Types of crowds in psychology - signs, properties and mechanisms of formation

Each of us is very familiar with the concept of a crowd. In simple terms, this is a large crowd of people. Chaotic, although not devoid of some organization, which arises due to a common object of attention, event, tradition, circumstances.

But this is not the only thing that unites people who find themselves in a crowd. They are united by emotions, a certain tension, and a general psychological state. This is a complex concept and phenomenon, so everything that concerns it is worth talking about in a little more detail.

general characteristics

Before moving on to the types of crowds, you should understand the definition. There are two options, and both are correct, it’s just that each of them fits a particular case. So the crowd is:

  • An initially unorganized collection of people that does not have a common conscious goal.
  • A collection of people that has lost its organization and has lost its common goal.

In both cases, everyone in the crowd is in a state of maximum emotional arousal. Such clusters are formed in conditions of natural disasters, which include man-made disasters, earthquakes, fires, and floods. Even during military exercises, mass spectacles, celebrations, protests (demonstrations, processions, rallies, strikes). There are also traffic crowds.

Their types are determined taking into account factors, which include the emotional arousal of people and the degree of activity they exhibit. And now we can move on to the typology.

Crowd concept. Mechanisms of crowd behavior

In everyday life, a “crowd” is a large number of people present in one place at one time. Although, even intuitively, we would not use this word to describe a marching military unit or soldiers storming (or defending) a fortified post, a crowd gathered at a conservatory for a symphony concert, a crew working on a large construction site, employees of an institution at a scheduled trade union meeting etc. and so on.

Terminologically, it is not entirely correct to call passers-by on a busy city street a crowd. But here, on the street, something unusual happened. Suddenly jugglers or performers appear with a performance. Or, as in the good Soviet times, scarce goods were “thrown away” on the street table. Or a person fell out of a window and was killed. Or it rained heavily. Or - God forbid - there is a showdown between gangs with a shootout, a huge explosion occurs..... When the situation unfolds according to such a scenario, exciting, dramatic and even catastrophic, a special socio-psychological phenomenon may arise, which, despite all the diversity of its forms, has common characteristics that distinguish a crowd from organized forms of social behavior.

Based on these preliminary considerations, let us accept the first preliminary definition. A crowd is a collection of people who are not united by common goals and a single organizational and role structure, but are connected by a common focus of attention and emotional state.

Here, a common goal is considered as a goal, the achievement of which by each participant in the interaction positively depends on its achievement by other participants; the presence of such a goal creates the preconditions for cooperation. If everyone's goal is achieved, regardless of whether it is achieved by others or not, there is no or minimal interaction (if there is a secondary common goal: for example, to have more fun while waiting). Finally, if the dependence of subjects achieving the same goal is negative, a condition for conflict is formed.

In a crowd, people's goals always coincide, but usually they are unconsciously common, and when they intersect, a sharp negative interaction occurs. For example, in a mass panic, everyone is eager to escape; in a selfish crowd, everyone wants to acquire something, and everyone annoys each other.

Thus, using the sociological categories of aggregate (an unstructured collection of individuals) and group (a single subject of activity), the aggregate should be classified in the first category. But of course the difference between them is not discrete. Under certain conditions, people who differ from others according to certain characteristics (ethnicity, class, etc.) can realize a unity of interests and unite into a historical or political community; conversely, a coherently acting social subject may dissolve into a larger society.

In our case, a crowd can sometimes (in rare cases) become structured and acquire a group quality, while an organized group can (more often than not) degenerate into a crowd. Sometimes a situational community combines such heterogeneous characteristics that it cannot be clearly classified into any category and occupies an intermediate position on the “group-totality” scale. For example, a well-organized mass demonstration (remember the Soviet festival processions on Red Square) contains signs of both a group and a crowd. Group transformations into a crowd and back are also within our area of ​​interest.....

The resolution of the old dispute between social psychologists about who - a group or an individual - is inclined to make more extreme decisions largely depends on the relationship between systemic and gregarious properties (from the Greek gregus - flock). While normative relations prevail in the group, it moderates the extremist sentiments of its members and makes more informed decisions; but when crowd characteristics begin to dominate, thinking becomes radicalized.

According to S. Moscovici, the ancient Greek politician Solon argued that every Athenian is a cunning fox, and the people's assembly in Pnyx is a herd of sheep. This was confirmed by the Romans: Senatores omnes boni viri, senatus romanus mala bestia (all senators are worthy people, but the Roman Senate is a vicious beast). G. Le Bon noted that parliaments often turn into crowds, and we still see this on television. The Russian proverb: “Man is wise, but the world is stupid” conveys the same idea about the loss of common sense of a person in a crowd.

Active crowd

Characterized by increased aggressiveness, a tendency to cruelty, violence, and destructive actions. Also considered active are the fleeing crowds, which easily turn into acquisitive and panicky ones.

This is a general definition. An active crowd is also considered to be any gathering of people that manifests itself in action. For example, football fans who riot after a match. The case of the White House defense in 1993 can also be considered indicative - then people gathered in an active crowd not to express their feelings or observe the event, but to take part in the action itself.

Types of Crowds

The author of the concept known as “crowd psychology” is Gustave Le Bon. The concept of the “collective unconscious” was first proposed by Carl Jung, and after him other scientists began studying the phenomenon: Sigmund Freud, Elias Canetti, Gabriel Tarde.

The book on crowd psychology was written by Le Bon in 1984, but the information in it remains relevant to this day.

Types of crowds in social psychology are considered from different points of view. There are several main varieties, we will consider them further.

By degree of activity

The mass of people, characterized by the degree of activity, can be active and passive:

  • an active crowd is a group of emotionally excited individuals who are ready to take action;
  • the passive crowd is the less emotional members of the group who do not show zeal for action and further serious steps.

A passive crowd is easy to control because people in it do not show activity, although at the same time they can experience strong emotions.

By the nature of emotionality

Every gathering of people is characterized by common emotions. Among them:

  • delight (concert, holiday, fair);
  • panic (accident, fire, earthquake);
  • aggression (rally, picket).

An enthusiastic crowd is less dangerous than an aggressive one, but the greatest threat is a panicked crowd. In this case, people indiscriminately run in different directions to escape danger. Injuries and injuries are common in this group.

According to the degree of spontaneity

A crowd is a spontaneous phenomenon in itself, but it is different and divided into an organized and a led group.

An organized mass of people often acts within the framework of a plan. For example, a festive procession on the Spring and Labor Day on May 1st or the “Immortal Regiment” on Victory Day. Such a group is easy to manage because it has gathered for specific purposes.

A led crowd of people is formed as a result of instigators, to whom the participants subsequently obey. If the leader stops the actions that excite the crowd, the spectators and onlookers will simply have to leave, since there will be nothing left to see.

Acting crowd

This type is the most important in socio-political terms. Accordingly, of all types of crowds, it is the most deeply and closely studied. It is important to note that this type has so-called branches. It is divided into aggressive, panicky, acquisitive and rebellious crowds. The first two will be discussed separately, so now it is worth noting the other 2 types.

  • Money-grubbing crowd. It is formed by people who are obsessed with the idea of ​​regaining some valuables or obtaining them. Crowds of this type are extremely heterogeneous. They can be formed by pogromists, depositors of bankrupt banks, and looters. In any case, all participants fight for the possession of values.
  • Rebellious crowd of people. It is also called rebel. If the crowd's actions are successful, it becomes “revolutionary.” Instead of success comes failure? Then the crowd ceases to be considered even rebellious. It becomes a “gathering of putschists” or a “random rabble.”

Crowd Education

There is always a reason for the emergence of masses, although they are considered a spontaneous group. There are one or more individuals who become leaders. But often the crowd gets out of their control and begins its own active “life”.

Organizing and warming up a cluster is not difficult, but managing it is not easy. A group of people consists of several main layers:

  • instigators;
  • suggestible personalities;
  • random people;
  • hooligans.

The instigators or leaders are the core of the crowd ; they are the ones who gathered it to achieve their own goals. The second layer is people who are easy to inspire something. They quickly become heated and lose control and succumb to the collective mood. These are exalted individuals who create a certain atmosphere of the masses.

Random passers-by have an indifferent or negative attitude towards the crowd. These are occasional crowds, but they too fall under the influence, although they don’t even notice it. Hooligans are considered the most dangerous part. These are antisocial and aggressive individuals, determined to satisfy their cruelty.

Aggressive type

This type of crowd needs to be discussed separately. In an aggressive crowd, the level of emotional arousal, as well as external and internal activity, constantly increases. Mental stress gradually manifests itself, which is based on feelings of anger, despair, frustration, and misunderstanding. The crowd moves from an active state to an aggressive one due to the appearance of a so-called exciting stimulus. It is he who provokes the emergence of general indignation and indignation.

But the main thing that distinguishes an aggressive crowd is its destructive behavior. Crowds of people who are united by a feeling of fear, which is usually caused by danger to life, are divided into panic and those fleeing. Their behavior becomes destructive - the level of awareness of the actions being performed falls, the critical attitude to the situation disappears, and the experience of fear becomes more acute.

And panicked crowds are more dangerous than those fleeing. Because their behavior poses a greater threat to people. In a panicked crowd, the organization is completely lost, and its participants begin to behave unconsciously, mechanically, and inappropriately. They are completely consumed by fear. A fleeing crowd, which is more predictable, can be subordinated to the organization, since its participants retain the ability to regulate their behavior and be aware of what is happening for some time.

Crowd types and behavior patterns

The main mechanisms of spontaneous behavior are: mutual infection, suggestion and mass imitation of individuals to each other. The combined action of these three mechanisms provides an emotional “excitement” that leads the subject to a state in which he loses the ability to control himself and finds himself at the mercy of strong irrational impulses.

According to G. Le Bon's law on the “spiritual unity of the crowd,” a person, regardless of his lifestyle and occupation, when in a crowd, will think, feel and act completely differently. In a crowd, a person is capable of such cruelty and violence that he would never commit alone. Now he thinks and acts as the state of the “collective soul” of the crowd dictates. Thus, the history of the Wild West is famous for “lynchings”, when an angry crowd hanged a caught criminal. Often it was not the real criminal, but an innocent person. But he fell under the “hot hand” of the mafia and committed inappropriate actions that were not imitation of the mafia. When those who lynched this man were asked to carry out similar actions, but on their own, they categorically refused, not imagining that they could do it.

For the same reason, the psychological characteristics of human behavior, 6 or more people were brought with weapons for execution. When they shot, each of them secretly hoped that it was not his bullet, but the bullet of another shooter (so it was not me who killed, but another), which was perceived more calmly by the nervous system and was not put into the box of “remorse.”

Deindividuation occurs.

Deindividuation is a loss of self-awareness and fear of evaluation. Deindividuation occurs in group situations that provide anonymity and do not focus on the individual.

When high levels of social arousal are accompanied by a dilution of responsibility, people may push boundaries and lose their sense of individuality. The result can be actions ranging from mild inhibitions (swearing at a judge, shouting at a rock concert) to impulsive self-expression (gang vandalism, orgies, theft) to destructive social explosions (police violence, street vandalism, lynching).

Based on the level of activity, crowds are divided into passive, active and aggressive.

Passive crowd. A characteristic feature is the absence (concealment) of emotional arousal. In such conditions, people are only weakly connected by information and therefore cannot act together. They calmly wait for something and move relatively independently of each other (crowd at a train station).

Here is an example of a special characteristic of passive audience behavior.

The young man was stabbed in the stomach while returning home. After the attackers left the car, the remaining 11 passengers watched in silence as the young man bled to death.

A woman accidentally fell in a store and broke her leg. She was suffering and asked for help. Streams of shoppers passed her for 40 minutes until finally one person helped her get to the hospital. What is shocking is that in the above cases, not a single person tried to help.

It has been experimentally established that the presence of other people significantly reduces the possibility of interference. About 50 experiments were conducted before 1980, and it was found that in 90% of cases, bystanders were inclined to help when they were alone. The phenomenon of social inhibition when providing assistance in emergency situations manifests itself in the group in the form of three socio-psychological processes. 1) Social inhibition. A person tries to avoid actions that might make him feel awkward in the presence of other people. 2) Informational social influence - adopting the behavior of other people. In a crowd, it is often immediately obvious that help is needed. By observing the actions of others present, a person may decide that interference is undesirable. 3) Diffusion of responsibility. If the subject observes the event alone, he bears full responsibility for the victim. On the other hand, the presence of other people nearby weakens the sense of responsibility.

Active crowd. This is a crowd of people in a state of emotional excitement, which creates a psychological readiness of people for joint action. They form similar social attitudes towards certain types of behavior. In an active crowd, connections between people become stronger and the exchange of information becomes more intense. In a state of internal activity, the crowd is psychologically ready for joint action, but is not yet active.

Aggressive crowd. This type of crowd is characterized by a high level of emotional arousal, internal and external activity. Over time, this crowd develops a new state associated with the accumulation of psychological stress, feelings of despair, anger, and so on. The main characteristic of an aggressive crowd is destructive, disruptive behavior towards objects or people. An example would be sports fans - fans.

Depending on the type of behavior, there are ordinary, conventional, actor and expressive crowd types.

Expressive type

The name itself defines the characteristics of this type of crowd. Expression is a vivid manifestation of thoughts, moods and feelings. And also temperament. What is an expressive crowd? A group of people that rhythmically expresses a certain emotion. It could be anything - indignation, joy, anger, enthusiasm.

A striking example is people chanting a slogan at a rally. Or football fans, their entire crowd cheering for their favorite team. In some cases, the rhythmic expression of emotions takes on an intense form, resulting in the phenomenon of mass ecstasy.

In terms of characteristics and education, the expressive crowd of people is similar to the active one. Its participants also lose self-awareness, they also begin to come into contact with mindless and fast-acting responsiveness.

But there is a fundamental difference. The fact is that participants in an expressive crowd do not develop an image of a particular goal. Accordingly, suggestion does not lead to the creation of an action plan and its implementation directly. It can be expressed in simple language. An expressive crowd does not act - it simply succumbs to excited movements. In such cases, the external expression of feelings is an end in itself.

Aspects of Crowd Psychology

What is a crowd man? It is quite obvious that he has to rebuild his consciousness to fit common values. In a human gathering, an individual loses his individuality, ceases to be a person. “Everyone ran - and I ran!” Often a person “returning” to a normal environment cannot clearly answer the question of why he performed certain actions; Indeed, in a large mass of people, an individual is often not aware of his actions, obeying a certain collective mind.

Such collective consciousness, however, was inherited by people by nature. In the animal world, collective behavior is represented very widely. Thus, birds in the same flock simultaneously fly up, as if on command. Ants spend their entire lives guided by a “single superintelligence,” which does not have a single carrier. The meaning of such mental organization is clear. After all, an ant individually is absolutely helpless; but even a small anthill can accommodate several million individuals, which turn into an almost invincible superorganism. As part of a close-knit team (more precisely, a gathering), animals can protect themselves from enemies and competing communities, prepare long-term food supplies, and build powerful residential and protective structures. Under such conditions, the impulse to “stick together” is automatically triggered, even if it contradicts the individual interests of community members.

Primitive people who lived in herds probably behaved the same way. Guided by instinct, emotion and collective intelligence, they were unaware of the complex philosophical concepts that we constantly encounter. In our time, the criterion of intelligence is considered to be independence, the ability to act alone or to freely unite in small groups for specific, carefully formulated reasons. Therefore, the man of the crowd today seems to us unreasonable, crazy, a wild idiot. In fact, in a huge spontaneous gathering in a human being, a person as such dies (a thinking, conscious, creating entity) and a wild beast, a biological principle, awakens (an entity driven by the simplest physiological impulses, according to “biological logic” called upon to preserve the community).

At the same time, the crowd man is entirely guided by emotions, and not by reason. And the more violent and violent the general emotions are, the more difficult it is for an individual not to fall under their influence. How can one explain the fact that a person is sincerely surprised by the madness of the crowd when he looks at it from a distance, and then connects to the general madness, finding himself in the same gathering? Apparently, the underlying motive for this is a feeling of freedom and permissiveness. This is very important - not freedom and permissiveness themselves (which, by and large, are absent in a spontaneous gathering of people), but their feeling.

The fact is that modern man is a student of civilization. In his physiological essence, he is an ordinary animal, having certain bestial impulses (although in the process of evolution his instincts are suppressed). But civilization puts a curb on man, forbidding him to follow these impulses and imposing abstinence. In most countries of the world, modern people do not even have the right to physical self-defense, or this right is severely limited: the state has a monopoly on violence. A person involuntarily feels depressed - after all, even if he escaped the attack of intruders, it was only because he, like a small child, was overshadowed by a powerful state.

The psychology of the crowd is such that it frees a person from such conventions and gives him the opportunity to “liberate himself.” Here you can give vent to accumulated negative emotions, tear apart an enemy (real or imaginary), and feel like a full-fledged master of your life. The person returns to his “natural state” and can behave in accordance with his “deep impulses”, which for a long time had to be hidden and suppressed. This is the feeling of boundless freedom, which in the conditions of a spontaneous gathering acts like a drug.

It happens that the effect of this drug is so strong that a person loses the remnants of his mind. And then what crowd psychology calls mass hysteria arises. At such moments, as Bekhterev put it, the gathering behaves “more stupidly than an individual, and ceases to be a collection of rational beings.”

Conventional crowd

It consists of people who gathered in a certain place at a specific time for a reason, but with a predetermined purpose. Examples of this phenomenon surround us everywhere. Take, for example, spectators of a theater performance, listeners of a symphony concert, or football fans.

The peculiarity of this type of cluster is that its participants comply with the rules and generally accepted norms governing their behavior. This makes the crowd predictable and orderly. You could even say that such a gathering of people is close to the public. This concept also means a set of persons who are the object of the influence of something - education, literature, events, advertising, art, actions (performances), etc.

How to control a crowd

Politicians, religious leaders and other active and ambitious people, using their knowledge of the psychology of the crowd, try to control it. This, of course, is an absolutely immoral and dishonest thing, however, on the other hand, the presence of a leader at the gathering to a certain extent reduces its danger. It seems simple to control the human element, because it, like any herd, is ready to obediently follow the leader. However, here lies the difficulty: a potential leader must be able to attract the attention of the participants in the elements, and this is very difficult to do in a storm of emotions.

Psychologists and political strategists use several methods to attract the attention of people in a gathering


  • Demonstration of strength and power
    . This is the use of the same animal model: members of a spontaneous community strive to rely on their strongest and bravest representative and follow him, because this subconsciously inspires security. Since the human element is a primitive phenomenon, the leader’s actions can be simple: it is enough to be taller than all other people, have brighter clothes, shout louder, etc.
  • Expressiveness of performance
    . The leader’s speech should be loud and emotional, thereby setting the tone for the entire gathering and forming a “collective mind.” Therefore, not a single political or any other rally today is complete without technical means of sound amplification (megaphone, microphone, etc.).
  • "Clockwork" performance
    . People in a spontaneous meeting are not ready to listen to long, lengthy monologues explaining all the facts and considerations; they require short and succinct phrases that convey not so much information as an incentive to action. Therefore, the main part of the leader’s speech becomes slogans that program the community.

It is typical that a potential leader should look like he belongs to the community. If this is an outsider, then it will be much more difficult for him to cope with the gathering. Therefore, provocateurs and instigators initially quietly penetrate into the raging community and follow the general mood, without showing themselves in any way, and only after some time they begin to stand out: they shout louder, shout out more aggressive slogans, use special sound and visual effects that force people to unwittingly turn to them attention (shots in the air, flags, unfolded posters, etc.). This behavior also allows you to reliably subjugate people in a gathering: by the time the provocateur comes out of his “hiding”, the people have already lost the remnants of their reason and obey only spontaneous reflexes. A provocateur can lead such a crowd anywhere, even to the point where its behavior contradicts the original plans. Thus, a skillful leader can force the people who came to the square to overthrow the government to dance a merry dance, pray to God, and clap their hands. When all the energy of the gathering is spent, it self-destructs: tired people will go home.

There are cases when the gathering is too passive and cannot be “stirred” with regular shots into the air. Then the provocateur begins to shoot not in the air. The contemplation of fresh blood and defeated comrades gives the gathering the necessary degree of aggression, driving it into a frenzy.

It is recklessness, emotionality, monotony of behavior, and unconsciousness that distinguish a crowd from a collective - a conscious collection of people. A person joins a team, guided by some personal considerations that he strives to defend in it. The team is capable of self-organization, a leader also appears in it, who is a member of this team, but here the leader does not have such unlimited power over ordinary participants. If the leader's decisions do not satisfy the wishes of the other participants, the team disintegrates; if someone does not agree with the general decision, he is free to leave the team without any special consequences for himself. In an organized team, each participant plays a role assigned to him and acts largely independently, but at the same time compares his actions with the common goal and the actions of others. In a spontaneous gathering, the leader’s task is to suppress the awakening individuality, block the minds of the participants and keep everyone “in the same direction.” He can launch a scheme like a “bucket of crabs,” when a spontaneous gathering will cleanse itself of “awakened upstarts.” It is known how crabs behave when placed in a bucket. Each of them could get out of it on his own, but when he reaches the top, the other crabs knock him down with their claws. Thus, in a spontaneous gathering, participants oust or physically destroy those who could lead the entire mass in the original direction, and the provocateur who deceived people, on the contrary, receives universal recognition.

A skilled provocateur can not only infiltrate an already prepared gathering, but also create his own. It can all start with a single picket: random passers-by are attracted by a person holding a poster or shouting a certain speech into a megaphone. In order to assemble his spontaneous “army,” a potential leader must understand the current political and economic situation and determine the mood of society. Here is an example of how you can create such an “army” almost out of thin air.

How was the cult of the Orthodox “saint” Matrona of Moscow created? At the very beginning of the “dashing nineties”, the revitalized Russian Orthodox Church had not yet fallen into “monstrum”, trying to preach primarily the ethical side of religion. However, the Russian Orthodox Church attracted little attention to itself, since it had a lot of strong competitors - various sects, healers, and psychics that flooded the country. They offered millions of desperate people what they had been waiting for for so long - miracles, or rather, faith in miracles. Witchcraft, magic, penetration into “forbidden territories,” communication with omnipotent supernatural beings - all this was much more interesting than boring Orthodox sermons about love, mercy and abstinence, especially since Orthodox teaching seems to categorically reject witchcraft practices. Even those who remained faithful to it during the harsh years of “scientific atheism” turned away from the Russian Orthodox Church: after all, the church gave believers hope, and the onset of the “wild nineties” after the collapse of the Soviet Union was perceived by them as the collapse of hopes: after the disappearance of the “evil empire” came an even greater “ evil,” in comparison with which the former Soviet regime seemed almost heaven on Earth. And under these conditions, the Russian Orthodox Church decided to act in a new way. She sanctioned the appearance in the church environment of the same “healer” and “miracle worker” as all these psychics and foreign spiritual leaders were. Various myths were composed about the “miracles” that Matrona performed both during her life and after her death. According to the church, the “holy” water from her grave, and flowers - again from the grave, had miraculous properties. Believers were encouraged to cut these flowers and add them to salads, and use them to prepare healing infusions. This large-scale action, in which hundreds of priests, monks and enterprising lay people took part, did its job: the people, thirsty for all kinds of miracles, flocked to churches. The income of the Russian Orthodox Church and its prestige rose sharply. The religious gathering did not even pay attention to the fact that in this case the Russian Orthodox Church grossly violated its own principles, committed a mass of mortal sins, recklessly engaged in charlatanism and crudely and primitively deceived people. Believers did not go into these details and did not even try to verify the hastily concocted legends and myths.

Another example is the story of how democratic Czechoslovakia suddenly, absolutely peacefully, became the most communist country in the world. At the end of the forties in Czechoslovakia, the local communist party was not particularly popular - the country developed in common with Western European countries. People could watch something terrible happening in the neighboring Soviet Union: massive artificial famine, repression, a totalitarian regime. And then the Czechoslovak communists began to give speeches in which they declared: they say that in the USSR they are building a “wrong” communism, and we will build our own, Czechoslovak and “correct” one. Propagandists adjusted to the general background and, together with the people, began to condemn the “Soviet system.” People liked it, and the communists won a landslide victory in the next elections. The very next day, communist leader Klement Gottwald began to build “Czechoslovak communism,” carefully copying the Stalinist model: repression, persecution of dissidents, militarization, bullying, ubiquitous propaganda and censorship. Residents of the country were shocked: they did not understand how they could vote for “this” in a single and friendly impulse. But even in subsequent years, Czechoslovakia was ahead of the rest in “communization”: the number of Communist Party members per hundred thousand inhabitants here was the largest in the world. This was also facilitated by the ability of political leaders to “come to an agreement” with the people.

Currently, political technology has reached its peak. As violence and open dictatorship are condemned and banned by the world community, politicians resort to subtle methods of controlling large masses of people in order to create the appearance of democracy. Today it can be difficult to distinguish the actual expression of the will of the people from actions at the behest of provocateurs. The most terrible thing is that the “people” themselves sometimes do not realize that they have long ceased to be the people and have turned into a frenzied gathering, carrying out the commands of a charismatic leader.

Occasional type

In this case, the name also determines the characteristics of the crowd. The word "occasion" from English means "accident". That is, an occasional crowd is a gathering of people who have gathered to watch an unexpected incident. An absolutely ordinary situation from the social sphere, which each of us has witnessed at least once in our lives.

If a UFO lands on the square of a city, then probably in about 15 minutes there will be no crowd to get through to it. A whole cloud of onlookers will instantly form around him. What are they? These are separate individuals who, by chance, find themselves connected by one center of attention.

How quickly a crowd forms, as well as its size, depends on the informational value and unusualness of the incident. Let's say a kitten is stuck in a tree - it is unlikely that at least a hundred people will gather to watch how they will get it out of there. What if suddenly someone puts a suitcase with a million rubles in the middle of the street and says that in 10 minutes he will give it to the person he likes the most? People will probably run away from work for this.

Losing control

Loss of control is directly related to mental infection. Increased emotionality is what blocks a person’s consciousness. The individual no longer controls his behavior. Psychologists call this effect clouding of consciousness. A person ceases to be an individual, he turns into a spontaneous organism. And it is controlled by collective emotions, which the leader skillfully uses.

An example of such behavior can be a state of passion. But in this case, a person shows unprecedented strength and is able to save those around him and sacrifice himself. And the surge of emotions that the crowd generates leads to dangerous consequences. Indeed, in a mass gathering, it is not one person who loses control over the mind, but tens or hundreds of people.

Ecstatic type

It is impossible not to mention him. An ecstatic crowd is a gathering of people who work themselves into a frenzy through communal ritual or prayer activities. This concept comes from the word “ecstasy”.

History knows a striking example. We are talking about the dances of St. Vitus - a holiday that arose during the era of the medieval plague. People were tired of what was happening and wanted to forget this nightmare so much that they went crazy and danced to death. And in the literal sense of the word.

This article is based on the works of the Russian cultural anthropologist and expert in the field of psychology of mass behavior Nazaretyan Akop Pogosovich and is a summary reflecting my observations and experience. Briefly and in everyday language, we will consider the basic concepts, causes and structure of the crowd. And also the dangers that it conceals and the methods that organizers/provocateurs/special services/social psychologists resort to to manipulate it. What is a crowd? A crowd is mistakenly called a large gathering of people. This is not true. Students sitting in an audience, a work collective at a meeting, a company of soldiers - this is all a crowd of people in one place at one time, but this is not a crowd, but a group. What makes them different? Students, workers, soldiers are united by one organizational structure. In this structure, each person has his place and responsibilities. Everyone is a cog in the system. A crowd is a collection of people who are not connected by a common organization and do not have a common goal, but are united by one center of attention and one emotional state. Everyone is a drop in the human river. Example: each of the knights is a magnificent warrior, capable of easily defeating dozens of peasants. But when they tried to unite the knights into one army, they turned into a crowd. None of them knew how (or wanted) to stand in line - everyone was for himself. While simple uneducated peasants won victories with simple tactical maneuvers. In this rough example, the knights are the crowd, the peasants are the organized structure. One philosopher said that in man there is a particle from God and a particle from the beast. When a person is alone with an equal [in this context, outside a large crowd of people], his heavenly and earthly principles balance each other and he sees reality [that is, think sensibly from different positions, compare points of view, rely on knowledge and personal experience]. And when there are too many people around, animal particles resonate with each other and unite everyone into one organism. To the herd. Nazaretyan's research showed that a person in a crowd loses signs of individuality. He stops thinking and assessing situations/actions in the first person. “I” disappears and is replaced by “WE”. The sense of responsibility and fear disappears, the boundaries of morality and rules are erased. There are known cases when an angry crowd staged pogroms and public executions of even innocent/bystanders who stood out from this organism or who somehow attracted attention to themselves. The mind is clouded by primitive emotions and instincts. In such an emotional environment, it is not a surprise to see a respected intellectual pulling a new vacuum cleaner out of a destroyed supermarket. He is no longer a person, he is an element of an excited blind swarm. The crowd is dangerous because it erases the individual , first of all. What is emotional contagion? Imagine: the day didn’t go well from the very beginning: you overslept, doused yourself with hot coffee, the car broke down, your boss scolded you, you were rude on the subway... With the mood to strangle the first person who dares to look you in the eye, you enter home and see your sweetly smiling wife. On the table is your favorite dish prepared especially for your arrival... Lighter? This is an amazing mechanism conceived by nature itself. During communication, only a third of the information transmitted is words. The remaining two are emotions. We adopt the spiritual state of the interlocutor/those around us for a more subtle understanding of them. To some extent, we are all empaths. But this same ability can also play against us. A crowd (especially one driven or fueled by a leader/provocateur) is a powerful psycho-emotional source. Any passive onlooker is immediately sucked into this “spiritual funnel.” Try to conduct an experiment on yourself: at a lively concert/performance, in a moment of general rejoicing, when the hall explodes with applause, sit quietly and not express your emotions in any way. Even if you manage to restrain the first impulse of your palms towards each other, you will feel very bad. All attention will be spent on maintaining “shields” and convincing the body: “I don’t stand out, no one looks at me, I’m not suspicious...”, etc. If you do not behave the same way as those around you, then you are no longer part of the herd. Being “not part of the herd” in a herd is potentially dangerous for the animal, and the animal part understands this very well. Conclusion: if you find yourself in an emotionally charged environment, you will be infected on a subconscious level with the same feelings as others. Avoid the crowds! The crowd will destroy your “I” and you will cease to belong to yourself! Crowd types. 1. Occasional (random) crowd. “Oh, look, there’s a moose in the tree!” — a cloud of onlookers instantly forms around. A random crowd is essentially random people, randomly connected by one focal point. The speed of formation and size depend on the moral and informational parameters of a particular people - whether they are ready to see it or not. If an elk passes by on the farm - “Well, elk, hidden elk. So what’s wrong?”, and there will be a stir in the center of Moscow. Nowadays, seeing a hologram on the street is fantastic, but expected. In the times of the Soviet Union, people would have formed a queue three months in advance to touch the miracle... Is it clear? As a rule, it is easily formed, easily disintegrated, but depends on the scale of the event, the curiosity and shamelessness of the people. Aliens can cause panic, but a poodle on a bicycle, at most, can cause filming on a phone. 2. Conventional (conditional) crowd. This is a crowd gathered for some occasion (convention). For example, a concert, performance, show, event, rally... It is divided into two types: potentially safe and potentially dangerous. This is, for example, a symphony, an opera, a play, a dolphinarium versus cockfights, football matches, boxing, a rock concert, etc. The first group should be expected to worry only in the event of some kind of incident (fire, terrorist attack, cataclysm). The second group itself poses a potential threat. The conditional crowd is held by a directed interest (listen to a song, watch a match, etc.), for the sake of which its members are ready to adhere to the rules established by the organizers as long as nothing affects the crowd - the show continues, the building does not burn, the meteorite does not fall, money (autographs) are not given out. After such changes, the crowd from “conditional” can turn into “aggressive”, “panic”, “greedy”, etc.

3. Expressive (expressive) crowd. This is a crowd that expresses emotions rhythmically. Any. From admiration and joy to anger and rage. The main feature is rhythm. A crowd chanting a slogan warms itself up, which can lead to mass ecstasy and the following form: 3.1. Ecstatic (from the word “ecstasy”) crowd. In this state, people fall into an even deeper state of altered consciousness, in which they are able to inflict wounds on themselves, sacrifice themselves, perform meaningless ritual actions, etc. For example, the “dances of St. Vitus”: during the time of the worst medieval plague, a big holiday came - St. Vitus Day. People were so tired and wanted to disconnect from this whole nightmare so much that they went crazy and danced to death. Literally. 4. Active (active) crowd. The most “decisive” crowd. The consequences of her actions cause the greatest change/damage. Depending on the motive, form and emotional mood, it is divided into: 4.1. Aggressive crowd. This is a crowd driven by anger, rage, and aggression. Exists at the expense of the enemy. As long as there is a simple and obvious scoundrel who needs to be torn to pieces, this form will support and intensify itself. As soon as the desired is achieved (the enemy fell/escaped/defeated), it immediately turns into a different species. They begin to rob (“greedy crowd”), or panic in case of failure. 4.2. Panic crowd. There is not a single case where danger justified panic. The term "panic" is generally believed to have originated from the Greek shepherd god Pan. Where is the connection? Introducing: night... Silence. Round sheep are quietly tossing and turning in the barn. Bad weather is approaching and the animals huddle together to keep warm... Bang!!! Lightning breaks the sky. The sheep begin to yell, shove each other, run in different directions, stumbling and falling. In blind horror, some jump off the cliff, some smash their foreheads against the walls of the barn and nearby trees, some freeze in place and stand in a stupor in the rain until dawn... Panic, in a word. Flash photography and noise are prohibited in protected areas. Why? Yes, because more deer die from heart attacks than from the teeth of predators. As it turned out, the animal part of a person is no different from the animal part of a sheep. There is a distinction between individual and collective panic. Both species are absolutely contagious and absolutely dangerous. During a panic attack, a person becomes many times stronger (the body believes that these are its last minutes and releases all the “fighting” hormones it has into the blood), does not feel pain at all (they run even with broken legs) and are completely unable to think. There is no time to analyze the situation (as it seems to the body) and only the automatic systems “run”, “save yourself”, “run faster” work. Unfortunately, this system is activated not only when there is no chance left, but also during a far-fetched/fictitious/exaggerated threat. Even if you get out of danger thanks to panic, your body will lose several years of its life due to wear and tear of the muscles (including the heart), blood vessels and nervous system (it will suffer first and most severely). It is better to consciously step from the roof of a burning five-story building onto a flowerbed than to jump from the second onto the fence in a panicked delirium. 4.3. The acquisitive (greedy) crowd. Massive pogroms of stores during street riots, scarce goods on the counter (here is the line at the bakery during the Holodomor and a new cool gadget), a crush in the subway (the treasure here is getting to work), a super-duper star signing autographs... Everything is clear here, Yes? This animal quality, to fight for the possession of something, is successfully used in sales. By artificially creating a rush/scarcity (or inspiring customers that with their product they will “join the greats”), you can increase sales immensely, force them to withdraw deposits from banks, fill the tank full (after all, there will be no more gasoline!!), etc. and so on. 4.4. Rebel crowd. In a number of ways, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary aggressive crowd. However, this is a completely different type. Interestingly, justifiably outraged people behave differently. And if for an aggressive crowd the immediate metamorphosis is “greedy” or “panic”, then for a rebel crowd it is a group. People united by an idea (and not by rage or malice) quickly develop signs of an organizational structure. Leaders and responsible persons appear (for food supplies, communications, medicine, for example).

Crowd management and manipulation. Akop Pogosovich himself responded very interestingly about this. He recalls how after every pogrom, officials shrug their shoulders, saying, “the crowd is uncontrollable.” Then they move towards the provocateurs. These are all provocateurs, they are the ones who got the crowd going. And we need to tighten the laws, put people with weapons, and... here we need to string up barbed wire. More. So that it would be discouraging... But the provocateurs managed to control the crowd. What kind of “uncontrollable” is she then? More than five hundred years ago, European institutions at the state level developed techniques for manipulating the crowd. Neither the techniques nor the people (oddly enough) have changed a bit since then. Knowing the types of crowds and the methods that those who started it (or those who are responsible for disentangling it) can resort to, you will be able to predict people’s behavior and, on this basis, think through your exit plan. The main thing is, don’t bother anyone, don’t go against the flow, don’t lose your composure, and for the sake of your gods, don’t take on the responsibilities of the secret services! They also need to do something. The art of crowd control (so to speak) is based on the principle of transforming one form into another. Let’s immediately make a reservation that if it has already reached a meeting of aggressive people, then there will be victims in any case. The only question is which ones, how many, whose and human or material. The crowd consists of an emotionally charged core - a couple of dozen of the most “crazy” (not uncommonly under the influence of alcohol or drugs) surrounded by a dense cloud of like-minded yes-men. They do nothing but shout “Come on!” Beautiful! So them!!! We are with you,” etc. Then, behind the core, onlookers gather more or less freely. Next, using several examples, we will consider options for influencing an aggressive crowd.

The transformation of “aggressive - onlookers” through the core. An example of the most unreliable and dangerous (from the point of view of those who want to calm them down) but the most humane method. In the crowd, everyone feels their power and impunity due to anonymity . Operators and people with phones (with cameras) are inserted into the crowd, and noticeable security cameras are installed on buildings. The man was about to break a window (or throw a Molotov cocktail, shout something, etc.), and then suddenly, and he’s in the frame: “What am I doing? I'm just standing there. There is juice in the bottle. Peach.". Experienced teachers, for example, rarely say “class, be quiet!” - there will be no sense, since everyone is sure that this does not concern him. They say: “Sergey, how long are you going to talk?!” - here it doesn’t matter whether he’s guilty or not, everyone sees that they “went by name” and will have to answer for their actions individually. If the crowd has managed to warm up quite strongly, then this method not only will not work, but also the lives of the operators are in great danger. “Aggressive - onlookers” through the periphery. Let’s fantasize again: an angry crowd is ready to break into the government building (or wherever they usually break into), and the irreversible is about to happen... And then - BANG!!! There's an accident about five hundred meters away. Moreover, the more spectacular the better (as people like): a timber truck collided with a beer tank. The people are in tears (how much forest has disappeared). It is already more interesting for the periphery to gather around an accident than to try to listen to the swearing of the core. The center, without the support of the rear ranks, quickly weakens and either disintegrates itself or is easily eliminated by the security forces. You can achieve results humanely (without an accident) by staging a concert with mega-stars from behind. The task is to grab attention. By any means. After the “distraction” has exhausted itself, people will remember why they came, but the mood will no longer be the same. Now the conflict can be resolved through negotiations, not weapons. “Aggressive – panicky.” Quite an extreme and cruel method. But if the defense forces have no choice, they can resort to it. The dangers are as follows: 1. the crowd may not run away, but rather go on the attack (unlikely, but we also take it into account) 2. during a panic there will be a lot of victims (trampled, strangled, wounded). These victims are on the conscience of those who provoked them. Let's imagine again: the same situation - an angry crowd, ready to storm. We put several people in the core, who, on command, feign inhuman fear and, splashing with saliva, shout something classic like: “They will shoot!!! Oh God, we're all going to die! I don’t want to die!!”, then a couple of bursts of firecrackers (or real shots)... As in the case of the sheep, everyone will run away together, without even thinking about whether the enemy has a weapon. “Aggressive – greedy” Rough and dishonest technique. However, it always works flawlessly. The trick is to switch the rage of the crowd to some neutral object. For example, through an agent in the crowd, direct them to the estate of an ordinary official, or a supermarket, or a bank... You don’t even have to explain that all this property was stolen from the people and rightfully belongs to you. All it takes is the first brick to make a hole large enough for an Xbox in the display case, and the crowd will immediately rush in to loot. A revolution is a revolution, but no one has canceled the weakness in the face of “freebies”. Monuments of guilty leaders sometimes play a similar role - the role of a buffer for a disgruntled crowd: while the crane is brought in, while the cables are thrown, while they are thrown off, while this matter is celebrated... The ardor has already subsided, and the scoundrel has disappeared. “Aggressive – expressive.” The expressive crowd is rhythmic. Aggressive - no. Surprisingly, if rhythm is imposed on an aggressive crowd, it will become expressive. That is: a furious crowd rushes to organize lynching and riots. Suddenly, loud and catchy music turns on (rock and roll, rock, metal...) and the crowd quickly gets into the rhythm and starts dancing. You can hold onto music for as long as you need. Up to complete loss of strength. Military engineers could not ignore it and invented a musical tank (not to be confused with a sound gun).

"Aggressive - aggressive" . I take my hat off to the composure and determination of A.N.’s character. Tolstoy, Sorokin, in the novel “Walking through Torment”. This successful example is also discussed in the works of Nazaretyan. Extremely dissatisfied with the command of their officer, the crowd was a second away from taking his life. There is no way to retreat or defend. At the moment of the last decision, Sorokin pointed his finger at the most furious member of the approaching crowd with the words “Here is your enemy!” The indicated one was immediately torn to pieces. And the commander turned from a potential dead man into the leader of the rebellion. The idea behind this method lies in the fact that people in a state of altered consciousness are very hypnotizable. This means that when a person loses self-awareness and rational thinking (and this is what happens to a person in a crowd), he becomes suggestible. The herd needs a leader. It cannot make decisions on its own, so it is very dependent on leaders, provocateurs, and commanders. Having given the order, the hero of the example took on the role of leader. The herd obeyed. This method is very dangerous and requires the performer to have great skill in the field of psychology, as well as a sense of tact. It is used quite often and effectively during mass riots, when it is not possible to prevent pogroms/murders peacefully. The crowd is pointed to one enemy, then to another. Subjecting less important objects to attack until it transforms into another form or is exhausted. Conclusion. The myth about the uncontrollability and spontaneity of crowd actions is based on an erroneous understanding of its psychology. Depending on the type and level, the methods of influence also change. It is necessary to understand that the CROWD is lower on the intellectual ladder than, for example, the GROUP, and balanced arguments will no longer help here. The psychology of the crowd is based on animal instincts, which means that the levers of influence must be selected accordingly. This information is presented so that you understand the destructive effect a crowd can have on an individual and how it can be easily controlled after that. If you find yourself among a large crowd of people and have reason to believe that the situation is/is out of the control of the organizers (authorities, law enforcement representatives), immediately leave the dangerous territory. Move quickly and decisively, but do not run, so as not to provoke unexpected panic or simply fall. And under no circumstances try to manipulate the crowd yourself! This is the work of experienced psychologists. By trying to subjugate people (or already someone’s puppets), you can not only provoke them, but also get charged by the authorities for incitement. The best way to protect yourself from an aggressive crowd is to: 1. Maintain composure and composure in any situation. 2. Don’t go against the flow, don’t try to stop (convince) the crowd. Don't attract attention. 3. Avoid large crowds of people. Even the most peaceful rally in honor of world peace and fluffy kittens can turn into a deadly stampede. And the rash actions of some insane person (drunk) can even cause panic.

These are the basic concepts revealed in the works of Hakob Nazaretyan Pogosovich on the topic of aggressive crowds. For a deeper understanding of the principles of the formation and behavior of an aggressive crowd, I recommend that you read the book “Aggressive Crowd” and his other works. Website temnyjles.narod.ru/Akop.htm

Sheep rally (video from https://videopoleta.ru/)
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The phenomenon under consideration is perfectly described by the great poet M.Yu. Lermontov in his poem entitled “How often surrounded by a motley crowd...”. In this work, the writer skillfully portrayed the society he despised, exposing life’s “masquerade” and the cold soullessness of secular society.

He managed to convey the heap of images in the best possible way, and such figures of speech as “the decency of pulled masks,” “soulless people,” “long-faltering hands” and “the wild whisper of closed speeches” seem to transport the reader into that atmosphere - but whatever, to the hall where the ball took place. In fact, more can be said about the poem “How often surrounded by a motley crowd…”, and a much more detailed and in-depth analysis can be carried out. However, everyone will find something catching in it that touches the soul. It's definitely worth reading at least once.

Management methods

Religious and political leaders at all times tried to direct the actions of crowds for their own benefit. Although such a desire can be called immoral, the leader is able to calm the people. There are several control methods:

  • demonstration of power and strength;
  • expressive performances;
  • catchy speeches.

People lose their identity in the crowd and try to find a leader to follow. The person who takes power into his own hands becomes a leader. To maintain attention, he needs to appeal to the masses, speak loudly and emotionally. But the crowd will not listen to empty speeches; it is necessary to supplement them with arguments and short slogans. They are the ones who motivate people to take specific actions.

The crowd as a phenomenon has been studied for several centuries. Although even today psychologists admit their incompetence. Reliable methods of crowd control are still unknown, because they do not stand still - crowds evolve, sometimes becoming more and more spontaneous.

Signs of a Crowd

It’s also worth noting them with attention. The types of crowds differ in conditions and circumstances, but their characteristics are the same. These are considered the main ones:

  • Numerousness. In small groups, psychological phenomena that are typical of a crowd do not arise.
  • Aimlessness.
  • Increased contact. All people are at a minimum distance from each other. Sometimes it’s not there at all. So each individual enters the personal space of his “neighbor.”
  • Emotional excitement. As mentioned earlier, unbalanced dynamic states and unrest are typical psychological states of the crowd.
  • Disorganization. Crowds form spontaneously. There is no organization in them, and if it appears, it is lost very quickly.

Psychic contagion

The crowd refers to spontaneous large groups; its activity is based on emotions. People have no common goal, they are just attracted to a spectacle or an object of worship (rejection). The cluster is characterized by several properties: exaltation and emotionality. And they lead to two important effects - mental infection and loss of control.

The first refers to action to avoid danger. In primitive societies, the crowd believed that the collective mind was stronger than the individual. Although a person has long become independent, under the influence of emotions he can be influenced by society.

Together with others, the person becomes more aggressive, bolder, and more reckless. She can do things that she would never dare to do herself. And if the people are led by a feeling of fear, then the mass will sweep away everything in its path.

Human behavior in a crowd

It is also of some interest. The behavior of a person in a crowd changes due to the circumstances surrounding him. And this is what is observed in the vast majority of cases:

  • Reduced internality. Self-control disappears - the individual’s dependence on the crowd increases, he unconsciously submits to the influence of the crowd. The ability to regulate one's own behavior disappears.
  • Loss of individuality. All crowd participants gradually come to the same level of psychological and behavioral manifestations. No matter how different they are, each eventually becomes similar to each other.
  • Inability to concentrate on one object. Uncritical thinking appears, attention is easily switched.
  • Quick assimilation and subsequent dissemination of the information received. At the same time, a person can also involuntarily distort and exaggerate what he hears. This is how rumors appear in the crowd.
  • Suggestibility. Under the influence of external circumstances, a person easily believes in things that, in a different situation, he would consider nonsense. This includes lies, disinformation, obviously impossible promises, absurd slogans, calls, etc.
  • Increased activation. When a person is in a crowd, all his resources are mobilized. That is why often people in such conditions exhibit such physical and psychological qualities that seemed inaccessible to him. In other words, a person himself is surprised at what he turns out to be capable of.
  • Atypical behavior. Sometimes a person, being in a crowd, can begin to do something that he would never do. And then, remembering what happened, he will refuse to believe in it.

And these are just some of the reasons why the crowd phenomenon is of interest to specialists. After all, this is not just a crowd of people. A crowd poses a real danger - both for those around them and for those inside it.

Signs and characteristics of a crowd

A crowd is characterized by a high degree of conformity among the individuals who make it up. The crowd can have a strong psychological impact on them.

The socio-psychological characteristics of the crowd can include:

  • A depressed sense of responsibility for one's behavior;
  • An increase in group suggestibility and a decrease in the effectiveness of the mechanisms of suggestion;
  • Increased emotionality in the perception of reality;
  • Developing a sense of power and awareness of anonymity.

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The mechanisms of crowd formation are rumors and circular reactions (increasing mutually directed emotional contagion). The mechanisms of influence on the crowd are represented by infection, suggestion, persuasion and imitation.

Of primary importance in the development of the listed mechanisms is mass communication, which has the property of a psychological impact on the behavior and actions of crowd participants, deliberately used by the organizers of excesses.

The main means that are used in crowd formation are represented by expressive words (for example, calls, slogans), the strength of noise and its frequency.

Behavior rules

If you go to an officially unauthorized rally, then know that this is an offense. Basic principles: do not take children with you, as there is a high probability that you will simply lose them in the crowd, and do not go there alone. Close people or friends will be able to help you in case of a dangerous situation.

Safety in Crowds

How to protect yourself if you are planning to attend a mass event?

  1. First, choose the right clothes. Do not wear items of clothing that can be easily grabbed: scarf, tie. Also leave long, hanging jewelry at home (beads, bracelets, piercings, earrings). Clothes should be tight-fitting without laces or ties. Comfortable shoes, preferably sports ones. However, be careful with your laces. They should not dangle or be too long.
  2. Piercing and cutting objects will be unnecessary. A glass bottle can also cause accidental injury. Remove any symbolism from yourself.
  3. The identification document must be in the inside pocket, not in the bag.
  4. Keep your arms relaxed and at your sides, and take them out of your pockets.
  5. Pin up long hair or hide it under a hat.

Movement in the crowd

What to do if you find yourself inside a crowd?

  1. In crowds, try to stay away from obese and/or tall people.
  2. Once you get into a crowd, try to go in the same direction with it, even if you are being carried in the completely opposite direction. Slowly the crowd will begin to dissipate, the force of the flow will weaken, and you will be able to get out of it. Try not to get into its center, and it is also dangerous to be on its outskirts.
  3. Always try to find a way out of the crowd. Sometimes there are empty corridors, don't miss them.
  4. Do not try to grab something with your hands, as the likelihood of breaking your limbs is very high. Button up your outerwear
  5. Stay on your feet. Do not try to pick up fallen things!!!
  6. If you fall, do not scream - they will not hear you. Group yourself, pull your legs towards your stomach and cover your head and neck with your arms. In this position you will protect the most important parts of the body. Try to rest your toes on the ground at least a little and get up with a jerk.
  7. Don't let them surround you too tightly. To do this, keep your arms bent at the elbows and spread them slightly to the sides. Free yourself from any burden and objects in your pockets (keys, lighter). When the flow of people increases, they will dig into your body.
  8. If you do find yourself in a strong crush, you need to protect yourself from the sides. Bend your elbows and press them towards you. Tighten all your muscles and move forward in this position.
  9. Stay calm, even if panic begins to arise. Don't walk with your eyes downcast. This corresponds to sacrifice. Better use your peripheral vision.

Infographics of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: Crowds and safety rules

Lifehack from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

Photo: vk.com/mchsgov

Children are the first to suffer during a stampede, as they are small and difficult to notice in a crowd.

When ensuring safety in a crowd with a child, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The best option would be to put it on your neck and hold it tightly by the legs.
  2. If there are several adults, then they can stand around the child facing each other and move forward like that. The child will be like in a protective capsule.
  3. The child should always be in front of you, and not behind you, walking by the hand.

However, such a situation can be avoided. There is no need to join the protesters for the sake of curiosity. Try to stay away from large crowds of people, even on holidays. Remember that in a crowd you may come under police action. Do not resist, proving your innocence. Follow all their requirements. In such a situation, the police have absolutely no time to understand and find out who is who.

The main enemy in extreme conditions is panic. Sometimes a few seconds of a sober look at the situation that has arisen is enough to find a way out and save yourself.

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