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The offer to attend several sessions of hypnosis no longer surprises patients who come for an appointment at the hospital, but for many, the procedure for inducing trance still causes a feeling of mistrust and fear. Hypnosis is one of the most popular treatment methods used by psychotherapists to rid the patient of internal fears, destructive attitudes, harmful addictions, and to solve long-standing psycho-emotional problems. It will be useful for those wishing to undergo this procedure to know how to put a person into hypnosis, and whether it is possible to master such techniques on their own.

What is hypnosis

Today, hypnosis is officially recognized by the medical community, but there was a time when this treatment technique was considered quackery. Most people are afraid of hypnotherapy because they do not fully understand what hypnosis is and how it affects the mind.

We experience the world and navigate it with the help of our senses. When the patient is put into a trance, they stop working and the subconscious is influenced. He cannot analyze the information incoming at the moment, therefore, while in a hypnotic sleep, a person easily perceives and follows all the orders of the hypnotist. The received attitudes are stored in the subconscious and act even after awakening.

Modern medicine has redefined hypnosis. This is a state of trance, very close to sleep, but differs from it in that at this time the subconscious continues to carry out enormous internal work.

Why is hypnosis needed?

Using various techniques, a psychotherapist can achieve in the patient:

  • healing ailments;
  • blocking pain;
  • restoration of various body functions;
  • unleashing creative potential;
  • solutions to psychological problems.

The deeper the trance the patient is in, the stronger the influence of the hypnotist on the individual’s consciousness.

Types of hypnosis

Experts distinguish several types of hypnosis.

  1. Academic (classical). Helps the patient cope with psychological problems, recover from alcohol, tobacco and drug addictions. Classical hypnosis helps a person look into his subconscious and find there the answer to an exciting question, remember an event, find the reason and secret motive for certain actions. Submitting to the will of the hypnotist, the patient carries out all his verbal orders. Not all people are susceptible to this type of hypnosis, but only 20–25% of patients.
  2. Ericksonian (hidden hypnosis). During the session, suppressed emotions, experiences and memories are addressed. This type focuses on the individual characteristics of the individual and his problems. Very often, elements of Ericksonian hypnosis are used to massively influence people’s subconscious (in the media, political science, marketing).
  3. Regressive. Refers to a person's past. During a session of such hypnosis, the psychotherapist works with forgotten or hidden in deep childhood memories of family conflicts and violence, paying special attention to complexes and destructive attitudes.
  4. Criminal. This type of hypnosis is used by scammers for profit. Falling into a state of trance, attackers deceive citizens, subordinating them to their will. There is even a separate concept of “gypsy hypnosis.” This method of influence is used by gypsies in crowded places to cash in on their trust.

Why do violations occur?

COVID-19, like any other virus, affects the functioning of many body systems and affects not only the respiratory tract and lungs, but also the central nervous system. This is called neurotropism - the ability of an infection to infect cells of this system. Moreover, researchers believe that the virus multiplies inside the nerve cells of the brain.

Autopsy results show that coronavirus leads to inflammation of brain tissue. And neuroimaging techniques that show the structure and dysfunction of the brain reveal microstrokes and leukoencephalopathy, a condition that leads to demyelination when the covering of nerve cell processes is destroyed.

These organic damages lead to the person developing mental and neurological disorders, which are complications.

Requirements to become a hypnotist

Many people want to know how to learn the basics of hypnosis at home. This is due to the fact that this method of working with the subconscious allows a person to calm down and get rid of fears and phobias. It is possible to acquire knowledge that would help to apply hypnosis in practice without special medical education. Many books have been written on this topic and dozens of video lessons have been filmed. Such intervention must have a good purpose. You cannot hypnotize unnoticed, without the consent of the individual, since such an intrusion can cause irreparable harm to his health.


When getting started with the basics of hypnosis, it should be taken into account that only a person with a strong and strong-willed character, who does not have hidden complexes and family problems, can successfully master the influence on the subconscious of other people. A person practicing hypnosis must be mentally healthy, be able to win over others, and evoke in them a feeling of trust and sympathy.

The hypnologist must be able to gain the patient's trust


One of the main components of a successful session is the concentrated and intent gaze of the hypnotist. To develop such a view, you need to train, and the following exercises will help you with this:

  • during a conversation, try to hold the gaze of your interlocutors without blinking;
  • learn to focus on drawn objects of various sizes; for convenience, hang them on the walls of the room;
  • develop peripheral vision, trying to cover more space with your gaze (for this exercise you need to go to a stadium, square, crowded park).


The hypnotist's voice plays a huge role. It must have special attractiveness and strength. Having heard it, a person should unconsciously want to obey and do as he is told. The voice cannot be trembling and endlessly interrupted, or be too quiet. A confident, calm and pleasant timbre is the main requirement. It is important that the speech is correct and does not hurt the ears of other people.

Basics of Psychology

To put a person into hypnosis, you need to know psychology. This is a therapeutic session designed to help the individual, solve his problems, cope with complexes, fears and addictions. If you simply pick up any shiny object and start waving it in other people's faces to tell them to sleep, it will not give any positive result.

Any practicing hypnotist, guided by knowledge of psychology, develops his own technique to help put a person into a trance.

How to induce hypnosis

Get the consent of the person you will practice on. Please note that if he does not believe in the effects of hypnosis, is skeptical about this method of treatment, or is afraid that the session will be unsuccessful, nothing will work out. For trial meetings, choose a person who will listen to you and carry out all your orders. Hypnosis cannot be used on mentally unstable people who have nervous disorders and pathologies of brain activity.

Preliminary conversation

Most people have little idea what hypnosis is and what effect it has on the body, so the preparatory conversation must necessarily include explanations on this topic. This is done so that your interlocutor has an idea of ​​what will happen to him and is not afraid. It is equally important to understand why a hypnotherapy session was needed and what problems he wants to solve in this way. Very often, hypnotic sleep is resorted to to relax, relieve the effects of stress, increase the body's defenses, increase concentration and enhance mental activity.

You should find out whether the person has attended similar sessions before. Scientists have found that people who have been hypnotized fall into trance more easily in subsequent sessions. If a person is turning to hypnosis for the first time, keep in mind that it will be much more difficult for you to work with him.


Find a secluded room where no one will disturb you. It is important that your interlocutor is calm and relaxed. He should feel comfortable around you. Invite the person to take a comfortable position in a chair or on the sofa. Turn on quiet music that will accompany all your actions. Remove distracting objects, turn off the TV and phone - no one or nothing should interrupt you.

The hypnologist needs to create a calming environment so that the patient can relax


The session should begin with the following phrases: “You are safe! You are calm and peaceful! Your eyelids are gradually getting heavier! The body relaxes, you feel comfortable and good! Peace envelops you! You listen carefully to what I tell you and follow all my instructions!”

It is necessary to regulate the breathing of the person you are putting into trance. To do this, he needs to take not very deep and frequent breaths and slow exhalations. You can breathe at the same time as your interlocutor, then it will be easier for him to adjust to the desired rhythm. The main thing is to control his actions: “Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air!” As you exhale, say the following phrase: “Exhale slowly, there should be no air left in your lungs!” Spend as much time as needed on this step. As a result, your partner should completely relax and trust you.

Once your breathing is synchronized, let your feet relax, then your knees, hips, torso and arms, gradually reaching your face. Give the person confidence that everything is going well and he is doing a great job with all your commands.

After complete relaxation, the partner should immerse himself. Concentrate his attention on the inner sensations: “You are safe and completely relaxed! Your body is covered in bliss and warmth! Peace and tranquility accompany your every action! A feeling of heaviness in the muscles covers the whole body, and you gradually fall asleep! Look at your partner's body language to gauge how they are feeling. To achieve a hypnotic effect, this phrase can be repeated several times in a row.

Alternative methods

There are three more ways to help put a person into a state of hypnotic sleep: a hypnotic staircase, close tactile contact, a shiny object.

Hypnotic staircase

This technique helps you fall into a state of deep sleep. Invite your interlocutor to mentally see himself standing at the top of a huge staircase. As he gradually descends the steps, he should feel a calmness sweep over him, and each step brings more and more relaxation, allowing him to clear his mind and plunge into a trance. Then start counting the number of steps: “Not far in front of you you see a door that will take you to a world of tranquility. As you take the first step, feel how close you are to opening your subconscious. The second step pacifies you even more. Having stepped on the third step, you dissolve in space and the warmth that envelops you.” The count must be kept until the person falls into hypnotic sleep.

Close tactile contact

To do this, you need to sit the person comfortably in a chair so that your faces are at the same level. With one hand, grab his right hand by the wrist where the pulse is felt. Place the other on your left shoulder. Hold his gaze. Ask the person to relax and follow your instructions carefully. He should then direct his gaze to the bridge of your nose. Say these words: “The feeling of fatigue covers your whole body! Your eyes become heavy and close, and your body gradually relaxes! Don't resist the urge to sleep! Now you will fall asleep! Your sleep will be sound and healthy!” At the end of the session, run your hand over his face and confidently say: “Sleep!” If you were determined to succeed, then the person will definitely fall into a trance.

Shiny item

A metronome, balls, pen, and mirror are suitable for hypnosis. To put a person into a hypnotic trance, you need to bring the selected object to the bridge of his nose. Without noticing it, he will concentrate his attention on one point and fall asleep. This method is considered one of the easiest and is designed for beginners.

You can put the patient into a trance using a metronome

It is recommended to create a relaxing environment in the room during the session, turn on quiet, pleasant music, and make sure that no extraneous sounds enter the room. It is not enough to simply put a person into a trance.


If you decide to study and practice hypnosis on your own, there are certain rules that must be strictly followed.

  1. You cannot use a hypnotic trance without the knowledge and permission of the person. Such an impact on consciousness should only carry a positive charge.
  2. Do not overuse hypnosis sessions. There is no need to hold more meetings than are required for the patient to cope with his problem. Each hypnosis session is strictly regulated, otherwise the patient may feel unwell afterwards.
  3. It is necessary to correctly remove the person from the state of hypnotic sleep. It is important that the individual slowly comes to his senses and regains his strength.

What to do during a trance

During the session, you need to pay attention to the issues that concern the person. This could be childhood trauma, sexual abuse, phobias, or health problems. Without the appropriate medical knowledge, you are unlikely to be able to help a person with severe psycho-emotional problems, therefore, if you have independently studied how to enter a state of hypnosis, it is better to use your knowledge to help people simply relax, calm down, relieve increased nervousness and stress, and overcome insomnia.

Reasons for stopping alcohol consumption

There are many reasons why a person stops drinking. Among the most significant are:

  • desire to be healthy;
  • deterioration of health and development of chronic diseases;
  • more attractive appearance for people who do not have problems with alcohol;
  • a sober, sharp and unblemished mind, the desire to adequately perceive the surrounding reality;
  • high efficiency;
  • good attitude at work and impeccable reputation;
  • saving money (financial expenses on alcohol always take up a significant share in the budget of an alcohol addict);
  • high sexuality, no problems with potency in men or the menstrual cycle in women;
  • availability of strength and time (after all, the life of a person in an alcoholic web is guided by one desire - to drink);
  • excellent state of mind, cheerfulness;
  • healthy atmosphere at home;
  • a full, bright and healthy life;
  • healthy offspring.

The path to a sober life is very long and difficult. However, a person has a chance to get rid of the addiction by following the advice of doctors. The most important thing for this is to have a strong desire to recover and an iron will.

How to end a session

It is important to end your hypnotherapy session correctly. It is forbidden to abruptly remove a person immersed in a trance or to interrupt the moment of relaxation. Many hypnotists use a count from 10 to 1 for this. You need to give the instruction: “Now I will count to one, and you will begin to wake up!” You will feel invigorated and energetic!”

After your session, be sure to talk to your partner about how they felt. This will give you the opportunity to understand your weak points in order to improve your hypnosis technique in the future.

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