Qualities of a real man that women value

Qualities of a real man: Pixabay Who should be considered a real man - the rich Rockefeller, the British king Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne to marry his beloved, or the risky and charismatic James Bond? Every woman has her own list of important qualities in men. Experienced psychologists told us which of them are the most significant.

Spiritual maturity

What should a real man be like in the eyes of a woman? The famous writer, psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Mikhail Litvak is convinced that a man should be spiritually mature. What does this definition mean? The psychologist believes that spiritual maturity includes:

  1. Highly developed intelligence, which is reflected in a person’s behavior and feelings.
  2. Well-structured speech, the ability to express complex things in simple and understandable words. It is pleasant to listen to such a man, and in the process of communication there is a desire to follow his recommendations.
  3. Constant self-improvement. A spiritually mature man does not try to change those around him to suit himself. He is busy improving himself in various aspects of life.

Litvak explains that a real man will never begin communication with sexual demands, since he believes that the initiative to start an intimate relationship should belong to the woman. He can offer them once.

A spiritually mature man understands that if a lady refuses, then her decision is balanced and thoughtful, so persuasion will lead nowhere. Mikhail Labkovsky adds that a real man will not pursue a woman who refused him.

Your appearance. What to pay attention to.

Good physical form

A strong and fit man can protect his family from danger, so women unconsciously make a choice in favor of strong representatives of the stronger half.

The absence of excess weight indicates good health and excellent heredity, and these are important things when choosing a father for your unborn child.

Good physical shape does not mean pumped muscles. To keep yourself in shape, it is enough to avoid fatty foods and perform a set of simple exercises a couple of times a week. You need to regularly do exercises in the morning , and in the warm season, run in the fresh air .

The following sites may be useful for organizing independent training:

  • The “Your Trainer” website, which has a lot of useful information on exercise and nutrition;
  • YouTube channel of Dmitry Fedorishchev with exercises for different muscle groups both in the gym and at home or on the sports ground;
  • Also the YouTube channel of coach Denis Semenikhin. The channel publishes videos with sets of exercises, lectures on proper nutrition and other nuances that will be useful to everyone who keeps themselves in shape.


After a woman has assessed a man's physical form, she begins to pay attention to details :

  • Lack of hair in the ears and nose;
  • Well-groomed hands with clean and short-cut nails;
  • Clean hair on the head;
  • Pleasant smell (no sweat odor and light perfume);
  • White teeth and fresh breath;
  • Clean and ironed clothes.

You don't have to whiten your teeth to achieve a Hollywood smile or use hair styling product every morning. It is enough to follow the basic rules of hygiene, do not neglect mint oral products and do not overdo it with cologne.

Sense of style

Women pay attention to whether a man is dressed tastefully. A person's appearance is a reflection of his beliefs, interests and lifestyle.

The main rule is that the appearance must be in harmony with the inner world and fit the situation. If a man feels awkward in this or that clothing, then he will subconsciously push away the opposite sex.

To develop a sense of style , it is important to combine items of clothing with each other, choose the right look for a specific occasion and try to make it all comfortable both physically and mentally.

You can, of course, contact a stylist or read thematic websites. Among them there is a useful portal about men's fashion and style, BowAndTie.ru, where there are many tips on combining things, creating a basic wardrobe, etc.


A real man must be responsible. What does this mean? Experienced relationship psychologist Yaroslav Samoilov writes that such a person is capable of being responsible for his own words and actions.

The psychologist emphasizes that a responsible man is not one who keeps a simple promise, but one who is ready to make informed and important decisions. For example, when he invites a woman to live together, he not only demonstrates to her his readiness to share living space, but also takes the necessary steps for this (organizes moving, renting housing, arranging everyday life).

A responsible man protects a woman from worries and concerns about the material well-being of the entire family, and therefore is fully responsible for the family budget.

Qualities that women value in a man: Pixabay


Another important quality that a real man should have is determination. Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Oksana Rogozhina says that the success of any business depends 27% on a person’s ability to persistently and systematically achieve their goals. This quality of determination largely determines:

  • a man’s success in personal and public life;
  • his ability to look far ahead and make realistic plans;
  • effectiveness of actions in achieving set goals.

Samoilov writes that a man’s determination is assessed not by his desires and intentions, but by the actions he takes to solve the task at hand.

At the same time, a real man must be able to admit defeat if it is clear that the goal cannot be achieved. Then he thinks about and identifies new tasks.

Determination and ability to provide for your family6

In modern society, the role of those men who know how to achieve their goals is increasing. Also, any man should be able to make sure that his family does not need anything. This does not mean that girls prefer rich men with deep wallets. This means that the world around is material, most goods are bought. Including necessary means for maintaining health, for education, for recreation. Therefore, a wealthy man will always look more advantageous than a less well-off man.


Generosity is characteristic of strong-willed and generous men. Psychologist Alexander Shakhov writes that self-confident individuals are capable of sharing with others. They can give their last penny because, if necessary, they will get the required amount, relying on their talents and performance.

Stinginess is a trait of cowards who doubt themselves and their own future. Such people value every penny because they are afraid of difficult times that they will not be able to cope with.

Shakhov says that prudence and tight-fistedness are character traits that manifest themselves in all areas of life and always repel women. A generous man does not skimp on gifts, flowers, compliments for his beloved, but a miser will consider such expenses unprofitable. Ladies value a generous man for his strong character and open-mindedness.

Qualities of guys that girls like

We have already mentioned in general what qualities girls like in guys: social skills, neat appearance and responsibility.

Here is a more detailed list of what women like in men.

  • Independence. The ability to solve your problems, and not put them on a girl, is something that is definitely valued by everyone.
  • Responsibility. This is about offering a shoulder for support in time and not pushing back in conflicts, making someone else the culprit. The ability to take responsibility means accepting the need to deal with the consequences if something happens and voluntarily agreeing to invest in the process.
  • Charisma. The initial spark that attracts girls. Charisma is favored by confident people and shows that confidence and determination. Charismatic men attract attention because they feel powerful.
  • Politeness. As well as attentiveness, straightforwardness and other communication skills necessary to comfortably maintain contact.
  • Sense of humor. Without it, things get boring pretty quickly. A man who knows how to make people laugh is forgiven much more.
  • Passion. To the work of life, to the hobby, to the woman. The ability to energize and sparkle with something makes you much more attractive in the eyes of others and helps you develop.
  • The ability to surprise and make pleasant surprises. Just like a sense of humor, it helps not to get bored and wins over girls.
  • Intelligence. By the third date, it will become important: you need to have a broad outlook, understand your field and be able to support a variety of conversations.
  • The desire for self-development. In the age of the Internet, not having it is even somewhat embarrassing: we have all the information on the planet in our pocket, and the structure of society and life constantly requires us to develop new skills.
  • Gallantry. At least a minimal knowledge of the rules of etiquette, pleasant little things: give up your seat, help put on a coat, offer your hand, give you a ride or see you off, don’t come empty-handed.
  • Generosity. Willingness to pay for a girl, pamper her with gifts, and not ask her to split the amount spent on tea cakes in half.

Self confidence

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kulyash Kunantayeva explains that the meaning of the expression “real man” is not constant - it changes with each generation and differs within social strata. At the same time, from century to century, women mean by this concept certain traits of male character. One of them is self-confidence.

Mikhail Labkovsky says that a man with any appearance will attract women if he learns:

  • respect your own wishes;
  • provide personal maximum psychological comfort;
  • take care of yourself, devote time and money to yourself;
  • enjoy, taste life and get pleasure from it.

Writer Brett McKay and his wife Kate in the book “The Art of Being a Real Man. Classic manners and skills for modern men” write that self-confidence is not complacency, but an inner conviction that he really has something to offer his partner.

How to communicate with a woman correctly - I’ll tell you in simple words

It is important! The most important thing that a woman should feel when she is next to you is strength. Kind, calm, respectful, but strong.

Women adore strong men (we are talking about psychological strength), next to whom she feels like a little girl. If you can create this feeling inside her (that she is a little girl), then the woman will fall in love.

Men, I’ll tell you a secret. Every woman is a child. Even the most successful businesswoman is a child inside herself.

Every day women put on an adult mask, go to work, solve problems. But inside each of them is a little girl who wants to be naughty and be weak. She wants a man with whom she does not need to be strong, because he himself is the embodiment of strength. And as soon as a woman meets someone like that, she immediately falls in love.

But how to remove this “adult” mask from her?

1) Trust is required

Trust is the foundation of your communication. For a girl to truly relax around you, she must trust you.

You need to be honest with a woman. If a man lies, then there can be no talk of any trust. If a man was caught in a lie, then a woman will not be able to relax next to him. She will be in suspense all the time looking for a catch.

Moreover, many men begin to lie about small things. Some people underestimate (or overestimate) their age, while others exaggerate their social status. Under no circumstances should this be done. Always tell the truth, if you are 40, don't tell me 34. You are 40 and proud of it. This is confidence.

Also find common ground with the woman. Communicate on a topic that you see with one eye. People really like those who share their views. We are always looking for people like us. But the main thing here is not to pretend that you agree with the girl if you don't. Falseness is always felt and a lie will only ruin everything.

You should not communicate on topics where your views differ. Potential topics of conversation where you may disagree are politics and religion. If you don’t know what views a girl adheres to, then it’s better not to talk about these topics.

2) Attraction

You can't go far on trust and comfort alone. As soon as you feel that the girl is comfortable with you and she is used to you, start touching her (this is very important). But you need to do this correctly, namely:

- Do everything smoothly and gradually. No need to make sudden movements. For example, first hold her hand while walking and watch her reaction.

- Watch how she reacts. If a girl doesn't mind being touched, then she's attracted to you. And if she is against you touching her, this means that either there is still little trust between you or she doesn’t like you.

If she doesn't like you, then don't waste your time and leave. And if there is still little trust between you, then put off touching for some more time, communicate and try again.

These two points are the most important in communicating with a girl at the initial stage (Comfort and trust).

Many men make the following common mistakes, I call them two extremes:

  1. They jump into the deep end and immediately start hinting at bed. You shouldn't do that. Every girl has an internal filter that will more harshly evaluate men who want to get her. If you do this, you will only complicate communication.
  2. The other extreme is to act too modest and not touch the woman. If a man behaves like a friend and does not show his interest to a woman, then there will be no flirting in their communication. There are only a few women who take the initiative to get closer. And if a man has not taken on this role, then the girl will either stop communicating with him or assign him to the friend zone.

Therefore, in order to avoid making the mistakes of the first group of men (who are in the deep end), you must first create comfort in communication. The girl must trust you. And after that, start touching her and showing your interest (so as not to repeat the mistake of the second group and not get into the friend zone).


Another trait of a real man is fidelity. This quality means something more than sexual devotion to one partner. Ladies value fidelity in men in a broader sense, which includes:

  • care;
  • attentiveness;
  • support in difficult life situations.

A real man will always remain faithful to his beloved, lending a reliable shoulder even when she made a mistake and was wrong.

Practicing psychologist in the field of family relationships Anna Iotko writes that each woman individually determines the scope of this concept. In any case, breaking a man’s word in any area of ​​life is regarded by a woman as betrayal.


Another moral quality of a real man is kindness. When a representative of the stronger sex shows compassion, mercy, and responds to requests for help, he is regarded by a woman as a person with a big heart.

Why does this quality matter to a woman? Kindness makes her feel confident and calm. Subconsciously, the young lady understands that a kind man will not cause physical suffering and pain to either her or her children. Kindness suggests that in everyday life a man will be attentive and caring, because these character traits are synonymous for a woman.

Doctor of Science, psychologist Daniel Farrelly notes that both for family life and for short sexual relationships, women predominantly choose kind and decent men, even if they do not have a bright, spectacular appearance.


No matter how funny it may sound, no woman will be with a man who is not interesting to her in bed. The fair sex wants tenderness, passion, excitement, and to feel desired. If there are no strong emotions, the relationship may end.

Despite all the listed qualities, women simply love men for who they are. If a character trait is missing, it is not a problem. If you want, anything can be achieved. The main thing is to love, respect and appreciate the chosen one with all the cockroaches in her head.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Author: Sergey Tumanov

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