How can a man and woman romantically move into a kiss?

One of the most pleasant manifestations of human love and sympathy is a kiss. Every girl who is in a relationship sooner or later has an idea about how to hint a kiss to a guy. Various thoughts are spinning in my head, how to do this as competently and correctly as possible, how not to frighten your other half with such an intention.

A kiss between a man and a woman is always an expression of lust towards the partner. A moment filled with incredible emotions. It often happens that the excitement of both partners takes precedence over romance. Many guys, wondering how to hint a kiss to their girlfriend, often forget one small detail - what is the duration of your relationship and is it suitable for starting romantic expressions of feelings in the form of a kiss? Each partner does not want to be rejected, because this is an extremely unpleasant feeling.

What determines the moment when you can kiss your partner for the first time? From many things: from the nature of the dates, from the attitude of both towards the first kiss, from the upbringing of the girl and the young man. So, for example, if a lady is wondering how to provoke her boyfriend for a first kiss, then it would definitely be most appropriate to do this during the second or third date. Since during the previous time the partners need to get used to each other.

Never ask your other half the question: “Can I kiss you now?” It will definitely ruin everything and negate the piquancy of the romantic moment. If a guy or girl doesn’t want to kiss their partner now, they will definitely show this in one way or another in their own behavior. Look into each other's eyes more often! This way you can understand exactly what your partner wants.

Preliminary preparation

How to prepare for your first kiss:

  1. Relax. Try not to worry about how to hint to a guy to kiss you. Most often, confidence is achieved when a girl is confident in her appearance. Work on your image and the anxiety will fade away.
  2. Moisturize your own lips. When thinking about how to provoke a man to kiss, you need to understand that this largely depends on the condition of your lips. After all, no one is attracted to tight, dry lips covered with crusts. The advice in this case is the same for both girls and guys - use hygienic lipstick or moisturizing balm.
  3. Resort to lip peeling. This procedure is known to many girls because it helps to cleanse and moisturize delicate skin, maintain elasticity, clear lines and beauty. Agree, after seeing your well-groomed lips, the guy will already be wondering how to hint to a girl for her first kiss.
  4. Remove bright lipstick from your lips. Or it will be in very small quantities. Don't forget that makeup for a date should be natural and gentle. Bright lips that leave marks on the partner’s clothes and body are completely inappropriate here.
  5. Freshen your breath. A kiss is a rather intimate thing that should not be overshadowed by anything. And any little thing can do this: bad breath, tartar, or even a piece of food stuck between the teeth. Since a toothbrush is not always at hand, you can use improvised means. These could be chewing gum, fruit, breath freshener sprays, mints, and herbal tea.


Try to give confidence to the young man that for you he is the most beautiful, the strongest, the best young man in the world. This will raise your self-esteem - and the guy will decide to kiss you.

How can you instill confidence in him through actions and words?

  • Ask him to help you - lift a heavy thing, help carry a bag, open a can or bottle. Thank him for his help, while emphasizing the masculinity, strength and irreplaceability of the young man.
  • Give compliments - praise his physical form, mention the beauty of his eyes or hair. If a guy comes on a date wearing a new shirt or sweater, be sure to note this by stroking the guy’s arm or shoulder through the fabric.

Get the guy to like you

When wondering how to make a guy kiss you first, you should know that first you need to psychologically win over your partner. How to do it? It’s quite simple: a deep look that doesn’t leave a guy for a long time can drive him crazy and lead to a long-awaited kiss. Smile! There should be a gentle smile on your face, which will definitely lead you to a pleasant hug and, ultimately, a kiss. It would also be appropriate to lightly touch the guy's back. Gently run your hand over it. Try to make your hugs seem unobtrusive.

Be open in communication

You must understand that it is through openness in communication that the path to your boyfriend lies, as well as to the long-awaited kiss with him! Men are very good at feeling falsehood and pretense (perhaps laughing too loudly at his jokes) on the part of a girl. Lies can also scare him away. Especially when you are alone and psychologically close with him. If you want the kiss to take place and your boyfriend to take the first step towards it, be open in communication. And it doesn’t matter at all what topic you’re talking about. Don't cross your arms and legs, this can push your partner away.

Break the touch barrier

After you have won the guy over a little, try to keep your gaze on him for as long as possible. This way he will be able to understand that it is time to act and will try to touch you. A romantic look will help both of them overcome that same barrier of touch. Under no circumstances lower your eyes to the floor, look at the guy. If suddenly there is an awkward pause in communication, try to casually straighten your hair. Be sure to laugh at your boyfriend's jokes. Just not loudly, but quietly and as modestly as possible. Often it is a modest girl who makes a guy want to kiss her!

And yet, if all your hints remain unnoticed by your partner, begin your own actions to overcome the psychological barrier of touch. So, when thinking about how to seduce a guy for a kiss, you need to sit as close to him as possible, so that your legs barely touch. Here you will have to violate the mutual zone of intimate comfort. Then, looking into your partner's eyes, gently place your hand on his knee. Observe the young man's reaction. His look will say everything for him!

Linger while saying goodbye

A kiss at the end of the evening after a long walk is probably one of the most romantic moments of a date. You feel each other's chemistry and realize that you are ready to take a step closer. Perhaps the guy is going through all the options in his head on how to persuade a girl to kiss her on the lips. Look into his eyes and you will definitely understand whether he wants a kiss.

So, at the end of the date, try to stand or sit (you need to act based on the situation) as close as possible. This will help you sense the guy's interest or lack of interest. Next, you should evaluate the young man’s behavior as a whole. What is he like? Are you tight or constrained? Or maybe he’s relaxed and ready for a kiss? Signals indicating his readiness for a kiss can be: a smile, a slightly open mouth, rapid breathing, dilated pupils. And, of course, a deep, soulful look at your lips. But pursed lips, a fairly large distance between you, and a persistent reluctance to look into the eyes can serve as a kind of stop signals. You may even see that he wants to say goodbye and leave as soon as possible. With such stop signs, the question of how to seduce a guy into a kiss will definitely come to naught! At least this evening.

Correct behavior

A young man may not decide to develop a relationship because he is not confident in his abilities or in your reaction.

Help the young man - show him that you really like him:

  • flirt;
  • look into the eyes when speaking;
  • smile;
  • give nice compliments;
  • laugh at his jokes and be interested in what he says.

It is important that the atmosphere around your relationship is very warm and cozy. If a young man feels good next to you, he will quickly decide to have his first kiss.

How to hint at a kiss

Guys, unfortunately, do not know how to read women's thoughts. But they may well recognize your actions towards them (looks, touches). Of course, it is ethically correct when the guy kisses first. And, probably, it is his task during a date to think about how to persuade a girl to kiss. But today, in the age of taciturn, indecisive men and desperately determined women, it is the weaker sex who has to take the initiative. After all, there are very timid and shy guys, from whom nothing can knock shyness out of them. So, how to hint a guy for a kiss?

Look at his lips

If already on a date you feel a strong desire to kiss a guy, then your every movement and gesture will be intuitive. Because consciousness temporarily falls out of reality. The most revealing may be the look cast at the guy’s lips. He will say everything for you. Psychologists have long found out that men consider lips one of the sexiest parts of a woman’s body. And, if your boyfriend observes close female attention on the lower part of his face, it is 100% that he will understand everything.

Talk about kissing

Another motivating impetus for kissing can be the conversation itself about them. After all, such a conversation becomes an element of anticipation for the occasion itself for both partners. Moreover, during a conversation with a guy on this topic (for example, you can ask the question: “What kisses do you know?”, “What kisses are comfortable for you?”, “Have you ever been kissed?”), he will understand that you are ready for it, and will begin to act first. And the young man, probably, like you, will no longer ask the question “what to do if a girl doesn’t want to kiss?”, since he will hear this desire in a conversation!

Get a little closer to him

Your date has come to an end. And now you are both in anticipation, enjoying the looks and touches of each other. If you suddenly realize that the guy is clearly sympathetic, continuously looks at his lips, breathes often and deeply, this is the time to take the initiative. Try to get closer to him, as if by chance. Sit closer, cuddle, violating the intimate area. You can lean in his direction before kissing. Lightly and as gently as possible, run your hand along his back. Gently hug his neck. And finally, touch the guy's face. All this will act on him like an electric shock. He definitely won’t be able to resist kissing you first.

Choosing a meeting place

If you plan to push a young man to develop a relationship, the choice of place for a date plays a big role.

The best place for a first kiss is a cinema.

Choose a romantic comedy or any movie where there is a relationship between lovers. During the session, take the young man by the hand, lightly touch his shoulder or hair from time to time.

Before an important session, do not buy popcorn - bad breath and crumbs can greatly blur the first impression of a kiss.

It’s better to take candy or chewing gum with you - the pleasant smell and chocolate crumbs on the lips can make a young man naturally want to kiss you.

A walk in the park is a good way to plan your first kiss, especially in the fall. To warm up your cold hands, a young man can start by kissing your wrists, naturally moving to the lips.

A very bad place would be concerts, going to a theater or an exhibition - any place where there is light or a lot of strangers.

Last resort: kiss him or ask him to kiss

Still dreaming of a kiss with your lover? But he still won't make the first move? It's possible that he's just as nervous as you are. Sometimes (in cases where the guy is too shy) you can directly say what you want. Here you need to proceed from the degree of romantic atmosphere in which both partners are. It is important to understand that this risky action has two results: either they will react positively to your proposal. And, most likely, you will be kissed! Or they will tell you “No!”, and then it’s a fiasco.

If you still despair of your hints and attempts, then try to do the following as sexually as possible. Lean towards him, for example, to remove an eyelash from his eye. And then gently, barely touching your cheek with your lips, whisper: “Kiss me!” In this case, your boyfriend simply cannot resist and will definitely kiss you.

It also happens that your young man’s belonging to the stronger sex does not mean that he is brave and risky! If you see from gestures, looks, breathing, heartbeat, touches that he is ready for a kiss... Then feel free to kiss him. In this case, the situation can only be corrected with this extreme measure - an independent and tender kiss!

Variety of kisses

If you and the guy already know each other well enough, and you have a strong romantic relationship, you can try to diversify the first kiss (however, you can do this with any kiss, there’s definitely no harm). Transfer it from a gentle to a more intimate version. There are several options:

  • Sweet kiss, smear some berry on your lips. This will pleasantly surprise your fan and he will want to taste the taste.
  • Invite him to your place, put on a suitable film with similar scenes and offer to repeat them. He must like this.
  • Offer to play something if you wish. In any case, you will find out his wish or be able to make your own kiss.
  • Try flirting with him with your tongue - he should like it and want to continue.

In fact, there are a lot of options. But there are two taboos:

  1. try to avoid touching your teeth to his lips;
  2. and don't suck in the poor young man.

And smile. A smile makes a gloomy day brighter, it defuses any situation, people feel comfortable.


Kissing is considered the ideal way to express your feelings. With its help you can convey everything: love, sympathy, passion. It is very important that there is already a certain psychological closeness between a girl and a guy at such an important moment. Try not to do this on the first date. This behavior may turn a shy partner away from you. Of course, the ideal option would be a man’s initiative. But if for some reason he cannot overcome himself, and you see his desire - act without hesitation!

Be careful with manipulations

It is important to remember: manipulation never works in the long term. If you act coldly unavailable, he will simply (and quite naturally) decide that he is not interested in you.

If this activates him, it means that your chosen one is focused not on making a woman happy, but on taming the obstinate.

In general, any attempts to “squeeze” sympathy out of a person are doomed to failure: by clinging to pride, a sense of possessiveness and other lower emotions, you will be with him just until the time when he stops experiencing them. That is, until the moment when he conquers you.

The wall will be destroyed, rivals will be defeated, his ego will breathe a sigh of relief and will send you on your way as unnecessary.

Initiative coming from a girl

It is believed that it is the young man who must take the first step - invite him on a date, kiss him, make a marriage proposal.
If your idea of ​​a relationship is based on tradition, it is better to wait until the guy himself wants to kiss you, hinting and encouraging him.

If you like to take the initiative in a relationship, kiss the guy first when he can’t make up his mind. Or directly ask him for a kiss, whispering what you want in the young man’s ear at the right moment.

Advice from psychologists for girls who hint to boys about developing relationships:

  • Do not use too bright lipstick or a thick layer of gloss.
  • Make sure that your sympathy is mutual and the young man is not dating anyone else.
  • If a young man is categorically not ready for kisses, do not insist.

With a long lack of attention from the young man and his indecisiveness, think about whether you will have to continue to take the initiative in resolving all issues? Excessive persistence can do a disservice and for some time lead you to a person who is not really yours.

In most cases, men do not take hints, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships. It is generally accepted that representatives of the stronger half of humanity need clarification. But what should a young lady who wants to kiss a guy do? Don't talk about it openly. Hence the need to use feminine tricks, which we will talk about today.

Method No. 1. Use the magical power of your eyes

  1. A girl's eyes are a powerful weapon. With the right approach, they will win the heart of even the most sophisticated young man. Sometimes a gaze is enough instead of a thousand words and hints.
  2. It is important to observe moderation in everything, otherwise the young man will consider you too intrusive and will be afraid. Avoid looking from under your brows, otherwise the guy will think that you are looking at him with contempt.
  3. What to do in such a situation? Find a suitable time when you will be alone with your gentleman. Strangers or friends should not interfere with an important moment.
  4. Talk to the boy, react to his jokes, smile sweetly and laugh. After a certain time, when mutual understanding and connection appear between you, sit in silence for a while, look at his lips.
  5. Then look up to your eyes, and then back to your lips. Keep it up. Perhaps the young man will not understand the hint right away. Be persistent, but not annoying.
  6. A good option would be to look from under lowered eyelashes during your conversation with him. Be flirtatious, but not provocative. Try to seem nice. The girl must be a mystery.

Method number 4. Shorten the distance

  1. You don't have to hint at a kiss. You can create a situation where the guy himself will understand what to do. Get so close to the boy that he has no choice but to kiss you.
  2. Another case - during the conversation, begin to quickly approach the young man. Get close to him so that your lips are 5 cm apart. Continue talking quietly.
  3. It doesn't matter what kind of situation you plan for. Before the main actions, make sure that the guy has a reciprocal sympathy for you. Otherwise, you will seem frivolous and vulgar to him.
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