So is it right or wrong? What is cognitive dissonance and examples from our lives

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The Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will not take part in the summer session of the main body of inter-parliamentary cooperation on the continent. At the same time, in Kyiv they are seriously discussing the possibility of ending any cooperation with PACE. Debates on this issue began after the Russian delegation returned to the assembly, which Ukrainian politicians tried to prevent by all available means.

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky assured that at the negotiations in Europe he did everything in his power to counter attempts to return Russia to PACE

Photo: Riccardo Pareggiani, AP

The decision to return the Russian delegation to PACE (see Kommersant on June 27) has become the main topic of discussion among Ukrainian politicians and diplomats. Thus, Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin assured: the decision was made several months ago and was partly dictated by the budget crisis in the Council of Europe due to the lack of membership fees from the Russian Federation. He stressed that neither current President Vladimir Zelensky nor his predecessor Petro Poroshenko are to blame for the fact that Europe did not support Ukraine. The whole point, as Mr. Klimkin explained, is the Europeans’ misunderstanding of Ukrainian-Russian relations. “It is very sad that all this happened at a time when the Council of Europe is headed by France. To be the founding country of the “Normandy format” and roll out the red carpet in front of Russian deputies without the Russian Federation fulfilling any of the conditions put forward is, excuse my French, mauvais ton. Just total cognitive dissonance that will reverberate throughout Europe,” the minister wrote on his Facebook page.

The head of the Ukrainian delegation to the assembly, Vladimir Ariev, was even more emotional. “PACE, in a zombie state, opened the door to the aggressor at one in the morning,” he wrote on Facebook.

And speaking before PACE with what he himself announced was his last word, Vladimir Ariev called the decision of European parliamentarians “a victory of hypocrisy over democracy.”

He ended his speech with a proposal to honor the fallen ideals of the Council of Europe with a minute of silence (Russian politicians, we recall, on the contrary, spoke about the triumph of common sense and democracy).

The “victory of hypocrisy,” as noted in Kyiv, was still incomplete: a number of deputies supported the Ukrainian position, declaring their readiness to leave the PACE session. As Vladimir Ariev said, the idea of ​​the demarche was born the day before, after which the Ukrainian secretariat prepared a draft of a joint statement. “At first everyone was a little doubtful, then they got involved in developing the statement,” he noted. At the same time, the deputy admitted that the demarche was declared “categorically against the PACE rules,” and thanked “colleagues from Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia” for participating in the action, and the British delegation “for their support.”

What are the types of dissonance?


These are those intervals whose sounds seem to contradict each other and do not merge together in the auditory consciousness; they require resolution, that is, translation into consonance.
... Consonances are divided into:

  • absolute (very perfect) – part 1, part ...
  • perfect - part 5, partly part 4 (in the chord part ...
  • imperfect – b. and m. 3, b.

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Why does cognitive dissonance occur?

There is nothing dangerous to health about the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance, but it can still cause psychological discomfort for some time. In order to control your thoughts and emotions, you first need to understand why cognitive dissonance occurs.

The most common reasons include:

  • disagreements between ideas and concepts when making a certain decision;
  • discrepancy between decisions and life rules;
  • the spirit of contradiction that appears when cultural, ethical, religious or legal norms are violated;
  • new information or discrepancy between information received in certain situations.

[edit] How it works

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KO delivers CD

Children's version

The pharmacy does not sell medicines!

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What is the essence of fear, ambiguity and dissonance? The wood grouse delves into the subject
. Imagine that a well-known person comes to you, whom you consider quite smart and savvy, and explains that he does not have gas supplied to his house, electric stoves, but he wants to install gas Under this sauce, with a serious look, he asks for help in finding an adapter from 380 V to gas. It's an awkward feeling when you're serious

you wonder which of you two is the idiot, and there is cognitive dissonance.

Theoretically, CD should evoke a desire to either change ideas and knowledge in accordance with reality (that is, stimulate the process of cognition), or double-check incoming information for its authenticity (friend, of course, is joking, and his ultimate goal is your stupidly elongated attempt to understand what what is the face for?)

Practically neither one nor the other happens, the process fades out without even reaching the stage of discomfort - in the heads of 95% of the population completely contradictory facts and ideas about them coexist perfectly, and nothing (“doublethink”, see 1984). British scientists have proven that this is not due to the complete absence of mosca, which is a necessary environment for the emergence of at least some kind of mental reaction, but simply due to the fact that a person either does not care about this matter, or because only for enlightened naguals consistency is more important than the emotional state .

It is also possible to have an unconditional reflexive rejection of information that causes such discomfort. To illustrate, we can point out the popular attempts among the cattle to use brute physical force in response to the desire to call the CD for admonition and education. It is also very typical for rednecks to ask a question like: “What, are you, like, smart, or something?”, uttered in response to such stimuli. So that. On the Internet, when the answer is “yes, colleague, but does it really matter?” leads to itching, excitement and wiping out bricks, the Somali proxy prevents you from giving the fuck in the Orthodox way, and the lack of vocabulary prevents you from using words instead of deeds. More advanced characters even use deductive inference from a certain general rule to refute information that causes CD, which in turn is usually either uncritically perceived from the cultural environment, or is the result of erroneous induction based on biasedly selected facts. Thus, the patient’s worldview can be formed in the form of a harmonious system of delusions: a reassuring lie is deliberately called the truth, so as not to face the cruel truth. This often allows one to reliably keep the subject's heart rate at an inappropriately high level. Moreover, the subject can be stably in this state for as long as desired.

A striking example of the above was demonstrated in 1929 by the surrealist artist René Magritte, who presented to the public a realistic image of a smoking pipe with the caption in good, serviceable French, “This is not a pipe.” By this he transparently hinted that the image of an object, generally speaking, is not identical to the object itself and the confusion of one with the other is a real CD. For those especially gifted, the painting was even given the title “The Cunning of the Image,” but it was all to no avail: the bullshit shitted bricks and demanded that the caption be changed to something more familiar to them, “This is a pipe.” Magritte not only remained adamant, but also continued to catch lulz from this, inviting critics to reinforce their confidence with action, namely, fill his “pipe” with tobacco. There was no clever person who figured out how to roll a “goat’s leg” out of a reproduction painting, stuff it with tobacco and smoke it. And all because a person does not see the difference between an object and its image, since 2D pictures enter the brain and based on them, after examining the tube from all sides, a person builds a full-fledged 3D model.

How the Russian delegation almost returned to PACE, and the Ukrainian one almost left

Earlier, Vladimir Zelensky’s predecessor as head of state, Petro Poroshenko, stated that the current president could simply not raise the issue of the Russian delegation during meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He suggested that Mr. Zelensky’s team did not prepare well enough for these meetings, ignoring the story with PACE. Later, Mr. Poroshenko issued a statement in which he accused the new authorities of failing to protect the interests of Ukraine. At the same time, Petro Poroshenko called the five years of his presidential rule successful from a foreign policy point of view. “This is the first serious diplomatic blow that Ukraine has received in the last five years... The blow was struck not only to Ukraine, but to fundamental European values, when a price was chosen between values ​​and price,” the statement said.

Activists who organized a series of pickets and rallies near the embassies of European states on June 27 in Kyiv also mourned the loss of European values. Several dozen demonstrators marched through the center of Kyiv. They threw dummies of banknotes behind the fences of the embassies of those countries that voted for Russia's return to PACE, hinting that the vote was not selfish.

Matvey Shimanov, Kyiv; Galina Dudina

Examples from life

A feeling of real dissonance often arises among tourists who come to some distant country for the first time. Before this, they read a lot about this country, and what was written in sources, even the most authoritative ones, turned out to be different from what the country actually appeared like. Such tourists often lose sight of the fact that even ordinary travel articles can be biased and compiled, for example, for ideological reasons.

The theme of dissonance is the basis of many works of world culture. An example is the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City.” In it, the characters are seriously amazed when the “great and powerful wizard” Goodwin turns out to be just an ordinary person, a talented actor who staged a kind of performance for the residents of the city and its environs. These same feelings become the theme of most detective stories: the criminal turns out to be a man who until the very end seemed to be a completely respectable and law-abiding citizen.

Residents of Czechoslovakia experienced similar psychological discomfort when the communists came to power as a result of elections in 1948. The population voted for them because they promised that they would “build their own communism - more just, not like in the Stalinist USSR”; But soon after the elections, the Communists began to systematically Stalinize the country, and then the Czechs and Slovaks felt deeply deceived. Dissonance accompanied Czechoslovakia until the collapse of the socialist camp and the implementation of democratic reforms.

[edit] Hardware level

It is worth highlighting separately the situation when new information contradicts not so much accumulated experience as the architecture of the human brain in principle. As a rule, it is not caused by information coming from outside, but by the results of strong thoughts, when the brain produces a response that it itself is not able to perceive, which makes this phenomenon similar to division by zero and gives the right to consider it a bug in human development.

At-risk groups:

  • matan adherents who recreate n-dimensional spaces in their minds (where n can even be infinity);
  • philosophers searching for the meaning of existence;
  • physicists developing theories for the construction of space-time;
  • a special risk group is any person above 150 who is trying to understand infinity.

Awareness of such concepts, for which the human mind is not initially adapted, leads to the fact that the patient with a high degree of probability flies into the atral and, with an even greater probability, never returns from there. However, basic motor skills are retained (walking, eating, defending doctoral dissertations), which often makes it impossible to immediately identify victims and send them for treatment.

[edit] Examples

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Example in MLP Collective CD. On a KAMAZ through a corn field Song about the subject

  • In the USA, Caucasian is synonymous with the word White, and therefore clearly black Abkhazians are a hard break from the mold for them. The same applies to Ethiopian Jews.
  • The reaction of an ardent homophobe who read Freud's works on latency.
  • Winnie the Pooh visiting the Rabbit
  • Smeshariki: issue 14, episode “It can’t be.”
  • In Spec Ops: The Line, from the second half of the game, a definition of cognitive dissonance appears among the tips shown during loading. By that time, both the main character and the player himself had time to catch this same cognitive dissonance (at least from the same “advices”).
  • We all remember the reaction of a patient who begins to leak information to his interlocutor in a dispute. Since FGM does not allow you to check the data coming to Moscow or agree that “I’m wrong,” thereby changing the information in your head, the patient tries to get rid of the flow of information from the outside.
  • An excellent generator of cognitive dissonance in Moscow homo sovieticus is this or this song.
  • Cognitive harmony is a response to cognitive dissonance.
  • The question “can you find a cigarette?”, supported by a gesture that is usually used when asking “what time is it?” (pointing the finger of the right hand to the wrist of the left).
  • You bite into a cucumber and feel the taste and smell of orange.
  • Some people get embarrassed when a sentence suddenly ends in a different way because they are obese
  • Psychologists conducted an experiment on kindness and its acceptance by patients: between a greedy person, an altruist and two like them, everyone always chose someone like everyone else as a partner.
  • Childhood cognitive dissonance (most likely due to mitolisd)
  • Musical cognitive dissonance: the matured group Tokyo Hotel returned from a long sabbatical having changed their musical style and image.
  • Also:
- Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before the grass! “Ivan, I’m just a horse, and your insinuations about the space-time continuum give me a feeling of deep cognitive dissonance. - What? “Well, that’s roughly what I was trying to convey to you.”
  • And a little poetry:
Having traveled around the world a little, I learned the rule, which, in cognitive dissonance, in other places they give in the fuck.
  • Rhyme for children:
It was in December, the third of April. It was dry in the yard, knee-deep mud. A tall citizen of short stature was walking across an iron bridge made of pine planks. Curly, no hair, thin as a barrel. He writes a letter to his son: “Dear daughter! I'm alive and well, I'm lying in the hospital, I'm fed up and want to eat. Come from the capital, I don’t want to see you.”
  • Mystery:
Two crocodiles were flying. One is green, the other is to the north. What is my grandmother's name? (An equally satisfying answer:

Why do I need TV if I don't smoke?

How to get rid of a cognitive condition?

Cognitive dissonance causes psychological discomfort, which can be of very different levels. In some cases, these may be ordinary thoughts that last no more than a day or serious remorse, in which a person can become very fixated and lead himself to a state of breakdown. There are several ways that can reduce or completely eliminate the uncomfortable condition .

  1. In order to change or remove the unpleasant feelings associated with making a wrong decision, you should change your line of behavior if possible.
  2. Trying to convince yourself is also an effective way to drown out your own conscience. You need to force yourself to believe that the decision made is correct, but in some cases this can even be dangerous, since the boundaries of ethics and morality are blurred.
  3. Filtering information can help avoid cognitive states. To do this, you need to avoid negative information or try not to take it seriously.
  4. Accept everything that happened and try to just come to terms with the situation. If your conscience still torments you, then a simple change in behavior and movement towards familiar personal principles will help.

[edit] See also

  • Buthurt
  • Wash your brain
  • Schizophasia
  • What were you smoking?
  • Division by zero
  • Break pattern
  • I don't understand shit
  • Mutually exclusive paragraphs
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Cognitive dissonance - material from the archives of the Ministry of Health of Lurkomor.
TerminologyHippocratic Oath • Clinical death • Cognitive dissonance • Complexes • Latin • Professional deformation • Breaking the pattern • Sacred cow • Syndrome • Sleep paralysis • Average temperature in the hospital • Stem cells • Mandela effect • Youthful maximalism
Representatives of the professionKiller doctors • Doctor • Medic • Pathologist • Psychologist • Dentist • Plague Doctor Silvy • Bulgakov • Gorin • Lecter • Lem • Lukyanenko • Mengele • Onishchenko • Reich • Sokovnya • Freud • Hagens • House • Che Guevara • Schaow • Jung
Great shamansBronnikov • Grabovoy • Zhdanov • Kashpirovsky • Malakhov • Rejuvenating Apple • Muldashev • Popov • Slyusarchuk • Healers • Chumak • Shakhidzhanyan
PatientsChris-chan • Alsuved • Bisha Muda • Bolashenko • Van Gogh • Vasilevsky • Verbitsky • Gamaz • Citizens of the USSR • Greta Thunberg • Graham Young • Evsyukov • Kirkorov • Coelho • Letov • Lobanov • Lukashenko • Novodvorskaya • Revyakin • Red Tarzan • Stomakhin • Timati • Kharms • Hashiguchi • Chumazik • Fomin • Eliza Lam • Yushchenko
Diseases and problemsAcne • Anorexia • Delirium tremens • Sexually transmitted diseases • Depression (Midlife crisis) • Dysbiosis • Impotence • Infections • Drug addiction • Obesity • Pandemic (Coronavirus) • Human parasites • Paranoia • Cancer / Brain cancer • ADD • Swine flu • AIDS • Syndrome Tourette's • Trigger • Phimosis • Schizophasia • Schizophrenia
Fictional diseasesBoclanopottitis • Nosebleed • Lurchanka • Underfuck • Obsession • Honduras swelling • PGM • Pedohysteria • Premature ejaculation • Fucked up • Hand-assed • Watchman syndrome • Obsessive melody syndrome • French brothel syndrome • Verbal diarrhea • SPGS • Spermotoxicosis • Trollephobia • Phallic reductionism • Phallometry on the Internet • FGM • ChSV
PanaceasAbortion • Antipsychiatry • Dietary supplements • Baclofen • Immortality • To the morgue • Vaseline • Along • Magic pill (Tablet) • Haloperidol • Hypnosis • Homeopathy • Diet • Asterisk • Immunomodulator • Yoga • Punitive proctology • Punitive psychiatry • CLB • Cognitive psychology • Lobotomy • NLP • Circumcision • Lucid dreaming • Psychocult • Pussy • Condom • Vaccinations • Sex (Orgasm) • Synton • Noni juice • Personal growth training • Injection in the head • Finnish army test • Fuflomycin • Holotropic breathing • Euthanasia

Author of the theory of cognitive dissonance

The concept of cognitive dissonance and its definition appeared relatively recently. Its developer is Leon Festinger , who in 1957 began to study the essence, causes and patterns of this phenomenon. At the beginning of research, this condition was attributed only to individuals who perceive a discrepancy between personal norms and decisions. Subsequent studies of cognitive dissonance showed that such a rule can even affect an entire team.

Hypotheses of the theory

The theory of cognitive dissonance, which was developed by L. Festinger, is based on two hypotheses .

  1. Because the disagreement between action and principles causes contradiction and discomfort, the individual will try in every possible way to correct the situation and justify his decision.
  2. Following from the first hypothesis, the second. It says that people in every possible way avoid situations where they have to make decisions that go against personal norms and rules.

L. Festinger not only defined the concept of a cognitive state, but also developed techniques that allow you to suppress this phenomenon in yourself. In addition, he reviewed and even classified a number of cases that most often awaken a cognitive state in human psychology.

The essence of cognitive dissonance

The first thing to pay attention to when considering cognitive dissonance is its motivational effect. More precisely, such a state is often decisive in the behavior of an individual. It is certain ideas and beliefs that often influence a person’s decision-making, and also determine his life positions and values. Thus, it cannot be said that a cognitive state is an ordinary life phenomenon that can be explained by a few facts. These are, first of all, motivational factors that in everyday life or non-standard situations cause cognitive dissonance and psychological discomfort.

The concept of cognitive state combines:

  • intelligence;
  • the heat of passion.

Intelligence is all the experience gained throughout life, personal principles and ethical standards that a person applies when choosing a certain decision. At some point, a state of passion may occur, or more precisely, a situation with stimuli, which actually erases the internal contradiction and makes a person forget about his personal principles. This is exactly the situation that is called cognitive dissonance.

The phenomenon of cognitive dissonance is inextricably linked only with past events . More precisely, unpleasant sensations, disintegration, remorse and a justificatory effect occur only after committing an action that goes against the principles of life. It is after this that the individual begins to look for ways and options that will help him accept his choice, calm down and get rid of psychological discomfort.

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