What to talk about with a guy: TOP-150 interesting topics for conversation

A lively, active conversation is the best way to arouse interest in a man, which helps you learn more about him and open up better yourself. Alas, not all girls are endowed with the gift of speech. Sometimes you really want to talk, but you just don’t know how to interest your interlocutor. Some have difficulty making contact due to complexes and fears, while others simply lack communication skills.

The main rule of an interesting conversation is smooth maneuvering between relevant topics. Long pauses should not occur, because they cause a feeling of awkwardness in both. We offer a list of universal conversation topics that will help if you don't know what to talk about with a guy.

By correspondence on VKontakte

What to talk about with a guy by correspondence? VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia. Almost everyone on this site has an account, and some have more than one. Most online dating happens here, and not through special services where lonely hearts gather. Do you like a man's profile, but don't know what to write to him?

Corresponding on the Internet is much easier than communicating in person. Messaging is a great platform for testing communication if you are too shy to meet men, and the best option for maintaining a long-distance relationship.

You can write about anything online. When a person does not see the face of the interlocutor, it is easier for him to open up. If a girl is not used to answering quickly, then the Internet gives her time to think about her answer, since messaging is a time-consuming process.

Here is a list of twenty questions that you can ask both guys you know and those with whom you are corresponding for the first time. They are suitable not only for communication via social networks, but also for regular conversation via SMS.

  1. What he does or what he plans to become.
  2. What are his favorite hobbies and interests?
  3. What films does he prefer to watch?
  4. What genre of music does he like and what bands does he like?
  5. Does he like to cook? If yes, what are your favorite dishes?
  6. What cities or countries did he visit? Where did he like it the most and why?
  7. How does he imagine himself in ten years?
  8. What is he dreaming about now?
  9. What is his most vivid memory from childhood?
  10. How does he feel about pets and did he have any favorite pets as a child?
  11. What does he prefer: dancing in a noisy club or hiking, river rafting, picnic in nature.
  12. Does he like books? If so, which ones?
  13. Does he have friends? What do they like to do together?
  14. Does he have a sister or brother? What kind of relationship do they have?
  15. Has he served in the army or is he just planning to?
  16. How does he feel about sports?
  17. Does he like trips out of town?
  18. What is most important to him in life.
  19. If he could go to any corner of the world, where would he go?
  20. Have there been any serious relationships in his life and does he communicate with his exes?

It is best to ask questions in the order in which they appear. Gradually, the person will open up in the conversation, so each question becomes a little more frank.

With a new friend

It is often impossible to find common topics of conversation if you meet with a woman you recently met. There is still no knowledge of what your friend is interested in, or how exactly to arouse her interest. If you build communication correctly, you can make the relationship more trusting and long-term.

A topic related to pets is a great conversation starter. If your interlocutor has a cat or dog, you can ask about the care details and the history of its appearance. Be prepared to be shown photographs. This will significantly improve the mood of you and your new friend, which will contribute to a quick rapprochement.

It is important to demonstrate sincere interest in the girl you want to become friends with. Don't be afraid to be sincere in order to find out as much as possible about your new acquaintance.

By phone

Talking on the phone is the second stage of dating, which can be called training before real live communication. Building a dialogue with a stranger is always difficult. What can you talk to him about if you barely know each other? To avoid awkward pauses, we recommend that you try texting first. Only when messages can no longer satisfy your desire to communicate should you move on to telephone conversations.

After a banal “hello”, you can ask a couple of universal questions from the list:

  1. How was his day today?
  2. Has he heard about the recent event. If so, how does he feel about it?
  3. What does he plan to do this weekend?
  4. Which celebrity does he like best and why?
  5. How he would act in a given situation.
  6. Does his family have any interesting customs or traditions?
  7. Does he plan to go on vacation this year?
  8. What subjects at school did he like best?
  9. Does he have childhood friends? Do they still maintain a relationship?
  10. How does it relieve accumulated stress?
  11. What goals has he set for himself for the next few years?
  12. Does he have any idols? Why does he want to look up to these people?
  13. What is his favorite time of year?
  14. How does he feel about loneliness?
  15. There were serious relationships in his life and how he experienced breakups.
  16. What he dreamed about when he was a boy.
  17. What kind of relationship does he have with his friends?
  18. If he had more free time, what would he spend it on?
  19. Can he swim? If yes, how did you learn it?
  20. How often does his whole family get together for the holidays?

People who can talk about everything

Look at the journalists: Vladimir Pozner, Yuri Dud, Anatoly Shariy, Ksenia Sobchak, Dmitry Gordon. All of them are ready 24/7 to give the world their own opinion on any issue. They also manage to compete in original formulations.

Writers, show business stars, bloggers... Those who work for the audience must be able to talk about any topic. They are constantly asked provocative questions: on television and on the Internet. If they refuse, the public will quickly cease to be interested in them.

The earth is not only filled with celebrities. There was a person in everyone's life whom they wanted to listen to for hours. Usually this is one of the parents' friends or from the teaching staff.

On a walk

Starting a conversation while walking is both easier and more difficult than communicating on the phone or through social networks. A girl may simply feel shy when she is next to a guy.

The advantages of such communication are that you can see how the interlocutor reacts to a particular question. This will allow you to quickly adapt to him and choose the right direction for the conversation.

While you are walking, you have a unique opportunity to show that you are a smart interlocutor who knows how to listen. In a short walk you can learn a lot about a guy’s past and find out his plans for the future. Don't miss this chance.

Topics to talk to a guy while walking around the city:

  1. Does he like his chosen profession?
  2. Where would he like to go?
  3. Can he call himself a romantic?
  4. What he was like as a child.
  5. The family's negative attitude toward his choice of girlfriend may influence his opinion.
  6. He knows how to give in in an argument.
  7. He forgives misdeeds and quarrels or never compromises.
  8. How he feels about women who take the initiative.
  9. How he copes with difficulties.
  10. I wish he could fix something in his life.
  11. He often gets involved in conflicts.
  12. Were there any real enemies or rivals in his life?
  13. He believes that the ends justify the means.
  14. What attracts him to people?
  15. What dreams does he plan to turn into reality in the near future?
  16. What did he spend the first money he earned on?
  17. What does he dream of doing?
  18. What does he mean by the word love?
  19. Does he believe in love at first sight?
  20. I could live with one person my whole life.

Why do you need to keep the conversation going?

The ability to say a few words on any issue is a necessary option. It will come in handy a hundred times in your life to:

  • Answer the lesson and pass the exam.

None of the teachers will listen to the endless “uh-uh” and “I remember.” If a student prefers to remain eloquently silent, it means he is not ready and there is no point in bothering with him. These are sent for a retake within a few seconds.

It’s another matter if speech flows like a waterfall. There is an immediate desire to listen to the person answering. And he will also begin to speak in literary language, so everyone will forgive him. Even if instead of Pushkin the student dares to quote Oksimiron.

  • Pass an interview.

Not every recruiter is ready to pull out a word per hour. A person who can speak about himself with dignity is already impressive. HR people hear several times a day that “things will be said about me,” “I need to ask my friends,” and “I don’t know how to praise myself.” A person who breaks out of the usual paradigm instantly turns attention to himself. If you know how to speak, they will call you back!

  • Intrigue a stranger.

Your love life depends on how you speak. Can you charm a girl with funny stories? Win a guy over with quotes from Steinbeck? Perhaps you just got into a conversation with your future spouse. Or they could “shoot” with their eyes and go in different directions.

Whether you will have sex today is also not so much about appearance as it is about speaking. Still, speech characterizes thinking more, and therefore the personality itself. Remember Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones: appearance - God forbid. However, he was surrounded by female attention in abundance. And why all? He turned out to be smart and knew how to talk.

  • Join a new team.

Gaining trust in a small group where everyone has met each other long before meeting you is quite difficult. Although pleasant interlocutors have carte blanche everywhere.

We spend most of the day at work. It’s good when there is someone there with whom you can not just chat about the weather, but talk about serious topics. With such colleagues, work goes well.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

  • Create a reputation.

Competent, clear speech combined with erudition and a sense of humor is a pass to all offices, behind the scenes, behind closed doors, to the right houses. The ability to speak beautifully is an image that will play into your hands at the most unexpected moment. They will vote for you in elections to parliament or to the parent committee, they will take your side in a dispute, they will want to justify you in any situation.

On the first date

A first date is an exciting event, because it is during a live dialogue that a person decides whether to continue communication. Relationships can end before they even begin. A first date is like walking through a minefield. Any careless phrase, vulgarity or joke can ruin the atmosphere and create awkwardness in the conversation.

It is better to start a conversation from afar, and it is better to move on to more personal topics gradually. No one will bare their soul to a stranger, so do not try to extract information from him using pincers.

Topics for conversation with a guy:

  1. What is his relationship with his family?
  2. What attracts him to you?
  3. What qualities does he value in girls, and what character traits does he not like?
  4. He often gives advice to others.
  5. Where does he like to go on weekends?
  6. Where was he born and how did he spend his childhood?
  7. I would like to become a celebrity.
  8. What brings him happiness.
  9. Does he believe in astrology?
  10. What does he think about love?
  11. What talents does he have?
  12. He had significant achievements in school.
  13. Does he like sports?
  14. What would he do if he found himself in a woman's body?
  15. Where would he go if he became invisible?
  16. Does he justify white lies?
  17. How do you feel about people who don’t know how to lose?
  18. Where does he dream to go on vacation?
  19. Which country does he love most and why?
  20. If he were offered to take up any activity he liked, what would he choose?

The last minutes before parting will tell you whether the date went well or not. If a guy without vulgarities expresses a desire to kiss you, it means he is interested in you. All that remains is to prepare topics for conversation on the second date.

Complex philosophical questions on various topics

  1. Do guns protect people or destroy them?
  2. Will racism end?
  3. Why is beauty related to morality?
  4. Is there a power greater than God?
  5. Why do we respect the dead more than the living?
  6. Will the world be a better place if nationalism and religion cease to exist?
  7. Is war the only way to achieve peace?
  8. Is true beauty an objective or subjective concept?
  9. How much freedom should people have?
  10. What is the meaning of rich and poor in today's world?
  11. Without knowledge of philosophy, can you find a good job? (Read cool statuses about working with meaning)
  12. Is there progress in philosophy?
  13. Should we be afraid of death?
  14. Can wars be just?
  15. Is abortion acceptable or not?
  16. Can there be morality without God?
  17. Does time have a beginning or an end?
  18. Is torture justified?
  19. Is it always good to have a choice?
  20. What is more important, justice or mercy?

Interesting questions in philosophy

  1. Will it ever be possible to travel through time?
  2. What are dreams and why do we have them?
  3. How important is family in the modern world?
  4. Can a person be considered “educated” without formal education?
  5. Is it better to play a good game and lose, or to cheat and play a “bad” game and win?
  6. People say money can't buy happiness, but can you be truly happy without money? (To answer this question for yourself, read the great quotes of the famous Steve Jobs and his view on money and wealth).
  7. How do we know that electrons and black holes exist if we can't see them?
  8. Can animals “think” or “reason”?
  9. What rights do animals have?
  10. Why can't every person be a genius?

  11. Should governments punish those who lead unhealthy lifestyles?
  12. Will this world be better or worse without teachers and formal education?
  13. Why do we throw away food when we know people are dying of hunger?
  14. If we live in a civilized world, then why are there so many differences between rich and poor?
  15. Does man control technology or does technology control us?
  16. Is there such a thing as a good death?
  17. Reason or wisdom, which is more important for a better world?
  18. Are beliefs and superstitions the same?
  19. Why do we do what we don't like?
  20. Do atheists have their own gods?

We recommend reading 145 interesting questions for guys to diversify your communication.

Philosophical questions about love, relationships and happiness

  1. What is more important, to be respected or loved?
  2. Is it easier to love or to be loved?
  3. Why is happiness considered momentary, and suffering - eternal?
  4. Do numbers in a bank account make people happy?
  5. Can spirituality make you a happy person?
  6. Is love just a physical desire or something more?
  7. What is the best way to achieve happiness?
  8. Why is there nothing stronger than a mother's love?
  9. What is the meaning of true happiness and love?
  10. Why do we need love so much?
  11. Can best friends make good husband and wife?
  12. How is love different from passion or sexual desire?
  13. Have people become less happy in this age of technology or not?
  14. Are very smart people (prodigies) less or more happy than people with average intelligence?
  15. Is beauty related to love or not? What connection exists between them?

Read more questions about relationships, love and family.

10 funny philosophical questions

  1. When you go to a movie theater and the seats have armrests, which one is yours and which one is your neighbor's?
  2. Can vegetables feel pain when you bite into them?
  3. Why do women open their mouths when applying mascara?
  4. How many times should a person use a disposable razor?
  5. Why do we call coffee without cream and sugar “black” when it is actually dark brown? (We advise you to learn the facts about coffee and its benefits for the human body).

  6. If wool shrinks when wet, why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
  7. Why do we consider chubby children healthy and curvy women fat?
  8. At what age does a person become “elderly”?
  9. Why does a dog hate being hit in the face but loves to stick his head out of the car window?
  10. What color hair should appear on a bald man's driver's license?

We're sure you'll love these 100 funny questions for girls that will lift your spirits.

10 philosophical questions

  1. Does studying philosophy provide answers or generate more questions?
  2. What is more important: helping yourself, your family, society or the world?
  3. What is the most important goal of humanity?
  4. Is knowledge valuable without practical use?
  5. Does the Universe obey logical laws or only physical and mathematical ones?
  6. Can man comprehend the true depths of reality and existence?
  7. What is the best path to find the truth: science, mathematics, art, philosophy, or something else?
  8. Is mathematics something that people have created or something that they have discovered?
  9. If we learn and improve from our mistakes, why are we so afraid of making mistakes?
  10. How is it possible that the whole world is in debt?

Universal topics for conversation with a guy

If you really want to talk to the guy you like, but don’t know where to start, we offer a large list of universal topics that your interlocutor will definitely not get bored with:

  1. What he loves to do in his free time.
  2. When was the last time he was in the cinema?
  3. What films, TV series and programs he prefers and what actors he likes.
  4. Does he watch any podcasts?
  5. What social networks do you prefer to communicate on?
  6. How he gets girls interested.
  7. He will choose a relaxing or active holiday.
  8. Which makes him sad.
  9. How he relaxes after severe stress.
  10. Does he like to sing?
  11. How often does he go to dances?
  12. Who is his favorite author?
  13. Which bands did he attend?
  14. Where was his first date?
  15. Who was his first love?
  16. What kind of relationships did he have with his classmates?
  17. What childhood memory would he call his worst?
  18. What does he fear most?
  19. If life after death is in his opinion.
  20. Whom will he choose: a cat, a dog or his own version (ferret, hamster, dwarf dog).
  21. Is it possible for men to cry?
  22. Has he ever fallen in love with a friend's girlfriend?
  23. He visited museums or art galleries.
  24. Which historical figure would he like to talk to?
  25. Has he ever been to karaoke?
  26. What was the most curious situation that happened in his life?
  27. How often does he get into adventures?
  28. What action in his life does he consider the craziest?
  29. How he treats children.
  30. What would he do if he found himself on a desert island?
  31. He would choose exact sciences or humanities.
  32. He considers himself an owl or early bird.
  33. What place on earth would he call paradise?
  34. Does he have innate talent?
  35. Does he have a terrible secret?
  36. How often does he replay the most embarrassing moments of his life?
  37. When was the last time he rested in nature?
  38. Does he like games? If so, which ones?
  39. How often does he return to the past?
  40. Where does he see himself in the future?
  41. What goals are on his agenda?
  42. Has he ever flown on an airplane? If yes, what sensations did you experience during the process?
  43. Does he have any bad habits? How he fights them.
  44. Whom could he call an authority for himself?
  45. He keeps some things from his childhood.
  46. Where he had his first kiss.
  47. How does he feel about betrayal?
  48. If there was a time machine, what time would he go to?
  49. What are his food preferences?
  50. Which book/film/game universe would he go to if the opportunity arose?
  51. Which superpower would he choose?
  52. What actions make him proud?
  53. What summer of his life was the happiest and why.
  54. Which planet would he go to in search of extraterrestrial life?
  55. What was the longest relationship in his life?
  56. What brings him joy.
  57. Does he consider himself a happy person? If not, what is he missing?
  58. Does he believe in mysticism?
  59. What genre of films does he like best?
  60. When was the last time he walked in the park?
  61. Which place does his warmest memories associate with?
  62. What does he want to achieve in this life?
  63. Does he like his job?
  64. When he first realized that he had become an adult.
  65. Do difficulties scare him?
  66. What does he think about blind dates?
  67. Has he ever woken up in a completely unfamiliar place?
  68. Does he believe in psychic abilities?
  69. Where would he like to spend his old age?
  70. He would want to live forever if such a possibility existed.

Eternal or fundamental philosophical questions

  1. Is a person's personality shaped by nature or nurture?
  2. What is freedom? Is real freedom possible?
  3. Can we know what happiness is without suffering?
  4. What happens to a person after his death?
  5. Is it possible to understand good without evil?
  6. What is truth and reality?
  7. Do animals have souls? How do human souls differ from animal souls?
  8. What is the meaning and purpose of life?
  9. What is love?
  10. Are there such things as free will and the right to choose?
  11. God exists? How do you know that God exists? (We recommend reading quotes about God with meaning and faith in him).

  12. How did life begin?
  13. What is happiness?
  14. Are we alone in the Universe?
  15. What makes us human?
  16. Can we live forever?
  17. Is time travel possible?
  18. What is the difference between justice and revenge?
  19. How to determine what is evil and what is not?
  20. Is poverty inevitable in society?

Find out what questions you can and should ask a girl in order to show yourself as an interesting person.

What you can't talk about

During a conversation, you should try to avoid sensitive topics. When a person does not want to talk about something, there is no need to force him, although sometimes the temptation to find out some secret pushes a girl to take wrong actions. The guy will open up as you get closer. You also can’t put pressure on your interlocutor.

Try to avoid discussing political and religious views, financial issues. If your opinions differ, this may lead to an argument or conflict. You won't want to talk anymore.

Try to avoid direct questions. If a guy says he knows English, don't force him to immediately translate your favorite band's latest hit.

Love, relationships, friendship, respect

Romance, friendship and relationships are not interesting, perhaps, only to a rotten stump. “Stop, stop, stop! What a mess? I have a business blog!” - you say. OK. And if the topics are:

  • “How my friend and I opened a tire shop and what came of it,”
  • "5 reasons not to open a business with friends"
  • “My experience of doing business with a relative: all the pros and cons,”
  • “Lost my wife and found my own business.”

The topic of relationships between people is always in demand. Be it regular office flirting or an unexpected life-changing meeting.

Psychologist's advice

When communication is just starting, follow the simple advice of psychologists:

  • Try to talk freely, because feeling constrained interferes with open dialogue.
  • Let's talk to the guy, but don't forget to talk about yourself.
  • Lighten the mood with jokes.
  • Don't get distracted while talking.
  • Try to understand your interlocutor.
  • Be attentive to his words.
  • During your interlocutor's monologues, gently interrupt him with insignificant phrases so that he understands that he is being listened to.
  • Don't try to give advice unless asked.
  • Learn to put an end to the conversation. Endless conversations are exhausting. Such communication does not bring pleasure.

Now you have 150 topics in stock that you can talk about with a guy by correspondence, by phone or live. It is not necessary to use all the points. Select only those that you think will be most interesting to your interlocutor. Don't forget about yourself. When a girl always takes the initiative and goes out of her way to liven up communication, but does not feel any return, it is better not to waste your time on this guy. The situation here is the same as with a serious relationship - both must give their all.

Conclusions about topics of communication with friends

  1. Do not forget that friendship with a friend must be mutually beneficial. It is important that both women receive positive emotions. You can't just give or receive. It is important to remember to take initiative and plan communication. Do not underestimate the power of compliments, gifts, support in difficult moments.
  2. Show consideration to your friend. You should take an active interest in her life, problems and concerns. You need to listen to the answer and show courtesy. If your friend is in a sad mood, you should first support her, and then have fun and talk about light-hearted topics.
  3. When talking with men, it is necessary to avoid negative characteristics at all costs. Remember that the main task of communication is to replenish feminine energy. No negativity that can only devastate.
  4. You should not gossip so as not to destroy female friendship. Gossipers can easily talk about their friends and loved ones behind their backs.
  5. You cannot wash dirty linen in public by speaking badly about your spouse, children, or mother-in-law. No outsider should know that not everything is perfect in the family. This aspect will attract a lot more negativity into your life. “Good” advice only serves to increase discontent and add fuel to the fire. It's worth taking care of your family.
  6. It is better not to keep talking about your spouses. You should not undermine respect and love for your closest people.
  7. You shouldn't try to talk about a topic on which you have noticeably opposing views. You can always express your opinion, but you should not consider yourself opponents who are on a political show. It is better to demonstrate respect for each other.
  8. It is important to avoid health topics, as there is nothing pleasant in the conversation. Any random advice can be harmful.
  9. Topics of finance, religion and politics should not be touched upon as well. They are often associated with problems and can cause disagreements.
  10. It is important to be neutral towards your friend's spouse. You shouldn't cause jealousy.
  11. If you are not happy while communicating with your friend, it is best to end the relationship. The pleasure of friendship should be mutual.

Career, development, self-knowledge, superpower

The topic is partly related to the previous one. However, there are some nuances here. Almost everyone believes in some special purpose and a unique superpower given by nature that is available to him alone.

Reveal a person’s talents, and you will have an audience. Conduct tests, and then, based on them, determine what is best for a person to do, or let him decide for himself. Let him find out who he really is: a warrior, a magician, a teacher, a knight or just a king. Otherwise, maybe the king spent too much time at the wipers.

This includes all kinds of psychological blogs that help with career guidance.

Don't you want to become a pro in your business? Take down a couple of dragons and show the local “Captain America” that America has long been open. And it was opened by you. It is necessary for the person to answer: “Well, of course I want to!” Horseradish is clear. What should I do?"

This is why ambitious business blogs are interesting to the audience. All sorts of projects a la “Blog of a young entrepreneur from Miami” attract people and flourish.

An example of a presentation for such a blog:

Hello, my name is Ivan. I am 29 years old and I have a business with an income of 200 thousand. “Not so much,” you say. However, 2 years ago my salary was exactly 17 thousand rubles. I needed money so much that I was ready to bite into the tire of a passing Mercedes with my teeth...

56 films about sales, marketing, management and business

Education, languages, sciences, training

It would be nice to know English, right? Yes. If you don’t know him, he definitely had thoughts about training. What if it comes in handy? After all, this topic is fascinating, practical and educational.

For example, Pavel Durov watched Zuckerberg’s lecture on time, so what now? “VKontakte” has taken root in our brains, and Pavel is already sending telegrams to everyone. If he didn’t know English, how would we live without new stickers with a fox, a cat and a jellyfish?

In short, language learning and any other education is always interesting to most developing people.

Make people effective and the reader will come for you, even if you go to Mars.

Health, wellness, weight loss, workout

I shoved this into one section because the topics are essentially similar. People play sports for health reasons. They lose weight through training, improve their shape, get treatment for something, and so on.

There are a lot of headlines here:

  • "I'm losing weight in 60 days"
  • “How did my weight training end?”
  • “Marathon: bench press 100 kg in 100 days”,
  • “How I lost 15 kg and cured gastritis”,
  • "7 Healthy Breakfast Recipes You Haven't Tried Yet."

The topic of health is important, perhaps, for everyone. Yes, sometimes people neglect this and burn their bodies at every opportunity, but sooner or later they will start reading your blog articles. Write about health, and there will be a reader.

Interview with Tatyana Rybakova: How to lose 55 kg and become a successful YouTube blogger

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