What do we attract into our lives when we say swearing and bad words?

Incredible facts

Cursing and saying bad words is an aesthetically unattractive habit.

However, few people know about the destructive impact of swearing on human life and health.

Today, swear words can be heard everywhere. They have become an integral part of modern people. They are pronounced by both women and men, and sometimes even by teenagers and children.

None of them think about what swearing means and what its impact is on our lives.

Where did the mat come from?

How and when did swear words appear in the Russian language?

According to some researchers, people got swearing from the conquerors and began during the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Others believe that this is a misconception. After all, some words were discovered on birch bark letters, which were used much earlier than the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

Then it turns out that the mat is of Slavic origin, going back to ancient times.

Further, linguists and linguists disagree.

Some argue that at the very beginning the swearing did not have such a sharp semantic connotation. And some words were even used in several completely harmless meanings. Over time, they were forced out of the language, giving way to a stronger meaning.

Thus, there was a change in the semantic meaning of the word. First of all, this applies to simple, at first glance, abusive words and expressions.

Let's look at what this means using an example.

Let's take the word "bitch".

According to Dahl's Big Explanatory Dictionary, this word means the following: “the corpse of a dead animal, livestock; carrion, carrion, dead, fallen cattle."

But there is also a figurative meaning that Dahl gives: a grumpy, scandalous, intolerant woman.

Nowadays, the meaning of the word has undergone significant changes. Today, when we say the word “bitch,” we mean a femme fatale who skillfully manipulates men and gets from them everything she needs.

How to wean it off?

Sometimes there are slightly different situations when you don’t need to unlearn it yourself, but help another person do it. And here's what you can do in such situations.

  • Mimicking. If someone in your environment decides to start swearing, it doesn’t matter whether they are adults or children, you should try to imitate them every time obscene language comes out of their mouth. Maybe they will be angry at first, but then this kind of taking will become worthless to them and they will not personally want to abuse it. Especially children who are particularly touchy in this way.
  • Wedge with wedge. Try to deliberately insert swear words into every word when communicating with such a person. It will be unpleasant for him, he will understand how ridiculous it looks from the outside, and then, perhaps, he will finally stop swearing. Of course, children should not wean themselves this way.
  • Jar. Place a jar in the middle of the room. Every time a person swears, he must throw in a certain amount. Likewise, a person will feel sorry for spending more and more money, and if a bad habit is firmly entrenched in him, he can save up over time for something he needs.
  • Talk. Of course, in any case, it’s worth starting with a serious conversation. Sometimes he can help too. If children swear, then this method remains the main one.

The influence of swearing on a person

In addition, there is a version that swearing is nothing more than pagan spells. Allegedly, they were pronounced with the aim of stopping the human race or causing significant harm to it.

Have you ever thought that most of these bad words refer to the names of the genital organs, as well as the physical intimacy of two people?

This means that if you utter swear words, you attract negative energy to your reproductive function.

There is an opinion that in the future this can lead to serious diseases of the reproductive system and cause infertility and impotence.

Being among people who swear is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. The energy of bad words also negatively affects people's health.

Women especially need to be careful in their expressions. After all, over time, hormonal disorders may occur in her body. Then the amount of male sex hormones will creep up, and she will simply cease to be a woman and become like the male sex.

It is likely that there may even be problems with conceiving and giving birth to a child.

“Swearing is the release of energy from the body”: a neurologist on the benefits and harms of swear words

According to a new study by British psychologists, the use of swear words increases the pain threshold, reduces discomfort and makes a person more resilient. Neurologist Alexander Evdokimov told the MIR 24 TV channel how swearing affects health

- Why does swearing have such an effect on a person?

Alexander Evdokimov:

We are talking about acute pain. When a person experiences pain, they release stress hormones that cause action. Mat - emotional words that cause a surge of energy. When we use obscenities or some kind of swear word, we do it with expression, this is the release of energy from the body.

It doesn't matter if you use swear words or swear words. You can just sing loudly, shout and there will be such an effect. It's not all about the mat, but its color. This happens on autopilot, the person doesn’t think about it. Using swear words, we quickly give a reaction to a particular event. This makes us feel better, attention switches to other parameters, and the body is distracted.

— Usually a person swears when he is under stress. How does stress affect your health?

Alexander Evdokimov:

Stress, if we come to its interpretation, is a positive reaction. Stresses are planned to be short, as a rule. It’s a different matter when it comes to chronic stress, when every day a person experiences one or another emotional stress. Stress depletes him, and in this case, of course, the body can overstrain itself and problems may arise. First of all, hormonal. And they can trigger certain chains in the body. Stress itself is a progressive story, it is development, movement forward, but when it comes to chronic stress, we end up with a weakened, exhausted body that requires increased attention and care. We tell a person when he experiences stress that it is most likely a combination of some emotional events that has led him to exhaustion and health problems.

— Can stress have a positive effect on the body?

Alexander Evdokimov:

Stress is an adaptation, we all say that life requires adaptation to the conditions of existence, and stress is its tool, the mechanism with the help of which life learns about the world around us, adapts, adapts to it, life is impossible without stress.

— If a person often uses swear words in his speech, his chromosomes begin to actively change their structure, and a negative program is developed in the DNA molecules. Can there really be consequences?

Alexander Evdokimov:

Maybe you've heard about studies where classical music is played on cows and they produce good milk yields. Therefore, I think there is a sound grain under everything, there is something behind everything, and negative emotions are considered destructive. Negative emotions - envy, hatred, anger, an attempt to annoy someone - all this leads to the production of negative energy in the body and, of course, it negatively affects health.

It’s another matter when we experience positive emotions, for example, a smile, joy, love – they fill the body with positive, creative energy. Every person has encountered this in their life, there is nothing surprising here. This must be taken for granted.

— Under no circumstances should you swear in front of children; then children may have delays in mental development?

Alexander Evdokimov:

Let's figure out how much children generally understand swear words. Let's be honest with ourselves that checkmate is checkmate, only we know. Children do not react to words at all, they react to the emotion that surrounds this word, that is, to anger, to malice, to aggression.

Children read these emotions, they do not understand swearing, its meaning. Therefore, when we speak to children in swear words, we speak to them rudely, evilly, we speak in the language of aggression. Do you think that if you talk to a child aggressively, will he really develop fully? He will experience stress from verbal messages from us, although he does not know the meaning of these words at all. You just need to understand that a rude attitude towards both an adult and a child will most likely cause a reaction of clamps, fear and the child, of course, because of this, may suffer in development and lag behind, especially if this happens regularly.

– So it’s all about the negativity that adults carry, and how do children react to it?

Alexander Evdokimov:

Children do not remember words in terms of words. If we tell a child “mom, dad,” he remembers the images, the consonance of these images, and their expressiveness. When we say “oh, it hurts,” he remembers not “oh, it hurts,” but colors and sounds, and then, when he grows up, he finds combinations of sounds, phrases, words with colors. A child does not know many words, especially if he is small. The child learns through images. If you give a child the concept of fear, he sees your expression, emotion, facial expressions, and through this he learns words, and not vice versa - he does not learn words through hearing.

— What are some tips for keeping your nerves in order and not using swear words or swearing when stressed?

Alexander Evdokimov:

A healthy lifestyle is popular now, but it does not include only the physical development of a person. This is not only exercise, food, but also a good emotional background. But swearing is still included in the negative background. This is an aggressive environment, and if you use markers of an aggressive environment, you will not be fully healthy. This will not be an element of a healthy lifestyle if you try to put a marker of aggression, hatred, dislike on every word, and all this verbally affects us.

A simple example: smile and at the same time experience a negative emotion. You will feel that it is difficult. And try to make a stern face, get angry at someone - you just imitate facial expressions and really experience this emotion. All you have to do is smile and you will experience this emotion. It's the same with words. When you say words that have a negative coded in them, your body will perceive it as negative. And children also perceive words with a negative connotation. Therefore, the less you use these words in your life, the less negativity there will be in your life, you will pay less attention to it, the less you will be aggressive towards each other - everything is interconnected.

The second signaling system is words; they carry a huge semantic load. If someone insults you or calls you ugly, you experience unpleasant feelings. Why is it that when you say swear words, you think that they don’t affect you? No, they influence you, you get used to them, your body begins to extinguish this influence, you don’t notice them somewhere, but it still happens on a subconscious level.

Emoto Masaru on water

And one of the properties of water is storing information. This is exactly what Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto thinks.

Several years ago, Masaru experimentally proved that words, sounds and actions can affect the structure of water and change it radically.

Here are pictures of the regular drinking water we consume daily.

These four images represent the molecular structure of four water samples after exposure to external factors.

Dr. Emoto, a brilliant scientist, carried out some tests on water samples. As a result of the study, one can notice a difference in the molecular structure, which is clearly visible in photographs.

What exactly did Dr. Emoto do with the water?

The scientist simply spoke some words and phrases while standing next to each sample, and miracles suddenly began to happen to the water. After the words were spoken, it changed its structure before our eyes!

The first sample is ordinary water that we drink.

Interesting fact about profanity

Many people wonder why you can’t swear in prison. There are several explanations for this rule. The first includes the fact that many swear words contain understandable insults. And in prison jargon they are interpreted literally. Therefore, a couple of such words can be perceived as a mortal insult, and one could well pay for it with one’s life.

In addition, places of detention have their own language - fenya. It carries quite a lot of negative energy and psychologists consider its effect on the body to be much more powerful than swearing.

Mat destroys DNA

Other scientists also prove the negative impact of swearing and bad words.

So, for example, at the end of the 20th century, specialists from the Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences undertook a study that proved that the impact of swear words on DNA molecules is the strongest.

During the experiment, a special device tracked electromagnetic pulses that came from spoken words and phrases.

The experimental object was not a person, but the seeds of some plants. They were planted in pots and placed in a room with a tape recorder. Throughout the day, the tape recording played obscene words and phrases.

This continued until the time came for the seeds to sprout. But this did not happen...

What happened to the seeds?

Most of them did not sprout, and some of them, although they managed to do so, all of them had serious genetic abnormalities. This experience also proves the negative impact and destructive power of swearing on a living organism.

Now imagine that approximately the same thing happens to human health.

Swearing and abusive language can lead to genetic abnormalities. In other words, swearing promotes illness and prevents the birth of a healthy person.

This is precisely why swear words are especially harmful for women who want to become mothers.

The opinion of the clergy

Why can't you swear? Orthodoxy has always had a unanimous opinion on this matter. Any churchgoer can explain that profanity, first of all, is a sin that is displeasing to God. With abusive words we console the evil one and call on demons for help. And they never miss an opportunity to put a person in an even more difficult and difficult situation. Thus, we move further and further away from the Lord and cannot fully open our hearts to him.

In addition, many swear words are a real and terrible insult to the Mother of God and the entire female race in general. This is why girls should never swear. As future mothers, they should carry only a bright program within themselves, and not be “stained” with curses and blasphemous words. And this includes all swearing and any abusive speech.

Priests always try to convey that the word is God’s special gift to man. With it, he connects himself with the space surrounding him with invisible threads, and it depends only on the personality itself what exactly will happen to it. Often, even believers allow foul language, and then are surprised that troubles, misfortunes, poverty and illness come to their home. The Church sees a direct connection in this and advises carefully controlling your speech even in moments of intense anger.

The influence of swearing on a person’s life

In addition, swearing has a destructive effect on our lives. After all, many of us believe that words and thoughts are material. That is, we successfully attract everything that we say and think about into our lives.

And indeed it is.

This is confirmed by examples of successful, happy and rich people. The main secret of success for most of them is correct positive thinking and kind words.

The more we focus our attention on something negative, complain, quarrel, get angry, argue and get irritated, the more negativity we receive into our lives.

After all, by acting this way, we unconsciously attract a series of bad events into our lives.

If we stop using swearing and negative words in conversation, we will step on a better path, opening the doors to goodness, luck and happiness.

Children and swearing

Many adults do not consider it necessary to think about why it is forbidden to swear in front of children. They believe that children do not remember or understand anything yet, and therefore will not perceive profanity as something harmful. But this position is fundamentally wrong.

Mat is very dangerous for children of any age. First of all, he is a conductor of violence in the life of a child. Foul language most often becomes a companion to fights and any kind of aggression. Therefore, children very quickly become saturated with this energy and begin to actively broadcast it into the world around them, surprising their sometimes rather prosperous parents with their behavior.

Secondly, dependence on swear words almost instantly develops. Psychologists quite often draw a parallel between it and alcohol or nicotine addiction. A child who uses profanity from a very early age will have great difficulty breaking this habit. The process will require incredible effort from him.

Thirdly, foul language reduces your child’s chances of finding happiness in the future and becoming a happy parent of a healthy baby. Therefore, try to convey to your children as clearly as possible why you should not swear.

Put in a word for Russian swearing

The idea to write this article came to me when I asked myself a few questions. 1. What is Russian mate? 2. When did Russian swearing appear? 3. Who is bothered by Russian swearing? Why is it considered obscene? 4. What to do with Russian obscenities?

First of all, you need to define the meaning of the concept of MAT.

• In everyday life it is a wicker mat, bedding (what protects the floor from abrasion). • In jewelry production, this is a reduction in the shine of the product (protection from the need to maintain the shine of the surface). • In glass production, this is a reduction in the transparency of glass (protection from the possibility of peeking through the glass). • In chess, this is a hopeless position of the main piece (such a defense of one’s pieces when none of them can be “taken”). • In general, this is an extremely disastrous situation. • Scream with good obscenities - cry out with all your might for help, ask for protection.

In addition, the word MAT has a common root with the following words:

• Matas – buffoon (priest of the goddess Mary). • Matasitsya – to dangle, swing, break, jump in different ways (similar to magic, or rituals among shamans). • Matter – everything that weighs, everything that occupies space, substance. • Seasoned – huge, dense, healthy, portly. • Mother – to have, to have; woman who gave birth to a child, parent. • Checkmate – put in a hopeless position, limit the opponent’s capabilities.

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