What to talk about with a girl on a walk: interesting topics for conversation

It’s one thing to ask a girl out on a date, but it’s completely different to organize it in order to pleasantly surprise her and show her at her best. Psychologists note that communication is an effective way to build relationships, so a man needs to think in advance about what to talk about with a girl when going out. Competent speech and versatility of thinking will help to please any girl.

It is not uncommon for communication between a potential couple to end immediately after the first date. If a man cannot show his good side, the girl will not want to go on a second date with him. The difficulty in communication is also due to the fact that live communication has practically replaced correspondence on the Internet. Therefore, psychologists insist that a man needs to take a responsible approach to preparing and organizing a date.

What's the best way to end a conversation?

At the end of the conversation, the man must be offered the option of further communication by phone or in person, but after her consent there is no need to rush to the end of the call. You can spend some time discussing the meeting place or options for where she would like to go. If she refuses to meet, you can ask when she will have such an opportunity, but in no case should you put pressure on her. You can end the conversation with compliments and a show of concern, for example, wishing you good night or a good day.

By phone

If possible, you should communicate on the phone and chat on social media as little as possible. networks, if there is an opportunity to meet in real life. At the beginning of dating, it is better to schedule a first date as quickly as possible, because live communication is always a priority.

If you have already had several dates, walks, then you can call the girl periodically. This is necessary so that she does not think that you are not interested or have forgotten about her. Over the phone, you can discuss how her and your day went, what interesting and unusual things happened.

Negative topics should be avoided. For example, discuss problems at school, at work, bosses, bad actions of friends and colleagues.

How to please a girl on a walk

In addition to the correct choice of topics for conversation and structure of the conversation, the behavior of the guy who invited the girl for a walk is also of great importance. The continuation of the relationship depends on how pleasantly they make an impression.

To really make a girl like you, you should listen to the following recommendations.

  1. The guy must be attentive and polite. Shaking hands, opening the door, carrying an umbrella - women perceive such simple gestures as a sign of concern.
  2. You don't have to make eye contact all the time. This (especially if you don’t know people very well) is not very comfortable. It’s better to look at her occasionally and show interest.
  3. It's better to take the initiative on a date with a guy. If the girl does not express any special wishes, the young man should think in advance about possible topics of conversation, where to go, where to go.
  4. You should not be rude or incompetent, including towards strangers. There should also be no harsh, vulgar words.
  5. There is no need to be smart, discuss too complex issues, or put yourself or your girlfriend in a stupid situation.

To have a successful date, you need to prepare for it: for a walk, you need to come up with a route that runs through beautiful places and includes a rest stop. When inviting a girl for a walk, indicate the place where the walk will take place (for example, in the city or in the park) so that she can choose the appropriate outfit. It’s also good to consider several options: depending on your mood, presence of heels, weather, etc. The ability to adapt to the situation is the key to effective communication.

During a walk, it is worth giving a few compliments to your beloved girl, noting her successes and achievements, but this should be sincere and to the point. Girls don't like cliched phrases with "bottomless blue eyes."

Long time together

Remember that only live communication brings people together. Many couples break up due to lack of attention to each other. Even when you have a lot of meetings behind you or you already live together, you want to spice up your relationship. Then below are the options for you.

Important! Turn off all gadgets, even the TV, at least for one hour a day. Psychiatrists have proven that phubbing (distraction by gadgets) is the cause of the breakup of many couples.

SPA salon

Surprise your beloved. Now salons offer many programs for two. You will pamper not only her, but also yourself.


Nothing in life is more memorable than traveling together. Select another country or nearby city. Even three days away from home will remain in your memory for a long time. In addition to emotions, knowledge in geography will be added.

Master Class

Attend a master class in a specially designated area or have a creative day at home. There are many ideas on the Internet for spending time together. You can buy a painting by numbers and paint it in two hands. Time will fly by.

Examples of dialogue

Dialogue when communicating with a girl plays an important role, because you need not only to actively talk, telling facts and stories, but also to be able to listen and listen. A first date is an exciting event for both parties, so you need to prepare for it, think through the dialogue and topics that could interest your interlocutor.

Many people don’t know how to behave with a girl and start a conversation so that she has fun and you don’t look stupid. If we are talking about certain topics, then dialogues can begin with the following phrases:

– Mash, what kind of music do you like?

– Well, I’m a versatile person, I love foreign tracks, Russian songs, sometimes I listen to rap, but it’s according to my mood...

– Oh, cool, I like rap too. I like listening to Basta most of all, his words are cool and his music is touching, what about you?

Quest room

Nowadays, various quest rooms are becoming increasingly popular. And for good reason, because the themes of the rooms are different and will be able to show exactly those human traits that you want to know. In various labyrinths and riddles, you will have enough opportunities to communicate, embrace, and act as a hero for your companion. Just find out in detail about the room in advance and think through a plan, you don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of the girl and not prove yourself in any way.

Rules for communicating with a girl

In order to make a pleasant impression on a girl during a walk, it is important for a man to follow several basic rules of behavior prescribed in the psychology of relationships. Experts highlight the following basic points on how to communicate with girls:

  1. There is no need to be overly intrusive, asking a lot of questions on diverse and unrelated topics.
  2. During the conversation, there is no need to stare at the girl point-blank, violating her intimate distance.
  3. There is no need to be silent, otherwise the girl will get bored and understand that the man is not particularly interested in her.
  4. Women love with their ears, so during the conversation you need to give compliments, emphasizing her external and internal advantages.
  5. During communication, it is important to be polite, without using rude words, sarcasm or barbs. Also, girls do not tolerate obscene language, which is considered offensive in their presence.

It is especially important for a man to show gallantry when communicating live on the street, giving a girl his hand, offering her a jacket in the evening, opening doors for her, etc. In order not to seem insecure and shy, you need to control the intonation and speed of the conversation, remaining calm and poise. Girls love and respect men who can control themselves.

What questions can you ask?

Here are some tips on what to talk about on a first date with a girl:

  1. Ask only those questions whose answers are truly interesting. The girl will feel routine questions that do not require detailed answers. However, there is no need to shower your friend with them. A date is not an interview or an interrogation.
  2. It’s easier to get a silent girl talking with questions like “What do you think...?”, “What do you think about this?”, “Why this way and not that way...?” etc.
  3. Avoid closed questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer, develop a dialogue. The topic can always be suggested by surrounding circumstances (“What do you think is happening there?”, “Have you noticed...?”).

Be attentive to your girlfriend, do not ask about topics that are unpleasant to her, but deepen those that are truly interesting to her.

What to talk about with a girl when you're out for a walk?

An unfamiliar girl is always a mystery, and the story with her is presented as a blank slate. To find the words that will fill this sheet, you need to competently conduct a dialogue that is interesting to both. To do this, you don’t need to be banal, bombarding the girl with hackneyed questions “how are you” and “what are you doing,” but you shouldn’t be too original, so as not to turn out to be an incomprehensible character for her.

You can start the conversation by showing concern for her by asking what her mood is. Much in the format and course of the conversation depends on how closely the guy and the girl know each other. But, as a rule, on the first walk, the most varied questions and topics of conversation arise, relating to study, work, leisure and goals in the life of each opponent. If the interlocutors have mutual acquaintances, the list of available topics expands significantly.

intimate play

32. If your level of trust allows, then you can discuss more frank issues. What questions can you ask a girl about sex?

  • Vibrant passion or slow pleasure?
  • How do you feel about anal/oral sex?
  • What is absolutely unacceptable in sex?
  • Where would you like to try it?
  • What gives her the greatest pleasure?
  • What is your wildest sexual fantasy?
  • How do you feel about role-playing games?

Some tips on how to have a conversation

Topics of conversation are an important part of the walk, but so is the way the dialogue is conducted. Walking and just talking is not everything; when communicating with a girl, you should use the following recommendations.

  1. You need to speak clearly, confidently, calmly. Mumbling or muttering something incomprehensible is a way to ruin the impression. Girls are attracted to confident guys who are a pleasure to hang out with and always have something to talk about.
  2. The conversation should be leisurely.
  3. For the first walk, it is better to have several pre-thought-out topics to talk about. To do this, you should carefully study the girl’s profile on social networks and try to find out something about the girl from mutual friends, if you have any. Then you will definitely have something to talk about during your walk.
  4. During your first walk, you should not touch on serious topics. The conversation should be light, relaxed, with jokes.
  5. If the conversation fades or it is not very pleasant, the girl speaks reluctantly, it is better to immediately change the topic.

It is important to listen carefully and remember the preferences of the interlocutor. In this case, it will be easier to talk now and plan further meetings: invite a girl to a concert if she likes music, go rollerblading if she prefers active recreation, go to a painting exhibition, go for a walk in the park, etc. Even more tips about on how to maintain a conversation with a woman in different situations, in the article “What can you talk about with a girl - what topics to talk about?”

What to do if the date didn't work out?

A successful date, even if it is the first and last, is a great training for a guy in communicating with the opposite sex. While walking, you should behave like a gentleman, be in a good mood, and try to find interesting topics to talk about. When parting, you should thank the girl for the pleasant time spent.

The next acquaintance may be much more successful. To meet an interesting girl today, use the modern online platform LOFT. The application has significant advantages:

  • dating is honest, real - only serious men and beautiful girls communicate here;
  • Significant time savings - no need to “look for” anyone;
  • goals, desires and expectations can be discussed openly here.

Download the app for iOS or Android and meet girls!

Meet and Greet


Psychologists say that already in the first 40 seconds a girl subconsciously evaluates a man. If during these forty seconds a positive impression has not been formed, on the date itself she will in every possible way - again subconsciously - look for shortcomings. That's why the first impression is so important.

“Hello” or “hello” should be said in a confident, calm and bold tone. No timidity or shyness. You can smile a little. But only slightly! A bad smile will make a bad impression.

It’s better not to hug a girl when you meet - you don’t know each other well enough yet, why this familiarity? But eye contact should be maintained. You shouldn’t devour a girl with your eyes - such a look makes you feel uncomfortable. But to take your eyes off her right away means to instill doubt in her that there is something wrong with her appearance and choice of outfit. How is it necessary? “Look” at her all and give her a compliment, noticing some detail. Something like “wonderful shoes,” “cool color of the dress,” “you look gorgeous!”


No need to go too far and go on a date in a tuxedo.
It is enough to look neat and wear stylish clothes for your age. Just imagine how ridiculous a 40-year-old man looks dressed like a 13-year-old skater. The main rule is to look adequate.

Shave or trim your beard, comb your hair and trim your fingernails. By the way, I highly recommend doing the latter. Ladies very often pay attention to a man’s hands and long nails definitely won’t do you any favors.

Taboo topics

Knowing what to talk about with a girl when you are walking, a guy should also have an idea of ​​what topics he should not touch on. These are the taboos, if violated, you can lose your chosen one forever.


This is one of the most painful topics for girls. In modern society, there is a stereotype that only with ideal external data can you be happy. Life refutes this statement, but most women are adamant about it. There are quite a lot of people who are dissatisfied with their natural characteristics. It’s very easy to ask an offensive question on this topic, but it’s difficult to correct the situation later if the interlocutor gets upset.

Joint plans

People value their independence. Making joint plans during the first meeting is like making a decision for two people, without taking into account the opinion of the interlocutor. She is not property, but a person with her own beautiful and unique world. This line must not be crossed.


If a guy starts talking about money, he risks getting seriously burned. His speech will not find a living response in the girl’s soul for several reasons:

  • his material well-being will make her feel disadvantaged if her income is low;
  • she will consider him a braggart and a proud man if she herself does not need anything, but prefers not to tell people she knows little about this.

If a guy develops this topic with pleasure, then more often it turns out that he listens to himself and admires his achievements, and the interlocutor is only “attached” to such a conversation.


Old people said: “Someone else’s family is a dark forest.” And they were right. Relationships with loved ones do not always work out well. Sometimes people suffer psychological trauma that does not heal with age. It is better not to touch on this topic during the first meeting.


If your chosen one is too deeply in your soul, you can spend money and give her a hot air balloon flight. Believe me, she will definitely never forget this. During the flight, you will have the opportunity to hug her and show your care, because almost every girl is afraid of heights, and you, at this moment, seem to her just like a superhero. Just don’t tell the girl about your destination before arriving at the place; let the balloon become a real surprise for her and give her genuine emotions.

Forbidden topics, or what you shouldn’t talk about

The basic rules for communicating with strangers while walking are simply pleasant experiences, the absence of negativity, severe embarrassment, and tension. That's why it's better not to say some things at the beginning of a relationship. They include gender, including the girl's preferences, experience or lack thereof, exes. You should not go out and talk about health problems, including in the past. Serious issues such as the world economy, politics, a country's standard of living and social issues are definitely not suitable for a first date. Another annoying topic is finances. Talking about not having enough money is not a good idea, but bragging about your financial abilities is not a good idea either.

Besides, you shouldn’t go out and “burden” the girl with your problems. Even if they are truly serious, an unknown person will perceive such calls as “groans.” The girl agreed to come to the meeting and expects that all the guy’s attention during the walk will be focused on her, and not on his problems.

SPA salon

Something that can definitely drive any representative of the fair sex crazy is a spa salon. There the girl will receive all the procedures she needs and will be able to unwind and relax. Just be careful, if you are too persistent, the girl may think that you only want sex from her. Therefore, do not be too active and act only after certain hints from the girl.

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