15 Signs Your Ex Still Loves You

Incredible facts

What feelings does your ex still have towards you? If you are asking such a question not out of idle curiosity, then most likely

, they themselves retained very, very warm feelings towards their ex-man.

Perhaps they are so warm that they would not mind restoring old relationships.

But how do you know if he wants the same thing? In this article we will tell you about 15 signs

, which may indicate that your ex still loves you.

He is sincerely happy when he meets you

Dean Drobot

Perhaps your ex is just a very cheerful and positive person who is always happy when he meets someone he knows. However, if you act defiantly cold

, pretending that you don’t care about his joyful emotions, but he continues to rejoice every now and then, like a child, when he sees you, which means that the love in his soul has not completely died out.

In other words, if a man, despite your coldness, literally blossoms when he sees you, becomes extremely courteous, demonstrates elements of flirtation (and, even more so, if he is sincerely happy

who sees you and doesn’t hide it at all), then the likelihood that your ex still has warm feelings for you is very high. And, apparently, he is not averse to restoring old relationships!

He reacts to you differently every time

One day your ex acts very cold towards you, showing complete aloofness. Another day he talks to you as if you were his good old friend

, with whom he has an excellent relationship. On the third day, your ex is openly annoyed when he meets you. On the fourth - he is soft, fluffy and very, very courteous.

No, this does not mean that your ex-man is not all right in his head! This only means that, most likely, not much time has passed

after the end of your relationship, and he still hasn't sorted out his feelings.


There's a good chance that your ex is feeling very bad about the breakup; It is quite possible that he would be happy to restore the old relationship, but he is tormented by doubts

. In any case, such behavior indicates that your ex still has some feelings towards you. And quite strong.

But even if this is the case, you shouldn’t delude yourself too much by giving both of you a chance to reunite again if not much time has passed since the breakup. First, you need to deal with your own emotions

; secondly, your ex definitely needs this. The best thing you can do in this situation is to give him (and yourself) time to figure it out.

When enough time has passed, your ex-man will finally decide how to deal with you on a permanent basis.

: to be cold and unfriendly or soft and courteous.

He reacts too emotionally to your appearance

When he is infinitely happy about your appearance on the horizon, everything is quite clear. It's a completely different matter when your ex suddenly becomes noticeably nervous.

when he accidentally meets you. And here it’s not so important what this emotionality ultimately results in - aggression, friendliness or a depressive mood - what’s important is that you still care about him.

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This sign almost unambiguously indicates that with you and your ex-lover, as the poet said, everything can be, everything can happen... By the way, the feelings of a man

, reacting emotionally to his ex, it is not so difficult to check, making sure that it is she who causes such a noticeable reaction in him.

You can, for example, let him know that you have a new relationship. Or even arrange a meeting with your ex in such a way that another man

showing you signs of attention. An emotional person who has retained feelings in his soul will begin to be jealous instantly.

However, be prepared for the fact that the reaction may be too violent and unpredictable - even jealousy ! Or will you be more upset by indifference?

Quick test

To begin with, I suggest you take a short test “Does your ex want you back”, in which you need to answer only 10 simple questions related to his behavior a few months after the divorce. If you answer “yes” to at least half of it, then it won’t hurt you to understand the topic in more detail:

  1. Does he still have your things that he is in no hurry to return?
  2. Does he call just like that, finding stupid reasons for this?
  3. Has he remained the same, that is, is he not consciously changing his life by doing the same things that you did together?
  4. Do you often meet him by chance in unexpected places?
  5. Is he interested in your life on the sly among your mutual friends?
  6. Does he provide unexpected and free help to your close relatives, for example, to your mother (his mother-in-law) at the dacha?
  7. Is he nervous when meeting, does he act feignedly cheerfully, or perhaps gets angry?
  8. Is there a pendulum effect in his behavior, that is, today he is polite and friendly, but tomorrow he is rude and tries to quickly curtail communication?
  9. Does he congratulate you on common holidays and events that he consistently forgot about during marriage?
  10. Has he suddenly become an ideal and attentive father to your children?

I repeat, if you answered yes to more than 5 questions, then you can assume that the ex-spouse is eager to return to the family. If most of your answers are negative, you don’t have to read this article to the end, because this is exactly the kind of thing a man does when he really wants to return the woman he foolishly lost. Otherwise, it is obvious that the beloved is rapidly rushing into a new life in which he does not see you next to him.

He's trying to get your attention

If your ex still has warm feelings for you in his soul, he will probably try to somehow make you understand that hope for a reunion is still alive inside him. At the very least, he will try his best to get your attention.

to your person. Including publishing certain photos too actively on social networks.

Eugenio Marongiu

For example, in these photographs your loved one can be in the company of different women, having fun with friends, and generally showing in every possible way how good and successful

develops without you. In fact, there is no point in a person behaving this way soon after a breakup.

By posting photos like this, your ex is most likely trying to make you feel jealous. Or really hopes that this will happen. However, these may be completely different photos and posts

. For example, in photographs your ex may be alone, sadly looking into the distance. He shows you that he is suffering, that he is lonely, that he is worried.

Various posts with meaningful statements from all sorts of sages about the meaning of life, or simply statuses informing everyone (but primarily you!) about his experiences. If you and your ex had a very trusting relationship

, and he has always shared his deepest thoughts and desires with you, then he will try to do this through social networks, including sending messages to you personally.

Such behavior is highly likely to indicate that your ex still has warm feelings for you. However, do not rush to rejoice, as he may act by inertia

. And it won’t show itself in any way if you suddenly make it clear that this worries you. Therefore, let time pass, which will show how long your ex will last.

Signs he wants to come back

The following signs will help you understand that your ex wants to return:

  1. You both have feelings for each other.
  2. You stay connected.
  3. You talk often.
  4. Contacts you first.
  5. The ex does not pick up things for quite a long time after breaking up.
  6. They often appear where you are.
  7. Calls for random reasons.
  8. Asks friends about you.
  9. Can't look you in the eyes.
  10. They ask if everything is okay with you or who you are dating.
  11. Acts differently when you're around.
  12. You continue to be physically intimate with them on a regular basis.
  13. Calls when drunk.
  14. Changing posts on social networks.

Let's look at some in more detail.

You stay connected

Do you keep in contact with your ex? If so, how long and how does it happen? The way your ex contacts you after a breakup can tell you how eager they are to get the relationship back on track. Below we have presented a table that shows the type of connection and the strength of motivation for restoring a couple.

It's common for an ex to use text messages or email to keep in touch. On the one hand, it may be just a courtesy or a desire to maintain friendship, but on the other hand, it may be a desire to find out what you are doing. This form of communication is the easiest way to keep a person engaged in life without making hasty decisions.

Phone calls are a good sign. This type of communication allows you to communicate in real and direct contact, while the partner feels that the relationship is not really over forever. Of course, a personal meeting is the most ideal option, but the ex needs time to come to this.

And finally, a personal meeting. This means that he is not ready to let you go. The ex is in doubt, and it is a face-to-face meeting that will put everything in its place. You can simply help make a decision.

Do you talk often?

That’s how often conversations happen between you, an indicator of how much you really mean. If a person wants to see someone in his life, then he will always find time to maintain contact.

If your ex continues to maintain contact after the breakup, then this shows that he is not sure about the right decision. But here it is very important to understand who is the initiator of conversations: you or him.

Under no circumstances be the first to contact!

Even if your ex hasn't initiated contact yet, that doesn't mean it's over. Immediately after a breakup, there begins something like a period of mourning, because separation is a type of “death,” especially if you have been together for a very long time. You may need some time to think things through before getting in touch. Give this time.

A separate layer lies in the fact that your husband or boyfriend has already found a new girl, but cannot stop communicating with you. Most likely, the ex is unhappy or unsure of his new passion. Therefore, the fact that he continues to communicate is a good sign. This means your ex still loves you or you make him feel more comfortable than the current person around you.

He always talks nostalgically about the old days

Robert Kneschke

Exes sometimes meet, communicate, have lunch or dinner together - there is nothing so unusual about this. If you and your ex continued this habit

, then listen to how he speaks about the period when you were together. If your conversations never go back to the old days, that's one thing.

It's completely different if your man constantly remembers the times when you were together; fun situations come to his mind

and good moments. In such conversations, his nostalgia for past relationships is clearly visible. It looks like he really still loves you.

Does this mean recovery is possible? Take your time. Let's say he's really overwhelmed by nostalgic feelings. But at the same time, he may not think at all about restoring the old relationship.

. Perhaps he is simply pleased to remember that carefree time that has sunk into oblivion. However, it is worth trying to check your guesses by directing communication in the necessary direction.

Try to support his nostalgic conversations. If you are not ready to say something like “how nice it would be to relive all this again
together !”
, then thicken
the intensity of nostalgia
to such an extent until he himself says something similar. This will definitely happen if he still has feelings for you.

He presses for pity

Koldunova_Anna/Getty Images

This is not about your ex catching you on the street or coming to your home to tearfully beg for forgiveness and get you back. Although such manifestations are possible! We are talking about some indirect signs

. For example, when your mutual friends meet you, they casually talk about how your ex has become haggard, lost weight, doesn’t eat anything, and is generally deeply depressed.

Your friend may tell you, for example, that she met your ex by chance the day before, and that “he had such a sad look and a pitiful look...”

Well, you can, of course, rush to your ex in order to support him
and bring him back to life, since you decide that he is suffering so much because of your breakup, while still harboring deep feelings for you.

But he can look pathetic for other reasons too! For example, after an illness. Or going through bad times

for other objective reasons that have nothing to do with you.

Consider also this: our friends are people who usually want the best for us (ideally). And often they themselves can become very upset because you are experiencing pain.

parting. They may treat both of you equally well, and therefore may try to bring you together again in this way. Or they even see something that is not really there.

KatarzynaBialasiewicz/Getty Images

It’s another matter if you received information about the pitiful state of your ex, allegedly caused by separation from you, through a person who is certainly far from wanting to solve your problems

, to bring together or mislead someone. In this case, you can give your ex some time to suffer, and then you can go and try to restore the relationship.

He always catches your eye

This situation is very specific, since it is difficult not to get noticed, for example, if you study or work together. It's a completely different matter if you don't work together, study together, or even live in different areas. What if your ex suddenly starts showing up to you

? For example, I started visiting the same gym where you go; began to frequent your favorite establishments, although he had never been there before; I started using a new route for jogging, which allows me to run into you as if by chance.

But who knows what could happen?

In a word, if you suddenly notice with surprise that you have begun to see your ex almost more often than before, perhaps he really really misses you and your relationship, the old days. He wants to see you more often

, and express his emotions, but he is afraid of rejection. You can try to start over, but first you should make sure that this was not some kind of accident (for example, he moved into the neighboring house purely by chance!).


He went through a bad breakup too quickly

amount of time to get over a breakup that was extremely difficult, long and painful.

. The chances that in a couple of weeks you will wake up in the morning with a light soul, completely forgetting everything that happened, are almost zero.

Therefore, it’s worth thinking about if you suddenly found out that your ex suddenly began to lead an overly active life almost immediately after the breakup, as if nothing had happened. an ultra-short time he

a new passion has appeared. There is almost no doubt that he deliberately started a new relationship in order to drown out the feelings remaining from the old relationship.

A man can plunge headlong into work, starting to disappear at his workplace 24 hours a day. Why suddenly such an unprecedented ability to work, and even after a short time after he was completely exhausted and mentally exhausted?

tormented by his feelings about breaking up with you? In fact, he is simply trying to lose himself in his work, to drown out the pain.

Such behavior may indicate that your lover still has feelings for you. Perhaps he continues to love you. But it may turn out that these feelings are far from the most positive.

, so once again analyze all the circumstances of your separation before rushing into his open arms again.

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After all, your ex may well show such activity in order not to drown out his love feelings

, but in order to quickly erase from memory everything that connected him with you!

He has no new relationships, although a lot of time has passed

No matter how difficult the breakup of your relationship is, no matter how long you worry, there is always a necessary period of time

in order for the passions to subside, the pain to dull and an irresistible desire to live on to arise. Live and start new relationships, of course.

But if more than enough time has passed, but your ex is still as lonely as immediately after your breakup, this is a reason to think about it. Perhaps he never found anyone who was better than you

? Or has he never let you go from his heart, despite the passing months or even years? This theory can only be tested experimentally!

However, you must be sure that he really did not start a new relationship after you!

I love my ex-boyfriend: what to do and how to forget?

First of all, you should stop thinking about him, because mentally you live certain moments with him and become more and more emotionally attached to him. It's best to keep your thoughts busy. This could be a new hobby, attending courses, seminars, or meeting interesting people. You shouldn’t languish at home, you need to communicate more, make new acquaintances. All this will help you forget your lover.

Look for flaws

After parting with a loved one, it begins to seem that he was ideal, although this is probably far from the case - otherwise the separation would not have happened. In this case, you should remember all the bad things that happened between you. It’s worth starting with the shortcomings of your ex-lover; he probably had a lot of them. Subsequently, the reasons for the quarrels will emerge in your memory, as well as the unpleasant situations that you experienced. All this will help get rid of feelings for your ex-lover.

Find new love

To forget your old love, you need to find a new one, so you can safely go to discos, exhibitions, or ask your friend to organize a blind date for you. Perhaps you will be lucky and you will meet a worthy person who will love and respect you. Just don’t go to places where your ex might be, as the feelings will come flooding back and you won’t achieve anything.

Let's turn to psychological exercises

If you can’t forget your loved one, you can try simple exercises. For example, experts advise looking at a candle flame in the evening for several weeks, imagining how your memories of your lover are burning in it. You can also write the story of your relationship on paper and then burn everything. In this way, you will psychologically accept your breakup over and over again and finally realize that the relationship is over and there is no turning back. Soon you will feel relieved and ready to meet new love.

Having met an interesting girl and talked with her for some time, you suddenly realize that she still cannot forget her ex-boyfriend. During walks, she often talks about him and is sad. You won’t envy a guy who finds himself in such a situation. What to do if a girl can't forget her ex-boyfriend? “Popular about health” will tell you whether it’s worth continuing to communicate with her.

Is it worth continuing to communicate with a girl who loves her ex?


If a guy likes a girl in whose heart the fire of love for her ex still burns, such communication does not bode well. Moreover, it usually ends not in favor of the gentleman, who has gone through the entire path of suffering with the girl. Practice shows that time will pass, passions will subside, then she will find a new gentleman and stay with him.

If you are looking for a melancholy person to meet, who needs to be constantly consoled and encouraged, and want to feel strong and needed for a while, then this girl is made for you. But if your plans are for a normal relationship, mutual love and passion, quickly run away. Why waste energy, time and money on a woman who uses you, and then “heals” her love for her ex and starts dating another boyfriend?

How long will she suffer


It will take at least a year before the abandoned lady is ready for a new relationship. For some, the suffering lasts even longer. It all depends on the person’s temperament and her desire to start a new life, as well as how long ago she broke up with her lover.

Suffering over an ex is a special stage of life during which a woman’s psychological state changes. Her experiences go through several cycles:

* Mask. This period is the shortest. It begins from the moment of separation and lasts no more than 10 days. At the same time, the girl experiences mixed feelings and wants to show the whole world that she is not in pain. She seems cheerful, strong, confident.

* Apathy, depression. This period is the most difficult. For some women it lasts a month, for others it lasts for 2-3 months. At this time, the girl is especially vulnerable, she takes off her mask and shows all her suffering. She is endlessly lonely, has no idea how to live on, all her thoughts and words come down to her ex-boyfriend, she often cries, does not take care of herself. This is the most painful period.

* Recovery. This stage is dangerous for future boyfriends. The girl begins to slowly come to her senses, all the tears have been cried, there is no more strength left to be sad. Now the young lady wants to have fun, communicate, go to the movies and clubs, but her ex is still in her heart. During the recovery period, the girl allows new acquaintances and boyfriends to appear, but not for a serious relationship, but for the sake of entertainment. The duration of this stage is 6-12 months. The danger is that the new gentleman, which could be you, will not notice that the woman has some kind of psychological problems. And the girl herself, on a subconscious level, chooses guys for communication who are somewhat similar to her ex-lover.

* New life. Everything ends someday, and old love also passes. At one point, the woman understands that it’s time to change something. Thoughts about your ex still warm your soul, but they no longer cause pain. Now I want real relationships, reciprocity, tenderness and love. At this stage, the girl will begin to pay attention to men who are not at all similar to her former lover. Now she is afraid of that type of man and is looking for another, reliable and faithful.

Having analyzed all the stages of suffering, it becomes obvious that a guy who meets a girl during the period of her recovery, when her goal is only fun and entertainment, will not expect anything from her except sex. Having met her, when the pain of parting is still too strong, there is nothing to hope for at all, except to play the role of a comforter.

If you are attracted to a woman who is still in love with your ex, it would be wise to leave her alone and find someone else. There is no point in sacrificing yourself and wasting your time in order to be a comforter and source of entertainment for a suffering passion.

If this lady is still too dear to you, well, try to stir her up. Remember the following rules:

* Don't console. * Don't allow anyone to talk about your ex in your presence. * Strive to achieve closer relationships. Kiss, hug. * Never sort things out with her ex. * If a girl doesn’t want to get closer, leave her, nothing will work out.

He constantly calls you when he's drunk

Calling your ex while drunk is a classic of the genre, of course. However, these calls gradually fade away as time passes

. And only over the strongest feelings time has no power. Only alcohol has power, because, as you know, what is on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunken person.

Syda Productions

And if your ex, as soon as he gets drunk, constantly calls you, most likely he still loves you and misses you. And alcohol only helps him remove obstacles

who do not allow you to express your feelings in a sober manner. Perhaps the two of you should consider trying again?

The main thing is that his alcohol addictions are not the very reason why you broke up!

Gestures by which you can understand that your ex-boyfriend likes you

A man who still loves and wants to renew the relationship will initiate physical contact in every possible way: accidental or intentional touching. You can understand this by:

  • hugs when meeting;
  • kisses on the cheek;
  • assistance in putting on outerwear;
  • offer to hand over the bag, hold it.

A caring man can often look at his former passion, he will try to attract her gaze to himself. At a party, he will involuntarily keep track of where you went, what you are doing, who you are communicating with. Subconsciously, the young man will try to determine your condition. He is interested in whether you are going through a breakup and whether you want to return.

He constantly monitors your activity on social networks

As soon as you publish any photo (especially your own!) or post on any website, your ex turns out to be one of the first among those who liked it

or commented on your activity. This means only one thing - your ex-man is closely monitoring any of your actions on social networks.

There is also a situation where your ex may not comment on your posts and photos, but constantly visit your page. Not all social networks

allow you to see guests of your page, however, in some social networks you can enable this function (sometimes for a fee).

Eugenio Marongiu

You can spend a little money and do this if you are really interested in knowing about your ex's feelings. And if it turns out that he is a frequent visitor

on your page (not to mention if he is overly “active” there), then it is possible to say with a high degree of probability that he still has feelings for you.

Someone may be quite skeptical about such “persecution”: they say, if a person had real feelings, he would find an opportunity to make it clear in real life

, and not via the Internet. However, we should not forget what century we live in! Nowadays, many take communication on social networks very seriously, without particularly separating activity in life and on the Internet.

Therefore, the actions of such people on social networks can very accurately convey their mood and reveal their character.

It keeps in touch with your family members

Situations, of course, are different, but it is not always the case that a man or woman, after a breakup, maintains good relations with their partner’s family members. And especially not everyone

will try to use any excuse to communicate with them. This looks especially strange when your ex does not and cannot have any common affairs with anyone from your family.

Robert Kneschke

However, if such communication occurs, it may well be that he does not lose hope of getting back together with you. Finding out is quite simple - you can talk to those members of your family

, with whom your ex actively communicates. Ask them to express their point of view; finally ask what your ex is talking to them about - maybe about you?

Do not rush to regard this step of your ex as a sign of remaining love for you, if your relationship

lasted so long that he simply became close friends with one of your family members.

How and what is the conversation going on?

It is very important to pay attention and be aware of the pitfalls that will or already occur during conversations. What or how the conversation goes is not necessarily reality; sometimes there is something more hidden behind it.

So, let's look at several options:

  1. Neglect. He speaks to you in a dismissive tone, but this does not mean erasing you from your life. The ex tries to keep his distance, making it clear that resumption is impossible. This is 100% true if the desire to separate came from you. If he took such a step, then neglect is not an accurate sign; perhaps he is simply very nervous, and therefore hides behind a mask of arrogance.
  2. Talks about himself. Quite selfish, don't you think? But don't rush to conclusions. If he talks about himself, it means he is quite comfortable sharing personal things with you. However, keep in mind that staying as your ex's friend is a bad idea if you want to get him back.
  3. Talks about meetings, trips with other people. Most likely, you are already in the friend zone and there is no way to return the relationship. The ex is already moving forward and there is no room for you as a soul mate.
  4. Asks about your life. It is likely that he is trying to understand whether you have someone in mind. And he doesn’t like this idea, which means he has doubts about breaking up. He may even ask about it directly.

He will definitely congratulate you on all holidays

It’s one thing when your ex-man behaves quite actively, trying to catch your eye more often, acting through mutual friends

, or your family members, making it clear that he still cares about you.

Such restrained behavior looks completely different when your ex shows “signs of life” exclusively on holidays, but does so consistently

. New Year, your birthday and the birthdays of your loved ones, March 8, Easter - there are, in fact, many holidays in our lives.

Jacob Lund

But if your ex regularly sends you congratulatory messages these days, this may indicate that he still has warm feelings for you in his soul. One can assume, of course, that he is just a very polite person

. However, in this situation, it is recommended to take into account the circumstances under which you separated.

If the breakup was difficult, and after the breakup you made it clear that you did not want to see or hear from him, but he constantly makes himself known with congratulatory text messages, you still have a chance of getting back together

. In this situation, if you want to check whether simple politeness is his motive, it is recommended that you also start congratulating your ex on all holidays and responding to his congratulations.

A man who wants to reconnect with you will probably stop limiting himself

with just congratulatory messages, and will begin to be more active.

What signs can you use to determine that your ex-boyfriend is still not indifferent to you?

What could be easier than to confess your love to your ex-girlfriend? No, this option is absolutely not suitable for guys! What if the girl refuses, laughs in your face, is proud of herself, and tells the whole city about it? It's sad, but it is fear, pride and doubt that prevents the couple from reuniting. What to do? Make sure of the warm feelings of your ex-lover, and then act according to the circumstances.

So, how do you know if your ex-boyfriend still loves you?

Looking for a reason to contact you

Communication between exes after a breakup is practically reduced to zero. But a guy who still loves his chosen one never breaks off contact with her. Moreover, he does not ask her to meet, does not come home to chat, but begins to look for a reason to call and text. Either your hairpin was found (which was long forgotten), then today is the solstice day (congratulations), give Katya’s number (there’s no one else to ask) or how is your cat doing.

The fact that he calls or writes for far-fetched reasons suggests that your communication is important to the guy. The young man also tests the waters: will you pick up the phone, in what tone do you speak, in what mood do you respond. How you end the conversation is also important. If your ex-boyfriend is not indifferent to you, he will always end the conversation/correspondence in a positive way, without reproaches or hysterics. “I was glad to hear from you”, “That’s it, you’ve become mischievous, I’ll write later”, “Today I’ll definitely dream about you and take revenge for all the insults”, “Drop off your infectious smile before going to bed”, “That’s why I loved you.”

Drunk calls are considered especially indicative. Alcohol relieves tension, dulls anxiety and fears, loosens the tongue and spills all emotions out. And if during these periods he directs his energy to his former passion, it means that she is not just an ex, but a girl who still excites his heart.

Always finds time for you

Are you sad, bored, lonely, scared? You forgot your umbrella, your car stalled in the city center, do you need help moving your things to the hostel? Call your ex to check if your love is still alive. You'll see, he will rush to the rescue unconditionally! A guy who cares about his ex always finds time for her!

He will sacrifice himself, put you as a priority in all matters. He will always find a minute to write, call, come, answer. Another significant point: even if the girl called, and the guy did not answer the call for important reasons, he will always call back, apologize, explain, and begin to make excuses, even if she didn’t say a word about it. This suggests that she is valued, respected, and valued.

If an ex-man is jealous, he regrets the breakup, wants to return to the old relationship, and is not ready to let go of his ex-girlfriend. When you are still in love, the mere thought that your girlfriend is spending time with someone else hurts, causes anger, resentment, and provokes action.

You can easily check whether your ex-boyfriend loves you or not by making him jealous. If you happen to be in the same room (club, mutual friend’s birthday, restaurant, outing), stay closer to male representatives. Smile, chat animatedly, listen carefully. But watch your ex-boyfriend out of the corner of your eye. If he loves you, he will keep an eye on you: where you went, what you are doing, how you behave, who you are talking to, etc. Or he will try to attract attention to himself - laugh loudly, be the life of the party, joke, incite, flirt with other women.

If you keep in touch, mention the name of a stranger (even if it is fictitious) in passing in the dialogue. A guy who still has feelings for you will immediately get hooked on this topic and start asking a lot of questions: who he is, what are the circumstances of the acquaintance, where the opponent lives, how old he is. The timbre should become lower, the voice becomes hoarse, strained, and breathing becomes intermittent.

After the information received, the former young man may withdraw or, conversely, become more active in order to confront the emerging rival. It depends on the character of the man.

Your ex's behavior will help you distinguish true jealousy from possessiveness. Demonstrative aggression shows exactly the latter, so it has nothing to do with love.

Actively maintains a social network

Social networks will tell you a lot, because they reflect your character, feelings, and state of mind. How exactly a guy runs his page depends on the reason why you broke up and the temperament of the chosen one.

When a man loves and passionately wants to get his ex-girlfriend back, he uses one of three options:

  1. A guy who still loves his ex-girlfriend publishes passive-aggressive statuses, often adding sad pictures with philosophical thoughts, songs about suffering, betrayal, unrequited love and pain. This is done solely so that the other half reads, evaluates and understands everything.
  2. If a guy wants to regain a lost relationship, he becomes active exclusively on his ex’s social page. He throws funny memes and cool songs on her profile, likes her photos, posts, comments, and is always the first to react to new posts. He often offers to meet in a joking manner, eat ice cream, or play billiards.
  3. Provokes jealousy. He specially marks himself in photos next to pretty girls, shouts loudly about his party yesterday, and litters his feed with ambiguous pictures and posts.

This is all done only when the ex is sure that he is not trying in vain (which you will definitely see or hear from friends). This is the meaning.

He is always ready to help you

There are situations in life when we are in such dire need of help that we don’t really have to choose from whom to accept this help and from whom not. And the fact that your ex readily responds to such calls

, can only indicate that a good relationship has remained between you, and it is not a burden for him to sometimes support you.

David Pereiras

However, the key points are the circumstances in which this support occurs; in that zeal

that your lover shows; how often does he do this?

You need to borrow money, you are sick, you are choosing new furniture, you are facing problems at work, you just want to vent

- your ex drops everything, rushes to you and solves all your issues. In this situation, we are hardly talking about politeness and pure altruism alone.

Most likely, he still loves you and does not give up hopes of a reunion. Once again, when you need to support it

, say something like
“what would I do without you”
“it’s so good that you are always there”
“I so appreciate your help”
. Look at his reaction, pay attention to what he says in response.

If it seems to you that he is motivated by something more than simple altruism

, then it makes sense to try to develop the relationship again.

Features of behavior

The first obvious sign is the emotional behavior of your ex-boyfriend. A loving young man will be sad. The breakup of a love affair destroys the old world. To determine whether a young man is sad, you must consider the following:

  1. Communication . If a man does not want to stop it, you are dear to him, at least as an interlocutor. If he writes and calls at least once a week, then he definitely cares about you.
  2. Meetings . After breaking up, guys try to cut off contacts with their beloved. If a former boyfriend offers friendship, he is trying to return the relationship. Pay attention to meetings in the company of mutual friends; the former boyfriend will try to see each other more often.
  3. Social media . Sad statuses and music on his pages may indicate acute feelings about what happened.
  4. Excessively active lifestyle . The sudden start of an active lifestyle is a sign of emotional distress caused by a breakup. After leaving, the man felt empty in his soul. He tries to fill the lack of love with new impressions and emotions, displacing pleasant memories from his consciousness.

And remember that your ex-boyfriend may simply want to maintain a friendly relationship with you. It's quite normal.

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