Who is a melancholic person and what professions are suitable for him?

Who is a melancholic person?

Hippocrates divided people into four types based on the predominance of physiological fluid in them. In a melancholic person, black bile dominates (μέλας “black; dark” + χολή “bile”). Previously, it was believed that black bile had a negative effect on the body and caused it suffering. Who a melancholic person is will become clear if you look at his main characteristics.

Main characteristics of a melancholic person, pros and cons of temperament

Main characteristics of a melancholic person

The main distinguishing feature of this temperament is a weak, inert nervous system. Hence his increased sensitivity, slight vulnerability, anxiety and imbalance.

Many consider him a whiner and a depressive person. A person who doesn’t understand jokes and gets offended by everything, and then gets angry for a long time. He can often be seen thoughtful and lonely in the company of people he knows.

His physique emphasizes his temperament. Underdeveloped flat muscles, drooping shoulders, elongated parts of the body, thin figure.

His fast metabolism prevents him from gaining weight. The facial features are also refined. The sharp chin protrudes forward, the pointed nose is pronounced. After reading this description, one gets the impression that this type consists of only negative qualities.

In fact, a melancholic temperament has many positive properties.

It's worth starting with creativity. Among creative people, the most melancholic temperament is found. Because of their sensitivity, they perceive the world more voluminously, subtly and multifacetedly. And he expresses this in artistic images, musical sketches or in the sculpture of granite stone.

The melancholic type often acts as a thinker, thinking, analyzing and drawing the right conclusions.

The kindness and responsiveness of this type of temperament responds to requests for help and other people's experiences. He is always ready to help and does it soulfully and with full dedication.

At the same time, a melancholic person has a good understanding of people and can always understand when a person sincerely needs help and when they just want to use him.

Business qualities of melancholic people

Although Pavlov considered this type of temperament to be the weakest, Aristotle believed that the most outstanding people were melancholics.
Depression is the normal state of melancholic people. They fall into this state at the slightest difficulty. But in addition to increased anxiety, often causeless sadness and sadness, this type also has a lot of other unique characteristics.

It is believed that among melancholic people the largest percentage are introverts, and they themselves suffer from affective and anxiety problems more often than others.

Melancholic and difficulties

Such people have a strong need for empathy and are painfully worried if significant others emotionally reject them.
Vulnerability, isolation, and alienation are clearly visible in melancholic people only when events develop unfavorably. In their normal state, in a calm and familiar environment, they successfully cope with the assigned tasks.

The peculiarity of this type of temperament is that its representatives have a heightened perception of the attitude of people around them towards their person.

Melancholic and others

Melancholic people, although they suffer from loneliness, love to work in it.
They themselves have increased sensitivity and emotionality, which is why the subtleties of their colleagues’ behavior are striking to them.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that they are incredibly observant, which allows them to have a keen sense of music, literature, and art.

Melancholic and performance

Melancholic people love to work! Without their favorite activity, they would fall into a deep trance and never come out of it. And they are well aware of this.

And here, more than ever, it is important to know which professions are suitable for different types of temperament and melancholic people in particular. After all, it is the unloved job chosen because of the high salary or proximity to home that brings grief, bad mood and failures in business.

If we take into account all the factors and the influence of temperament on the choice of profession, then any job will bring satisfaction, good mood and trusting relationships with the boss and others.

Melancholic and study

Having created the right mood for yourself, you will be able to sit for quite a long time studying complex material.
In order to study normally, the mood is important for a melancholic person. To successfully master the material, you need to pay special attention to the daily routine, as well as the organization of space. Nothing should interfere. Clothes should be comfortable, and your head should be free from extraneous thoughts.

For good physical well-being, it is important to start your day wisely with a proper breakfast.

It wouldn’t hurt to learn several ways to manage stress, which is abundant in the lives of melancholic people.

For this it is important:

  • be able to highlight the main thing,
  • be able to focus on what is most important,
  • be able to build logical connections.

The more detailed the material is, the better it will be remembered.

When preparing for the upcoming exam, try your best to avoid thinking about the future exam. Don't get hung up on possible failures and unfavorable developments. Your main assistant will be self-confidence and the support of loved ones!

Creative professions for melancholic people


In creative professional activities, the melancholic type reveals its potential best. This includes:

  • artist;
  • designer;
  • florist;
  • writer;
  • poet;
  • screenwriter;
  • copywriter;
  • sculptor;
  • architect;
  • musician;
  • composer;
  • jeweler.

This is not the entire list of creative directions. Developed intuition, understanding of beauty and desire for the new help to recreate all this in his creations.

Relationships with a melancholic person

A melancholic person, whose pros and cons of his character determine his individual behavior, does not always easily, unlike choleric and sanguine people, build relationships with the people around him.

In personal life, it can sometimes be difficult with a melancholic partner, but in general such people are excellent allies, since they are ready to do a lot for the sake of their other half, parents, and children. They are always happy to help and experience the pain of a loved one as if it were their own. If someone has problems in the family, such a person never withdraws, but always plunges headlong into the situation and makes every effort to help.

It is important for family members of a melancholic person to learn to accept him for who he is and be lenient towards his whining and pessimism. A melancholic person loves to feel needed, so it is important to make him understand through his actions and words that this is exactly the case, and then he will give his family and loved ones the most valuable thing he has - his big loving heart.

Analytical professions

Analytical professions

Thoughtfulness and an analytical mindset predispose this temperament to professional areas where it is needed in the first place. These include:

  • analyst (software, financial, systems);
  • accountant;
  • auditor;
  • financier;
  • Researcher;
  • programmer;
  • scientist.

Names of temperaments (I. P. Pavlov)

The scientist not only explained the nervous processes, but clearly described them:

  • Choleric - strong, agile, unbalanced.
  • Sanguine - strong, balanced, agile.
  • Phlegmatic - strong, balanced, inert.
  • Melancholic - weak.

Both Hippocrates and Pavlov agree: melancholic people are the weakest types of people. It is hardly possible to find a job suitable for a melancholic person. Is it so? Let's talk about the characteristics of this type of temperament.

Professions that help people

Professions that help people

For a melancholic temperament, it is especially important to be needed by people. He is ready to sincerely help those in need. For him, this desire is expressed in professions:

  • psychologist;
  • tutor;
  • teacher;
  • nurse;
  • nanny;
  • nurse;
  • Social worker;
  • clergyman;
  • trust service worker.

Mask of laughter

Temperament is also associated with the physical qualities of a person.

  • Male professions: list. Male and female professions. The best professions for men

Temperament is also associated with the physical qualities of a person. Sanguine people, as a rule, have a picnic build, they tend to be overweight, and in their facial muscles the muscles that raise the corners of the mouth are genetically better developed. When the situation is clearly cheerful, the sanguine person laughs. The more often he laughs, the more these muscles develop. A sanguine person is already an optimist, but in the process of life he becomes even more optimistic: when the situation is emotionally uncertain, most likely, the corners of his lips will be raised up. At the same time, as studies have shown, mood actually improves. Based on the theory of James Lange, indicating the connection between emotions and muscles, the Americans put forward the thesis: “Keep a smile.”

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