Trick questions for girls: tricky and provocative topics

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

It seems that the interlocutor is being disingenuous somewhere, is keeping something back, or is simply in no hurry to open up? Simple questions like “What are your hobbies?” don't help you see her real character? Then it's time to ask tricky questions to the girls. These phrases will help you better discern the lady’s essence and take her by surprise with an unusual topic, which is why she is unlikely to be able to lie. And her reaction and the meaning of the answer will tell about details that cannot be caught at first glance or in a conversation on banal topics.

How much do you tell your girlfriends?

Many men don’t like it when their girlfriends share details of their personal lives, especially frank or negative ones, with their friends. The desire for intimacy and non-publicity in this regard is understandable. Therefore, for those who support such views, it is better to look for a lady who sets boundaries when communicating with friends. To understand whether the interlocutor belongs to this type, it is enough to ask her a few clarifying questions.

  • Do you share details of your sex life with your friends? How detailed?
  • If there is a small disagreement between us, will you tell your friends about it? What if there is a big quarrel?
  • Do your friends already know that we know each other? What did you tell them about me?
  • Who would you tell first about us starting dating/getting married?
  • What does your friend's opinion about your man mean to you?

If a woman is very open with her friends and the guy doesn't really like it, you can ask whether she would be willing to take privacy more seriously in this relationship. Although, as a rule, one conversation and request is not enough for a lady who is accustomed to this model of communication to suddenly want to change it.

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Are you ready for marriage?

A good question to determine the level of self-esteem and goals of a young lady. The answer also shows how seriously she takes marriage, which she believes is the key to a strong and healthy relationship. Whether she is ready to give something in return, and not just consume a man’s resources, is another feature that can be learned from her words. What's alarming? If a girl answers that she is ready for marriage and gives reasons for this:

  • by his age (“the clock is ticking”);
  • only the desire to have children;
  • the fact that all her friends are already married;
  • a strong desire to become “ringed”;
  • nothing, cannot explain the reasons for his “readiness”.

The potential spouse will talk about her qualities that will help in the couple’s relationship. She will reasonably explain why she considers herself quite mature and what, in her opinion, a strong family looks like. Her words are logical, clear and practical. A girl who is close to the role of a wife and may become one in the future, but is not yet ready for this, will also give arguments in favor of her opinion. She will let the guy know what exactly is important for her to improve in order to consider herself a good wife.

Inconvenient or awkward topics that are best left alone

At the stage of getting to know each other and getting closer, it is undesirable to ask a girl uncomfortable questions, that is, those that will put her in an awkward position:

  • about her past relationships with guys;
  • about shortcomings in her appearance (“why don’t you remove freckles”, etc.);
  • about the presence of children;
  • about her living conditions and financial situation;
  • about bad habits (if she carefully hides them).

Each person can have his own “skeleton in the closet”; if a girl doesn’t want to get it out, don’t insist, don’t hurt her.

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This phrase will help you understand how your interlocutor sees the guy. This question is essentially equivalent to “What don’t you like about me?”, but it is more careful, veiled. At the same time, the girl will be more willing and frank to share her doubts about her boyfriend. You can also hear in her response:

  • how she feels about betrayal, frivolity, what her limits of loyalty are;
  • whether he perceives a man adequately, whether he creates an idealized image in his head;
  • how directly and delicately he can talk about other people’s disadvantages;
  • what he expects from his chosen one in terms of behavior and character;
  • how seriously she considers the guy as her mate.

She may lie a little, saying that she does not consider her interlocutor a womanizer. However, in this case, she will not be able to provide arguments in favor of her opinion. She will answer something like: “I don’t know”, “It just seems so”, “I believe you”, without justifying her words in any way. They will contain the essence of her prejudices or naivety.

Questions to ask a girl during correspondence that you can ask when communicating with her on the Internet

Now it has become very popular to communicate in virtual networks - VK, Odnoklassniki and others. Therefore, it’s important what questions to ask a girl when communicating online? In correspondence, you can ask different, even very frank questions. Moreover, in the virtual world there is no place for embarrassment and there is no visible blush on the cheeks of the questioner and answerer. Therefore, it is easier to communicate virtually, but there is a risk that the answer will not be very truthful. But this does not spoil the pleasant emotions from the process.

  • What flowers do you like?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • What do you like to do on the weekend?
  • What's your favorite place in the city?
  • Do you like to go out with your friends?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Where do you study/work?
  • What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
  • Do you have any favorite actors?
  • Do you like going to the cinema?
  • Do you like to be in nature?
  • What do you prefer - mountains or sea?
  • Do you like going to the theater?
  • Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  • You're a night owl or an early bird?
  • How often do you watch TV? What are your favorite TV shows?
  • Do you collect anything?
  • Can you skate? Do you often go to the skating rink?
  • Are you a conservative or do you like something new, unusual, interesting?
  • Do you like to dance?
  • Do you like visiting museums?
  • You often meet people on social media. networks?
  • Do you like extreme entertainment?
  • Do you like soft toys?
  • Where would you like to meet me?

Is it possible to kiss a girl on the Nth date?

The Nth date refers to the current meeting or the current stage of the relationship. And the real significance of the issue is not at all about permission to kiss a girl. This phrase will let you know:

  • how liberated the girl is . If she doesn’t allow herself to be kissed for too long, then perhaps she’s simply selling herself out or isn’t interested in the guy enough;
  • how he behaves when he’s a little nervous . Does he change the topic, falls into a stupor, or, on the contrary, begins to talk a lot and quickly, or laughs it off;
  • does he already want a kiss ? An embarrassed smile, a direct positive response, licking or biting her lips indicate that she is waiting to be kissed;
  • how straightforward she is . How does she respond? Clearly, extremely understandably, frankly, without complexes? Or evasively, with hints, blushing?

After such a question, the girl will really expect a kiss at the end of the meeting. If she clearly wants him, and the man leaves her with nothing, she may suspect that she is being played with and change her opinion about the interlocutor not for the better.

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Blitz questions

Questions for a girl to get to know her better in correspondence on VK do not have to be long. You need to answer blitz tasks quickly, briefly, and frankly. Discuss the terms in advance.

  1. Favorite toy as a child?
  2. Why are you ashamed?
  3. Favorite book (movie, actor, car brand, etc.)?
  4. What do you do perfectly?
  5. How do you feel about me?
  6. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  7. What country do you dream of visiting?
  8. Favorite cartoon character?
  9. Can you describe me in three words?
  10. Do you believe in fate?

To always have questions at hand, download the TOP 100 questions for a girl cheat sheet:

Why do you think I have a complex?

Another way to hear all the ins and outs about yourself without asking directly about your disadvantages. What do the different types of reactions to this question mean:

  • thinks and examines the guy for a long time - knows him poorly, is not yet aware of his shortcomings;
  • immediately answers that he has no complexes - he idealizes the guy or considers him very confident (although this can also be part of idealization);
  • names several possible complexes - she has studied the interlocutor well, she is interested in him. However, among the listed options there may be hidden things that she herself does not like about this man;
  • she presses her head into her shoulders a little, makes a guilty look and hesitates to answer - she worries about the guy’s feelings, although she has something to say. It is not a fact that the shortcomings of the interlocutor, which she managed to see, are critical for her.

Here, too, as in questions No. 3-4, the degree of straightforwardness, honesty, and constraint during unusual conversations is expressed. After waiting for her answer, you can tell her about your real experiences, uncertainty about something and ask how she feels about it. This will also express her level of empathy, desire to understand another person, and ability to support.

Are you against your boyfriend watching 18+ movies?

The answer reflects the degree of constraint of the lady, how ready she is and whether she even allows talking about such topics. Sometimes this phrase helps a girl reveal her sense of humor and ability to understand it.

Although the question itself is a little comical, among couples there are a lot of those who quarrel because of problems with sex or with emancipation. That's why it's really best to take a woman's answer seriously. Just for fun, you can also ask what a girl would do if she caught her boyfriend watching a pornographic film:

  • joined the viewing;
  • calmly explained that she didn’t like it and asked to stop;
  • got offended, made a scandal or played “keep silent”;
  • turned attention to herself by offering sex;
  • switched attention to anything other than sex;
  • pretended not to notice anything;
  • broke off relations with him.

Her answer will reflect her attitude to this issue, her reaction to differences of views, her ability to discuss this and solve such problems.

Funny answers

If a trivial question is asked, or you don’t want to answer directly, the best option is humor. Funny answers will enliven the most sluggish conversation.

A joke is appropriate in any situation; it can smooth out awkward moments and amuse a partner.

Some possible funny answers:

  • Do you like guys - I like ice cream.
  • You get up late - I'm in no hurry.
  • Do you remember the first time you kissed - you were too drunk, the details were not remembered.
  • If you like alcohol, I simply respect it.
  • I agree to sex without obligations - I prefer obligations without sex.
  • Capable of compromise - I give in only in hopeless situations.
  • I prefer curled or straight hair - in the first case, if straightened, in the second - after curlers.

Do not forget that platitudes can repel a communication partner more than tactlessness or vulgarity. But when moving on to an intimate topic, try to remain delicate, and everything will work out.

“Paradise in a hut” or marrying an unloved but rich man?

Both money and personal life are two very important parts. It is extremely difficult to single out the main one, and there is no particular need. However, one component will still outweigh the priorities. And the main thing is to understand whether these principles are in conflict between a guy and a girl. And what answers from the lady herself can be alarming, regardless of the degree of compatibility of the couple in such views:

  • an instant, unambiguous choice in favor of a relationship. Most often this indicates insincerity, an attempt to impress at any cost;
  • avoidance of answer in general - unwillingness to admit one’s “cons” or to be honest;
  • a clear, almost categorical emphasis on money and attempts to find out about the guy’s income. Why then does the girl even communicate with him, hope for something? And what is she ready to offer in return?

Everyone wants to live in abundance, this is a normal desire. However, only as long as this does not include manipulation of other people, attempts to be happy, while hurting someone.

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What not to ask

Some questions from men make a girl blush or make her feel angry. A careless word can ruin the prospect of a relationship forever. To prevent this from happening, remember the black list of questions that under no circumstances should you ask a lady at the beginning of your acquaintance, and in the future too. They concern a woman’s appearance, her friends, former relationships.

  1. Do you have a beautiful girlfriend? Is your sister pretty?
  2. Why do you look so bad, haven’t you gotten enough sleep?
  3. Don't you think you're too thin (fat)? Maybe it's time to go on a diet?
  4. Why don't you have a boyfriend?
  5. Why did the previous relationship end, did the guy have any complaints against you?
  6. Where do you get so much hair on your body? Would you like to give me a certificate for going to a beauty salon?
  7. What do you use to remove acne?
  8. Are you sure this dress suits your legs? Is it for skinny people?
  9. Why don’t you use foundation (hair dye, lipstick)?
  10. What PMS hit?

In addition, there is a list of banal phrases that greatly infuriate the fairer sex. They should not be asked to an unfamiliar girl as a reason to start correspondence:

  1. Does your mother need a son-in-law?
  2. Are you afraid of being an old maid?
  3. Do you have a husband?
  4. Virgin?
  5. Do you want children?
  6. How much do you weigh?
  7. What is your breast size?
  8. Will you lend me some money?
  9. How much do you earn?
  10. Can I give you a compliment?
  11. Do you have an apartment?
  12. Can you give me your phone number?

Now you know what you can ask and find out from a girl in correspondence at the very beginning of a relationship. Do not limit yourself to just questions, actively talk about yourself, but carefully avoid rudeness, banality, and monosyllabic answers. Friendly dialogue helps build trusting relationships that will stand the test of time.

Am I better than your ex?

The differences between the ex-boyfriend and the current interlocutor do not play a big role. What matters is how a woman responds to people from her past. Since she broke up with her previous boyfriend, it means that something did not suit her in their relationship. The manner in which she speaks about such negativity is a litmus test of her character. What's alarming:

  • aggression when mentioning ex-partners: screaming, obvious anger, obscene language, outright disdain, gloating;
  • blaming only ex-boyfriends for everything, focusing specifically on their disadvantages and mistakes;
  • presenting oneself as a victim, absolute denial of one’s mistakes;
  • a direct message that the man from the past was the best and the current interlocutor cannot compare with him;
  • a combination of several of the above points.

A normal reaction would be to talk about the previous relationship in a neutral way or even with a drop of gratitude for the experience. If she doesn’t want to talk about it because she’s not ready yet, it’s better not to question her further, but to show respect for her personal space.


  1. Do you think baldness suits girls?
  2. Are there any differences between the frog princess and the toad princess?
  3. How to take revenge on your boss: put pepper in your tea or feed herring with milk?
  4. Platypus or duckbill, which is correct?
  5. If you pour water into an aquarium for a fish, will it drown?
  6. If I were an animal, what kind would I be?
  7. I don't understand what the difference is between a snowman and a snowwoman. And you?
  8. How did ancient women shave their legs?
  9. Do woodpeckers get concussions?
  10. Do bald people have dandruff?

Accompany humorous SMS with emoticons, gifs, pictures. React violently to the lady’s answer if you find it funny. Make jokes in response so that the chain of letters is not interrupted by silence.

How to conquer you?

Allows you to understand whether the girl knows what she wants, whether she is aware of her interests, and whether they are too changeable. It is unlikely that she will give clear instructions on how to conquer herself, but she will still throw in a few ideas and thoughts. What answers indicate that she herself does not understand her own desires and will most likely be difficult with her?

  • “I don’t know”, “I never thought about it” and other vague phrases, as well as a long silence.
  • “Guess for yourself,” “What do you think?” - coquetry along with attempts to remove responsibility for words.
  • Conflicting answers, like: “Be persistent, active, but not in the way, not looming before my eyes.”
  • Common phrases: “Just love”, “Be a real man.”
  • Disproportionate requests: “To be a successful, smart, handsome president named Alfred and that his blood type must be fourth.”

With such a lady you will have to guess, read minds, be prepared for whims and sudden changes in mood and desires. But it will definitely appeal to guys who love tricky riddles, chaos and ways to complicate their lives.

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