How to properly care for a girl: valuable tips for a guy

Caring for a woman is an entire art that requires knowledge of female nature and the presence of feelings for her. But only a few know exactly how to do this. Some simply shower people with gifts, others make grand gestures only on holidays.

You will learn further in the article about how to care for a woman, including from a distance, how important it is and what mistakes a man should avoid. Advice from psychologists will be a valuable addition.

Why is it so important to look after a woman?

Psychologists emphasize the fact that women are by nature sensitive and emotional, which cannot be said about men. Therefore, an emotional, spiritual connection with a partner is important for them. While for a guy courting a woman is a behavior that precedes sexual intercourse, for her it is choosing a suitable partner.

Accordingly, the task of courtship for a man is to demonstrate his best qualities in order to prove that he is better than other guys around her. With similar actions, it performs several functions at once:

  • manifests itself as a partner for sexual relations;
  • distributes role relationships;
  • demonstrates his personal qualities.

No woman can admire an inactive, passive guy. Accordingly, her expectations of courtship are not a calculation; on the contrary, it gives the man the opportunity to maximize his potential. In the course of her actions, she always expects from him understanding, care, ingenuity, patience and tact.

How to learn to groom beautifully

What does a woman not tolerate in a man? Infantility, lack of initiative, tediousness, greed. In order to win her over as much as possible, the guy needs to prove through actions that he is far from being like that. Beautiful gifts, original dates, showing care, romantic deeds, respect and much more will help with this. The main conditions are sincerity and moderation.

Showing you care

By nature, women strive for stability and a reliable male shoulder. They always choose those who can take care of them and their offspring. Be sure to demonstrate these qualities in a variety of ways. Provide assistance in any matter, monitor her mood and well-being, solve various problems, and provide comfort. How well you show your care initially, the more she will try for you in the future in a relationship.

Show the importance of a woman

If she asks you for something, try your best to do it. For example, she is not happy with your bad habits. Refuse them, this will become a serious indicator of your attitude to her. Another way to show the importance of a woman is to accept her for who she is, and not try to mold her into another person. Always answer her calls and messages, show interest in her affairs.


The best way to attract her attention is romance. Flirting, courtship, beautiful actions and surprises, all this will show what you are ready for for her. Romantic dates bring people together and establish a spiritual connection between people. We are talking about cute gifts, flowers, messages wishing good morning and good night, meetings in unusual places. Don't forget to give compliments, this is important for any girl. Find out what she dreams of, maybe you can make it come true.

Do you spoil your loved one with breakfast in bed?

Not really


Gifts are an indispensable condition for courting a woman. With them, a man shows his wealth and ability to support his family. Presents must be given on holidays, as well as for no reason, unexpectedly. Think over the design, symbolism, packaging, presentation. Women look at price last. Gifts can be memorable, romantic, dating or adventure. If you can surprise her with originality, this is already a success.

Respect and pride for her

The best way to show your feelings and its importance for you will be gallant behavior. Show the correct manners - open doors for her, offer your hand when exiting a vehicle, help with outerwear, etc. All this will show how much you respect and appreciate her. In any matter, listen to her opinion, praise her for the right tips and solutions.

Show your loved one verbally and deeds that you are proud of her, be with her more often in the company of friends and family.


Remember that every time before meeting you, he spends a lot of time, effort and effort to look his best. Therefore, try to notice any changes, give compliments about his appearance. Also praise her best character traits, achievements, tastes and preferences. This will show how interested you are in her.


It’s not for nothing that they say that if a man can make a woman laugh, he can make her fall in love with him. The main thing is to carefully choose jokes so that they are not flat, neutral, and do not hurt anyone’s feelings. By humor, girls determine their sharpness of mind, ingenuity and moral side of character.

Courtship in a relationship

When the candy-bouquet period passes, a new period of rubbing in and interaction will begin. Sometimes men believe that at this stage of relationship development there is no particular need for signs of attention, and do not understand why they should continue courtship, but this is a huge mistake. You should not think that if a woman is conquered, you can completely relax. This approach is fundamentally wrong. Representatives of the fair sex always need male attention. If they stop receiving it, the relationship can become meaningless. For girls, the regular physical presence of a significant other is extremely important.

When a woman feels cared for, she stresses herself out less and feels inner peace. If a man is nearby, the girl believes that she is the only one, her self-esteem rises, her attitude towards her chosen one becomes warmer, she does not want to throw hysterics and does not ask unnecessary questions.

If the first stage of the relationship has passed, it is important for a man not to forget to give the girl pleasant surprises and pamper her with “goodies.” Perhaps she wants to go for a walk with her chosen one more often, or she lacks tenderness and romance. You need to ask your beloved how her day went , what interesting happened, and whether she needs advice. You can show your concern by asking your chosen one if everything is enough. A man who makes sure a woman dresses for the weather seems caring and reliable.

If a couple lives together, sometimes you should arrange unplanned trips to a restaurant or a movie; such things will definitely not be superfluous. A man should tell a girl more often how beautiful she is and how much he loves her. If a woman is always sure that she is desired, she will not want to look for attention on the side.

You can flirt with your chosen one even after 10 years of married life. You should definitely praise the girl and notice her experiments with her appearance. After all, representatives of the fair sex perform any cosmetic procedures only to please their man.

It is important to give the chosen one those gifts that correspond to her inner world. A woman will be much more delighted by a surprise that matches her life values. In order not to make a mistake with a present, you can consult with your beloved friend. You just need to choose a reliable friend who definitely wishes the best for your other half.

How to care from a distance

The need for courtship remains even if there is a distance between young people. A man needs to be smart and resourceful in order to maintain romance and flirtation while not being with his chosen one. What rules should you follow:

  1. Take your time . Try not to disappear from her sight for several days, even if there are hundreds of thousands of kilometers between you. Set aside time for conversations, calls, ask how her day went, and tell her about yours.
  2. Use different modern technologies. You have many options at your disposal - audio, video, text. Don’t neglect anything; video calls will help you keep in touch as much as possible.
  3. Write letters. If previously it was a common form of communication, today writing by hand will become a manifestation of romance. You can write something intimate in it that is important for both of you.
  4. Use delivery services . Give gifts, even if you personally cannot do this. With the help of a courier and non-cash payment, you can give her flowers, sweets, or any gifts.
  5. Share everything with her. You can take pictures of interesting places where you visit, beautiful sunsets, funny pictures, in general, everything that surrounds you. Visualization helps to imagine that you are next to each other.

Do you and your spouse often have to be at a distance from each other?

Not really

Words of care to a man

Tell your man that you are proud of his aspirations, achievements and successes. Show joy in the presence of a man. Even simple and sincere words that you feel good with a man express your care and love.

Ask your man questions about how his day was. Talk to your loved one. This will give him strength, and your relationship will only become stronger. No one will listen to a man the way his beloved woman does: with understanding and support.

What not to do

Knowing how to care for a woman, you are still not protected from typical mistakes that are inherent in men. Therefore, we bring to your attention some “harmful tips” on what not to do:

  • be annoying - you don’t need to make her think about you all the time, don’t overwhelm her with dozens of calls and messages per minute, otherwise you will start to irritate her;
  • buy her attention - valuable gifts require good reasons and close relationships, an adequate girl will not accept a diamond ring on the second date, since she is not yet completely sure that you are suitable for her;
  • follow the “pickup” skill - using other people’s ideas on how to seduce a girl, you can look stupid and ridiculous;
  • the need to do what you don’t want - don’t pretend to be someone you’re not, don’t force yourself to act to your detriment, the effect will be the opposite;
  • be rude to refusal - even with ideal courtship, be prepared for refusal, she has the right to choose, try to maintain composure.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

Any actions must come from the heart, otherwise, being not yourself, sooner or later you will be disappointed in each other. You will get tired of pretending to be something other than who you are, and she will see a change in your behavior.

Signs of attention

During courtship, a girl should feel many emotions, but this does not mean that you need to fill all her space with yourself. It is important to let your chosen one do her own thing so that she has time to get bored. There are several points that are of great importance during the courtship period:

  1. Beauty. It is necessary to choose the most beautiful places for meetings that will allow a woman to experience real aesthetic pleasure.
  2. Good manners. It is important to remember to be polite and be gallant. And not only with the chosen one, but also with the people around her.
  3. Diversity. Psychologists recommend inviting a woman to places that are different from each other.
  4. Fullness. Communication should be interesting. If a man thinks through the route in advance and prepares an interesting story, perhaps he will be able to surprise his companion and impress her.
  5. Regularity. Sometimes, after several dates, guys deliberately disappear, believing that this will make the girl fall in love. However, it is better not to do this; such behavior can alert the chosen one. Perhaps she will decide that a man spends time with her only when he is bored.

Each representative of the fairer sex is unique and has its own unique inner world. There is no point in fitting all the ladies into one line. Instead of comparing a woman to his ex, it is better for a man to pay attention to her positive qualities and think about why he singled her out from the crowd. When communicating with a girl, it is important to be attentive, notice the tastes and preferences of your companion and base your courtship on this information. Then success will definitely be guaranteed.

Advice from psychologists

Regardless of whether you are dating a woman, have just met, or live together as a family, you always need to look after and care for her. This will allow you to maintain an emotional connection, flirtation, passion or rekindle all these feelings. What does care involve, psychologists are ready to share recommendations:

  1. Be yourself . Do not follow imposed instructions, cliches, or “pick-up artist” methods for conquering a woman. She may be familiar with such tricks or will quickly sense your insincerity.
  2. Say nice things. Do not use blanks, give real compliments. Is there something you like about her? This is what you should focus on. Compliment her outfits, makeup, hair, scent, her smile, and more.
  3. Visit interesting places. Find out what interests her and plan dates based on this information. Cafes, parks, movies get boring quickly. If she likes to paint, find a beautiful place and offer to recreate the landscape on canvas together. Extreme dates are suitable for a sporty girl.
  4. Be original. There is no need to win her over with expensive but hackneyed gift themes. If you give flowers, let it be a rare potted plant or an unusual presentation. Any woman will be happy with memorable gifts. Various quests are popular today.
  5. Be interested in her . Show her in every possible way that you like her. Avoid trivial questions like “How are you?” and what are you doing?". Be interested in her interests, hobbies, what films she likes, what music she listens to. Be attentive and sensitive.

Defining our goal

But having decided on the type of man and his possible goals, you can set your own goals. A very big mistake girls make at this stage is imposing a certain type of relationship on those guys for whom this type is not suitable. What does this mean?

You should not try to make an exemplary family man out of a womanizer. People do not change. Even if they smiled at you and nodded their head, this does not mean that there is not a completely different current behind your back.

Don't try to make a homebody out of a reveler. Girls hope that men change. Answer the question: are you ready to change and accept a man’s lifestyle? Surely noisy companies will not suit your taste. So, your boring family life will not be to the taste of those who like to take a walk.

If you turn a blind eye to such obvious facts at the very beginning of a relationship, you can end up with a broken family. It seems that everything is as simple as shelling pears, but practice shows that when making the most important decisions, people are not so inclined to use their brains.

But if you need a short and stormy relationship, a kind of holiday romance, then it is quite possible to respond to the advances of such a joker. Here you can have a romance without a resort. But it is important that the romance does not turn into something more. Otherwise, further awareness of simple truths will lead to severe depression.

Read more: The importance of gifts in relationships

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