How to learn to live simply: 8 tips from Leo Babauta

The less we keep unnecessary things in our lives, the less stress we expose ourselves to.
As a result, our new life becomes easy and pleasant! Let's put things in order in our home and in our lives, let's start living simply! What is minimalism? This is when there is nothing superfluous in life. You live and possess only what is minimally necessary for you to live. The first thing that comes to mind is the lifestyle of hippies and gypsies. But this is far from true and is a misconception. The concept of minimalism includes the concept of prioritizing quality over quantity in every aspect of our lives .

Once you change your outlook and find your path in life, you will be rewarded: you will have more freedom, more money, more opportunities to meet people and much less stress .

It is known that Albert Einstein dressed as modestly as possible and simplified his lifestyle. He did not wear socks, braces, a belt, a tie, and very rarely had his hair cut. But this did not stop him from being a genius and enjoying life!

Watch your affections

Life will not be simple unless you let go of your attachments. If you are attached to old memorabilia, you will not be able to free your home from junk; if you are attached to constant activity and correspondence, you are at risk of information overload and fatigue.

Track your attachments and find out what you can’t get rid of, what you can’t let go of. Whether it's things, people or things, remember that if you don't let them go, you won't get freedom and life will always be too difficult.

Fight the habit of getting distracted

We are used to being constantly distracted, interrupting our activities and feeling terribly busy. When talking with a person, we switch to messages in instant messengers. When we travel, we step out of reality to take more new photos and post them on social networks. We are distracted by phone notifications and empty conversations, and if there are none, by our thoughts, memories and fears. All this makes it difficult to concentrate on the present moment and enjoy it.

But it is important to understand that this is not a character trait or a feature of the brain, but just a bad habit that you can get rid of with effort.

Take your life to full screen mode

Imagine that any task you do - work, answering email, washing dishes or reading - is expanded to full screen. There is only this task, you see nothing except it. If you expand every task to full screen, life will be much less stressful.

When you fully concentrate on any task, it turns out much better, and you experience pleasure while doing it.

For example, try washing the dishes without being distracted by the TV, conversations or thoughts in your head. Your movements will become precise and controlled, and you will really start to enjoy it.

Breathe deeply!

Relax. Calm down. You are not now running a race with yourself; there is no judge standing at the finish line, counting every second. You are not a marathon runner, not a participant in sports competitions, and you have every right to rest. Otherwise, you definitely won’t make it to the finish line. Find a soothing melody for yourself and merge with the music, dissolve in it. Listen to your breathing, even it out, feel the waves of warmth and peace spreading throughout your body. Learn to relax and imagine that you are already in your desired future. What is it like? And what feelings do you experience? Blend with your successful self.

Increase pauses between tasks

Reduce the number of things on your list. Plan only half of what you think you can do. We constantly overload ourselves with tasks, forgetting about such simple things as cooking, putting ourselves in order, taking care of clothes.

We always don't have time because we try to do too much. Free up time to do everything slowly, with complete immersion in the task. Leave time between tasks to enjoy their successful completion.

Take time and pay attention to what is happening around you so that you can manage your life.

Will we be slaves to our things?

In addition, a huge amount of property binds us to a place . Remember the article “How much should you buy to be happy?”, where I described the fact that over the past 60 years there has been a trend in the world to almost double the area of ​​apartments and houses, and that we need a place to store household appliances , clothes and other things!

The fewer things we own, the more freely we can move. You think that benefits make your life more comfortable, but most likely they just limit and impoverish you and your life.

Figure out what you need and discard the rest.

We rarely know what we really want. All we need to do is see a photo of something cool to immediately want it and change our focus in life. Looking at others, we come up with unrealistic desires and suffer from the fact that they are not fulfilled. We want to take up an expensive hobby because we saw someone else doing it. We want a different hairstyle, a different phone, a different body and a different life.

Every time you have fleeting desires because of photos, videos or other people's stories, ask yourself if this is yours. Try to understand what inspired the desire to buy something or do something, and whether you really need it.

The more you brush aside unnecessary things, purchases and desires, the easier and better your life becomes.

How to learn to live easily? 10 simple tips for Transurfing

1. Learn to view any event that happens in your life as positive.

Look for the positive in everything, even if it seems like a negative experience. The principle of benefit from Tufte techniques and the principle of coordination of intention from Transurfing will help you. Set yourself the task of “getting” the benefit out of what is happening and intend to view any event as positive.

When you express rejection, irritation or resentment in response to an unpleasant event, you are unconsciously setting yourself up for an even darker reality. And in order to make your life better, easier and more joyful, you need to start a new habit - to find benefit in everything and react positively to what is happening. Remember: reality is largely dual, and where there is black, you can also find white.

2. Maintain order in your head and in your thoughts.

Stay free from system manipulation through the media, internet and television. Do not get emotionally involved in bad news, do not specifically seek information about disasters, wars, disasters and economic crises. Don't give your energy to the media and news, and you always lose energy when you become emotionally involved in information.

A “clean” head without information garbage and noise is one of the mandatory rules of mental hygiene for those who know how to live easily. Maintain inner balance and harmony, remain calm and do not “fall asleep” in negativity.

3. Choose a wonderful mood every morning and smile at the coming day.

Meet the new day with a smile and gratitude to your world for all the good things that undoubtedly exist in your life. Realize that your mood and inner state are only your choice. Do not shift responsibility for it to circumstances, bad weather or other people. Remember that you yourself are the master of your mood!

Broadcast into the surrounding reality what you want to receive. If you want to be loved, share love with the world. If you want to live an easy life, stop overstating your importance and creating excess potential, broadcast the energies of joy, play, and inspiration. And your life will really become easier, more joyful and brighter!

4. Open yourself to good news, look for favorable signs and reasons for joy.

Living with ease means seeing favorable signs, good news and new opportunities for yourself in everything. Make a habit of finding 10, or better yet 20 reasons to be happy every day. It could be any little thing: you heard good news, you were invited to a party, a passerby smiled at you, you saw a rainbow or a stunningly beautiful sunset. It is these little things that make up our every day and our whole life.

When you are open to everything good, bright and beautiful that happens in the world, the Universe itself begins to send you signs. Listen to them. For example, you doubt whether you should make a decision or not. And then you raise your head and see how a ray of sun breaks through a dark cloud. Or you're walking down the street, lost in thought, and suddenly you catch the sound of a bird singing or a child laughing. All these are messages for you!

5. Stop chasing the bird of happiness.

Don’t chase success, the “bird of happiness”, don’t try to catch it, and then it will fly into your hands. Just let her do it. When you start hunting for it too furiously, it flies away. Don’t scare away the “bird of luck” - it’s better to “lure” it with the right positive broadcast. She flies on the energy of joy and lightness.

Feel happy and successful right here and now, regardless of what is happening in your life. It all starts with your inner feeling and attitude. Don’t set limitations for yourself: “I’ll be happy when...” or “First I get what I want, and only then I’ll be happy.” Don't chase your goals, just relax and enjoy the current moment today.

6. Shift your focus from problems to their solutions.

When you look at something too closely, it multiplies. When you focus on problems, they become more and more. If you turn your attention to solving them, to new opportunities, to your goals, you get what you want in a faster and easier way. Don’t get “stuck” in a problem, even if at the moment it seems very difficult and important to you.

In Transurfing, we always focus on the final image of the result, on what we want to achieve in the end. And people who really know how to live easily master this skill masterfully. All problems and unfavorable events for them are not a tragedy, but just part of the path, part of the process. They relate to them easily, easily find solutions and easily let go of all the negativity from their lives.

7. Reduce your interactions with people who have a habit of complaining.

Some people are accustomed to constantly complaining about circumstances, blaming others for their problems, gossiping, whining and complaining about fate. After communicating with them, you either feel completely empty, or involuntarily descend to their level, to the level of low vibrations. Your broadcast is going astray: instead of joy and confidence, you begin to send dissatisfaction, resentment, irritation, and despondency into the world. In this way, you yourself unconsciously make your life more and more difficult and gloomy.

If you want to learn to live an easy life, surround yourself with easy-going people who are on the same page as you. Of course, this is not always possible to do, for example, if your loved ones are completely different. But you can “infect” them with your positive attitude and not get emotionally involved in the negativity that they broadcast. Don’t try to change your loved ones - just show by your example how you can approach life easier and more joyfully, create a festive atmosphere around yourself, “turn on the light.”

8. Walk past pendulums, do not succumb to their provocations.

In Transurfing, we call pendulums any systems or events that try to “hook” you into emotions in different ways. If you succumb to their provocations, that is, you act as expected of you: you begin to get angry, irritated or offended, then you give your energy to the pendulums. A simple example is a conflict in public transport. You have a choice: get involved or just pass by. Or react in an unexpected way - laugh, smile, compliment the person instead of arguing with him.

Another example of a pendulum is loans. This is the strongest destructive pendulum that catches you in its net and makes you dependent. Many people are led by the temptation to “get everything at once, right now.” But it’s better to avoid this pendulum. When you are debt-free, you can live easily, without the burden of responsibility and obligations.

9. Allow yourself to do what you want.

A person who lives easily always remembers his desires and allows himself to do what he wants, so that every day will be joy and pleasure for him. Of course, we are talking about environmentally friendly desires that do not harm the world and others. For example, take a walk in the park, get a massage, relax in a bubble bath, get a new hairstyle, buy fresh fruit, ride a bike, meditate, feed the birds, play with animals, go on a nature trip, go horseback riding or swim in the pool.

There is no selfishness in realizing your desires. After all, by doing what you like, you are filled with harmony, joy, and satisfaction. And from this state of fullness and peace, you already share your warmth and light with your loved ones. When you are happy, peace and love always reign in your family.

10. Move towards a goal that inspires you.

Living an easy life does not mean lying on the couch all day, walking in the park and doing nothing. Of course, such rest is also important and necessary, but it should not be your entire life. A person finds true happiness only on the path to his goal. Therefore, living easy is not at all about doing nothing. Living with ease means moving joyfully towards realizing your true goal.

What is the true goal in this context? This is the way of self-realization that brings you joy and inspiration, which allows you to discover your talents and share them with the world. This may be your purpose in a professional field or in creativity, or maybe it is your unique way of interacting with the surrounding reality.

In the “Reality Management” game course, which takes place online from September 3 to 11, 2020, we are looking for just such an inspiring goal, along the way to which you find the true meaning of life and true happiness. We also learn to live easily, enjoy every day and playfully get what we want. Join us!

How to learn to live easily through transurfing? Video

In this video, Tatyana Samarina shares tips on how to live easily and treat life as an exciting game!

So, in order to learn to live easily, try to follow these tips: 1. Consider any event that happens in your life as positive. 2. Maintain order in your head and in your thoughts. 3. Choose a wonderful mood every morning and smile at the coming day. 4. Open yourself to good news, look for favorable signs and reasons for joy. 5. Stop chasing the bird of happiness. 6. Shift your focus from problems to their solutions. 7. Reduce your interactions with people who have a habit of complaining. 8. Walk past pendulums, do not succumb to their provocations. 9. Allow yourself to do what you want. 10. Move towards a goal that inspires you!

online intensive “Reality Management”! (8 webinars, 16 lessons!)

The combination of proven Transurfing tools and Tufte techniques is a comprehensive method that gives a much more effective and faster result .

We invite those who really intend to take life into their own hands, who are ready for grandiose changes and want to regain the right given to us at birth - to create for themselves absolutely any destiny, any reality!

A powerful transformational
online intensive “Reality Management” will be held from February 16 to February 25, 2022.

  • You will make Transurfing a way of life, and your life will become easier, more exciting and more enjoyable.
  • You will master all the basic concepts of Transurfing in practice and receive a set of techniques that you can apply in different areas: relationships, work, money, health, self-realization.
  • You will begin to solve all problems and difficulties as if playfully.

You will also practice Tufte’s techniques:

  1. Learn not only to manage the existing reality, but also to create a completely new, any reality!
  2. You will understand how to control your attention and return it to the center, and you will acquire the habit of “not falling asleep.”
  3. You will begin to better feel the braid of intention and actively use it to realize your goals!

Find out more about the program >>>

“Recoding Consciousness”, online meeting

Friends, right now before our eyes the process of transition to a new dimension and the global evolution of the Earth is taking place. This process is not always simple; it is accompanied by cataclysms and the collapse of the old world. The light of every person is of great importance now!

The more people begin to “glow” in collective meditations and energy practices, the more we spread this light across the Earth. And the faster the situation on the planet changes in a positive direction.

I invite you to ignite this inner light within yourself, share it with others and become an active participant in positive transformational events!

In the program of the online meeting “Recoding Consciousness”:

  • 4 collective meditation practices.
  • A message about what is happening right now on Earth.
  • Increasing awareness, liberation from fears, anxiety and stress.
  • Moving into a new multidimensional state of consciousness!

Find out more about the program >>>

Practice doing nothing

We are so used to doing something all the time that doing nothing gives us real pain. Try to give up all activities: don’t read, don’t look at your smartphone, don’t eat. Just do absolutely nothing.

At first, there will be suggestions in your head about what you can do, some important and urgent matters. You will begin to get bored, maybe you will be drawn to sleep. Don't give up - just don't do anything.

It would seem such a simple practice, but you are unlikely to endure it for long. Get used to it gradually - it helps to cope with tension, internal haste and fussiness.

Follow these tips and see how your life changes. Most likely, you will find a lot of beauty in the world around you and in yourself.

PS Did you finish reading this article without interruption for other things? ;)

Try to attract success and popularity

This is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Constantly form the image of a successful person, both externally and in your mind. Expand your social circle. Live the life of a lucky person. Add positivity to your life. Eliminate from your social circle all pessimists who drain your energy with their negativity and criticism of everything around you. You can't get along with these energy vampires!

Talk to positive people. Find them wherever you can. This can be facilitated by joining various interest groups, clubs, sections, including on social networks. Share your successes in improving your life. Actively participate in all activities within your organization. Make your life richer and more interesting!

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