On someone else's misfortune: homewrecker stars who stole men from their families

Let's talk today about a topic that concerns all women, regardless of age and marital status. You guessed it, of course, let's talk about love, but about forbidden love - love for someone else's husband. All women dream of happiness, but everyone’s concept of happiness is different.

What should those who were unable to start a family do in time? Every year the opportunity to meet your one and only is rapidly decreasing, youth is fading, and the notorious female happiness is still gone.

Of course, there are meetings, falling in love, passion, walks along the night streets, tremors of desire, the inability to separate even for a minute, and then... it suddenly turns out that the beloved is married. And here a logical question arises: “Will there be happiness if I took my husband away from the family? Will I have to bitterly repent, finding myself in the role of a homewrecker? What to do: destroy someone else’s family or go aside and try to meet your betrothed, who is lost somewhere?”

It was probably not without reason that our great-grandmothers believed that you should not destroy someone else’s hearth, even if it seems to you that there is nothing good in this family, marital relationships have long outlived their usefulness, the spouses do not love each other and separation is the best way out for them. It’s probably not for nothing that healers, fortune tellers, witches, psychics and psychologists advise against taking drastic measures against a married lover. There are many reasons for this, but let’s name at least five main ones.

Anna Sedakova

The singer loves to post her own hot pictures on social networks. In many of them, Anna flaunts with Lithuanian basketball player Janis Timma. It turned out that at the time of meeting the singer the athlete was married. But, apparently, this fact did not bother her much. The basketball player’s wife was furious and even wrote a post saying that Anna Sedakova was a homewrecker who destroyed her family and deprived her children of their father. Soon Janis filed for divorce and was going to divide the jointly acquired property.

Happily ever after

I won’t lie, everything wasn’t easy at all. There were a lot of hysterics and scandals when we told our faithful that we were going to get together. But, oddly enough, his wife never tried to contact me, and my ex-husband had no contact with my new man’s wife. Naturally, after this the friendship between the guys came to an end.

A month after the divorce, my beloved and I moved in together, and six months later we got married. Without celebrations or guests, we just signed up and went on a trip.

Looking back, I'm trying to figure out if there was a way to handle the situation differently. But seeing how happy we are, I think everything was for the better. My daughter has an excellent relationship with her stepfather; he gives her much more attention and tenderness than her own father.

Life is such that sometimes, in order to build something, you have to destroy something. And if at the same time five unhappy people get a chance to become happier, maybe taking your husband away from the family is not the worst thing to do.

Albina Dzhanabaeva

The soloist of the group “VIA Gra” attracted the attention of not only enthusiastic fans, but also producer Valery Meladze. At the time their romance began, Valery was officially married. The public attacked Albina, accusing her of destroying the strong Meladze family. The singer and producer lived with 2 families for some time. Albina bore him a son, and Valery had three daughters in his first family.

In 2014, Meladze finally made the final decision. He divorced his first wife and formalized his relationship with Dzhanabaeva. Meladze says that he and Albina love each other, and journalists should not worry about how their romance began.

Family problems

Many representatives of the stronger sex are afraid of problems. These problems arise due to domestic troubles, illnesses in children, quarrels with parents, and you can find a lot more.

Any woman believes that solving problems is a purely male responsibility as the head of the family. And he gets tired of this, of eternal quarrels and demands, of the fact that life has turned from a holiday into eternal everyday life, that his wife appears before him in a robe and curlers, that she has gained weight after giving birth or has aged, that no one understands him.

In this case, it costs nothing to take a man away from the family; he has been mentally ready to leave for a long time. But he does not leave for his beloved, desired, only one, but simply because he is tired of problems!

But after some time in the new family, the same gray everyday life will begin, and the holiday will fade away. Well, in this case, a man who is used to running away from problems will find himself a new refuge.

Christine Asmus

Fragile, feminine Christina met comedian Garik Kharlamov at the festival. At that time, the comedian was officially married. After meeting, Garik began actively writing to Christina, liking her posts and showing all sorts of signs of attention. Kharlamov’s wife had a hard time breaking up with her husband and blamed the actress for everything.

Asmus gave birth to Kharlamov’s daughter, but after 7 years their marriage broke up.

Changing life values

Usually, when entering into marriage, both the man and the woman make commitments. And the most important of them is maintaining physical fidelity.

Having left the family, the man understands that nothing terrible is happening and that the bonds of marriage are not at all as strong and unshakable as it seemed. Therefore, in his subconscious there is a change in value priorities, and he ceases to treat marriage as a shrine.

Having cheated once, it is difficult to refuse new changes. Therefore, very soon the former mistress may find herself in the place of the deceived wife. And then she will fully experience what it’s like to wait at midnight for a loved one who has gone on a spree, endless calls and silence on the phone and going to work on holidays and weekends.

Vera Brezhneva

The singer was married and had two children growing up. Vera's husband, a major businessman, did not refuse his wife anything, but this did not save their marriage. Brezhneva's husband was a pathological jealous person, regularly spied on his wife, and quickly found out that Vera was cheating on him with producer Konstantin Meladze. The beauty's lover was also married and raised three children.

The presence of children and official spouses did not stop Vera and Konstantin. After their divorces, they got married. Journalists regularly post information confirming the imminent end of the marriage of Meladze and Brezhneva. Rumor has it that the producer has already found a replacement for Vera, and he didn’t have to go far. The lead singer of the group “VIA Gra” is considered Konstantin’s new hobby. But no one knows whether this is really so.


I don’t think that I committed a terrible act for which terrible karma will overtake me. Not because I’m an unprincipled bitch, but I just see this situation differently. I'm not trying to justify myself or convince anyone that falling in love with other people's husbands is normal. I just want to reach the people for whom this is relevant. Show by example that not everything that we are accustomed to consider bad is actually true. That sometimes destroying one marriage and building another is much more humane than living in illusions, making yourself and everyone around you unhappy.

I grew up in a very friendly family. My mom and dad have been living together for more than 40 years, and I don’t remember a situation when I could doubt their love. They have always been an example for my brother and me. And for me, family has always been the most important thing (no matter how ironic it may sound). As a child, I watched soap operas, where there was always an insidious homewrecker with red lips and an evil face. And I, of course, sympathized with the good main character, whose homewrecker stole her loved one. Like any normal girl, I didn’t make plans like “when I grow up, I’ll take someone else’s husband away.” Life is not the easiest thing.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia is not considered a fatal beauty; on the contrary, she captivates with her intellect, subtle sense of humor, and depth of reasoning. However, Sobchak repeatedly took men away from their families. Moreover, her chosen ones are not ordinary individuals, but well-known media personalities. Once Ksenia started an affair with State Duma deputy Sergei Kapkov, her friend’s husband.

Eventually, Sobchak began dating director Konstantin Bogomolov. At the time they met, the man was officially married, but he no longer lived together with his wife Daria Moroz. Ksenia herself was also ringed. Married to Maxim Vitorgan, a son was born, who currently lives with his mother and Konstantin.

The boomerang law: what to do to avoid punishment

It often happens in life that what you do to someone comes back to you in an enhanced form. If your husband cheated on his wife with you, then it is likely that you will soon experience the same feelings that she experienced: pain and despair. It’s not for nothing that they say that always do to a person what you want to receive yourself.

To avoid punishment, you need to separate from your married man as soon as possible. This will help you meet another man who will be free. There is no need to worry too much about this. Accept this as another test that needs to be endured, read prayers, ask God for forgiveness. If your repentance is sincere, then your karma will gradually be restored.

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Anastasia Kostenko

Nastya’s chosen one, footballer Tarasov, was married at the time they met. The athlete’s wife was the well-known Olga Buzova, who did not suspect anything and continued to post “happy” family photos on social networks. When the TV presenter found out that her husband was cheating on her, she became depressed. She was “finished off” by the news about Anastasia’s pregnancy, because Olga never gave birth to an heir to the football player.

Thanks to Nastya, Olga Buzova tried herself as a singer to drown out the pain of breaking up with her husband. And Tarasov had been suing his ex-wife for a long time over jointly acquired property. By the way, Tarasov gave the house and car that he seized from Buzova to his new wife.

Now Dmitry and Anastasia are raising three children - a boy and two girls.

Need for adrenaline

A man is always the hunter, and a woman is the game. This was not invented by us; wise nature arranged it this way. In boring everyday life there is so little adrenaline, here everything is laid out on shelves, everything is calculated and verified.

Where can a man show his hunting instincts? Adrenaline is what drives him to seek new thrills, adrenaline is the same drug. The Forbidden fruit is sweet. The adventurer is attracted not even by the betrayal itself, but by the hunt, the adventure, the bright moments.

And what remains for the deceived wife? Waiting, tears, reproaches - and it doesn’t matter whether this is the first wife or the fifth.

Paulina Andreeva

The chosen one of the beautiful Paulina was the star director Fyodor Bondarchuk. He was married to Svetlana when he met Andreeva. True, the director admits that married relationships have long since become neighborly.

Fyodor and Svetlana managed to maintain friendly relations, but Bondarchuk’s relationship with Paulina is serious, despite many unpleasant rumors. They are called one of the most beautiful couples in Russian cinema.

First marriage lumpy

My future husband and I studied at university together. In their second year they started dating, and by the end of their studies they decided to get married. We didn’t think much about this step, we just decided and that’s it. When you're 22, you don't think much about the future. You just do what you want. And we wanted to become adults as quickly as possible.

Naturally, we were not ready for real adult life. Before I had time to really recover from my studies, I became pregnant, gave birth, and began to learn the delights of motherhood. This completely confused my husband. All these diapers, sleepless nights, an exhausted wife - life did not prepare him for this. And he found a way out - to be at home less often. It’s not difficult for a guy his age to find an alternative to family life, especially when friends are constantly inviting him to hang out.

When my daughter grew up and started going to kindergarten, I looked around and realized that my family life resembled some kind of circus. It felt like I actually had two children. And while I was raising one, the second one completely got out of hand. We were no longer the loving couple we used to be. It was obvious that the husband began to live his own separate life.

Tatiana Navka

The figure skater has a lot of romances behind her, and some of her men had a stamp in their passport. But this did not bother Tatyana, who was used to achieving victory at any cost. The first was Alexander Zhulin, who divorced his wife in order to formalize his relationship with Navka. Afterwards, Tatyana went to the actor Basharov, but their relationship was short-lived. Then the skater fell in love with the young singer Alexei Vorobyov, who immediately broke up with his girlfriend. But even here the relationship did not work out.

The next target was politician Dmitry Peskov, who was also married at the time he met Navka. This did not stop Tatyana, and she even gave birth to a child from Peskov. The politician’s wife filed for divorce and Peskov and Navka got married.

Confession of a 31-year-old woman who took her husband away from her family

The phrase “took my husband away from the family” immediately determines who got what role in this situation. Uvela means “stole”, a criminal. He left - an insidious traitor. And the one who was taken away is a victim. The Internet is full of scary headlines: “Will karma catch up with the mistress who took her husband away from the family?” But what if these stories are not always about the same thing?


I don’t think that I committed a terrible act for which terrible karma will overtake me. Not because I’m an unprincipled bitch, but I just see this situation differently. I'm not trying to justify myself or convince anyone that falling in love with other people's husbands is normal. I just want to reach the people for whom this is relevant. Show by example that not everything that we are accustomed to consider bad is actually true. That sometimes destroying one marriage and building another is much more humane than living in illusions, making yourself and everyone around you unhappy.

I grew up in a very friendly family. My mom and dad have been living together for more than 40 years, and I don’t remember a situation when I could doubt their love. They have always been an example for my brother and me. And for me, family has always been the most important thing. As a child, I watched soap operas, where there was always an insidious homewrecker with red lips and an evil face. And I, of course, sympathized with the good main character, whose homewrecker stole her loved one. Like any normal girl, I didn’t make plans like “when I grow up, I’ll take someone else’s husband away.” But life is not the simplest thing.

First marriage lumpy

My future husband and I studied at university together. In their second year they started dating, and by the end of their studies they decided to get married. We didn’t think much about this step, we just decided and that’s it. When you're 22, you don't think much about the future. You just do what you want. And we wanted to become adults as quickly as possible.

Naturally, we were not ready for real adult life. I became pregnant before I had time to really recover from my studies. She gave birth and began to experience the delights of motherhood. This completely confused my husband. All these diapers, sleepless nights, an exhausted wife - life did not prepare him for this. And he found a way out - to be at home less often. It’s not difficult for a guy his age to find an alternative to family life, especially when friends are constantly inviting him to hang out.

When my daughter grew up and started going to kindergarten, I looked around and realized that my family life resembled some kind of circus. It felt like I actually had two children. And while I was raising one, the second one completely got out of hand. We were no longer the loving couple we used to be. It was obvious that the husband began to live his own separate life.

Family friendship

Then the husband was transferred to another office, and he made new acquaintances. One day one of his colleagues invited us to a family party. I was glad to finally get out somewhere together! Everything went so well and sincerely that the guys and I decided to meet more often as a foursome. It was inspiring. I decided that this family friendship was the very hook that I could catch on and return to my relationship with my husband. But I was wrong. We, as before, resembled a friendly family, but we couldn’t even talk normally. Everything ended in mutual reproaches and claims. He slammed the door, left and did not return until late at night.

I enjoyed spending time with our new friends. I developed a particularly close relationship with my husband’s friend—we periodically caught ourselves wondering how much we had in common. After maternity leave, it was a pleasure for me to discuss with someone the new album of my favorite band or discuss the meaning of the next episode of Game of Thrones.

And then something went wrong

One day the four of us were relaxing at the dacha. At night I couldn’t sleep, I went for a walk to the river and saw my husband’s friend there. We started talking and gradually opened up. It turned out that he was also unhappy in his marriage and he and his wife had no mutual understanding for a long time. And as we sat on the shore, it was obvious that a spark had flown between us. Returning to bed with my husband, I realized that I had just crossed some kind of line and had absolutely no idea what to do next.

I was confused. I tried to convince myself that nothing had happened, it was just a conversation. But I soon realized that there was no point in lying to myself - I fell in love with my husband’s friend. We started texting, and one day he admitted that he couldn’t get me out of his head.

We continued to meet periodically as families, but now it was terrible. I felt like I was cheating on my husband, even though there was nothing between us. One day my husband went on a business trip, I took my daughter to my parents and was left at home alone. I wrote to my new lover and offered to meet. He picked me up in his car and we drove out of town. There we could no longer restrain ourselves, and according to all the laws of the genre, this happened to us.


After that meeting, it was as if a charge of energy was poured into me. I became alive, real, desired again. This feeling probably gave me the strength to make a decision that had been brewing for a long time. One day I waited for my husband to come home from work and almost at the door told me that I wanted to get a divorce. He reacted calmly, as if he was even waiting for this, just not to take responsibility. We dryly discussed all the details and filed for divorce.

Two days later I received a message from my lover: “I’m getting a divorce.” So, briefly, without any unnecessary “as soon as, right away” reasoning, we separately and simultaneously made this decision.

Happily ever after

I won’t lie, everything wasn’t easy at all. There were a lot of hysterics and scandals when we told our faithful that we were going to get together. But, oddly enough, his wife never tried to contact me, and my ex-husband had no contact with my new man’s wife. Naturally, after this the friendship between the guys came to an end.

A month after the divorce, my beloved and I moved in together, and six months later we got married. Without celebrations or guests, we just signed up and went on a trip.

Looking back, I'm trying to figure out if there was a way to handle the situation differently. But seeing how happy we are, I think everything was for the better. My daughter has an excellent relationship with her stepfather; he gives her much more attention and tenderness than her own father.

Life is such that sometimes, in order to build something, you have to destroy something. And if at the same time four unhappy people get a chance to become happier, maybe taking your husband away from the family is not the worst thing to do.


How to seduce a man according to his zodiac sign?

To increase your chances and strengthen your relationship, your lover can also use a hint in the form of a horoscope. Study carefully the features of the zodiac sign of your chosen one and adjust your tricks. So, how to win someone else's man...


  1. Surround your lover with maximum care, more tender and emotional than what he receives at home.
  2. Do not oppose extreme actions and entertainment. Join in on some of his antics.
  3. Do not put pressure on your lover, forcing you to make a choice: “me or her.” He himself will decide when to go to you.


  1. Become an ideal to recapture Aquarius from his lawful wife.
  2. Amaze him with your culinary capabilities. He loves to have a delicious dinner.
  3. The sexual side of life is important for Aquarius, so don’t give up experimenting.


  1. Become a real angel for him, unlike your not always satisfied wife.
  2. Sincerely love him, constantly showing and telling him that you will wait and love him always.
  3. Praise and express gratitude to your lover for every little thing.


  1. Don’t just put up with his many shortcomings, but also love him as imperfect as he is.
  2. Protect from all kinds of routine activities and hassles. Let him face this only at home.
  3. To repel Pisces, be sure to listen to everything he talks about, follow his advice and recommendations.


  1. It is difficult to “steal” Cancer from the family, since you need to be careful in relationships and communication. Avoid barbs and sarcastic ridicule.
  2. Subtly feel every emotion and desire of Cancer, giving yourself completely to him, including in sex.
  3. Cancer needs to be pampered with his appearance. Show that you are taking care of your figure for his sake.


  1. Look at life the same way. Sharing his opinions and views will only add extra points to you.
  2. Be positive by giving Sagittarius smiles and positive vibes. Always greet him with sincere joy.
  3. To prevent your lover from running away, do not complain about the relationship and the current situation.


  1. There is no need to blame Taurus for being too attached to his wife or being busy with his career. Workaholism is a hallmark of Taurus.
  2. Constantly caress your lover, avoiding rudeness towards someone else's, but so dear Taurus.
  3. Don't forget to flirt with him, but be aware of the man's jealousy.


  1. Show only refined manners. Only a real queen can fight off a lion.
  2. Show that relationships can be selfless, so don’t ask Leo for constant gifts, let him give them himself.
  3. Say that you dream of a family and children. Just do it unobtrusively.


  1. You can charm a Virgo only with complete selflessness. Let him think that his mistress belongs only to him.
  2. Don't hold a grudge against Virgo. He will simply state that you can be offended as much as you like.
  3. To win Virgo away from your wife, you need to make your appearance simply brilliant.


  1. The psychology of Libra is characterized by constant changes in mood. Be prepared for such changes.
  2. Address him by name, trying to avoid all sorts of “sweetheart suns.”
  3. Dress in such a way that he only dreams of undressing you, tearing everything off your body.


  1. You cannot criticize or scold Scorpio. However, he loves to be sarcastic and offend, then apologizing after his behavior.
  2. Be sure to praise a married Scorpio, showing your admiration for his merits (any, including physiological ones).
  3. If possible, fulfill all Scorpio's requests (within reason, of course).


  1. There is no need to be offended by Gemini for inattention and lack of composure. Find out his good qualities.
  2. He is the owner, so he requires a lot of time.
  3. Try to fulfill all his wishes, especially if he lacks such behavior in the family.


Public morality, as a rule, advocates the preservation of the family, where small children grow up and their future must be taken care of. This is done to scare the man and force him to retreat.

But, as experience shows, the “predator” is not at all interested in what will happen to her children, on what means they will live and how their lives will turn out in the future.

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For him, the primary passion is to take possession of a woman; the rest does not concern him. What will be the ending when divorcing her husband or he becomes aware of his wife’s “adventures” - this is her problem .

There are many examples when another took full responsibility for supporting his beloved’s family. It all depends on the strength of a woman’s character and her ability to subjugate a man. But even in this case, it can hardly be called love. More like a virtuoso ability to manipulate.

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