10 erogenous zones of men that every woman should know about


The most obvious and win-win option.
ResearchJ. M. Schober, H. F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg, C. Dolezal. Self-ratings of genital anatomy, sexual sensitivity and function in men using the “Self-Assessment of Genital Anatomy and Sexual Function, Male” questionnaire / BJU International confirm that touching and stimulating the penis is the most effective way to cause arousal and help a man to have an orgasm. The most sensitive area of ​​the penis is the underside of the glans. It is followed by the lower part of the shaft of the penis, the upper side of the glans, its left and right parts, and the upper side of the shaft. Experiment with each of them.

Erogenous zones in men: ears

According to a study of the topography of the human body presented by scientists Lauri Nummenmaa, Julia T. Suvilehto, and others in PubMed, tactile stimulation of almost the entire body can cause sexual arousal.

When expanding the map of erogenous zones, be sure to remember the ears. The lobe is the most sensitive and sexy part of this part of the body. Stimulate this erogenous zone with the following techniques:

  • sensual biting;
  • lightly pulling the earlobe with your fingers.

Lightly grab the lobe in the area that is as close to your face as possible. Using your thumb and forefinger, massage this part of the ear and gently pull downward. Sexual whispers to a partner also work flawlessly, instantly awakening erotic fantasies. The head, ears and neck area are the erogenous zones of Aries and Taurus.

Erogenous points for men: Pixabay

Mouth and lips

It sounds surprising, but in terms of the number of nerve endings, the lips are second. Nummenmaa, JT Suvilehto et al. Topography of human erogenous zones / Archives of Sexual Behavior after the penis. They are very sensitive The mystery of kissing / Psychology Today and react to the slightest pressure, stroking and even temperature changes.

In addition, kissing releases hormones that are involved in intimacy and help create feelings of affection.

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