Will change your outlook on life: 17 books every woman should read

Wisdom is, first of all, a concept that includes many different aspects. Wise is not only smart. First of all, a wise person has some kind of global, broader view of any situation.

A person can have knowledge but not wisdom. You can collect as much knowledge as you want. It is easy, you just need a little mental effort, a little mental tension. You can continue to enter data into your storage system - that's the computer; you can accumulate entire libraries.

But wisdom is not something that can be accumulated, because it does not occur in the mind. It happens in the heart, it comes from love, not from logic.

Three Comrades Erich Maria Remarque

Three friends - Robbie, the desperate race car driver Kester and the "last romantic" Lenz - went through the First World War. Returning to civilian life, they founded a small auto repair shop. And although the ghosts of the past haunt them, they do not lose heart - after all, what could be better than friendship, strong and faithful, for which one can give their all? Probably only love that knows no boundaries and limits. Beautiful and sad Pat, Robbie's tender lover, dispels the darkness of the meaninglessness of his existence. However, the newfound happiness is threatened by echoes of the same war - existing not only in the memory and consciousness of the heroes, but harshly embodied in reality...

Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë

Charlotte Brontë's second novel, Jane Eyre, published in 1847, brought the writer instant fame. This is a book about true feelings and devotion to ideals, about disappointed hopes and generosity, about a noble, strong-willed, passionate girl who remained faithful to her love, despite the blows of fate. A poignant story with a happy ending - a timeless classic of English literature.

"Emma", Jane Austen

This novel, in a humorous manner, tells the story of a young woman who wooes her friends and neighbors, finding herself in funny situations. Rowling calls Austen her favorite writer and Emma her favorite of her books.

“I’ve read her books so many times that I’ve lost count,” Rowling says. The writer read Emma at least 20 times.


Natalya Vodyanova

Supermodel, actress, philanthropist. Founder of the Naked Heart Foundation, created for the construction of children's playgrounds in Russia and abroad.

Lord of the Flies William Golding

"Lord of the Flies". A strange, scary and endlessly attractive book. The story of well-bred boys who suddenly find themselves on a desert island. A philosophical parable about what can happen to people who forget about love and mercy. A grotesque dystopia, a warning novel and, of course, a reminder of the fragility of the world in which we all live.

The incredible novel by John Fowles - The French Lieutenant's Mistress

Every day, by the seashore, a woman in a black dress stands and looks at the horizon. One fine moment, she is noticed by a man who is going to marry someone else, and everything in his life begins to go against the grain. Will the main character give vent to his feelings or will he still marry his chosen one? It’s up to you to decide, because the author offers two options for the ending, believing that conscience is an exclusively personal choice for everyone.

Tender is the Night Francis Scott Fitzgerald

American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald called the novel “Tender is the Night” his favorite work, his confession. The author - a brilliant, subtle artist - touches on themes that are relevant in our time just as they were a hundred years ago: love and infatuation, obsession and passion, disappointment and despair, moral devastation and mental degradation... A novel about the eternal problems of human relationships with with a sad and poignant ending, written easily and elegantly, it will not leave anyone indifferent.

Stefan Zweig. "Letter from a Stranger" (1922)

The work of the Austrian writer received a rating of 4.13 points on Goodreads. Jim Hoberman of The New York Times said Zweig's book is a heartbreaking tale of a woman's masochistic love for an indifferent man.

The book begins with the hero receiving a letter from an unknown woman. In it, the author says that he loves him. The letter goes on to describe all their meetings.

The hero learns that life first confronted them when the unknown woman was a 13-year-old girl. It turns out that he lived next door to her for several years. Intimacy occurred four years after the first meeting. Then the secret admirer became pregnant. 11 years pass, another romance occurs between the hero and an unknown lady. A woman he did not recognize dies, having bequeathed a letter to her beloved.

It’s worth reading this book to understand how dangerous blind love is, especially if timidity and fear of rejection prevent you from telling about your true feelings.

Cover of the book “Letter from a Stranger”: YouTube/Zerozer

Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut

A volunteer in the ranks of the American army during World War II, captured by the Germans, and witness to the almost complete destruction of Dresden, Vonnegut transferred this experience to the pages of his most famous novel, Slaughterhouse-Five, or the Children's Crusade, in which the lines between present and past, peace and war, reality and fantasy, madness and sobriety.

“The Past and Thoughts”, Alexander Herzen

Herzen worked on this autobiographical novel for almost 16 years. And in the end, he came up with a real encyclopedia, reflecting the life, customs and social life of Russia in the mid-19th century.

“In Past and Thoughts there is a junction between documentary and artistic, which has always worried me. It seems to me that fiction is simply not so interesting anymore,” Alexievich told the Gorky publication. — I’m not saying that there can’t be brilliant art books. But today people read more non-fiction.

Readers trust not fiction, but documentary prose, in which the witness of the event becomes a full-fledged hero. Life itself is crazy interesting, why come up with anything else?”


Oprah Winfrey

American TV presenter, producer, public figure.

Lolita Vladimir Nabokov

“Lolita” is the most famous work of Vladimir Nabokov, a recognized masterpiece of world literature of the 20th century. This is the writer’s third American novel, which he later translated into Russian. “Lolita,” which was first published in 1955, caused a scandal on both sides of the ocean and at the same time elevated the author to the top of literary Olympus. According to Nabokov, “in works of literary art, the real struggle is not between the heroes of the novel, but between the novelist and the reader.” This creative credo is fully reflected in the novel “Lolita” - full of contradictions, obvious and hidden quotes and allusions, verbal games, hints and other traps that even the most sophisticated reader can easily fall into. This publication includes an article and detailed comments by one of the largest researchers of Nabokov’s work, professor at the University of Madison (USA) Alexander Dolinin

Elizabeth Gilbert. "Eat, Pray, Love" (2006)

Goodreads users gave the book a 3.58 rating. Pulitzer Prize winner Jennifer Egan notes that the novel allows us to imagine how difficult it is for a woman to find a way out of a spiritual and emotional crisis.

In the book, Gilbert talked about her life, which had everything: a home, a spouse and a career. The woman lacked one thing - happiness. Having divorced and unsuccessfully tried to build a new relationship, the heroine goes to Bali, where a meeting with a local healer completely changes her life.

Gilbert traveled the world for a year, visiting Italy, India and Bali. At the end of the tour, the woman finds love.

The book can inspire new achievements even for a girl who is currently experiencing a deep personal crisis.

Cover of the book “Eat, Pray, Love”: YouTube/Audiobooks Business

Books for girls are a special direction of literature. The works presented will help you find answers to many pressing questions. These books are written in different genres, and non-fiction prose is increasingly common among them.

Original article: https://www.nur.kz/leisure/books/1783570-interesnye-knigi-dla-devusek-i-zensin-top-25-knig-dla-dosuga/

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

“A Clockwork Orange” is a literary paradox of the twentieth century. Continuing the futuristic traditions in literature, experimenting with the language spoken by the frontier generation of malltshipalltshikov and kisok “oversatiated” people, Anthony Burgess creates a novel recognized as a classic of modern literature. The smart, cruel, charismatic anti-hero Alex, the leader of a street gang, preaching violence as a high art of life, as a form of pleasure, falls into the iron grip of the latest government program for the re-education of criminals and himself becomes a victim of violence. Is it possible to save the world from evil by depriving a person of the will to commit actions and turning him into a “clockwork orange”? This question is as relevant today as it was yesterday, and this is the question the author asks the reader.

Books that women should not read

There are books that many people think are not worth reading. Every woman needs to have a list of such literature so as not to waste time and be interested only in useful books.

list of books not worth wasting time on
List of books not advisable to read:

  • P. Krusanov “Angel Bite”
  • S. Kinsella “Wedding Night”
  • S. Mayer “100 years later”
  • A. Turgenev “Sleep and Believe”
  • S. Minaev “Spiritless”
  • Y. Pelikhova “Republic of Indigo”
  • L. Bokova “My body is the Bosphorus”

For one reason or another, these books did not gain popularity and received the most negative reviews from women.”

Transformation Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka is one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, the most read and most mysterious, “the incomprehensible master and ruler of the kingdom of the German language” (G. Hesse). His works were initially published in tiny editions, which were also difficult to sell. Nowadays they are distributed around the world in millions of copies, but Brecht’s remark that in Kafka’s work “everything needs a key, like in secret writing” still remains true. He created a unique artistic universe, fascinating in its uniqueness, a universe where heroes experience strange adventures, tormented in search of answers to their ghostly questions. We present to our readers a collection of Kafka's best stories, each of which is an indisputable masterpiece for all time.

The most popular books about relationships between men and women

list of the best books about relationships for women
List of the most popular books for women about relationships:

  • N. Rybitskaya “Men Acquisition” gives a woman more than one piece of advice on how to get the man she wants and be able to keep him. In this book, any reader will find a list of necessary tips and will pay attention to various life situations
  • I. Vagin “Basic Instinct” - a book written by a sexologist, in his work he talks about various sexual experiences, revealing to a woman the secrets of the relationship between a man and a woman. The book helps you plunge deep into your desires and secret thoughts.
  • Steve Harvey “You Know Nothing About Men” - the author beloved by many women every time releases a new book on how to improve relationships with a man. He literally advises: how to address a man, how to talk to him, how to establish family life with him and even push him towards marriage
  • A. Kurpatov “Three main questions. Family Happiness” - from the title it is clear that this book teaches people how to establish relationships among themselves among married couples and lovers whose feelings have lasted for a long time. The author tries to answer all questions, even the most piquant ones.
  • V. Levy “Traumatology of Love” - the author, through his work, teaches women not to pay attention to various wounds left from unsuccessful relationships and shows how to find happiness in their personal lives
  • A. Libina “Psychology of a modern woman” is a kind of training for women that teaches everyone to love themselves, respect themselves and seek strength in order to build new relationships in life
  • John Gray “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” is perhaps the most popular work of the psychological genre. It talks about how different men and women are, they have contrasting views on things and thoughts in their heads. The author teaches how to get rid of obstacles in communication and opens up new ways of contact.

Drachma Tramps Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac gave a voice to an entire generation in literature, during his short life he managed to write about 20 books of prose and poetry and became the most famous and controversial author of his time. Some branded him as a subverter of foundations, others considered him a classic of modern culture, but from his books all beatniks and hipsters learned to write - to write not what you know, but what you see, firmly believing that the world itself will reveal its nature. A celebration of the outback and the bustling metropolis, Buddhism and the San Francisco poetic revival, Dharma Bums is a jazz-improvised tale of the spiritual quest of a generation that believed in kindness and humility, wisdom and ecstasy; generation, the manifesto and bible of which was another Kerouac novel, “On the Road,” which brought the author worldwide fame, entered the golden fund of American classics and, after much ordeal, was finally filmed.

The best Orthodox books for women at any age

Some religious literature is personal and not intended for the general public, but it is also popular among certain women. Orthodox literature helps to find oneself in thoughts and judgments, and also brings a person closer to God.

the best Orthodox books for women
The best Orthodox literature for women:

  • V. Gubanov “Elder Zechariah” - a manuscript telling about Elder Zechariah and his daughters
  • N. Tolstikov “Reapers of the Fruits” - talks about the spiritual formation of personality
  • M. Dokhtorova “Years of Pilgrimage” - a woman’s story of Mother Maria and her memories

Carrie Stephen King

A small provincial town in New England overnight becomes a “dead town.” Corpses lie in the streets, deadly flames rage above the houses. And this whole nightmare of the fiery Apocalypse is the work of one person, the girl Carrie, the pathetic, frightened daughter of an eccentric widow. For many years, Carrie's talent for telekinesis lay dormant, only to wake up one day. And then death came to the town...

American Tragedy" Theodore Dreiser

The novel “An American Tragedy” is the pinnacle of the work of the outstanding American writer Theodore Dreiser. He said: “No one creates tragedies - life creates them. Writers only portray them.” Dreiser managed to portray the tragedy of Clyde Griffiths so talentedly that his story does not leave the modern reader indifferent. A young man who has tasted all the charm of the life of the rich is so eager to establish himself in their society that he commits a crime for this.

“Business from scratch. Lean Startup Method, Eric Ries

Eric Ries is an American entrepreneur and pioneer of the lean startup movement. In his book, he describes a methodology that helps startups survive. Its essence is to quickly test new products on real consumers and constantly adjust the business model.

“Eric Ries described how the technology industry creates products and builds businesses,” Sandberg continues. “Traditionally, companies have relied on detailed business plans and rigorous research to deliver the “perfect” product. Ries argues that it is better for technology companies to take a product to market and refine it using customer feedback."


Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Writer, translator and screenwriter. The first female winner of the Russian Booker Prize.

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

This book became the most popular and most beloved for several generations of women, and nothing equal to it has been created to this day. This book formed the basis of the most famous film of all time. Years and years pass, but Gone with the Wind does not get old, and now new readers will have to laugh and cry, love and suffer, fight and hope along with the magnificent Scarlett O'Hara..

"Alice in Wonderland". Lewis Carroll

Do you like absurdity? Who doesn't love him! After reading the book, I just want to guess the smile of the Cheshire cat in the thin moon in the sky and dance a jig in gusts of joy and happiness.

The book will help: throw away all formalities, rules and be yourself.

Famous quote: “You cannot believe in the impossible! “You just don’t have enough experience,” the Queen remarked. “When I was your age, I devoted half an hour to this every day!” On some days, I managed to believe in a dozen impossibilities before breakfast!”

Where to buy: here!

Great Expectations Charles Dickens

“Great Expectations,” one of Dickens’s last works and the crown jewel of his work, tells the story of the life of young Philip Pirrip, nicknamed Pip in his childhood. Pip's dreams of a career, love and prosperity in the “world of gentlemen” are shattered in an instant, as soon as he learns the terrible secret of his unknown patron, who is being pursued by the police. Money, stained with blood and marked with the seal of crime, as Pip is convinced, cannot bring happiness. And what is it, this happiness? And where will his dreams and great hopes lead the hero? In 2012, the novel was once again superbly filmed by the creator of the films “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, “Mona Lisa Smile”, “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” and “Four Weddings and a Funeral”, directed by Michael Newell with the participation of Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Fiennes."

"Demons", Fyodor Dostoevsky

The actress calls this work about the radical revolutionaries of the 19th century “the first shock in my life.” And this is one of Dostoevsky’s best novels: it contains politics, a thriller, and controversial characters.

“I read the novel in 9th grade and suddenly lost my footing: those who made the revolution suddenly turned out to be demons,” Khamatova said in an interview with Vokrug TV. “Imagine how difficult it is to come to terms with the fact that, writhing and writhing in terrible agony, your idols are dying, which for me then were Lenin and Stalin, and that the red flag is turning from a symbol of freedom, good and light into a symbol of evil.”


Maria Sharapova

The tennis player, former world No. 1, served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Program for nine years.

Wren - songbird Reshad Nuri Guntekin

After the death of her parents, young Feride is raised in her aunt's house with her son Kamran. Having matured, Feride falls in love with his cousin, but carefully hides his feelings. Pretty soon it turns out that Kamran is also not indifferent to the girl. The newlyweds set a wedding date. But suddenly Feride finds out that Kamran has someone else. In despair, the girl runs away from home, never to return there. She still has no idea what shocks await her ahead and what intrigues will play out behind her back.

Betty Friedan. "The Feminine Mystique" (1963)

The book, which received a 3.86 out of five rating from Goodreads users, sold millions of copies. American writer Margalit Fox believes that Friedan breathed new life into the modern women's movement. This ultimately changed social relations in the United States forever.

In the book, the author explores the male conviction that female self-realization should not extend beyond the function of “mother-housewife”. Friedan, with her characteristic scrupulousness, analyzes the factors that led to the rooting of this stereotype. She rightly blames the education system, popular culture, illustrated magazines, religion, etc. for this state of affairs.

All girls should read the book, as it tells why housework and raising children should not be considered a full-fledged alternative to a career.

Cover of the book “The Feminine Mystique”: YouTube/Flow of Light

The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood

For more than thirty years, the outstanding Canadian writer Margaret Atwood has been creating works of amazing originality and depth, repeatedly awarded with prestigious literary awards. The Blind Assassin, which won the Booker Prize in 2000 and has been called the first great novel of the new century, is actually several novels nested within each other. Atwood takes the reader through the entire 20th century, and gradually we begin to understand: the story that the heroine tells us, the story of two sisters separated by fate, a story of love and hatred, betrayals large and small, deafening world madness and a quiet personal nightmare - this is not quite what what really happened. To be more precise, everything was much worse.

Night train to Innsbruck Denise Woods

Former lovers Richard and Francis meet by chance on the Rome-Innsbruck night train. Frances is one of those unkempt wanderers with a backpack on her shoulders, for whom the whole world is an endless holiday, and they are welcome guests on it. Richard is a successful London architect. They were united by a common passion - passion for travel. Four years ago they were traveling by train through the lifeless desert of Sudan, but during one of the stops Richard disappeared in the most mysterious way... All these years they dreamed of meeting, but no matter how ardent these dreams were, now none of them were ready for a date . Each of them told their part of the story. At first they often interrupted each other, but then for the most part they listened in silence. Everyone was shocked by the sounds of a once-loved voice in the darkness of the compartment, and by the story that this voice was telling. And everyone suspected that the interlocutor was lying.

Jojo Moyes "Me Before You"

A simple girl, Lu, meets a guy and leads a mediocre and boring life. At the same time, Will, a successful businessman, gushes with energy and is always full of ideas. One day turned the lives of these people upside down: Will was hit by a motorcycle and became disabled, and Lou, by coincidence, became his nurse. It turned out that, experiencing sincere affection for each other, young people endure difficulties more easily.


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