Physiognomy online: how to read a person by his face

We are with you again, dear reader. Ahead of us lies an exciting topic that will help you not only get to know yourself better, but also get to know your friends and colleagues better. Guess the characteristics of strangers passing by based on their face type. Physiognomy online, what is it?

Physiognomy is a judgment about a person’s character based on facial features. This word comes from the Greek: "Physis" - nature and "Gnomon" - judge or interpreter.

Leonardo da Vinci was not a fan of the idea. He believed that even two identical twins, who cannot be distinguished from each other, show more and more differences with age. This indicates that a person’s character depends not only on genes, but also on lifestyle. Any habits leave an imprint on the face.

How did facial physiognomy appear?

The art of face reading - facial physiognomy - originated in ancient China, known as physiognomy, and has been practiced in one form or another for many centuries in different parts of the world.

According to the original Chinese school of thought, facial characteristics reveal the entire history of a person's personality, temperament and destiny. Timothy Map, one of the masters of physiognomy, states: “The face is a map of the past, present and future.”

A specialist in physiognomy will never confuse a person who is loved with a person who is not loved by anyone, a virtuous person with an immoral one and vice versa. What the face expresses exists for the world to see.

Let's look at some basics to understand how the art of face reading can help you find a more perfect and suitable lover.

The face captures not only the history of a person, but also his character and temperament - individual traits that are so necessary to recognize in those we can love.

Definition of the concept

The name is derived from two Greek words: physis, which means “nature,” and gnomon, which translates as “thought,” “the ability to know.” Physiognomy is a science that determines personality type, character and health characteristics by analyzing the physiological characteristics of the face. It is sometimes called the science of the face.

Ancient China is considered the birthplace of this trend. Then physiognomy came to Ancient Greece, and then spread throughout the East. In Eastern practices, physiognomy was considered as a branch of medicine. The first mentions of the physiognomy we are talking about today are found in the 6th century. BC. And the first person to use the concept of “physiognomy” is considered to be Hippocrates.

Interesting! There is still no single definition and terminological apparatus of physiognomy; it is impossible to name the pioneer of the direction. This makes some people even more doubtful about the validity and justification of this method of studying personality.

Face shapes in physiognomy

There are five basic face shapes, and each can tell something about a person's overall character.

Round or oval face (1)

A good owner, loves comfort and luxury. Friendly, has strong judgment and intuition, has certain values ​​and a strong sense of justice. Capable, working hard in business, but sometimes giving in to laziness and self-justification.

Typically, this form speaks of a carefree, cheerful, good-natured person who loves manifestations of comfort in life: physical comfort, the sensations of touching things, good food. People with round faces tend to be good lovers. This face shape corresponds to the endomorphic type.

Triangular or heart-shaped face (2)

Smart, intelligent, has a good memory, mood swings are possible. Trying to make dreams come true can be impractical. Sensitive, introspective, easily lost interest and bored, he constantly needs a sense of purpose.

This shape reflects a sensitive personality, especially if the person is thin and does not have a double chin. The tighter the skin is, the more sensitive the person is.

An individual of this type may be an introvert, but at the same time he is extremely intelligent. People with triangular faces can be dreamy, or they can be insidious, they can be jealous and not be faithful to their loved ones. This form corresponds to the ectomorphic type.

Square or rectangular face (3)

A natural leader, agile, conscientious, always strives to be active. Intelligent, practical, has a variety of skills. He is physically strong and also has a strong will; he expresses his opinions harshly and decisively.

This form reflects a stern, unyielding personality, perhaps quite short-tempered. People with this face shape are possible leaders and warriors; They are usually frank in both business and love affairs and strive for success. A square face corresponds to the mesomorphic type.

Mixed round-triangular face (4)

Combines good intelligence with a healthy commercial sense, but lacks prudence. Inventive, optimistic, self-confident, but can be complacent.

Mixed triangle-square. Versatile, impulsive, quick-witted. Turns ideas into actions and generates income from activities. Mixed square and round. Very active, with a cheerful, carefree character. Selfish and self-willed, but very businesslike.

Depressive, secretive, paradoxical

Sam Rockwell, photo: Getty Images
Highlights: high jaw + small nostrils + closed nose tip.

Public work is difficult for him, as he has serious problems with processing information. Two vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate that this person is constantly overloaded with small tasks. A difficult guy with big complexes. One can expect paradoxical behavior from him. It's not clear what's going on in his head. Prone to depression. Everything is experienced within oneself.

What does your face shape mean?

Long face

A long face indicates a lover who will achieve success in life. This face shape can often be seen among aristocrats and people in power.

These are strong, energetic natures, often with a life position that seems to say: “I deserve the best.” The deeper you explore the face of your loved one, the better you will know his true essence. Therefore, let's “dig deeper”, consider and analyze the main areas of a person’s face.

Trapezoidal face

With a wide forehead and a narrow (but not pointed) chin, a trapezoidal face indicates a non-aggressive personality, a person with superior intellect and artistic ability.

Face Profiles

Convex profile(s)

A great enthusiast, he can be irritable and find it difficult to concentrate. Smart, practical and witty. He is very active, talks a lot, but does not like to listen.

Straight profile (b)

Always looking for the best, rarely losing. Calm and reasonable, but can be stubborn and self-confident. An inquisitive mind with a penchant for getting to the bottom of things.

Concave profile (c)

He may seem thoughtful and preoccupied with important issues, but in fact he is a superficial, shallow mind, absorbed in trifles. Reserved, reserved, almost sullen, but loyal and endowed with a good memory.

Deep, closed, mysterious

Keanu Reeves, photo: Getty Images
Highlights: long face + high forehead + high nose + pronounced frontal lobes.

Thinks too much. You will never be able to read this person's thoughts, you will never be able to understand him. He won’t tell you, but you can’t guess it yourself. A man of mystery that cannot be solved. There may have been people he wanted to open up to, but they thought he was crazy, so he abandoned the idea.

Main areas of the face and human character

There are three main zones in every person's face; they are proportional and balanced, although in reality the “ideal” rarely exists. Zone 1 – upper zone – the area from the hairline to the eyebrows. Zone 2 - the middle zone - extends from the eyebrows to the base of the upper lip. Zone 3 - the lower zone - includes the area from the base of the upper lip to the bottom of the chin.

Zone 1. Upper zone

The forehead indicates intellectual abilities. A well-developed forehead usually indicates a person's intelligence. Ideally, the ears should be spaced far apart and the forehead should be long and high.

Zone 2. Middle zone

If the middle zone of the face is long - with a high forehead and a long lower zone - the person has noble qualities. If the middle zone is too long compared to the other zones, the person may be arrogant but endowed with an enterprising spirit.

If the middle zone is in ideal (equal) proportion with the other zones, that person is likely to live a long time.

Zone 3. Lower zone

If the lower zone is longer than the other zones and is also strong, wide and perhaps fleshy, this indicates success and prosperity in life. If the chin is long and pointed, the person may need to change their outlook on life and learn to get along with others.

People with this type of lower zone should pay attention to science or philosophy, as well as the humanities, where they can find more spiritual knowledge.

A long and wide lower zone indicates a person who pays great attention to physical qualities. A too narrow lower zone indicates that a person is more concerned about the inner world than the physical side, and in matters of love he is characterized by a rich imagination.

Each part of any of the three zones of the face has its own signals and signs, its own significance and its own meaning for emotional life. The art of face reading is not limited only to the shape of the face and its zones; for a more complete picture, of course, you need to take into account the shape of the eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips, for this you will need additional literature.

Brutal, practical, emotional

Ashton Kutcher, photo: Getty Images
Highlights: high jaw + voluminous chin + low, bushy eyebrows.

Women need to be careful with him. Typical traitor. Why do such people often deceive their wives? He is straightforward, but wants to compromise with his desires. Sometimes he acts under the influence of emotions, and sometimes under the influence of logic. It contains two behavioral strategies (this is typical for people with cleft chins). The hemispheres of the brain do not work synchronously in terms of active actions. For such men, the most important thing in cheating is sex.

What does the shape of the forehead, eyebrows, nose, eyes, ears, mouth mean?

The meaning of forehead height and shape

High - Intellectual. Tall and wide (1) - Characteristic of a philosopher. Tall and narrow - Analytical. Low (2) - Practical, direct, immediate. Convex - Observant, executive. Direct (3) - Cautious, circumspect, good concentration. Concave - Good listener, helpful.

The meaning of eyebrow shape

Thick (4) - Impressive, rough, direct. Subtle - Refined, nervous. Direct (5) - Alive, active. Curved - Inquisitive, inquisitive. Arc-shaped (“arch”) - Possessing a rich imagination.

Rising Up (b) - Ambitious. Those going down - Submissive, uncomplaining. Widely spaced - Easily adaptable, susceptible to influences. Fused - Full of energy.

Meaning of eye shape

Round - Naive, trusting. Oval - Insight, good nature. Slanted (7) - Secretive, self-indulgent. Wide open (8) - Trust, friendly disposition. With closed eyelids (9) - Intrigue, envy. Narrowed Interest, suspicion. Broad-minded - Self-confident, big-minded.

Closely located - Responsible, narrow-minded. Convex - Well-spoken, resourceful and witty. Deep-set (10) - Speaks slowly, insists on facts. Neither prominent nor deep-set - Persuasive speaker and good listener.

The meaning of nose size and shape

Large - Aggressive, experienced, sophisticated. Small - Quiet, modest, unassuming. Subtle - Nervous, irritable. Broad - Verbose, light-hearted. Long (11) - Caring, restless. Short (12) - Cheerful.

With a high bridge of the nose, with a hump (13) - Energetic, inquisitive. Direct - Balanced, thorough, organized. Short and snub-nosed (14) - Friendly, secretive, hardworking.

The importance of ear size and shape

Large - Intellectual. Small - Having a natural flair, instinctive. Longer than wide (15) - Getting carried away, impractical. Wider than it is long - Very practical. Pointed - Clever, cunning, turns a blind eye to everything.

Large earlobes (16) - Independent, intelligent, energetic. Small lobes - Dependent, lacking initiative. No earlobes (17) - Not responsive, lacks a sense of purpose. Closely adjacent to the head - Plans ahead, economical, thrifty. Ears stick out (18) - Original thinker.

The importance of mouth size and shape

Big - Generous, magnanimous, extravagant. Small - Selfish, stingy. Curved Up (19) - Cheerful. Bent down - Dissatisfied. Big lips (20) - Hedonistic. Thin lips - Low emotionality.

Straight lips - Tendency to self-control. Curved (wavy) lips (22) - Variability. Protruding upper lip Criticality, tendency to exaggerate. Protruding lower lip - Delicate, tactful, pleasant. In profile the lips are equal - limited, assertive, similar.

The importance of chin size and shape

Elongated - Stubbornness. Short - Variability. Pointed (23) - Enthusiasm. Split by a deep line (24) - Egocentrism. Double (24) - Friendly, self-indulgent. Cut - Argumentative, impatient, trivial. Dull (25) - Firm, almost emotionless, with a lively character hidden behind the calmness. Forward - Discreet, determined and stubborn.

Stress-resistant, hardworking, reckless

Vlad Topalov, photo: Salynskaya Anna/
Bright features: thick eyebrows + short middle part of the head + high jaw.

Emotional, not afraid of any problems. Hell of stress resistance. At the same time, not a single task was completed. Always gets the desired result with short solutions. He tries to avoid complex and time-consuming tasks. Takes failures calmly. This is precisely the problem for him. Often makes the same mistakes from which he does not learn. Under the influence of emotions, he makes sharp, categorical decisions. Doesn't stress if he fails. His motto: “Everything in life is worth trying.”

Vulnerable, sensitive, persuasive

Jensen Ackles, photo: Getty Images
Highlights: sharp upturned nose + thin bridge of the nose + prominent chin.

The complete opposite of Russell Crowe. You can't trust his words. Everything he says must be divided by 10, or even 20. An excellent speaker, he has a good sense of the situation and people. Convincing. At the same time, he does not strive to deeply analyze desires and goals. Is sensitive to criticism. Vulnerable. For him, grievances are a kind of defense. Hysterical.

Ideological, emotional, original

Woody Allen, photo: Getty Images
Highlights: High midface + high eyebrows + heavy lower jaw.

Dreamer and logician rolled into one. A heavy jaw indicates good leadership qualities. This person is capable of leading. Able to achieve goals. Capable. It is interesting that he always acts rationally, but not everyone understands the logic. It's not easy with him in the family. To save your marriage with him, you just need to love him and not try to understand.

Categorical, cunning, confident

Russell Crowe, photo: Getty Images
Distinctive features: two large wrinkles on the forehead + high lower jaw + narrow eye shape.

Interesting face. In the center of the forehead there is a horizontal wrinkle of a leader, below it is a wrinkle of a warrior (by the way, the actor displays wrinkles everywhere). His on-screen image of a warrior leader became a reality. Able to lead and take responsibility. Believes that the best way to achieve results is direct aggression. Self-confident, categorical, prefers open conflict if he considers himself right. Perceptive, as evidenced by drooping eyelids, which visually reduce the shape of the eyes. Cunning, reserved and stress-resistant.

Principled, impulsive, self-confident

Til Schweiger, photo: Getty Images
Notable features: narrow eyes + cleft chin + heavy jaw.

A man of action, that is, as he decided, so he will do. Always keeps his word. Strong-willed and stubborn. Cunning, self-confident. Blocker wrinkles are visible on the face, which indicate hidden desires. It's cool to have such a friend, because he is ready for self-sacrifice. I will not envy his enemies. If he wants to destroy someone, he will do it without hesitation.

Smart, educated, ideological

Tom Hardy, photo: Getty Images
Highlights: high jaw + wrinkles on the forehead + pronounced lips.

A missionary’s wrinkle clearly appears on his forehead, which indicates that this person sacredly believes in the ideals that he is ready to preach and promote. Leadership and strong-willed qualities are visible. Closed, likes to fantasize. Emotional. He always wears a beard, which helps him become more confident. He has a great sense of situations and people.

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