The best words of gratitude to a man, husband, father, woman, wife, mother, daughter, friends

In rain and snow, and in the summer heat, you, my beloved, are with me. I am grateful to fate that you live on Earth. Your sincerity and love warms my heart. “Thank you for the warmth of your soul!” “I’ll whisper to you again.”


I love you more than life itself, Believe it or not. But know one thing: I’m not capricious, I’m just a person in love. And you are my beloved man, And I will not give it to anyone, After all, you are the reason for my love, You are dear to my heart.


Thank you for being you, For the fact that your spring voice Comes as good news In moments of grievances and doubts. Thank you for the sincere look that you give only to me. My pains are hidden in you, With you I live like in a dream. Thank you for being you, Through all the partings and deadlines Some hidden currents Suddenly they will remind you again - you are here. You are here on Earth. And everywhere I hear your voice and laughter And I know that next to me is My dearest person!

Affectionate, sweet, funny, playful, sometimes like a child, just from the cradle; Sometimes serious, thoughtful, mature. Sometimes you worry, Sometimes you swear, You take it and pout, Then you smile. In your brown eyes - Cheerful sparkles, A little crafty - And my closest. You can be brave, Or you can be afraid, But even when sad, You can laugh. You love to drink with your friends, and wash down your alcohol with a glass of Coca-Cola. Terribly jealous and a little mischievous, sometimes lazy, like a well-fed cat.


Thank you, beloved, for the moments of happiness, For the tenderness and affection that you give me, For the quiet joy, for the bright feelings And simply for the fact that you exist on earth!

Kind, beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose

  • Earning kind gratitude is not at all easy, but all good deeds must be rewarded at a minimum - verbally. Words of gratitude can be spoken to family, close friends, colleagues and even simple acquaintances.
  • You need to say words of gratitude to people in order to let them know that you respect them and appreciate their work.
  • Words of gratitude must be sincere, tender and eloquent. Only then will your recipient be able to understand how much you want to say “thank you.”
  • Such words can take different forms: prose or poetry, and in any case they will be beneficial for you.

words of gratitude, beautiful and kind words of gratitude
Beautiful words of gratitude in prose:

  • I want to say a huge “thank you” to fate, which introduced me to you. Only now I understand: what a great happiness it is that our paths crossed on the same road. Thank you for all the good things you have created!
  • Now I’m thinking that I need to thank fate for our meeting . It was she who brought you and me together and thereby made me happy. Thank you for your sincerity, thank you for your loyalty, for your friendship and understanding, for your kind words and for being always there!
  • Thank you for the fact that after so many years, you have never let me down and have always been there at the right time. Over all the years of our acquaintance, you and I have developed the best relationship: you are a reliable friend and a faithful partner, and therefore I will forever thank you!
  • We would like to thank you for your excellent and fruitful cooperation! Over the years we spent together, we have developed a favorable relationship as good partners. We wish you further prosperity and good luck in your work!

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse:

I thank you all so much from my heart and soul. Alas, I don’t have the strength to keep my words. You are so kind and good! My “thank you” is a small thing, And even if you don’t understand me, My great gratitude is capable of conveying feelings!

Thank you very much, thank you very much. Today we sincerely say to you. For the fact that you were able to support us beautifully. We thank you so sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts.

You know, good will always come to good In nature, we do not destroy the response “boomerang” Accept our friendship and trust In our actions, feelings and words!

Features of using beautiful words

Due to the fact that men, in principle, hear praise, compliments, or simply remarks about their own merits less often than women, they react to this more strongly. And along with the strength of their reaction, they have increased sensitivity to what is said and intonation. Even if there is an internal understanding of the need to praise, but there is no mood or opportunity to do it sincerely, then it is better not to say anything at all. Having once heard insincerity and doubted, a man will check every time how honest you are now.

In order for pleasant, beautiful words to reach a man’s heart, you need to be able to apply them, and the first thing you should learn is to understand the context of the situation and the person’s mood. Seeing a frowning man, there is no need to rain down a stream of words and compliments on him; first, you should listen to what provokes this condition (if he has a headache, then it is better to give him a painkiller than to call him an unfortunate baby).

It is the preliminary diagnosis of what is happening that helps to choose the most appropriate meanings and forms.

Understand the semantic content of each word in the context of your pair interaction, because the meaning of any word can even be the opposite for people. Some gentle nickname can cause an outburst of anger or a depressive reaction simply because unpleasant people used to call it that way or the word was used as sarcasm. Once the conceptual framework has been established, it is worth working on your own sense of proportion. A person who is constantly praised begins to take any praise for granted, and someone who practically does not hear kind words begins to react warily to any warmth, looking for tricks and mockery even where there is none. Exceptional timeliness in the correct dosage is good - it is different for everyone and is selected empirically.

Use different moments and options of communication. You can not only say good things long and loudly, it is quite possible to say one word in your ear while you walk up the stairs together. In general, you don’t have to talk, but write - letters and messages in instant messengers, notes on colored pieces of paper and foam of coffee - there are many manifestations, it is important to catch the mood.

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to friends

  • Friends are an invariable component of every person, they help in difficult times and are always a kind of “outlet” that saves you from boredom, sadness, problems, and melancholy.
  • Friends deserve individual words because, after family, they are the closest people who always worry about you and are ready to help.
  • Various life situations force us to find ourselves in cases where a faithful friend provides the necessary support and protection, and at such moments, words of gratitude in any form are relevant more than ever: in poetry or prose.

words of gratitude for friends in any form: in poetry and prose
Beautiful words of gratitude for friends in prose:

  • My beloved friend, thank you for the fact that in difficult times you are always here, you are always there. I want to tell you so much, but all my feelings will be replaced by just the word “thank you.” Thank you for your kindness and honesty, for your sincerity and loyalty, for your love and understanding!
  • There is no one else like you, my friend, in the world! You are my “safety net”, you are my “help”, you are my “support”, but most importantly, “you are my soul”! If it weren’t for you, I would be stewing in a hot cauldron of my problems and sadness... Thank you for being there!
  • Thank you, (name of person), for being my best friend and comrade. You are always there and always ready to help me just like that, without profit or guile. I will endlessly thank you for your human love, understanding and pure, truthful words. You are the best friend in the whole wide world!

Beautiful words of gratitude for friends in verse:

Today I want to say “thank you” to all my friends. They are simply not more beautiful and true in the world! It’s so good that I was so lucky to meet you, what brings me light in this life! Thank you for saving me from troubles so many times and always being there for me. I will preserve our friendship forever And it will not be afraid for many years!

I know that my friends are my support . They are my reliable and strong wall. I will probably thank them forever, because I don’t feel like myself without friends. Accept all my words as a gift today, After all, there is a reason for “thank you” not always, And you are alone, you won’t find others like you. For this, I appreciate you, love you and are devoted to you, friends!

Why is it important to feel gratitude towards a man?

Because a man is support and support. A man does the most difficult job in the world - he has to earn money and support his family, pay bills, protect his home from adversity, and increase his income.

And no matter how indignant women may be who have taken on someone else’s role as breadwinner or leveled their rights by depriving their husband of the opportunity to express himself, it is important to understand:

Only female sincerity deserves all the benefits that a man gives us.

But what happens?

A man who tries his best for his family, instead of thanking him, hears more and more demands and reproaches, claims and unrealistic expectations in response.

And husbands leave those who don’t know how to be grateful...

Why don't we women believe in our men?

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to my husband

  • Men are always demanding for signs of attention, and even if they never say so, receiving special gratitude is incredibly pleasant for them.
  • Such words must be filled with tenderness and affection. They should emphasize your man's masculinity and uniqueness.
  • Words of gratitude can be expressed in any form, the main thing is that you do not forget to say “thank you” to your beloved man.

words of gratitude for a man in the form of poetry and prose
Words of gratitude for a man in prose:

  • My dear, you know how long we have been together. All this time I keep true love and only the most sincere feelings for you. I want to tell you a huge “thank you” for the fact that in happy and sad moments you are next to me, trust me and endlessly support me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know how to live. Love you.
  • (Male's name), I want to thank you for everything you have done for us. There is no price for your golden hands, your wisdom, your strength and strong character! There are simply no more people like you in the whole wide world.
  • Dear (man’s name), I would like to thank you so much for everything you do for us. Your patience is limitless and it always saves us from any problems. In your arms it’s not scary to be a fragile woman, weak and feel protected. Thank you for all your courage and nobility.

Words of gratitude for a man in the form of poems:

Thank you, beloved, for living so pleasantly, to be your wife, to receive your affection. It happens that I look and without words I understand that you gave me a beautiful fairy tale! I like to melt in tender embraces, I want to say “thank you” for this. May there be many serene days and everyday life will not be able to drive away sadness!

My beloved handsome man , I want to tell you honestly, you are smart and incredibly handsome, I am lucky to become your wife!

And of course, dear, thank you, that in summer and snowy winter you are with me, my beloved man, and I am also forever with you!

Send a letter when you are far from each other...

"My only one,

I hate it when we're not together. I hate hours of separation and distance. But these days give me something else. Understanding that you are everything to me.

Time and the world stop when you are not around. I'm counting down the seconds until you hug me again. Until the day when I fall asleep again to the sound of your quiet breathing. When I finally hear your laughter again, such a familiar voice...

I love you and miss you. And it’s okay that today I’m hurt and sad without you. You're worth it. I can wait for you all my life..."


"My dear,

Not seeing you is the biggest test for me. I can't wait for the day when we are together again. When and even if we separate, it will only be to spend 8 hours at work.

You are far away, but you are next to me. I feel your presence every minute, every second.

I feel the phantom touch of your fingers sliding over my skin. I hear the echo of your voice and laughter. Sometimes it seems to me that the door will open now and you will walk through it. But it still won’t open...

I hate it when we're so far apart. Please come back soon..."

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to a man

  • Very often, men are the bosses of organizations that employ an endless number of women. On a professional holiday or birthday, you always need to choose beautiful words that can convey all your respectful and respectful attitude towards his person.
  • You need to say “thank you” to a man confidently, intelligently and eloquently. Only such words can leave an impression and, as they say, “do their job.”
  • Gratitude can be expressed in various ways, but the most successful are the right words.

how to thank a man?
beautiful words of gratitude for men in verse and prose Beautiful words of gratitude to a man in verse and prose:

Dear (man's name)! Let me thank you for the enormous work you have put into our joint business. Without your participation, we will not see success. Your masculinity, responsibility and self-confidence are worth envying. There are no more leaders like you in the world and there never will be! “Thank you” from my heart and soul!

Thank you, (man's name), for your help. Without your assistance, none of our work would have been successful. Your confidence, optimism and fortitude could convince us and inspire us! Thank you for your sensitive guidance and understanding, for your trust and human attitude!

We don’t have enough words and time, To say “thank you” for your deeds, After all, everything that you have done for us all is Much more than words. Thank you for your masculinity, it is like an ideal for us. You have a big, kind heart and as pure as crystal itself!

It is very difficult to thank a man, But I would like to say now, Without you it is impossible to imagine how we can be controlled.

So devoted to your person, ready not only to go into the water, but into the fire to follow you quietly and faithfully, your work, boss, is ideal!

Compliments to a man in one word

If you don’t want to talk or write a lot, we suggest complimenting a man in one word. A man or guy will like such phrases and will make him more confident and happier.

  • Beautiful
  • Concentrated
  • Independent
  • Creative
  • Credible
  • Diligent
  • Conscientious
  • Purposeful
  • Kind
  • Honest
  • Versatile
  • Smart
  • Curious
  • Persistent
  • Decisive
  • Reliable
  • Responsible
  • Organized
  • Easy-going
  • Friendly
  • Convincing
  • Confident
  • Strong-willed
  • Devoted
  • Positive
  • Funny
  • Supportive
  • Professional
  • Susceptible
  • Insightful
  • Simple
  • Gentle
  • Real
  • Sensitive
  • Passionate
  • Good
  • Enterprising
  • Charming
  • Balanced

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to my father

  • The father is always the head of the family, always a respected person and a beloved parent. To thank your father, you don’t need a special occasion; you can do it not only on holidays, but also just like that.
  • It is especially pleasant for a father to receive words of gratitude on his birthday. Then these words are perceived with special trepidation and sensuality.
  • You should definitely thank your father from the bottom of your heart, say only warm words, emphasize his uniqueness, kindness, and be sure to say that his work is not in vain.
  • It doesn’t matter in what form you express gratitude to your father: in poetry or prose. The main thing is that you will not forget to do this on a special day or on an ordinary one.

Words of gratitude for the father, a beautiful “thank you” to dad.

Words of gratitude to my father in prose:

  • Father, you have always been an example for me! You are my support and protection. I know that in any matter, in any situation, you will take my side and always support me. Thank you, dad, for the strength that you give to your family every day - it’s priceless. Know that I am grateful to you only for the fact that it was you who were given to me by fate!
  • Dad, you mean so much to us! I will endlessly thank God for protecting you and protecting you from troubles. Thank you, dad, for your work and care, for your affection and worries, for your love and understanding. You are the best dad in the whole world!
  • My beloved father! You are true nobility, sent to us in order to cope with all life's difficulties. Thank you for your trust and many life lessons, without which your children would not have such experience and courage. Thank you, father, for your courage and true parental love!

Words of gratitude to my father in verse:

Accept, father, these are my lines, I want to say thank you. You did everything and a lot for us, so that we could live happily on earth. Of all the fathers, you are the best dad, you are the pride of the mother, the respect of the children. I don’t know what to do without you anymore. I wish you more bright days!

Thank you father, For always being with me. You are a real good guy and I am proud of you alone.

I have never met anyone like you, which means I am so lucky, that you gave me your life, gave me tenderness and love!

Dear parent, My father, dad, best friend, I want to thank you for being there and being around.

I keep your wisdom in my heart, I keep your lessons in my soul. And accept my “thank you” and warm lines from me in gratitude!

You, dad, are the best, you are the one who will illuminate my difficult path. I know that thunderstorms, rains and clouds cannot spoil my path in life.

Thank you, my dad, that even on a stormy day. You were always there, You are next to me now!

Beautiful words for your beloved guy

When a guy is at a distance, he also needs to know about the girl's feelings.

You can say the following beautiful words to him:

  1. You warm me with your warmth even from a distance.
  2. After your return, I will become the happiest girl on earth!
  3. I look forward to you coming back and warming me with your warmth.
  4. Even being in an empty room, I don’t feel lonely, because I have you.

Beautiful words to a man in his own words at a distance should be spoken thoughtfully.

Also, do not forget about general phrases that are pleasant for any person. These are far from diminutive nicknames combined with declarations of love, but ordinary words about the health, affairs and mood of the chosen one. For example, while at a distance, you can say to a guy: “I know you had a hard day. So you rest now, and when you return, we will devote the whole day to just the two of us.”

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to a woman

  • Women never forget words of gratitude; they perceive every word with trepidation and appreciate the entire meaning given to them verbally.
  • Saying “thank you” to a woman properly is not difficult; to do this, you need to choose pleasant, gentle words that will reveal all your feelings and experiences.
  • If you reinforce your verbal gratitude with flowers, expect a reward in the form of sincere tears of happiness, tenderness and love.

gratitude to a woman, how to express gratitude to a woman with beautiful and kind words?
Words of gratitude to a woman in prose:

  • Dear (woman’s name), I really want to thank you for your tenderness and understanding, for the trust and real strength that you have invested in each of us. Thank you for your sensitive guidance, creative approach and ability to smooth out the sharpest corners in relationships.
  • Dear (woman's name)! I would like to thank you for your kind heart, for your open soul and the fact that you always know how to support in difficult times. In our team without you there would be emptiness and strife, you are what holds us together and gives us the strength not to give up.
  • Our dear (woman's name)! You are always beautiful and fresh, confident and optimistic. Always be on top and always be by our side. Thank you for the fact that throughout our work together, you never lost faith in your team and gave us positivity. Thank you for your warm, friendly heart and trust.

Words of gratitude to a woman in verse:

I can say a lot of kind words on a cheerful day and even in difficult times. I am sure that there are almost no people like you left, so thank you from us. Let the sun shine brightly through your window, Let things be easy and good. May your friends, family, and children love you. We thank you, dear, from the bottom of our hearts today!

I want to say “thank you” to you very much, Even if I don’t thank you often, Today I will hide my joys from you, I love you, I believe in you, I appreciate you.

Thank you for the worries and attention that you give not only to me. I so want there to be prosperity for you always and doubly joy!

Is it necessary to thank a man for his care and help?


You are pleased when a man thanks you for an ironed shirt or a clean towel brought to the shower. Same for a man. If he helped you around the house, took your child outside, or cooked dinner, don't hesitate to thank him.

Be interested in his hobbies and experiences, notice the slightest changes. Communicate, talk, appreciate and thank. Do whatever you would like to receive in return.

Have a nice evening for two. Options may vary:

  • pleasant relaxing massage;
  • watch a movie or an important match together with beer and goodies;
  • cook his favorite dish;
  • Give him some little thing related to his hobby. For a musician - guitar strings, for a fisherman - fishing line or bait.
  • or have a lazy day at home.

And this is not the entire list of possible options. Be guided by your knowledge, feelings and intuition.

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to mom

  • Saying “thank you” to your mother is an important thing; it is a mandatory thank you to the woman who gave you life.
  • You can thank your mother with or without reason, on any occasion, but you need to do this only with beautiful words.
  • It is customary to thank your mother on her birthday, on the Eighth of March, on Mother's Day, and accompany all your words of gratitude with a bouquet of flowers, delicious sweets, kisses and hugs.

words of gratitude to mom, how to thank mom with beautiful words?
Words of gratitude for mom in prose:

  • Dear mommy! I really want to thank you just like that, for your patience and love, for your loyalty, for your trust and for your endless affection! You are what makes me move, you are what gives me strength, teaches me to live and accomplish even the most difficult things. Thank you, mom, for every day of yours, because there wasn’t a day in your life that you didn’t remember about your children.
  • Mom, I want to say thank you for the fact that once you gave me life, you were not afraid to put all your strength, all your knowledge, all your capabilities and all your love into me. Forgive me for all the problems that arose in the way of our communication with you, forgive me for the violence and playfulness, for the uncertainty and rudeness... Only now I realize how much I love you and how grateful I am to the judge for the fact that you are my mother .
  • Darling, mommy! You are a strong and confident person, you are a real pride for your children. You taught us to eat, live, take care of ourselves and just be good people. Unfortunately, we cannot fulfill absolutely all your dreams, but we ourselves dream that you will always be healthy and only happy! Thank you mom for your love and for being there for us.

Words of gratitude for mom in verse:

My beloved mother, I’m sorry that sometimes I’m not me, I get angry, I’m offended, I scream, But I love you very much! You know how happy I am when you are next to me. My words are just a little, But I thank you!

I thank you with all my heart , I need you like the sun, I love you, my mother, and I wish you long days!

May my words be like luck, let everything get better and give you peace. You are with me and that means, I am happy, I am a son and I am yours.

Compliments to a man after a night out

Do you want to compliment a man after a stormy night and don’t know what to say or write? We suggest using the options for pleasant words for a man or guy given in the list below.

  • You awaken my deepest desires.
  • You are the best lover.
  • I like the scent of your body.
  • I was incredibly pleased.
  • You have a gorgeous body that you want to look at.
  • I love just lying next to you.
  • You gave me incredible pleasure.
  • Your brutal appearance excites me.
  • You are so passionate.
  • Closeness with you is always at its best.
  • I can't forget last night.
  • You are very sexy.
  • I'm losing my head from passion for you.
  • I've never felt so good in bed.
  • I'm looking forward to the evening - I'm sure something incredibly pleasant awaits me

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to your daughter

You can say thank you to your daughter in the simplest words, the main thing is to say them with sincerity, love and awe. Like all women, daughters are very sensitive to affectionate speeches and will never forget everything nice that you did.

how to thank your daughter?
Beautiful words of gratitude in prose and poetry for a daughter Beautiful words of gratitude in prose for a daughter:

  • My daughter, thank you for being able to grow up to be such a kind and sensitive person. You are always ready to help and give your last to your parents. I thank you for the devotion, love and fidelity that you bestowed in full!
  • My beloved daughter, I want to thank you for the huge number of pleasant gifts and words that you gave me. Without you, my world would not be so colorful and rich, so kind and bright. You are my pride and my love. Thank you!
  • Daughter, thank you for your help and support. I am so glad to have such a devoted and faithful friend like you. You are always my protection and support, you are the embodiment of my hopes and my pride!

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse for your daughter:

She is beautiful and smart, there is no doubt about that. You are the best thing in the world. Thank you for being there no matter what, just as children should always be. I thank you with my heart and soul, For the fact that you give me help for free. I want to tell you that I feel so good, that you are mine and you are my love forever!

Daughter, my beauty, You are like a clear and clear song. I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you were able to grow into a kind person.

I love you and honestly say, there is no sweeter and more attractive you in the world. I love you so passionately, You are my golden angel, my little one!

Thank you, daughter, for your attention. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You gave me understanding, and I keep love for you in my heart.

I have always wanted so much that Fate would bless your aspirations and that all people, without a shadow of a doubt, would love you very much as I do!

Send an email when you're very busy...

"My only one,

We've both been crazy busy lately. We don't even have enough time to have dinner together or go on a date. I'm not even talking about walks under the moon...

It feels like we are meeting literally for a second before falling asleep. But, you know, the funny thing is that I don’t feel at all that we are apart. In fact, it doesn’t matter how many hours we spend together, because nothing will change our feelings. I will never love you less. I will never want anyone but you. I hope you know that. And it will always be so, my dear...”


"My soul mate,

I love you. I love you. I love you. I will never get tired of repeating these words. Unfortunately, lately you may not be hearing them as often as I would like. We are too busy... I am very sorry that this is happening. I'm very sorry that I can't give you enough attention because of work. But that will soon change. Do you know why? Because I love you. I love you. I love you".

Beautiful words of gratitude: SMS. How to thank with a short SMS?

You can also thank someone you know or are close to you using SMS. Such messages, as a rule, evoke a lot of pleasant emotions, warm feelings and are read many more times. A thank you SMS must be sincere, beautiful and sensitive. You need to write SMS in simple, but at the same time strong words that have great meaning.

words of gratitude in SMS, how to thank a person via SMS?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart I will repeat it hundreds of times, 101 times my gratitude, I will give you mine! My “thank you” has no end, I am grateful to you very much from the bottom of my heart. Your help to me is so priceless. In your business, you are brave and good!

Thank you very much from me, I sincerely thank you! I will not hide my admiration, I appreciate your work and care!

Thank you for the attention that you gave me. I wish you prosperity, doubly good luck in your business!

You deserve my gratitude, Thank you - I couldn’t exist without you!
You have given me so much strength that I simply cannot hide my joy! Thank you for your kind words, Thank you for your energy.
I am truly so grateful to you! Thank you so much and honestly! Thank you for your sensitive attention. I thank you from my heart and soul. You gave me love and understanding, which I will treasure forever.

How to compliment a man

However, before you dive into our list of compliments for a man, we wanted to share some ideas on how to compliment a man sincerely. You know the man or guy in question better than anyone, but the following points are worth considering.

How to compliment a man


  • Stick to the truth
    . Empty flattery will get you nowhere. Stick to what is true. And if you compliment him on his eyes, choose the right color.
  • Be sincere
    . Do it sincerely and without any ulterior motives. Don't give a compliment just to get something from him or to fulfill a big request.
  • Be specific
    . Saying “You look good” is fine, but “I like that color on you” or “You look beautiful in that shirt” is more specific and meaningful.
  • Find out what matters most to him
    . If you don't know (or don't care) what matters most to him, your compliments will miss the mark and turn him off.
  • Focus on things he is proud of
    . If he has been working on some kind of self-improvement project (going to the gym, volunteering, running, taking risks, etc.), celebrate his progress.
  • Don't neglect
    praiseworthy traits of character or appearance that he knows least about. Draw his attention to the things you love about him that he might not even notice.
  • Choose your time carefully
    . For example, don't interrupt him in the middle of something that requires concentration to praise him for playing soccer.
  • Don't expect a return compliment
    . Don't compliment him in the hope that he will immediately compliment you or tell you something you want to hear.
  • Tell him how he makes you feel
    . Let him know when his words and actions make you feel safe, respected, beautiful, etc.

How should you thank loved ones, relatives, colleagues?

  • Gratitude is a special expression of feelings. As a rule, gratitude is preceded by a certain good deed that one person does for another.
  • Gratitude is not a prerequisite; it is a person’s voluntary desire to leave a pleasant impression of himself and win him over.
  • You can thank absolutely everyone: colleagues at work, parents, children, friends and just acquaintances with whom a common cause brought you together.
  • As a rule, if gratitude is not sent in the form of an SMS message, it is accompanied by some gifts: sometimes large, sometimes symbolic.

what is gratitude? how to thank loved ones?

If gratitude is diluted with flowers and other gifts, it has a stronger meaning for others. Such gratitude is perceived differently and can be remembered for a long time.

  • You need to thank your children’s teachers, kindergarten teachers, bosses, administration, loved ones for their holiday greetings, and friends for their help for their work and attention.
  • Generous gratitude always endears people to each other and makes them more open. In addition, whenever you thank a person, you show your concern for him and your respect.
  • You can “strengthen” a thank you speech with such gifts as: a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, a bottle of a noble alcoholic drink, or a symbolic keepsake.
  • By expressing gratitude to a person, you agree with him in absentia that in the future you will be able to help each other more than once and accomplish a task together.

Gratitude never goes unnoticed and is always a rule of good manners. If you want to win someone over, be sure to make sure your gratitude is special and unique.

The Magic of Gratitude

A man is grateful only when he feels grateful to himself.

Imagine you came home after work and by the time your husband arrived you had already prepared a meal. You have dinner together and at the end, you hear words of gratitude for dinner. He says this especially, so that you are pleased to hear it. Being a little inspired, you will want to do something for him again. It is so?

It is also important for our men to say “Thank you.” They are pleased to hear this too. Think, perhaps he will look at you differently if you whisper words of gratitude in his ear and at the same time hug him with admiring eyes. This will please not only you, but also your man.

Only with affection, care and respect can you win your husband’s favor

Why gratitude

Gratitude is linked to mental health more strongly than any other personality trait. Gratitude develops our spiritual world, teaches us to love ourselves, increases our self-esteem, improves sleep and gives us energy.

Gratitude is very good for your health.

Gratitude makes us 25% happier!

Scientist Robert Emmons says:

“Without gratitude, life can be lonely, depressing, exhausting. Gratitude enriches a person's life. She elevates him, inspires him, energizes him and transforms him. Expressing gratitude makes a person more active, open and humble.”

It has been scientifically proven that gratitude

  • Gives energy
  • Develops emotional intelligence
  • Teaches you to forgive
  • Reduces depression levels
  • Reduces anxiety levels
  • Increases the feeling of unity with society
  • Improves sleep
  • relieves headaches


“Gratitude is not only the highest virtue, but also the mother of all virtues.”

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