17 best tips that men simply need (14 photos + 4 GIFs)

Author: Ksunxen

21 August 2015 10:18

Tags: for the home, men, useful tips  



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There are no right or wrong ways to do things—but there are better and worse ways. In a man's world, the best way is usually to do something with the least effort and the greatest effect. Why spend a lot of effort when you can do the same thing with almost no effort? Sounds logical. These tips will help men take their life from just good to ideal. Great results with minimal effort!



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Use trouser belts to push out the collars of folded shirts




Advice for a man

1. Set goals for yourself . Specific, achievable, measurable and time bound. You must know exactly what you want, when and in what quantity.

Wrong: I want to be rich and $1,000,000. Correct: I want to earn 300,000 rubles monthly starting in May of this year.

2. Determine control points . Checkpoints and intermediate results will help you track whether you are moving in the right direction.

3. Plan everything in advance . Take half an hour in the morning to plan your day. Don’t forget to include in your plan tasks that will bring you closer to achieving your goals. You need to plan not only the day, but also the month and year.

4. Multitasking kills. Don't multitask. It sucks energy. Maxim Dorofeev in his book “Jedi Techniques” uses the concept of “thought fuel,” a kind of brain gasoline. Trying to multi-task means you use up that gas much faster.

5. Know how to say “No.” Don't take on too many responsibilities. Jim Camp's book "Say No First" can help.

6. Use proactive thinking. No whining, no shifting responsibility for your actions onto others. Don't look for scapegoats. This is reactive thinking. Be proactive. Only you are responsible for what you have and what you are now.

7. Hard work, perseverance and patience - these qualities will help you achieve your goal. No “everything will decide on its own”, recipes for quick enrichment and achieving goals, or fortune-telling do not work. You may not have talent, rich relatives or start-up capital. But with your hard work and perseverance you can achieve a lot.

8. Accept help from those who are ready to help. Don't be too proud. Help yourself.

9. Never give up. There will be many obstacles in life. But if you have faith in yourself and your business, you will definitely overcome them. You're not the first to feel like the whole world is against you. But you will be among the last if you humbly accept it and give up. Read the biography of Ford, Walt Disney, Stallone.

10. Manage your time. Try various time management techniques for yourself: pomodoro, GTD, pinarik, Gleb Arkhangelsky. Find one that will allow you to unload your head, set priorities, and not forget anything. Perhaps a simple to-do list in a notepad will help you, like me. The main thing is to see movement forward and complete the things started.

11. Solve problems in small pieces. Be constant and consistent. Use the 20 Minute Rule.

20 minutes a day * 7 days a week = 140 minutes = 2 hours 20 minutes.

This is: a whole webinar, or a book of 150-200 pages, or 2 full workouts.

12. Map out your long-term goals. For a year, three, ten years. Let you complete only 10-20% of what you planned per year. But at least you will be less distracted by unnecessary things.

13. Use external motivation . You can publicly voice your goal and thereby commit to achieving it. The fear of screwing up in the eyes of others works here. And this fear can spur action.

14. Visualize the end result . This is the image of the future, the result you strive for. He will attract, inspire, and not let you stray from the intended path.

To ensure that clothes take up less space in your suitcase and don’t wrinkle, fold them like this



Development tips for men

15. Don't stop learning . Read several books a year on your professional topic. You won't believe it, but most of your colleagues haven't read a single book like this over the past year! So you have every chance to become a greater professional and achieve career growth.

16. Take advice only from those who are better than you . It’s even cooler if they teach and develop you.

17. Stop watching TV . First, it takes away time that could be spent on education. Secondly, it pours out negativity and fills the brain with it.

18. Enjoy life and today's moment . You've probably read many stories in which the main characters spent most of their lives chasing wealth and financial freedom. Do you know what they regretted at the end of their life? About the fact that they did not appreciate the current moments and did not enjoy what they had.

19. Write down your ideas . Don't rely on memory. You can’t imagine how excruciatingly painful it can be when you can’t remember your most brilliant idea that came to your mind this morning.

20. Learn to touch type. Nowadays, this has only continuous advantages: it saves time, it’s easier to transfer and record your thoughts, you get more done.

21. Meet new people. Overcome your laziness and shyness. Look for new acquaintances, new interesting people.

22. Try something new. New hobbies, new places, genres of books and films that I had avoided before. At the very least, you will become an interesting conversationalist.

23. Don't be jealous. Remember that everything is in your hands. Envy takes away strength. Don't compare yourself to others. In some ways you are better, in others you are not. And that's okay.

24. Practice morning pages. Try to get up early, take a notepad and pen and write down everything that comes to mind at the moment. You will get drawn in and notice that you trust the morning pages with your problems, fears, worries, grievances. And your achievements and positive emotions. This seemingly harmless method has a good therapeutic effect.

25. Develop creativity. The ability to offer non-standard solutions, to look at things from a different angle is the result of creative thinking.

26. Develop willpower . She can be trained.

27. Give up perfectionism . Speed ​​is often more important than quality. The desire to do everything perfectly paralyzes endeavors. It’s better to do it imperfectly, but do it.

28. Know how to rest and switch. Leave work issues at work and don’t bring them home.

Don't have a beer opener? Open bottles with a MacBook charger.



True, it will be quite expensive for an opener...

Tips for developing self-confidence for men

29. Self-confidence can be developed and trained. The power of inner conviction, overcoming fears, and positive reinforcement in the form of small victories over one’s insecurities can help.

30. Control your emotions and your body . Your facial expressions and gestures can reveal much more information about your condition than words. Never fuss.

31. Anger is no help in an argument . Therefore, if you start arguing with someone, it is better to do it with a cool head and the presence of arguments. Better yet, don't argue at all. Life will be easier.

32. Have your own opinion and don’t be afraid to express it. Unprincipled, spineless people who adapt to the opinions and behavior of others have never commanded respect.

33. Take criticism as an opportunity to improve yourself . Never give up after hearing criticism. A certain number of years from now, you will be more disappointed by what you gave up and didn’t do than by what you did and achieved.

34. Forget those who say “you won’t succeed . Only you know your strengths and weaknesses. Only you can be confident in your abilities. As a rule, those who say this are simply afraid that your successes will be real and will show all their inconsistency.

35. Be yourself. Don't try to seem better, to impress. This is how you show lack of self-confidence. Be yourself when interacting with people.

36. Work on your posture. Squaring your shoulders, straight back, looking forward and not at your feet will give you a more confident appearance. Moreover, you yourself will begin to feel confident.

37. Work on your voice . Exercises can: give a deeper and calmer voice, make it velvety and soft. A couple of weeks of training is enough to see changes. Of course, such exercises need to be done constantly, but it's worth it.

38. Don't try to please everyone. You don’t need to be good to everyone, you don’t need to be afraid to express your point of view, or refuse. There is no need to be afraid of offending a person.

39. Keep a success diary. This is a diary in which your achievements and successful events are recorded. As soon as you feel a loss of strength or your hands begin to give up, be sure to turn to your diary. Re-read and rejoice in your achievements. This will give you strength and desire to move forward again.

How to deal with ordered pizza at a party without plates and garbage



Communication Tips for Men

40. Don’t be afraid to ask your interlocutor questions. People love to talk about themselves.

41. Your handshake is your business card . It must be strong and confident.

42. Learn to say No.

43. Think before you speak . Don't rush, but don't drawl your words either.

44. Be punctual . Don't be late for meetings.

45. Listen to your interlocutor. Dale Carnegie won't give you bad advice. Be a grateful listener who is sincerely interested in the interlocutor. This way you can win him over.

46. ​​Pronounce the name of your interlocutor correctly. Especially if the first and last names are easily confused with each other.

47. Train your communication skills . Try to communicate more often and with more people. Make new acquaintances. Try to meet and start a conversation with a person whom you were afraid to approach before: a beautiful girl, a successful businessman, your boss’s stern boss. This is a great experience to improve your communication skills.

48. Work on your speech . Eliminate parasitic words, swearing, and negative judgments about others. Read more diverse literature to enrich your vocabulary.

49. Read books on the art of communication . They will help you:

  • “Mastery of communication. How to get along with anyone by Paul McGee
  • "How to Talk to Anyone" by Mark Rhodes
  • “I can hear right through you. Effective Negotiation Techniques”, Mark Goulston
  • “Secrets of communication. The Magic of Words, James Borg

We need to be careful9

And yet, physical exercise alone cannot cope with all the problems of men's health. Bad habits, unhealthy diet, irritability, nervous overexcitation, stress, physical inactivity - all this, almost every day, undermines men's health.

Very often, men simply do not pay attention to certain ailments. Meanwhile, you need to urgently take action if:

  • pressure surges appeared;
  • drop in vitality, decrease in vital energy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • sexual disorders;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • problems with immunity;
  • age-related changes in hormonal balance.

At first glance, there are so many problems that their number is simply frightening. But if you monitor all this and control your health, then no problems may arise at all.

Career Tips for Men

60. Give your 100%. If you work for your uncle, give 100% as if it were your business. You will see, career growth will not keep you waiting.

61. Strive to become a professional. Whatever field you work in, strive to become a professional in your field. Learn, develop, attend specialized events. Upgrade your skills.

62. Accept the task correctly. Analyze each task received for the presence of all necessary resources: the purpose of the task, your knowledge and skills, authority, responsibility, budget, restrictions and deadlines. If something is unclear or there are no resources, discuss it with your superiors and ask again. It's better to ask a question and look stupid and then do it right than to ask it wrong and then look stupid.

63. Be patient in your career . No one, well maybe except the majors, immediately becomes a leader. And at the same time, be hungry for victories.

64. Know how to be responsible for words and actions . If you messed up, honestly admit it and offer options for solving the problem. If the deadline is looming and you can’t make it, warn your boss, agree on new deadlines and try not to violate them.

65. Learn to delegate. If you are a boss, then learn to delegate tasks correctly.

66. Improve your public speaking skills . Give presentations and speeches wherever you can: meetings, conferences, rallies. More practice means more confident performance, less jitters.

67. Learn to write correctly . This will always come in handy: in business correspondence, a report, a letter to a subordinate, and much more.

The importance of physical activity5

In order to keep your whole body and your health in perfect order, you cannot do without physical activity. Without them, a person suffers from excess weight, feels tired even when he has not exerted himself too much, he is very often oppressed by illnesses, and begins to suffer from insomnia. You can’t “go with the flow”, you need to fight it. You need to make physical exercise a part of your life.

Of course, at first you will have to break yourself, it will be difficult, but after about a month of regular exercise, the body itself will demand physical education. And the exercises will give you real pleasure.

When sport becomes firmly established in your life, internal changes will also occur. By giving his all physically, a man has no strength left for unnecessary arguments, nervous conversations, fuss will disappear, and a calm, friendly attitude towards everyone, including his own life, will remain.

Some diseases will disappear on their own. Or rather, the body has enough strength to fight them, but the man simply will not notice this struggle.

Self-esteem will increase, and a man will look at many things differently. Interesting? Worth a try.

2. Balance your diet

“Back to comparing your body to a car. If you fill your car with cheap fuel, then a breakdown is inevitable. Whatever you eat, remember that it will be your fuel for the body. Remember the quote: “My body is my temple”? When you find a balance between the right amount of fats and carbohydrates, do not overeat, but eat small portions and add fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, fish and nuts to your daily diet, then your body will work stably for many years without the unpleasant aging diseases associated with heart and blood vessels, most often caused by overeating red meat, fats, alcohol and many other harmful foods"

, advises Graham Player.

According to him, instead of simply focusing on the Western and carefree approach to food consumption (eating only what tastes good and what you want), take as an example the principles of Asian nutrition. The Japanese, Chinese and Koreans are the longest living nations for a reason. The thing is that in addition to an active lifestyle, Asian men and women, even in old age, prefer to maintain a balance in food, according to which food is medicine. The main products of Asian cuisine are fresh rice, vegetables, fruits, fish and legumes, which are consumed in small portions several times a day.

Personal finance tips for men

68. Put it off. Put money aside into a savings account every month. At least little by little, but most importantly systematically.

69. Monetize your hobby . You can make money from a hobby. Look at two basic options:

  • selling what you can do with your hands/head;
  • selling your expertise - knowledge of what you can do with your hands/head

70. Watch your spending . Even small ones. Uncontrolled spending of small money can make a hole in your budget.

71. Plan . Plan big expenses in advance.

72. Try not to borrow . Soberly evaluate all your wishes. Are they really worth being a beggar and borrowing?

73. Don't rush to spend your bonus . Promoted in position and salary, given a bonus? Don't rush to spend them right away. Live with the old level of income for a couple of months, and save the increase in salary in reserve.

Finding things

It is not uncommon for a variety of small things to get lost at home. And they can be difficult, sometimes impossible, to find. How can I make this process easier? Useful household tips for men suggest one little trick that you can use when cleaning, thereby bringing great joy to a woman.

Which one? Pull tights or a nylon sock over the vacuum cleaner pipe. Then you can move it across the floor and other places - large things will remain “stuck” to the sock. This way you can easily find and retrieve lost jewelry and other small items so that they don’t get sucked into the vacuum cleaner. A trifle, but useful quite often.


Using a variety of ingredients and medicines in the household is very useful. Do you have hydrogen peroxide? In everyday life, useful tips will help men use this component to their advantage. You can find it in any pharmacy.

For example, you can use peroxide to disinfect surfaces. Spray them with this component and then with vinegar. A good and safe way to quickly clean your home of germs.

You can remove mold using hydrogen peroxide. Take a 33% solution and mix it with water in equal proportions. Now you can cover the required surface with the mixture.

Hydrogen peroxide is also a good air freshener. Unpleasant odors are removed just fine after spraying this component. For 3-4 liters of water, take 500 milliliters of a 3% solution. Afterwards everything is mixed and sprayed indoors.

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