What is worldview: 7 ways to look at your life differently

Surely you have wondered why you do what you do, love one thing and not another, perceive one kind of music, but another “bleeds from your ears.” And at the same time you don’t understand how your friend can dress so badly, because you wouldn’t even dress an enemy in such clothes. It’s simple - these are all links in a big chain called “Worldview”.

Worldview has many scientific definitions and philosophical descriptions. But if you go into too much detail, you can get bored or even very upset. Therefore, it is better to first understand what worldview is in everyday life and take the first steps towards a conscious life.

In this article:

What is a worldviewWhere to start4 stages of changing a worldview7 rules from psychological practice

Optimism and stress resistance

Emotionally stable people are able to easily adapt to any circumstances, focusing on opportunities. Any person who gets a new job will find that it is quite difficult for him to cope with his responsibilities. Sometimes activities may seem more difficult than they were before. Moreover, the new job takes more time and effort compared to the previous position. In fact, many people find it difficult to leave their comfort zone, so they perceive changes in their lives very negatively. This phenomenon is temporary, and soon the person realizes that he has made the right choice, but, unfortunately, this realization comes at the wrong time.

It is important to understand that not everything always works out the way we want. At such moments, people act differently: some are ready to come to terms with what happened, others regret it. Emotional balance is about maintaining hope that you can change the situation for the better.

John Parkin "Send everything to... The paradoxical path to success and prosperity."

Readers' opinions about this book were divided. Some believe that it is designed for immature teenagers who say “Fuck It” to all problems. Others, on the contrary, declare that teenagers should not read it categorically, because, following the principle “screw it,” they may never mature spiritually - they will become older, but not wiser, and will grow up to be infantile, indifferent people.

But the book is not as simple as it seems. By “send everything to...” the author means - listen to yourself, live as your own heart tells you, and not those around you. Life is too short to fill it with fears, stress, complexes, the desire to appear better than we are, the desire to dominate or, conversely, to be squeezed and constrained. People live in accordance with a value system that develops in the process of education and training. But it often happens that, under the influence of some events, they revise this system and what seemed super important loses its meaning. To become charismatic, creative, a leader, a millionaire, to make a dizzying career, to pump up muscles, to lose weight to the point of a hanger - do we want this ourselves or do we strive to correspond to something in order to be considered accomplished?

“Give yourself permission to do what you want, eat cheesecake, send your lazy partner away,” says John Parkin. “Live freely, letting yourself be carried away by the natural flow of life itself!” The magic words “Fuck It” are the keys to liberation from the captivity of stereotypes.

The author is interested in Buddhism, and his “Fuck It” philosophy is called Western-style Buddhism. He himself calls it the “Ideal Spiritual Path.” The book is written with great humor and is easy to read. Currently, John Parkin and his family have moved from London to Italy, where he and his wife Gaia opened The Hill That Breaths' center in Tuscany and teaches breathing courses.

Reasons for negativity

A good attitude towards life is formed from childhood. Our first teachers are always our parents. If they believed that life is filled with sheer negativity, troubles and bad people, then we will also perceive everything that happens to us.

Often, the worldview is seriously influenced by the experience of adolescence, namely the relationships between adolescents of different genders. Women and men experience failures in love in the same way, so in the future they begin to have a negative attitude towards representatives of the opposite sex. Of course, such “dramas” do not happen in all novels, but quite often.

Hang out with successful people

The way a person thinks and his behavior is influenced by his environment. The people we spend the most time with have a profound effect on us. Those who are surrounded by pessimists or angry people have little chance of success and productive change.

When dealing with people, pay attention to these tips:

  • Analyze your surroundings.
  • Try to limit the influence of “harmful” people (whiners, complainers and selfish people) and immediately notice how the world around you is changing.
  • Look for new friends, pay attention to those who have achieved success in the field that interests you.
  • Communicate more with those who are engaged in self-development, lead an active lifestyle and have a positive attitude.

How to change your worldview

Often, a value-based attitude towards life arises in people who were able to overcome a terrible illness or avoid death. Realizing that they could lose everything in an instant, they begin to realize how petty and unworthy of attention were quarrels with relatives, conflicts with colleagues, as well as the constant desire for material wealth. Such people tend to enjoy every day; they perceive their life as a valuable gift and enjoy every moment.

Any person who, fortunately, has not encountered incurable diseases and other tragedies must realize that life can be very short. Therefore, try not to force yourself into constant “frameworks” and the pursuit of material wealth, forgetting to appreciate the present moments, the smiles of your family and friends.

Sometimes people don't have enough time to find meaning in their whole life. So maybe you should live not for the sake of something, but simply for the sake of life?! This does not mean that you should stop making plans for the future. Without goals and desires, our life becomes boring and uninteresting. Just don’t forget the importance of the “priceless gift.”

I am not a supporter of strict rules, I am for efforts without violence!

Perhaps it’s worth deciding whether you need to make a plan for your new life, or rather, a desire for it or not. If you by nature gravitate towards order, that is, you are pedantic, then you should draw up a plan for working on yourself, clearly spelling out all the points and aspects of life that require change.

If you are a fairly responsible person and keep your word to yourself (you have everything in order with your will), then the decision made will be quite enough, the plan should automatically mature in your head.

I am still for an individual approach and also for efforts without violence! In the end, you need to enjoy life, and excessive violence against yourself can kill all your endeavors in the bud. Therefore, everything is good in moderation and there is always an answer to the question “How to start a new life?”, you just have to work hard to find it. And also, faith in yourself and in life will help, this has been verified.

Fighting negativity

A healthy attitude towards life is the key to success and happiness.

People often tend to blame others for their failures. This is perhaps the first place to start the fight. Remember, if you have a bad attitude towards your work, then only you are to blame for this, since you could not, perhaps, get a better education or find a more worthy place.

Is your wife not perfect? This means that you did not have enough oratorical talent or intellectual abilities to find a common language with her and establish a common life together. Perhaps you hate people. Alas, the problem here lies with you.

Therefore, it is so important to learn to take responsibility for your life, and also try to change it for the better. Remember that you are the architect of your own destiny, therefore, you do not need to blame the state, laws and people around you for your failures.

Gavin Kennedy “Anything can be agreed upon!”

Gavin Kennedy is the world's leading negotiator. The author rightly notes that we all begin to negotiate in childhood, and even when we have not really learned to speak. Moreover, some already know how to negotiate and achieve everything they need, while others, instead of what they want, receive punishment in the form of a reprimand or spanking. “The strength of child negotiators,” Kennedy writes, “lies in the asymmetry of values—theirs and yours. They quickly notice what is most important to you - and by threatening to take it away from you, they get what they need." Based on their ability to negotiate, Gavin Kennedy divides people into Donkeys, Sheep, Foxes and Owls. Donkeys don’t even realize that there is such a possibility as to reach an agreement. Sheep are happy to receive exactly as much as they are given. Foxes are aware of what is happening and are convinced that they deserve to get what they sought. And only wise Owls are able to see the prospects for negotiations and agreements. Which category of people we belong to can be determined using the tests contained in the book.

It teaches the basics of the negotiation process and makes our thinking more flexible, which is important if we want to win. For example, the author writes that the worst thing we can do during negotiations is “to accept the first offer. It undermines faith both in ourselves and in the completed transaction.”

Calm your mind

In order to learn to control your own thoughts, you need to begin to become aware of them. Let's try?! Take a deep breath and try to clear your head of all thoughts. This way you create free space for something new, unusual and non-standard. Moreover, your mind is at rest - you are the one taking a break for its work.

Sometimes we load ourselves up with problems and failures so much that we cannot look at the world from a positive perspective. At such moments you need to stop! This could be a rest in silence, during which you must observe yourself and understand where your own thoughts are and where they are imposed from the outside. This technique should not be neglected. Just start and everything will work out!


Of course, such information will not please you. But she has no reason to panic yet. She would prefer to first understand the situation, talk with her partner, find out what does not suit him in their relationship. And he will try to rekindle the fire of passion.

The lottery has a huge prize fund. Maybe it’s worth taking a risk and fortune will smile?

Resentment and guilt

Almost every person has a burden of grievances that he carries with him throughout his life. Continuing to “chew” unpleasant memories, people destroy their personality. In addition to internal harmony, grievances cause significant harm to the nervous system. Often, unpleasant memories provoke surges in blood pressure and increased heart rate, which can lead to a heart attack.

It is important to understand that forgetting about the offense does not mean that you should be lenient towards the offender’s bad behavior or continue to communicate with him as if nothing had happened. Such actions give the past the opportunity to spoil your present and future. Try to switch to something positive in moments of unpleasant memories. Try not to keep talking about past grievances. If you once again notice that you are starting to complain to a friend, colleague or relative about the situation of past years, then stop. Change the subject and say something that makes you feel good.

It happened to me too, more than once...

It happened to me too, more than once, and this is normal, considering that we die and are reborn every minute. And who wasn’t with? I got up in the morning and categorically decided: “That’s it, I’m tired, I’m changing my life, otherwise this swamp will completely suck me in.” But then, in the bustle of the day, you forget about this impulse and pull on the burden of life. But still, a moment comes when it has accumulated, when revolution, protest, slogans and other attributes of a revolutionary mood are brewing inside. There is no point in resisting here anymore.

Are you ready for change? You just need to set your priorities correctly. You shouldn't change everything radically. My own experience shows that one aspect of life is more than enough and automatically a lot will change.

For example, by changing a boring job to something you like, your wings will grow, you will rise above yourself and see a lot of interesting things around you! Changes in life were not easy for me, but it was no longer possible to do otherwise. Through trembling knees, through imaginable and unimaginable fears, I still moved forward because I understood that only development and movement forward is real life.

Even the fact that you are reading these lines now is also the result of my recent dramatic change, when I dropped everything and went online headlong. I remember how completely naive I was, and how much has changed my mind since then. But this is the path, and now I know much more than then, but I don’t know even more.

That’s what makes life so interesting is that when you learn new things, you try on this new thing, whether you like it or not. For example, I never imagined that I would write texts, sometimes successful and interesting. I just took a risk then, two years ago, listening to my inner voice and didn’t regret it.

Create a life that delights you

Take your time to think about what you really like. Growing up, most people focus on insignificant things. We work in a job we don’t like, spend time in an uninteresting company, and so on. This happens only because it is necessary!

If you have always wanted to draw, then do what you love. But! This does not mean that you need to quit your job. You can enroll in illustration or painting courses. Try to find like-minded people in your circle, and not those who regularly criticize your hobbies. One of the highest achievements of an individual is inner satisfaction, not external status or prize.


He will calmly wait for the situation to become clearer. But in order not to waste time, he will find out on the Internet the situation at the labor exchange and post his resume. If she does get laid off, the first steps in finding a new job have already been taken. And if she tells her boss about this, perhaps he will offer her more favorable working conditions or increase her salary.

Sometimes the wife hears rumors that her husband was seen in the company of a young blond beauty.

Women's advice: What does the name Thea mean?


This is often the name given to people who create “unbearable” conditions for their lives. They tend to complain about their husband, management, boss, relative, children, who are supposedly to blame for the fact that they live so poorly. If such a person is advised to change something in his life, he will find many excuses for not doing it. The strangest thing is that next to such people there is always someone who is ready to help selflessly. He is ready to give everything to ease the suffering of this “unfortunate.”

“Victims” are not able to enjoy little things; they tend to focus on negative aspects. Most people prefer to live by the principle “I’m good, but everyone around me is bad” or “I’m right in everything, but they don’t understand anything.”

Unfortunately, such “victims” grow up in families. And if you notice such behavior in yourself, then it’s time to take your own life into your own hands and change it for the better.

Remember that you only need to rely on yourself. No one will be involved in improving your life.

Start of a new life

To change anything in your life, you need to spend a lot of time being alone, and this is torture for many people. But how to start a new life? Try it alone. Then there is a chance to truly hear yourself, your true desires without lies and flattery, without excuses. And it is very useful to tell yourself everything that you think; no one hears you. And now the most important advice.

Take the pose of a professor walking around the apartment looking for a solution to some mental problem and start talking loudly to yourself, thinking out loud and expressing everything that has accumulated in your head lately. It is very important to hear your voice, do not be shy in your expressions, you would hardly allow others to talk to you like that, but allow yourself.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The sound of your own voice, a frank conversation with yourself will have a very beneficial effect on you, make this very important DAMN Speech for your own good, try to do it until you get tired, so that you can then plop down in a chair and close your eyes.

At that moment, you were your own judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney, and you were the one to pass the sentence. Listen to your feelings, to your inner voice. I assure you, you will hear a lot of interesting things. You have tired your waking consciousness, it diligently digests everything that you told it, and at this moment your soul rejoices and waits for change.

Don't focus on problems

The attitude towards lifestyle should always be positive. When you think too much about what you don't like, you attract even more failures into your life. For example, you don’t have enough money, you can’t lose weight. At times like these, you need to focus on success.

There is also a great way to combat negative thoughts! Imagine that a terrible event has happened in your life that you cannot change. Try asking yourself if you can survive this.

Now try to imagine something that you cannot influence. Let's say you've always wanted to be tall. Alas, this cannot be influenced. This means that you must get rid of these “intrusive” thoughts. The same goes for thoughts about missed opportunities. Remember that you live in the present and should only be interested in potential plans and achievements.

Important! You need to realize that only you control your perception of the world. You have no right to shift responsibility for your life onto other people. Sometimes, to change a situation, it is enough to look at it from a different angle.

A wise attitude towards life is based on experience. However, you have the opportunity to be inspired by the people around you. Therefore, draw motivation for yourself from the actions and achievements of others. Try to find the merits in every person. And do not forget that we cannot change the world, but we can change our attitude towards it.

I, Alena, have never shown much interest in either philosophy or philosophers. I prefer experienced natural science. And I build my worldview solely on my own experience and scientific analysis of what surrounds me. Intelligence is truly necessary, just as legs are necessary to walk down the street. But it is not the legs that move, but the person, and the same is with the intellect. As for instincts, unfortunately, not only people with reduced intelligence, but also the most intellectuals, realize their place in the world mainly on instincts. The average person's intellect serves the instincts like an ideal executive slave. Have you ever met a person who, having committed one or another instinctive act, would not provide a self-justifying basis for it? While desires are weak, a person thinks in generally accepted norms of defilement. As desires grow, thinking is restructured to the point of directly opposite conclusions regarding the assessment and justification of the possible satisfaction of the desire. This is how maniacs are born from ordinary people. As for mental disorders, including oligophrenia and all forms of schizophrenia, all this is inextricably linked with the problems of consciousness of specific people. Even if the disease is congenital and genetic. People with weak intellect most often have a weakly expressed emotional sphere (not in the sense of the strength of reactions, but in the sense of their subtlety and complexity), not to mention the spiritual component. This is simply a consequence of a poorly developed consciousness. Even the physical body in this case does not have the subtlety and beauty of forms. Personal cases are different, there are different reasons for everything, but this is rare, but in the general mass it is no different. Sometimes it happens that a person has an overdeveloped one area due to the underdevelopment of others. This is either the intellect, or emotions, or the physical body, but this is also a consequence of the problems of consciousness and its one-sidedness. Our world is really pulled forward along the path of evolution by an extremely small number of consciousnesses that are ahead of the masses in their development. But this does not negate the fact that every person, without exception, has contributed to the common reality that we have. Politicians do not fall from the sky, but emerge from the social environment of the people. Gorbachev destroyed the USSR, but didn’t the overwhelming majority of the country’s population, with rare exceptions, choose this path? Yes, in the referendum they voted “for” preserving the Union, but in reality they made a choice towards the wild capitalist market. Everyone wanted to become rich at any cost. And all wars begin among the people, in the general social environment, and politicians only “press buttons” that the people politely hand to them, without realizing what they are doing. Well, those who “pray on the shore of the lake” do the same – in their own sandbox. Only a few in the billions have the ability and ability to influence reality with the help of thought. This is normal, this is the stage of evolution of human consciousness.

Pay attention to appearance and health

In continuation of the previous point, we note that changes should be both internal and external. Physical activity and sports are important for both well-being and a positive attitude. Choose an active hobby that will help relieve tension and stress and keep your body in good shape.

Take care of your appearance:

  • Think about what you would like to improve.
  • Consult with specialists regarding the condition of your skin, hair, and nails.
  • Choose hairstyle and makeup that highlight your best features.
  • Create a comfortable and practical wardrobe.

External changes: Freepick
External changes will help consolidate changes in your internal state.

Get rid of bad habits

Habits shape your lifestyle, so it’s worth thinking about them. To feel a surge of strength and activity, psychologist Evgenia Streletskaya recommends:

  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • review your diet and make it up of healthy foods;
  • drink enough water;
  • get full sleep.

In addition, work through the addictions that all people in the 21st century are susceptible to:

  • “hanging out” on social networks;
  • sitting in front of the TV in the evenings, etc.

Take a few days to observe yourself, record how you spend your time, and decide what is really important to you.

Why change your perspective on things?

There are many people who are sure that they know everything about life. They have their own unshakable opinion on everything, they give advice and teach others how to live. But wise people, following Socrates, say: “I only know that I know nothing.” Then Socrates continued: “... but others do not know this either.” “To be ignorant of one’s own ignorance is the disease of the ignorant,” said the American writer Henry Alcott.

It is people with narrow thinking who, as a rule, believe that they can judge everything and are always right. Limited thinking does not allow them to adequately assess events or situations. They can be overly optimistic or, conversely, too pessimistic, as a result of which they often fail and consider themselves misunderstood by others or “unrecognized geniuses.” In the same way, they often mistake people, mistaking black for white and white for black.

Often people who think shallowly and one-sidedly, at the slightest troubles in life, sometimes even far-fetched, consider themselves deprived of fate and fall into depression. One friend once had a nervous breakdown because the new toilet she had just installed did not drain as well as she expected. Others are upset because of bad weather, a store closed in front of them, a bank card forgotten in an ATM, etc. People tend to be upset, but it’s worth looking at these events more broadly: on the scale of human life, they are completely insignificant. So is it worth paying so much attention to them and ruining the nerves of yourself and those around you?

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