What types of women are there: types, traits and characters (spoiler: as many as 18 types)

In this article we will tell you:
  1. The main rule for determining the type of woman by character
  2. 3 main types of women by character
  3. Types of women whose character prevents them from finding a partner
  4. Types of women that many men like

You can go through different types of women by character for a long time in search of the ideal one, but this is a futile task. Both men and women are individual creatures, with their own set of advantages and disadvantages, which can change over time and under the influence of external circumstances.

However, all this does not mean that it is impossible to identify some common features that are inherent in a relatively larger number of women. In our article we will talk about the different types of characters of the fair sex and highlight those that are more or less likely to create strong relationships.

The main rule for determining the type of woman by character

Most often, a woman combines characteristics of different types, one of which prevails over the others. Even at the beginning of a relationship, a man should take a closer look at his chosen one and identify the dominant traits, because it is they who will intensify over time and finally prevail over the others.

As a rule, women at a subconscious level “flaunt” their most attractive features. Their ability to pretend, like other characteristics of the female sex, has been developed over centuries.

Even in primitive times, a woman, the keeper of the hearth, sought in various ways to attract the breadwinner to her home. Alas, in all centuries men have been in the minority, as they say, “for every ten girls, according to statistics, there are nine guys.” The life of a male breadwinner is full of mortal dangers: in those days it was mammoth hunting, now it is a difficult profession for men.

For a primitive girl, attracting a man meant providing herself and her children with constant food, to the envy of her competitors. It's a matter of survival. However, even today many representatives of the fair sex are ready to resort to a variety of tricks in order to gain the attention of a man, and with it confidence in the future. When meeting, they demonstrate their strengths, while hiding unpleasant moments. Therefore, the period at the beginning of a relationship may seem ideal to a man, and only then will the dark sides of a woman’s personality be revealed to him.


A beauty, well-groomed and well dressed, always with a good manicure and fragrant aromas - this is the dream of any man. Such ladies are usually very young and do not do anything specific. The charming creature may well not have a job as such, live at the expense of her patron, or be under parental care. A characteristic feature of dolls is an innocent soul and an aura of fun and lightness. There is never a time to be bored with such a girl; she will always find something to amuse her chosen one. She is responsive and follows her master everywhere. Somewhat reminiscent of the lapdog prototype - cute, but useless.

Regarding household chores, you strive to please your man in many ways, but it is extremely rare to do anything correctly. It cannot be said that girls of this type are “club-armed” and unskilled. Rather, the point is that she treats everything somewhat dismissively or not even seriously.

This type is ideal for accomplished men with a high level of income. After all, the doll should remain the cutest and most beautiful, and this requires having a huge wardrobe and endless spending on its appearance.

In bed, a toy girl, contrary to the name of her type, tries with all her heart to please her partner. New positions, things from the sex shop and the most incredible erotic images can be tried with just such a woman. She will surprise you with her deep knowledge in the field of erotica and her willingness to experiment.

Mature men love cute pacifiers. Her simplicity and carefree nature makes their life easier, and the beauty’s external appearance increases their status.

It is unlikely that you will be able to have a highly intellectual conversation with a doll girl; there is simply nothing to “cover” her with. The interests of this cute creature rarely go beyond fashion magazines and training sessions on “How to please a man.”

To be fair, it is worth noting that the first type of women has a light, but slightly capricious character. Feeling the care of their patron, they try their best to make his life better and indulge their man in everything. The doll will be wary of family and children, because it’s a hassle. She will not make a good mother and housewife.

Types of women whose character prevents them from finding a partner

Here is a list of types of women whom it is better for a man to avoid.

  • Glamorous madam

These girls “pump up” their appearance to the fullest, sparing no resources, because the ultimate goal of these cash injections is to catch a rich man in their net. Surprisingly, many representatives of the stronger sex still fall for this selfish bait. However, most men have long been no longer interested in such excesses, preferring natural beauty and sincerity.

  • Hysterical

To the horror of many men, even the most beautiful girl can turn out to be a hysterical person, and also always confident that she is right. Such ladies throw a scandal at every opportunity. The reason could be unsweetened coffee or even sudden rain. This behavior takes root and becomes a stable character trait, to the point of illness. It is impossible to argue with the rightness of the hysterical woman; it is easier to do as the lady pleases.

No man likes to constantly be the object of dissatisfaction, watch nervous grumbling and listen to baseless complaints. Even the strongest feelings cannot withstand the pressure of hysteria, and after some time the couple breaks up.

  • Gray mouse

Such a woman, with her appearance, seems to send signals to others: “I don’t want a relationship,” “men are not interested in me,” “go around me,” “don’t look at me.” There is zero sexuality in her image. Ungroomed, poorly combed, with a shabby figure, ugly clothes, etc., it’s as if she deliberately pushes everyone away from her. Often the “gray mouse” is sure that appearance is not important at all; a man will love her for her intelligence and rich inner world. But how can you see the mind where you don’t want to look? No way.

  • Simple market woman

It’s simple not because it’s easy to work with. This simplicity is the product of intemperance and bad manners. “What I think is what I say.”

The spontaneity of such women can sometimes seem attractive. A kind of harmless village simpleton, a big, inquisitive child. But often such simplicity borders on rudeness, or even turns into it. Loud boorish, uneducated market women will not seem attractive to anyone.

Men are still more interested in affectionate and gentle girls, meek and able to restrain themselves.

  • Velcro

Nobody likes obsessive people. A woman who persistently claims a man’s attention instantly becomes uninteresting to him. There is no mystery or attractiveness in it, it is not just accessible, it hangs right on your neck. Sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity: endless text messages, calls with questions like “where are you and with whom?”, pursuit of the object of passion, when trying to break up - threats of suicide and rivers of tears.

Such women clearly have problems with self-esteem. By humiliating themselves, they do not become more attractive to a man. Relationships with them are doomed to failure, because such behavior gets boring very quickly.

Girls are different

Back in the 2000s, the popular group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” performed their hit about female diversity, in an exaggerated way, of course. But what they “want…. get confused” is an indisputable fact. Every woman is subconsciously in constant search of a partner.

Even if a girl claims that she doesn’t need anyone, and how wonderful it is to be alone, then... she’s lying. This doesn't happen! You can prove the opposite with foam at the mouth, but psychologists have long proven that people cannot move away from their instincts and muffle their primitive nature. And, as you know, a woman’s purpose in this world is to give birth and raise children.

It is not uncommon for a lady to refuse to have children and devote herself entirely to her career or her own business. The modern world dictates its strict conditions in the minds and opinions of people. Only certain types of women are prone to such decisions; most often, family comes first.

Despite women’s demands on themselves and others, sex and a permanent partner are very important. Emotional relief requires having someone next to you who can understand, support and, if necessary, console.

When choosing a life partner, a man must understand who exactly is right for him and what the lady of his heart should be like. The types of women described by psychologists reveal the essence of each lady, show ways to approach her and determine her aspirations in life. If the desires of both partners coincide, then bravo! A happy family life is no longer such an illusory mirage, but quite real if there is a person nearby who is moving towards the same goals.

There are several main types of women, but in their pure form they are not often found. Most representatives of the fairer sex combine several different traits.

Miss "Casserole"7

Every man has a little boy in him, and every girl has his second mother. Forgetting about herself and her needs, Miss “Saucepan” strives to feed the whole world in the person of her chosen one. She will clean the whole house, take out the trash, organize a joint vacation and draw up a precise plan of action for the whole week.

A woman-mother is an ideal option for lazy and sedentary men. There is no need to worry about anything, she did everything herself yesterday. Delicious home-cooked food, a well-kept apartment and a happy dog ​​- this is the world of “Kastryulka”.

This type of woman has absolute confidence that delicious cutlets and happy children are capable of keeping a man. Ladies often forget about their appearance, stop watching their diet and, as a result, gain a couple of dozen extra pounds. You should forget about sex with such a woman after the birth of your first child. Although no, sex will happen exactly as many times as she wants to have children.


The absolute opposite of a toy lady is a kind of feminine resemblance to a man. It sounds complicated, but it is precisely this formulation that fully reflects the essence of a girl friend.

She cannot be confused with anyone. Comfortable jeans, perhaps not even tapered, a wide jacket that hides the chest and comfortable sneakers - this is a brief description of the lady-gopnik.

She can handle a man's work; repairing a faucet or helping to sort out the suspension of a car will not be difficult for her. These are very useful women in the house. But not in the kitchen. She can only guess where the frying pan or vacuum cleaner is located in the apartment. It's always great to watch football with her or drink a couple of liters of beer after work. “Brother” pays little attention to her appearance and seeing her in a dress and heels is about the same as watching a solar eclipse. Rarely, but it happens.

Sex with such a lady will be high-quality and frank. She will be happy to do it anywhere and anytime, like a man. He always follows his desires and does not try to pretend, hiding his true nature.

Living with such a woman is easy and simple, unless, of course, the man is willing to eat takeout and tolerate a mess in the house. The girl perceives caring for children as a challenge and tries to fulfill her duties as a mother well. Needless to say, the child will not look neat. After all, she can fix the iron, but she doesn’t think about why she should use it.


A strong type with strong accentuations. A girl with this type clearly sees the goal and the path to it. All obstacles on the way are swept away by any means, even impartial. Her attributes are a beautiful car, elegant and expensive things. At the same time, the achiever shows her wealth in every conversation. Among the positive qualities:

  • strength of will;
  • ability to achieve results;
  • Amazing stress resistance and performance.

Among the negative ones is the ability to “go over your head” to achieve results. If you don't play a role in her success, she will treat you with disdain.

Encyclopedia Girl5

“The Teflon coating of a frying pan has a harmful effect on the digestive system, you need to choose cast iron kitchen utensils” or “A banana for breakfast provides a boost of energy for the whole day, much better than coffee.” These are typical know-it-all comments. She reads encyclopedias, watches Malysheva’s TV shows and subscribes to all popular science channels on YouTube.

The encyclopedia lady will eat up the bald spot on her man’s head with all sorts of useful knowledge and creations. At the same time, everyday situations are beyond her strength. Of course, she’s a theorist! It’s better not to let her into the kitchen at all, she’ll definitely burn her hand or ruin the dinner.

In general, encyclopedia girls are not particularly practical. The desire to use new knowledge, as a rule, ends in failure.

As a wife and mother, a woman is completely harmless. She will surround her children with care and will strive to pass on her knowledge to them as much as possible. This does not include a blowjob and her chosen one; the man will have to learn the intricacies of tea ceremonies and understand the totem animals of African tribes.

Basic psychological types of women and girls.

An article for men that will tell you in a simple and easy way what psychological type your chosen one belongs to and give advice on how to correctly distinguish one type from another. A little humorous, but, as they say: “every joke has...”

Women are for the most part sweet, helpful, sometimes simply necessary, but still very often they are simply unbearable due to stubbornness, aggressiveness, talkativeness, stupidity and greed.

But it’s difficult to get along without women, the only way out is to learn to treat them properly, then you have some chances to survive the difficult struggle with the fair sex.

Probably the greatest desire of a woman is to always be needed by us, to always be liked, but always in different roles. We men are always a little wanderers, we have something of the wild geese in us, but inside we are domestic creatures. A woman has a special gift of turning into a home any point in space where she lingers for some reason. She is both a player and a fighter for power over a man, but a man who has given up, fallen into a trap set by her, and is “domesticated” ceases to be interesting to her.

What should be your strategy in this fighting game?

Let her sometimes feel like a winner, but let the “worm of doubt” always gnaw at her, let her doubt the results of victory, let her wait and not know with certainty when and how you will show your feelings.

And now a little about what women are like.

The main types of women whose features you will find in any of them: doll; broody; your guy; thunder woman; intellectual; femme fatale; real woman.


She looks like the famous Barbie, she is pretty, sweet, fresh, in a good mood, arouses the admiration of all men, but looks with adoration only at her man and master.

She is stupid by nature, so that any banal idiot compared to her can seem almost like an intellectual. The Doll does not have any special abilities, and if by chance she does have them, she does not show them, since she herself is not aware of their existence. Intellectual conversations and even ordinary conversations are not for her, because in this field the Doll can only compromise her companion.

Be prepared for any nonsense that she is able to do: she will spend her last money on buying new linen (to please you!), when there is an empty refrigerator in the house and there are not even cereal reserves from the day of the flood, she will blab out your deepest secrets if you foolishly entrust them to her, she will be an hour late for the meeting, since she has no sense of time.

A rare Doll will prepare a reasonable lunch for your return from the office, tidy up your suits and start the washing machine on its own...

Of course, this helplessness seems very touching, but only at the beginning of the novel and not for long... However, the Doll can even decorate the late autumn of the life of a gentleman with wealth, servants, and intellectual friends. Against the backdrop of her helplessness, his masculine strength and determination will increase every day.


A type with enormous advantages, and secretly every man dreams of something like this. In the fast pace of life, you can feel quite comfortable: the house is clean and tidy, the shirts in the closet are clean and ironed, the suits are neatly hung, all the buttons are in place. You don’t even have to go to the closet; your helpful friend will get everything and bring it herself.

She loves her lined nest, decorates it with flowers, macrame of her own making and other nonsense, sometimes everything can even look very stylish.

Food is always waiting for you, even if you returned from a business trip 2 days earlier than expected, without first warning her about it. Yes, what food!

Puff pastries, stuffed meat, duck or chicken according to some special recipe, etc.

But if some household appliance has broken down, she will wait for you to return from work, from a business trip, even from the other world, in order to solve the problem of fixing it, since communicating with strangers is a terrible torment for her.

The car causes her sacred horror; she gets behind the wheel in case of emergency, if you have had too much in the company and are not even able to utter a word. In the morning, she will give you a glass of alcohol to soothe your hangover, and a cup of coffee, and in no case will she reproach you for having too much yesterday and perhaps talking some nonsense.

Any intelligent man should appreciate all the advantages of such a relationship (marriage) and not pay attention to minor disadvantages.

To please your chosen one, you need to praise the prepared dishes from time to time (you must agree, they deserve it). But at the same time, know that you will have to make all decisions, from subscribing to the magazine “New Culinary Secrets for the Experienced Housewife” to buying a new car or apartment.

You will also have to listen patiently for news, perhaps about what her 75-year-old aunt thinks about her 55-year-old daughter who has replaced her husband.

It is very important that Klusha will not control your income if you give part of it to housekeeping, will not ask you to take her with you to a beer bar or to the hippodrome, or insist on a joint visit to your old friend.

Having escaped from this cozy harbor to freedom, but after being shipwrecked, deeply repenting and kissing hands, you can return to it again...

The guy is on board

The guy doesn't attach much importance to his appearance, since he doesn't consider his charms to be his main advantage. You won't have to spend on a new mink coat or another diamond necklace (now from Cartier, honey) for the opening of the theater season, which, of course, is very convenient.

But at the same time, do not expect from her (or should I say from him?) traditional amenities like an ironed shirt or a cooked dinner. Don't be offended, she doesn't neglect her responsibilities, she just doesn't know how to do it at all.

But she drives a car perfectly, plays cards or billiards better than many of your friends, knows how to fix an iron, and is not afraid of newfangled kitchen appliances.

You can have sex at any time, in any place, and quite well, but for some reason sometimes you are visited by the thought that there is almost a man next to you... And same-sex love seems unnatural to you.


Typically, such women prefer to carefully disguise themselves for the time being, and a slow-witted man may imagine that in front of him is a very temperamental woman.

But, alas, with a long relationship, this temperament with all its passion falls on the fight against enemies (it’s very bad if you find yourself in their ranks!) and even against the whole world.

If Thunderbolt has sincerely become attached to you, she can become your best assistant in the fight for a place in the sun, you just need to orient her correctly. She will be able to prove to your boss that you are his best employee. She will be able to get you, a young, healthy man, a ticket to a sanatorium for deaf-blind people with limited mobility.

If you ever decide to have children together, know that no one will ever dare to offend them, behind Thunder Woman they will be like behind a stone wall.

You can show your temperament in bed, after which, quite possibly, your wishes or plans for the future will be listened to.

Another way to please your companion is to develop vigorous activity in order to do something extraordinary for her, practically impossible. This will give you the opportunity to move some distance away from your friend, rest a little and think about where to direct her overflowing energy in the near future.


An intellectual, as a rule, does not know how to cook and does not attach importance to how and what to eat. You can have a delicious meal at a party, at an official reception or in a restaurant. Your friend, most likely, will not even notice or attach any importance to the fact that instead of a regular sandwich or scrambled eggs she is eating something delicious, unless she finds out that scientists have finally managed to translate the recipe for this dish from ancient papyrus.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to not only wash your shirts, but even look for them yourself. You will have to fasten the buttons on suits and trousers with your reliable male hand.

All the other prose of life will fall on you with all its fury: if your dripping tap floods the ceiling of your neighbor downstairs, you will have to explain this topic yourself, since your companion simply does not understand anything about such a banal process.

But she knows a lot about the rituals and customs of the people of the Cayman Islands and all the tribes and peoples of New Zealand.

You will have to get pleasure, or pretend that you are getting it, from classical music, exhibitions of modern painting, classical and modern poetry, as well as from the countries of the East, North, West.

If you are not up to her level, she will strive to develop you by all means available to her until you run away.

If you are able to bear this torment, you are probably fascinated by its sexual virtues. But no matter how bold and relaxed she is in bed, you can only watch an erotic or porn film in her absence.

Femme fatale

A femme fatale is every man’s dream, but you should remember that she won’t even pretend to be the mistress of the house. You will have to keep a staff of servants to cook, clean, and keep your home in order.

You must be ready, including financially, to give your chosen one gifts, expensive ones, preferably exquisite ones, and quite often.

She will be beautiful and sexy, and you can be proud that she belongs only to you, but at the same time, your rival will not keep you waiting.

If your “fatal” friend is also a businesswoman, forget to even think about waiting for admiration for your merits and achievements.

It is you who must admire and worship! If it suddenly turns out that you are the scion of an ancient family and the heir to some empire of food, clothing or crocodile farm, do not expect delight, gratitude, or even surprise.

This is a natural background that your chosen one deserves, it’s a pity that you took a little longer with it!

Real woman

A Real Woman has traits of all other types in any combination. It is not easy to understand her, and it is not required; it is enough for you to know what we should expect from such a woman.

She's pretty and sexy, so you'll have to win her over. She simply needs new dresses, fur coats, and jewelry from time to time, but she will be beyond competition within your circle of acquaintances, since a woman more elegant and well-groomed than her can cause her terrible stress. She is able to appreciate your merits and even admire you (sometimes even publicly), and is able to take care of your nutrition and appearance.

She doesn’t keep her man on a short leash, he lets him go to friends, to football, hockey, and hunting.

A real woman, depending on the situation, demonstrates: optimism or pessimism, intelligence or stupidity, love or hatred, logic or the complete absence of it.

And finally, even leaving a sinking ship, she will look in the mirror, fix her makeup and hair, and if she doesn’t do this, then she is not a Real woman!

What type your chosen one is (or what types of traits she has), you will have to determine for yourself, which is not so easy, because they pretend with great pleasure. You can just go crazy figuring this out!

To really assess the situation, you don’t need to listen to what the woman says, you should pay attention to the deeds.

• If, having invited you to visit, she immediately puts all the food on the table and doesn’t even look once in the direction of the kitchen, for some reason she is pretending to be Klusha, but who she really is, you still have to figure it out.

• If Your Boyfriend in Doska goes with you to the dacha in stiletto heels and an elegant haute couture suit, she is pretending.

• If at an official reception, at a wedding of friends, she insistently demands that an olive be immediately put in a cocktail instead of an olive, you have a Thunder Woman in front of you, even if before that she seemed like an intellectual to you.

This classification can be supplemented with the findings of foreign psychologists who believe that when communicating with men, a woman can play Minx, Teenager, Mature Woman, and the behavior model does not depend at all on real age. A successful combination of these behavior patterns gives a woman the opportunity to hold her chosen one’s attention on herself for a long time.


The model of behavior is like that of a young girl: childlike spontaneity, apparent naturalness of behavior, sometimes some demonstrative behavior. He usually sees a man as a patron, a demigod whom he values ​​and respects.


This model of behavior is characterized by aggressiveness, assertiveness, and a desire to assert oneself in any way.

A permanent partner should be distinguished by extraordinary balance, calmness and prosperity.

Mature woman

This model is interesting as a lover, distinguished by femininity, great ability to seduce and some mystery. Over time, they make very faithful wives and loving mothers.

Of course, in real life there are no clearly defined types of people or patterns of behavior in their “pure form,” but the classification will help you understand who she, your chosen one, actually is, “who” she is made of, and what she plays at.

Are you wondering whether you should continue dating or quit the game? Agree, women have always been and will be of interest to men, and vice versa. And if women love to play with feelings, then why shouldn’t men become their partners in this game?

Man is created for play, and flirting is a hunt, a great opportunity to unwind, stretch your legs, straighten your shoulders, regain confidence and a healthy complexion. While hunting you can have great fun, seduce, play, flirt, set nets and traps, captivate and fool your head.

The most important thing is not to go hunting with the desperate hope of catching at least a tit; luck does not come to those who stand with their hands outstretched!

But this sweet game should be completely sporting and should not leave behind mortal wounds and broken hearts, but only pleasant memories or dear trophies (wife, lover).

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The standard for a girl is a combination of all types. A real woman is always able to carry on a conversation, have fun from the heart and never lose her face!

Being next to a real lady is a great success for a man. She is as beautiful and bright as a bitch, sweet and cheerful as a “doll”, knows how to organize herself and others no worse than a “brother”, cooks just as divinely as Miss “Casserole”, educated as a “walking encyclopedia” and. In a word - ideal.

Such a woman always feels the mood of her man and has the power to manipulate him. You should not assume that all women are selfish and only seek material wealth and sex. Most of the tricks work precisely for the benefit of the chosen one and the family.


This is a girl with endless energy. She is the life of the party. After communicating with her, people grow wings and their mood becomes positive. Its main features:

  • stress resistance and performance;
  • the ability to live in multitasking mode;
  • using your energy for things that really matter;
  • not being afraid to open up to new things.

If you are this type, then it is not difficult for you to attend several events in one evening and even stay in shape and look great at the last one. You are always on the crest of events and easily get along with people.

Dangerous features are the need for timely discharge of the nervous system. No matter how stress-resistant a person is, he needs time to restore energy, and enthusiasts cannot boast of the ability to rest.

This type needs to learn to move away from the crowd and relax alone.


Such a woman can often be seen in women's groups. She is easy to identify by her wide smile and friendly attitude towards everyone without exception. She:

  • knows the birthdays of all colleagues and acquaintances;
  • always brings pastries for tea to please the team;
  • often does work for others;
  • anticipates people's desires and strives to help them.

She is ideal in communications, in work and in personal relationships, because she does everything from the heart.

Negative traits include being touchy if you are not grateful enough for her help, as well as the risk of falling under bad influence. If you yourself are the owner of this type, then you must learn not to waste energy on something that will not bring results in the future.

Types of women who may remain single forever


You will recognize this person by his desire for excellence in all areas of life, from his appearance to his paperwork at work. He tries to achieve the ideal in everything and reacts with lightning speed when something goes wrong.

If you came to visit him and put your shoes in the wrong place, he will put them away in the place where they should be. And when you go into his bathroom, you can notice that all the towels are hung in a certain color scheme.

Even if a perfectionist doesn’t know the rules, he will look for them because he is sure: in order to achieve good results, you need to do everything according to the rules strictly written by someone.

If you recognize yourself in this description, then most likely the following accentuations are preventing you from enjoying life:

  • constant criticism of oneself and others for failure to follow rules and rituals;
  • lack of systematicity can unsettle you;
  • the inability to deviate from the rules even if necessary.

But the perfect also has positive qualities: as a rule, this girl always looks impeccable, and her house shines with luxury and cleanliness.

Fatal lady6

Coquettes and vamp women are a separate podcast for representatives of the fairer sex. Men go crazy over such beauties, commit rash acts and do everything to be at the feet of their seductresses.

Life with such a lady will give you many bright moments; as a rule, such girls are skilled lovers. Secretly, every man wants to possess a woman who fascinates competitors with her beauty and demeanor. Such a “noble cat” is a desired trophy for even the most successful businessmen and politicians.

You should be very careful with a vamp lady, because one wrong step and another will take the place of her gentleman. A relationship with a heartbreaker is like playing catch-up. She will always run ahead, showing her inaccessibility and close to divine origin.

An alliance with a bitch can only be called successful if the man manages to truly tie her to himself. A beauty in love can be close to her chosen one without trying to run away to a more successful man. Of course, this requires a lot of work! Your career should rise rapidly, your business should develop, and your fortune should grow.

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