How to start caring for a girl: rules and tips

  • November 12, 2018
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Ulyana Orekhova

For a woman, being well-groomed means not only the presence of makeup and an abundance of expensive clothes in the wardrobe, but first of all, her desire to constantly be aware of her impeccability and uniqueness. In order to maintain this state within herself and see a positive reaction in the eyes of others, a girl does not have to adjust herself to changing beauty standards.

The main criterion for a perfect image, as well as an effective motivator to start taking care of yourself, is complete acceptance of yourself and harmony with the world around you.

Obstacles from the depths of consciousness

Awareness of one's appearance and the need to keep one's body clean and tidy is formed in people at an early age. Children accurately reproduce the behavior of their parents or one of them, adopting not only their manner of dressing or presenting themselves to society, but also their internal attitude towards their own personality.

Many people are familiar with the situation when a young woman, having become a wife and mother, quickly declines in appearance, stops actively communicating and generally devotes herself entirely to everyday life. At the same time, older ladies she knows continue to delight the eyes of others and, despite their workload, always find time to “keep themselves in shape.” What is the reason that even the question of how to start taking care of yourself at 30 meets the internal resistance of an old habit?

In some families, the idea of ​​“sacrifice” is passed down from generation to generation, with such key concepts instilled in daughters as: “everything for the family,” “not sparing yourself,” “even if you die, do it.” Girls are brought up in the belief that the only function of a wife and mother is to establish a family home. At the same time, the circumstances of modern life also require that a woman work equally with her husband, whose utility coefficient outside the work environment is very low.

As a result, by blindly accepting her parents’ position as the only correct one, the girl deprives herself of the opportunity to be beautiful. And the reason for this is not laziness or indifference to oneself, but the shame of transgressing the boundaries of a false “norm” that she herself skillfully erected. But how can you start taking care of yourself if it seems like everyone around you is putting obstacles in the way?

What is self-care?

The mistake of many women is that they place the entire principle of developing external beauty in the desire to look beautiful, while missing the important detail that you also need to feel, realize, and present yourself beautifully. A very expensive cream will not make the skin glow if the girl’s usual state is depression, and instead of proper nutrition, the diet contains liters of coffee and fast food.

The real answer to the question of how a woman can take care of herself and her internal state is based on three components:

  1. Pay attention to your health.
  2. Search for harmony, timely elimination of any factors of psychological discomfort.
  3. The desire to be liked and admired.

Missing the situation on at least one point leads to the fact that the girl will not be able to find peace of mind and her path to herself will take a lot of time and effort.

Lower cilia

Pay attention to the lower eyelashes.

Many girls paint exclusively their upper eyelashes, forgetting about the lower ones, which can create the impression that they are not there at all. Another mistake is to paint the lower eyelashes too thickly, as a result of which the eyes can visually droop and the look will become doll-like. Ideal eye makeup involves lightly painting the lower eyelashes in one layer. For this, it is better to use brown or gray mascara. The central eyelashes can be painted over entirely, and the hairs on the sides can be covered only at the roots, removing excess mascara with your fingers.

Self-care - where to start?

Realizing that something important has left her life, namely her femininity and her real purpose - to please the world, a woman can begin to look for easy ways to restore internal balance, which will only lead to a superficial adjustment of a difficult situation. The fact is that, having “seen the light” and seeing their unsightly situation, girls strive to achieve immediate results, and since they have only a vague idea of ​​​​the desired effect, there is little chance of waiting for it.

How can a woman start taking care of herself right away? Of course, not from active actions, but from the search for a long-lost state of inner comfort.

Dry shampoo

Carry dry shampoo with you.

Buy and always carry dry shampoo with you. If necessary, with its help you can quickly refresh your hair and restore its volume wherever you are. Dry shampoo removes the secretion of the sebaceous glands from the root zone and should only be applied there to give your hair another day of freshness.

Steps to yourself

In total, we can highlight several points that will help a girl who has lost faith in her beauty to again feel interested in herself:

  1. "Getting out of your comfort zone." This is the most important step, since the girl will have to give up all her usual “debts” in relation to others, which have already become part of her personal needs, and realize what she owes herself. On a piece of paper, a woman writes the words: “My desires,” and below makes a list of what exactly she wants (to be beautiful, buy a new dress, start learning languages).
  2. “No to automation.” A person performs many actions automatically and therefore loses awareness of their importance. A woman must again learn to enjoy simple actions - a morning shower, applying body cream, the pleasant sensation of walking barefoot.
  3. "To-do list". The main cause of stress and self-doubt is considered to be the inability of some women to organize their time. In order to set aside an evening hour for self-care and not miss anything in this procedure, a woman should write down all the required manipulations in advance and record on paper the exact time when this will happen.
  4. “My interests are my rules.” No matter how busy a woman is with work and everyday issues, she is obliged to put aside the interests of other people three times a week and devote several hours to her hobby or active sports (better if equally to both).

And finally, we must not forget to praise ourselves for every overcoming of internal complexes, for every episode of victory over laziness. Expanding your comfort zone is hard, leaving it is a big victory that requires encouragement.

Inner attitude is the main component of care

The basis for improving external beauty is peace of mind and tranquility. A girl torn by contradictions, dissatisfied with her job or her marriage, will not be able to ensure that her image radiates magnetism and serves as a source of inspiration. Therefore, as part of the answer to the question of how to start caring for yourself, the first point of any technique on this topic will be to find your own point of balance in the world. A woman is a carrier of special, inexhaustible energy, which must be learned to control, and this alone is the key to future success.

How to start taking care of yourself? First, you need to imagine that the outer shell, the body, is only a tool with which a woman expresses her emotions and makes them visible to others. This means that the unsatisfactory condition of the “tool” - bad skin, sloppiness, illness - is only a natural reaction to negative processes coming from within. By eliminating these factors - bad thoughts, envy and dissatisfaction with herself, the girl also eradicates the causes of her deplorable condition.

Interlash liner

Drawing the interciliary space.

Carefully paint the space between the eyelashes and the skin of the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes. Do this exactly along the lash line using a soft pencil or gel eyeliner, slightly pulling the upper eyelid upward. This trick will literally make your eyes more expressive and your eyelashes thicker in just a matter of seconds. Use this tip when you're running late and don't have enough time to do full eye makeup.

Fashion & Style

Afraid of being branded as “backward” in fashion or, worse, declaring with their appearance the absence of a certain style, girls forget about the main thing - that items of clothing should resonate not so much with each other, but with the way of thinking of the owner. Therefore, in order to learn how to take care of yourself, you should not be too fashionable - blindly copying model images robs a girl of her individuality.

Carelessness in preserving one’s own “I” is the same sloppiness, only hidden deep inside. If a woman is used to sportswear and is comfortable in sneakers, then by putting on heels and locking herself in a formal suit, she does not change her image - she loses the only style that corresponded to her essence. This does not mean that sporty girls are going against themselves by following the office dress code, but now the stores have enough options for clothes and shoes that look harmonious in a formal setting, but at the same time emphasize the individuality of the housewife.

Lipstick testing

A method for testing lipstick shade.

Most people test a lipstick shade by applying it to their wrist or the back of their hand. However, these areas of the skin can somewhat distort the actual color of the product as they do not have the red undertone that lips have. Therefore, from today, when you go to the store for a new lipstick, test the shades on the pads of your own fingers, which are naturally a little pinkish.

Body care

Often, women cover up their reluctance to start taking care of themselves, both thoroughly and simply, with the imperfection of their figure and the fact that “no matter how hard you try, it still won’t get better.” Such excuses have a psychologically relaxing effect on them; it’s as if the girl deliberately abdicates responsibility for her unkempt appearance, citing her alleged “inability” to cope with obvious problems. As a result, external untidiness adds up to minor natural flaws, which necessarily affects a woman’s character.

The bathroom of a self-respecting lady should have at least a minimum set of personal care items. How to start taking care of yourself without resorting to too expensive methods? All you need is 6 bathroom and cosmetic accessories, such as:

  • hard loofah sponge;
  • a jar of scrub (you can make it “homemade”);
  • shower gel;
  • file for rough skin;
  • a product (tool) for removing excess hair from the body;
  • moisturizing body cream.

The washcloth should be used every day, rubbing until red after the main bath has been completed and the skin has been washed clean. This simple procedure will delay the aging process for a long time and keep the body elastic. Once a week you need to devote time to your heels and elbows, where the skin, if not taken care of, wrinkles and greatly disrupts the aesthetics of the image.

Peeling is required not only for the body, but also for the hands. After applying the abrasive agent to the body, it is necessary to rub it for at least a minute from the tips of the fingers to the top of the wrists in a circular, strong motion. It is better to purchase a separate hand cream, but in the absence of such an option, the composition that is applied to the whole body is also suitable.

Deep cleansing

Depending on the severity of the contamination, the amount of inflammation and the presence of other imperfections, experts offer various peeling methods. Mechanical, chemical, laser, ultrasound - you can visit all these procedures in a beauty salon. When making an appointment, be sure to consult with a specialist. A cosmetologist will help you choose the optimal course and type of formulations to use.

Scrubbing and peeling can be done at home. To clean the surface of keratinized particles of the epidermis, you can use gentle products containing small abrasive particles - ground fruit seeds, nut shells or coffee beans.

Hair as an indicator of care

A stylish hairstyle is an indicator of the desire for ideal, but the condition of the girl’s hair will tell about real grooming not by the careful styling of her hair. Split ends, strands sticky from yesterday's hairspray, greasy or unpainted roots - these are the main criteria for criminal sloppiness, which is almost impossible to hide using camouflage methods.

The curls of a girl who has decided to start taking care of herself, no matter how busy her schedule is, should always be cleanly washed and combed. Hair, even just tied with a hairpin at the back of the head, is one of the first factors that attracts attention during the first acquaintance. Untrimmed ends and tangled, greasy strands cause a very negative reaction from others, even to the point of persistent disgust towards an unkempt individual. Taking this fact into account, the girl should often pay attention to whether her hair is in order.

Perfect curls

Create perfect curls.

When starting to create perfect curls, twist them away from your face. Firstly, curls of this type are the most popular and are considered trendy, and secondly, such curls are suitable for all girls without exception, regardless of face type. Thus, curls falling from the face will help hide a heavy chin and wide cheekbones, make a round face visually narrower or emphasize its ideal oval.

The girl’s face is the basis of the image

Not every skin can be brought to an ideal state, but you need to constantly strive for this. A well-groomed face is, first of all, clean, without spots or rashes and, of course, without a thick layer of makeup. Serious flaws cannot be corrected with foundation anyway, but it’s easier than ever to ruin the skin even more and make it lifeless.

In the modern world, natural tattooing on the face is widespread. With such indelible coloring, the girl feels beautiful even when she wakes up in the morning. Most often, the permanent is applied to the eyebrow area, the outer corners of the eyes and the outer contour of the lips, but mostly girls who lead a very active lifestyle resort to the fashionable technique. Having a permanent tattoo significantly reduces the time spent on makeup, but does not reduce the need for personal care.

How can a woman take care of herself so that her face is always in order and the condition of her skin evokes positive emotions in her? It is important to approach even such a simple matter consistently.

Eyebrow styling

Shaping eyebrows upward.

Eyebrows are an important attribute of the image of a modern woman. Their shape determines their facial expression, the expressiveness of their eyes, and even their size. Therefore, make it a rule to comb dry, clean eyebrows with a brush upwards every day and style them using special products. This little trick will visually enlarge your eyes and make your gaze more open.

How to start taking care of your face?

A working girl can afford to take 15 minutes in the morning and 30-40 minutes in the evening to cleanse her facial skin and give it a healthy look. In the morning, the skin only needs a mild peeling procedure with a non-abrasive product, then wiped with toner and applied with a daytime moisturizer. In the evening, tired skin is rehabilitated with deep cleansing, a mask is applied and, at the end of the manipulations, the cream is distributed with light massage movements.

At any time of the year, the makeup of a girl who takes care of herself should not attract attention - the center of attention should always be the woman herself, and not her contouring skills. In the summer, it is better to avoid foundation, since a concealer that floats under the sun looks unacceptable. It is acceptable to mattify oily areas of the skin with light loose powder, but each girl decides for herself whether to use decorative cosmetics, because this is also an important part of self-care. How can a woman take care of herself and her face?

If the girl is not used to taking time for herself every day, then she needs to start small - for example, during the first week, every morning and evening, wash her face with a special “3 in 1” foam. After seven days, you can add a cleansing mask before bed or a session of intense tapping massage to this procedure, which will already become familiar. It is very important not to interrupt the series of sessions due to fatigue or busyness, otherwise it will become more difficult to get back into the rut.

Red lipstick

Find your shade of red lipstick.

Red lipstick is a product that should be in every woman's makeup bag, regardless of age and social status. This lipstick suits absolutely everyone, provided that you manage to choose the right shade. Most often, bright shades of red are suitable for brunettes, coral, orange and brick colors are suitable for brown-haired women belonging to a warm color type, but representatives of a cool color type should choose lipstick with a blue undertone.

Daily Self-Care

Below is a list of actions that should be present daily in the life of any girl interested in increasing her attractiveness:

  • morning stretching or exercise after sleep;
  • shower with warm water;
  • simple washing or scrubbing the skin, applying cream;
  • Hair Styling;
  • if possible, take a short walk;
  • During the working day, the girl needs to eat small portions in 2-3 approaches;
  • upon returning home, you should take a shower;
  • 2-3 times a week, 1 evening hour should be devoted to sports;
  • It is better to give up watching TV or the computer after work and devote time free from worries to positive communication with family;
  • during evening bathing, care for the body and face is required more thoroughly than in the morning;
  • Before going to bed, you need to prepare clothes for tomorrow's exit.

Doctors recommend that women, in order to maintain youth longer and always look well-groomed, go to bed no later than 22:00. Then even getting up early at 5 or 6 am will not become a source of stress accumulation.

The importance of motivation

In her life, a woman experiences a lot of episodes that force her to seriously think about her appearance and begin to take emergency measures. But, as a rule, such a “shake-up” is temporary and gradually the woman returns to the previous state of indifference towards herself.

True motivation, which can set the dynamics of long-term actions, should not come from external factors, such as falling in love or the approach of a significant date. Internal stimulation has the greatest power when a woman herself feels the need for change.

Signs that your attitude towards yourself needs to change radically can include your husband’s detachment or loneliness, reluctance to look in the mirror, and symptoms of depression. Realizing this is already an important step towards looking at yourself from the outside and asking yourself the main question: “Could I, being a different person, love someone like me now?” A negative answer to this question will be the key point of motivation, on the basis of which decisive actions will be built.

Smooth hairstyles

Learn how to create trendy sleek hairstyles.

A sleek hairstyle is a surefire way to quickly create a sophisticated and elegant look. In addition, such hairstyles are quite simple to perform and are the main trend of 2022. The most important thing is to choose the option that suits your head shape. This can be a style with loose, perfectly ironed hair, an updo with an ironed crown area, or a regular ponytail.

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