Physiognomy: eyes. Close-set eyes: physiognomy

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Not only because they perceive optical stimuli and impressions, but also because an experienced face reader is able to see significant features in the eyes. According to the Chinese art of face reading, the eyes provide direct access to a person's inner world, to his essence, emotions and life position.

Learning a certain facial expression is very difficult, but the eyes never lie. They show facial expressions and lies, and reflect the true essence of a person.

Female eye cycle (right eye)

Siang Ming studies not only the shape of the eyes, but also the white of the eye, which is considered primarily from a health point of view. Yellowish white is known to indicate jaundice or liver disease. A reddish white suggests aggressiveness and a tendency to “blush with rage.” The size of the white of the eye is also taken into account when characterizing a person. If the white is larger than the iris, then this indicates a phlegmatic personality with labile feelings.

Male eye cycle (left eye)

Women with such eyes are also attributed to immobility in bed, which may be the cause of female diseases or frequent childbirth. From a medical point of view, shadows around the eyes (they often indicate heart or gallbladder disease), and the coloring of the lower eyelids can be interpreted. Dark or blackish eyelid color indicates bladder or kidney disease. And finally, Siang Ming pays attention, of course, to the pupils. If a person has large and dark pupils, then he is characterized by high responsibility; Often they even sacrifice themselves for the family. The Chinese say: women with brown tea-colored eyes are very open and understandable. The darker the pupils, the more sexual hunger a woman experiences. Light pupils indicate sociability, but intelligence and selfishness leave little room for feelings.

Most people intuitively and based on life experience interpret the true expression of the eyes, for example, their shine and a completely individual direct gaze. The Chinese interpretation of facial features is based on the anatomy of the eyes, and it is possible to obtain information about individual phases of a person’s life even from certain segments of the eye. At the same time, the right eye is divided into segments corresponding to the six-year cycle of human life, and the left eye in men. Of course, you shouldn’t go too deep into this, otherwise you can go very far.

Big eyes

Big eyes are always considered the ideal of beauty. They are rightly associated with intelligence, strength, diversity of ideas and honest character.

The sexual appeal of large eyes is also undeniable. Big-eyed people are aware of the power of their erotic radiation. However, they tend to catch fire quickly and cool down just as quickly.

Big eyes

Women with big eyes are considered passionate, experimental partners. Both women and men with big eyes treat their loved ones with great warmth and cordiality. But if the relationship does not develop in accordance with their ideals, they will react very painfully, as they are very vulnerable. The big advantage of people of this type is their sincere spiritual disposition. They usually enjoy the attention shown to them without any embarrassment.

In the social sphere, people with big eyes do not miss anything that would allow them to be the center of attention. Therefore, they can often be found among workers in show business, advertising or the media.

Small eyes

Small eyes are considered a sign of envy, mistrust and stubbornness. There are even outright villains with this type of eyes.

But one should be extremely careful with such negative assessments. Don’t easily attribute negative qualities to people with small eyes. They just tend not to let strangers into their personal lives. According to Siang Ming, people with small eyes are considered loyal and neat, which is by no means a disadvantage in the professional field. In addition, they are extremely goal-oriented and self-confident. However, they are intolerant and can torment their loved ones with all sorts of whims, especially if they feel left out. In love relationships, people with small eyes try to create maximum comfort for their partner. Although their intractability and jealousy may lead to a breakup in the future. Their scrupulousness and punctuality bring great benefits in work where it is necessary. For example, men with small eyes can often be found in accounting or in the performance of a wide variety of organizational functions.

Small eyes

Women, on the contrary, need an audience to feel satisfaction in their work. Therefore, they willingly turn to professions related to fashion or engage in journalism. Unlike men with small eyes, they show a love of risk and activity. Such women have brilliant career prospects. Despite their tendency towards dogmatism and arrogance, their high intelligence cannot be denied.

How to get rid of nervous tics

In order to free yourself from unpleasant sensations, you must first eliminate their problem. Sometimes all it takes is a good night's sleep. In another case, you need to change the situation for a while, get out of the destructive environment.

Among the auxiliary methods used are herbal soothing teas, baths with the addition of aromatic oils, swimming, walks in the fresh air or sports: running, yoga.

Add ingredients with a high content of calcium and magnesium to your menu. These include fermented milk products, buckwheat, bran bread, red fish, eggs, and meat. Vegetables and fruits include beets, currants, dried fruits, nuts and parsley.

If these foods do not fit into your diet, consider taking appropriate vitamin supplements. Do not overuse strong tea and coffee.

And most importantly: remain optimistic and calm in any situation!

In cases where the condition worsens, psychotherapy is sought. Cognitive behavioral therapy is especially effective in helping to stop tic disorders at the stage of their precursors.

Habit reversal therapy teaches patients movements that help prevent the development of neurological facial symptoms.

Medications include anticonvulsants and muscle relaxants, Botox injections, and antidepressants.

If the above methods are ineffective in combating nervous tics, they turn to deep brain stimulation. A device is installed in the GM that controls electrical impulses.

Slant eyes

According to the Chinese art of face reading, this eye shape is also considered the ideal of beauty. It indicates an emotional person who is endowed with intellectual insight. But, first of all, this person has the gift of enjoying life. Relationships with such people can be tense due to sudden outbursts of anger. Unfortunately, their emotions are often directed against loved ones. For this reason, there is always the danger of a quick and groundless severance of friendships and love ties.

Slant eyes

Women with slanted eyes are extremely slow and indecisive in love, and are also easily influenced by third parties. Perhaps they themselves come to despair from the doubts that overwhelm them. The partner often leaves, unable to stand the changeable temperament of his beauty with cat eyes. At work, people with this type of eyes show flexibility and confidence in their decisions, so they are able to quickly solve complex problems. In addition, they are not afraid of hard physical work if the activity promises them variety. In this case, they are ready to take on any challenge. Both men and women with slanted eyes can count on the professional growth they rightfully deserve. However, their patience may be tested, since the real takeoff of their career will come only after 35 years.

Overall rating

When interpreting a personality, one should not focus on the indicators of only one parameter. The description above shows the ideal characteristics for which you need to make adjustments for other parameters - ears, mouth, nose and others. In addition, the eyes themselves have other features besides their distance from each other. Here are those that the physiognomy of the eye pays special attention to: color, pupil size, distance between the pupils, distance between the eye and eyebrow. In addition, the size, shape and depth of the eye are important for correct personality assessment.

Eyes with drooping outer corners

This eye shape is seen, especially in Japan, as a symbol of happiness and wealth. In the West, they believe that eyes with drooping corners indicate good nature, willingness to help and trust, but their owners are prone to melancholy. Deep, sincere friendship becomes for such people a source from which they draw strength for their often sacrificial but satisfying lives. This noble character seems to be called upon to help others in dire need, and they never boast of their good deeds. This type is more likely to listen carefully and remain silent. Kindness and empathy make them ideal helpers.

In the professional sphere, they do not experience deep downs, but they rarely experience ups compared to others. Women with such eyes know how to find wealthy men, as they really value financial well-being. Moreover, they are never suspected of self-interest.

Eyes with drooping outer corners

In a love relationship, they easily adapt to their partner and are selflessly devoted to him. Usually they are not against the dominant role of a man, and are even happy in such a situation. Only in exceptional cases do women with drooping outer corners of their eyes turn their loved ones. But don't be surprised that they become good mothers. Professionally, they are successful in social or nursing fields, which best suits their nature. No other professional activity offers these people (both men and women) so many chances for the full realization of their characteristic inclinations. In addition, men with eyes of this type are capable of commercial activities. Under favorable circumstances, they conduct very profitable business.

Close-set eyes

Men with close-set eyes are often calculating, prone to focusing on internal experiences, and in the worst case, narrow-minded. Outwardly, they may look quite lively and sociable, although this does not correspond to their character.

When reading a face with this type of eye, you need to simultaneously take into account all other signs. According to Siang Ming, close-set eyes are a sign of temperament, contact and profit-making thinking. Therefore, sensational success may fall on such people at work. Their optimal area of ​​interest is in the sphere of politics and economics, as they can quickly adapt to new situations and use them to their advantage.

The character of women with this type of eyes is incomparably more complex. They maneuver quite confidently from one problem to another, perhaps driven by excessive curiosity. These women are usually strict judges; their assumptions about everyone and everything are often unsubstantiated and cause extreme distrust among others. For these daughters of Eve, love is an exciting game without beginning or end, so a long-term relationship based on mutual trust seems prosaic to them. Professionally, these individuals are not capable of taking risks, which can have a negative impact on their career. They quickly establish themselves at work, but the trend of serious growth is still rather an exception.

Close-set eyes

Unusual sensations

It happens that a person can feel phenomena in the face and head that are unusual for the usual state. They are called paresthesias and are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • tingling;
  • burning;
  • "goosebumps"
  • numbness;
  • itching and rashes.

Often facial paresthesias have an organic basis and become a sign of the disease:

  • neuritis, neuralgia of the cranial nerves;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • stroke and other circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • shingles;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension.

In certain cases, unusual sensations are observed in certain parts of the face. For example, similar manifestations in the language may appear for the reasons listed above, but often have a different etiology. They are provoked by cancer of the tongue and larynx, as well as trauma by a splintered tooth or denture.

Dental procedures cause numbness and other unusual feelings, especially after tooth extraction. Another reason for their appearance may be an uncomfortable position during sleep or an unsuitable pillow. But the sensations caused by such phenomena usually pass soon.

Another group of provoking factors consists of psychogenic and neurogenic disorders.

Wide-set eyes

Such eyes speak of openness, vitality and other positive qualities. Wide-eyed people usually make big plans, but they always lack a grain of dynamism to carry them out. They tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Due to excessive gullibility, they sometimes have to be disappointed in people. These kinds of disappointments confuse their feelings, which can lead to serious mood swings. The unstable psyche of these people often negatively affects their professional activities. Therefore, this type is often not suitable for professions that require constancy, perseverance, and scrupulousness.

Wide-set eyes

But men and women with wide-set eyes are promised happiness in their personal lives. If they are lucky and meet the right partner, they will be rewarded with true love.

Basic Keys of Nonverbal Communication

The intentions and thoughts of the interlocutor are often very easy to determine just by a characteristic look. For example, a direct gaze indicates enthusiasm for the conversation, and a running glance to the opposite side indicates uninteresting communication, although, with rare exceptions, this may indicate a desire to express something or a feeling of guilt.

You should not look closely at a stranger; very often this demonstrates aggression. By quickly looking at someone, a person will involuntarily show his dissatisfaction with his presence.

Lost in their thoughts and memories, people usually look up to the left. Looking up to the right speaks of the mental design of any actions and events. They say that a person has his head in the clouds if his gaze is unfocused and directed straight ahead, but he is simply focused on his problems.

When we remember sounds, voices or melodies, our eyes involuntarily go to the left exactly sideways, and when trying to remember someone’s forgotten phrase, we direct our gaze to the right.

Looking down and to the right demonstrates a person completely immersed in thoughts about sensations and touches, and if the gaze is completely lowered to the floor, this indicates deep internal philosophical reasoning.

Deep-set eyes

Such eyes most often belong to people immersed in their own world and deeply romantic. Although you shouldn’t be fooled by the air of mystery that characterizes them, fortunately, they never lose a sense of reality, either in their actions or in their feelings. Like Odysseus, in their young years they will make several exciting journeys, both in the professional field and in love. Only by the age of 30 do they usually concentrate on their career, and the life experience they have accumulated can be very useful.

Deep-set eyes

It seems that they can write novels about love - their love affairs were so numerous and varied. Experienced lovers with deep-set eyes usually marry in their mature years and become ideal husbands.

Protruding eyes

The Chinese art of face reading conveys little flattering information about people with bulging eyeballs. Such people are considered to be immensely selfish and not worthy of trust, but insightful and strong-willed. The combination of these qualities often makes them extremely successful. Being engaged in a not entirely clean business, such people suffer little remorse and, as a result, quickly get rich.

Protruding eyes

Of course, not all owners of bulging eyes are unscrupulous businessmen; they often experience envy from others who will not miss the opportunity to create such an image for them. People of this type are characterized by reckless actions. They are often worried about long-standing unresolved problems that stem from their parents’ home, where there was neither love nor understanding. Men with such eyes have an increased need for sex. They use every means in this regard to satisfy their passion. Selfishness does not leave them for a second even during an act of love, so long-term relationships are not their lot. Women with this type of eyes often seem naive. They are very careful in choosing friends and only in the most unfavorable circumstances do they end up on the wrong path. Their selfishness is less noticeable, but there is a clear tendency to suddenly change partners.

What does a man's look at a woman say?

If a guy looks to the side, imperceptibly following the girl’s gaze, this indicates his interest, while strong love is distinguished by a direct and intent gaze. A man probably lacks any romanticism towards a woman when he looks as if “above” her; such a look only speaks of his narcissism. Also, a man is clearly not interested in communicating with this or that woman if his gaze is fixed on third-party things or objects, or if he is looking at his feet.

Triangular eyes

People with triangular eyes are convinced that others do not like them very much. Firstly, they do not tolerate any objections and are sometimes even prone to strong suppression of others. Secondly, they have problems communicating. Try to talk to such a person, and you will run into a stone wall. In their young years, they show little endurance at work and very rarely finish the job they start. Moreover, they are undoubtedly very capable people and are suitable for a wide variety of activities. Chinese interpreters claim that people with this eye shape have good inclinations for a political career.

They also have enough obstacles in their personal lives, since in this area they show just as little restraint as at work. A marriage with such a person, as a rule, ends in divorce, despite the fact that his intentions were the best and his feelings were deep.

Triangular eyes

Text of the book “Reading Faces. Physiognomy"

Bulging eyes

So, what about people whose eyes seem to be ready to pop out of their sockets (Figure 4.8)? It doesn’t sound very nice, of course, but such eyes are not always a sign that a person has Graves’ disease. As children, children with such eyes are often teased, but still they always have many friends. On the one hand, this is due to innocence, on the other – to an open character.

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Bulging eyes

Growing up, such children acquire excellent acumen, are able to immediately assess people, and in general, they are players by nature. Realistically assessing their own strengths, they are nevertheless decisive and ambitious. Unfortunately, people with such eyes sometimes do not look into their inner world and do not try to develop spiritually, which often leads to ridiculous recklessness. We can say that they often provoke certain situations that from the outside seem crazy. And only after a certain time it becomes clear how correct this decision was, even despite the enormous risk.


From an aesthetic point of view, it is extremely important that protruding eyes are balanced by other facial features (eyebrows, lips or nose) - this will indicate success in areas where risk is part of the game.

In addition to being gambling and able to take risks, such people are very sexy, sex is as important to them as air and water. They do not deny themselves pleasures and indulge any sexual whims. Those around them notice this very well, so you shouldn’t be surprised that there are always a lot of fans and lovers of experiments around them.

Having connected their lives with a quiet, balanced person, not prone to adventure, people with bulging eyes, as a rule, make a mistake.
Because how can you count on a quiet family union when one of the partners is a gentle stream, and the other is a stormy hurricane? A hurricane will simply knock the stream out of its channel, splashing its gentle waters all over the earth. Having settled down for a while, they will soon begin to change their own lives again, as well as the lives of loved ones. Being confident in their own abilities, they will not think at all that those whose well-being is somehow connected with their position will feel extremely uncomfortable. Eyes with drooping corners
The first impression from looking at the faces of such people is that they are saddened by something. Paradoxically, it is precisely such opinions of others that form the detached, secretive character of people with similar eyes. So, for example, your friend has eyes with drooping corners (Fig. 4.9). What can you say about him? Firstly, this is a person immersed in himself. In front of a large number of people, he is shy and therefore tries to stay away, without attracting attention to himself.

The omitted corners actually determine the attitude of others towards such a person: everyone strives to feel sorry for him and show sympathy. Most often this is completely unnecessary, but constant sympathy gives rise to the suspicion that something is really wrong in life, and problems that seemed easily solvable grow to the point of being insoluble.

On the other hand, such an amount of “participation” from others makes a person a kind of debtor. This is often the reason why he lends a helping hand too quickly, without trying to figure out whether he really needs it. Such mistakes give rise to uncertainty and, as a result, even greater self-absorption and isolation.

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Eyes with drooping corners

It may seem that drooping corners of the eyes are a death sentence for their owner. This is not true, and now you will find out why.

It is difficult to meet more pleasant and congenial people. They are sincere, responsive and know how to support in difficult times like no one else. It seems that it was about them that K. Vonnegut once said: “The meaning of human life – no matter who controls the person – is only to love those who are next to you, who need your love...”.

The best field of activity for people with drooping corners is one that requires kindness, patience, the ability to listen and understand: teaching, caring for children and the sick, the social sphere, resolving disputes and complaints, working with people with disabilities, etc.

In personal relationships, the desire to care for others will play a positive role, because it will provide the opportunity to feel care and attention and fully enjoy the reverent attitude of loved ones.
There is no doubt that this will come back to them a hundredfold. Deep-set eyes
People with deep-set eyes (Fig. 4.10) are prone to daydreaming, they are more romantic than passionate, and they are more intellectual than physical. Nevertheless, they are well versed in financial matters.

Owners of such eyes are thinkers by nature, are rarely impulsive, rather adhere to conservative views and prefer to check, evaluate and weigh everything properly, rather than act at random and take risks, hoping for luck.

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Deep-set eyes

At the same time, it should be noted: if in front of you is a person with deep-set eyes, most likely you can trust him, but this should not be abused. They can be trusted, but they also demand the same from their friends and partners, so weigh the pros and cons before you deceive or betray (however, this applies to all people, not just those described in this section) .

The disadvantage of such people is their periodic detachment, which can offend other people and even repel them.
And judging squinting because of eye size is often perceived as a cynical and negative attitude, and therefore can offend. Slanted eyes
A person with such eyes is very cheerful and gives those around him a good mood.

Optimism, courage, passion for adventure - this is the nature of people with slanted eyes (Fig. 4.11). However, being overly determined and confident often leads to temperament and an inability to compromise. Fortunately, anger passes as quickly as it begins, leaving no painful consequences.

People with slanted eyes, as a rule, are excellent and valuable workers: they have a lively mind, learn quickly and easily, inspire confidence in the successful completion of started projects and generate new ideas. As leaders, they instill optimism and energy in their subordinates, which has a very good effect on the performance of employees in particular and the prosperity of the organization as a whole.

At the same time, those who work alongside or manage such people should know that valuable colleagues with slanted eyes should not be pressured into doing routine work. Only activities in which you need to quickly make decisions, where everything is in full swing and people are in constant motion, only risky and lightning-fast projects!

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Slant eyes

In their personal lives, people with slanted eyes act the same way as in a work environment: I came, I saw, I conquered! It is difficult to say whether one can sympathize or envy their beloved: recklessness, and often indiscretion, jealousy, and explosive temperament are unlikely to make family life quiet and calm. But it will never be boring!


Audrey Hepburn (Fig. 4.12) is an American actress and fashion model. Even in her last name there is hidden happiness (translated from English as “born happy”). Everyone who had the good fortune to communicate with her noted that she warmed everything around like the sun. Audrey Hepburn's life cannot be called happy, but she always quickly moved towards challenges. Stunning appearance along with acting skills provided Audrey Hepburn with a dizzying career in film and show business. She devoted her free time to charity and social activities, was a special ambassador for UNICEF, and also participated in mercy missions in war-torn Somalia and other hot spots.

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Audrey Hepburn

Relationship between human eyes and animal eyes

Surely many of you have noticed that human eyes are often similar to the eyes of one or another animal. Physiognomists, depending on the characteristics of human eyes, have combined them into several conditional “animal” groups. In Chinese physiognomy, there are types of eyes symbolically represented by certain animals.

Dragon eyes

- these are large eyes with a lively shine, sometimes with a slightly half-closed eyelid (Fig. 4.13).

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Dragon eyes

Such eyes personify power and authority. They are endowed with a person with extraordinary mental abilities, good memory and courage.

Phoenix eyes

– elongated almond-shaped with small radiant wrinkles at the end (Fig. 4.14).

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Phoenix eyes

A person with such eyes is sophisticated, intelligent, endowed with many talents.

Lion eyes

– large eyes with folds on the eyelids (Fig. 4.15).

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Lion eyes

Such eyes are most often found on leaders. In addition, people with such eyes have a keen sense of justice and the talent of leading a large organization.

Elephant eyes

- narrow, elongated, with double or even triple eyelids (Fig. 4.16).

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Elephant eyes

Most often found in calm, leisurely, good-natured people.

Eyes of the Tiger

– round with a yellowish sheen (Fig. 4.17).

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Eyes of the Tiger

Such eyes belong to brave natures, and also speak of stubbornness, tough character and perseverance.

Sheep eyes

– narrow, small, with a black and yellow iris (Fig. 4.18).

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Sheep eyes

Such eyes, as a rule, belong to passionate natures.

Horse eyes

– large eyes with a triangular cut and sagging eyelids (Fig. 4.19).

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Horse eyes

Very often they indicate a calm but freedom-loving nature.

Boar eyes

– eyes with a fracture of the upper eyelid and a dull iris (Fig. 4.20).

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Boar eyes

We can say that the owners of such eyes are cruel, limited, but strong people who very often commit rash acts.

Wolf eyes

– eyes with an overly large iris (Fig. 4.21).

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Wolf eyes

Such eyes belong to loyal and truthful natures, for whom duty and honor are above all.

Monkey eyes

– small with double lower eyelids and black irises (Fig. 4.22).

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Monkey eyes

These eyes characterize their owner as a fickle, eccentric and cunning nature.

cat eyes

– with double eyelids and dark yellow irises (Fig. 4.23).

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cat eyes

Such eyes are most often found in unreliable people who are accustomed to easily making promises, assuring of loyalty and then just as easily renouncing their words. In general, we can say about the negative nature of such individuals.

Fish eyes

– with the upper eyelid falling to the outer corner and its strong bevel downwards (Fig. 4.24).

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Fish eyes

They say about people with such eyes: “Only send for death.” They are slow, lacking energy and inactive.


It’s not for nothing that eyebrows are called the frames of the eyes. Beautiful, graceful, they can smooth out imperfections, such as small size or excessively close placement of the eyes, while ugly, scanty or, conversely, hard, bristling eyebrows can spoil even the most beautiful eye shape. So, what can you find out by looking at the eyebrows of the person being studied?


You need to be very careful when assessing the shape of women's eyebrows! Most likely, in the process of giving them the desired shape, the natural bend, thickness and size were not preserved. However, you can always find out what kind of personality a woman wants to appear to others, that is, how she wants to be perceived.

Eyebrow texture
One rule applies here: the thicker and stiffer the eyebrows, the more unyielding and stubborn the person’s character. You should also pay attention to the end of the eyebrows: thin (Fig. 4.25) speaks of nobility, wide – of courage and bravery, and raised (Fig. 4.26) – of generosity and courage.

Gently raised ends of the eyebrows are a sign of generosity of soul and courage.

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Thin-tipped eyebrows

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Eyebrows with a raised end
Long, graceful eyebrows (Fig. 4.27) belong to calm natures who prefer to think about their actions and are rather conservative in their views. If the line of the eyebrows extends beyond the eye (Fig. 4.28), this also indicates outstanding intelligence.

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Long, graceful

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Eyebrows extending beyond the eyes

Short eyebrows have a mostly negative meaning, for example, short thin eyebrows belong to failed revolutionaries, short thick ones belong to freedom-loving, but aggressive and hot-tempered people, short rough ones belong to people who are fickle both in their careers and in their personal lives. Short, coarse and, moreover, thick eyebrows generally combine anger, promiscuity and unscrupulousness. Well, if the eyebrows are almost invisible (Fig. 4.29), keep in mind: this is a cunning and, perhaps, even insidious person.

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Almost invisible eyebrows
If part of the eyebrows grows in the opposite direction, this speaks of a stubborn and uncompromising nature, and if their hairs grow downward, this speaks of a timid nature.


High eyebrows indicate determination, low eyebrows indicate lack of will and apathy.

Eyebrows fused into one line (Fig. 4.30) belong to resourceful, straightforward, decisive people; torn eyebrows (Fig. 4.31) indicate treachery, and eyebrows in the shape of a boomerang (Fig. 4.32) indicate the ingenuity of their owner.

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Fused eyebrows

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Torn eyebrows

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Boomerang shaped eyebrows


In general, eyebrows reflect relationships with others. A good eyebrow shape indicates that their owner gets along with others.

Wide, long eyebrows are considered ideal. Proportional development of eyebrows (shape, color, thickness) indicates a balance of emotions, intelligence and character.


The absence of a hollow between the eyebrows indicates a passive character and inability to concentrate on something, as well as an inability to overcome life’s difficulties.

Now let's look at some of the most common eyebrow shapes.
Hard, bristly eyebrows
Hard, bristly eyebrows (Fig. 4.33) always characterize their owner as an obstinate, stubborn and uncompromising person.

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Coarse, bristly eyebrows

The same can be said about those with thick (wide) hard eyebrows (Fig. 4.34).

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Wide, hard eyebrows


The genius of Sergei Kapitsa (Fig. 4.35) is undeniable. But how can one cope with his steadfastness and uncompromisingness, which is revealed by wide, hard eyebrows?

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Sergey Kapitsa
Thick eyebrows
A person with thick eyebrows is considered born for success. But luck doesn’t always come straight into your hands – you have to work hard for it. First of all, you need to get rid of natural shyness, and secondly, from complexes and overcome your own apathy and indifference or, conversely, excessive aggressiveness and hot temper, especially if the eyebrows are short and thick (Fig. 4.36). Then luck will come on its own.

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Short and thick eyebrows


Luciano Pavarotti (Fig. 4.37) is a famous Italian singer (tenor). The singer’s long thick eyebrows speak of his successful and eventful life, but in order to achieve success, he had to work hard and go through trials.

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Luciano Pavarotti
Smooth long eyebrows
Smooth long eyebrows (Fig. 4.38), as already mentioned, usually belong to intellectuals. Nevertheless, women with such eyebrows are often considered coquettes, and men are considered philanderers. But it will always be interesting with them. They are fond of sports and have fun with all the breadth of their souls, they are cheerful and playful in company, they are serious and focused on work, and they are excellent leaders.

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Smooth long eyebrows

Others perceive them as competent and balanced individuals. This is not entirely correct, since they are more impulsive. And yet people with such eyebrows remain ideal partners, infecting those around them with energy and optimism.


Marat Safin (Fig. 4.39) is a famous Russian tennis player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, former world number one in singles. Known for his emotional outbursts during matches. He broke an incredible number of racquets, and at Roland Garros 2004, during a match against Felix Montilla, after winning another point, he lowered his shorts to his hips. But in the next round, Marat lost to David Napbandyan.

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Marat Safin
Short eyebrows
Short eyebrows (Fig. 4.40) should most often be considered in addition to other characteristics (see above). However, the main disadvantages of those with short eyebrows are ambition, fickleness and short temper. Others may well perceive people with short eyebrows as immature, limited individuals. But often negative traits are compensated by other qualities, such as ardor and independence.

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Short eyebrows


From an aesthetic point of view, short eyebrows make their owner look younger. In the 50-60s of the last century, such eyebrows were considered the standard - then eternally young female dolls were in fashion.

Connecting eyebrows
Connecting eyebrows signifies a desire to dominate and sometimes suppress. Such eyebrows characterize their owner as a strong, scandalous, and sometimes quite tough personality. Often people with similar eyebrows have outstanding talent.


Frida Kahlo (Fig. 4.41) is a Mexican artist, wife of Diego Rivera. Despite a life full of pain and suffering, Frida was a lively and liberated extroverted person, her speech was littered with foul language. Having been a tomboy in her youth, she did not lose her ardor in her adult years. Kahlo smoked heavily, drank alcohol in excess, sang obscene songs and told equally obscene jokes to the guests of her wild parties.

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Frida Kahlo
Rounded Eyebrows
If the eyebrows form almost perfect semicircles (Fig. 4.42), then we can say that this is a prudent, resourceful and inventive person. At the same time, for some reason, others very often hold the opposite opinion, deciding that in front of them is a proud and at the same time dissolute person.

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Rounded eyebrows


In 95% of cases, rounded eyebrows belong to women.

If you manage to penetrate the soul of the owner of rounded eyebrows and win his favor, then you will be rewarded handsomely: you will receive a charming, insightful and wise partner.
Despite the fact that people with rounded eyebrows prefer to be the first violin in the orchestra, they know how to make others happy, assuring them of their own devotion and love. However, sometimes this is nothing more than a cunning calculation. On the other hand, what difference does it make if everyone remains happy and satisfied? Eyebrows fly apart
“Eyebrows fly apart, windy bangs, fire and ice...”. These lines from the song characterize the eyebrows, which seem to be about to “take off” from the face (Fig. 4.43).

Rice. 4.43.

Eyebrows fly apart

These are the eyebrows of a very active person who persistently achieves his goal.
They reveal an aggressive, sexy, enterprising, proud and self-confident nature. At the same time, these are optimistic people, infecting with their faith in a bright future. Arched eyebrows
These are the eyebrows of beauties who were born for a luxurious life. Eyebrows with such a curve (Fig. 4.44) belong to a skillful, dreamy and sensitive nature and at the same time speak of a good character that will help to achieve success in life.

Rice. 4.44.

Arched eyebrows
Lowered eyebrows
At first glance, it seems that a person with such eyebrows is saddened by something (Fig. 4.45). It is not for nothing that theatrical masks of sadness and sadness are drawn with lowered eyebrows - their owners seem to be created to play the victim and suffer.

Rice. 4.45.

drooping eyebrows

Such eyebrows indicate that a person does not use his intellectual resources to achieve his goals, preferring to take roundabout routes.
People around them tend to consider people with lowered eyebrows to be weak, dependent and even selfish. Well, they are not far from the truth. Wedge-shaped eyebrows
Wedge-shaped eyebrows (Fig. 4.46) are a sign of a desire for risk and adventure; they are also called “pirate” eyebrows. Their owners are creators and geniuses in financial matters, romantics and travelers. Such people act directly, achieving their goals and avoiding detours. In addition, they are used to being leaders - both in personal and public relationships.

They often want too much from life, which reveals their promiscuity, including in their personal lives. Frequent changes of partners eventually lead to separation and loneliness. Nevertheless, their lives are eventful, full of adventure and oriented towards success.

Rice. 4.46.

Wedge-shaped eyebrows

Rectangular eyes

This eye shape is often found among intellectuals - knowledge workers. Nothing can be hidden from the penetrating gaze of this interesting man when he suddenly wants to look into the soul of his neighbor.

However, his intellect often interferes with him, especially when searching for personal happiness. He is too reasonable, practical, and calculating. In professional activities, these qualities can serve him well. It is not for nothing that people with rectangular eyes are often found in administrative positions, many are officials in the civil service. The personal life of such a person also bears the imprint of analytical thinking. Connection does not arise out of crazy passion, but as a result of informed thought. This type is unable to truly enjoy sex because emotions are blocked by the mind.

Rectangular eyes

But, as a rule, a marriage with such a person is characterized by permanence, since even after 20 years of marriage he does not have the desire to start a love affair on the side.

Disorders of facial innervation

A neurotic face may develop due to damage to the nerves that innervate it. Most often these are the trigeminal and facial nerves.

The trigeminal nerve is the 5th pair of cranial nerves. It is the largest of all 12 pairs of these nerve fibers.

N. trigeminus arises symmetrically on both sides of the face and consists of 3 large branches: the ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular nerves. These three large processes innervate a fairly large area:

  • skin of the forehead and temples;
  • mucous membrane of the oral and nasal cavities, sinuses;
  • tongue, teeth, conjunctiva;
  • muscles - chewing, floor of the mouth, palatine, tympanic membrane.

Accordingly, when it is damaged, pathological sensations arise in these elements.

Facial nerve – 7th pair of cranial nerves. Its branches surround the temporal and ocular region, the zygomatic arch, and descend to and behind the lower jaw. They innervate all facial muscles: auricular, orbicularis and zygomatic, chewing, upper lip and corners of the mouth, cheek. As well as the muscles of the lower lip and chin, around the mouth, the muscles of the nose and laughter, and the neck.

N. facialis is also paired, and is located on both sides of the face.

In 94% of cases, the damage to these nerve fibers is unilateral, and only 6% is a bilateral process.

Disruption of innervation can also be primary or secondary.

Primary is the lesion that initially involves the nerve. This could be hypothermia or strangulation.

Secondary damage develops as a consequence of other diseases.

Another reason for the development of facial neurosis is neurogenic and mental disorders. When unpleasant sensations in the face and head occur against the background of psycho-emotional arousal, shock, or as a result of stressful situations.

Moon-shaped eyes on a new moon

In China, they say that moon-shaped eyes on a new moon indicate deceit and hypocrisy. In our cultural circle, their owners are considered not very beautiful, but charming, thanks to which they always have a wide circle of friends. Men with this eye shape tend to deceive anyone they consider inferior to them. But if their cunning and deceit are exposed, they quickly retreat.

Poona shaped eyes on new moon 1

Poona Shaped Eyes on New Moon II

In professional life they can turn out to be very comfortable people, but not due to their character, but rather to the fact that the struggle for power does not appeal to them. People with eyes in the shape of the Moon at the new moon are unlikely to have difficulties when they want to establish themselves in a reputable company, but they would consider risky speculation with the prospect of a leadership position to be realistic only in exceptional cases

For this type, falling in love is somewhat problematic. Try it everywhere - yes. But in a strong connection he feels the danger of losing his independence

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