Feminists, or what are women called who don't like men?

In the 21st century, the patriarchal model of behavior is no longer perceived as the only one (which we, of course, are very happy about): the Internet has helped us understand that feminists are not at all ugly, masculine women who hate men and prefer to personally lay sleepers and carry heavy bags from supermarket, a career can be made equally successful regardless of gender, and there is no “female” or “male” logic - there is simply logic or the absence of it, but this also does not depend on gender.

However, despite all the pleasant changes, misogyny has not disappeared completely - discrimination and dividing people into better and worse only on the basis of gender still exists. Moreover, it is not always men who seek to discriminate. Women often and with pleasure belittle other women, everything is used - from “I don’t believe in female friendship, I’m better at being friends with guys” to “it’s my own fault, there was no point in putting on a short skirt and wandering around in the dark - of course, I was raped” . Female misogyny looks like a paradox - but what about female solidarity, support, sympathy, after all? - But only at first glance.

What are women who don't like men called?

There are women who don’t like men, they simply don’t need them. Such women are called man-haters, or feminists. Basically, such women have a masculine character and habits. For them, a man is a competitor, a rival. She can make such a choice both in childhood and in adulthood. Since childhood, this may be due to her relationship with her father, maybe he beat her or humiliated her. However, conscious choice should not be written off either.

Such a woman builds her life in such a way that there is no place for a man in her. She has a strong character, she does not require male support or anyone else. She has her own life priorities and values. Also, the cause of hatred may be unrequited love at school age, because of which the woman became angry with all men. Because of one incident, she developed a bad opinion about all men.

Feminists have not so much hatred as envy of women who are happy and who have good relationships with the opposite sex. These women achieve everything in life themselves, build a career, raise children and they don’t need anything from the male sex.

So what do you call women who don't like men?

Sexism, Misogyny and Misandry. Their differences and similarities


, from Latin
- sex) - a worldview in which the unequal position and different rights of the sexes are affirmed.

May manifest as hatred, underestimation, or prejudice towards members of the same sex in general (misogyny or misandry) or stereotyping of judgments towards members of the same sex (for example, expecting men to be masculine, women to be feminine).[1]

A person who adheres to the ideology of sexism is called a sexist


The consequence of sexism is gender discrimination

— discrimination against a person based on sex or gender identity. In society it can be presented in the form of a system of stereotypes, officially established positions or even ideology.[2]

The main opponent of sexism is feminism and the struggle for equality, that is, emancipation, implemented by the feminist movement.


(from ancient Greek μῖσος - hatred and γυνή - woman) - hatred towards women, misogyny. Behavior characteristic of some men and women, expressed in contempt and hatred of the female sex.

Misogyny can manifest itself as a negative attitude towards all women in general or only towards certain psychological or physical feminine characteristics, which manifest themselves to varying degrees in different women (excessive emotionality or flirtatious behavior, a woman’s appearance, fragility, pliability, etc.).


(Greek μισανδρία
from μισεǐν 'misein' (
to hate
) and άνδρός 'andros' (
)) - hatred towards men, man-hatred. A psychological complex characteristic of some women, expressed in contempt and hatred for the male sex.

Misandry can manifest itself as a negative attitude towards all men in general or only towards certain psychological or physical masculine characteristics, which manifest themselves to varying degrees in different men (self-confident or aggressive behavior, large muscles, body hair, etc.). ru:Misandry


ideology and practice of discrimination against people based on gender.
It is based on attitudes or beliefs in which certain qualities are falsely attributed (or denied) to women (or men). The term appeared in the 1960s. in the USA in the Women's Liberation Movement. It is especially often used when discussing prejudices against women and gender stereotypes.

Men can also be victims of sexism, both personally and as a gendered social group: for example, sexism underlies the forced conscription of only men into the army.

Like racism, sexism presupposes physical and intellectual superiority, although no convincing argument is made that men are better than women—or vice versa.

Traditional arguments - such as pointing out the limitations of women in terms of learning, creativity, or references to the notorious female logic or psychological instability continue to be supported in the public consciousness by some Russian media.

At the same time, male dominance

seen simply as natural, obvious, customary and eternal - and therefore just.

Feminists introduce the concept of sexism

made visible the features of such a discriminatory picture of the world for women, which is also reflected and recorded in various languages ​​(see
Feminist criticism of language

Some theories of the origin of sexism are based on biological differences between the sexes. Other theories suggest that sexism is more likely psychological or cultural.

But all feminists, as well as many representatives of the Western men's movement, agree that sexism must be fought - legislative reforms are overdue, as well as profound changes in public consciousness and interpersonal relationships.

Sexism is an ideology that affirms the unequal status and different rights of men and women. If men rule, it is patriarchy, and if women rule, it is matriarchy. Currently, all known societies in the world are patriarchal, therefore sexist.

Sexism is a type of discrimination corresponding to all known fascism and racism, only in a fascist or racist regime people are divided into different categories by race, and in sexism - by gender.

The difference is also that, unlike racism and fascism, sexism never provoked people into mass bloody battle, armed conflict, etc. Sexism exists on a more personal level.

For example, rape is considered a punishable crime, while rape of a wife by a husband is considered a private family matter that does not concern others. Sexism is often overlooked or its significance is neglected.

Not only some personal relationships, but also the structure of our society is very patriarchal: leadership, highly paid and highly valued jobs are carried out mainly by men; for the same work as a man, a woman receives less; As a rule, it is the woman who does the housework, etc. Although this situation is obviously unfair, many are so accustomed to it that they do not want to change anything.

Sexism is so deeply rooted in our culture, in our society, in our consciousness that it is often simply not noticed. We are all raised to be sexist from early childhood.

If not parents, then at least the environment, society and traditions teach boys to play with cars and girls to play with dolls.

Further, boys must be strong and courageous, and girls must watch their figure, and, finally, men must support the family economically, and women must keep order in the house.

The basis for this order of things must be sought in history: previously it was beneficial for a man to do things outside the home (for example, hunting), and a woman to sit still with the children. This division was practical and was based on the physical differences between the sexes (a man is stronger, only a woman can give birth). Some sexists still refer to these differences.

They argue that it is unnatural to abandon such a division of roles, even if physical differences are no longer as important as they once were.

Other sexists also justify their views on biology, but even more directly: they believe that women are by nature less rational, less logical than men, and therefore deserve an inferior status.

No matter how you explain it, the justification for sexism sounds flimsy.

The problem clearly has a social basis, and this can be proven by the fact that not everyone agrees with gender inequality, and there are fewer people who would like to voluntarily be discriminated against.

Of course, those who benefit from it hold tightest to the sexist regime. But change depends on each of us. Look around, think, act. You need to start with yourself, destroy the sexist in yourself and in others!


Sociologist Job responsibilities


Conducts sociological research with the aim of developing and implementing measures aimed at creating the most favorable socio-psychological conditions at an enterprise, institution, organization that contribute to increasing the degree of satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of workers and their labor productivity.

Participates in the preparation of draft long-term and annual plans for economic and social development and in planning funds for social and cultural events. Draws up sociological research programs and monitors their implementation.

Based on the research conducted, he develops recommendations for improving the forms of labor organization, its division and cooperation, and improving working conditions.

Participates in work to determine the prospects for growth of workers' wages, improve systems of material and moral incentives for workers' work activities, find opportunities to more fully meet the needs of members of the workforce in housing and child care facilities, improve the organization of public catering and consumer services, develop a sanatorium and resort network and providing medical care. Together with a psychologist and other specialists, he studies the most pressing issues and problems of a social nature and ways to eliminate the causes of staff turnover, violations of labor discipline, etc. Develops measures aimed at solving social problems, indicating specific deadlines and performers, as well as the necessary financial resources, takes measures to mobilize work collectives for their implementation. Prepares proposals for strengthening labor discipline, improving the socio-psychological conditions of work, organizing leisure and everyday life of workers, increasing their social and creative activity. Organizes the promotion of sociological knowledge, provides methodological assistance to employees of an enterprise, institution, or organization in solving social issues.


Sociologist Must know:

resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents related to social and psychological issues; sociology of labor; methods of conducting sociological research; fundamentals of labor psychology, engineering and social psychology; wage forms and systems; procedure and methods for planning social development of an enterprise, institution, organization; advanced domestic and foreign experience of sociologists; basics of production technology; fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Sociologist Qualification requirements

Sociologist of category I: higher professional education and work experience as a sociologist of category II for at least 3 years. Sociologist of category II: higher professional education and work experience as a sociologist of at least 3 years.

Sociologist: higher professional education without requirements for work experience.

Smart people

For some reason, men are intimidated by smart women. Maybe they are afraid of looking stupid in their eyes. After all, if a woman does something better than a man, then it hurts him. Men are more interested in communicating with those women who are dumber than them. Based on this, many make the not entirely correct conclusion that they like stupid women more.

However, the weaker sex likes smart men. After all, with such people there is always something to talk about and something to discuss. You will never be bored or sad with them. In a difficult situation, a smart man will take responsibility, and a weak one will transfer it to a woman. An intelligent man knows how to communicate well and correctly, takes care of his woman, shows tenderness to her, can cheer her up and lift her spirits, can give and conquer, and most importantly, he knows how to solve problems and negotiate.

An intelligent person will praise another person, and not just himself, he will not humiliate and offend, he will show respect. He loves and will love both himself and his woman. What do you call a woman who loves smart men? They are called sapiosexuals.

Misogyny: What is it in Simple Words?

Did you know that there is a special form of hatred and hostility called misogyny? What it is in simple words, how it is expressed, and how to recognize a misogynist - I’ll tell you in the article.

Misogyny is a certain belief, a human trait, and we sometimes have to deal with its manifestation. Misogyny in simple terms is misogyny, hostility, belittlement and discrimination against women based on their gender. Sometimes in medical practices this condition is equated to a mental disorder that requires competent treatment.

Misogyny in most cases has a negative impact on a person’s general condition and is often diagnosed simultaneously with other psychological disorders - depression, neurosis, phobias.

What is misogyny?

Womanizer, that's who he is

There are men who love many women or girls. Why is this happening? Now it’s like a disease or an epidemic. Not every man is able to appreciate and love a woman, her beauty, her character. He has no concept of correct relationships, he does not understand the meaning of relationships between a man and a woman, he does not know why they are valuable. For him, women are toys. He uses them for his own purposes.

In ordinary life, a man receives his image of relationships from the relationships of his parents. If he often changes women, this means that he is depriving himself of happiness. What do you call a man who loves many women? Such men are called womanizers, ladies' men. This guy doesn’t need a single girl, he’s already comfortable and good.

To change such a person, a woman needs to show her love, her care, tenderness, what their relationship can be like on another level, loyalty and devotion, wisdom and respect. A smart man will understand that such a woman should not be let go.

Overheard Feminism

One of the most popular fem communities on VKontakte, 12 thousand people subscribe to it. The public administration calls it a “helpline” for feminists. Here women are promised the opportunity to speak out, find answers to questions and receive moral support. Entries sent by men, even if they are on feminist topics, are not published. In addition, the public contains a whole library - from “literature on abuse” to refutation of popular sexist myths.

Old ladies

Not all men love young girls, there are also those who love older women. These are men who are looking for peace. After all, older women are more restrained and adequate. They know what men want, relationships are important to them. They do not make scenes of jealousy and do not demand impossible actions from their partner. Such women are calmer, unlike young women who are too emotional. They accept a man as he is, with all his shortcomings, and do not try to change him.

Older women know how to appreciate their partner and be grateful. They do not play with his feelings, but, on the contrary, reciprocate. Therefore, many young guys choose an older woman as their chosen one, because she will protect the family hearth, appreciate and respect her man, will be faithful to him, reliable and grateful for everything.

Interpretation of sexist jokes

The public is intended to be humorous and educational: the administration finds funny jokes based on sexism and comes up with “comic” interpretations for them. Here they promise to refute the myths about monkeys with grenades, female commercialism, demon mothers-in-law and other stereotypes. Comments from men are deleted without being read, and their authors are sent to an eternal ban. “Interpretation of sexist jokes is a mail-free (that is, man-free) space,” says the description of the public.

Looking for mom

Men who choose older women for themselves are psychologically immature, helpless, insecure, or selfish guys who are looking for a “mommy.” But such a couple will not be together for long. What are men who love old women called? This type of men is called gerontophiles. As a rule, such relationships are maintained due to the benefits that the young guy receives. Most often it is money, since he cannot provide for himself.

But it also happens that a woman is simply attracted and liked, without any selfish thoughts. After all, there are women who take care of themselves, they look no worse at 40 than young women at 20-25, and we should not forget about their inherent experience and wisdom.

Now readers know the names of women who don’t like men and much more. Indeed, in the modern world this knowledge will be useful.

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