A guy's attitude towards a kiss: what kind of kisses are there and what they mean

A kiss for a man is not the same as for a woman. Girls perceive it as evidence that the relationship is romantic and affectionate, in the most general sense, while guys regard it as foreplay for more intimate relationships.

A kiss for a man is not the same as for a woman

The physiology of kissing is devoid of mysteries: lips and tongue contain many nerve endings that, when touched, cause pleasant sensations, which makes the process very exciting. It involves cranial nerves that process sensory information and influence brain activity. The origin of the phenomenon raises much more questions.

Speaking about the topic related to intimacy and sexuality, how can one not recall old Sigmund Freud (whose opinion, however, is quite predictable). The founder of psychoanalysis considered a kiss to be a manifestation of the sucking reflex, which is developed in a child when touching the mother's breast. And in “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” he calls kissing a symbolic replacement for genital contact:

“The phenomena of excitation, sensation and innervation, even the processes of erection inherent in the genitals, are transferred to other areas of the body (for example, upward, to the head and face).”

Thus, a kiss, like all other erotic manifestations that do not lead to procreation, Freud considered a deviation from the natural inclinations of a person.

But this information is interesting as an illustration of the thinking of the scientific community at the time, rather than as a source of practical and useful information. With all due respect to psychoanalysis, a biologically based approach to kissing has become more widespread. Its supporters find analogies for kissing in females feeding their young (animal sexual games are often built from the same “bricks” as child-parent behavior patterns). But the functions of kisses do not end there.

Another study of kissing was conducted by psychologist Gordon Gallup Jr., the same one who developed the “mirror test”, which determines whether animals recognize themselves in the mirror (in short, some do, and from this we can assume that they have a model your “I”). Gallup and his colleagues conducted a test in which they asked questions to students at the University at Albany.

As a result, scientists concluded that kissing has a biological basis as an adaptive mating ritual and plays an important role in the process of choosing a partner. Taste buds and the ability to smell another person provide information about genetic compatibility. In addition, when kissing, oxytocin is produced, which affects the formation of attachment, and sexual desire appears.

Gallup et al also noted that women place more importance on kissing as a way to evaluate a partner, while men seem to use it to increase their chances of having sex .

A team of scientists led by Rafael Wlodarski also conducted scientific research to find out why people kiss. The authors conducted a survey trying to find out why people do this. Oddly enough, they did not find convincing evidence that the main function of kissing is to provoke sexual arousal

Taste buds and the ability to smell another person provide information about genetic compatibility


Researchers have suggested that the main function of kissing is very mundane: to evaluate a partner (this confirms Gallop's theory). Apparently, people who want a permanent relationship place more importance on kissing.

But let's not feed the stereotype that men always have “one thing on their mind.” After all, men kiss differently

Men's kisses are aimed at awakening energy in a woman (not necessarily passion!). Depending on what a man wants to show a woman, his kisses change. If he kisses you on the lips with a light touch, he shows tenderness. If passionately, a French kiss signals desire and readiness for sex. If abruptly and briefly, then he has no serious intentions, he simply confirms the status - “everything is ok, we are a couple.”

The place and time of the kiss can also indirectly tell about a man’s character.

If a guy kisses a girl in public places, then he is open and sociable. He is not shy about declaring his feelings in public. And if a man kisses you exclusively at home, it means he is conservative or insecure.

Pay attention to the time of day when a man prefers to kiss you. If in the morning, then this speaks of his tenderness and attentiveness and desire to show affection and care. If he kisses only in the evenings after work and on the cheek, then it may turn out that he has many fears and doubts, including about his chosen one. It could also be a matter of simple fatigue. But if this has already become a tradition, discuss your relationship.

Psychology of a kiss

Everyone who feels love or at least sympathy kisses. There is an interesting fact that besides people, other representatives of the fauna also kiss on the lips. These are chimpanzees, dogs, horses, Canadian porcupines, dolphins and pigeons.

With a kiss, that is. By touching parts of another person’s body with your lips, it is customary to express your state of good friendship, family or love.

A man and a woman entering into a relationship, some time after meeting, kiss. There are many psychological observations about this stage of communication:

  • Women prefer to kiss much more often than men. This is explained by greater emotionality, romance and openness in the expression of their feelings among representatives of the gentle part of the population;
  • The more emotional a person is, the more often he kisses;
  • Extroverts kiss more often. And people with introverted thinking prefer hugs or simple communication such as holding hands;
  • Conservative people kiss much less often than liberated and active people;
  • According to sociological surveys, about 70% of people believe that kissing is the most intimate way of expressing love.

Kissing is very important for every person, which is scientifically proven. Observations of many couples have proven that if two people, being in a long-term relationship, often exchange kisses, it is much easier for them to maintain passion and mutual attraction. The same applies to older people who have lived together for a long time. Where spouses still have the habit of kissing frequently, doctors confirm a more stable physical and emotional state of health, in comparison with “little kissed” families. Statistical studies of many couples who filed for divorce in America and Europe over the past two decades have revealed a pattern: where they kissed less and less often, there were 15% more reasons for separation.

When kissing, dopamine is released - the hormone of joy and happiness, which provokes you to continue this activity and, at the same time, enjoy the process.

During a kiss, a person relaxes. And psychologists, and just good people, recommend this particular method for relaxing the body every night after a long day. It’s a good idea to start your morning with these pleasant procedures.

Kisses promote a good mood, give shine to the eyes and smooth out wrinkles.

Overall, this intimate process is very pleasant, accessible and useful.

The manner of kissing determines whether this person is suitable or not. A kiss is considered an important catalyst for this test and choice. Therefore, psychologists recommend not to delay the first kiss. And, if you liked the smell and manner of kissing your chosen partner, then there is a chance that you will be able to create a long-term love relationship.

We smell each other

The main guideline in the search for a sexual partner among representatives of the stronger and weaker sex are pheromones. New research by scientists has come to this conclusion. If we assume that a person has an organ responsible for the perception of pheromones, then it turns out that the choice of a partner does not occur according to social characteristics. A group of sensitive cells is located between the mouth and nose, so before kissing, you need to let the man smell it. The cells sense the sexual signal given by the partner's body. Unlike the perception of ordinary odors, sensitive cells send signals to a special part of the brain. This department is responsible for mood.

The character of a man by kiss

Experienced seductresses and young girls, over many centuries of the existence of love and, as a result, kisses, have been trying to determine a man’s attitude by kissing. And they are almost always wrong. All these widely circulated “Guidelines for determining a man’s character by the way he kisses you” cannot be a specific guiding compass arrow in the direction of the right man. The skill of kissing well either comes with experience or does not come at all. And it has very little relation to “qualitative” indicators of male truth. A teenager who kisses skillfully is not superior to an adult man who does not possess this skill perfectly. And a sensible woman can always tactfully guide her awkwardly kissing chosen one with words, or better yet, with actions.

Expression of affection

If a man kisses a woman, it means that at least he is not indifferent to her. Expressing individual affection is a significant personality need that no one wants to ignore. Everyone wants to be loved and understood correctly. Accordingly, everyone strives to clearly identify their own emotions so as not to be in limbo.

Few people can be satisfied with an ambiguous position. To express affection, a guy kisses a girl. Sometimes he tends to do it spontaneously, so that there is no additional time to think about whether it is acceptable at the moment.

Types of kisses and their meaning

Kisses come in different types: timid and passionate, sudden and long-awaited, long and short. But all of them, with only rare exceptions, are very pleasant and mutually necessary for both men and women. We spend our whole lives kissing. We are kissed by our parents and other relatives, and as adults we exchange lips with friends and colleagues. But special kisses happen between two lovers. Many people, even those in old age, remember their first youthful kiss for many years. Years pass and, fortunately or not, adults have several partners throughout their lives who are remembered by their different actions and behavior. Including kisses.


This type of touching with lips always causes awe and excitement. Because they reflect a man’s leisurely attention to a woman, openly conveying his tender attitude towards her and, at the same time, emphasizing her fragility and helplessness for him. Such caresses can be short or long, but they are always mutually pleasant.

Sometimes this type of kiss can signal to a lady that a man is insecure or embarrassed.


These kisses can be either a continuation of tender ones, or an independent love “unit”. An indicator of mutual impatience, manifestations of sensual and physical interest or desire for intimacy. This kind of kiss cannot be exchanged on the station platform, and then after saying: “Don’t forget to eat the chicken,” go home. This type of kissing requires mandatory continuation. It leads to intimacy.

French Kiss

French kissing is quite frank and intimate. Although they can be exchanged in public places: in parks, on a metro escalator or at a fountain. In them, in addition to touching with lips, the tongues of the partners play a very important and active role: in this deep kiss they penetrate the mouth of the other partner, coming into contact inside with the tongue, palate, and the inside of the cheek of the object of their desire. Some sexologists even believe that this particular type should be considered a true, real kiss. There are several methods for performing this pleasant action, which are described in detail in the ancient Kama Sutra:

  • Mill - carried out by inserting the tongue of the first kisser into the mouth of the second and rotating your tongue inside the partner’s mouth;
  • Refined - produced by inserting the tongue into the partner’s mouth and quickly or slowly sliding the tongue across his palate;
  • Tsarsky - is done by sliding your tongue along the partner’s teeth and then inserting it between the partner’s teeth and cheek;
  • Stinging - can be done by alternating sucking the partner's lips with a sharp and brief insertion of the tongue into his mouth.

Tongue kisses, despite their frankness and obvious intimacy, are one of the most popular in the world. Learning this technique is not difficult. There is one warning - they are not exactly suitable for a first date. Some girls may be put off by such an intimate display at the dating stage.


This type is characterized by suddenness, passion and assertiveness. As if the partner himself did not expect such an act from himself. Such impulsiveness can be somewhat discouraging to a woman who does not expect feelings to be expressed in this format. What is done is done. From the revelations of men it is known that sometimes they themselves did not know what they were doing. The growing desire to kiss a woman for some time seems to cover the mind with a veil, and now the kiss has taken place.

Since the kissing that occurred was harsh, without the presence of tenderness and caution, it brought more discomfort to the lady than pleasure. This situation should be corrected by both after the fact. The woman should show tact, and the gentleman should “make amends” with gentle hugs and kisses. Let your guard down until the next possible outburst of passion. Because a “hard” kiss often indicates the possessive habits of a male, not only in the wild, but also in human life.

With a bite

Psychologists have noted that caresses with light biting have a certain secret meaning. When using this format of tactile contacts, the partner expresses his inner worries and experiences, and sometimes his lack of confidence in himself or his partner. This may mean jealousy or fear of parting with your passion. There are even peculiar signs associated with this type of kissing: when biting the lower lip, the partner is afraid of separation or a long separation, and when biting the upper lip, he shows love and an open demonstration of a dominant position.

Care should be taken in these caresses, since in a fit of passion you can inflict an open wound on your partner by biting your lip until it bleeds.

With my eyes open

More often in life this is what inexperienced guys do, wanting to spy on a girl and make sure from her reaction that they are doing everything right and giving her pleasure.

Also, if during the process of touching lips, a loved one opens his eyes slightly, this may indicate that he wants to control any life situations.

Other reasons for smacking with eyes slightly open in men are:

  • The need for his constant control over his girlfriend;
  • The desire to make sure that you feel good with him;
  • Cannot relax completely;
  • Follows advice from men's fashion sites and magazines that kissing with open eyes is trendy;
  • Indicates that a man is truly in love.

Why do people kiss?

There are many theories about why people still kiss – scientific and not so scientific.

According to one theory, a kiss is a symbol of the unity of souls through the contact of heads. It is known that from a religious point of view, breathing is perceived as part of the human soul. Therefore, when people kiss, they become much more familiar and closer to each other.

There are supporters of the idea that when kissing, people exchange energy - mostly positive, through electrical impulses that arise when kissing on the lips.

Supporters of evolution tend to consider the phenomenon of kissing only from the point of view of physiology. Now, if we look at the animal world, then in order to feed their young, mothers first carefully chew food, and only then pass it from mouth to mouth. Birds also regurgitate food for their chicks.

Be that as it may, gentle touches of lips significantly make the life of kissers longer and happier. Because in both women and men, during a kiss, the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, significantly decreases. There is an opinion that the whole essence of such a magical effect lies in ferromones contained in saliva and responsible for sexual attraction between partners.

In addition to pleasure, a kiss also benefits the immune system, cardiovascular system, and other human organs. And endorphins released during gentle interaction help lower the pain threshold. Kissing can get rid of headaches.

During the kiss, metabolism significantly improves, due to which calories are burned much faster - up to 11 calories are burned during 1 kiss, which is equivalent to running a distance of 500 meters.

If you want to stay young as long as possible, then do not forget that during a kiss, the facial muscles become toned, since about 38 facial muscles work simultaneously.

Some ancient peoples were not familiar with the phenomenon of kissing. For example, among such a people as the Huns, the sign of greatest gratitude was rubbing cheeks against cheeks.

The meaning of kissing different parts of the body

As one popular song says, “And kiss me everywhere - I’m already eighteen.” Although the country’s criminal code does not prohibit kissing from the age of sixteen, provided that it is mandatory voluntariness.

There is a certain kissing gradation that determines, quite roughly and primitively, a man’s intentions, depending on which female part of the body he likes best for kissing. Two lovers, especially those who have already been in an intimate relationship for some time, allow kisses on various parts of the body, not excluding intimate places. Everything that a partner allows to do with himself is completely acceptable and mutually welcomed. The phrase “The higher the love, the lower the kisses” is not always true. Tenderness and love, passion and desire, respect and worship can be conveyed by kissing different parts of the body.

To the top of my head

Kisses on the top of the head or the top of the head itself are very similar to the parental caresses that we were all previously bestowed with in childhood. Those. a man also shows his feelings of guardianship and care, treating his woman as a small and defenseless girl in need of protection. This kiss is carried out by lightly touching the lips to the hair of the beloved.

According to popular belief, this type of kissing has an unpleasant interpretation. Allegedly, in this way the man is trying to hint to the woman about his betrayal. But this is such an indirect and transparent allusion to these alleged circumstances that it cannot become a reason for panic and premature suspicions about the young man’s fidelity.

The meaning of a guy's, man's kiss on the right and left cheek

Kissing on the cheeks has different meanings. Thus, abroad in most Western countries, when meeting good friends, it is customary to leave a light kiss on the cheek. Which expresses the usual friendly attitude and joy.

In a relationship with a young man, such a kiss on the cheek reflects that he values ​​​​you and is glad to meet you.

To the temple

There is no sexual connotation in this more spiritual kiss. It is rather a sign that the partner expresses his readiness to care for his woman, for her patronage and protection. Touching your temple with your lips can mean an expression of trust and support. Such caresses occur in couples in which the man is more mature than his chosen one, or the union is already quite strong and long-standing.


Indicates a manifestation of care, affection and trusting relationships. After all, this is exactly how our parents kissed us when we said goodbye, showing their love. A woman whom a man kisses on the forehead is perceived on a subconscious level as a little girl demanding his protection, guardianship and patronage.

These gentle touches are a bit like adult, protective, caring instructions. Such touches replace the words: “Heaven bless you, and I will be there.” This is a kiss for good luck and luck.

Into closed eyes

The eyes are not only a reflection of our soul, but also one of the most vulnerable parts of the body, requiring careful treatment. Such touches, for the highest degree of intimacy and tenderness, even received their name “Angel’s Kiss.” And this rather frequent touch has several interpretations. Psychologists define this gesture as a manifestation of an absolute trusting relationship between lovers, due to the fear of causing harm or hurting the strings of the soul. If a man touches his eyes, it means that he plans to be with this woman for a long time and takes her very seriously.

Into the nose

Such a kiss cannot be carried out with a serious facial expression. The director of the company will not give it to an employee at her retirement party. But among lovers it occurs quite often. After all, such a funny peck on the tip of the nose shows the girl the sincere tenderness of a guy who wants to attract attention to himself, cheerful and satisfied with life, and evoke a reciprocal smile. These touches in established couples are used to improve the mood of yourself and your passion.

Light touch on lips

A light, fleeting touch of lips hides some secret hint; the partner is taking a closer look at your person and, perhaps, wants something more from the relationship. In married couples, such a fleeting exchange of kisses means a manifestation of tenderness and a hint of a quick meeting. These touches are welcomed in public places, where moral standards do not allow too frank expressions of one's feelings.

These light touches of the lips, at the beginning of meetings of a new couple, signal mutual timidity and fear of taking the initiative.

In ear

Erotic kisses on the ear area are given by men who want to persuade their chosen one to have intimacy. Because in this zone there are many erogenous points that excite desire and passion. Such caresses mean that the partner does not want simple seduction, but complete trust from the woman. Other caresses of the auricle, expressed in the form of biting or sucking the lobe and kissing the upper part of the ear, are a transparent and subtle hint to the chosen one about intimacy. However, some men who display all these actions do not have any subtext in their heads at all - they caress the shape of the auricle they like. No more.

In the shoulder

The ambiguity of such a kiss may conceal various hints, but they all lead towards the bedroom. A man does not openly show his intentions, because... and he himself did not understand his feelings for the woman. But he clearly needs intimacy with her. This is also not bad, because many happy couples’ relationships begin in bed.

In an established and long-term relationship, this type of caressing the bare shoulder serves to attract the attention of the chosen one, immersed in work or keen on household chores/hobbies.

Kiss on the back

With an erotic kiss on the back of a lady who is beautiful to him, the gentleman expresses his admirable attitude towards her beautifully built body, denoting the fact that she is for him the standard of intelligence, beauty and femininity. This is a manifestation of awe, trust and worship. Such touches are a pleasant beginning or continuation of intimate bed caresses, leading to intimacy.

In the neck

Of the large number of female erogenous zones, the neck is the most accessible and often kissable territory. And kissing this area can cause arousal and sexual desire. Such a kiss is a very persistent and strong hint of a man’s desire to possess a woman. And it will be difficult for the lady to resist after she has already allowed such affectionate touches.

In the chest

Men's reverent and caring attitude towards women's breasts is expressed from infancy. After all, each of them, on a subconscious and tactile level, has memories of how their mother pressed them to her chest, hugging them while feeding.

Intimate kisses by an adult man on his lady's breasts mean admiration for this soft and pliable part of the female body. The partner can caress this area for quite a long time, giving pleasure to himself and his partner. When caressing the breasts, he expresses care, attention, patronage, turning into a passionate and inexorable desire to possess a woman. Often such caresses are accompanied by verbal compliments to a beautiful female bust.

In the stomach

Kisses on the abdomen, which has many sensitive erogenous points, are used in foreplay for mutual pleasure. An experienced lover, without rushing and without insisting verbally, with such caresses can help set up his lady for reciprocal active intimate actions. Even if she didn’t want intimacy before. This kiss indicates physical and mental intimacy and trust between partners.

To the knee

A man who kisses his chosen one in this area of ​​the leg expresses in this manner his tenderness, admiration and willingness to take care of his partner. At the same time, this gesture may indicate a desire to dominate a woman. In any case, this infrequently encountered type of kiss is very welcomed by representatives of the gentle part of the planet's population.

If a man kisses your hand

Even in the Puritan times of the Middle Ages, the hand was allowed to be kissed by a stranger. There was a strict etiquette according to which touching any part of the palm or the entire hand with the lips was interpreted differently.

In our modern times, all these nuances have long been forgotten, but the tradition of kissing a lady’s hand upon meeting, fortunately, has remained, although it is not often used. In Soviet times, they laughed that “only our woman, when trying to kiss her hand, tries to shake it.” Nowadays, when the average “comrades” have been abolished, the usual gender divisions between ladies and their gentlemen have begun to return. And by kissing a woman’s hand, a man, as in ancient times, expresses his respect to her with such a gesture, showing the level of respect and appreciation.

But a kiss on the wrist is already a hint that the gentleman is not averse to continuing the acquaintance under more intimate circumstances and, perhaps, is even in the mood for a long-term love affair. Kissing fingers may indicate strong excitement and a desire for an intimate relationship with the girl you like.

Common Mistakes

Even the most pleasant kiss can easily be ruined by improper behavior before and during it. Let's figure out what can negatively affect the impression of you.

  1. Never discuss your kisses with your partner. It kills all the romance. Forget the phrases “let’s kiss” and “can I kiss you” - they reveal that you are an insecure person who is afraid of being rejected.
  2. Reduce the degree of tension and anxiety - you are not in the exam. A kiss is the gateway to the world of pleasure and trance. If you don’t learn to relax, they will remain closed to you.
  3. Don't look around. If your partner accidentally notices this, good for you. The right kiss should absorb all your attention and block other external impulses. Otherwise, why kiss at all if it is so boring that you have to look for spectacles around.
  4. End the kiss smoothly. You shouldn’t immediately after such an intimate moment indulge in abstract conversations and laugh. It’s better to be silent for a bit and look meaningfully into each other’s eyes.

Kissing options

There are simply no wrong kisses, since they all express certain feelings, desires, aspirations and attitudes of the guy, by kissing the girl. At the beginning of a new communication, both representatives of the couple should not only kiss the partner, but also simultaneously analyze the response. You can and should show variety in kisses as the relationship develops over time, giving preference to those caresses to which the lady responds most. Moving from sweet and light touches to more passionate and sexy kisses that lead to increased intimate desires. When experimenting, remember that kissing has several options:

  • Sliding - a quick, sudden peck in an open place indicates that the decision to kiss came to the guy’s head suddenly;
  • Seductive - in such a kiss, along with the lips, the tongue is already involved. This action also includes sucking earlobes or fingertips. These kisses indicate sexual desire;
  • Teasing - differs in that the movements of the lips during a kiss can be very active, and at times interspersed with pauses in the process;
  • Provocative - a kiss hinting at sexual intercourse, in which the tongue moves inside the mouth simulating friction during intimacy.

Refusal of reproaches

To improve your relationship, you need to stop blaming your other half for anything. Any destructive actions reflect the position of a weak person, incapable of making meaningful decisions. Refusal of reproaches implies some wisdom, acceptance of a certain responsibility. When we stop expecting our partner to make us happy, some problems resolve themselves.

Spouses stop depending on the mood of their partner. People sometimes don't understand how much they offend each other. You can become happy only by giving up illusions. By blaming each other, it is impossible to discover the truth and come to a satisfactory agreement. Only a strong person is able to admit his mistakes and come to a new understanding of the situation. This step is very valuable.

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