How to bring passion back into a relationship - 3 ways from a psychologist

In this article, you will learn how to bring passion back into a relationship, as well as why love comes much later than passion and why methods like “wear lacy lingerie” or “try new positions” do not work. After reading the article, you will understand everything.

You can go straight from the content to ways to bring passion back into a relationship. But if you want to know where the passion went, read first.

  • So what's the deal?
  • Where love begins - 7 stages of relationships
      Stage #1: Falling in love
  • Stage #2: Satiety
  • Stage #3: Disgust
  • Stage #4: Patience
  • Stage #5: Respect
  • Stage #6: Friendship
  • Stage #7: Love
  • Conclusion
  • What is passion?

    Passion is a feeling based on physical attraction. Moreover, she can easily do without love, forcing people to plunge headlong into relationships.

    Some try to restrain passion, believing that it only brings harm. But this is a wrong judgment. The feeling of attraction is necessary and it is dangerous to restrain it. This is especially true for women.

    But sooner or later in the life of any person there comes a period when he or she feels a strong desire, attraction to the opposite sex. And for women, this can be an amazing discovery that makes their lives much brighter and fuller.

    It takes a certain amount of courage to fully open up to another person. But when this happens, you feel incredible pleasure.

    Meet on neutral territory.

    Home comfort, native walls, the warmth of the family hearth, of course, attract and calm, but over time they eradicate the severity of feelings. But an apartment rented for a day, a hotel room, a rented car, a weekend in a hunting lodge or a country cottage/bungalow are the basis of romantic adventures.

    Mandatory conditions are an atypical environment, complete privacy for the couple (no neighbors, calls from relatives, household duties), as well as comfort. Let it be an escape from the whole world, a loud challenge to routine, rules, standards. For a couple of days, spouses will cease to be parents, management-subordinates, and friends to others. At this time, it is better for them to remember their own “I”, emotions, focusing exclusively on relaxation, sensual pleasures, and freedom.

    Where has the passion gone?

    You meet a person you really like. You are drawn to him. Passion, love arises... And this is the result of complex chemical processes that occur in our body. No romance, just the laws of nature. The very hormones (endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline, etc.) that help us live make us reach out to another person.

    All these reactions are new to the body (and with each new person we feel everything a little differently) and it begins to bask in euphoria. But good things cannot last forever, and at a certain moment, love passes and passion goes along with it. Here the brain begins to work and reproduce lived scenarios. We begin to rely on past experiences and not always behave well. Also, our rose-colored glasses come off and we see all the flaws of our partner. Naturally, we try to remake it for ourselves. Spoiler: it brings a lot of pain and tears to both. What kind of passion are we talking about here?

    If people go through this stage, they decide to join their lives in marriage. Well, that same everyday life begins in him, which eats up the remnants of passion. You are not trying to do something pleasing to your partner sexually. Your conversations devolve into discussions of children and grocery lists. And it's also good if you talk to each other!

    The feeling of novelty and attraction disappears. There are not enough bright emotions. You become commonplace for each other. It's good if the relationship is based on strong love. Well, what if all that remains is just a habit?

    Try couples dancing.

    The more passionate and at the same time smooth the dancing, the better. Waltz, hip-hop, paso doble or boogie-woogie are unlikely to cause a sensual fusion, although they can also amuse and force the dancers to work together. But tango, rumba, bachata, kizomba will add passion and eroticism to the movements.

    You can sign up for special group courses, hire a choreographer, or even just use the Internet to learn a dance style through videos on YouTube.

    Take a sexuality test

    Main reasons for loss of passion

    So, what are the main reasons for losing passion?

    1. Accumulated grievances - if you have been in a relationship for a long time, or, moreover, in marriage, then you and your partner have definitely had time to quarrel more than once. And every quarrel, drop by drop, fills the lake of misunderstandings, reproaches and resentments. At some point there are so many of them that there is no room left for attraction. What to do? Talk calmly with your loved one, try to dot all the i's and let go of grievances.
    2. Selfishness - many women (and men too) only know how to take, without giving anything in return. They receive courtship, care, and feel love and passion coming from their partner. But they are not ready to offer the same thing. They only allow themselves to be loved, but do not love in return. At some point, the giving party may get tired of this and he (she) will simply break off the painful connection that brings him nothing.
    3. Lack of romance - if at the beginning the relationship was like an adventure that lovers live together every day, then over time they can hardly calmly endure each other’s company. Interaction becomes an obligation. Sex, talking, kissing are equivalent to washing dishes or walking the dog. Spontaneity disappears. A man stops giving his woman flowers, and she, in turn, no longer calls him at work to tell him about her feelings.
    4. Loss of external attractiveness is common for couples who have been together for a long time. He gained weight and lost his hair. She stopped taking care of herself due to the enormous workload at home. And there is no physical attraction to each other.

    Psychologist's advice

    Psychologists definitely won’t help from a distance and without knowing the nature of your relationship. Seek professional help if you understand that you can’t handle it on your own. You can sign up and come for a consultation individually or with a partner.

    You need to know: from a psychological point of view, the moment of disappearance of passion is inevitable . We must be prepared for it and resolve the difficulties that arise together.

    What not to do

    Do not try to solve other problems with the help of sex, manipulate or force your loved one.

    Your thoughts and actions should be sincere and aimed at maintaining healthy relationships. Don't make passion an end in itself. If for some reason you don’t want to go to bed with your significant other, first sort yourself out.

    Manipulating a spouse through the bed is absolutely contraindicated in any relationship. Photo:

    How to bring passion back into a relationship

    We figured out where the passion went. And now the most important thing is how to get her back?

    Beautiful underwear, role-playing games, dates - this, of course, is wonderful and necessary. But for attraction to return permanently and become a deeper feeling, a deeper approach is required.

    Personal space

    Do you strive to be together everywhere? With friends, to the cinema, shopping, even in front of the TV - all together. This is, of course, good. But this way you forget about yourself. Every person needs personal space. And sometimes it’s useful to have the opportunity to miss your partner to take your mind off the routine.

    Go out with your girlfriends without your husband, and let him go to the bathhouse with friends. For the very advanced, take short vacations separately from each other. The feeling that your loved one is far away and you will not go to bed together in the evening increases feelings.

    Sexual revelations

    Write naughty messages to your husband and describe your feelings during foreplay. This will all help connect your imagination and increase excitement. Thoughts about some household and work issues will fade into the background. You will be left alone in the moment.

    Begin with yourself

    Everyday life sometimes makes you forget about the most important person in your life - yourself. And if you don’t love yourself, don’t admire the reflection in the mirror, don’t take time for yourself, then why should a man do this?

    The attitude of other people towards you is only a mirror of your attitude towards yourself. If you constantly argue with your husband, then maybe it is because you cannot resolve some kind of internal conflict? If you don't get enough compliments, then maybe you are constantly insulting yourself?

    Take care of yourself today! Let your life be in full swing - an interesting job, a favorite hobby, new clothes and hairstyle. Have you noticed that your face is covered with wrinkles, and there is blueness under your eyes? Then sign up for advanced intensive courses from Melannette and in just 2 weeks you will be looking at a younger version of yourself in the mirror. And your man will look at you with completely different eyes.

    Include more erotica.

    Erotic correspondence can awaken dormant passion. To do this, it is better to install a new messenger, create a different email or a new profile on a social network. Firstly, it will add more playfulness, mystery, and novelty. Secondly, such a step will eliminate the risk of sending a sexual message to the wrong person.

    Seductive photos, exciting videos, audio recordings of piquant desires will come in handy. The more variety the better. At the same time, you will be able to find out about your partner’s secret thoughts.

    How to bring passion back into a relationship with your husband, man (boyfriend)

    Now let's talk about something more specific and simple. Interactions with men and women are radically different. Therefore, the actions of their partners are also different.

    What a woman needs to do to regain passion with a man:

    1. Don’t be afraid to talk to him - for some reason, many women are afraid to discuss problems with their husbands. And if they do, it turns into reproaches. Try to be sensitive and honestly tell us what worries you. Maybe he stopped giving flowers or kissing before leaving the house or inviting you on dates. Talk about it and ask for an explanation. And remember that a joyless wife cannot bring light into the house. And the husband will also not be happy if he sees his wife always sad or angry. So be sure to talk about what’s bothering you;
    2. Perceive the truth adequately - most likely your chosen one is also worried about something, that’s why he behaves this way. And if he makes some remark to you, think it over, and don’t rush to defend yourself and insult in response. After all, the mouth was given to us for communication, not quarreling. And if you scream, cry and break dishes, the man will simply close in on himself and never tell you the truth again;
    3. Remember what you were like at the very beginning of your relationship - we are all alone in our youth, but we change with age. And now there is no fire in the eyes, no flat tummy and no neat manicure. Start taking care of yourself again and you will notice how your husband’s attitude towards you has changed. By the way, the same applies to the internal component. If before you fluttered and beamed with love for life, now perhaps you have become irritable, tired, dull and uninteresting. Try to fix it;
    4. Show him love - in the beginning you kissed him often, smiled at him and talked about love. What now? Do you feed him cutlets and reproaches? Try to bring back even a drop of charm and see how it blossoms;
    5. Wear nice loungewear - what do you wear at home? If these are worn-out T-shirts and holey shorts, then what kind of passion can we talk about? Buy a beautiful house dress and an elegant shirt - please your husband!

    Learn to be mysterious and enigmatic

    Contrary to popular belief, your partner doesn't have to know everything about you. You must have your secrets.

    Sometimes we confuse intimacy with sharing every little thing. Yes, it creates a feeling of deep connection in your relationship. But disclosing every little detail is not necessary.

    Keep in mind that secrecy helps you feel alive in a relationship. This doesn't mean you should avoid your partner. It simply means that you consciously decide what to share and what to keep to yourself.

    How to bring passion back into a relationship with your wife, woman (girlfriend)

    With women everything is much simpler:

    1. Start complimenting your wife again - before, you probably often talked about how beautiful, smart and attractive she is. What now? Say at least one kind word a day and she will start smiling more often again:
    2. Give flowers and gifts - a woman simply loves to receive pleasant things that she can touch. You don't have to buy expensive bouquets every week. There will be enough field daisies, but they will kindle the fire between you. And gifts should be intended specifically for her, and not to help her serve her family. It's better to buy a ring, not a pan. She will definitely appreciate the reminder that she is a woman and not a cook;
    3. Help her with the housework - maybe in the evening she simply doesn’t have the energy for bed pleasures? She worked all day, took care of you and the children, cooked, washed and cleaned? Well, what kind of desire can we talk about? Help her prepare dinner, hang up the laundry and wash the dishes.

    Relationships require not only work on them, but also on yourself. Start with the “Flourish” marathon. There you will not only change yourself externally, but also internally. And if a woman changes, then the man will not remain in place.

    Resume tactile contact.

    For “cooled down” partners, the number of kisses, hugs, generally simple touches, and basic physical caresses is noticeably reduced. If there is no passion, then you don’t want to touch again, right? But what if we go the opposite way: first establish physical contact, and then receive the accompanying emotions?

    Massages, stroking the cheek, walking hand in hand, hugging from the back, even the most banal tickling already contribute to rapprochement. And if you add playfulness, flirting, teasing, and passion to the movements, the effect will become noticeably brighter.

    Start small

    Even small gestures and acts of affection can take a romantic connection to the next level.

    Kiss and hug your partner when you leave for work and when you return home. Make it a habit to have dinner together and tell each other how your day went. Tell your loved one often what you are grateful for and what you like about him. If you leave for work early in the morning, leave a candid note on your bedside table. Flirt in instant messengers during the day.

    Mutual gratitude and appreciation are the best foundation for a happy relationship.

    Candles, roses, beautiful lingerie

    The gloss says: light candles, scatter rose petals, serve strawberries and cream and put on erotic lingerie.

    Natalya : “That’s what I did. It works, yes, but as a one-time promotion. If you do this regularly, the novelty effect disappears. And you’ll also have to shake out the flower husks from the folds of the duvet cover afterward.”

    Dmitry : “How can this get boring! I’m all for it, I liked it, give me more.”

    Rating : 3 out of 5.

    Learn to resolve conflicts!

    Lack of passion and love in a relationship can often be the result of poor conflict resolution. When conflict arises between you and your partner, resolve the issue immediately without making it worse. Find a way to make it funny. What would a 15 year old say about this?

    When conflict situations arise in your relationship, don't worry. It is during testing times that trust is formed, because this is when your partner needs help. This is time you can use to meet those needs. Show your partner that you can listen, empathize, and remind them why they trusted you with their feelings in the first place. Trust is the recipe to bring passion back into your relationship.

    If your relationship is under pressure and you are experiencing stress, anxiety and difficulties, you are at a critical juncture. You have the opportunity to prove to your partner that he can trust you, even when things get tough. Never miss an opportunity to show that you will care for the person you love.

    Do you want a decent man? Then remember this phrase: “I am grateful to you, thank you.”

    And try to do this with every man you interact with, even for every little thing, even for what they already do for you. They already give you flowers, another flower - thank you for it. The door was opened for you. The man even just tried to help, but you refused his help, thank him for trying to help. Thank you for your intention to help you. Someone solved a problem for you, gave you a gift, did something, thank you for every little thing. Someone just smiled at you, wished you a good day, gave you a compliment - thank you. It is important. Many girls don’t know how to do this, they neglect it. They think what difference does it make, it’s not that important, it’s a trifle. It is very important.

    Do you want to know what a man needs to make you happy? Sign up for a free online course Man: honest instructions

    Trust is the key to everything

    Since trust is a key part of how to bring passion back into your relationship, you need effective strategies to increase it. So how do you begin to regain trust when you feel like you've lost it? Here's a five-step plan that's guaranteed to work:

    1. Stage One: Committing to putting your partner's needs first and declaring your absolute commitment to their interests. Say it: “I love you no matter what, no matter what we talk about now or what happens between us.”
    2. Stage two: create a warm atmosphere for your partner.
    3. Step Three: Share your true feelings and listen carefully to your partner's thoughts without judging, correcting or criticizing them. Accept them and respond to them with love.
    4. Stage Four: Lack of passion in a relationship is often the result of a lack of shared interests, experiences, and goals. Align your needs with your partner's needs.
    5. Step Five: Always end any tough conversations with some kind of loving act, such as a hug, a promise, or a kiss. If you cannot do this, you need to repeat each of the previous steps until you can feel at peace with your partner.

    Simple enough, right? Now practice all five steps. Over time, these actions will become commonplace for you.

    All good things pass, but not forever

    Everyone wants passion in their relationships. People want to experience a feeling of intimacy with their partner. But sometimes the intimacy goes away. What can you do to restore what you had? How can you deal with a lack of passion in a relationship? You don't want to lose everything you've worked so hard for, that's the person you love!

    Remember when you and your partner first met? When you were first together, you always gave it your all. You worked so hard to come up with creative ideas for dates and conversations, and you strived to show off your best features, no matter the circumstances. When did it stop and why?

    When considering why there is no passion in your relationship, you must first examine yourself and find a clear reason. What is the reason for the stagnation? You may be living a comfortable life with your partner, but you lack a sense of deep emotional involvement. The relationship is fine - that's all. Or maybe you both just stopped putting in the effort you used to because you're so busy with your careers, kids, and other responsibilities.

    Feel like a passionate person

    Often we rely on other people to make us feel a certain way rather than developing that experience within ourselves. If you want to feel more passion - in your life and in your relationships, then you must become passionate. What turns you on? What makes you feel alive? Do these things!

    The fire that comes when you feel passion makes you absolutely irresistible to others (and makes life irresistible to you!). Through your passion you can express your creativity, love, heart and purpose. And it enlivens your life! Therefore, understanding how to bring passion back into a relationship is very, very important.

    By striving to be a passionate person, you invite passion into all areas of your life, including your love.

    Allow yourself bold experiments

    Natalya : “The lengthy advice evokes associations with the Swedish family. Invite someone else into the marital bedroom for company? Or convert to the BDSM faith? Sorry but no. Such things are discussed on the shore. There is such a thing as a taboo - everyone has their own criteria, but it’s not worth breaking yourself even for the sake of the illusory hope of reviving passion.”

    Dmitry : “Is watching porn films together considered a bold experiment? Of course, each couple has their own habits and beliefs. If someone is happy with a third person in the bedroom, then why not?”

    Rating : 4 out of 5.

    Break the mold

    Let's say you recognize your tendency to withdraw physically and emotionally from your partner when problems or conflicts arise. You recognize that this tendency is leading to a loss of trust and a lack of passion in your relationship. Over time, this pattern will destroy them. One of the 10 basic rules of love is to never get stuck in repeating patterns because they lead to a lack of passion in a relationship. You must find a way to break this harmful pattern and achieve new results. Only then will you understand how to improve relationships.

    It's a lot of work, but what would you do for the love of your life? What fears, beliefs, or memories can you transform to move to the next level? What do you need to do now to create the relationship you want and deserve?

    When you can answer these questions, you have mastered yourself. You are on the path to understanding how to bring passion back into your relationship and can now focus on creating the joyful partnership you desire.

    Problems are not always bad

    Even the happiest relationships face problems. Don't view them as something that will undo all the progress you're making with your partner. Challenges are opportunities! They are your chance to grow, improve and develop relationships. Problems can be markers that show us how to repair broken relationships. Learn to see challenges for what they are and purposefully respond to them with an open mind and a sense of humor rather than fear.

    Too often we avoid dealing with problems that bother us simply because we are afraid, and that is why we lose sight of them. Instead, look at the problem now while it is still manageable. Think back to your life when you were fifteen years old. What was your worst problem? And at twenty-five? Problems change because people adapt and improve. You can laugh about these old difficulties, so why not take advantage of it now? However, the ability to delve into these problems is tied to the stages of the relationship. Let's talk about them in more detail below.

    Just make love

    Natalya : “You know, yes. Works. It’s clear that after work we all want to put on cozy pajamas and lie down - as long as no one touches us. I have a headache, I need to submit a report, I’m tired, give me half an hour of rest - in a couple of months you will wonder who needs this sex at all. No, I don’t encourage you to make love through force when a migraine is knocking on your temples. Take a break and get started - appetite comes with eating. Checked and approved."

    Dmitry : “A man probably advised this. Probably Pavelandreich. I’ll be brief: it’s all right, just do IT.”

    Rating : 5 out of 5.

    Relearn sex

    Sexual desires are changeable. Time has passed since you met your partner, and preferences may have changed. How to bring passion back into your relationship with your wife? Start reading books about sex or watching videos that will help develop your imagination, something you read or see may turn you on. Learn to speak openly about your desires.

    Separate sex from everyday life. Take the initiative and change the script: offer to make love at a time when your partner least expects it. Let some romantic event happen to you this evening. This will help renew the passion in your relationship with your husband. Don't put it off until tomorrow.

    ( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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