly how to live correctly, because this question affects moral, ethical and even religious principles, which everyone has their own. But 15 simple tips will help you reconsider your outlook on life and determine whether everything in it is as you would like. If there is a feeling of “wrongness”, a wrongly chosen path, or unhappiness stuck inside, these simple recommendations will help you take life back into your hands.

Active, cultural, educational recreation.

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An intense vacation will not let you get bored, will give you a lot of positive emotions, and will give you ideas for development. There is time for cinema, museums, theaters, nature trips, extreme sports on weekends or on vacation. Living correctly means enjoying every day.


Of course, we all want to be healthy, and if some of us are not yet thinking about health, it is only because we have it. We know for sure that it is impossible to live beautifully if the morning begins with the fact that it is difficult for us to get out of bed.

Why do we think about health when it has already weakened, why do we not consider it necessary to take care of it from an early age? Why do we only think about the question of how to live correctly in order to preserve our health longer, when it has already made itself felt?


Everyone chooses the amount of their material well-being themselves. But we all know when well-being begins. When we can buy everything we want in a store, no matter what the price of our desires is. When, over time, we do not know how much bread costs.

When we don't think about where to get money to pay utilities. When we can relax where we want, wear what we like. When we go to bed, we don’t think about money. After all, for many this is what it means to live beautifully. How to achieve financial independence?

How to move towards your goal

To begin with, make peace with your past, it cannot spoil the present and in no way determines the future. The future is created by your beliefs and actions, and only they will lead to a solution to the question of how to live correctly.

Development and knowledge

  1. Read good and motivating literature, watch educational programs and films, find those activities that bring a lot of pleasure and do them, if possible, if not, strive for it.
  2. Don’t waste time watching meaningless TV series and reading the “yellow press”, because such a pastime does not bring any benefit, there is no answer to the question: “how to live correctly,” and time is running out.
  3. Be grateful for everything you have been able to achieve so far. Constantly develop, learn something new, and put the acquired knowledge into practice. The reason for happiness can only be you yourself.
  4. Wasting time in search of pleasure is a stupid activity, and it does not solve the question of how to live better, but only makes it worse. You need to learn to enjoy even the smallest achievements.
  5. Don't waste time thinking. It is impossible to find answers to all the questions that arise; you just need to accept everything as it is.
  6. Give complete freedom to your self, be creative, be proud of yourself, and always be confident. If you’re not in the mood, help someone, and simply, periodically try to help people.
  7. Do what you have long dreamed of, but for various reasons could not do it. Such actions will bring closer the solution to the question of how to make your life better.

Planning things

  1. Constantly plan your life. Set goals that are achievable, but a little high. Be sure to set deadlines for achieving any goals. They should be real, but a little closer.
  2. Be organized, don't try to complicate situations, try to perceive some events more simply. Remember that you are one of the luckiest people. Love yourself, but not to the point of insanity and selfishness, try to look good, take care of your health and maintain physical shape, regardless of your age, this is the question of how to start living for yourself.
  3. Optimism in a company with self-improvement is the path to health, improved appearance, professional improvement and personal qualities, respectively, and standard of living.
  4. Unachieved goals are your responsibility alone. There is no need to look for someone to blame for your problems.
  5. If your work is boring and is not an important turning point for achieving your goals, it is not needed. This will only slow down or postpone for a long time the solution to the question of how to make life better.
  6. Mentally imagine that your goals have already been achieved, imagine what you are experiencing. If your vision lacks awe and delight, then change your goals. This means that they are wrong and will not solve the question of how to live better.
  7. Failures befall you - easily forget about them, remember more often the victories that you had, those joyful feelings will help you achieve new goals.
  8. Rejoice in your failures as much as in your achievements, because these are also steps, but with important lessons. Behavior
  9. Pass on your knowledge to other people. These are not only good deeds, but also excellent practice for you. Positive thinking paired with love for loved ones gives excellent results.
  10. Don't give up, even when your strength and patience run out. Endurance stands at the limit of patience. These are important qualities in order to bring closer the solution to the question of how to live well. It’s difficult - ask people close to you for help, but don’t abuse it.
  11. Learn to forgive people with whom you were angry or even considered your enemies. Time heals, scars make us who we are, they define our lives and explain why we became the way we are.
  12. There is only one task - to be strong. If it didn’t kill you, it means it made you stronger. Learn to accept mistakes and failures. There are no people who have not been let down or deceived. With grief and past grievances, it is difficult to decide how to live well.
  13. Don’t let yourself be controlled; no circumstances should interfere with your chosen path. Not everyone thinks the same way, and other people's advice can make you doubt the right decision. The heart and intuition can give the best advice and tell you how to live correctly.

Any problems are temporary, you can always find a way out of unfavorable situations. It doesn't matter what others think. The only thing that matters is what you think and do. It is not a good choice to compare your life to others. No one knows what the path of those people is. If you close your eyes to your problems and see the problems of other people, then your life may seem wonderful.

Don’t pretend and don’t put on masks; sincerity allows you to quickly decide how to make your life better. Honesty with yourself and with others is an important element in character. Even if your honesty is not publicly recognized, it is still highly valued. You need to believe in kindness, people have different qualities, but kindness attracts like a magnet.

Doubts and procrastination

Don’t doubt yourself, it prevents you from achieving your goals. Many questions require understanding; you need to persistently search for an answer to them.

Sometimes we look for answers to unnecessary questions. For example, why was our neighbor able to achieve prosperity, why are we not as smart as our colleagues, why were we born in this country and not on a more developed continent.

These questions are not worth your time. Those who want to change their lives look for ways to improve their lives, rather than delve into the causes of problems.

There is no point in judging other people. And if we judge, then only by deeds and actions, and not by the appearance and make of the car. Learn to sincerely praise the virtues of other people. There is no need to envy anyone - this means not respecting yourself.

Slowness or putting off solving issues takes away precious minutes of life. Ask yourself often whether you really want what you are striving for.

You should not blame anyone for your failures - this is a stupid choice. No one is to blame for your problems. It was your choice to follow this path. Striving to change circumstances will not be able to solve the question of how to make your life better, how to change yourself more effectively.


No matter how good and holy the ideals encourage one to be, no matter how beautiful and “correct” the path is drawn, mental well-being follows the route of utmost consciousness and honesty with oneself. All the ideals and beliefs taken on blind faith are explored and worked through step by step here. In a sense, enlightenment is the overthrow of all imposed shrines.

I understand how ambiguous such a statement sounds, as if they are suggesting some kind of sacrilege. As a disclaimer, I want to say that both religious and social morality are not at all some kind of evil. In order for order to be maintained in society, the instilled laws of life remain an urgent necessity to restrain primitive habits until the individual reaches the stage where he feels the need for a conscious life. And not everyone needs this.

And a person who is not ready for the truth can and should practice unconditional faith in the “correct” life. And even this text in this case will naturally cause internal emotional protest.

Then, “betraying” one’s own ideals ahead of schedule makes no sense. Hasty mental looseness leads to emotional coldness and devastation. It is advisable to analyze not everything in a row, but those actual personal “shrines” that are tearing the insides apart today.

Still, ideals and morality in society are frankly overestimated. Almost everyone is moralized, but it is unlikely that you will be able to find establishments where people are treated for the consequences of this plastic surgery of the soul in a medical reference book.

This does not mean, however, that all religious and social paths are wrong. Life doesn't fit into these categories. There is simply a path - everything that happened, is happening and will happen. And “right” and “wrong” are pure, relative conventions.

For example, to prepare dinner, it would be correct to use food that is suitable for consumption. But in everything that concerns life in general and even the specific choice of the next turn on the path, all the rules are purely convention.


Yes, not everyone aspires to become president, not everyone is tormented by ambition, but we treat our lives and those around us with ambition. We want our children to ask us for advice, not their neighbors. We want our parents to be proud of us, and not to envy their friends by pointing out to us the successes of their children.

The main thing is that we all dream of being successful and happy. And it is important for us that our work brings us pleasure and joy. We know that this is the only way we can live beautifully. But most of us still cannot find our cherished niche, we are tormented in the search or give up.

Right way of life

How to learn to live correctly without taking care of yourself and your body? No way. A person must take care of himself. This includes not only basic hygiene rules such as brushing your teeth and regularly changing your underwear. Exercise, jogging, light exercise or something similar - the body needs all this no less than water or food, it’s just not expressed so clearly. At least at a young age. In old age, the lack of physical activity will have an impact. That is why it is recommended not to forget about your body, not only in terms of cleanliness, but also in other respects. Morning exercises or jogging, getting up and going to bed at a certain time, healthy eating, as little as possible of the pleasant “harmful” things in life like cigarettes, alcohol... The list can be continued for a very long time, but in general everyone has an idea of ​​what the “correct” way of life should be.

The meaning of life and happiness

An interesting connection: having the meaning of life gives us a state of happiness and harmony, but at the same time, the very acquisition of happiness can be the meaning of life. What then is happiness-meaning? Perhaps the most generalized and universal answer will be: preserving one’s individuality (personal) in the context of social relations (general).

Remember how often you have heard or admitted that the root of unhappiness is misunderstanding on the part of others, the inability to be yourself. The contradiction between personal and social is one of the most dangerous and destructive. An unfree person cannot be happy. Although freedom does not guarantee happiness. You need to have freedom and be able to use it, to use this right rationally.

Smart planning

If you plan your time in advance, you can make your life much easier. Take time to think through your daily schedule and plan for the week ahead. Don’t forget about household chores so that when they accumulate they don’t become stressful for you. Don’t schedule every minute, allocate some time in your schedule for unforeseen situations.

Our misconceptions

We ask ourselves many questions, but cannot find the answers we need. But this does not mean that they do not exist. It’s just that the daily routine does not allow many to find a way out.

Work, family, wasting time waiting for transport or traffic jams, buying not always high-quality products in order to save money. You have to somehow make it to your salary.

You need to hold on to a job, even a low-paying one, because it is difficult to find another job. And we endure unfair bosses, continuing to work for someone else, but not for ourselves. We do not know how to create capital to solve the question of how to make life better, although the solution is on the surface.

The fear of taking a rash step, the fear of being judged even by strangers - all this prevents us from spreading our wings and becoming free. We do not look for solutions to problems, we stand still and amuse ourselves with stories about our failures, in the hope of compassion.

But to figure out how to live better, you don’t need to shake the air, don’t waste time on stories and useless chatter on the phone, you need to act. You need one step forward to start earning more so that your old dreams come true. What have we done to improve our lives?

Many people believe that someone owes them something, the government or the country. But no one owes anything to anyone, only ourselves. We must carry out our plans ourselves and move our lives in the direction in which we see fit.

We live by what we ourselves build. We are the only owners of our lives. We decide how to make life better. There is no point in standing in one place, we need to move forward and create life the way we want.

Freedom of time

How many times do we hear that there is a panicky lack of time for anything. Few people can boast of free time. But only it can give a chance to get something that cannot be lost or stolen.

Our emotions, knowledge, experience, communication, travel, personal and spiritual growth - we receive all this only when we have enough time. How to live life to the fullest if there is not enough time even for necessary things?

Few can say that they love their life, that everything they dreamed of has come true. Most people are just thinking about how to make their lives better; they understand that everything is not as they would like, but they cannot find an answer to the question.

What you need to know before starting a new life

I bet this is not your first attempt to start living again. Surely you, like most people, have at least once promised yourself to radically change and start a new life, leaving no place in it for past bad habits, vices, and shortcomings. Next Monday, the first day of the new year, the beginning of vacation, etc. could be taken as the hypothetical beginning of this very “new” life.

On the “X” day, you honestly tried to carry out your plan, but something went wrong - either the alarm clock didn’t ring and you overslept while jogging, or your neighbor treacherously lured you with a delicious cake and you had to postpone your diet, or the TV hypnotized you and chained you to the sofa. , without giving me the opportunity to calmly study English. And now a new life, where you are beautiful, smart and successful, is postponed indefinitely.

Remember, a new life is not a fortress that needs to be taken by storm. You should not try to radically change yourself and your life in one fell swoop. So many people make this unfortunate mistake and suffer failure after failure. There are more and more missed Mondays, and less and less motivation to change.

Although it seems that you did everything right: you bought a gym membership, signed up for Spanish courses, stocked up on healthy food, threw away cigarettes - and all this on the first day of your new life. But for some reason he looked like he was at an open day in hell. You were unpleasant and uncomfortable, you were tired and at the same time you didn’t have time to do anything. After such a demo version of the new life, the old one will not seem so bad.

Why did this happen? The thing is that our brain is a complex dynamic system that always strives for balance with the environment. Over the years, habits and patterns of behavior that have been practiced take root and become fixed in the form of neural circuits. A neural circuit is a path along which an electrical impulse travels quickly and easily, expending a minimal amount of energy.

When you're trying to make a quantum leap from your usual dull and joyless life into a bright, productive future, it's difficult for your brain to rewire itself right away. New neural circuits have not yet formed, and old ones have not disintegrated. Impulses pass very slowly, wandering in the labyrinths of unfamiliar cells, and a large amount of energy is spent on their transmission. Therefore, you may feel empty and overwhelmed.

In order for the process of change to proceed easily and smoothly, you need to gradually rebuild your brain, forming new neural circuits. This is done by consolidating new habits, repeatedly repeating useful actions and abandoning harmful ones.

For clarity, watch this video.

Correct behavior

If you are interested in how to learn to live correctly, then you should be concerned about standards of behavior. This point again borders on the previous one, but is still different. Correct behavior - what is it? It is clear that you cannot behave indecently in public places. It turns out that correct behavior = ethical behavior. It is wrong to behave at a party as if at home, despite the famous invitation, which is spoken mainly out of politeness. It is wrong to behave rudely, boorishly and show negativity for no reason towards people who are unpleasant for subjective reasons. It is wrong to consider yourself superior to everyone; egocentrism will not lead to good. It is wrong to consider other people a priori nonentities. It is wrong to drink alcohol on the street, sing drunken songs and pester passers-by. You can make a lot of similar rules, but it’s easier to sit down and think about what is right and what is wrong for you personally.

Choosing a small task

Now you have a clear idea of ​​the big dream you want to achieve. You know what your future should look like.

It is difficult to achieve all your big dreams at once. Let's try to narrow the focus of our vision. Let's simplify a large task by imagining one part of it, just one step.

Choose one scene from the life you imagined. Start listing what you will need to do to get there.

  • How will your priorities change?
  • What are you spending your time on now? Perhaps you will have to cut back on some activities in order to make progress towards your goal?
  • What do you have to say no to in order to say yes to your dreams?

The secret to achieving big goals. Eliminate the unnecessary

Of course, you need to make a list of all your to-dos. Determine their importance.

Write down separately the tasks that need to be addressed.

For what? Yes, because they don't support your big goals!

If you really want to know how to build a life and achieve big goals, focus on the activities that matter. Life is hectic and busy, no matter who you are.

What's the difference between those who achieve big goals and those who don't? It is a matter of managing your activities, activities and your time.

The Danger of Distraction

You might think that 10 minutes on social media won't hurt. Maybe. But what if this “stuck” turns into an hour or spoils the mood?

And this can already be harmful to achieving your big goals.

What if you took the minutes you wasted online and applied them to your goal? At first glance, this may not seem like much. But over the course of a year, this can add up over a significant period of time.

For example, just ten minutes every day for one year. It's not much, isn't it? IT'S A LOT! You lose up to 90 hours of focused effort towards your big goal!

And it has a much greater impact on the quality of your life than Instagram or Facebook.

Useful materials for those who want to start a new life

I want to recommend you five excellent courses that will help you start your life over - find a goal, develop a plan to achieve it, motivate yourself, develop new skills and abilities, and reach new heights. And get extraordinary pleasure from life.

Goal setting

Description. You should definitely start with this course. The teacher will tell you how to understand what you really want from this life, what kind of person you want to be, what activity will give you the greatest joy.

Then, in subsequent lessons, you will learn the intricacies of planning, assessing your capabilities, gain time management skills, and master the rules of self-motivation.

Having found a new and powerful purpose in life, you will look at your entire past differently. You will take some things into account, and you will simply forget others so that you never remember them.

The course is cheap, you can start studying it right now.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 990 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training

Brain fitness

Description. This course is very expensive, but it will help you become a completely different person. When you buy the program, Vikium mails you a small device called a “neural interface” - look at the guy's head in the picture, he's using it.

The neurointerface is needed so that you can better understand yourself and the peculiarities of your perception of the world. The device will analyze the work of your brain in a variety of periods: when you come home from work exhausted, when you are nervous, anxious, thinking about your past, and so on. The results of the analysis will be uploaded to the Vikium platform, and in response it will issue recommendations.

In the “Brain Fitness” course, you will get rid of all the negativity that interferes with your life, and also develop your thinking abilities: you will be able to easily focus on complex tasks, think, and remember information.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 12,990 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training

Brain Detoxification

Description. Brain detoxification will help you quickly and easily get rid of all those thoughts that are poisoning your life. They can be very different: fear, anger and irritation, regret about the past, various depressive feelings, etc.

The course is small, there are only 10 lessons, but there are a lot of practical exercises. The teacher will also recommend specific free Vikium simulators that you will need to practice regularly.

Author: Victor Shiryaev.

Cost : 1,490 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training

Effective Communication

Description. Without communication skills, it will be difficult for you. If you want to start over, build happy relationships with your loved ones, friends, work colleagues, you need to learn to communicate.

In the course you will find 33 in-depth lectures on the rules of communication and 26 extensive exercises for practice. This all lasts exactly one month, the format of the classes is webinars with teachers.

After training, you will be able to influence others, easily solve problems that involve people around you, no matter what their age or social status. It will be much easier for you to establish contacts and move up the career ladder.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 1,490 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training

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