All the nuances of breaking up through the eyes of a guy + Tips for girls

A happy relationship between a guy and a girl, in which all friends and relatives saw a wonderful future together for both of them, quite often ends in a break. Despite the fact that this unpleasant stage of life is very painful, it is as important as the relationship itself.

Just as it is important to correctly present yourself to a girl immediately before the start of a romantic relationship, it is also important to correctly leave the life of a loved one, because a lot can depend on this, for example, the correct choice of motivation for further actions after breaking up.

Having experienced a breakup rightly or wrongly, young people may be puzzled by several neutral, positive, or even negative questions. At the same time, the behavior of a man after a breakup on the initiative of a woman will be as difficult to predict as the behavior of a woman. But let’s talk about guys today and try to understand together how to correctly direct this very behavior in the right direction, setting priorities and identifying the main values ​​that can be learned from each specific case.

The main signs of a man's longing for his ex-girlfriend

Do men get bored after a breakup? Certainly! But the degree of boredom will always depend on several factors, and even if the breakup itself was in absolutely terrible shape, and its cause was meanness or deception on the part of the girl, the guy will still be bored.

However, very often a man’s behavior can indicate the opposite. Having met her ex a few days after breaking up, a girl may notice with surprise or horror that he has forgotten to think about her, let alone miss her.

But everything is not so simple, because male melancholy can be expressed in the most unpredictable forms:

  • So the main sign that a guy is really bored will be a sudden change in activity. When he starts doing something he has never done in his life, such as rock climbing, mountaineering, parachuting or wild boar hunting, draw conclusions;
  • Drunk everyday life to the detriment of your business. No sane guy would get drunk knowing that his diploma defense is coming up, he has to go to work in the morning, a business meeting is approaching, and so on. Are there similar symptoms? It means he's bored;
  • I have never liked noisy companies, but suddenly he starts gathering friends, and he himself is not averse to having fun somewhere in a club or at his friends’ country house. It’s no secret that noise is a great distraction from obsessive thoughts, and in our case this is that very sign;
  • When a guy loses his temper with countless girls, dragging them into bed one after another, this can be regarded as one of the ways to take revenge on his ex for everything. It happens, but sometimes such behavior can be just a way to drown out inner feelings.

Of course, all guys are different, and they also express their feelings differently. Sometimes you don’t get a word from them at all, sometimes they can pursue their still-beloved ex in the hope of regaining her affection, or they even throw themselves into all seriousness, knowing that the way back is forbidden.

How do guys feel?

It is unlikely that the girl knows about the experiences of the guy who whispered sweet words of love a couple of days ago, and now he is disappearing somewhere unknown.

How do you cope with a breakup?</p>

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