How to get a Scorpio man back after a breakup? Advice from a psychologist!

This gap will take you from denial to acceptance in a journey that may take some time, especially if you are not firm from the beginning and do not maintain distance.

There is not much to do when breaking up with a Scorpio man. Even though he may want the same thing, he will be scared to see how open their partner is about the separation and may want to run away completely.

It's easy for them to meet a new person and let go of the emotions they feel towards the other, so if they break up after such a situation, they won't care.

5 things you need to know about breaking up with a Scorpio man:

  1. He will go through all stages, from denial to acceptance.
  2. He will most likely attack his partner and blame her for his failure.
  3. He may also try to win her back through all sorts of manipulations.
  4. Perhaps closure will be achieved through a restorative relationship.
  5. He can complain to everyone and play the victim.

The Scorpio scorned ex should be careful because these men tend to keep an eye on their past after a separation. When they are rejected, these signs become incredibly vindictive, not to mention the fact that they can never forget or forgive, very rarely.

Love relationship with a Scorpio man

We must admit that women themselves are drawn to Scorpio. They feel a powerful sexual force emanating from him. If he has learned to control his energy, “victims” will always hover around him. If a classic Scorpio falls in love, he won't show it. A Scorpio in love can wait a long time until a woman begins to take her first steps; he is not inclined to be the first to make contact. He can push himself, wait. Romance in the traditional sense, where there is a bath with rose petals, champagne and kisses under the moon, is difficult for Scorpio.

Being in love with a Scorpio is quite difficult. If Scorpio agreed to a serious relationship, this means that he feels a kindred spirit in you. In love and relationships, Scorpio will be very jealous, but at the same time will be faithful. Scorpio will not choose a woman with weak energy as a partner, because his partner’s dedication is very important to him, just as it is important to share his strong energy with her. A Scorpio woman should give him care, attention, support so that he can relax next to her. The chosen one of Scorpio must accept him and love him for who he is.

Compatibility with a Scorpio Man in love will be good if:

  • You like strong and confident men;
  • I was always repulsed by the calm and monotony;
  • They are attracted to men with a far from angelic character;
  • Sex plays an important role in life;
  • I would like to see a partner with deep feelings next to me;
  • Extremes in behavior are not repulsive;
  • Be comfortable with risk;
  • Powerful men are not repulsed;

Actions for reconciliation

It happens that a Scorpio man leaves his family, with the subsequent intention of returning back. A wife can return her husband if she understands that by such an act the man wants to demonstrate his attitude to the situation. To do this, you can do it directly to his face or act intuitively.

It is better for a girl to initiate the dialogue. The voice should be calm and restrained. Make concessions to Scorpio and choose a day of conversation that is convenient for him. At the end of the conversation, summarize. Also, it is better for the girl to take charge of summarizing the outcome of the conversation.

When you can’t get him into conversation, try to remember what he asked you for, what he wanted, and what complaints he expressed. Show him when you meet that you are ready to change and listen to his opinion and advice.

Secrets of a wise woman: how to break up with a Scorpio man

Your decisions should be based on the Scorpio man's attitude towards you. If your relationship is tense, quarrels and omissions occur more often, you feel cold and indifferent, leaving such a man will not be difficult. But what to do if a person has the warmest feelings for you, but deep down you understand that you are not on the same path with him? Try to make the break as painless as possible.

There is no need to naively believe that primitive excuses like “we are too different” or “you need someone else” will work. No, this will only provoke Scorpios, because by nature they are persistent and will never let go of a “bird” that wants to escape from their hands. Reassurances about the presence of another man in your life will also not work - he will be jealous of you, but will not let you go. It is possible that a Scorpio’s temper may prompt him to engage in some kind of duel with his opponent.

They are loyal.

If Scorpio has chosen you, it means that you can now relax and enjoy a comfortable relationship. They are very loyal. Now your Scorpio is ready to follow you to the ends of the earth.

People of this sign choose only the most perfect of us as companions and companions. If this is you for him, it means he has already found his ideal. And will never look in anyone's direction again. Scorpios do not doubt their choice.

If you've won the Scorpio loyalty battle, congratulations. You'll be fine now. Living with them is easier than it usually seems.

What problems can arise in a relationship with a man?

Couples led by a Scorpio man can go through several periods of crisis, which, in turn, can completely destroy the relationship. Often relationships within a couple do not work out precisely because of the man’s excessive impulsiveness and emotionality. Not every woman is able to withstand obsessive behavior and manic jealousy.

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If problems arise in a couple, Scorpio will never admit that it is his fault. On the contrary, sadistic tendencies manifest themselves in him. A man takes out his dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with life on a woman, mocking her morally, showing cruelty, sometimes even humiliating her.

It is very difficult for women with leadership traits to be around such a man. They are not ready to obey Scorpios, which is why scandals and conflicts can often break out in a couple.

They are prone to violence

One of the biggest and most dangerous shortcomings of Scorpios is their tendency to violence. Of course, not all of them suffer from this, but, unfortunately, it is not possible to know this in advance. At the same time, there is a high probability that the representative of this sign himself is for the time being unaware of this flaw. After all, it can appear completely unexpectedly, with the onset of some extreme situation. For example, in a fit of jealousy, they can go berserk and cause you not only mental, but also physical trauma.

How does a Scorpio woman break up?

The Scorpio woman does not admit defeat in any field, including in her personal life. If he decides that he wants to be in a love relationship with someone, then this person does not change his point of view. How do Scorpios break up if they so purposefully fought for the feelings of the person they are interested in?

The decision to break up forces him to accept the betrayal and disloyalty of his partner. Then Scorpio's love turns into hatred, and he is ready to raze his ex to the ground.

If you leave Scorpio...

Breaking up with a Scorpio is very difficult. He doesn't even want to listen when they tell him that he was abandoned. First, he will first convince his partner to stay and restore the relationship. If this does not help, the abandoned Scorpio falls into a rage, in anger he is ready for his worst words and actions. Of course, Scorpio takes revenge on his ex - sophisticatedly, insidiously, with passion and imagination. Then, when the act of revenge is completed, the ex-partner ceases to exist for him.

Cheating is the main reason for separation

Most often, Scorpios can decide to break off relationships in a situation of betrayal. Or if it seemed to him that his partner could commit such a betrayal. If a woman's suspicious behavior lasts for a long time, Scorpio will observe this situation, compare the facts and break off such humiliating relationships.

He will not indulge in explanations or invite his partner to talk. At the moment when he is already leaving the apartment with his things, rushing across him would be a mistake. Scorpios can't stand scenes. For him, such behavior from a woman will be humiliating.

Remember that Scorpios are natural players and manipulators. It may be quite realistic to see a situation where a man of this sign provokes a break in relations under the pretext of his chosen one’s infidelity. The only correct behavior in this situation would be maintaining one’s own dignity, polite communication and restraint. It is quite possible that after a pause, the Scorpio man will decide to change his anger to mercy and return. If this happens, some time after returning you can make an attempt to establish a dialogue. Try to very delicately and politely ask your partner about the circumstances that led to the breakup of the relationship. Such a conversation should not be started under the influence of emotions and thoughtlessly.

Choose the right time. Before doing this, calm down and think carefully about all possible directions of the conversation and the expected reactions of your partner.

Reconciliation after a breakup - how to get your love back

Separation and reconciliation - this happens to many couples. There are people who choose to simply move on rather than reconcile with their ex-lovers, but if you really want to save your relationship, then you still have a chance. A breakup does not always last a lifetime, and as they say, love is stronger after a breakup.

If you want to rekindle your relationship, follow the tips below.

Find out what was wrong. On the path to reconciliation, you must first determine what caused the breakup. Everything was fine with you and suddenly it all ended? Or, perhaps, in your relationship there were mutual grievances that accumulated for a long time, and as a result led to separation? Although you can't turn back time, you still need to look back, understand your mistakes, and figure out how to mend your broken relationship. Getting your ex back is one thing, but trying to build a long-term relationship is another. If you really want to achieve reconciliation with your loved one and save this relationship, you must first find out what went wrong.

Don't do anything out of desperation or under duress. If you want to achieve reconciliation after a breakup, don't do anything reckless. Remember that you don’t need to chase him, beg him or look like a desperate person. If you really feel bad without your ex-lover, then do not show that you are “dying”, but leave your feelings inside. If you feel like crying in your hearts, then talk to your closest friend. Pull yourself together and don't let your emotions control you.

Be confident instead of walking around feeling depressed and acting like a loser. While you are trying to come to your senses and understand what is happening between you and your ex-lover, find something to do that you enjoy. Avoid loneliness so as not to drown in your own experiences. Surround yourself with friends, positive and friendly people. Don't give your ex-other half reasons to be jealous, otherwise it may inspire the person to start a new relationship. Connect with positive people and get their support. Due to the fact that you will communicate with more people, your ex-lover will begin to look at you with different eyes and see a different side of you. This will remind your ex how good a person you are and how much the people around you love you. You need to gain confidence in yourself if you really want to rekindle your relationship after a breakup.

They will not put up with your complaints and shortcomings.

Scorpios are not the kind of people who will pay attention to your complaints about their wrong behavior. If you say that they don't text you much or don't meet with you often, they will take drastic action, but only to annoy you. Scorpios will either stop writing and coming to meetings for a while, or they will start annoying you around the clock so that you won’t know where to get away from them.

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If you allow yourself to act in a way that they don’t like, they will try to make your life unbearable by constantly reminding you of your shortcomings and failures. So you will either have to submit or break up with them.

Scorpio in relationships

This man is looking for an iconic relationship, a hall of fame to tell the tale, and he refuses to settle for anything less. He can give his body his name and his seed, but until he finds his other half who makes him look and feel like a god, a man will never give up his soul.

A woman should be one with a man. His ideal relationship: he is the king of his empire, she is his queen, you are together, and you are the envy of the world.

Scorpio needs a strong, bright woman. A Cancer woman who is emotionally similar to him will be most comfortable around him. He will love a woman with her own life, money, career and interests, and he will not try to change her after marriage. A man of this sign will not mind if his wife leaves her own surname after the wedding.

When it comes to his home and family, the Scorpio man demands complete submission. He wants everything he does to be final and creates a family according to his uncompromising vision. Scorpio craves a close-knit family filled with love and open communication, and he will do whatever it takes to get it.

But at the same time, the man fears that the woman will absorb him emotionally.

To protect himself, he will try to save some space in the relationship: having a long-distance relationship, working late, or living separately are ideal options. If you force him to take a step before he is ready, he will back off. This could go on for years until he feels ready (read: safe enough) to move closer to a relationship.

Don't provoke jealousy

Scorpios are very suspicious and not inclined to trust people. In business, they prefer to control all processes. It's hard to get them to take a break from work. However, Scorpio's control also extends to personal relationships.

Scorpio men, who are prone to mild paranoia, perceive betrayal especially acutely. If such a man seems that his partner is behaving suspiciously, he will take all necessary actions to get to the bottom of the truth. If his suspicions are justified, then he will never forgive such a betrayal.

Scorpios are very vindictive and vindictive creatures. Remember this. If you have annoyed him with something, a man of this sign will hatch revenge for as long as necessary.

Scorpio men always keep their word. They don't like talkers and lazy people. For such men, action is the best proof of masculinity. They do not accept empty chatter.

How to find the key to a Scorpio man's heart? Use secret words that will help you conquer him.

If you want to find out what you need to say to a man to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

Parting as friends with Scorpio

Scorpio is jealous, vindictive and smart. This is the most dangerous sign of the Zodiac, so you need to get rid of it wisely. First, lose all interest in sex. This sign physically cannot endure long-term abstinence, and therefore will quickly find someone on the side. When this happens, pretend to be a great martyr, but under no circumstances make a scene.

Scorpio girls simply love outbursts of emotion, and a jealous, hysterical partner can revive a passion that had died out. At this time, try to be uninteresting to him. He will not tolerate an “empty place” next to him. If your Scorpio is a highly developed personality, try to break certain internal canons that exist for every Scorpio. Just be careful not to offend him personally - teasing this sign is not recommended for anyone.

How to break up with a Scorpio man and still remain on good terms with him is not the easiest task. Scorpios have a complex character, the most important thing is not to argue with this strong sign. If he loves the comfort of the house, he needs to give up housekeeping; if he doesn’t like noisy people, constantly invite friends to the house. For him, you need to become an empty place, an uninteresting, stupid, whiny doll - Scorpio wants to possess, conquer and admire his woman, relieve him of this need.

How to break off a relationship with a Scorpio man and remain friends? Everything is very simple, the main thing is to have iron restraint and great calm. In such cases, you need to take a subtle approach. There is no need to show the affection he needs. Avoid hugs or kisses. Be a leader in a conversation even if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Never praise a Scorpio man. Complain about lack of attention, be rude. Point out mistakes they have made in society often. After this, Scorpio will not want to stay next to you.

Psychologist's advice

Advice one

For Scorpio, it doesn’t matter who is to blame for the moment of separation - himself or the girl he loves. When you start talking to a man, don’t say how difficult it is to be with him, that you constantly sacrifice yourself for him.

Tip two

You shouldn’t expect compassion from him, and don’t even think about pushing for pity, it won’t work with him. It is also not worth swearing eternal love, since Scorpios do not believe in anything eternal, therefore, they will perceive this oath as amusing their own pride.

Tip three

If he left for another woman, it is better to leave him alone, since there is no point in returning him. When he has no desire to communicate with you and avoids dialogue, your train has left. You have lost your lover.

Tip four

If your boyfriend is a Scorpio, when trying to get him back, you should act diplomatically, avoid any kind of hysteria and, under no circumstances, accuse him of anything.

Humble your pride and give in to each other in relationships, only in this case will you be able to avoid suffering upon the return of your loved one.

Share your opinion in the comments. How is your relationship with a Scorpio?


Fifth period: choice

This period is characterized by its complexity. Scorpio, with a deep wound in his soul, imagines how his beloved girl lives without him. But in his heart, he strengthened his decision that he was leaving. There is no turning back. This is the zodiac sign that leaves and does not return. In the last moments of a joint relationship, his behavior becomes the same as in the first days of acquaintance, he is affectionate, courteous, hugs, kisses, and then leaves his partner and plunges into a period of intense bitterness and sadness. It will be useless to find out what happened to him; he will not answer. He is faced with a choice: himself or his partner. And at that moment he is literally torn apart by an angel and a demon. One is a projection of selfishness, a scoundrel, and the second is rejoicing with joy and spreading its wings.

The soul of a Scorpio is the personification of the cake: where the first cake is saturated with pity for his girlfriend, melancholy and mercy, the next with a sober look at what is happening and the realization that this cannot be changed, and the cherry on the cake is a firm decision to break off the relationship.

Fourth period: feeling of freedom

If a woman, after all the previous stages, does not realize that something needs to be changed in the relationship, Scorpio allows herself to set the intention that she wants to break up and become free. He won't become a womanizer. Rather, in the first period, he will not take part in strengthening the existing union. He will calmly distance himself from his partner without announcing his own intentions.

In simple terms, taking sadness for a relationship and sadness for a previously happy union, he is ready to become happy without the usual partnership. He will continue to enjoy life and become happy, but the girl will not understand why he behaves this way. A man will stop sharing his life with a woman. He will not deceive or hide anything, he will simply remain silent, based on the fairness of his judgments; if a woman does not contribute anything to the relationship and does nothing to strengthen it, then she does not need to know what is happening in his life.

After breaking up, Scorpio rushes through life for some time, without regret or disappointment for the past. Afterwards, he definitely meets another woman who turns out to be many times better than his previous partner. If you suddenly fail to meet, then nothing bad happens. The guy, comparing his past life with his present, realizes that he is very happy without his ex-girlfriend. Better than it was with her. The Scorpio guy knows better than other zodiac signs what is good for him and what is not.

Psychology of Scorpios

Men who were born under the sign of Scorpio are very impulsive creatures. They flare up with love just as quickly as they quickly fade away. Their feelings are fleeting, and their decisions are rash. If you take advantage of this feature in the psychology of Scorpios, you can use everything to your advantage.

The Scorpio man loves mysterious women. The more mysterious and inaccessible a woman is, the more interesting she is. But it’s hard to remain a mystery all the time, especially if you’re in a constant love relationship with a man. The following technique will help here: you show the man that something has changed in you, but do not directly say what exactly. The man himself must figure you out. This will be an interesting sports game for him.

The desire for novelty is the weakness of the Scorpio man. If a woman manages to please him with something new, then he will definitely think about returning to her. It could even be a breathtaking outfit that a man has never seen on a woman before. The sexier she looks in it, the better.

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Their dark side will take over

Scorpio is full of secrets that are kept deep in his heart. But this only happens for the time being. At the beginning of a relationship, their dark side is hidden from the partner, but gradually it begins to reveal itself. And the more you date a Scorpio, the more you will see of her.

Calm and friendly behavior will ultimately turn into nervous breakdowns, mistrust, jealousy, and numerous complaints. All this is an echo of grievances once suffered, which Scorpios do not tell anyone about, they do not share their pain with anyone. And when the dark side of this sign becomes dominant, maintaining relationships will become quite difficult.

Third period: melancholy

If the situation in the relationship does not change, then the man may fall into depression. He literally plunges into a depressive state, behaves withdrawn, since he does not like to make trouble with his partner, he will silently watch what is happening, being in despair. The quiet time for questions is over. Now a period has begun in which Scorpio asks out loud, to himself, questions that have plagued his union with his partner for a long time. He will not talk about his problems with others; it is more convenient for him to retire and lick his wounds alone.

A man increasingly spends his time leaving or going somewhere where he finds peace of mind. Basically, this place is home, where he sees his parents, brothers and sisters. He comes home, has fun, relaxes, answers anxious questions, laughs it off and changes the topic of conversation.

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No matter how much he wants to return to his home, to his girlfriend, he still returns to her if the feelings have not yet faded away.

Their beauty will break your heart if they break up

This is not necessarily the kind of beauty that can be captured on camera. The beauty of Scorpios lies in their elusive charm. It is visible in their movements, facial expressions, in the blush that appears with strong excitement, in their pleasant voice. And the heart of a person in love with Scorpio melts from this beauty, which captures more and more.

And if you manage to date representatives of this sign for quite a long time, every day your dependence on their attractiveness will only increase. However, the connection with Scorpio does not often last long. And when they leave their partner for good, they break his heart.

How to return and keep a Scorpio man?

The Scorpio man is one of the most temperamental and mysterious signs of the zodiac. He knows how to love so enchantingly and selflessly that he is capable of driving his chosen one crazy.

Women who have felt his burning passion and, for reasons unknown to them, have lost it, ask only one question - how to return a Scorpio man. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance.

Anyone who thinks that the appearance of a Scorpio man corresponds to his inner qualities and feelings is deeply mistaken. It’s just that he looks so cold and indifferent. It can be compared to a block of ice, but it will not look like the truth.

You just have to look into the keyhole of his soul and you can forever forget what peace is. The fire and storm that reign there will never allow either the Scorpio itself or the one who is next to him to sleep peacefully.

A Scorpio man will never reveal his feelings to a woman and will not demonstrate his interest to her, although by his nature he is quite loving and amorous. He is able to very quickly become captivated by a woman and literally immerse her in his passion. Also suddenly his crazy ardor may go out. Read more in the article “How to attract a Scorpio man.”

How does a Scorpio man handle a breakup?

A Scorpio man may make a woman feel like she is the only one in the world, or he may treat her like someone who has done something terrible.

When he is told about a possible breakup, he will not know whether to make the first move towards his partner or simply ignore her, this will consume him from the inside for a while.

This sign may decide that his ex needs to be brought back and taught him a lesson because he can't just sit in the middle, it's not in his nature. If he is confident and okay with it, he will most likely ignore her forever.

However, a more insecure Scorpio man would have his partner tearing off his clothes in despair. It largely depends on who decided to end the relationship, the reason why the relationship ended, and the closure that existed between the partners, something that he has likely already covered.

A woman who breaks up with this man will miss his motivation and strength, and the way he cared for her during difficult times.

However, she won't want to remember how he followed her around, lest he even think that there might be something wrong with his way of following her around. What frightens this man most is that his mistress, of her own free will, decides to simply abandon the relationship with him.

This scares a Scorpio man to the core of his soul and mind. In most cases, Scorpios experience breakups because they were involved in some sort of power sharing with their partner.

These men are obsessed with control, which is why many of their lovers decide to leave after seeing how manipulative and possessive they can be. It may not be easy to get rid of them because they find it difficult to let go and just move on with their lives after a breakup.

While people in other signs may understand that separation implies finality, Scorpio men think differently and want things to get better again without even imagining what moving forward might mean.

A Scorpio man may realize that his relationship is over and that his partner no longer wants him, but he will always hope that she will change her mind someday.

This is the reason why he wants to be friends with women after they break up with him.

Knowing that his ex loves him the most, he thinks that making her love him again will be very easy and he will do everything possible to make it happen that way.

Any woman should know that nothing can be hidden from a Scorpio man, as people of this sign seem to have a radar for detecting lies, secrets and shameful things.

These signs know that gaining power means knowing the unsavory details of others' lives and being secretive about their own.

The problem with them is that it can be difficult to identify the problem with their behavior until too late.

Very secretive and private, Scorpios hide their personality behind a cool mask, but underneath they are full of passion, ready to be released.

To put it bluntly, they may say some nasty things about their partner and there is nothing he can do about it. It doesn't matter if something good or bad happened, Scorpios will always remember everything and pay everyone back for it.

When on good terms with a special person in their life, they will be endlessly loyal, whereas if crossed, they will seek revenge until it is fulfilled. These signs are known for being cruel and bullies according to their zodiac sign. Those who are sensitive and cannot protect themselves should stay away from them.

Stage one. Confusion

When Scorpio realizes that something is going wrong in his relationship, it doesn’t even occur to him to tear and throw, quietly merge, re-educate or violently disappear.

At first he doesn’t notice anything for a long, long time, and when he can no longer stubbornly turn away from the facts, he begins to be perplexed.

His bewilderment is this: he does not believe that something bad or causing him harm is happening. In his Scorpio world, everything is usually arranged as well as possible. And his union too. Therefore, a priori, nothing bad or unforeseen can happen there.

However, it happens. Scorpio notices once, notices twice, and on the 89th he quietly sits in a corner and thinks. It is difficult for him to admit to himself that he feels bad. Just like Capricorn. And he doesn't admit it. He prefers to think that he either imagined it, or he made a mistake, or he simply did not understand something.

And only by that unconscious cowardice and timidity, which is completely unusual for this sign and which ultimately does not allow him to clearly tell his partner that something is going wrong, can one determine that - yes: Scorpio is hiding lies to himself behind bewilderment.

And when he admits to himself this lie and reluctantly admits: yes, it seems that something not very good is happening, then this first stage ends. And the second one begins.

This stage is quite short. There, having overcome some strange internal embarrassment, Scorpio begins to ask his partner quiet questions. These are, rather, not even questions, but a quiet pronunciation of facts with a slightly raised intonation at the end, which makes the phrase incomplete. Scorpio expects the partner to finish the sentence himself, explaining what is really going on.

...You came late yesterday... ...I called and wrote to you, but you didn’t answer all day... ...Some girls called you at home again... ...You didn’t wish me a Happy New Year... ...We went to bed yesterday without you.... ...No dinner again...You spent almost all our money... Etc.

In fact, Scorpio quietly denotes already quite grandiose and gaping failures in relationships. Didn’t show up for dinner, the girls called, there’s a hole in the budget, the children are asking “where’s daddy,” there aren’t even small signs of attention and respect - all this actually lasts for a very long time, the partner had time to fix it, Scorpio had time to somehow explain everything to yourself, but nothing changes and there are no explanations - so, probably, you need to ask.

Well... The partner usually reacts aggressively to such things. And it’s true: they poked his nose into something unpleasant, and he thought that no one noticed, since they were silent and it was convenient, but then the convenience ended.

Scorpio will remain silent in response to aggression. Explanations, if any, will be taken into account. This is a very fair and strong sign of the Zodiac and there is enough inner nobility in it to give the relationship some time. After all, now his loved one knows that Scorpio noticed something, and that means he will take action and fix everything, because he also values ​​relationships.

If nothing changes, Scorpio falls into terrible melancholy. He sinks into depression, his eyes become sad, he doesn’t particularly know how to make a scandal and doesn’t like to, but out of this depression he continues to watch his partner. The time for questions is over. The time has begun to say out loud to oneself those unpleasant things that have long been happening in the Scorpio union. At first he doesn’t voice these things to outsiders, but he finds some place for himself where he manages to come to his senses a little and lick his wounds.

Scorpio begins to leave often or go where he feels good. Parents, boyfriend or girlfriend, brother or sister - all these people during this period see Scorpio in their home more often than ever before. He comes, sits, smiles, brushes off anxious questions and says “let’s talk about you.”

He doesn't want to return home. But he's coming back.

If at this time the partner remains deaf and blind to what is happening, Scorpio gives himself internal permission to become free from obligations. This does not mean that he will go for walks left and right. This means that Scorpio relieves himself of the obligation to continue building a cozy, calm and happy world for his union. He, unnoticed by his partner, internally leaves the common territory, without declaring or indicating this in any way.

In other words, despite the ongoing sadness and mourning of a union that was once very necessary, Scorpio allows himself to be happy outside of the usual partnership. He can increasingly be seen rejoicing in something that his companion no longer has the slightest idea about and will never have. Scorpio no longer shares anything with him. He does not hide, but simply keeps silent, rightly believing that a person who does nothing to warm up or change relationships does not need to know more about his Scorpio life.

Flying back and forth through the living space, now free from previous tears, disappointments and expectations, Scorpio inevitably meets a person with whom he simply turns out to be a hundred times better than in his previous union. And even if he doesn’t meet you, it doesn’t matter anymore. Scorpio compared and understood: Scorpio is better off without his former partner, no matter how much he is still loved. And what is better and worse, Scorpio knows like no other sign of the Zodiac: he understands himself very clearly and clearly sees his inner life.

This is the most difficult stage on the path of a parting Scorpio. At this stage, he sheds tears, imagining how his former lover or beloved will live without him. But somewhere inside he already knows for sure: he will leave. And he won't return. Scorpios are more likely than other signs to leave once and for all. At this stage, he becomes as affectionate towards his partner as before. Imagine the fright of a person who is hugged, kissed, caressed and immediately then goes somewhere to the window or under the blanket and there they roar or lie silently with a stony face. Scorpio is silent about “what happened.” Basically, something terrible happened: he is forced to choose between his partner and himself, and he chooses himself. “Like the last egoist, bastard, etc.,” adds an unknown voice in Scorpio’s head, and the second unknown person inside exultantly inhales fresh air and spreads his wings.

At this stage, a cake is created in Scorpio’s soul: one cake is imbued with pity for the partner, mercy and melancholy, the second with a sober look at things, the understanding that nothing can be changed; and both of these cakes are filled with a firm decision to finish everything.

It’s better not to see how Scorpio collects things for himself or his former loved one. This is grief, melancholy and guilt. Guilt in front of someone who for years could remain deaf and blind to even the smallest requests of Scorpio, grief from the fact that you are hurting a person who has been hurting you for years, melancholy from the fact that nothing, nothing at all worked out. Shedding tears, pity, a downcast look - Scorpio trudges foot by foot into a new life.

Give him a little time and he will allow himself to be happy again, take a deep breath, live in a new way, never looking back, awkwardly and crumpledly explaining to his friends why they separated, being tactful even if his ex is throwing mud at him. He will not return and will try to keep contacts with his past life to a minimum.

The only thing he will try to do is never be offended by his ex again, don’t remember him badly, forgive him for everything. If possible. (c) Y. Rubleva

Keep in mind that the Scorpio man, much more often than representatives of other zodiac signs, decides to break up on his own initiative. This is one of the manifestations of his complex nature.

At the same time, sometimes he only pretends that he wants to break up with you, trying to achieve any specific concessions with the help of this maneuver.

When you do what is required of you, he will return as if nothing had happened.

Therefore, first of all, try to find out: this is a simulation on his part or he is seriously planning to leave. It is dangerous if, after a whirlwind romance, your relationship becomes friendly - since he treats you as a good friend, it means he no longer sees you as a woman. It's not easy to deal with this problem..

However, don't lose heart and try to find the benefits of your new role as a good friend. You can become your Scorpio's confidant - of course, if you don't cause scandals because of a change in your relationship, which would be a grave mistake on your part.

Scorpio - a friend will share his problems with you and ask for advice. He generally tends to maintain good relationships with former lovers.

Sometimes, having decided to leave for another woman, he feels guilty and behaves very carefully. His coldness in intimate relationships should serve as an alarm signal for you - this is completely atypical for him.

His efforts to shift the blame onto you speak in your favor; you are too dear to him for him to leave just like that. When it comes to a random woman, he does not waste time on explanations.


How to break up with a Virgo partner

“Should I shoot you right away, or do you want to suffer? It’s better, of course, to suffer” (c). If Virgo said that she is leaving, this is far from a fact. Or maybe she decided to check on you? Or maybe she just has a crush on someone else and is weighing her options? Or maybe she hasn’t decided anything yet, but just to “purely suffer”? ) Sometimes Virgo really wants to leave, but she will not forget to look at your agony in the hospital bed and will collect gossip and rumors from all mutual acquaintances about how you are suffering.

Abandoned Virgos are sincerely indignant at universal injustice, sobbing on the shoulders of their friends, not forgetting to simultaneously make plans for insidious revenge (and, moreover, are able to carry them out). So don’t be surprised if, in 10 years, you hear unpleasant rumors about the disclosure of a number of obscene details of your past life, it’s like God damn it, your Virgo.

Virgos are precisely those who are able to remain in vague relationships with partners for years, “then I’ll leave, then I’ll come,” and you never really know whether they have abandoned you or not. And if you did leave, then no one guarantees you no revenge, because contrary to usual logic, even if Virgo left you herself, you are still to blame for ruining a piece of her life, and therefore must be punished for your imperfections. Well, or purely out of love for art)

What you need to know

Here are the Top 5 things you need to know about how a Scorpio man breaks up:

  1. It will go through all stages, from denial to acceptance.
  2. Most likely, he will blame his partner for all his failures.
  3. He may try to bring her back through all sorts of manipulations.
  4. He may complain to everyone and play the role of the victim.
  5. When he becomes an ex-boyfriend, you should be careful, because these men, as a rule, keep an eye on their former passions.
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